Good afternoon, I will try to explain my problem in detail.
My husband and I have lived together for 17 years, we have a 15-year-old daughter and an 8-year-old son. We lived peacefully, amicably, of course there were quarrels, but there was never such silence and misunderstanding.
For the last 2 years, my life (not my husband’s life, everything triples him) has turned into a nightmare.
Sometimes I look at him, and it seems to me that I no longer love this person, only affection remains.
I just started to realize that I’m like a horse: I’m carrying everything on myself... I can’t do this anymore, I’m tired...
Work, home, life, raising children.. My son went to 2nd grade, he is fidgety and fidgety, it is difficult for him to sit for a long time and study homework, but they ask a lot. Throughout 1st grade, we stubbornly and for a long time gnawed at science, I really asked my husband, help me, sit at least sometimes... It didn’t go beyond promises, he is always busy (even if he’s just lying on the couch...)
With her daughter, her difficult age also “arrived” in time!!! Either he is silent, or he is sad, in his studies - he got a 3 in mathematics, although he graduated from thin. school was excellent, I instilled in her a love of music, taught her the basics of music on the piano, so she wanted to learn how to play the drums - she found a club where they helped her, she learned, now she plays in a group, in general she is looking for herself...
And all this through prohibitions and punishments from dad, because he is categorically against everything that does not relate to studies... I’m trying to explain to my husband that my daughter needs this, she doesn’t spend time on the street, behaves well, tries hard in her studies... Yes, sometimes she answers him rudely (but she responds to him with rudeness to his rudeness). A year ago, my daughter and I also had relationship problems. Julia Gippenreite’s book “How to Communicate as a Child” helped me. . For me, this is now a reference book; I re-read it, discovering more and more new things in relationships with children. She offered to read it to her husband more than once, but he said it was all nonsense. It pains me to watch him ruin his entire relationship with his daughter. Things are still good with his son (but this is also all relative, my son often complains to me that his dad doesn’t play with him, doesn’t want to read, promised to take him to the airport a long time ago, but still has no luck...) I’m shielding my husband as best I can, ( dad works a lot, he’s busy, he’s tired), but soon the child himself will understand that dad just doesn’t care. All of our vacations together (swimming pool, going to the cinema, to nature, to game centers) are vacations where me and the children, my husband is not with us, he is always busy or cannot come, or is late again….
This is what concerns relationships with children.
And I don’t even know what to call our relationship correctly, they simply don’t exist anymore...
I’m trying to explain that by relaxing with friends, he’s hurting me, I’m offended and lonely. Why does he have time for friends, but not for us? He can't explain.
In front of his friends, he is kind and generous, always ready to pay for everything, but at home he tries to give less money, but demands to eat like in a restaurant. And he always repeats: “Darling... all you need to know about me is ONE thing - I love to eat delicious food and sleep sweetly.”
I have long noticed that he doesn’t try to give everything he earns (works in a taxi) to his family (... he needs to get insurance, repairs, change the oil in the car, buy cigarettes, leave it for vacation), this is how I list the moments... But then He’s already distributed my entire salary, and he’s wondering what it is? is it over already? Why so little? What don't you ask for more?
And if I really need to do something at home on the men’s side, I have to ask and wait for a very long time, but more often than not, without waiting, I myself can fix the socket and nail a nail.
Yes, before, I could still beg to go grocery shopping and knock out the carpet, now there is only one answer: you have a daughter, let her go. Previously, he never gave up on his small responsibilities, now he’s always busy, or he just says, do it need it...
Yes, our responsibilities in the house are divided: we clean together with our daughter and son (he wipes dust from the furniture, takes it out of the bucket), maybe he can go buy milk and bread, my daughter helps cook, washes the dishes.
And lately, my husband and I have been increasingly silent... (or rather, I am silent, he talks, pretends that nothing is happening).
I have already tried all attempts to find a contact:
- let’s talk….I say, he listens silently, sometimes mocks….
- tell me what you don’t like? He’s happy with everything, as long as I don’t touch him or ask for anything….
- you can’t live like this, we don’t live... what should we do? The answer is still silence...
- Maybe you have something at work? In response - Everything is fine….
- in the end - maybe you have another woman? He says I’m a fool if I think so...
- I say, let’s find a family psychologist in our city, we’ll go together... he says that he is not sick, it’s me who needs treatment......
I need to understand how to proceed, how to behave?
How to talk to him? What should I say?
Or is it time to leave? How to find peace of mind, thoughts only about this... I'm at a dead end...
Thank you for listening to my problems... Best regards, Oksana P.