
Children born in early December. Choosing a child's name by month of birth. They are unlikely to be susceptible to serious illness

  1. January
    January babies usually look much older than their years. The thing is that such children are extremely serious and responsible. And most of them prefer to do homework rather than walk in the yard with friends.

    Babies born in January are very ambitious and practical, but they may find it difficult to share their feelings and express emotions. Such children can be extremely vulnerable and can take a long time to recover from conflicts and stressful situations.

  2. February
    February offspring are the most creative. These are original, cheerful, happy children. February children learn quickly and perfectly absorb a wide variety of information. But at the same time, they don’t like to be the center of attention at all, so they can spend a lot of time alone. February children don’t like being limited in anything, so they often may rebel, not wanting to follow the imposed rules. If your child seems indifferent to you, do not rush to jump to conclusions. Deep down, such a child experiences extremely deeply what is happening around him; it just can be difficult for him to express his feelings.

  3. March
    Children born in the first month of spring often live in their own separate fantasy world, hiding from loud sounds and imaginary monsters. March children are compassionate and generous, they prefer to take care of others, forgetting about their own interests. Such children are often shy, sometimes secretive and reserved.Under the influence of negative emotions or unpleasant situations, babies can be very sensitive and irritable, so parents should definitely take care of the mental health of their March child.

  4. April
    You need to keep an eye on the risky April babies. Such children love all kinds of experiments, they are very adventurous, like to take risks and often turn into uncontrollable monsters. With an April child you definitely won’t get bored, but you won’t rest either, alas. Their energy is enough for ten, and their talkativeness will drive anyone crazy. Such children are very energetic, purposeful and self-confident. The main thing is to direct their energy in the right direction.

  5. May
    Children born in May have enviable practicality and organization. Such children are very consistent and neat. Purposeful kids achieve their goals early and start earning money. May children are people of their words. They are always honest with loved ones and will never give up on their own obligations. Although it costs nothing to injure such a child, he calms down quickly.

  6. June
    With a June child, your life will become much more exciting, because this little charming person is so witty that many adults are speechless when entering into a dialogue with him. Children born in June express their thoughts well, not only orally, but also in writing.

    These fidgets cannot sit still for a long time, much less concentrate on something specific, because they are interested in absolutely everything! June babies grow up to be the most talented actors, so that.

  7. July
    Babies born in July are very sensitive and empathize with everyone and everything. Don’t be surprised if your July son drags home all the stray cats and hungry dogs, he just can’t help it. Such children love their family very much, and for the sake of their loved ones they are ready to literally do anything. Characteristics of the child make him damn inventive, very meticulous and diligent. By the way, July children are characterized by frequent mood swings, which can lead to depression. Give your baby as much attention as possible, and he will certainly be the happiest!

  8. August
    These independent and strong-willed children love to be the center of attention, they love to be pampered in every possible way, but in no case are they criticized. They trust their parents, but demand the same attitude towards themselves. More often praise and cherish your August child, and then the child will treat you with love and respect.

  9. September
    Born perfectionists, September children are very self-critical, picky and can often go to extremes. Such children are very caring, always ready to help the elderly and homeless animals. They are truly happy when they can help those in need in some way. These avid travelers If only they would study the world around them. September children enjoy solving difficult problems and are often overly stubborn in achieving their goals.

  10. October
    October children are modest and polite kids with whom you can always have an interesting conversation. These practical and fearless diplomats always have their own unshakable opinion, which not everyone can challenge. Children born in October love art and appreciate beauty. They can often lie, but don’t be upset! October children will never pretend.

  11. November
    November children are born detectives. They will get to the bottom of things in no time, and their love for riddles and puzzles is limitless. Such kids can be very secretive and independent, and if they are overly angry, then will take revenge, without hesitation. Children born in November have excellent physical and mental health, and if they want, they can achieve anything they want. Dangerous, but at the same time charming, they always stand out in the crowd and attract people to them.

  12. December
    Ambitious, smart and optimistic, December offspring live in their own fairy-tale world. They are generous, loyal and easily win over strangers. Such children love to learn and always maintain the best relationships with teachers. Children born in December love to talk about their plans for the future, love to travel and make new friends. From time to time, Decembers become very moody if they do not receive the best.

According to a study by the International Journal of Sports Medicine, those born during the winter months, especially December, are naturally athletic. As proof - a large number of Olympic champions born in December.

2. Flowers for little Decembers - daffodils.

Another name for flowers is daffodils. They symbolize the end of winter and new opportunities - the perfect start to the new year.

3. They are incredibly indecisive.

Although they are headstrong and inflexible, people born in December put a lot of effort into making decisions. Children born at the beginning of the month suffer from this to a greater extent than those born at the end. Astrologer Susie Kerr Wright says: “They achieve success in those issues that they have fully decided on. But making the decision itself is often a problem for them.”

4. They are either Sagittarius or Capricorn.

Those born before December 21 are Sagittarius, after December 22 are Capricorns. Sagittarians are known for being overly generous, idealistic, and cheerful. Capricorns, in turn, are responsible, disciplined, and simply masters of self-control. Sagittarians are often extroverted and sociable, while Capricorns, on the contrary, are more reserved.

5. They share their birthday with a ton of holidays.

Since December is a month of holidays: First President's Day, Independence Day, Christmas and New Year's Eve, a third of people born this month believe that loved ones forget about their birthday. Moreover, some of them receive gifts in New Year's packaging. Takeaway: If you have a friend or family member born in December, be sure to celebrate their day in a big way.

6. They were born in the same month as celebrities.

Many talented actors and musicians were also born in December. Among them are Brad Pitt, Taylor Swift, Denzel Washington, and Jake Gyllenhaal. Prominent journalists Ryan Seacrest, Diane Sawyer and Meredith Vieira were also born this month.

7. They are less irritable.

Although those born in December are prone to depression and pessimistic moods, in general they are not subject to sudden mood swings and hysterics.

8. They are jet setters.

The best way to celebrate a December's birthday is to gift them a plane ticket and a fun adventure. This is more important for Sagittarians, they love to travel and explore different cultures.

9. They love everything blue.

Especially the decorations. December birthstones are all shades of blue, including turquoise, tanzanite and topaz.

10. They are unlikely to be susceptible to serious illness.

In a study that examined the correlation between month of birth and diseases, researchers concluded that those born in December had no major advantages or disadvantages when it came to acquiring diseases. And that's great!

The tradition of choosing a child's name according to the month of birth goes back to the distant past. In Rus', for example, it was customary to name a newborn in relation to Christmastide - a church calendar that offered several names of saints for each month. It is curious that in those days, by finding out a person’s name, one could find out when he was born.

Nowadays, many also select names for their child according to the month of his birth, but are guided by other principles: the character traits of “summer” or “winter” children, zodiac signs and the like. Scientists have long proven that there really is a connection between name and character (although not as close as is commonly thought), and if you choose it correctly, you can have a beneficial effect on the formation of the baby’s personality.

What is it customary to call children born at different times of the year?

"Winter" children

Babies born in winter are considered the strongest, bravest and most persistent, with a complex but strong character and good physical health. As a rule, when choosing a name, they try to soften the child’s character.

December - the darkest month of the year; Babies born in December receive very little light, and this can affect their health. Names for December children should be a little more “strong” than for other “winter” ones.

For boys, these are Roma, Tolya, Ivan, Maxim, Yuri, Georgy, Lev, Stepan, Arseny, Arkady, and others. It is important that they can be used to create both gentle and more brutal forms, for example, Mikhail - Mikha or Mishenka.

For girls – Anna, Varvara, Ulyana, Olga, Marina, Ekaterina. The same principle as for male names.

January - It is believed that those born this month are more likely to suffer from mental disorders. To balance the psyche, a calm, affectionate, soft name is required.

For boys, suitable names would be Ilya, Timosha, Daniil, Anton, Pavel, Kirill, Valentin, Vasily, Philip, Misha, Nikolai, Ivan and other names that sound soft or allow you to create endearing forms, for example, Anton - Tosha, Daniil - Danechka.

For girls these are Anastasia, Evgenia, Masha, Polina, Irina, Tatyana.

February - Those born this month are talented, a little naive, and have their head in the clouds. The following names are suitable for them:

For boys - Valentin, Veniamin, German, Fedor, David, Alexey, Arkady, Anton, Yuri, Styopa, Maxim, Dmitry, Alexander, Arseny, Victor, Vitaly, Roman, Pavel.

For girls - Veronica, Agnia, Anastasia, Ksenia, Christina, Masha, Inna, Zoya, Valentina, Svetlana.

"Spring Children"

This is the pride of parents, little “spring” mischief-makers, because the talents and abilities of those born in spring know no bounds, nature caressed them with its attention. However, the character of those born in spring needs some adjustment, since they lack assertiveness and self-confidence. Pick up in spring baby's name by month of birth it is necessary to take this feature into account.

March - In order for the timid March baby to become more self-confident, his name should be “tough”, sound strong and contain more hard consonants. If the name itself is affectionate or neutral, you should look for a form that would meet this requirement.

The names Alexander, Leonid, Danila, Fedor, Rostislav, Mikhail, Peter, Stepan, Irakli, Evgeniy, Lev, Pavel, Konstantin, Victor are suitable for boys.

For girls - Nika, Iraida, Marianna, Galina, Antonina, Margarita. Pay attention to the meaning of names; for spring children it is better to choose those that mean “winner”, “defender”.

April - the same characteristics as other “children of spring”, and the same requirements for a name.

Boyish - Andrei, Rodion, Victor, Sergei, Anton, Alexander, Samson, Innokenty, Gabriel, Egor, Georgy, Nikita, Leonid, Vadim.

Girly ones - Sofia, Daria, Veronica or Nika, Sasha, Eva, Praskovya, Tamara, Svetlana, Lydia, Alla, Galina, Larisa.

May -

For boys, you can choose the names Lavrenty, Victor, Modest, Ivan, Timofey, Georgy, Efim, Alexander, Valentin, Artyom, Kolya, Dmitry, Andrey, Kirill, Mark.

For girls - Taisiya, Lizaveta, Ira, Yulia, Alexandra, Tamara, Masha.

"Summer" children

Summer is rich in sun, fresh fruit, and walks - so “summer” children are distinguished by excellent health, joy of life, inner strength and high emotionality. They can be both brave and cautious, balanced people. The name for a “summer” baby should help him cope with excessive imbalance and excess emotions.

June - impressionable children born this month need a “solid” name.

For your son you can choose from the following names: Igor, Leonid, Anton, Sergey, Sylvester, Alexey, Konstantin, Grigory, Nikita, Leonty, Denis, Valery, Pavel, Peter, Khariton, Alexander.

For the daughter - Akulina, Sofia, Elena, Christina, Alena, Anna, Kira, Valeria, Claudia, Nellie.

July - Harmony and composure are the main features of such a child. What to choose for him?

If the child is a boy, then Stanislav, Gleb, Samson, Maxim, Yulian, Artyom, German, Anton, Svyatoslav, Denis, Vladimir, Anatoly, Tikhon, Matvey are suitable.

For the girl - Inna, Rimma, Ulyana, Margarita, Marina, Zhanna, Alevtina, Olga, Angelina, Yulia.

August – Those born in August have truly “leonine” health! And the character is proud and independent. To soften it up a little, let's choose a suitable name.

For the boy - Denis, Gregory, Roman, Ilya, Anton, Markel, Afanasy, Pavel, Dmitry, Stepan, Alexey, Seraphim, Semyon.

For the girl - Nonna, Susanna (Suzanna), Svetlana, Milena, Maria, Serafima, Christina. Anita.

"Autumn" children

Children born in the fall grow into adults, developed in a variety of areas, who boldly explore life. Baby's name by month of birth It’s not so easy to choose for them, because their character is almost unpredictable! But there are still some recommendations, let’s consider them.

September - These children can be safely given almost any name! They have a strong character, which few names will “over-stubborn”. Usually the following options are recommended for a September child:

For the boys - Arseny, Andrey, Christopher, Gennady, Semyon, Arkady, Kirill, Nikita, Khariton, Fedor, Maxim.

For girls - Natalia, Nadezhda, Sofya, Vera, Lyubov, Vasilisa, Raisa, Anna.

October - Autumn children can have bold and unusual names, this can help them discover themselves.

Male names for October - Valerian, Konstantin, Demyan, David, Savva, Fedor, Innokenty, Oleg, Sergey, Vyacheslav, Vladislav, Khariton, Alexey, Philip, Veniamin.

Women's - Ariadna, Zlata, Apollinaria, Irina, Marianna, Taisiya, Virineya, Veronica, Sophia.

November - November children, like other “autumn” children, can have different names without compromising their personality.

For girls - Capitolina, Natalya, Venus, Anna, Elizaveta, Elena, Nellie, Cleopatra, Ulyana.

Young people, when thinking about having a child, often think about the baby’s horoscope. How to plan the zodiac sign of your unborn child? In this article you will find a table of zodiac signs by date of conception, as well as an astrologer’s opinion on whether you need to plan anything at all.

The most favorable is considered to be the compatibility of signs of the same element:

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will find out what the planets say about your personality.

For example, if the parents are Taurus and Virgo, then presumably the best option for the child would be one of the signs of the Earth element.

The compatibility of zodiac signs of related elements is considered favorable. Fire is with Air, and Earth is with Water.

Sometimes women ask an astrologer about fertile periods. To give birth to an Aries, you need to conceive in what month? Or to give birth to a Libra baby? You will find the answer in the table below.

Table for determining the zodiac sign by date of conception

Is it worth planning your child's horoscope?

Many expectant mothers diligently calculate successful dates for conception so that the baby is born under the “correct” sign. But is it worth doing this? Is such forethought necessary?

The chosen zodiac sign does not guarantee that your relationship with your child will be ideal. Astrologers know that character is influenced not only by the position of the Sun in his horoscope (this is the same zodiac sign we are familiar with), but also by the position of the Moon and planets.

Depending on how all these celestial bodies are located at the time of birth, the child’s horoscope may turn out to be harmonious or complex. Every minute matters. Even babies born within half an hour of each other have significantly different fates.

It is obvious that the exact date and time of birth is impossible to predict, even with planned conception. Now we are not talking about a caesarean section (more on that below). The horoscope of a newborn will be as fate wills.

What conclusion follows from this? There is no point in planning the zodiac sign of your unborn child.

In my opinion, it is better to rely on the will of fate. Give her the opportunity to determine the best option for conception and birth for you.

Zodiac sign planning example

Future parents Taurus (Earth) and Capricorn (Earth). After consulting, they decided that they wanted a Taurus child. But fate decreed that the baby was born after the end of the Taurus period, his zodiac sign is Gemini (Air).

It would seem that the compatibility of Gemini with Taurus and Capricorn is problematic. However, in our example, in the baby's horoscope, several key planets were in Taurus. That is, this child’s character is very similar to Taurus, as the parents wanted.

At the same time, a few of the qualities of Gemini will be very useful for the child - he will be more active and versatile than the classic Taurus.

Question: who lost from the described turn of fate? Nobody. Everyone won. But the situation could have turned out differently. The baby would have been born Taurus, but the key planets ended up in Aries (Fire). Nothing wrong with that. However, compatibility with parents is significantly worse than the first option.

What dates are not suitable for conception?

There are no special restrictions here. However, conception on the days of eclipses, as well as 3 days before and 3 days after an eclipse, is undesirable. Below are eclipse dates for several years in advance.

When can an astrologer help?

It makes sense to contact an astrologer in a situation where you are about to have a caesarean section. Usually in such cases, doctors offer a choice of two or three dates.

The astrologer will analyze the dates taking into account the expected time of the operation and will tell you which date is more favorable for the birth of the baby. Which of the horoscopes will be the most harmonious?

Of course, the choice here is very limited - only two or three options. But still, an astrologer will help you avoid the most unfavorable of dates. Of course, to solve such an important issue, you should choose a good astrology specialist.

I wish you and your children health and prosperity!

But first, about the general trends of 2017 and plans to increase the family:

Those who have the Rooster 酉, Rabbit 卯, Snake 巳, Ox 丑 at the hour may want to get pregnant or pregnancy will happen spontaneously) the likelihood of pregnancy also increases for those born on the days of the Tree 乙, 甲.
You should also not plan a pregnancy if there is a Rabbit-Rooster clash that affects the hour, especially if the Rabbit is in the hour.
Also, you shouldn’t plan a pregnancy if you just have a Rabbit within an hour
It is also not worth it if you were born on the day of Water (壬,癸) and there is a Rabbit in the chart 卯
Or if the NA hour has Yin Metal 辛, and you were born on the day of Yang or Yin Earth 戊,己
If there are difficulties with conception, it is better not to choose March. If you look at the result (approximate time of birth), then conception in February, April, July, December 2017 is not the best choice. Please note: we are talking about Chinese months (from the 4th to the 7th), so if your cycle falls at the end of the month, you can have time to give birth in the previous month

People often argue about how critical this is, since people get pregnant and give birth during collisions and quite successfully. Firstly, we are talking about general trends here - a specific answer can only be given based on a specific birth chart. Secondly, the problems listed above do not necessarily promise an unfavorable result, but automatically place the woman at risk. Of course, if age is pressing, you can use such years and months, but then you should be very careful about the diagnosis before conception, the choice of month for conception, behavior during pregnancy and the choice of a doctor for childbirth.

Conception in January 2017 – probable birth in October 2017

It is also not the most favorable month for conception, since a child born in October will have the Rooster-Dog harm in his chart, which indicates an increased risk of injury and is unfavorable for parents.

Conception in February 2017 – probable birth in November 2017

Conception in March 2017 – probable birth in December 2017

Not the most favorable months for conception, since those born in November and December 2017 may receive events in their birth chart that are unfavorable for parents. In addition, March 2017 is quite a conflict month and if there are difficulties with conception, then getting pregnant will not be easy.

Conception in April 2017 – probable birth in January 2018

For those born in January 2018, a lot will depend on their birthday, so if you have the opportunity, choose another month to conceive.

Conception in May 2017 – probable birth in February 2018

An interesting little person may be born in February 2018, so why not give it a try?)

Conception in June 2017 – probable birth in March 2018

If you have problems with water (in the bazi chart), then the period for conception is not easy, but for others it is quite suitable. A person born in March may choose a profession associated with risk, so from childhood teach your child how to fall correctly and be attentive. He will also be charming.)

Conception in July 2017 – probable birth in April 2018

The character of someone born in April can be contradictory and conflicting, and there may be a tendency to injury; so July is not the best month to conceive.

Conception in August 2017 – probable birth in May 2018

Not the most favorable month if you have a choice.

Conception in September 2017 – probable birth in June 2018

For those born in June, a lot will depend on their birthday. There is the potential to get a very interesting leadership card. But, as you know, the life of leaders is not always simple, and from a health point of view it will be more difficult to achieve balance here.

Conception in October 2017 – probable birth in July 2018

Also, a lot will depend on the day and hour of birth. In the chart of those born in July, both the month and the year are pillars of solid earth, which can bring conservatism and stubbornness to a person’s character. From a health point of view, I would also not recommend this month for birth.

Conception in November 2017 – probable birth in August 2018

Not the most favorable month for conception, since the parents may be at a disadvantage in the child’s chart.

Conception in December 2017 – probable birth in September 2018

The harm of the Dog-Rooster in the chart of a person born in September speaks of possible injuries in childhood. Such a child will need an “eye and an eye,” so mobilize the grandmothers in advance!

Conception in January 2018 – probable birth in October 2018

There is a lot of land in the map, but if the birthday is successful, it’s okay! The character can be quite secretive and creative.

It’s a pity, of course, that good luck in family life or a rich destiny can only be predicted by knowing your birthday. But this gives us hope. Despite some unfavorable signs in the chart by month and year, a good day can make the chart much better! So let's cross our fingers and hope for the best! Your child himself knows in the end when it is better for him to be born)

© Natalia Tsyganova 2017