
How to instill a love of learning. How to instill in your child a love of learning How to instill a love of learning

Coming home after September 1, every first grader talks with admiration about the past day and how much he liked it at school.

The child enjoys going there and does his homework with interest.

But not much time passes before the schoolchild gets tired of it and parents hear the well-known phrase “This stupid school again... I don’t want to!”

But all parents dream that their child will study well, because success in school is the key to the fact that in the future he will become a good specialist, find a well-paid job and will be successful with others. And despite this, not all mothers and fathers help their child overcome learning difficulties, thereby contradicting their dreams.

If you want your child to graduate from school with excellent marks, help him with this! But this help should not be limited to paying for tutors, buying already completed homework and searching the Internet for a ready-made report.

A lot of surveys have been conducted that have proven that the number of schoolchildren who do not like school is quite significant. Why don't children want to study? Let's look at these reasons.

  1. Need to get up early

    Psychologists say that reluctance to get up early is one of the most common forms of such strong hatred. However, the recipe here is quite simple: do not let your child sit in front of the computer and TV until the night, then the process of waking up will not be so painful! Yes, and a personal example will not hurt. If parents themselves sit on social networks until two o’clock in the morning, sleep like logs in the morning, not hearing the alarm clock ringing, and are constantly late for work, what do they want from their children?

    Don't forget - children look at their parents and copy their behavior! Therefore, if you want to get your child to follow some rules, first start following them yourself.

  2. Failure to achieve

    Unlike the previous point, in this case there cannot be any specific advice. But there are common characteristics of underachieving students.

    In most cases, the reason for a child’s academic failure, despite his fairly good intellectual level, is a lack of motivation.

    Of course, if a child is interested in learning new things, he is characterized as diligent and persistent. However, if this interest is not present, children study sluggishly, unstably, and may skip classes. In the graduating class, carefully encouraged by their parents, many of them enroll in preparatory courses, begin studying with tutors and diligently “pull” their grades. As a result, such an unbearable situation may develop both at school and in the family that the previous 10 school years will seem like flowers!

    And again, the blame lies on the shoulders of the parents, because if the parents themselves are not interested in new knowledge and have not bothered to read a single book over the last 5 years, but only watched television series and talk shows, then how can they explain to the child that reading is very exciting and motivate him to study?

  3. Excessive requirements

    Psychologists say that parents very often set expectations too high and, instead of rejoicing at the slightest successes of the child and maintaining faith in him. And this often leads to a decrease in motivation.

    And it is completely unacceptable for parents to transfer their own failed dreams onto their child: “Since I didn’t succeed, you must definitely achieve this!” But the child did not come into this life to do what his parents failed to do. He has his own character, his own abilities and his own life.
    And it also often happens that parents, on the contrary, justify the child’s specific indifference or pass off his small successes as achievements worthy of almost a Nobel Prize.

    Many parents justify their child’s ignorance of mathematics or physics by saying that he has a “humanitarian mindset,” while the child, in addition to mathematics, also does not know English, history, geography, or other humanities. And there are plenty of similar examples!

    In a word, be fair to your children and try to adequately evaluate their successes. Remember that both the desire to lower a child “below the plinth” and the desire to raise him to the skies without any reason will equally negatively affect his character, attitude to school, and overall attitude to life.

  4. Programming a child for inevitable difficulties

    A certain turning point is observed in the 5th grade, when children move from primary to secondary school. To a large extent, the negative influence is exerted by adults (both teachers and parents), who literally program children for inevitable difficulties: many new subjects and teachers, a classroom system, a difficult program.

Meanwhile, the child needs the exact opposite - the calm support and wisdom of his parents. Praise your child more and more often. Disapproval should be mild. Eliminate the offensive words “klutz” and “stupid” from your vocabulary; evaluate the work, not the child, and especially do not punish him physically! Compare your child's experiences to his past experiences, not to the experiences of other children. Do not demand the impossible - the child must learn everything. Do not frighten younger schoolchildren with teachers, or high school students with the prospect of a low-prestige job. It’s better to tell your child interesting stories from your school life and teach him to approach everything with humor and optimism. And if you notice that his attitude towards school has suddenly changed for the worse and you cannot cope with it on your own, contact a school psychologist.

Our reality is that most children are pathologically don't want to study. The thoughts of a modern schoolchild are occupied by computer games, the street, and television, but studies most often fade into the background. And only their parents understand that good grades are the key to a successful adult life. How to instill in a child a desire to learn?

First, stop forcing your child to study well. The more you demand, the worse the result will be. Even if the grades are good, as soon as you loosen control, bad marks will begin to appear in the diary if the child does not like to study on his own.

You should not use various types of punishments for poor studies. Very often, as punishment, parents deprive their child of the opportunity to watch TV or limit access to the computer. These ineffective methods will only embitter the child, and he can easily make up for the deprivation by visiting his friends.

To instill in your child a desire to learn, try to do things differently, using the carrot rather than the stick principle. For example, if your child, a primary school student, gets a bad grade, do not scold him. On the contrary, you can organize a delicious farewell to a bad grade from the diary by telling the child to study well, because it is no longer possible to store bad grades in the diary. The child, surprised by your non-standard reaction, will try to study well so as not to let you down in the future.

Also, to instill a desire to learn, you can use your child’s favorite pastime – computer games. Choose a variety of exercise equipment for him in the subjects that he dislikes the most. It has long been proven that when playing, a child better perceives complex information. By arousing curiosity about school subjects, you will let your child know that lessons can be interesting too.

For high school students, an incentive to do well in school can be a promise to buy him something he has been dreaming about for a long time. Sadly, money is increasingly becoming the most effective motivator in the modern world.
In order for your high school student to become a better student, do not forget to periodically remind him that his future depends on his attitude towards learning. Most teenagers dream of fashionable clothes, a cool car, a luxurious dacha and other benefits that are popularized in the media as signs of a successful life. So tell me that it is not possible to achieve this without studying. Give examples of your friends and relatives who achieved material well-being thanks to their knowledge acquired at school and college.

Instill a desire to learn in your child- the process is complex, but no matter how difficult it is, remember that not only the future of your beloved children, but, possibly, your future depends on your efforts.

Take it to the wall so you don't lose it.

Understanding the world around us is pleasant for a child. This is why children, as a rule, go to first grade with interest. In addition, studying at school for a child is another step towards long-awaited adulthood.It is from school that a child’s other life begins.

First year at a British international school is a crucial time. It is at the school desk that the child grows older, increases his knowledge and develops. To achieve academic success, it is important to instill a love of learning from childhood.

Psychologists recommend placing the educational process entirely on the child’s shoulders. He must understand the full responsibility of what is happening. To prepare lessons there must be discipline and a certain plan. A child can be obedient and do everything, but the parents’ task is to instill a keen interest in learning.

How to help your child love learning? We offer some effective tips.

How to instill in your child a love of learning

1. Interest through play. An ingenious method is computer mini-games, as on the site Everyone knows that kids love to sit at the computer. Wise parents can combine business with pleasure. It is enough to choose the appropriate genre to interest the baby.

2. My own example. An excellent option would be a demonstrated interest in learning from at least one parent. It is worth inviting your child to go to the library, museum or science exhibition. Show by your own example how exciting and informative it is to gain knowledge and learn something new every time.

3. Support and care. Children, due to their age, are very inquisitive. And this is one of the aspects of studying. Kids learn to explore the world around them through play. And it is not advisable to disturb them. You shouldn’t scold your child for dirty clothes if the little one decides to dig into the ground to find out how earthworms live.

4. Everything has its time. The problem with modern mothers is that from early childhood they are trying to teach their child all the tricks. They boast about how well the child reads, adds numbers, and can count to ten in English. Despite the fact that the baby is only two years old. A child at this age should still play.

5. Personal hobby. It's good when a child has a hobby. For example, if your child collects cars, you can take him on an excursion to a car dealership or a transport museum. Or just talk to a car mechanic who will tell you about the structure of the car.

4. Encouragement. You cannot give children money for doing their homework. They must understand that they study solely for themselves. That their studies have a significant impact on their success in the future. And by motivating learning with money, parents deprive their children of learning for pleasure.

Teachers and psychologists confirm: modern children are losing interest in learning earlier and earlier.If a child is correctly conveyed the benefits and importance of learning, he will constantly grow, acquire new knowledge and improve.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

How to find such words, methods and techniques so that the student voluntarily and independently fulfills his main responsibility?

With this question, which is especially relevant at the start of the longest academic quarter, the RG correspondent turned to a specialist - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Margarita Krainikova, head of the research department of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute for Educational Development.

Russian newspaper: So, how do you get your child to study?

Margarita Krainikova: Let's make a reservation right away: the meaning of the word “force” implies some kind of pressure, violence. From this point of view, it is absolutely impossible to “force” a child to learn. Of course, an obedient son, fearing your anger, will do his schoolwork, but, as you know, slavery has never brought happiness to anyone. Just imagine the disgust that such a teaching, as people say, under pressure, causes in your child. In addition, it must be remembered that the influence of parents will be effective only up to a certain age. The time will come when the child will stop being afraid of them.

RG: That is, a schoolchild can be forced to sit down for homework and even do them, but forcing him to show interest in the subject and love studying as a daily joyful activity will not work?

Krainikova: There is a certain “engine”, without which study is perceived by our children as a boring and meaningless task. This engine is motivation, in a pedagogical scientific definition - a set of motivating factors that determine the activity of an individual. In other words, it is the process of stimulating someone to perform activities aimed at achieving a goal. It is this engine that will help us.

RG: Parents sincerely want their child to study well. They realize the seriousness of the problem when a student shirks from school. Where should you start solving it?

Krainikova: In order to force (or cause motivation, as we agreed) a child to study, first of all, parents must answer themselves a simple question: why is this necessary? At first glance, the question seems meaningless. “Well,” many mothers and fathers think, “everyone studies. Is my child worse than others?” This is the first reason that encourages parents to influence their children. The second reasoning: “If he doesn’t study, he’ll start hanging around the streets, falling into bad company... Wine, drugs...” But, of course, this is not the main thing. Here is the third reason, in the opinion of the parents, much more compelling: “If she doesn’t study, she won’t get into college or university, she won’t get a profession, she’ll be drafted into the army, which she really wouldn’t want. For girls, it’s also important what kind of team you’re in: for us, parents, it’s easier if potential suitors are future professionals, educated and well-mannered people.”

Let's discuss further. Think, dear parents, are you more intellectually and morally developed than modern schoolchildren and students? Did you have an interest in learning, did knowledge seem valuable to you? If not, then you will have to try very hard to prevent your child from following in your footsteps.

RG: What should we, fathers and mothers, do to ensure that our child studies diligently?

Krainikova: The biggest problem seems to be that the child “is not interested in anything.” This means that the parents’ task is to find an activity that makes your son’s (or daughter’s) eyes light up, and to take part in his favorite game. I mean play in the broadest sense of the word - as a way of learning about life. In your face, the child should see a person who is passionate about his work. And the sooner this happens, the easier it will be for you in the future. Sometimes a small push is enough for development, then it will continue with your minimal support.

A common cause not only awakens a child’s interest in actively comprehending the world, but also cements the family, creates an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding necessary for the harmonious development of a person. Often family conflicts arise precisely because parents, according to children, do not care about them. Parents are constantly busy, tired, and do not have enough energy or time for their children. I would like to appeal to such mothers and fathers: before it’s too late, think about whether you will be happy if you earn a lot of money, but lose a child?! It is we, adults, who can be self-sufficient. And a child needs love and a lot of attention. But the most important principle of education is respect. If your family atmosphere is deprived of this, the child is uncomfortable at home, he will look for a place where he is understood, where he means something to others.

RG: So, father and son play tennis, mother and daughter sew clothes or grow flowers, but this does not affect grades at school.

Krainikova: Well, at least these guys probably won’t have any problems with physical education, labor, or biology. But that's not the point. Each person from birth is endowed with different abilities, which later become the foundation of cognitive interest in certain activities. All these abilities can be developed. But one most important talent is given to everyone. This talent is a thirst for knowledge. From the first months of life, your baby is open to learning: he catches sounds, follows bright colored objects, touches toys with his hands. He not only listens and watches, but also remembers your voice, music, poetry, pictures of the world around you.

Finally he learned to speak, and it was time for many questions. “Why is the snow melting?”, “Why is grandma with a stick?”... Mom is talking on the phone, she met a friend, she’s just busy with her thoughts. “Leave me alone! I’m tired of your stupid questions,” the parent reacts irritably and thereby blocks the most important source of knowledge for her beloved child. The baby understands one thing: when he asks about what interests him now, his mother gets angry. He will ask less and less often, the ray of light of knowledge (enlightenment - from the word “light”) may fade... Very little time will pass, and this same mother will complain that her son is “not interested in anything,” without admitting to herself that She herself killed the child’s thirst for knowledge.

RG: Are parents the first guides to the world of knowledge for their children?

Krainikova: Certainly. Raising a child is not an easy, but joyful job. You grow with him, develop, try to be an example in everything. You need his respect. This means that your life is a constant striving forward.

RG: There are many recipes on how to prepare a child for school; there are even special courses for kids. It would seem that the first grader came to school fully equipped: he reads, writes, draws, and even operates a computer. Why do most schoolchildren sooner or later lose interest in lessons?

Krainikova: There are many reasons. Here are some of them. As a rule, interest disappears in adolescence, when the most important thing in a person’s life becomes not study, but socialization. In other words, a person is most concerned with the question: do his peers like him or not? Children come to school mainly to socialize. During this period, a crisis of consciousness of the child occurs, which is associated with revolutionary changes in his body. Children who have been prepared for work throughout their entire previous lives are going through this turbulent age calmly. Those who know from a very early age that the world is full of amazing and fascinating things. Those who know how to create.

Is it right to consider a teacher to be the culprit of a child’s poor academic performance? A teacher is really capable of suppressing the germs of interest in his subject if he is angry, stupid, indifferent, hates children, and does not respect parents. Therefore, if you want your child to receive a good education, look for a Teacher. Not everything is so hopeless, I assure you. There are many worthy teachers, professionals.

About the fear of schoolchildren

Often a child does not experience the joy of learning because he does not see the result of his work. Good work should be rewarded. Sometimes a schoolchild, after hard work, receives a well-deserved, coveted “C”, but parents are unhappy: they were counting on a “Five”. Everyone has their own level of development, you just need to objectively evaluate it. Understand whether your child is really incapable of mathematics or whether he is simply too lazy to solve problems.

But if a student has met the bar: overcome laziness or strained his strength and finally solved a difficult problem, he is worthy of praise. Now many families use, so to speak, material rewards for grades. On the one hand, you seem to be paying for the work done, but on the other hand, you are raising a selfish person who will someday answer you, sick, decrepit, and asking for help: “What will I get for this?”

The talented teacher Shalva Amonashvili, when asked about the legality of material incentives in the family, could not hide his indignation: “Education, the opportunity for development, the formation of a Person is a great value. Is it necessary to trivialize it with money!”

What is more important to your child - money or your good attitude? The answer depends on how prosperous your family is. After all, praise is also an art. What to praise for, with what words or just a grateful smile, with what intonation? If the baby is happy when you enthusiastically evaluate his good deed, then the teenager will be annoyed by your delight. A more subtle approach is needed here. Indirect praise can be expressed as joy because you are tired, you thought you also had to take out the trash, cook, tidy up the apartment (depending on what feat your child accomplished), and now you can just relax. Don't be afraid that he won't feel your joy, your gratitude. The children are very attentive.

Remember that creating a situation of success for every child is a necessary condition for the development of strong-willed qualities. A successful person is confident in his abilities, he is capable of great things, and he is characterized by a joyful attitude towards life. Developed abilities for creativity, knowledge, confidence in the success of one’s activities - these are the qualities that parents should cultivate in order to never hear the terrible words from their student: “I don’t want to study!”