
How to develop the brain and memory of a teenager. How to improve brain activity in a schoolchild. effective exercises for training memory and attention

Rules, dates, formulas, theorems - the lion's share of success in learning depends on memory. If the memory is good, the teacher’s explanations given in class are sufficient for the student. If there is “wind” in your head, long-term cramming will not help. How to develop a student's memory?

First, a small test so that you can evaluate how good your memory is with your child. Take 2 minutes to review the words below. Close the list. Play the words that you remember: Chair, cup, leopard, trousers, peach, plane, birch, lake, palm, thunderstorm, basketball, flute. If you remember 12-8 words, you have a high level of memorization. 8-6 words – average level, no cause for concern yet. 6-0 words - it's time to take action.

According to Alexey Alekseev, a neurologist from the Clinic of Nervous Diseases of Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov: “In office centers you rarely meet a person without alarming memory disorders. Such people do not need to be treated, they need to be explained that they need to look at their lives differently. They live by the principle: the doctor prescribed a pill and everything will be fine. At the same time, those factors that actually cause anxiety, memory deterioration will not go away and brain function will not improve.” And the whole problem is solved by the correct sleep and wakefulness regime, so it is important for a schoolchild to get enough sleep and get age-appropriate exercise.

A. Alekseev: “During active cognition, for example, studying, the brain grasps information, but its sorting and assimilation occurs mainly during sleep. Therefore, the more new information comes at you, the more sleep you should have. In life, everything happens the other way around. The more stressful your work and study, the less time you have for sleep. But if you have a lot to do and you are still constantly worried about whether you managed to get everything done today, then it is better to increase the amount of sleep.” If your student sleeps well, but problems with memorizing and sorting information persist, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Types of memory

The following types of memory are distinguished: figurative and verbal-logical (according to the type of mental activity); voluntary and involuntary (according to the nature of the goals of the activity); direct and indirect (with direct mechanical memorization, the memorization process occurs without the participation of thinking; with memorization mediated by logic, thinking, the material must first be comprehended); short-term and long-term (according to the time of storage of the material).

Figurative memory includes visual, auditory, motor and emotional memory. Indeed, some children perceive information more easily when it is read out loud to them (auditory type of memory) or vice versa, if the child himself reads this material (visual type). Some children remember material better if it is written down or spoken out (motor type), and some remember only if the memorized material made an impression, caused some kind of emotion (no matter whether positive or negative), as you guessed it emotional memory. As a rule, a child has more pronounced not one type of memory, but several.

Let the child try to remember the material in various ways: not only read aloud yourself, ask the child to read it. Also force them to speak the learned material out loud (speech-motor type of memory). In the practice of memorizing foreign words, old school teachers often advise writing them down several times in a row, pronouncing the sound and meaning of the word to yourself.

Here the calculation is made to trigger several types of memory: visual, auditory, motor.

The memory of schoolchildren at each age is different. In younger schoolchildren, involuntary and visual-figurative memory predominates. Consequently, memorization of new information should be based on this. It is necessary to use various objects to memorize the material (bright pictures, educational and interactive toys).

Secondary schoolchildren are already beginning to form verbal-logical and voluntary memory. The development of voluntary memory is important when teaching a child at school. If a child learns only what is interesting to him, and not what the school teacher requires to complete the school curriculum, then studying at school will simply be impossible.

Under the influence of systematic training, voluntary, verbal-logical memory, which is just beginning to take shape and develop in younger schoolchildren, reaches unprecedented heights in older schoolchildren.

1. Connect logic to image

The sooner you start developing your child’s memory, the better. It turns out that the formation of the central nervous system slows down by the age of 10-12, and then development occurs, but not as actively as at an earlier age. Therefore, start developing your child’s memory now, so that he can successfully study at school without experiencing any special difficulties. First, develop your logical memory. It is necessary to learn to understand and comprehend the material, break it down into information blocks, find logical connections between them, and systematize them. In addition to logical memory, connect figurative memory. On a sheet of paper, reproduce on it the memorized information of the material in the form of drawings, graphs, diagrams, tables.

2. New skills

New skills train your memory very effectively. Encourage your child to learn another sport if he is already involved in something, and start playing sports if he is currently leading a passive lifestyle. Also tell your child about the many interesting sections and clubs where he can learn to play different instruments, sing, act on stage, draw, do handicrafts, and also invite him to enroll where he wants. By the way, modern gadgets can also help develop memory - intricate applications, games, online quizzes will not be a harmful swamp, but just an excellent way to gain new skills and knowledge.

3. Vocabulary

Create a fun game at home: discover a new word every day. The Internet will help you find difficult words and their interpretations. In its vastness you can find out what, for example, behaviorism is and much more.

4. Learn by heart

Children are asked to memorize a lot of poems, but often they are “lazy.” Join the learning process with your child, talk to him about your favorite poetry, read it to him and offer to learn it. Do as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers did, who studied from the Bible. Take a long poem, for example, “Eugene Onegin” and start memorizing a quatrain with your child every day. The next day, you need to not only learn new lines, but also remember all the previous ones. Memorize this for a month, the next month increase the number of daily lines to eight. The result is a wonderful memory!

5. Mathematics is the best helper

Memorizing numbers has a great effect on memory development. Try, together with your student, to remember the birthday dates of all your friends and relatives, play with him the game “Who will remember the most?”

6. Games

Every family has its own favorite pastimes. We suggest taking one game into account. In which there may be several variations. So, two people are involved. Player number 1 takes a tray and places any 10 items on it. Then he covers it with a scarf. Gives some time to Player number 2 to become familiar with all the items. Then Player number 1 pulls out 1-2 items and again shows the tray to his opponent. It takes a few seconds to determine which items have been removed. The game has many variations: you can increase and decrease the number of objects, you can put objects slightly different from each other, you can vary the viewing time. The result is excellent visual memory!

Ecology of life. Children: Poor memory in children is very rare, most often it is simply not developed enough, and to cope with this problem...

The question of how to improve a child’s memory is asked sooner or later by any parent. Most often, this moment comes when the child goes to school, and a huge amount of information falls on him at once. However, there are simple ways in which you can not only improve your child’s memory, but perhaps also get rid of forgetfulness yourself.

It is worth remembering that poor memory in children is very rare, most often it is simply not developed enough, and this problem is not so difficult to cope with.

Method 1. Ask how the child’s day was

Every evening, ask your baby to tell you about his day. With all the smallest details. This is great memory training. Such monologues will help your child learn to build a chronology of events and analyze them.

At first, the child’s story will be confusing, but over time his speech will become more coherent, he will remember more and more details and small details.

To help your child, you can ask him questions: “What was your friend Katya doing when you were playing doctor?”, “What color was her dress?” etc.

Method 2. Read books with your child

While the child is still small, read to him, for example, interesting, memorable fairy tales or poems before bed. Try learning small quatrains by heart together. This will have the most beneficial effect on your baby’s vocabulary. And when he learns to read on his own, try to instill in him a love for this activity.

Let the book become a good friend for the child. Even if the child doesn’t really want to, let it be a mandatory rule for him to read several pages a day of a book. And be sure to ask him to retell what he read and express his opinion.

Method 3. Play words with your child

  • Tell your baby 10 words and ask him to repeat them. You can choose words on a specific topic (fruits and vegetables, food, toys, trees, flowers, what objects are in the room, etc.). All the words that the child did not name must be reminded. It is believed that if a 6-7 year old child can repeat 5 words out of 10, he has a good short-term memory, and if he says 7-8, his long-term memory is also well developed.
  • To develop visual memory, you can lay out pictures in front of your baby.(for example, 5-7 pieces) and ask you to remember them. Then you can remove one or two and ask what is missing, or mix all the pictures in places and ask the child to put them in the original order.
  • With older children you can play this game a little differently. Place a photo or picture in front of them with lots of details. Let the child look at it for 15-20 seconds, trying to remember as many details as possible. Then remove the picture and ask him to write down a list of everything he remembers on a piece of paper.

Method 4. Train your child’s attentiveness

Remember, in our childhood magazines like “Murzilka” there were problems in which you had to find the difference between one picture and another. Such tasks can now be easily found in books on child development, of which there are a great many. These exercises are not only very exciting, but also excellent for training memory, attentiveness and imagination.

Method 5. Master the Cicero method

The essence of this method is to mentally arrange the objects that need to be remembered in a well-known space - this could be your own room, the attic, or any room that the child knows well. The main rule of this principle of memorization is that we mentally reduce large objects, and increase small ones.

For example, a child needs to remember 5 words - umbrella, bear, orange, hippopotamus, sea, chair. All these words need to be mentally placed in the room: an umbrella should be hung on the door handle, a large orange should be placed on the windowsill, a chair should be placed in front of the bed, a tiny bear should be sent for a walk under the flower on the window, and a small hippopotamus should be sent to sleep on the bed, and the sea should rage on the TV. After some training, the child, in order to reproduce the chain of words, will only need to recall the interior of his home in his memory.

Method 6. Teach your child the association method

This method will perfectly help you remember information if a chaotic set of facts does not want to fit into a coherent classification. Teach your child to build relationships between a memorized word and something very familiar and understandable to him. Ask your child what he associates this or that word with, or come up with it together. Associations can be familiar or funny, familiar to everyone or understandable only to you and the baby.

Method 7. Learn a foreign language with your child

It's a great memory workout, just like any new skill, like playing a musical instrument or even learning to dance. 10 new foreign words a day or a couple of simple phrases - it won’t take much time to remember them, but it is very useful and this skill will definitely be useful to the child in the future. And be sure to repeat what you learned the day before the next day.

Method 8. Enroll your child in sports

Introduce your child to sports. It would seem, where is the connection with memory? However, any physical activity, especially in the fresh air, stimulates blood flow and promotes better blood supply to the brain, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on memory. Do not neglect walks with your baby, ventilate his room more often, especially before bed.

Method 9. Teach your child to strain his memory

The easiest way to develop memory is training. Sounds corny? Yes, but without regular exercise nothing will happen. And in our age of tablets, smartphones and the Internet, it is becoming increasingly difficult to strain your memory, because the easiest way is to look for something forgotten on the vastness of the World Wide Web. And children master these skills almost from the cradle.

Therefore, it is so important to teach a child that if he has forgotten something, let him first try to remember on his own, and only if nothing comes out within a few minutes, let him look in a dictionary or the Internet.

Method 10. Make the right diet

Of course, proper nutrition alone cannot develop a child’s good memory, but there are basic foods that contain substances necessary to improve brain activity, and therefore improve memory.

That's why include in your child's diet:

  • fatty fish,
  • bananas,
  • walnuts,
  • carrot,
  • spinach,
  • broccoli

– yes, children are not delighted with some of these products, but they should be present in at least small quantities on the child’s menu. published

L.F. Tikhomirov

Development of a student’s intellectual abilities

A popular guide for parents and teachers


"Development Academy"

Page 207 - 209


Leser F. suggested several exercises for memory training. (Memory training. M., 1979).

Logically unrelated text.

To memorize 20 words, 40 seconds are given, after which you should write down what you remember. The answer is considered correct if both the serial number and the word itself are indicated correctly. Multiplying the number of correct answers by 5, we get the memory efficiency as a percentage.


In 40 seconds you need to remember 20 numbers and their serial numbers.

1. 43 11. 37
2. 57 12. 38
3. 12 13. 86
4. 33 14. 56
5. 81 15. 47
6. 72 16. 6
7. 15 17. 78
8. 44 18. 61
9. 96 19. 83
10. 7 20. 73

Memorization efficiency is calculated in the same way as in the previous exercise.

Persons with first and last names.

It can be very unpleasant when you forget the name of a friend, or cannot remember at all whether you know each other. This often happens when the acquaintance was not associated with any emotions.

To remember a face, look at it carefully, noting its characteristic features. Mentally repeat the person’s name and patronymic several times. Associate a visual image with them.

Take 10 unfamiliar photographs with first and last names (they can be cut out from newspapers or magazines). You are given half a minute to memorize. After this, the same photographs, but in a different order, are again offered to the subject, he must identify them. You can gain memorization efficiency by multiplying the number of correct answers by 10.

Logically connected text.

Remember the 10 main points highlighted in the following text. You need to read the exercise and after a minute reproduce the content of the main provisions in the given order. Multiply the number of correct answers by 10 and get the percentage of memorization efficiency.

Text: We take other people’s thoughts and knowledge for storage (1), that’s all. You must, however, make them your own (2). We are like a man who, in need of fire, went to his neighbor to get it and, finding a beautiful, bright fire, began to warm himself at someone else’s fireplace (3), forgetting about his intention to light a fireplace at home. What is the use of filling our belly with beef if we do not digest it (4), if it is not transformed into the tissues of our body, if it does not add weight and strength to us? Or perhaps we think that Lucullus, who became acquainted with military affairs only from books and became such a prominent commander, despite the lack of personal experience, studied it in our way? We rely on other people's hands with such force that in the end we become weak (5). Do I want to overcome the fear of death? I do this at the expense of Seneca (6). Am I trying to console others? I draw from Cicero (7). Meanwhile, I could turn to myself for this (8), if I had been properly educated. No, I don’t like this very relative wealth, collected from the world bit by bit. And if you can be learned by someone else’s learning (9), then we can only be wise by our own wisdom (10).

(Michel de Montaigne)

You will get average memorization productivity if you add up the percentages of all four exercises and divide by 4.

91-100% - excellent memory;

71-90% - very good memory;

51-70% - good memory;

31-50% - satisfactory memory;

11-30% - poor memory;

0-10% - very poor memory.

Page 213 - 219

Game "Remember the words"

Participants are divided into pairs.

Game conditions: each partner takes a piece of paper and writes any 20 words. While teenagers write, they need to remember them. There is a time limit of 1 minute.

After this, the participants exchange pieces of paper and check how well each of them remembers the words he wrote down.

The number of words that are reproduced is recorded.

The presenter must determine who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

Game "Items"

The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams.

A driver is selected from each team.

Members of each team place one item on the table. The driver looks and remembers who put what object. After this, each driver must answer the question: who put which object and in what order.

The presenter evaluates the results of the drivers' answers.

Each team member must act as a driver.

Game “Memorize by drawing”

Participants sit at tables.

The presenter prepares 20 words in advance. Each participant in the game prepares a pen and a piece of paper in advance. The presenter calls the words sequentially. After each word he says, he counts to 3. During this time, the participants in the game must have time to sketch this word using any drawing to remember it. Let the drawing be incomprehensible to others, as long as the participant in the game can then name the words in order. Whoever remembers the most words wins.

Game "Who will remember more?"

The participants of the game sit in a circle.

Conditions of the game: the first participant names any word, for example, pencil, the next one must repeat this word and must name any of his own, for example, forest. The third participant repeats the two previous words: pencil and forest, names his own, etc.

Thus, at the end of the game there is a winner who has the most outstanding memory.

The game can be started several times.

Game "Words"

This game will help you remember as many words as possible - the names of objects belonging to the same group.

The participants of the game sit in a circle.

Conditions of the game: the presenter names a topic for which the participants will have to select nouns. Moreover, the first one names the word, the second one repeats the named word and gives his own, etc. For example, the topic: fruit. The first one calls it "apple". The second one repeats “apple” and calls “orange”. The third participant repeats “apple” and “orange” and calls “pear”, etc.

The teenager who forgets the words assigned to him or does not name his own is eliminated from the game.

The last one standing wins.

Game "With one letter"

This game develops the memory of teenagers.

The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams.

Game conditions: the leader names a letter, and the teams take turns calling one object in the room that starts with that letter.

The team that says the last word wins.

Game "Cities"

This game develops teenagers' memory, as well as their thinking.

The participants of the game sit in a circle.

Game conditions: the presenter names a city, for example, Moscow. The first participant in the game must remember the name of the city starting with the letter “A”. For example, he calls Armavir. The next one must remember the name of the city starting with “R”, etc.

If one of the players names a word that ends with a letter that does not begin the name of any city, or cannot remember the name of the city, he is eliminated from the game.

The last one standing wins.

Game “Decorating Words”

This game develops memory and thinking of teenagers.

The participants of the game sit in a circle.

Conditions of the game: the presenter offers a noun, and each of the participants in the game takes turns naming one adjective to this noun. The participant who cannot name the adjective is eliminated from the game. You can't repeat yourself.

The last one standing wins.

Game "Kind Words"

This game is designed to develop memory and communication skills of a teenager.

The participants of the game sit in a circle.

Conditions of the GAME: participants in the game must take turns saying kind and affectionate words. You are given 2 seconds to think about it, you cannot repeat it. The one who can no longer think of a kind word is out of the game.

Game "Painting"

This game can be used to develop memory in teenagers.

The participants of the game sit in a circle.

Game conditions: the first participant names a noun, for example, “square.” The second one repeats the word “square” and continues to draw a picture, calling a word, for example, “tree”. The third repeats the two previous words and names his own, which allows him to draw the picture longer.

Whoever cannot recall in his memory all the details of the picture mentioned before him is eliminated.

State Institution "Beloglinovskaya Basic School"

Department of Education of the Akimat of the Karabalyk region"

A set of exercises for developing memory in children.

Compiled by: Mukomolova L.A.

2016-2017 academic year

Memory is one of the mental processes that can be developed most effectively. Below are games, tasks, and exercises that develop the memory of teenagers.

Procedure 1

The words are read out. Subjects should try to remember them in pairs. Then only the first words of each pair are read, and the subjects write down the second.
1. chicken - egg,scissors - cut,horse - hay,book - learn,butterfly - fly,brush - teeth,drum - pioneer,snow - winter,rooster - scream,ink - notebook,cow - milk,locomotive - drive,pear - compote,lamp - evening.
bug - armchair,feather - water,glasses - error,bell - memory,pigeon - father,watering can - tram,comb - wind,boots - boiler,lock - mother,match - sheep,grater - sea,sled - factory,fish - fire,axe - jelly.

Procedure 2

"Close your eyes and imagine the corresponding pictures, the names of which will be pronounced..."
1. Lion attacking an antelope
2. Dog wagging its tail
3. There's a fly in your soup
4. Macaroons in a box
5. Lightning in the dark
6. A stain on your favorite clothes
7. Diamond sparkling in the sun
8. Cry of horror in the night
9. The joy of motherhood
10. A friend stealing money from your wallet
“Now remember and write down the names of the visualized pictures. If you remember more than 8 images, the exercise is completed successfully.”

Procedure 3

“In 40 seconds, try to remember 20 suggested words and their serial numbers. Close the text, write the words with their serial numbers on a piece of paper.”
1. Ukrainian 11. Butter
2. Economics 12. Paper
3. Porridge 13. Cake
4. Tattoo 14. Logic
5. Neutron 15. Standard
6. Love 16. Verb
7. Scissors 17. Breakthrough
8. Conscience 18. Deserter
9. Clay 19. Candle
10. Vocabulary 20. Cherry

Procedure 4

1. 43 6. 72 11. 37 16. 6
2. 57 7. 15 12. 18 17. 78

3. 12 8. 44 13. 87 18. 61
4. 33 9. 96 14. 56 19. 83

5. 81 10. 7 15. 47 20. 73

Procedure 5

Read out 10 words. You need to remember the words in the same order as they were presented.Words: morning, silver, child, river, north, up, cabbage, glass, school, shoe.

Procedure 6

Rows of numbers are read out. You need to write down the numbers you remember. After this, the rows of numbers are read again and numbers that are incorrectly reproduced in order and size are crossed out. Missing a number in a series is not considered an error.Number series:
37 48 95
24 73 58 49
89 65 17 59 78
53 27 87 91 23 47
16 51 38 43 87 14 92
72 84 11 85 41 68 27 58
47 32 61 18 92 34 52 76 84

1. Exercise “Watch your speech.”

In the twenties of the last century, this attention game was very popular. The presenter says: “The lady bought a toilet. There are 100 rubles in the toilet, buy whatever you want, don’t say yes and no, don’t buy black and white.” And he begins to ask tricky questions, trying to “snatch” forbidden words from the answerer.

Do you want to buy a black dress?
- I want to buy a green dress.
- Does green suit you?
- I just like green velvet.
- Will this be a ball gown?
- Ballroom.
- Should your green dress be long?
- Yes(!).
Losing. For example, you should have said “Of course.”

This is a game, on the one hand, to develop the ability to ask psychologically complex, “raining down” questions, thereby diverting the attention of the person answering to thinking about a complex answer from not using forbidden words, and on the other hand, to develop the attention of the person answering the questions.

You can simply agree on which words or parts of speech cannot be said and then ask a variety of questions. There should be a lot of questions. This is a frank test of attention.

For example, these:

Did you have breakfast today? Do you like your hairstyle?
Are you late for class today? Are you left-handed? Do you like cinema?
What flowers do you like and what do you dislike? Why?

2. Exercise "Forbidden letter".

In this game, everyone will have to watch themselves so as not to spill the beans.
And it’s not surprising to let it slip, as we’ll see now.

One of the game participants is appointed as the driver. Turning to the players in turn, the driver asks each of them some simple question, demanding an immediate answer. For example: “How old are you?”, “Who are you sitting with?”, “What kind of jam do you like?” etc. The one to whom the question is addressed must immediately give any answer, but without using in his phrase a letter that, by agreement, is declared prohibited. Let's assume that the letter "A" is declared prohibited.

Of course, the driver will try to find tricky questions, answering which without the letter “A” would be difficult. "What is your name?" And he will ask, say, a comrade whose name is Vanya. It is clear that he cannot give his name. He'll have to get off with a joke. "I can't remember!" - he will answer, resourcefully avoiding the trap prepared for him. Then the driver will turn to another participant in the game with the same unexpected question.

The game is played at a fast pace, you are not allowed to think for a long time. If you hesitate, don’t answer right away, or, confused, use a forbidden letter in your answer, take the place of the driver and ask questions. We will consider those who never fell into a trap and gave quick, resourceful answers as winners.

As a variant of the game, the condition may be not to pronounce the forbidden letter, i.e. it must be replaced in words with any other.

3. Exercise "Hidden hint".

In this game you are allowed to give hints, although not in the usual way.

We choose a driver and declare him a guesser. Let's ask the guesser to leave the room for a minute or step aside. In the meantime, let's think of a word. This must be a singular noun, consisting of four to five letters, and all the letters in it must be different, for example “table”, “mosquito”, “board”, “sail”, etc. There are many such words, choose they won't take long.

The driver's task is to guess the word we have in mind. Since this is difficult, you will have to help him, that is, suggest something, but, of course, not directly, but in some indirect way, relying on his intelligence and attention.

Let's assume that the hidden word is "mosquito". It is unknown to the guesser.

Please tell me the first letter,” he addresses the players.

It is his right to demand a hint, and any three participants in the game can give hints, each in their own way.

The first letter of the hidden word is "K".

How can you suggest it without directly naming it?

This is how it is done. Three players take turns pronouncing one word, one or two syllables, containing the letter “K”. Let's say one says the word "compass", another - "marmot", the third - "drop".

The letter "K" is repeated in all three words.

The guesser will highlight this letter and remember it.

Give us the second letter! - he demands.

Three other players will tell him the second letter, say, with the following words: “lesson”, “elephant”, “mole”. Having highlighted the letter “O” repeated three times in them, the guesser will also try to remember it.

If the guesser is attentive and does not get confused in our clues, then we will give him the right to appoint a new driver himself to continue the game. And if he doesn’t guess the word we’ve planned, we’ll make him drive again: let him train his attention some more.

4. Exercise "Hidden word".

In games, people often look for a hidden object.

But you can hide and find not only objects. In the game we are about to introduce, you will have to look for hidden words. And we will hide them among other words.

In such a game, keen eyesight and observation will no longer help; other qualities will be needed: concentration, attention and resourcefulness. The game begins, as usual, with the choice of driver. We will “hide” the words, he will “look for” them.

Let's ask the driver to leave the room for a while and say some well-known proverb or line from a well-known poem. Let’s say we decided to hide the proverb “Language will take you to Kyiv.”

Let's break this text into parts: “language”, “to Kyiv”, “will bring”. Why such a breakdown is needed will become clear from the further description of the game.

The driver returns. He is informed that a proverb is “hidden” and that, when starting to search for it, he can ask any three questions to any three participants in the game. The driver will understand that the text of the hidden proverb is divided into three parts and that the first one to whom he turns with a question must insert the first part of the hidden text into his response phrase, the second - the second part of the text and the third - the last part of the text.

Let's see how it turns out.

"What did you see in your dream today?" - suppose the driver asks one of the participants in the game. Tom needs to enter into his answer the first part of the hidden text - the word “language”, but in such a way as to better hide it among other words. He can say: “I saw in a dream that I arrived in a foreign city, went into the dining room, and there they served me such a dish that it was impossible to pronounce its name: you would break your tongue.” "Where do lemons grow?" - let’s say the driver asks the other. He can get off with a joke: “In warm countries and in my grandfather’s garden: he lives on a collective farm, twenty kilometers before reaching Kyiv.”

The phrase seems to be smooth, but the words “to Kyiv” may make the driver be wary and take note of them. The last question, whatever it may be, can be given an evasive answer: “Don’t be so curious, it won’t lead to any good.” Now let the driver guess what proverb we have made.

5. Game "What has changed?"

The game is played like this. Small objects (eraser, pencil, notepad, match, etc. in the amount of 10-15 pieces) are laid out on the table and covered with newspaper. Whoever wants to test their powers of observation first, please come to the table! He is asked to take 30 seconds (count to 30) to familiarize himself with the arrangement of objects; then he must turn his back to the table, and at this time three or four objects are transferred to other places. Again, 30 seconds are given to inspect the objects, after which they are again covered with a sheet of newspaper. Now let's ask the player: what has changed in the arrangement of objects, which of them have been rearranged?

Don't think that answering this question will always be easy! Answers are scored in points. For each correctly indicated item, the player receives 1 point as a win, but for each mistake, 1 point is deducted from the winnings. An error is considered when an item is named that was not moved to another place.

Let’s mix up our “collection”, arranging the items in a different order, and call another participant in the game to the table. So, one by one, all team members will pass the test.

The conditions of the game should be the same for everyone: if four objects were swapped for the first player, then the same number was swapped for the rest.

In this case, the best result is 4 points won. Everyone who passes the test with this result will be considered winners of the game.

6. Exercise “I remember everything” (development of attention and memory).

This fun game can be played by two, three or even four people, competing in the ability to remember words in a given order.

Compliance with this condition is monitored by the referee, who keeps a check sheet during the game, writing down the words named by the players. Words are selected on a specific topic, such as the names of cities, names of plants or animals. Let's say that the theme of the game is the names of cities. Of course, it is better to name cities that are well-known; they are easier to remember.

So, let's start the game. The participants sit in a circle.

Tula, says one. The judge immediately writes this word down on the control sheet.

The second player, repeating the named city, adds the name of another city to it:

Tula, Poltava.

Tula, Poltava, Omsk, - announces the third.

If there are three players, then the turn goes back to the first. It should add one more name to the list of cities. For example.

Tula, Poltava, Omsk, Vladivostok.

So, each time adding one city, the players on their next turn must repeat all the cities named earlier, mentioning them in the same order and without skipping a single one.

At first this comes relatively easily, but when the list of names exceeds a dozen, you will inevitably begin to stumble. And the judge, adding each newly added word to his check sheet, vigilantly watches to see if anyone misses at least one of them.

The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

The rest continue the competition until one of them is the winner.

Divide everyone who wants to take part in this game into threes. In every three, someone will be the winner. And then arrange a final meeting of the winners for the title of champion in this interesting game.

7. Where is whose house?

A game for developing sustained attention. Offer a drawing depicting seven different little animals, each of which is hurrying to its own house. Lines connect animals to their homes. You need to determine where whose house is without drawing a pencil along the lines. If the task is difficult for the baby, then allow it, but eventually put the pencil aside.

8. Exercises to develop stability and switching attention.

You can play like this. Call your child various words: table, bed, cup, pencil, bear, fork, etc. The baby listens carefully and claps his hands when he comes across a word that means, for example, an animal. If the baby gets confused, repeat the game from the beginning.

Another time, suggest that your child stand up every time he hears a plant word. Then combine the first and second tasks, i.e. The baby claps his hands when he hears words for animals, and stands up when pronouncing words for a plant. These and similar exercises develop attentiveness, speed of distribution and switching of attention, and, in addition, expand the child’s horizons and cognitive activity. It’s good to play such games with several children; desire, excitement and a prize for the winner will make them even more exciting.

To develop stability of attention, give your child a small text (newspaper, magazine) and ask him to cross out a letter (for example, a) while looking through each line. Record the time and number of errors. Graph your results daily and analyze them. Rejoice in your child's successes. Then, to train distribution and switching of attention, change the task. For example, like this: “In each line, cross out the letter a, and underline the letter p.” Or this: “Strike out the letter a if it is preceded by the letter r, and underline the letter a if it is preceded by the letter n.” Record time and errors. Don't forget to praise your baby.

9. Exercise "What has changed?" (development of observation).

A game for training observation skills. It is best to play with several children. Everyone stands in one line. The presenter calls one child and offers to remember the appearance of each participant in the game. This will take 1-2 minutes. After this, the baby turns away or goes into another room. The remaining participants in the game make minor changes to the costume or hairstyle: you can pin on a badge or, conversely, remove it, unbutton or fasten a button, change places with each other, change your hairstyle, etc. Then the person remembering must name those changes in the costumes of his comrades that he was able to notice.

If you do not have the opportunity to gather a large company, you can modify this exciting game: place 10 objects on the table in front of the child, ask him to turn away and at this moment change the arrangement of the objects. Then offer to answer what has changed.

10. Pictures "Find the difference".

All the kids enjoy looking at the pictures. You can combine business with pleasure. Invite your child to look at pictures that, for example, show two gnomes (or two kittens, or two fish). At first glance they are exactly the same. But, looking more closely, you can see that this is not so. Let your child try to spot the differences. You can also select several pictures with ridiculous content and ask your child to find the inconsistencies..

11. Exercise "Color your other half."

There are also exercises to develop concentration. You need to prepare several half-colored pictures. And the child must color the second half of the picture in the same way as the first half was painted. This task can be complicated by asking the child to first complete the second half of the picture and then color it. (This could be a butterfly, dragonfly, house, Christmas tree, etc.).

12. Exercise "Numerical table".

Show your child a table with a set of numbers from 1 to 25, which are arranged in random order. But first, make sure your baby knows all these numbers. Tell him: “Try to find, show and say out loud the numbers from 1 to 25 as quickly as possible.” Most children 5-7 years old complete this task in 1.5-2 minutes and with almost no errors.

Another variation of this game: prepare a table with 25 cells, on which numbers from 1 to 35 are written in random order, of which 10 numbers are missing. Ask your child to find and show all the numbers in a row, and write down the missing numbers (if he cannot write down the numbers, then just have him tell them to you). Record the time it took your child to complete this task.

If these exercises turned out to be difficult, make a simpler table, for example, with 9 cells.

15 93 72 38 45 96 26 58 83

A child’s poor performance at school and reluctance to attend classes is a common problem in many families. The reason for this may be the heavy workload of school programs and the inability of teachers to present information in an interesting way. You can increase concentration, memory and perseverance using various methods.

Eidetics is the science of memory development. It helps a person perceive information more effectively. The basic principle of eidetics is the following: any information can be presented in the form of pictures-images. This method of learning is not just used for learning, it makes the learning process a game. At the same time, children will strive to gain new knowledge and will not want to shy away from doing homework. Eidetics for children is a technique suitable for schoolchildren of any age.

Memory tablets

Low performance in school may well be due to distracted attention. Nootropic drugs to improve memory will help solve the problem; they can increase blood circulation in the brain and concentration. Nootropics have a positive effect not only on the intellectual abilities of children and adults, they also normalize the general condition of the nervous system. Such memory improving medications contain neurotransmitters, vitamins and amino acids. Another active component of this product is glycine. This substance reduces psycho-emotional stress and has a positive effect on mental abilities. You can buy a nootropic drug after consulting a doctor.

Substances that are directly related to memory: calcium, iodine, copper, manganese, iron, magnesium, zinc, niacin, folate, choline, lecithin, vitamins B1, B6, B12 and C. These substances are contained in dietary supplements (dietary supplements) , which are not drugs, and also in natural products.

  • The brain needs glucose as a source of energy. To make up for its deficiency, you need to eat foods that improve memory - bananas, potatoes and grapes.
  • Natural stimulants of brain activity are B vitamins. They are found in cereals, milk, liver and yeast.
  • Lean meat, sesame seeds and apples contain iron, which is responsible for normal hemoglobin levels in the blood.
  • Zinc and copper activate thinking. They are found in cauliflower, sunflower seeds and oatmeal.
  • Lecithin is responsible for normal growth and development of the body; it is also needed to ensure concentration and favorable brain function. Its main sources: nuts, herring, eggs, butter.
  • Magnesium and calcium are found in cheese, avocado, sesame and mango.

The brain is made up of 85% water. A deficiency of even 2-3% of water can significantly reduce brain activity. To be able to quickly solve problems and remember rules, a teenager needs to drink at least two liters of water a day.

The brain, like the body, needs constant training, otherwise it simply loses its tone.

Memory development in children: brain exercises

  1. Make both the right and left hemispheres of the brain work. To do this, take two pencils, in your right and left hand, and then draw two shapes at the same time.
  2. For a minute, stroke yourself on the head with your left hand, and beat a fraction on the table with your right. After a minute, change the actions for each of your hands - beat off a fraction with your left, and stroke your head with your right.
  3. Do familiar things in a new way. Any non-standard behavior forms new neural connections, which means it improves brain function.
  4. Take innovative approaches to learning. For example, a child learns the rule: “non-verbs are written separately.” Invite him to imagine that the verb is a football player, and the particle “not” is a ball that needs to be thrown back.
  5. Learn poems and songs with your child. Key words of sentences can be drawn in the form of vivid images.
  6. When learning a sequence of words, ask your child to come up with a story in which the memorized words will be arranged in the right order. This method perfectly trains memory and develops imagination.
  7. Psychologists confirm that emotionally charged events are remembered faster. To imprint something in your memory, draw analogies and create associations. The more bright images, the better.
  8. Write down new English words and mathematical formulas on stickers and hang them where you are sure to come across them.
  9. Repeat what you especially need to remember before going to bed.

There are various games to develop memory and logic with interesting tasks and puzzles. Adequate sleep, good physical activity, proper nutrition - all these are important conditions for improving memory and brain function.

Comment on the article “How to improve brain activity in a schoolchild”

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How to improve brain activity in a schoolchild. Natural stimulants of brain activity are B vitamins. They are found in cereals, milk, liver and yeast. Make both the right and left hemispheres of the brain work.

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How to improve brain activity in a schoolchild. This method of learning not only improves memory, it makes the learning process a game. At the same time, children will strive to gain new knowledge and will not want to. This substance reduces psycho-emotional stress and...

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