
How to congratulate on your name day - Faith, Hope, Love. Congratulations faith, hope, love I wish faith hope love

On your name day, Vera,
I want to wish you a lot -
So that you remain first in life,
And not to know sorrows at all.

Be worthy, smile,
And enjoy the beauty.
Happy Angel Day! You stay


Love, you know, today is a holiday -
Today your Angel Day has come.
And young Cupid is a prankster
Let him set the table for us!

I wish you, Lyubasha,
Warmth and joy in the eyes!
Let the big house be full
And only sweetness on the lips!


You are just an angel, oh Nadezhda!
And this holiday is only yours!
I wish you boundless joys,
Beautiful landscape outside the window -

So that the sun shines more often,
So that the birds sing in your honor,
To have enough strength to do things,
There are countless joyful events!


Love celebrates its name day,
It's a wonderful and joyful day today.
And I congratulate you with inspiration,
Giving you a few lines from my heart.

Be the most loved and most desired,
May fate give you generous warmth.
May joy be endless in life,
I want you to be very lucky in everything!


Nadezhda, today is your name day,
And I want to wish you:
Don't get caught in life's web,
Don't fall, but if you do, get up!

I wish you a good mood,
And let the fire not go out in your eyes!
And let the fate of free cut,
May your wingspan be free!


Vera, it’s your name day.
And I hasten to congratulate you.
I wish you a life without routine
And luxury is like a palace!

And may all good things be with you,
And everything bad will go away!
Let happiness quietly stitch
It will go through your life!


You are like a bright star!
No wonder they called you Vera!
So never be sad
On the day of the Angel, sorrows will go away!

Cast away doubts,
And achieve new goals!
Let it be a sweet night
And greet the day with a smile!


On Angel Day, I wish Vera with all my heart
Beautiful, bright earthly happiness.
So that everything in life is always good.
There is great success in any endeavor.

And sincere friendship and passionate love,
And the most beautiful sunrises in the world.
Live joyfully and with inspiration,
Appreciate every moment selflessly!


Love, I congratulate you,
Let the mood be - class,
I wish you on your name day
Find reasons for joy.

After all, every day gives us joy,
With it comes sweetness of being.
Let only the best happen
Let all the good things come to you!


We are ready to repeat again -
We wish you only happiness!
After all, in your name, Love,
So much bright passion

So much tenderness, kindness,
So be beautiful!
Fun from night to morning
On the day of the Angel - on a clear day!


Faith, Hope and Love are names that do not require translation. These names are the names of the three virtues that every Orthodox Christian strives for. And it is not surprising that they became so firmly established in the Russian “Saints”, and Russian girls began to be willingly named after the holy virgins born in Italy.

The holy martyrs Faith, Hope and Love were born in Italy. Saint Sophia openly confessed Christ and taught this to her three daughters, who were still just girls. Of course, she was reported. Emperor Andrian ordered Christian women to be brought to him in Rome. Saint Sophia understood why and began in prayer to ask the Lord for strength to endure suffering for herself and her daughters. According to legend, the holy maidens were tortured mercilessly: they were burned on an iron grate, thrown into a red-hot oven and into a cauldron with boiling resin, but they miraculously remained alive. The youngest, Lyubov, was tied to a wheel and beaten with sticks until her body turned into a continuous bloody wound. Enduring torment beyond human understanding, the girls constantly prayed and cried out to God; while still very young - Vera was twelve years old, Nadezhda was ten, Lyubov was nine - they bravely endured the most sophisticated tortures. The mother was forced to watch her daughters suffer. She also watched how they were beheaded...
She was allowed to bury her daughters. For three days the mother sat at her family’s graves and here she gave up her soul to the Lord. They buried her nearby.

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are one of the many thousands of holy people glorified by the Church precisely for their determination to be with God to the end, overcoming the fear of suffering and death.

Thus, three girls and their mother showed that for people strengthened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, lack of bodily strength does not in the least serve as an obstacle to the manifestation of fortitude and courage. With their holy prayers, may the Lord strengthen us in the Christian faith and in a virtuous life!

Faith, Hope, Love, Knowledge - the material world consists of four types of eternal entities: earth, water, air, light. The divine world also consists of four types: faith, hope, love and knowledge.

Their correspondence with each other is as follows: the earth is the faith in which we have taken root; water is the hope that feeds us; air is love, thanks to which we grow; light is the knowledge through which we mature.

On the name day “Faith, Hope, Love”, do not forget to congratulate your loved ones and friends on their name day.

Faith, Hope, Love - congratulations on the holiday

Let the holiness in the heart not fade away
Over time, only illuminating the path,
Let your gaze be bright, clear,
The spark of love will not let you sleep.
On the Day of Constant Delight,
Greatness, Aspirations and Victories,
We wish you holy duty,
And don’t touch any more troubles.
On the Day of Holiness and Inspiration, -
Hope, Faith and Love,
We pity the sweet eclipse,
And the sunniest fate! ©

Faith Hope Love

I wish that Faith, Hope, Love
Your destiny was not abandoned.
May these saints help you again,
So that the stars illuminate the path.
You cannot live without Hope in the world,
And life without Love will become gray.
Let your loved ones, friends love you,
May you and Vera become stronger! ©

Day of Faith Hope Love

There are many beautiful names in the world
But these are special, they contain light and strength.
Sofia, Nadezhda and Vera, Love-
They endured suffering and torment,
But faith, love and hope did not go out,
The light that they brought to the world in hardships,
It now burns in us like a spark of God
And the lyre of our love illuminates for us! ©

Day of the Holy Martyrs

Faith, Hope, Love and Sofia
On a holiday so bright and clean always
These saints smile at us,
That they will never leave us all.
There is so much hope in each name here,
Faith in beauty, common love,
It is them that I wish from the bottom of my heart
You should find it for yourself as soon as possible.
We really need this day of martyrs
To understand how useful it is to love.
I wish you family happiness
And keep the light of love for life. ©

On September 30, we honor the memory of the holy great martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, and also congratulate all the women who bear these names on their name days. We have collected the most beautiful, touching and funny short SMS congratulations on Angel Day for Faith, Hope, Love and Sofia in poetry and prose in one material. Choose and send!

21:00 29.09.2015

Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia: short SMS congratulations:


I wish that Faith, Hope, Love
Your destiny was not abandoned.
May these saints help you again,
So that the stars illuminate the path.
You cannot live without Hope in the world,
And life without Love will become gray.
The most tender and beautiful
Today the holiday has arrived:
I want a white-winged angel
He gave happiness to Nadezhda.
The world without your smiles is empty.
So that you never get upset,
I forgot what sadness is!

Faith, Hope and Love are the three pillars on which our world rests. I wish you that these girls will always accompany you in life. And they did it together because without Faith there is no Hope, and without Hope and Faith there is no Love. Let Sophia tell her girls about it. what a good person you are!

I wish that four holy names, four guardian angels are always present in your life: Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia-wisdom. Follow them, and God bless you!

On Angel Day, I wish Vera with all my heart
Beautiful, bright earthly happiness.
So that everything in life is always good.
There is great success in any endeavor.
And sincere friendship and passionate love,
And the most beautiful sunrises in the world.
Live joyfully and with inspiration,
Appreciate every moment selflessly!

Vera, congratulations on Angel Day! I wish you that the Lord always helps you move forward and achieve what you want, may your guardian angel lead you by the hand, never letting go or abandoning you, and may everything in life be only good!

Vera, you have such a name,
on which the planet rests,
Vera - there is no more beautiful name,
And there is no better person!
Today is your name day,
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Always be cheerful and happy,
Hurry to spread the wings of your dreams!

Dear Vera! Happy Angel Day, sun!
Let the window of happiness open slightly,
May your beauty continue to bloom,
May the angels in your life protect you,
Always remain as beautiful -
Cheerful, smiling, sunny and clear,
May this verse bring you joy,
The sky will always be cloudless!

The Lord gave me sleep - what to hide? -
You have beauty beyond measure!
Happy Angel Day - we want to say
To you, dear Vera!
Always the same as it is
Stay in life
Let there be countless joys!
And smile more often!

Let the Angel of Hope Day
Brings only joy!
Sorrow and sadness go away,
Love and sweetness will come!
Let the world open for you
Your love and tenderness!
Be loved. Live, loving,
On the day of the Angel of Hope!

The most tender and beautiful
Today the holiday has arrived:
I want a white-winged angel
He gave happiness to Nadezhda.
I want you to always laugh
The world without your smiles is empty.
So that you never get upset,
I forgot what sadness is!

Nadezhda, today is your name day,
And I want to wish you:
Don't get caught in life's web,
Don't fall, but if you do, get up!
I wish you a good mood,
And let the fire not go out in your eyes!
And let the fate of free cut,
May your wingspan be free!

Love celebrates its name day,
It's a wonderful and joyful day today.
And I congratulate you with inspiration,
Giving you a few lines from my heart.
Be the most loved and most desired,
May fate give you generous warmth.
May joy be endless in life,
I want you to be very lucky in everything!

Lyuba, Lyubochka, Love -
Sweet name!
How it excites the blood -
Don't compare with others.
May your day be an angel
Gives only happiness
A sea of ​​joy in fate,
Will ward off bad weather!

We congratulate all the beautiful women who bear the names Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sofia on their Angel Day. May your life be filled with joy, happiness, peace and, of course, everything that your beautiful names speak of. Happy holiday and all the brightest, kindest and purest.

He looks very wisely into your eyes,
He will say a very sweet word,
But he leaves again with a smile.
Will he flicker like a thin shadow, like a bird?
Will be carried away from the gray everyday life,
If you wait for her, she will return
And it will always be your happiness.
Sophia knows the wise truth.
Do you hear, Sophia, stay with us!

I wish Sophia victories,
And long and happy years,
Good luck in life awaits you,
Success - it comes to you.
Angel's Day is a wonderful day,
Let it not be laziness to celebrate,
I want to wish you good luck,
Don't even think about being discouraged!

Happy Angel Day to you, we wish you never to give up, may your guardian angel help you fly... when your wings fall down!

I wish you a name day
I am for you, my Sophia,
So that you never know grief
Happy fate is yours.
Let every day be like a holiday
And every day brings joy.
The most pleasant events of various
Let a million happen.

Magnificent Sofia,
Believe me, all women are different
Pale before your wisdom.
So lonely is the nightingale

Freezes before the proud rose
And he inhales the aroma.
Be perfect and wise
And tomorrow is the same as yesterday.

Today is the day of your Guardian Angel. I congratulate you and want to wish you to smile more often, because when you smile, your Angel glows with happiness and this light is reflected in your eyes. May your Angel protect you! Be happy!

Sophia, wise Sophia,
Tame the thirst in my heart -
On the holiday of the Angel shine
Dazzling spotlight!
Give us beauty!
Mother of love, hope, faith
The standard of beauty and proportion.
I'm ready to sing a hymn to you,
Our dear Sophia.

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May we go astray when we go astray
Let when all the clothes are torn,
Let it light the way then
We have invincible hope.
May we believe in miracles
Even if we don’t see them right away.
May faith wipe our eyes,
We will not offend her with attention,
Let there be only pain in the heart,
Love will come to us, it will close it,
Let her warm us behind our backs,
Let him wash you with his colors.
Happy holiday! Happy day of faith and love,
And, of course, happy holiday of hope!
Believe, dream, hope and love!
Enjoy the boundless joy!


Do you see that the sky has thickened with blue paint?
Do you see the clouds in the delicate glaze?
Are you watching and aren't you tired?
Love in the heart, faith and hope!
Try to maintain that state
When they gave you what you want
Try to make your wishes come true
With hope, faith and love, you definitely can!


Flowers are more beautiful if they are planted with love,
And life is happier if it is filled with hope.
But anything goes against faith,
Which you couldn't do before.
So be happy, happy holiday to you
Hope, strong faith and love,
Don't be upset, be bright, clear,
Give thanks for life these days.


Imagine a house filled with love,
Feel this charm of warmth,
Hear how the fiery heart beats inside him,
Just believe, and your dreams will come true,
Hope will illuminate with a clear light,
And faith will bring inspiration.
Love will unite them two tightly
And he will lead them from year to year.
So happy holiday of hope and love!
And faith that there will be miracles,
Don't look at your feet, look around,
Look into her magical eyes at least once.


Three sisters lived on earth,
The first sister's name was Vera
She saved the world for many days,
But one day I became very ill.
The second sister came to her instantly,
This girl's name was Nadezhda,
And she said: “You will get well!”
The heart will beat as before
The third sister came to them,
Heals the wounds with kind words
And she told them: “I am love!”
Don't forget me again!
So they lived together for a long time,
Each made a strong contribution,
Your note to life's song.
Happy holiday friends, so be it!


Like three sisters, like three friends
Hope, Faith and Love.
They will shelter you from the blizzard,
They will warm your life and shelter.
Filled with joy and light,
They will show you the right, good path,
They will help you with wise advice,
They will allow you to breathe in the midst of problems.
Hope no matter what happens
Love to live without troubles.
And believe that your heart will beat,
And there was happiness for many years!


All of us believe in something
They even love me sometimes.
And hope that the doors
Fate will reveal everything to them.
It's better to believe, people.
In the Almighty, the Creator.
He forgives us and loves us,
He wipes a tear from his face.
The light of hope will give us,
Faith will strengthen the soul.
Will lend a helping hand,
The days will light up everything with happiness!


There is nothing stronger than love
Life becomes brighter with her,
She gives us hope
And he never tires of believing again.
There are three sisters here, each with strength.
Each one is beautiful, beautiful,
But only together can they give
They are the ability to win.
So let them be in our lives
Love that there is no sweeter and more beautiful,
Hopes full of years,
And always believe in the best!


We hasten to congratulate you today
Happy one of the brightest days.
Against the backdrop of a hectic life
He makes our world warmer.
Let your faith not weaken,
Let hope live in the heart,
Let love warm your soul,
And every day a miracle awaits you!


Beautiful and special day
On a piece of calendar,
And the maple leaf circles
In the gilding of September.
Let there be no sadness in the place,
Let your days pass in happiness.
Life in the world is interesting!
Believe, hope and love!


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On September 30, 2019, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of the Holy Great Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. It has long been celebrated in Rus'.

Send poems and congratulations to your family and friends on the holiday “Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.”

Poems for the holiday “Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia”

Three names. Beautiful, simple.
Words that help people live.
Once upon a time she named her children Sofia,
We should thank her

For giving Faith to people,
And that everyone always lives with Hope.
And if there is Love, then there will be happiness!
And let it come to every home!

Now and forever, as before,
Under the winter blizzard and spring,
With Love, Faith and Hope
We are making our earthly journey.

And on this bright autumn day,
Even if it rains in the morning,
We open our souls with faith
Into love and the triumph of goodness.

Hope gives us strength...
Three angels' love is bright.
Their holy mother Sophia,
Protect us from any evil!

Faith, Hope, Love... These names are also the names of the virtues that every Orthodox Christian strives for. We have selected poems with words of congratulations on this holiday, where these names and virtues are mentioned.

There is grace in patience and humility,
For this example, Sophia’s image is bright:
Give Hope, Faith and Love,
In the palm of the Lord - humbly, selflessly.

May your soul be cleansed on this day,
Let kindness and faith beat in your heart!
In quiet prayer the truth is heard,
According to faith, everyone is rewarded with fate...

Your family and friends will be pleased to receive congratulations from you in verse on the Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, which is celebrated annually by the Orthodox Church.

So that life is full of charm,
So that the world around becomes brighter and kinder,
Surround with love and attention
All the people dear and close to you!

May their whole life be illuminated by faith,
Joy will triumph in the soul,
Hope will knock on them with love
And the path will show you to your dream.

Congratulations on the holiday “Faith, Hope, Love” in verse and prose

People cannot live without faith
They always dream and believe in miracles.
Let it be everywhere - both there and here
She brings happiness to people.

Hope is a symbol of kindness,
Souls of cherished harmony.
May God fulfill your dreams
Selflessly hoping.

Love rules everything on earth,
Everything is more valuable and more expensive.
She will come to you and me
And we can save it.

Congratulations on the Day of Saints Faith, Hope and Love and their mother Sophia! We wish you firmness and unshakability of faith, good hopes and tender love! Be protected by God and loved ones!

I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of Faith, Hope and Love! May faith in the best always live in your soul, may hope never leave you, and may love illuminate your path in life.