
"Mr. Universe" was embroiled in a scandal. The ex-mistress of the owner of dental clinics was caught in the secret life of Eduardo from Italy

The story with the participation of Kristina Oleinichenko was continued. A woman who is fighting for the right to raise her young son came to the Let Them Talk program to explain that she did nothing wrong. The family of her former boyfriend, Moscow dentist Yevgeny Ermakov, deprived her of the opportunity to communicate with the child, and also turned things around so that the boy’s mother ended up in a pre-trial detention center.

Kristina Oleinichenko is fighting for a child with Moscow dentist Evgeny Ermakov. The girl met the man in 2010, when she got a job as a head nurse in his clinic. A year later they began a serious romance.

In 2013, Oleinichenko and Ermakov had a son, Zhenya. According to the dentist’s chosen one, the man was very happy. It is his last name, first name and patronymic that are indicated in the “paternity” column in the boy’s birth certificate.

After the birth of the child, Christina received a two-level apartment worth 25 million rubles. She no longer worked at the clinic. Her only responsibility was to take care of her son. When Ermakov’s legal wife Olga found out about the existence of her mistress, Christina had to enter into a fictitious marriage with Evgeniy’s son, Anton.

After a while, Oleinichenko flew with her sister to Thailand, since Ermakov allowed them to take a break from raising the baby. At that moment, the man arrived at the apartment and took his son. The dentist's ex-lover has not seen the boy for almost two years. Zhenya is being raised by her stepmother, Evgeniy’s official wife.

On the air of “Let Them Talk,” Kristina Oleinichenko tried to get support from experts and publicly call on the child’s father to return the boy to her. The program included an excerpt from a conversation with Evgeniy’s wife Olga. The woman previously wrote a statement against Christina that she attacked her with scissors and threatened her. Oleinichenko was prosecuted under Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

“Why should I kick my husband out and ruin my life because some little Ukrainian wanted to take my place. What kind of absurdity is this? - this is how Ermakov’s wife commented on the situation.

In the middle of the program, a recording of conversations from the apartment where Christina lived was made public. To control the mother of his child, Ermakov installed wiretapping there.

It turned out that Oleinichenko, to whom sister Svetlana came, more than once went out “for a walk” at night, when the child was already asleep. According to Christina’s relative, she needed such emotions.

“Your eyes lit up, your face tightened. You immediately became different, at least five years younger,” says my sister.

Another audio recording conveys a conversation between Christina and her lover. Presumably, it was this man who was supposed to join her on vacation in Thailand. Oleinichenko stubbornly denies that such a conversation took place.

“No sleep! Coming in the morning!” - promises Christina's alleged lover.

Christina's sister Svetlana, who came to the studio, claims that Evgeny is a real fraudster, so all these conversations were imitated by his efforts. The editors of “Let Them Talk” contacted Ermakov by phone.

“When beauties like her abandon their children, and now they hide behind them when a rooster pecks in the backside. This is where the hysteria begins. She thought she gave birth to a credit card, not a baby. And this is disgusting. I supported her, she had enough for everything. Her only task was to take care of the child, and not to drink and wander around at night,” said the dentist.

According to Evgeny, after he took Zhenya from Christina, it turned out that the boy was sick. The man noted that the child was given several serious diagnoses. He condemned women who treat children this way.

Christina's mother Irina claims that Evgeniy simply slandered her daughter. The woman insists that he promised to love Christina and have nothing to do with his official wife. So far, the issue of Oleinichenko’s visits to his son has not been resolved. “I want to see my child. So that he grows up with his mother,” noted the heroine of the program.

Kristina Oleinichenko continues to fight for the opportunity to raise her son. At the end of last year, the woman’s sister Svetlana told StarHit that, on the instructions of the owner of the dental clinic, Evgeniy Ermakov, a two-year-old baby was kidnapped from his mother. For a year and a half, Oleinichenko has not seen his son.

At the end of January, in the “Let Them Talk” program it became known that the doctor’s legal wife, Olga, is raising the son of his mistress. The woman also wrote a statement to the police, where she indicated that Christina allegedly attacked her with scissors.

Today the women met in the Let Them Talk studio. Ermakov’s wife Olga Selezneva is perplexed why Christina made everything public. She reasons that many years from now it will be unpleasant for the child to read about this on the Internet.

“The child is growing up, he will be 10, 12 years old. He will find something himself, find out how it will turn out psychologically for him. Does the person think about this? - Olga said.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

The dentist’s legal wife does not understand why her husband’s former mistress did not properly look after the child when Ermakov created all the conditions for the woman. Experts in the studio expressed the opinion that Selezneva treats Oleinichenko as a surrogate mother, since she does not have common heirs with Ermakov.

“He already has children. Nobody asked her to give birth, it was planned by her and documented, she was brought to the clinic on purpose. She played her role, without the child she would not have succeeded,” says Olga.

Andrei Malakhov asked what Selezneva thought about the fact that her husband showered his ex-lover with expensive gifts. The woman believes that this is exactly what the young girl has always dreamed of, who decided to destroy her family, and she needed the child for manipulation. Olga remembered that on the previous program, Christina emphasized that she had lost her luxurious life, and spoke only a little about the child. However, Andrei Malakhov asked to put on a recording where a young woman remembers her baby through tears.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

Despite her husband’s betrayal, Selezneva never thought about divorcing her man. They have been officially married for 15 years now, and have been working together for the same amount of time. She is not embarrassed by the fact that she is raising a child who is not her own.

“The thing is that he didn’t say the word “mom” even once, which amazed me. When a child wakes up, the first thing he looks for is his mother. We are forbidden to pronounce the word “mother” - there are “father” and “Olya”. When he first arrived, he said “dad” and sounds, that is, he did not say a word, he was one year and eight months old,” said Ermakov’s wife.

Experts in the studio asked why Ermakov and Selezneva do not allow Oleinichenko to see her son, because the woman is not deprived of parental rights. Olga said that during all this time her mother came only four times - in 2015, and then there was no news from her for almost a year.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

Kristina Oleinichenko appeared on the program and tried to refute the words of her lover’s wife. She stated that everything Selezneva said was a blatant lie. Little Zhenya's mother insists that the child be returned to her.

The boy’s nanny said that she came to Christina’s house when the baby was four months old. She believes that the woman did not take care of her son, but only paid attention to her own affairs. According to her, one day Oleinichenko came in the middle of the night and, being intoxicated, dropped little Zhenya.

Andrei Malakhov tried to resolve the situation and suggested that Olga Selezneva bring the child to a meeting with Christina. Ermakov's wife was outraged and left the studio.

"It's not my question, it's their question," she said.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

The video shown at the beginning of this issue was ordered by the wife of a businessman in the capital when she found out that he had a mistress. A young girl, Kristina Oleinichenko, who came to Moscow from the famous resort town of Yevpatoria, became famous in her homeland for repeatedly having affairs with tourists in the hope of finding a rich man. Soon, Christina identified a “victim” - a successful entrepreneur from Moscow, Evgeny Ermakov. Watch the online episode Let Them Talk - Mistress 01/30/2017

Evgeny Ermakov is the owner of a network of clinics in the capital. Kristina Oleinichenko, as stated in the video, was not at all embarrassed by the fact that the man had been married to his wife for decades. A young girl became pregnant by Evgeniy and soon took money from him against a receipt to buy an apartment. The mistress hoped that when Ermakov found out about her pregnancy, he would forgive her huge debt. Then she gets the man to buy an apartment with a larger area and eventually acquires capital housing worth 25 million rubles. Further, Christina gives birth to a child, but despite this, relations between the Ermakov spouses did not worsen, and then the mistress begins to have an affair with Ermakov’s eldest son Anton, after which Evgeny becomes furious.

Let them say - Mistress

According to the video created by the wife of a Moscow businessman, today the son of Kristina Oleinichenko lives in the Ermakov family. Evgeny’s wife Olga Selezneva says that happiness is, of course, bitter, but, nevertheless, the son of her mistress Zhenya became her dear and beloved child.

This video has already been watched on YouTube by more than 300 thousand people! Olga Selezneva explained in detail in this video what kind of person Kristina Oleinichenko is, who almost destroyed a strong and happy family. However, the girl, having seen the video on the Internet, was shocked and came to Let Them Talk today to tell her version and dot all the i’s. How did she become the mistress of the owner of dental clinics in the capital?

Kristina Oleinichenko in the talk show “Let Them Talk”:

— I haven’t seen my child since March 2015... I’m holding on with all my might... (crying) The first days I not only didn’t sleep - I was a beluga. I remember my son’s voice, his eyes when I saw him for the last time. I just feel bad! This is such pain that it cannot be expressed in words. This is just a mockery of me!

- Why is this happening to me? Because we had great love? Many children do not know their parents. But I would never have thought that my son would not know his own mother.

Let them talk - Kristina Oleinichenko, Olga Selezneva, Evgeny Ermakov

On the program Let Them Talk (broadcast “Mistress”), the Ermakov family - Evgeniy and Olga - will also express their opinion. Before the broadcast of the program, the woman who ordered the scandalous video exposing her mistress said the following over the phone:

- Why did I have to kick out my husband?! After all, by doing this I would destroy my family and my life, the lives of my children and grandchildren. And all because of whom: because of some little Ukrainian who decided to take my place! Of course, I will fight for my family. Let him first earn at least something in his life in order to learn to appreciate what he has. My husband's son is not a stranger to me. Yes, it happened that way, but I love him as if he were my own.

And here’s what Evgeny Ermakov answered in a telephone conversation:

“Girls like her who come to Moscow think that they have spread their legs and have already gone to heaven!” But that's not true. Such cases, unfortunately, are becoming more and more common. And thank God that there are fathers like me who understand that they need to take the child with them so that their own mother does not destroy him! And now she covers herself with him when her cock pecks in the rear! I supported her, she lived well with me. But her task was: to raise her son, and not to drink and go out at night! She's a mother!

How will this story end? Watch online for free the episode Let Them Talk - Mistress, broadcast on January 30, 2017 (01/30/2017).

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Kristina Oleinichenko is fighting for a child with Moscow dentist Evgeny Ermakov. The girl met the man in 2010, when she got a job as a head nurse in his clinic. A year later they began a serious romance.

In 2013, Oleinichenko and Ermakov had a son, Zhenya. According to the dentist’s chosen one, the man was very happy. It is his last name, first name and patronymic that are indicated in the “paternity” column in the boy’s birth certificate.

After the birth of the child, Christina received a two-level apartment worth 25 million rubles. She no longer worked at the clinic. Her only responsibility was to take care of her son. When Ermakov’s legal wife Olga found out about the existence of her mistress, Christina had to enter into a fictitious marriage with Evgeniy’s son, Anton.

After a while, Oleinichenko flew with her sister to Thailand, since Ermakov allowed them to take a break from raising the baby. At that moment, the man arrived at the apartment and took his son. The dentist's ex-lover has not seen the boy for almost two years. Zhenya is being raised by her stepmother, Evgeniy’s official wife.

On the air of “Let Them Talk,” Kristina Oleinichenko tried to get support from experts and publicly call on the child’s father to return the boy to her. The program included an excerpt from a conversation with Evgeniy’s wife Olga. The woman previously wrote a statement against Christina that she attacked her with scissors and threatened her. Oleinichenko was prosecuted under Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

“Why should I kick my husband out and ruin my life because some little Ukrainian wanted to take my place. What kind of absurdity is this? - this is how Ermakov’s wife commented on the situation.

In the middle of the program, a recording of conversations from the apartment where Christina lived was made public. To control the mother of his child, Ermakov installed wiretapping there.

It turned out that Oleinichenko, to whom sister Svetlana came, more than once went out “for a walk” at night, when the child was already asleep. According to Christina’s relative, she needed such emotions.

“Your eyes lit up, your face tightened. You immediately became different, at least five years younger,” says my sister.

Another audio recording conveys a conversation between Christina and her lover. Presumably, it was this man who was supposed to join her on vacation in Thailand. Oleinichenko stubbornly denies that such a conversation took place.

“No sleep! Coming in the morning!” - promises Christina's alleged lover.

Christina's sister Svetlana, who came to the studio, claims that Evgeny is a real fraudster, so all these conversations were imitated by his efforts. The editors of “Let Them Talk” contacted Ermakov by phone.

“When beauties like her abandon their children, and now they hide behind them when a rooster pecks in the backside. This is where the hysteria begins. She thought she gave birth to a credit card, not a baby. And this is disgusting. I supported her, she had enough for everything. Her only task was to take care of the child, and not to drink and wander around at night,” said the dentist.

According to Evgeny, after he took Zhenya from Christina, it turned out that the boy was sick. The man noted that the child was given several serious diagnoses. He condemned women who treat children this way.

Christina's mother Irina claims that Evgeniy simply slandered her daughter. The woman insists that he promised to love Christina and have nothing to do with his official wife. So far, the issue of Oleinichenko’s visits to his son has not been resolved. “I want to see my child. So that he grows up with his mother,” noted the heroine of the program.

Olga Selezneva and Kristina Oleinichenko

Kristina Oleinichenko continues to fight for the opportunity to raise her son. At the end of last year, the woman’s sister Svetlana told StarHit that, on the instructions of the owner of the dental clinic, Evgeniy Ermakov, a two-year-old baby was kidnapped from his mother. For a year and a half, Oleinichenko has not seen his son. The mistress of the owner of dental clinics is trying to sue his son

At the end of January, in the “Let Them Talk” program it became known that the doctor’s legal wife, Olga, is raising the son of his mistress. The woman also wrote a statement to the police, where she indicated that Christina allegedly attacked her with scissors.

Today the women met in the Let Them Talk studio. Ermakov’s wife Olga Selezneva is perplexed why Christina made everything public. She reasons that many years from now it will be unpleasant for the child to read about this on the Internet.

“The child is growing up, he will be 10, 12 years old. He will find something himself, find out how it will turn out psychologically for him. Does the person think about this? - Olga said.

Olga believes that she saved the boy from a negligent mother // Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

The dentist’s legal wife does not understand why her husband’s former mistress did not properly look after the child when Ermakov created all the conditions for the woman. Experts in the studio expressed the opinion that Selezneva treats Oleinichenko as a surrogate mother, since she does not have common heirs with Ermakov.

“He already has children. Nobody asked her to give birth, it was planned by her and documented, she was brought to the clinic on purpose. She played her role, without the child she would not have succeeded,” says Olga.

Andrei Malakhov asked what Selezneva thought about the fact that her husband showered his ex-lover with expensive gifts. The woman believes that this is exactly what the young girl has always dreamed of, who decided to destroy her family, and she needed the child for manipulation. Olga remembered that on the previous program, Christina emphasized that she had lost her luxurious life, and spoke only a little about the child. However, Andrei Malakhov asked to put on a recording where a young woman remembers her baby through tears.

Christina basked in luxury during her several-year relationship with Ermakov // Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

Despite her husband’s betrayal, Selezneva never thought about divorcing her man. They have been officially married for 15 years now, and have been working together for the same amount of time. She is not embarrassed by the fact that she is raising a child who is not her own.

“The thing is that he didn’t say the word “mom” even once, which amazed me. When a child wakes up, the first thing he looks for is his mother. We are forbidden to pronounce the word “mother” - there are “father” and “Olya”. When he first arrived, he said “dad” and sounds, that is, he did not say a word, he was one year and eight months old,” said Ermakov’s wife.

Experts in the studio asked why Ermakov and Selezneva do not allow Oleinichenko to see her son, because the woman is not deprived of parental rights. Olga said that during all this time her mother came only four times - in 2015, and then there was no news from her for almost a year. The ex-mistress of the owner of dental clinics was caught in a secret life

Oleinichenko has not seen her son for two years // Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

Kristina Oleinichenko appeared on the program and tried to refute the words of her lover’s wife. She stated that everything Selezneva said was a blatant lie. Little Zhenya's mother insists that the child be returned to her.

The boy’s nanny said that she came to Christina’s house when the baby was four months old. She believes that the woman did not take care of her son, but only paid attention to her own affairs. According to her, one day Oleinichenko came in the middle of the night and, being intoxicated, dropped little Zhenya.

Andrei Malakhov tried to resolve the situation and suggested that Olga Selezneva bring the child to a meeting with Christina. Ermakov's wife was outraged and left the studio.

"It's not my question, it's their question," she said.

The boy's nanny, who worked for Christina, believes that the woman behaved irresponsibly // Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program