
How is International Health Day celebrated? World Health Days. Events for World Health Day World Health Day date month

There is nothing more necessary and valuable than health. Even the richest, but weak and sick, envy the poor man who is healthy and full of strength.

People of all countries and nationalities have health problems, and diseases know no borders, they do not need visas to travel around the world.

Therefore, the health status of people in any given country should concern everyone.

World health day 2017 date, number when noted

World Health Day 2017 is celebrated on April 7, World Mental Health Day is celebrated on October 10.

In order to jointly solve emerging health problems, share new knowledge and technologies, and help countries experiencing epidemics or other health problems, the World Health Organization (WHO) was created in 1948.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Now this organization has more than 200 countries. Its headquarters are located in Geneva, the most beautiful and calmest city in Switzerland. The work of WHO is organized through annual World Health Assemblies, at which representatives of all countries make presentations.

Already at the first of them, held in 1948, it was proposed to create a single day for all member countries of the organization, which would be celebrated as a day of a healthy lifestyle. At first it was scheduled for July 22, but in 1949 this date was moved to April 7.

Already in 1948, the Soviet Union became an equal member of the WHO. After the collapse and declaration of independence by the republics that were part of the Union, each newly formed country renewed its membership in the WHO.

Related to Health Day in terms of meaning is the Day of the Sick, which has been celebrated since 1993 on the initiative of the Pope. It takes place on February 11 and was created to focus the attention of health workers and the public on the suffering of sick people and the problems that arise during the treatment process.

Goals and features

Health Day is held so that the general public thinks about how important and valuable health is and how to behave in order to maintain it not only for yourself, but also for those around you.

Every year, Health Day is dedicated to a specific global problem that requires special attention. Health Days were held dedicated to “Global eradication of polio”, “Road safety”, “Mental health”, “protecting health from climate change”, “Safe motherhood” and others.

Last year's Health Day 2010 was dedicated to human health associated with urbanization. In cities around the world, events were held to improve the health of their residents, trees were planted, measures were taken to combat air pollution in cities, and sporting events were held to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Health Day slogan

Health Day this year 2016 will be held under the slogan “Resistance to antimicrobial drugs.” The fact is that the human body is capable of developing resistance to antimicrobial and antiviral drugs. This makes treatment difficult and sometimes impossible.

But such drugs are very valuable and important, especially drugs that help patients with AIDS and some other rare viral diseases survive.

Even the treatment of influenza, which is considered one of the most dangerous viral diseases due to the ease and speed of spread and the complications that appear after the illness, is significantly complicated due to the body’s adaptation to existing vaccines.

It is this problem of the body’s adaptation to antimicrobial and antiviral drugs that this Health Day will be devoted to. Health Day

Date in 2019: April 7th, Sunday.

Health is a value that nature has endowed a person with. It is on him that physical and moral condition, performance and the ability to simply enjoy life depend. But in conditions of eternal lack of time, stress, lack of movement, and careless attitude towards one’s nutrition, a person thoughtlessly wastes his potential. The environmental situation, economic instability and health problems add negative notes to this list. To focus attention on the health problems of humanity, the Health Day holiday was created.

The health of any person always takes priority over other values. But living conditions, financial capabilities and place of residence do not always make it possible to preserve it. The healthcare structures of each state make a significant contribution to the health of the nation. Unfortunately, even today there are many countries where medical services are inaccessible to the population. The issue of providing medical care to victims of military conflicts and man-made disasters is urgent. The shortage of medicines and qualified personnel inevitably affects the health of citizens. These and other health issues are highlighted every year during World Health Day celebrations.

history of the holiday

In the post-war years, there were acute issues of restoring the damaged health of both military personnel and ordinary people in many countries affected by the war.

This became the reason for the unification of doctors from many countries into the World Health Organization. The event dates back to 1948, April 7, when the organization's charter was adopted.

It was this day that later became the date of celebration of World Health Day, which began to be celebrated in 1950.

The Soviet Union joined the WHO in the same 1948 and became a full member. The state supported all the organization’s initiatives related to supporting the nation’s health. After the collapse of the Union, each young country renewed its membership.

Together with WHO specialists, Russian scientists and doctors are solving global issues aimed at combating dangerous diseases and epidemics. Educational and scientific work is being carried out.

And most importantly, real projects are being created that are aimed at improving the health of ordinary people. World Health Day became just such a project - in 1917 it will be held under the motto: “Health and Depression.”

Holiday theme

The health festival has been held for more than half a century. Every year a new theme is chosen and the events are dedicated to it.

First of all, the day has a propaganda character, as it is intended to talk about the need for an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, timely diagnosis and treatment.

The topic also concerns major health problems on a global scale.

Within the framework of the chosen topic, events are organized that are aimed at conveying information to the population about the causes of diseases, ways to combat them and methods of prevention. Therefore, the holiday is aimed not only at informing medical workers, but, first of all, ordinary people.

On this day, special attention is paid to people with serious and incurable diseases. And this is not only holding charity events, but also social events aimed at supporting those in need.

The topics are always chosen that are truly pressing and important for modern society.

Thus, 2011 was devoted to the problems of antimicrobial drugs. In 2012, the relationship between aging and health was examined. 2013 was dedicated to the problems of hypertensive patients.

In 2014, issues related to insect-borne diseases were considered. 2015 was all about food safety.

In 2016, diabetic issues were resolved. But the theme of 2017 will be entirely devoted to depression.

The purpose of this year's events is to convey to people the information that depression is treatable. However, it is quite difficult to cope with such a disaster on your own.

But it’s worth turning to specialists and losing many questions related to a person’s moral state. In addition, there are effective methods for preventing depression.

The issues of depression among young people aged 15–29 are especially relevant. It is this category of patients who are susceptible to depression, which is the second cause of suicide.

Health day traditions

In addition to official themes and proclaimed slogans, Health Day has its own already established traditions.

For people with real health problems, mobile examination centers are quite interesting. Here you can get free advice from leading medical specialists, measure your blood pressure, find out your sugar levels, check your eyesight and do other available express diagnostics.

It is on this day that the “Time to be Healthy” campaign is held in Russia. It is aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. This event is attended by athletes and doctors, nutritionists and trainers, artists and ordinary citizens.

Everyone has the opportunity to participate in sports flash mobs, races over various distances, and master classes on cooking healthy and dietary foods.

Congratulations on Health Day

Our health is priceless. You can't buy it for any money. On this holiday, it is worth remembering that health is not only the absence of disease, but also the state of our soul. Therefore, we wish to find unity between body and spirit, to find mutual understanding with ourselves and other people. Be healthy!

On Health Day, I wish you to always be in shape, eat tasty and healthy foods, and don’t forget about movement. Believe in yourself, love sports and do your best to work on yourself. Build your character every day and discover interesting opportunities for a healthy life.

Breathe deeply and evenly,

Let's celebrate Health Day together,

Let's give up cakes and sweets,

And also from unhealthy diets,

Let's start the day with exercises,

And not with chocolate,

Let's celebrate the holiday in the gym,

Not on the Internet, but in real life.

I want to congratulate you on Health Day,

And I’ll tell you the important rules.

Take care and store it carefully.

Take a firm step with confidence.

Don't walk in the cold without a hat,

Collect all the diseases in an armful,

Go to the gym

To the playground or to the dance hall.

Larisa, March 30, 2017.

In the modern world, people's health is increasingly influenced by many different factors associated with the urbanization of life. These are poorly controlled economic development, environmental pollution, ozone layer depletion, deforestation and land expansion, poverty of the population... Increased sales of food products leads to the spread of food-related diseases. Changing moral standards and promiscuity of behavior lead to the emergence of such dangerous diseases as AIDS, and the impact of alcohol and tobacco on people's health can be compared to the consequences of a worldwide epidemic. The World Health Organization is engaged in resolving all issues and reducing their impact on human life, on whose initiative April 7, the date of adoption of the WHO charter, is celebrated throughout the world as World Health Day.

Happy Health Day,
We wish you a vigorous spirit,
Don't mope in bad weather,
Live brightly and actively.

Forget about illnesses
Be friends with physical education,
So that even at ninety
Climb to the peaks!

We wish you good health on your day
Always be healthy for everyone,
Monitor your general condition
And forget everything about illnesses,
It's time for us to eat right
And exclude all harmful things,
Do more sports
And always love your life!

Happy Health Day
Today I am everyone in the world,
So that we can be healthy
Everyone - both adults and children.

May health give us
Happiness, joy and success,
Let the only medicine
We will have a cheerful laugh,

I wish you to always live actively,
Have good health
And think only positively,
So as not to get sick forever!

At the same time, bad habits
I wish you to be excluded!
More clean water
Try to drink daily!

Eat healthy, healthy,
And also play sports,
Live brightly and interestingly
And enjoy every moment!

Happy Health Day,
And I wish you well
Keep your health
Take care of him always!

Eat more vitamins
Play sports, drink water,
Temper yourself, get busy,
Every day you are younger!

In the cold, wear warm clothes,
And don't walk through puddles,
Drink hot things more often
And avoid fast foods.

Happy Health Day
Everyone who wants to be healthy,
I wish that in life
You didn't know the doctors.

So that colds don't stick to you,
The heart and liver were not playing tricks,
About pills and injections,
Forever so that you forget.

I wish you
Take care of your health
All my problems are with him,
May you heal with love.

Health is this priceless gift.
Is he suddenly gone? Then - fire!
This is not life, but simply fear.
So let's take an important step -
Let's maintain our health.
We will avoid all problems with him.
And let's figure it out: What to drink? What is?
Where to hurry, when to sit down?
Let's save our health -
We will live in a new way!

Happy Health Day,
Let it not limp!
I remind you
What everyone has known for a long time -
It’s good for everyone to harden up,
And also - walk!
Promise yourself firmly
Always be healthy!

I'll tell you out of friendship,
That you need to take care of your health
Don't walk around in winter without a hat,
Warm yourself up if it's chilly
Eat more vitamins
And listen to the advice of your elders.
I am with care and love
Happy Health Day!

It's time to know about this -
That everything is serious.
Health is important
Yes, it’s not always possible!
We need to work with this
And be gentle.
Here's something we won't notice -
It will go away carelessly...
When you dream of being but healthy...
Make up your mind, you know -
Know how to save the foundation!

World Health Day, celebrated every year on April 7, the founding day of the World Health Organization (WHO), is a unique opportunity to mobilize action on a pressing health issue.

The WHO World Health Day 2018 motto is:

"Health for everyone!"

The most important question for all of us is to what extent the cities, towns and other populated areas in which we live provide the opportunity to lead a healthy lifestyle in its broad sense. This includes the presence of adequate conditions for work and leisure, the development of socio-economic infrastructure, a favorable environmental situation, reliable public safety, law and order, a high general and everyday culture of residents, as well as motivation of the population to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In international practice, municipalities are a key part of policies to improve the health and well-being of the population. At the local level, specific needs of people are formed related to a healthy lifestyle, the quality of their living environment, and the availability of medical care. Work to improve health should be carried out on the basis of an intersectoral partnership, including the efforts of not only doctors, but all social workers, employers, entrepreneurs, heads of municipal administrations, with the active participation of non-profit public organizations and the media. The result of such work is assessed not only in treated and examined patients, but also in healthy, active, viable and able-bodied citizens.

Adopted on March 28, 2018 in Ulyanovsk Declaration of Russian Healthy Cities in support of the Copenhagen Consensus of Mayors “Healthier and happier cities for all”, which was signed in February 2018 in Denmark (at the UN complex) by city leaders working within the framework of the WHO Regional Office for Europe “Healthy Cities” project. The Declaration calls for action together to improve the health and well-being of all people who live, learn, work and play in our cities.

It is impossible to form a responsible attitude towards one’s health in modern society without the media. The effectiveness of the municipality’s policy to create a health-saving environment largely depends on how competently, professionally, and accessible the information about opportunities and methods of maintaining health is. To develop value orientations and motivation to improve one’s own health, information should be regular and take into account the interests of the audience and its age characteristics.

The promotion of healthy lifestyle ideas on social networks and outdoor advertising is currently becoming particularly effective. Competent information policy, socially significant events and campaigns, educational programs - all these are basic components in the work to motivate the population to lead a healthy lifestyle. Awareness-raising activities should be carried out according to the principle: from one-day targeted actions to long-term campaigns that involve influencing specific population groups.

The basis of an educational campaign on a healthy lifestyle should be propaganda healthy numbers, compliance with which will preserve human health for many years:

  • Healthy physical activity numbers: 10,000 steps per day; at least 30 minutes of moderate and 20 minutes of intense physical activity.
  • Healthy eating numbers: at least 500 g (5 servings) of raw vegetables and fruits per day, less than 5 g of salt per day, 30-50 g of nuts per day.
  • Healthy body weight numbers: waist circumference is less than or equal to 94 cm in men and less than or equal to 80 cm in women, 19-25 is the optimal body mass index.
  • Healthy number: 0 cigarettes per day.
  • Healthy Cardiovascular Numbers: below 5 mmol/l – total cholesterol, below 140/90 mmHg. Art. - arterial pressure.

Diagnostic criteria for risk factors for non-communicable diseases:

  • Elevated blood pressure level greater than or equal to 140/90 mmHg. Art. or antihypertensive therapy.
  • Dyslipidemia is a deviation from the norm of one or more indicators of lipid metabolism: total cholesterol more than or equal to 5 mmol/l; HDL in men ≤ 1.0 mmol/l, in women ≤ 1.2 mmol/l; LDL cholesterol ≥ 3 mmol/l; TG ≥ 1.7 mmol/l or lipid-lowering therapy.
  • Elevated blood glucose levels – fasting plasma glucose levels more than 6.1 mmol/l or hypoglycemic therapy.
  • Tobacco smoking is smoking 1 or more cigarettes per day.
  • Poor nutrition – excessive consumption of food, fats, carbohydrates, consumption of table salt more than 5 grams per day (adding salt to cooked food, frequent consumption of pickles, canned food, sausages), insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables (less than 500 grams or less than 5 servings per day) .
  • Overweight - body mass index 25-29.9 kg/m2, obesity - body mass index equal to or more than 30 kg/m2.
  • Low physical activity - walking at a moderate or brisk pace for less than 30 minutes per day.

An epidemiological study is conducted annually in the Moscow region prevalence of factors risk of non-communicable diseases. The portrait of the Moscow region based on the results of a study in 2017 is as follows:

  • The prevalence of low physical activity is 47% in men and 49% in women.
  • The Moscow region is one of the five most “obese” subjects of the Russian Federation; in total, obesity and overweight are determined in 64% of men and 69% of women.
  • The prevalence of insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits is 44% in men and 50% in women.
  • Increased levels of total blood cholesterol are observed in 42% of men and women.
  • High blood pressure is detected in 28% of men and 37% of women.
  • 29% of men and 10% of women smoke.

WITH April 3 to April 8, 2018 will be held throughout the country annual All-Russian Action “Be Healthy!”, timed to coincide with World Health Day, the goal of which is to form among the population a competent understanding of health, the mechanisms of its maintenance, as well as the development of the necessary skills and abilities to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Main objectives of the Promotion:

  • Preservation and strengthening of the physical health of the population;
  • Attracting the attention of the country's residents to increasing the level of physical activity;
  • Increasing the level of motivation of the population to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Informing the population about the importance of timely medical examinations and medical examinations;
  • Study of the level of medical literacy of the population on the issues of major non-communicable diseases and risk factors for their occurrence.

Russian Association to improve the health and quality of life of the population "Healthy cities, districts and towns" on World Health Day calls for A unified citywide mass physical education and sports event “Exercise for everyone!” in all municipalities.

The Moscow Regional Center for Medical Prevention (Branch for Medical Prevention of GAUZMO KTSVMiR) recommends the following awareness-raising events dedicated to World Health Day:

  • Mass sports and recreational events: morning exercises (including in educational institutions, on the central square of the city, in parks and in sports and recreation complexes, in shopping centers), sports competitions, active games, walking routes “10,000 steps to health”, passing GTO standards, dance flash mobs, physical education trainings, master classes with the participation of media persons (famous athletes, actors, etc.).
  • Creation of a health area in the city, incl. smoking-free zones.
  • Educational events - open health schools on the prevention of cardiovascular, oncological, bronchopulmonary diseases and diabetes.
  • Medical consultation and screening examinations with the involvement of medical workers of Health Centers for adults and children, departments (offices) of medical prevention, therapists, general practitioners, cardiologists, endocrinologists, psychologists.

And also, hold events such as:

  • Thematic lesson on the basics of a healthy lifestyle with the holding of a school exhibition of drawings “Healthy Me – Healthy Russia”.
  • Brain-ring– a game format of an event between teams on the topic of a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of non-communicable diseases (see Appendix for schoolchildren and students). Download Download
  • "Energy point"– an organized place to discuss with the population the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle in various formats (see Appendix). Download
  • Blitz survey with the population in question-answer format.
  • Relay race on social networks “Life hacks for healthy lifestyle”– useful tips and stories of personal examples of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Report on the activities carried out please submit to the Moscow Regional Center for Medical Prevention (Branch for Medical Prevention of GAUZMO KTSVMiR) by email [email protected] no later than May 20, 2018.

International Health Day was created to regularly remind the public of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and being active. After all, medicine knows more than 50 thousand different diseases, and most of them can be successfully treated. As the whole world knows, preventing the development of diseases is much easier than treating them.

Through the holiday, humanity is conveyed the goal of carrying out regular preventive work and taking care of their health. This day is not yet a public holiday, but all of Russia invariably organizes celebrations on April 7th.


In the middle of the last century, namely in 1948, on July 22, the International Health Organization patented this holiday, declaring it a national holiday. The holiday was celebrated for the first time in the same year and immediately acquired an international vocation among the public. Two years after its founding, the date of celebration was moved to April 7.

The date was not chosen by chance; the healthcare organization relied on historical facts. Namely, the holiday was established when 194 states, including Russia, became part of the world organization.

Every year the celebration takes on a specific theme. Eg:

  1. 2009 - focusing the attention of medical institutions on emergency cases, the readiness of all employees to provide assistance in emergency situations.
  2. 2010 - transfer of recreational activities to city streets.
  3. 2012 - promotion of a healthy image for people of all generations. Regardless of social status, age and gender, people should lead full lives.
  4. 2014 - carriers of infections. There were lectures on how to protect yourself from insect bites, first aid for a bite, and information on what diseases insects can carry.
  5. 2015 and 2016 - quality food products. The topics of proper nutrition and the safety of products offered by stores and markets were discussed.


Traditionally, many educational events are held on this day. Thanks to financial assistance from the state, volunteers distribute propaganda products in the form of leaflets, which are also sent to state enterprises and educational institutions.

Pop stars record videos, drawing public attention to the epidemic and urging everyone to undergo routine examinations. In case of illness, immediately seek help from specialists.

Charity events are actively held on this day. Many cities host physical exercises led by international athletes.