
Job description for live-in nanny. Household staff: job responsibilities of a nanny. What you need to know and be able to do to work as a nanny

I. General provisions
1 Nanny at home belongs to the category
2 A home nanny is appointed and dismissed by the employer and reports directly to the employer.
3 A home nanny should know:
basics of child psychology
basics of first aid
fundamentals of pedagogy
safety precautions when working with household appliances
knowledge of traffic rules

During the absence of the Nanny at home (vacation, illness, etc.), her duties are performed by a temporary nanny or the child’s parents.

II. Job responsibilities of a nanny at home

You should come to work no later than the allotted time, but in advance to wash your hands, (change clothes if necessary), clean yourself up and start working with your child at the appointed time.
All circumstances that prevent you from going to work at the appointed time must be reported by telephone in advance, at least 3 hours before the departure time. By telephone, obtain Parents' consent regarding going to work in cases of the slightest ailment/illness.

When working or interacting with your child, wear clean, neat clothes. Be sure to maintain hygiene: wash your hands regularly, come to work with trimmed nails and no polish, and avoid wearing perfume when interacting with your child.

Strictly follow the daily routine. The daily routine is drawn up by Parents in written and/or oral form.

Keep a daily diary of the child and make notes about all changes in the behavior and nutrition of the child entrusted to her.

Prepare food and feed the child according to the agreed schedule. Sterilize dishes after feeding.

Walk your child every day, regardless of the weather. Take walks with your child only in places agreed upon with the Parents and only along agreed routes. If she wishes to change the route, the home nanny must consult with the Parents and obtain their verbal consent.

Arrive from a walk in accordance with your daily routine.

During a walk, carefully select children (and parents/nannies) for communication from the point of view of their absence of symptoms of colds and other illnesses, as well as their manner of communication in general.

Cross roads only in designated places and only when the traffic light is green, be sure to hold your child’s hand.

Study and understand the child’s everyday habits and character, as well as the rules of behavior and family foundations.

Take all measures to prevent accidents at home. Immediately inform Parents about all accidents that happen to the child (bruises, falls, poisoning, etc.) and immediately provide first aid. If necessary, call a doctor.

Engage in self-study, improving your professional nanny skills. Study development methods, if necessary, keep abreast of new toys for children, use age-appropriate educational games.

Show increased patience, confidence and consistency in raising and communicating with your child. Patiently explain and tell, talk to the child in a universal human language.

Monitor the length of the child’s nails, the cleanliness of clothes, shoes, household items, toys and other objects surrounding the child;

Use household items and kitchen appliances carefully, remembering to turn them off after use.

Regularly carry out wet cleaning in the child’s room, wash and iron children’s underwear as necessary. When cleaning, always put detergents and items in their place, out of reach of a child. They are naturally interesting to him.

After bathing, wash the bathtub and rinse all toys, draining any water that gets inside the toys to avoid the formation of fungus.

Clean up the children's room before leaving.

Accompany your child when traveling from to school and to extracurricular activities.

A nanny at home has the right:

1 Receive from the employer the information necessary to carry out their activities.
2 Refuse to carry out assignments that are not included in the list of direct job responsibilities.
3 Require the employer to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.
4 Refuse to carry out assignments that could jeopardize the child’s health and life or cause physical or moral harm to the child.

IV. Job responsibilities of a nanny at home

A home nanny is responsible for:
1 For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by labor legislation.
2 For offenses or harm to a child committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by administrative, criminal and civil legislation.
3 For causing material damage - within the limits determined by current legislation
4 For disclosing private information about parents and children to third parties.
5 For leaving a child in danger.

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Nanny, nanny - what associations do you have with this word? For me personally, this is a nanny in kindergarten. He will come, wash the pots, serve lunch and help you get dressed for a walk, this is how I remember my nanny. Some people know about the nanny only from Pushkin’s poems, while the nanny nursed someone’s grandmother right up to her marriage.

Tell me, how many of you adults were raised by a nanny? I think only a few. In Soviet times, it was believed that kindergarten is the best teacher, and nannying is a bourgeois habit. Now everything is flowing, everything is changing. The pace of life is no longer the same, and many people now do not have a clear work schedule. Shift work, irregular hours, business trips, various trips, it happens that there is simply no one to pick up the child from kindergarten! Or perhaps parents just want them to have time for themselves, for their personal life, so to speak.

So why not ask a nanny for help? Just don't be afraid of this word. A modern nanny is not a grandmother from next door who wants to get a small increase in her pension - she is basically an educated, self-confident woman. She usually has a higher education and often more than one, and she can do more than just spend time with your child, wash, change clothes and feed you. A qualified nanny can teach a child many things necessary in life.

So, have you decided to invite a nanny for your baby? Where to start?

Where do nannies come from?

Good employees are passed on from hand to hand, because... It is sometimes difficult for parents to entrust their child to a stranger. If you don’t have a friend like Mary Poppins, then you have only 2 options: an agency or look for a nanny yourself. We will talk about this in the next article...

Nanny responsibilities

Now let's pretend that you already have a nanny, and what would you like her to do. Sometimes mothers confuse the concepts of nanny and cleaning lady and demand the impossible from her. For example, vacuum the house or wash the windows during the day!! Who will be with the child at this time? Therefore, the list of responsibilities recorded on paper must be discussed with the new employee in advance, so that there are no unpleasant surprises for either you or her.

Now let's look at an approximate list of activities that an ordinary modern nanny should do.

  1. Supervise the child and ensure his safety.
  2. Cook for the baby, feed him, clean the eating area, and also monitor the child’s diet yourself, create a correct and balanced menu. Naturally, the menu, after drawing up, or during the process, is negotiated with the mother or both parents.
  3. Take care of the child, carry out all necessary hygiene procedures, treat the child as prescribed by the doctor, if necessary. Monitor the cleanliness of the baby’s hands and clothes, as well as the cleanliness of toys, a high chair and other items that surround the baby.
  4. Inform parents about the need to replenish baby food or diapers.
  5. Maintain a daily routine.
  6. Maintain order in the nursery and in all places in the apartment where the baby is.
  7. Walk with the child, depending on the weather and his condition.
  8. While walking, pay attention to whether there are children around the child with obvious signs of colds, and, importantly, very “ill-mannered” children or their parents, who can somehow have a detrimental effect on the ward. If necessary, change the place of walking.
  9. Immediately inform parents about all incidents with the child: falls, bruises, animal bites, etc....
  10. Be patient, consistent, calm and confident in communicating with your child.
  11. Do not criticize the child, do not introduce too many rules and restrictions for the baby. At the same time, prohibit activities that are dangerous to the life and health of the child, be sure to explain the reason to the child.
  12. Regularly engage in developmental activities with your child: reading, drawing, modeling. It is also necessary to develop the child’s motor skills, memory, thinking, attention, imagination, and perseverance.
  13. By personal example, teach the child to cleanliness, order, neatness, and decency.
  14. Do not discuss information about the places and working conditions of the child’s family members with third parties.

It's a pretty big list. And, mind you, we demand from the nanny what we do ourselves. Therefore, any mother, if desired, can make her own list by simply writing down all her household chores related to the child.

Here is another small list of what a nanny SHOULD NOT do under any circumstances!

  1. Leaving a child unattended, anywhere: at home, on the street or somewhere else.
  2. Give a child new products without the consent of the parents, unless she has been given such a right in advance.
  3. Give medications without informing parents or consulting a doctor.
  4. Caring for a child while unwell or in poor health.
  5. Scold, punish and shout at the child.
  6. Watch and talk on the phone while looking after the baby. Of course, there are urgent conversations, but a normal nanny shouldn’t be on the phone with a friend.
  7. Mind your personal affairs while the child is awake: crossword puzzles, knitting, etc.
  8. Combine walks with your baby with your personal affairs: going to the store, a cafe with a friend, walking your dog, etc. Also, walking routes must be agreed upon with the parents and followed by the nanny.
  9. Leaving the child with another person, even for a minute.
  10. Invite or allow anyone into the house where she works without obtaining the consent of the employer.

Quite a list too. How can you keep track of all this, does the nanny follow all the rules? How can you tell if she is working with the child?

You will simply need to spend the first few days with the nanny. This is necessary so that the baby gets used to it and so that the nanny knows where everything is, how and what you prepare for the baby, whether he has allergies, whether he is afraid of something, where you go for walks, etc.

Of course, after the nanny and the child have adapted to each other, being constantly present with them all the time is not an option. And the nanny will feel constrained, and the baby will behave, on the contrary, disobediently in relation to the nanny, because there is a mother nearby. Therefore, to check the nanny there are several options.

  • Video camera - simple and reliable. Here you will immediately have evidence, if necessary, and you will have peace of mind if you see how well the nanny deals with and cares for your child.
  • Parents who suddenly showed up in the middle of the day, as if for forgotten documents or something else
  • A friend sent to the playground to monitor how the nanny is looking after the baby
  • If a nanny works with a child, then his success will tell you about it. However, don’t expect to notice anything in a week.

The very first few days that you spend with the nanny will let you know whether you want to have such a “family member” or not. If you are not satisfied with something, speak up right away, do not keep silent, get angry, and then flare up like a match at one fine moment.

Also remember that a nanny who will meet the above requirements cannot be cheap. Therefore, if you have hired a qualified person and pay him the appropriate fee, then you have every right to demand that all your requirements that you agreed in advance be fulfilled, but the nanny also has the right not to do what you did not agree on.

After all, you are an ordinary employer, and the nanny is an ordinary employee. So, perhaps, having this, and possibly another list of requirements, you will change more than one nanny. Just don’t get too carried away, you also have a third party – your child. And if you see that the baby dotes on the nanny, but she doesn’t suit you in some small details, then maybe you should give up your principles and make sure that it’s good, first of all, for your child, and not for your pride.

So, now you know what the responsibilities of a nanny at home are, and you can safely start looking for a new “family member”.

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The moment is approaching when your child will become more independent and inquisitive, and just being at home will no longer be enough for him. But, as a rule, along with this, the time comes for the mother to return to work from maternity leave. Accordingly, a choice arises: who to entrust the further development of the child to? Of course, each family has its own views and capabilities, but it should be noted that the services of nannies and governesses are becoming increasingly popular.

If you also decide to choose the option with a nanny, then this article will be useful for you: you will find out what exactly the responsibilities of a nanny are. Today, as a rule, the selection of a nanny is trusted, however, you should still know what kind of employee you need and what he should be able to do.

It is necessary to understand that the work of a nanny itself is very specific. In fact, a nanny is a person who replaces a child’s parents in their absence. Only a person who combines love for children with perseverance and gentleness is able to be a truly good nanny.

A very important point is that the child must like the nanny and be able to establish contact with him. You must trust this person as you trust yourself, just as you trust him with your child. And the further development of your child directly depends on whether the child and the nanny find a common language. And the child himself should under no circumstances feel uncomfortable with her.

So what are the responsibilities of a nanny?

  • ensuring the child's neatness
  • maintaining hygiene
  • cooking for baby
  • following a daily routine agreed upon with the child’s parents
  • keeping the child's room clean
  • keeping your child's things and toys clean
  • walks with a child
  • conducting educational and logic games
  • learning to read, write, draw, etc.
  • control and assistance with homework
  • and most importantly – ensuring the safety of the child

Before hiring a nanny, you should find out whether your moral standards coincide with the principles of raising a candidate for the position of nanny.
It should also be noted that all the requirements that you present to the future nanny of your child must be recorded in the contract when hiring in order to avoid misunderstandings and other little things in the future.

Additional nanny responsibilities

By and large, by mutual agreement, the nanny can do other housework, for example, cooking not only for the child, but also for the rest of the family, or, for example, maintaining order in the entire house, and not just in the child’s room . But, as we noted earlier, all these points must be fixed in the employment contract. At the same time, it is still worth taking into account that you should not overload the nanny with household chores, since, first of all, she is still a nanny, that is, a person involved in raising and caring for your child. And to maintain order, a housekeeper is more suitable. Our agency will be happy to help you select a nanny for your child. We will definitely take into account your wishes!

In everyday communication in kindergarten, an assistant teacher is called a nanny. As the name of this position suggests, the nanny is supposed to help with his responsibilities - caring for the children. But what exactly does this concept include?

Responsibilities of an assistant teacher

An assistant teacher is a junior kindergarten staff, but it is the nanny who has the same contact with the children in the kindergarten as the teacher himself. The group usually has one nanny and two teachers. From the very early morning she helps to receive children from their parents and undress them. Then he gets breakfast in the kitchen, brings it to the group, puts it on plates and sets the tables. After meals, the nanny collects and washes the dishes and ensures that they are sufficiently disinfected. After classes with children conducted by the teacher, the nanny helps gather the children for a walk, dress them, monitor their safety and order when building a group. Sometimes she is present during the walk, but more often she has things to do in the group while the children are away.

The nanny helps undress the children after a walk, brings lunch and then dinner from the kitchen, feeds the children, then helps the teacher undress and dress them before and after their nap. Twice a day, the assistant teacher is required to carry out wet cleaning of the group - dusting and washing the floors in the hallway, group, bedroom and other rooms. The nanny must tidy up the toys in the group and on the site, wash them after a walk, keep the group’s equipment in order, and report any breakdowns or replacement of furniture or toys. Also, according to the schedule, the nanny carries out quartzing of the premises. The disinfection and sanitary treatment regime for the group is observed especially strictly when teaching, so the assistant teacher must be aware of all sanitary standards.

The nanny obeys the teacher in everything and together with him helps raise and educate children according to the rules accepted in the group: she explains to children how to sit at tables, how to eat and behave, how to lay out toys, set tables and make beds. General rules and requirements in a group must be followed jointly by its members. The nanny helps take children to additional classes and picks them up after them, and also helps the teacher prepare for classes in the group itself and puts things in order after them. The nanny monitors the cleanliness of children's bed linen and towels in the restroom and kitchen, changes them if necessary, but at least once every 10 days. She is also required to wash the windows in the group 2 times a year. If necessary, the nanny can replace sick teachers or keep an eye on the children during sleep when the teacher has things to do outside the group.

Responsibilities of the assistant teacher

The teacher's assistant is with the children all day, monitors them and is responsible for them in the same way as the teacher. In addition, the nanny is obliged to monitor the safety of her pupils’ belongings and toys and the group’s equipment. The nanny is obliged to know safety precautions and follow them when dealing with children in matters of their lives and health. She is also responsible for fulfilling all the rules that are established for the assistant teacher in a particular kindergarten.

Are you busy looking for a nanny for your baby and want to know what her rights and responsibilities are? We will try to outline everything you need to know about the work of a professional nanny (with or without live-in nanny) in this article.

A nanny is a person whom you invite into your family and who will professionally raise and care for your child. It is very important to find a nanny who will create a pleasant atmosphere in the family, who will sincerely care about your child and build friendly relationships with him.

If you decide to hire a nanny, contact reliable recruitment agencies that are responsible for the services provided. Under no circumstances take a stranger into your home through private advertisements.

Responsibilities of a live-in nanny

To avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in the future, you need to know what the rights and responsibilities of a nanny are in a live-in family. When concluding an agreement for the provision of child care services, you can together draw up and agree on a list of basic and additional responsibilities. Their number and specificity depend on the age of the child. As a rule, the list of main responsibilities of a nanny and caring for a baby (up to a year) includes:

  • comprehensive care for the baby, including feeding, maintaining a routine, walking, and performing hygiene procedures;
  • call the child by name, treat him delicately and in accordance with all pedagogical standards;
  • The nanny prepares food for the child, washes and sterilizes children’s dishes;
  • she keeps the children's room clean, washes and irons the baby's clothes and bedding;
  • The nanny must ensure that the baby is not injured during games or other pastimes;
  • urgently inform you about all accidents that happen to the baby;
  • The nanny must be able to play active and educational games with the baby, in accordance with his age and level of development;
  • she should bathe the child, give him a massage, do gymnastics with him;
  • The nanny must be able to provide first aid and have basic knowledge of the child’s physiology;
  • monitor the child’s well-being and report suspected illnesses;
  • comply only with the requirements you set;
  • maintain confidentiality;
  • engage in personal affairs without sacrificing time to care for your baby;
  • The nanny is not allowed to open the front door to third parties without your knowledge;
  • do not leave the child unattended;
  • coordinate intentions to change the regime or other issues with you.

Responsibilities of a nanny in a family without residence

You can also hire a nanny who will work on a schedule that suits you. Her rights and responsibilities are the same as those of a live-in nanny, which are given above. The only additional nuance is that the nanny should not be late.

If you begin to notice that your baby is capricious when he sees the nanny, does not want to go into her arms, or is afraid, then this is an alarming signal. Perhaps the nanny treats him rudely or the child experiences psychological discomfort.