
DIY craft box. Master class with step-by-step photos. Master class: a box for needlework from a box Boxes for sewing and handicrafts with your own hands

To store jewelry and small accessories, you don’t have to buy expensive boxes or organizers. It’s enough to simply make a jewelry box from cardboard with your own hands. Most people at home have wrapping paper, small pieces of lace, beads or beads and other materials that can be used to create an original box.

Components for manufacturing:

Cardboard box shape

Simple rectangular or square

A DIY cardboard box for handicrafts is formed from a box and paper tubes. First you need to choose a suitable base for the box - for example, a shoe box. It is better to take a base for the bottom approximately the size of an A4 sheet or less, this will make the finishing process easier.

To form the tubes you will need glue and knitting needles. For weaving, you can use tubes made from ordinary printing paper, waste press and magazines. The finished cardboard box can be painted with acrylic paints or left as usual.

It is advantageous to use colored paper for a printer: it has a wide color palette.

The process of creating a cardboard box with your own hands will not take much time. First, on the outside of the box you need to glue vertical tubes that serve as guides. You need to glue at intervals of 4-6 cm - it all depends on the size of the box. Then the tubes are bent onto the side edges, and then inward.

A compacted cardboard of suitable size is glued to the bottom, which will hide the place where the tubes are attached. Then the tubes are intertwined around the circumference of the base. The lid also folds.

Round box

For needlewomen, a round spool of tape left over is an expensive material. This base can be used in different types of needlework: decoupage or scrapbooking, decorated with coffee beans, seed beads, beads, jewelry stones, glued on leather or fabric. To make a box from round cardboard with your own hands, it is recommended to use interwoven cardboard.

First you need to attach the reel to the cardboard and draw three circles along the inner and two outer diameters. Circles with a smaller diameter are glued together; it is recommended to use Moment glue. Treat the finished element with sandpaper and glue it to a circle of larger diameter, placing it in the central part.

As a result, a lid will be formed that will seal the box tightly.

If there is a need to sand the edges. The box layout is ready. You can decorate it to your taste with different beads and decorative stones using any needlework technique. The lid can be made slightly protruding: you need to enlarge one of the circles with a larger diameter. This will make the box easier to open.

Heart shaped box

This heart-shaped box is perfect as a wrapper for a Valentine's Day surprise. First of all, you need to cut out a heart-shaped element from cardboard - this is the bottom of the box, the dimensions of which will determine the parameters of the box as a whole. Then you need to cut a wide strip of cardboard with teeth on one side. Glue the strip to the bottom. Assemble the other side in the same way.

You need to glue the two halves of the walls and secure them with paper clips, wait for the glue to dry. Decorate the inside and outside of the box with paper with different textures or patterns. Glue two pieces of fringe to the base - they will act as curtains on which the lid is held. Next, cut out the second heart, this will be the top cover. It needs to be glued to the curtains.

Decorated paper should be glued in the same way. Then you need to decorate the cardboard box in the shape of a heart to your taste. Alternatively, you can glue lace along the contour. Decorate the top with flowers, beads, ribbons, etc.

How to make a lid for a box

Decorate the box with fabric

To decorate a cardboard box with your own hands, you can use not only old press or wallpaper, but also decorate it with fabric. Using the covering, it is possible to cover the box with fabric. Such a thing can serve as a separate gift, as well as as an organizer for storing small household items, for example: toys for children, home decor items, sewing supplies.

Materials and accessories that are indispensable for covering the box with fabric:

  1. Box. When choosing, you are allowed to apply the rules described above for working with press, magazines, and wallpaper.
  2. The fabric itself will be used to cover the box.
  3. Specialized glue, tape.
  4. Sharp scissors.
  5. You may need an awl, as well as a strong cord (you need to choose the color of the fabric).

In order to do everything accurately and get an excellent result, you need to follow the recommendations:

Soft box made of cardboard and fabric

You can make a box with your own hands from compacted cardboard and cover it with fabric. Make the lid using padding polyester - it will be soft. This box is perfect for storing jewelry and craft materials. The parameters of such a box are 18 cm by 9 cm. Also, you can enter your own size based on what you will use it for.

To create you need:

  • thick paper,
  • matter,
  • filler,
  • glue,
  • stationery,
  • paper tape.

You need to draw a circle of the required diameter on thick paper and cut it out. For the sides, cut out rectangles.


  • Use tape and clamps to form a box.
  • Cover the box.
  • Cover the bottom of the box with fabric.
  • To seal the side edges, cut out a rectangle from not very thick cardboard and cover it with fabric.
  • Cut out a lid from cardboard and glue the side. Place the padding polyester on the lid and cover it with cloth.
  • Use an additional piece of paper and fabric to cover the edge of the lid.

Pincushion box

To create a pincushion box you need:

  • White fabric with polka dots.
  • Satin ribbon.
  • A roll of tape.
  • Compacted cardboard.
  • Glue gun or regular quality glue.
  • Scrapbooking paper.
  • Stationery.
  • Fillers.

Instructions for making a cardboard pincushion box with your own hands:

The pincushion box is almost ready - all that remains is to decorate:

  • Glue red satin ribbon on top, bottom and sides.
  • Trace the spool on a white fabric with scarlet polka dots.
  • Sew the fabric, leave half unsewn.
  • Cut the parts so that the seam does not come apart.
  • Turn right side out.
  • Insert the cardboard circle into the fabric.
  • Put some filler inside.
  • Glue the bottom of the fabric with cardboard.
  • Add more filler, fold the top of the fabric, and glue it to the cardboard.

In order to decorate the cover of the pincushion, make a bow from ribbon and glue it to the cover.

Master class on creating a box with drawers

You can make an excellent box with retractable drawers with your own hands from available resources, such as cardboard or matchboxes. Regular matchboxes will only hold tiny rings, but if you buy travel or fireplace matches, you can make a full-fledged box.

Required items to create a box:

Formation will take very little time:

  • matchboxes, without a layer of sulfur, glued together;
  • Glue thick cardboard on the outside;
  • surfaces that are visible to decorate with wallpaper or film;
  • Secure decorative buttons onto fishing line or wire using an awl.

If desired, decorate with beads, drawings, bows.

Box in the shape of a doll sofa

Instructions for making a box in the form of a doll sofa:

Step-by-step instructions for an organizer box

To design an organizer box you must have:

  • untreated wooden box;
  • velvet fabric;
  • high-quality glue;
  • tassels.

Tools needed to create an organizer box:


  • Treat the wooden box with stain; anything that is not absorbed should be wiped off with a rag.
  • Using a drill, you need to drill a hole in the center in order to fix the handle
  • Cut two pieces of fabric slightly smaller than the bottom and lid of the box. Then you need to cut another piece half the size. Next you need to lay a short piece of fabric on a long one and stitch it to make a pocket. Secure the velvet fabric and organizer inside the lid and at the bottom of the box.

Box in the shape of a book with a hiding place

Instructions for making a hiding box:

Making a box in shabby chic style

Components for making a box:

You need to cut out a pattern from a decoupage napkin, then divide it into layers. Cover the entire area of ​​the pre-made cardboard box with paint. Use a hairdryer to dry and leave until completely dry. Rub the candle on the box in places where there will be abrasions. Be sure to rub the corners with a candle. Cover the box with white acrylic primer and dry.

Rub the box with sandpaper to create a worn effect. Attach the decoupage pattern to the box and apply glue on top. Let it dry and paint the edges of the pattern with your own hands. Dry and varnish.

Ideas for decorating a homemade box

A do-it-yourself cardboard box can be easily decorated with anything; beads, old unnecessary jewelry, decorative stones, buttons, etc. will do. Use your imagination, you can look at various decoration options online for inspiration. Don't be afraid to do something of your own, the main thing is that it is done from the heart.

There are many variations of creating a beautiful cardboard box at home. Have you decided to do something interesting with your own hands? Choose the option you like and act.

Video: DIY cardboard box

How to make a cardboard box with your own hands, watch the video:

Master class on how to make a cardboard box with your own hands:


A craft box differs from a regular box in several important nuances. Firstly, it must be of significant size so that all the necessary handicraft supplies can be placed in it. Secondly, it should have several compartments inside in which you can put different materials and tools.

Made from cardboard and fabric

There may be several options.

To make such a box with your own hands, which will consist of five sections, you need to prepare cardboard, fabric, glue, cardboard thread cylinders, scissors and braid. If there are no cardboard cylinders for knitting threads, you can also make them yourself from thick cardboard.

For each cylinder you need to cut out a suitable bottom from cardboard of the required diameter, and then cover them with fabric.

There should be five of these cylinders in total; they will fit most harmoniously in a handicraft box. An additional gasket on the bottom of each cylinder should also be glued with fabric and placed inside.

To seal the structure and cover uneven edges, another strip of fabric must be glued inside the cylinder. It can be in a contrasting color.

If desired, the cylinders can be decorated with braid.

Next you need to make the base and lid. To do this, take a larger cardboard that can accommodate all five cylinders. Two identical circles are cut out of cardboard, which are then connected to each other by a movable rectangle so that they can open. The width of the rectangle should be equal to the height of the cylinders.

The base is also glued with fabric.

For the inside, contrasting fabric is selected, which was used to glue the internal parts of the cylinders. They should be neat and even to hide all the unevenness of the lower layer of fabric.

The next step is to glue all the cylinders to the base. To do this, it is best to use Moment glue, which will reliably connect the fabric and cardboard together.

The box for handicrafts is ready.

From a shoe box

A box for handicraft supplies, which is based on a ready-made box, is made faster and lasts longer. The main task in this case is to decorate it beautifully and make it functional inside.

In order to make a beautiful box for needlework from a shoe box, you need to prepare: an unnecessary box, glue, scissors, decor for decoration and two cardboard cartons of juice or milk. Boxes are needed to make compartments inside.

Their number and dimensions must match the internal dimensions of the shoe box in order to fit evenly inside. If you don’t have a suitable shoe box, and you don’t want to make such “pockets” from regular cardboard, you can change the measurements of the box by cutting it along the fold lines and then gluing it again to the size you need.

All the squares are inserted inside the box and glued together to form a single solid structure.

Master class on making a craft box

Razumova Valentina Nikolaevna, teacher at the Shukhobod kindergarten
Description: I present to your attention the process of making a round box from a linoleum tube, decorated with fabric and fittings, as well as a butterfly made using the kanzashi technique. The master class will be useful for creative people, teachers of kindergartens and schools for their own self-realization in creativity. It can also be used in circle activities with older schoolchildren.
Purpose: a box for needlework, a gift for loved ones, a craft for an exhibition or competition.
Target: making a round box for needlework from waste material and fabric.
* introduce the technology of making a round box from a linoleum tube or fabric;
* develop the ability to decorate a product with fittings and butterfly decoration using the kanzashi technique;
* develop your own creative potential.

Any needlewoman, of which I include myself, always has at hand a lot of all sorts of “necessary” things, little things, beautiful trinkets, scraps that are waiting for their “finest hour” when they find their use. Until that hour comes, they often gather dust, and we listen to irritated grumbling: “When will all this end?...and how long will all this disgrace continue?!” And also: “When are you going to throw away all this trash?”
At the same time, every creative teacher knows that toilet paper rolls, buttons, shreds, bottles and bottles and other “trash” are valuable materials for creativity. You just need to find a use for it.

Manufacturing process

Today I suggest using an ordinary linoleum tube to make a beautiful box. Of course, not all of it will be needed. We need to cut off the piece we need to the size we need.

My blank has a height of 11 cm, a diameter of 11 cm. Blanks of a smaller height can also be used for making boxes.
Materials and tools:
* round blank;
* corrugated or any thick cardboard, foil cardboard.;
* scraps of green fabric;
* braid and lace in gold and green shades;
* glue: “Moment” transparent, “Superglue”, “ErichKrause”, “Moment-Montazh”;
* needle, thread, scissors, padding polyester;
* pencil, felt-tip pen;
* for making a butterfly: scraps of fabric in green and yellow shades, a candle, matches, beads, silver cord.

First we need to prepare templates for the bottom and lid of the future box. To do this, place a round base blank on thick cardboard and trace it with a pencil, first along the outside - there will be two such templates.

Next, we trace our blank along the inner contour; there will be only one such template.

We get the following blanks:

Cut out the details.

For now, we’ll leave them and start gluing the base of our future box. We coat the workpiece with glue - you can use any glue you have on hand, preferably transparent. We take a long piece of fabric (I have green), bend it in half lengthwise and gradually wrap the box with such tape, covering the uneven edges of the fabric with the previous layer.

We continue to act in the same way, gradually wrapping the entire workpiece.

Gluing the last turn of fabric, we bend the uneven edge of the tape inward. It should look something like this: beautiful and aesthetically pleasing both inside and out:

While the base of the box dries, let's work on the bottom. Take the cut out template and trace it on the fabric, stepping back a little from the edge. Cut it out.

We take a beautiful sheet of foil cardboard that matches the color of the box - this will be the inside of the bottom.

We trace the bottom template on the wrong side of the cardboard and cut it out.

The resulting blanks for making the bottom of the box were: a circle made of thick cardboard, a circle made of foil cardboard, a circle made of green fabric of a suitable color - green.

We cover the cardboard with green cloth like this, coating and folding the edges of the cloth:

We close the top with a beautiful circle of foil cardboard.

The result was a beautiful bottom of the box, covered with cardboard on one side and fabric on the other.

Glue the bottom to the box with any glue. You can arrange it in different ways, I decided to draw it inwards.

Inside view:

It’s better to put the box under pressure so that it sticks better. For this purpose, we place several books on top.
We are working on the lid of our future box ourselves. We take two templates - one made according to the outer diameter of the base of the box, the other along the inner one. We place the templates on the fabric, trace them with a felt-tip pen, making allowances of about 2 cm. Cut them out.

We sew a larger circle of fabric along the edge with a “forward needle” seam and tighten it slightly.

We stuff it with padding polyester.

Place a circle of cardboard on top and tighten the fabric. We stitch for strength.

This is what happened.

Let's start decorating the lid. Sew gold lace around the edge.

Result (view from the wrong side):

View from above:

You need to close the ugly underside of the lid. For this you will need a second part. The algorithm is the same as for the manufacture of the first part. We sew along the edge of the fabric with a needle-forward seam, pull it together and stitch it. There is no need to stuff it with padding polyester here.

The result was two lid parts trimmed with fabric, one of them with lace. Front side:

Wrong side.

Coat it with Moment glue (transparent) and glue the two parts of the lid together.

We get the following result.

We cover the top of the lid with a beautiful braid.

We also cover the bottom edge of the box itself with braid, covering the junction of the bottom and the base of the box.

The box is almost ready.

I want to decorate the lid. There can be many options. I decided to make a butterfly.

Making a butterfly using the kanzashi technique

We will need:
* scraps of fabric in green and yellow-gold shades or satin ribbons;
* candle, matches
* tweezers, scissors;
* beads, thin silver cord;
* Moment glue is transparent.

We cut the pieces of fabric into 5 by 5 cm squares. For the butterfly you will need 4 green squares and 4 yellow squares. It is better to use satin ribbons, but if there are no ribbons of suitable shades, then you can use any synthetic fabric, as in my case. We scorch the edges of the squares in the candle flame. You can also use a lighter or burner for this purpose. But a candle is more convenient for me.

Let's start making wing petals. Take the green square of fabric and bend it in half diagonally.

Then fold it diagonally again.

We take the yellow square and follow the same algorithm. Bend in half.

Half again.

We combine the resulting blanks. Place the yellow one on top of the green one.

We connect the corners of the blanks together, forming a petal. We scorch the edges in a candle flame. We use tweezers so as not to burn our fingers.

In the kanzashi technique it is called "double sharp petal". We make four such wing petals.

We cut some fabric from the underside of the petals, aligning them.

Burn the edges of the petals:


We begin to form a butterfly out of them.

We glue the wing petals together with Moment glue, first in pairs, then among themselves. For strength, I also stitch it with thread.

We form the body of the butterfly from beads, sewing or gluing them, the head of the butterfly is a black bead. We make the antennae from a thin silver cord in this way: we thread a needle and thread into the bead, grab the silver cord, and tighten it inside the bead. Apply glue to secure the antennae.
The butterfly is ready.

A DIY craft box is a unique item that every housewife needs. You can make this product yourself and give it to your mother, grandmother or friend for a special occasion. The box contains things dear to the heart, jewelry, various tools for creativity, etc.

Let's get started

This master class will tell you several variations of making various boxes.

  • Box made of box and fabric.

To perform this work we will need: a cardboard box, cotton fabric (you can use any, but for beginners cotton is most suitable), paper-based tape, a stationery knife, scissors, a simple pencil, an eraser, a ruler, clamps, transparent glue (universal) , glue stick, ribbons, various decorations.

Choose fabric according to color scheme. Distribute which material will be used for the interior, which for the exterior, and which will be suitable for the lid.

Cut out the fabric using a pencil and eraser to create an even outline. Allow extra space for allowances (2-4 cm). Wrap the box with fabric, after making cuts with a stationery knife in those places where it will not stick through. Clips and paper tape will help you with this; they can be removed from the fabric without leaving marks on it.

You need to use a glue stick in an amount depending on the type of fabric. That is, if you are covering a future box with cotton or satin, then you need to apply a thin, barely noticeable layer to the cardboard. And if the fabric is dense and multi-layered, then use glue more generously. You need to do the same with the material on the inside of the box. In corners, at joints, under the lid - it is better to use universal glue, applying it to the cardboard with a dotted line.

Do not use on the outside of the box, it will leave stains and ruin the entire structure.

If desired, at the joints of the fabric on the inside and outside, very carefully apply glue using an openwork ribbon. This will give the box a particularly cute look. But without the ribbon, the product will also look impressive - the openwork is not used in the photo. Decorate the finished box with a variety of buttons, appliqués, rhinestones, etc.

  • Wooden box.

To make a wooden box you need: masking tape, PVA glue, hinges, wooden trim or slats, wood veneer (you can choose the color, texture and other characteristics yourself), plywood.

Choose the dimensions for your future box yourself, depending on what you would like to use it for.

Make the base larger than the lid, this will have a positive effect on the appearance of the future product. We glue the ends of the walls at an angle of 45 degrees using PVA glue. We grind the base and walls in advance until gluing. You should also take care in advance to make grooves at the top of one of the walls for the hinges and drill holes for the screws.

Next we move on to making the lid for our box. The perimeter is wood, the top and bottom are plywood. PVA glue comes to the rescue again. We cut out the plates with a stationery knife according to the required dimensions. This cannot be done in one go, so be patient and cut carefully. What pattern to recreate and how to place the panels is your choice. Here they converge diagonally in the center.

Use masking tape to secure the pieces together before gluing them onto the box. Now apply glue and glue all the panels at once. Choose a more reliable glue than PVA. Any instant one for wood will work great. Remove the tape and allow time to dry completely.

To decorate the lid, we cut out strips of veneer. Fold over the edges.

To prevent the part from cracking during bending, press the edge with a block. Use the same instant glue as for the lid.

We built the outer part. Now pay attention to the fact that the hinges on the lid had to be extended at the places where they were attached.

We finish the inside. Choose a thick fabric, preferably one that matches the appearance of the box. In this case, red velvet appears. It looks very elegant and professional. The easiest way: know the size of the walls, cut out blanks and decorate them with luxurious burgundy velvet. The material will dry and you will glue them to the inside of the box.

Screw the loops, assemble and run sandpaper over the product.

Video on the topic of the article

There are many different ways to make boxes: from cardboard, from shoe boxes, from fabric and even from newspaper tubes! There's so much to choose from - you'll definitely be able to find something to your liking. Experiment, learn new things and develop your creativity by making such wonderful things!

Another great one homemade from the readers and crazy hands of our site site. Look at the end result of this useful and beautiful little thing...

Making a DIY craft box is a chance to prove to yourself that you are capable of something. Since every craftswoman has a lot of trinkets for needlework: threads, needles, beads, ribbons, lace, and buttons... And you always want everything to be always at hand, in one place. I don’t want to look for everything in corners, shelves and drawers. A lot of time is wasted looking for this or that item, which could have been spent on something worthwhile. To keep everything in one place, you just need to have a drawer or box that is easy to carry and store.

The handicraft market provides a wide selection of different cases and organizers for every taste and color. And everyone will definitely find for themselves everything they want within their pocket. But why spend money on something you can do yourself? You can make a box or drawer no worse, or even better. Our DIY craft box will also be a great addition to the overall look of the interior, as it will be stylish, modern and fashionable. That’s why we are needlewomen, it’s always more pleasant for us to make things.

Let's start making a DIY craft box

For work we will need:

  • Empty shoe box of suitable size;
  • Fabric (ordinary calico can be used) – 1 meter;
  • Lace – 1.5 meters;
  • Glue (for example, PVA) – 1 package;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler.

The process of making a DIY craft box

Decorating a craft box with your own hands

Cover the lid of a craft box with lace

Glue a bow to the lid of the box

  • If you still have marks from the glue, don’t worry, when it dries, the mark will disappear.
  • If desired, you can make cardboard compartments in the middle of the box and also cover them with fabric. Even small boxes are suitable for this, which are then glued inside.