
Works for the competition in the “Creative Start” category: applications “Goat-Dereza” and “Sheep. DIY New Year's goat Origami goat for children, diagram and step-by-step description

On the eve of the New Year, all of my children and I make various New Year-themed crafts. The coming 2015 is the year of the goat/sheep. Therefore, you can make, for example, a goat using the origami technique.

With our help (diagram) and step-by-step photos, you can easily master this wonderful technique - the origami technique for children, when such wonderful three-dimensional animals are obtained from a sheet of paper. Children love to work with paper, and especially to create funny little animals out of it.

We will need:

  • square colored paper
  • scissors

Origami goat for children, diagram and step-by-step description:

Take a square piece of paper and fold it in half.

Next, cut in half again. We get this small square.

Next, fold diagonally from north to south and from west to east.

We bend the sides inward and get this basic square for further work.

Fold the corners inward, as shown in the photo below. We pay special attention to the folds; it is very important to bend them well.

We lower and bend the upper tip down well.

If you have folded the paper well, then it will not be difficult for you to unfold it. Lift the bottom corner and fold along the fold line as follows. It should look like a rhombus.

We turn the figure to the other side and continue working.

Here we go through all the same steps that were described above, not forgetting to squeeze the fold lines well.
As a result, we get this figure.

Using scissors, cut the top part lengthwise to the middle as shown in the photo.

Lower the upper back part down.

Fold the upper front left part outward, as shown in the figure.

We do the same on the right side. These will be the horns.

We fold the upper part of the left and right horn back to the center.

Fold the bottom left side up. We do the same for the right side.

Next, we lower the same flaps down slightly at an angle, as shown in the photo.

We turn the work around.

Using scissors, we cut narrow strips for the beard from the bottom.

Bend the top back.
The origami goat is ready. For schoolchildren, making such a goat will not be difficult. You can decorate it as you wish by drawing eyes, nose and mouth.

Happy creativity.

Today we will make you a nice and interesting souvenir in the form DIY goats from ordinary light bulbs. New Year is coming soon, this year will be the year of the goat, perhaps someone will want to make such a souvenir in the form of a goat for themselves or their relatives, the author of this master class is Yulia Galeeva. Looking at this wonderful goat, I just want to create exactly the same one for myself. You can do it not necessarily for the New Year, but just like that. Let's look at an interesting master class on making a goat with your own hands.

To make a goat souvenir we will need:

* Light bulbs.
* Wire.
* Paper tape.
* Acrylic paints.
* Papier mache.

How to make a goat with your own hands:
First we need to prepare papier-mâché. We take cheap, gray toilet paper and PVA glue. And we begin to make a lot, you can do it in small portions, but here it will be more convenient for someone to work.

We take the paper and tear it into small pieces and then mix it into PVA glue. Once it starts to thicken, you can knead it with your hands.

The result should be a mass somewhat similar to cottage cheese, the main thing is that it is not too liquid, otherwise it will be greatly deformed after drying.

The papier-mâché is ready, let's move on to making our goat. We take light bulbs and wire. We will immediately cut the wire into pieces from which we will then make horns and legs.

We will also prepare a piece of wire for making a neck.

Now we begin to assemble it all into such a structure and wrap it with paper tape for strength. In addition, papier-mâché fits better on this tape. The ears are made from tape, but you can also make them from cardboard.

We begin to gradually apply a mass of papier-mâché onto our structure in parts. First on the body, and then on the head.

When we have the entire goat covered with the first layer of papier-mâché, we need to give the figure time to dry and then apply another thin layer of papier-mâché. Then dry it well.

When it has dried, we sand our figure so that it is smooth and beautiful.

Now we look where there is not enough volume and add where we think it is necessary. Let's dry it. Take a sharp knife and cut out the hooves so that they are forked.

Julia's horns turned out to be somewhat flimsy, so she strengthened them with newspaper.

Don't forget also about the small details on the muzzle.

You also need to remember to do your hair, apply the mass and, before it dries, make notches on it using a plastic knife for plasticine.

Now we need to make a costume for our goat. We make a layer of paper, from which we will make a suit.

Carefully coat one layer of paper, then glue, then coat the next leaf on top and coat it again, then paper and glue again. It’s better to use a little glue, otherwise the paper will tear.

Can be bent.

Now we cut out the suit.

Carefully start gluing. We do everything quickly, since the paper layer quickly dries out and loses its plasticity.

Well, that’s all, the do-it-yourself goat is almost ready. Now we dry it, sand in places where we need it and we can paint it))

We have such a cute goat, height with horns 18-19 cm.

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Today we worked on applique with the kids again and sent our work to the competition Vasyukova Taisiya(3 years 2 months). She glued them with great pleasure and had a lot of fun.

Application “Goat-Dereza”

Materials and tools:

- colored cardboard;
- white cardboard;
- colored paper (black);
- scissors;
- PVA glue and glue stick;
- a small piece of yarn;
- a simple pencil;
- cotton wool.

Operating procedure.

Cut out a goat from white cardboard (we just drew it and cut it out, or you can print it from the Internet).

Since my daughter is still small, she had to help with this work.

Glue the goat template to a sheet of green cardboard. My daughter used a glue stick. Excess glue was wiped off with a paper napkin.

Two small pieces of yarn were dipped in PVA glue and glued into place for the horns.

Glued 2 black circles of paper to create eyes. Using small pieces of white paper we added “sparkles”, the eyes turned out more lively and cheerful.

Using a simple pencil we drew a mouth and nose for our goat.

We smeared the goat's body with PVA glue. My daughter began to separate small strands of cotton wool and stick them on the goat.

This is how Koza-Dereza turned out.

Application "Sheep"

Tasya was helped in making this applique by her sister Dasha and her mother, of course.

Materials and tools:

- colored cardboard;
- black cardboard;
- black and white paper;
- scissors;
- PVA glue and glue stick;
- a small piece of yarn;
- a simple pencil;
- filler.

Operating procedure.

We cut out a sheep from black cardboard (we just drew it and cut it out, or you can print it from the Internet).

Glue the sheep template to the green cardboard. My daughter used a glue stick. Excess glue was wiped off with a paper napkin.

We smeared the body and head of the sheep with PVA glue.

And my daughter started gluing stuffing balls to our sheep; she found this job very funny :)

Two small pieces of yarn were dipped in PVA glue and on the table (with an oilcloth on the table) two lambs were made from the yarn - horns. They glued them to the head.

Then we glued 2 white circles of paper and 2 black circles to create eyes.

We cut out a tick-nose from white paper and glued it on.

Our “Sheep” is ready!

Meeting every year according to the eastern calendar, we greet its patron animal by making interesting toys and other DIY - Year of the Goat, to which 2015 is dedicated will not be an exception, so let's see what charming goats and goats we can make with our own hands.

DIY goat craft

If you and I take a moment away from eastern traditions and the lunar calendar, we can remember that the figurine of a goat meant a lot in Slavic culture. It was not just a children's craft, empty fun, but, more often than not, a real talisman, a talisman that brings good luck. The goat, one of the traditional ones, personified the embodiment of vitality, and if it was woven from bast or straw, it promised a good harvest and health to its owner. Now that folk traditions are being revived with pleasure, you can find a lot of master classes on how to perform DIY "Goat" crafts from bast or similar materials. Moreover, in the summer you will be able to stock up on the necessary “raw materials” in advance to put your own made amulets under the Christmas tree for your friends.

For toys in folk style, a material such as bast is used. Urban children are certainly familiar with this word, but most often we don’t know what it is and where we get this material from. But this is nothing more than softened tree bark, which is suitable for weaving or use for washing in a Russian bath (basin) or for agricultural work. You can buy ready-made bast of any length in an online store, or buy a washcloth at any hardware store and experiment with it. For the goat you see in the photo, we will need a small amount of medium-length bast. To create the body, fold a thick strand of bast in half and tie it above the middle so that you get a head and body. We take a small strand, tie it at one end with a ribbon, braid it tightly and at the end tie it with the same bow. We thread the braid through the toy's head so that the ends stick up and are the same - these will be the horns. We tie another strand of bast with ribbons from the ends, but do not braid it, but put it below the head and wrap it in the middle - these will be the arms, at the same time we have marked the waist. We decorate the figurine with ribbons and beads, you can sew a beautiful sundress for the doll, or you can, as in this case, limit yourself to an apron.

In folk toys, faces were most often not depicted, but both modern children and adults like toys with personality, which means you can make a more complex craft by making DIY goat 2015 according to the example suggested above. To make the head you will need a bunch of sponge, which you will tie twice: to form the nose and the head as a whole. Then attach two small bundles on each side - these are the ears, and also two braided bundles - these are the horns. The figurine is then made in the same way as the previous one, but since this goat is larger in size, it should be balanced by placing a frame of wooden chips or bars at the bottom of the figurine, tying strands of bast to them. You can decorate the goat with fabric, ribbons, glue claques, and decorate the horns.

But, as we have already said, not only bast can be used, but also hay and hemp rope, as when creating this wonderful goat couple in folk style. When working with all these materials, exercise extreme caution, as you can injure your hands and drive small splinters under the skin, so it is better to carry out all work with gloves.

How to make a goat with your own hands

Kids also want to know how to make a goat with your own hands, but what to do if they are not yet able to do complex crafts? Suggest making it with the image of a kid. You can complete this application and present it as a beautiful New Year’s card for your friends or as a craft for a school exhibition.

For your work, you will need any thick paper or colored cardboard, but velvet paper will look especially impressive, which in itself will add value to your work. You can find an image of a goat on the Internet or cut it out from a coloring book. Leave the image in black and white or color it - you decide together. Using glue, glue the image to a sheet of colored paper (standard weight office paper is suitable, but preferably colored). Cut an oval out of paper or simply cut off the corners and apply it to velvet paper. Now, using a gypsy needle, stitch along the contour of the paper, connecting it to the base. Sequins, bright buttons, satin ribbons folded in the shape of flowers, and the like can be used as decor for work.

As we know, applique can be made not only from paper, but also from other materials, such as this wonderful Goat-Dereza made of leather. This material is very popular, since the texture of the leather is very interesting, it can be played well, and the material itself is durable, does not dry out and does not deteriorate. You can buy leather at any fabric store, but you probably have a long-broken bag or a pair of boots lying around in your household, which will serve as a source of material for our craft. For the base, we take thick cardboard, and cut it into a square and a thick frame. Both surfaces need to be decorated with leather. It must be said that most of the adhesives that are used to perform are quite toxic. If you are gluing with children, then it is better to use PVA, but apply it in two stages - first apply a thin layer to the surface of the skin and wait until it sets into a film, and only then apply another layer of glue and stick it to the surface. We cut out the details of our future figurine from pieces of leather, glue them on, then “paint” the figurine with small pieces of leather representing spots.

If you have already sculpted salt dough, then you can master this panel with the image of a goat. Of course, the work given as an example is quite complex, but it is quite possible to repeat some elements in yours. To work, you will need simple salted dough, but with the addition of any adhesive element (PVA, starch, wallpaper glue), since the parts will be quite small and we will need an elastic and pliable mass. First sculpt the background by folding flowers or other elements, and then, carefully and slowly, lay out the goat. It is advisable to keep a printed picture in front of you as an example, so as not to get confused about the proportions. Give the work a relief, draw all the grooves and folds with a stack. It is better to dry the work in natural conditions or in the oven, but on very low heat and with the door open. After drying, take out your favorite paints and start painting. Cover the finished goat with varnish so that the craft will delight you with its pristine beauty for a long time.

DIY goat toy

Next DIY toy, goat, an essential element of children's puppet theater. After all, the goat is present in such a huge number of favorite children's fairy tales that without it our impromptu performances simply would not work. Master classes on your favorite sites will help you with this. To create such a goat, you will need calico, a dense fabric that holds its shape well. You will need to cut the glove body separately and the head separately, then sew both elements together. Fill the head with any stuffing used to create toys with your own hands. On the goat's head you sew small neat ears and horns, and make bangs using light lace.

Toys can also be quite complex when your skill level allows you to create small masterpieces. If you want to adequately prepare for Year of the Goat 2015, do it yourself you can make such luxurious toys. The goat you see above is made of faux suede, a very pleasant to the touch and also durable material. Her body is sewn according to the principle of a Teddy toy, that is, the body, arms and legs are sewn separately and connected to each other using fasteners (cotter pins). The outfit, the wreath, everything deserves special attention and the best reviews. Well, as a finishing touch - eyes made of ceramics and hand-painted.

DIY symbol of the year of the goat

Your children will surely enjoy creating DIY symbol of the year of the Goat, especially when your favorite cartoon characters come to life under your hands. You can make them from fabric together, or you can simply give your kids new toys for the New Year.

These cutest goats came to us from the wonderful cartoon “Goat Hut”, which was released in the “Mountain of Gems” series. To create them, we will need white fleece, and we will color them using felt-tip pens.

Next. This technique was called amigurumi and, as you already understood from the name, came to us from Japan. There, knitting and crocheting charming animal figures has become a real art. Unlike the European tradition, which is knitted in the round, adding new rows, amigurumi is woven in a spiral, which allows you to create voluminous and dense products. Goats using the amigurumi technique are knitted from separate parts; yarn of different textures is also used to make the toy more interesting.

For stuffing, you can use granules in the legs to make the toys more stable, and fill the rest with regular filler, for example, holofiber.

DIY New Year's goat

For creating DIY New Year's goat you can use toys that are made in the Tilda style. Like no other, they are perfect for holiday toys and create a magical mood.

Usually bunnies and bears are considered classics for Tilda, but your Tilda Goat will turn out to be no less charming. For it you will need brown fleece, as well as terry yarn to create hair on the head and ears. The large feet in fleece shoes give the figure a special charm. To achieve a similar effect, weights, most often pebbles, are sewn inside the legs. The legs and arms are stitched in the middle, which gives flexibility to the limbs, that is, it creates elbows and knees for the goat. Even the most fastidious child will enjoy playing with such a craft, and adults will admire it, looking at the small details.

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The coming year according to the eastern calendar is the year of the Sheep or Goat. In this article we will tell you how to make a symbol of 2015 with your own hands together with your children. The sheep craft can be given as a New Year's souvenir to a loved one or hung on the Christmas tree as a New Year's toy. You can decorate a room for the New Year or a festive table with this craft for the Year of the Goat. We will teach you how to make a sheep from cotton swabs, yarn, and popcorn. From this article you will also learn how to make a goat craft using the quilling technique, how to make a craft for the Year of the Sheep from plasticine, and even how to make a cute lamb from cauliflower.

1. Craft goat. Crafts sheep

As usual, we will start with the simplest goat and sheep crafts. Draw a sheep on cardboard. Ask your child to carefully cut it out with scissors. Now let him cover the sheep craft with small-sized commercial cotton balls. Hang a small bell on the sheep's neck as a decoration.

It will be interesting for your child to decorate it with popcorn when making a goat craft. Popcorn for this craft should be fried without oil or spices for the year of the sheep.

2. DIY sheep crafts. Goat Sheep Crafts

It’s easy to make a goat-sheep craft from a pompom. First you make a pompom out of yarn, then glue the face and legs to it. It turns out this is such a cute DIY sheep craft.

3. Crafts for the year of the goat. Crafts for the Year of the Sheep

Another original craft for the year of the goat is a goat made from a base (cardboard or wood) wrapped in yarn. The legs of this sheep craft can be made from wooden clothespins (see photo below). Notice how original this craft looks for the Year of the Goat on a New Year’s tree.

4. Goat craft. Year of the Goat DIY crafts

With kids, you can make a goat craft with your own hands from soft plasticine, play dough such as Play Doh, or salt dough. Even a 2-3 year old child can cope with the task of sticking many, many small white plasticine balls onto the base. You will need to use these balls to decorate a craft for the Year of the Sheep with your own hands.

5. Sheep craft. DIY sheep crafts

This is perhaps the most original DIY sheep craft from our collection. A sheep is a symbol of the coming year, made from cotton swabs. Very unusual and beautiful! For this sheep craft you will need: cardboard, two clothespins and a lot of cotton swabs. How to make this sheep craft with your own hands will become clear to you after carefully viewing the photos.

6, Goat sheep crafts. Crafts for the Year of the Goat

Are you familiar with the quilling technique? Quilling is the art of making appliques from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals. The finished spirals are given different shapes and thus the elements of paper rolling are obtained. We invite you and your child to make a craft for the Year of the Goat using this technique. To do this, search on the Internet, download and print a simple coloring book for children with a picture of a sheep or goat. Instruct your child to color the picture with colored pencils. Along with it, cut many long strips of white paper. Twist them into spirals. You can twist it using a toothpick, wrapping a strip of paper around it. All that remains is to glue the paper spiral rings onto the picture. Hang the applique on the wall and, together with your baby, rejoice looking at the resulting goat and sheep craft for the whole next year!

7. Crafts for the year of the sheep. Year of the Goat DIY crafts

What other interesting and at the same time simple crafts for the Year of the Sheep can you make with your own hands? For example, you can sew a goat or sheep craft from felt.

If you are interested in felting wool, then you can try making a sheep from felted wool for the New Year.