
Creative report from a teacher of a mixed-age group. Report on the work done in the senior mixed-age group Analytical report of the teacher of the mixed-age group

Irina Volynskaya

Annual report from teachers of Volynskaya I. Yu. and Sheshukova T. A.

In our The group is staffed by two teachers and an assistant teacher.

NUMBER OF CHILDREN 30- 31 (beginning of year - end of year)

Payroll the group consisted of 31 children, of which 14 are girls, 17 are boys. All children were attending kindergarten as of September 1, 2015. After a summer absence from kindergarten, the children quickly got used to the institution's regime.

Educational work in a group is based on the creation of a special subject-development environment, long-term and calendar planning in accordance with the annual tasks of the kindergarten, implementing the educational program of the preschool institution, developed based on the educational program for preschool education “Childhood” edited by T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze.

Main priority areas groups are:

Physical education and health development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Job planned in accordance with comprehensive thematic planning, taking into account the integration of areas, SANPIN.

Annual objectives for 2015-2016 academic year:

1. Deepen the content of activities for the cognitive development of children by introducing them to the nature of their native land.

2. Continue to work on the development of physical culture of preschool children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle through sports games and exercises in various types of children's activities.

3. Deepen work on the formation of the foundations of artistic culture and the artistic and creative development of children, through familiarization with various types of artistic and creative visual activities.

Due to this educational-educational process in group is based on new pedagogical technologies, innovative methods, taking into account the individual psychological and physiological characteristics of each child and using health-saving technologies.

Based on the latest educational technologies, using our own experience in improving the quality of education and education, V group developed and used: electronic presentations, visual demonstration material, audio fairy tales, educational and educational cartoons on various electronic media. This methodological material contributes to the development of processes and increased interest in educational activities.

IN educationally- through educational and everyday play activities, children gained knowledge about the work of people, about seasonal changes in nature, about the conditions necessary for the growth of plants, about domestic and wild animals, migratory and wintering birds, and about the state of water. Many conversations were held about the phenomena of social life, about the native country and the native land. About family members and their care for each other and its importance.

Children can distinguish: in case of careless handling of fire or electrical appliances, a fire may occur; rules for hanging out with strangers; traffic rules and behavior on the street; traffic lights; special transport; rules of behavior in public transport.

Provisions for children are consistent with the program.

Most children are interested in cognitive and research activities in design and mathematics. They are able group objects by shape, color, size. Skillfully use such educational logic games How: Blocks "Dyenesha", Sticks "Cuisenaire", Cubes "Nikitina", Square "Voskobovich". They are well oriented in parts of the day, days of the week, and are well oriented on a sheet of paper and in space. Understand words: in front, behind, above, below, above, below. Solve the simplest arithmetic and logical problems with counting within "20".

Some children have difficulty mastering program material. With these kids let's continue solve a problem in the development of the cognitive sphere using individual work and educational games. Recommendations are given to parents.

IN group conditions are provided and systematic work for moral education of children.

Children learn to play together and help each other in times of difficulty, politely greet each other, say goodbye, thank them for their help, master knowledge and skills - adequately navigate the accessible social environment, using the skills of social partnership for personal harmonious development in society.

Difficulty in group creates the behavior of hyperactive children, we constantly conduct work and in the future we will pay special attention to and teach children to live together, help each other, use toys and books together, and follow the rules of conduct in kindergarten.

Much attention was paid during the year work of education patriotic feelings. Children recite poems about their Motherland. Conversations were held about fathers and grandfathers as defenders of the Motherland, demonstrative material of the Eternal Flame was examined, and presentations were also shown about "Defenders of our Fatherland", "On the branches of the military". They know their address and navigate the immediate surroundings of the kindergarten; they name the streets adjacent to the kindergarten.

Interaction with parents pupils

All educational - educational work in a group was carried out in close contact with parents.

IN work We use different ways to involve parents in educational and educational process:

Pedagogical conversations with parents;

Thematic consultations;

Open days;

Visual propaganda;

Parent meetings;

Phone calls;

Joint entertainment;

Collaborative creativity, etc.

Matinees were held and entertainment: "Osenins", "Day

Mothers", "New Year", February 23, March 8, Maslenitsa, on the day of Easter, Father Pavel was invited to visit the kindergarten. For Victory Day, Graduation party.

Parents helped with registration groups, in snow removal in winter, attended events for parents and children organized by a preschool institution, beautification of the kindergarten territory. Followed the recommendations of teachers for training and raising children.

Together with parents we organized EXHIBITIONS:

Crafts made from natural materials "Golden Autumn"

"New Year's Fantasy!"

"Beloved Mommy"

Mini museum: "Battle Glory"

"Immense Space"

"Easter Miracle"

"Chronicle of the Immortal Regiment"

….Children's drawings.

"Childhood's Colored Sail"


To the autumn park

To the children's library of the Moscow region

Along the streets of Dzerzhinsky and Volochaevskaya

To the pond

To the regional puppet theater

To the monument to Major Kozenkov


City children's drawing competition "To the 71st anniversary of the assault on Konigsberg"

Sports competitions between preschool institutions of the city.

All-Russian choreographic competition "Youth of the Baltic"

Remote competitions

All-Russian educational quiz "Road ABC" (2 winners)

All-Russian distance competition "Getting ready for school" (7 winners)

All-Russian distance environmental competition "Ecological trail"

(7 winners)

Throughout the year to our children groups were invited:

Circus performers

Theater artists

Pony club "CAPRIOLE"

Military father of a child

Father Pavel

The teachers of this group personal pages have been created and are being maintained. On the international educational portal Maam, which is constantly updated and new material is posted.

Participated in a remote all-Russian competition “Federal State Educational Standards requirements for the preschool education system” (Winner diplomas received - 1st place)

This year teacher Volynskaya I. Yu. completed advanced training courses under the program “Modern approaches to organizing educational activities for preschool children”;

Also attended seminars:

Regional seminar “Formation of love for the native land through local history”

“Game technologies within the framework of museum pedagogy”

Seminar MPADO "Modern content of preschool education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education"

Volynskaya I. Yu. received a Certificate of publication of methodological development

at MOP Maam "Our home is nature"

The topic of self-education for Volynskaya I.Yu. was “Children’s experimentation as a means of developing the cognitive activity of preschoolers,” the topic of self-education for Sheshukova T.A. was “Development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers in literacy classes.”


Use of innovative technologies in raising and teaching children, influenced the dynamics of improving the quality of assimilation of program material, which gave stable results based on the results of children’s mastery of the kindergarten program.

Evaluate the dynamics of achievements pupils, effectiveness and balance of forms and methods work allows monitoring of children's achievement of the planned final results of mastering the basic general education program implemented in a preschool educational institution, which has shown stability and positive dynamics in all areas of development.

Analysis shows that work done promotes the intellectual, moral and physical development of the individual in accordance with the goals and objectives. In the new work will continue during the academic year in main directions.

Generally educational work in a group can be considered successful and fruitful. This means that we have met the federal state educational standard.

Preschool education within the framework of federal state requirements Today, society is in the process of establishing a new system of preschool education. It is not enough for a child entering school to have a certain amount of specific knowledge, skills and abilities; the main thing is that it is necessary to have a set of personal qualities that ensure the child’s psychological readiness for systematic learning at school. It should be noted that the most significant difference between preschool education and general education is that in kindergarten there is no strict subject matter. Child development occurs through play, not through learning activities.

Moral and patriotic education. Concern for the education of morality and a sense of piety should begin from early childhood... Jan Amos Kamensky Our group does a lot of work with children and parents on moral and patriotic education. The Lavrushin and Golovachev families visited memorable places in Luga.

Experimental activities The work of preschool educational institutions in an experimental mode determines the systematic improvement of the content and methods of education and training of preschoolers, advanced training of teachers, as well as the organization of psychological and pedagogical education of parents. The purpose of the experimental work: To promote the development of children's cognitive activity, curiosity, desire for independent knowledge and reflection. Relevance of the problem: Today, in preschool education, the problem of organizing the main leading type of activity in understanding the surrounding world during preschool childhood is especially acute - experimentation. This activity equally influences the development of the child’s personality as well as gaming. Ideally, the presence of these two truly childlike activities is a favorable condition for the development of preschoolers.

Experimental activity Conclusion: Preschool children are by nature inquisitive researchers of the world around them, therefore the organization of children's experimentation, which we understand as a special way of spiritual and practical development of reality, is aimed at creating conditions in which objects most clearly reveal their essence hidden in ordinary situations and how play activities contribute to the development of a holistic personality. Search activity, expressed in the need to explore the world around us, is genetically determined and is one of the main and natural manifestations of the child’s psyche.

Experimental activities During the year, in our multi-age group “SOLNYSHKO” we were engaged in various types of experimental activities. The most memorable were the open events, especially those with the participation of parents. This is the collective work of the senior group “Funny Fishes in the Aquarium”, the project activity of children 5-7 years old “Beautiful Spring” with the invitation of a library employee, the project activity “Space”, “My family, my family”. Children really like the role-playing games “Theater”, “Concert”, “Hospital”, “Barbershop”... Various natural resources and observations of their properties are of great interest. In a specially designated place there is a collection of cereals, grains, minerals, shells of various types and sizes, beads... A Green Room has been set up for observing plants. There are models of fruits and vegetables, and herbariums of various plants. The material and technical base for experimental work is constantly updated.

Safety. Traffic rules Teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the street is an area that I pay great attention to in my work. Because Most of the children live in a village where there are no pedestrian crossings or traffic lights; holidays and sporting events follow the rules of the road, allowing students to consolidate their knowledge in a playful way.

Ecology April 1 is Bird Day. We looked at what and how to properly make a birdhouse. They made a nest with chicks. We made applications “Birdhouse” and “The Birds Have Arrived”. In the Green Room, plants were observed and cared for. In the spring we got a cheerful Travyanchik.

My teaching activity is based on systematic interaction with employees and specialists of our institution, regular exchange of teaching experience and joint implementation of planned and unscheduled events. These events allow me to improve my pedagogical level and mutually benefit from applying best practices in my practical activities.

Effective forms of the system of continuing education for educators are meetings of the methodological association of teachers, teachers' councils, seminars, conferences, and open classes. In our institution, all work is structured taking into account the integration of educational areas. Integrated activity is a specially organized activity, the goal of which can be achieved by combining knowledge from different educational fields, allowing students to achieve a holistic perception of the issue under study, which has a practical orientation.

Integration provides an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, and creativity. Integration can occur in several directions, for example: music + cognition, physical education + cognition + music, communication + fiction, etc. Creating special educational conditions for the upbringing, training and development of children is possible only with the effective integration and coordination of specialists and educators.

In my work, I adhere to an individually differentiated approach to students. The main goal of this approach is the participation of each child, the achievement of growth of each student. This approach to development is focused on the individual capabilities, characteristics and pace of development of each person.

In connection with this approach, group teachers, including myself, must carry out maintaining the necessary documentation:
- calendar plan of educational work;
- children's attendance sheet;
general information about the group:
- list of children in the group (indicating date of birth and date of admission);
- group modes for cold and warm periods;
- lesson schedule;
- long-term planning for program sections;
- dynamic observation cards (pedagogical ideas for pupils, characteristics of pupils, adaptation sheets, rehabilitation programs, diagnostic materials, individual correctional and developmental programs);
- report on the work done at the end of the year.

Considering children’s need for self-affirmation and recognition of their capabilities by adults, the educator must create conditions for their development of independence, initiative and creativity. A full-fledged developmental environment provides great assistance to me as a teacher in the development of personality and individual abilities. When forming a subject-developmental environment in our group, my colleagues and I tried to equip a developmental space based on the following principles:

1) The principle of individual comfort. It is to ensure the emotional well-being of each child and develop his positive sense of self. The interior of the group in which I work is as close as possible to a home environment; the conditions created in the group calm, balance the emotional background, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of children.

2) The principle of aesthetics and beauty. In accordance with this principle, the group maintains a single style. The walls, curtains and rugs are chosen in a color scheme that is pleasing to the eye. A feeling of general harmony has been created.

3) The principle of safety of equipment and materials. In our group, all furniture and other interior items are made of high-quality materials. The furniture has no corners and is placed along the walls. Sockets and switches are kept out of the reach of children.

4) The principle of reasonableness and expediency. Thanks to the play equipment, the group has created a multifunctional, rich environment with sufficient space for children’s games of interest, recreation and activities.

During my work, I designed developmental and play corners for joint activities with the teacher, as well as for independent activities of children - a sports corner, a creativity corner, a fine arts corner, a photo stand, and a construction center. A bright, cheerful exercise corner fits harmoniously into the group room space. It is especially popular among children, because it fulfills their need for physical activity, and an increase in physical activity has a beneficial effect on physical and mental development.

The construction center is concentrated in one place and takes up little space. The contents of the construction corner are various types of construction sets, cubes, large and small building materials. Children, especially boys, enjoy building buildings and playing with them. In the fine arts corner, students draw in their free time; the shelves have all the necessary materials: watercolors, crayons, gouache, pencils, brushes, felt-tip pens, drawing paper.

Children's works are exhibited in the creativity corner “The World Through the Eyes of Children”. I often organize exhibitions of works; along with children's works, I hang illustrations by famous artists in order to increase the self-esteem of students and their self-affirmation. The photo stand is located in the most prominent place in the group room; photographs of children are regularly updated. Children look at them with pleasure, admire themselves, and discuss among themselves.

When creating the corners, I set myself certain goals: creating an environment in the group for the creative activity of children, developing creative potential, aesthetic perception, and imagination. Children learned to assign roles, determine and develop the plot of games, select the necessary attributes, use sports equipment, perform various types of movements, developed an interest in various types of creativity, and began to try to have their own drawings included in the mini-exhibition. Children learned to coordinate their plans and actions, take initiative, defend their proposals, listen and understand each other, and negotiate with each other.

I pay a special place in my teaching activities to the use of health-saving technologies. I am convinced that work should, first of all, be aimed at improving the health of children, their favorable physical development, and fostering a valeological culture of health (the purpose of which is to form a conscious attitude of children to health and life, to accumulate knowledge about health and to develop the skills to protect it). In the pedagogical process I use the following forms of health work:

1. Hardening procedures. For the greatest effectiveness of hardening, I provide:
- “temperature hygiene” - clear organization of thermal and air conditions in the room;
- hygiene procedures (washing and dousing hands up to the elbows with cool water, rinsing the mouth with boiled water at room temperature);
- rational clothing that does not overheat children;
- walking barefoot in a group and during a walk in the summer, doing morning exercises and physical education barefoot;
- compliance with the walking regime at all times of the year.

2. Walking is one of the most effective hardening procedures, during which children can sufficiently realize their motor needs. The most optimal way is to organize outdoor games and physical exercises.

3. Outdoor games help consolidate and improve motor skills and abilities, develop speed, dexterity, and coordination of movements. During physical education classes, I give children ideas about the structure of their own body, the purpose of organs, and what is useful and harmful for the human body. I also try to instill basic self-care and first aid skills.

4. Morning exercises help strengthen and heal the child’s body. I do morning exercises before breakfast for 10-12 minutes, the children do them barefoot.

5. Physical education sessions are carried out by me in order to prevent fatigue in classes, increase general tone and motor skills. They help train the mobility of nervous processes, develop memory and attention. Duration is 3-5 minutes.

6. Gymnastics after a nap helps improve children's mood and helps prevent posture and foot disorders. Throughout the year I use various types of gymnastics, the duration is 7-15 minutes (warm-up in bed 5-6 exercises of a general developmental nature; play gymnastics 3-6 imitation exercises, children imitate the movements of birds, animals, plants; walking along massage paths).

7. Breathing exercises. The purpose of the exercise is the ability to voluntarily control breathing, the formation of correct breathing biomechanics, and the prevention of respiratory diseases.

Work on improving the health and hardening of the children of my group is carried out not only during the school year. It is also carried out in the summer and is a set of measures aimed at restoring the functional state of the child’s body. This is mainly a daily routine that provides for maximum exposure of children to the fresh air, as well as age-appropriate durations of sleep and other types of rest. And activities related to physical activity are carried out during the hours of least insolation.

As a result of long-term painstaking work, my colleagues and I achieved certain results.

I consider the results of using health-saving technologies:
- favorable psychological and emotional climate in the group;
- knowledge of personal hygiene rules;
- knowledge about proper nutrition;
- knowledge of the need for physical training;
- development of personal qualities: agility, endurance, speed, discipline.

Thus, the use of various areas and methods of pedagogical activity throughout the entire period of my work allowed me to effectively implement a set of measures to create optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of children’s personalities and the formation of the foundations of basic culture in children.

Ekaterina Vasilievna Koroleva, teacher of the State Educational Institution of the Secondary Educational Institution “TsP DOPR “Iskra” (correctional)”

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Report on the work done in the senior mixed-age group of the Rodnichok kindergarten for September-December 2015 academic year.

Educator: MBDOU "Kindergarten "Rodnichok" Gordeeva Lyudmila Yuryevna.

She worked as a teacher in a senior mixed-age group. The group was attended by children of three ages: middle - high - preparatory - There were 24 children in the group: 8 boys, 16 girls. Working hours are five days a day. Training and education in the group is conducted in the Chuvash language with translation into Russian.

The educational environment in the group is equipped taking into account the age characteristics of children. All elements of the environment are interconnected in content, scale and artistic design and contribute to the harmonious development of the individual. The group rationally houses centers for children's activities: speech development, Chuvash, artistic creativity, experimental, environmental, role-playing games, music, solitude, duty, for games with building materials and construction sets, and a library. There is a bedroom. The group is equipped with necessary and non-standard physical education equipment. There are didactic games, handouts and demonstration materials, and manuals. There are many toys in the group room. The subject-development environment is organized so that every child has the opportunity to do what he loves. The reception area has a creativity corner where children display their work, and there are corners for parents. From the first days of the child’s stay in the group, I tried to endear him to myself and his peers, and to ease the transition to new living conditions.

She worked in the basic general education program of preschool education “From birth to school.” The program was developed in accordance with the current Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education.

The program provides for solving educational problems in the joint activities of adults and children, independent activities of children not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education.

The leading goals of the Approximate Basic General Education Program of Preschool Education “From Birth to School” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva are “creating favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, forming the foundations of a basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, for studying at school, ensuring the life safety of a preschooler.

Goals are realized in the process of various types of activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading.

To achieve the goals of the program, the following are of paramount importance:

Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;

Creating an atmosphere in groups of a humane and friendly attitude towards all students, which will allow them to grow sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

Creative organization (creativity) of the process of education and training;

Variability in the use of educational material, allowing for the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

Respect for the results of children's creativity;

Ensuring the development of the child in the process of education and training;

Coordination of approaches to raising children in preschool and family settings; ensuring family participation in the life of kindergarten and preschool groups as a whole;

Maintaining continuity in the work of kindergarten and primary school, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of a preschool child.

When solving these problems, I took into account the principle of preschool didactics:

the principle of interconnection between all areas of work with preschool children;

principle of consistency;

principle of systematicity;

principle of repetition.

The long-term plan for educational work with children is presented in the following areas:

Physical development: educational areas “Health” and “Physical Education”.

Cognitive and speech development: educational areas “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”.

Artistic and aesthetic development: educational areas “Artistic creativity”, “Music”.

Social and personal development: educational areas “Socialization”, “Labor”, “Safety”.

Questions about the physical development and upbringing of preschool children should be approached with all seriousness: it is no secret that the health of children, due to heavy workloads and a sedentary lifestyle, is deteriorating every year and there are no trends that the living conditions of children will change to better soon. Therefore, any preschool teacher should lay down the basics of physical training and create an incentive in children to engage in physical education and sports, and simply to have an active lifestyle. Every day I did exercises, hardening, breathing exercises, outdoor games, walks. The children really enjoyed the relay games. Physical education classes were held twice a week. Parents were provided with consultations on “Health is the Head of Everything” and “Organization of Independent Motor Activity of Children.” I also designed the leaflets “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children”, “Health begins with the foot”. To protect and improve children’s health, I used health-saving programs and technologies:

- “Towards a healthy family through kindergarten”;

- “The ABC of Health” (T. E. Tokaeva);

- “Be healthy, preschooler” (T. E. Tokaeva).

The monitoring results carried out in November showed:


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Work done for the 2016 - 2017 academic year.

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“Annual report on the work done for the academic year - Olga Vitalievna Danilova”


about the work done

for the 2016–2017 academic year

    General characteristics of the group

Group composition: 12 people

Boys: 7 people

Girls: 5 people

2.Goals and objectives set for the year:

The work was carried out according to the organizational educational program of the municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten” in the village of Dobrovolskoye.

Goals: Ccreating optimal conditions for preschoolers to fully experience their childhood, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing for life in modern society, for studying at school, ensuring the safety of life of a preschooler.

3. Analysis of the educational environment in the group.

Organized educational activities were systematically carried out with children in accordance with the basic general education program and the approved schedule of direct educational activities. All types of activities represent the main directions of children's development: physical, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, social and personal.

Throughout the year, children's search and research activities were regularly organized: experimentation with various materials, substances, objects; observations of the weather, objects of living and inanimate nature.

The educational process was mainly based on thematic weeks, thanks to which the life of children in kindergarten became more interesting, varied, and entertaining. During the school year, various holidays, leisure activities, and entertainments were held with children:


Musical entertainment: “Day of Knowledge”.

Entertainment “Farewell to Summer”

Educational entertainment based on fire safety rules “Cat House”

Sports entertainment: “Fun starts”

Birthday (summer)

Open Health Day “Journey to the Land of Health”

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Tops and Roots”

Musical entertainment: “Autumn Ball”

Sports entertainment: “Autumn has come to visit us”

Theme evening:

“Strong are the heroes of glorious Rus'

Quiz "My Orenburg region"

Sports leisure

"Journey to the Island of Don't Want"

Musical entertainment: “Warmth of hearts for beloved mothers.”

Sports leisure

"We are athletes"


“About winter” Collage “Orenburg steppes in winter”

Entertainment "Winter Fun"

Competition “Christmas tree toy” (for children and parents)

New Year holiday

Musical entertainment: "Christmas Fun"

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Winter Lodge of Animals"

Birthday (winter)

Health Day

" In a healthy body healthy mind."

A day of spontaneous kindness.

Holiday for dad

"Wheel of History"

Sports leisure Zarnitsa “Young fighter course”

Festive concert

Musical entertainment: “Wide Maslenitsa”

Maslenitsa week.

Celebration of KVN fairy tales based on the tales of K.I. Chukovsky

Sports entertainment:

“Enchanted Country (leisure according to traffic regulations)”

Health Week

Entertainment "April Fool's Day"

Showing a cartoon about space.

Musical entertainment:

Birthday (spring)

Sports entertainment: “Visiting Spring”

Matinee “We are the heirs of the Great Victory”

Sports festival "Family Day" "Evening of tall tales"

"An Evening of Tall Tales"

Musical entertainment “Childhood Day”

Theatricalizations, dramatizations, performances shown for children of the younger group: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Littlest Dwarf”,

During the year, the daily routine and all sanitary and hygienic requirements for the stay of children in preschool educational institutions were strictly observed.

A developmental environment has been prepared for the beginning of the school year, which plays a special role in strengthening the child’s health, his comprehensive physical and mental development, which allowed children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different activities at the same time, without interfering with each other. activities. The group has created optimal conditions for protecting and promoting health. The group was designed so that children were attracted to beautiful, bright, colorful aids and toys. For the child’s successful stay in the preschool educational institution, the following points were used in the work: creating a comfortable environment in the group, an atmosphere of joy, peace, warmth (using folklore and finger games when working with children); For independent motor activity of children, an additional playroom is allocated where there is an exercise bike, a children's treadmill, large soft modules, a Lego set and various building blocks. It is planned to supplement the corner with albums with building diagrams.

In the main play group, all equipment, games, and toys are in an accessible, convenient place; children can independently choose the type of activity. Thematic role-playing games are arranged in separate containers, which allows the child to organize his game in any place convenient for him in the group room. There is a corner for games “Hairdressing Salon”, “Shop”, “Polyclinic”, a corner for girls for the game “Daughters - Mothers” with dishes, cribs, dolls, a chest for doll things (clothes), a washing machine, a kitchen area, an iron, corner for boys for the game “Car Park”, “Car Workshop” with mechanic’s tools.

The group also creates an environment for the development of creative abilities. Children can freely come to the art zone (“Young Artist”) and choose any material (boxes with supplies for drawing, appliqué, sculpting) for creativity (boxes with natural and other materials for applique, albums “Learning to draw”, “Learning to sculpt” , "Samples for application", showing independence and initiative for making crafts as a gift to parents or their friends. All this contributes to the emancipation of children, a positive emotional mood for the whole day. Many didactic and educational games that help children play together and individually. Separately designed games for speech and cognitive development.

We updated the corner of the book by age, replenished the local history corner with didactic material, supplemented the methodological literature on physical education, sensory education, fire safety, speech development, familiarization with the natural world, and the theatrical activities corner with masks for performances.

The educational process uses modern pedagogical technologies, which open up new opportunities for the education and training of preschool children. Much attention is paid to health-saving technologies, which are aimed at solving the most important task of preschool education - to preserve, support and enrich the health of children. ECDs for physical development contributed not only to the physical development of children, but also to the formation of their skills, which are consolidated during direct educational activities in the group.

On the other hand, parental participation brings pleasure to children and contributes to their success; expands the child’s social experience; children begin to regard their parents as a source of knowledge and experience.

Innovative activities in the senior group are implemented through thematic projects aimed at working in the main sections of the education and training program: artistic and aesthetic development, physical education and recreational activities, experimental research and social work.

The following projects have been implemented in the practice of our groups:

Project "Family Coat of Arms"

Project “All Flowers for Mom”

4. Analysis of the results of pedagogical diagnostics.

Educational areas


September May

September May

September May

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Educational areas

Enough level

September May

Average level

September May

Low level

September May May

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Total 18% 80% 68% 13% 14% 7%

Analysis of the fulfillment of requirements for the content and methods of education and training, as well as analysis of children’s assimilation of program material shows positive dynamics in all areas of development.

The knowledge and skills acquired by children in the course of direct educational activities must be systematically consolidated and continued to be applied in a variety of activities. Particular attention should be paid to the use of developmental teaching techniques and an individual approach to each child.

5. Analysis of work with children with special educational needs.

A low level of development is shown by one older pupil and one middle-aged child; individual work is regularly carried out with them; children exhibit absent-mindedness, weak memory and low physical development. It is necessary to continue to create an individual development route for children who are lagging behind in development, as well as to draw the attention of parents to the need to visit specialized psychologists and speech therapists.

In the older age group, work is carried out with gifted children, an additional program for artistic and aesthetic development is being implemented. Non-traditional drawing techniques “Magic Brush”

Children enjoy participating in various competitions of different levels within the kindergarten, district, and all-Russian (remote) competitions.

Diploma of the All-Russian creative competition “Our Green Beauty”;

Diplomas of the All-Russian children's drawing competition “Multi-colored palette”;

Diplomas of the All-Russian children's creativity competition “Autumn Fantasies”;

Diploma of the All-Russian children's creativity competition “Gift to the Defender of the Fatherland”;

Diploma from the Department of Education of the Novoorsky District and the MBU of Additional Education "PDT of the Novoorsky District" competition "Happy New Year!";

Diploma of the All-Russian children's creativity competition “Miracles from Paper”;

Diploma of the All-Russian competition of children's creativity for the 135th anniversary of the birth of K.I. Chukovsky “On the pages of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky";

Diploma of the II International Creative Competition “My Family” presentation “Coat of Arms of My Family”.

6. Analysis of interaction with parents of students.

In the work of a teacher, it is important to know not only the characteristics of the child, but also the problems that parents often have in raising their child. Therefore, the main activity of a teacher is working with parents. We used different forms of organizing work with parents: surveys, consultations, parent meetings, joint projects, entertainment, family creative work competitions, and more. A long-term plan for working with parents was drawn up, which indicated all joint events, consultations, parent meetings, and visual and poster information.

At the parent meetings, the following topical topics were studied in detail: “Speech development in children of senior preschool age.” Goal: to develop, together with parents, constructive ways and means of interaction between preschoolers and people around them in accordance with their needs.

"The influence of physical activity on the health of preschool children." Goal: Formation of stable motivation among parents to preserve and improve the health of their children.

“Own game” with parents about fire safety rules (use of ICT),

Master class with parents on unconventional drawing.

In the parents' corner one could always find useful information: reminders, consultations, recommendations on various topics: problems of education, disease prevention, traffic rules, safety at home, organization of leisure time, proper nutrition, clothing, shoes, etc. Stands, moving folders were set up - according to the seasons, thematic - for holidays, for example, photo stands “Happy Knowledge Day”, “May there always be a mother!”, “Dad is my pride”. During the school year, children and parents were given the opportunity to participate in various projects (the “Coat of Arms of My Family” project, “Mr. and Miss Autumn”), as well as in various competitions of family creative works (crafts) - “Autumn Fantasies”, “Christmas Tree toy”, “Group decoration for the New Year 2017”, “Based on Chukovsky’s fairy tales”, “Easter souvenir”, etc.

It is gratifying that many parents were willing to make contact and tried to participate in all joint events of the group, preschool educational institution and the district.

Results of the Competitions:

"Autumn Fantasy"

Senior group:

1st place - Arsen Kaleev’s family.

2nd place - Roxana Filimonova's family.

III place - Kirill Sirotkin's family.

Regional competition “Happy New Year!”

Competition results: Nomination "Winter Forest"

3rd place – Katya Manshina, Teacher: O.N. Tikhonova

Regional arts and crafts competition “Easter Chime”

The competition was attended by children from the senior group Katya Manshina in the “Isothread” nomination and Yura Yurusov in the “Papier-mâché” nomination.

Results of the competition Nomination “Isothread”

2nd place – Katya Manshina,

7.Analysis of the results of the teacher’s professional development.

Over the course of the year, she improved and disseminated her teaching experience: self-education, exchange of experience (teacher councils, visits to educational activities of other educators) are constantly being carried out, which is aimed at developing professional qualities, the perception and implementation of innovative ideas, new information.

Literature studied:

Tkach R. M. Fairytale therapy for children's problems. - St. Petersburg: Speech; M.: Sfera, 2008. - 118 p.

Participation in the webinar: "Fairytale therapy and therapeutic metaphor for working with emotional problems of preschool and primary school children".


Speeches at the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution:


Publications of pedagogical developments on the Internet: on the website of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten”. Dobrovolskoe


Created your own page on the Multilesson website


Created your own page on the PR educational portal O DLENKA;

    General conclusions and tasks for the next period.




Taking into account the successes and problems that arose in the past academic year, the following tasks are planned for the 2017-2018 academic year:

View presentation content
“Presentation for the annual report on the work done for the academic year - Olga Vitalievna Danilova”

Report about the work done

teacher of different age groups (4-6 years old) Tikhonova O.N.

for the 2016–2017 academic year

  • General characteristics of the group

Mixed age group (4-6 years old) “Bells”

Group composition: 12 people

Boys: 7 people

Girls: 5 people

Educator: Tikhonova O.N. teacher 1st quarter categories.

Junior teacher: Filimonova A.A.

Goals set for the year: C creating optimal conditions for preschoolers to fully experience their childhood, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing for life in modern society, for studying at school, ensuring the safety of life of a preschooler.

  • Protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, ensure emotional well-being.
  • Provide equal opportunities for the full development of every child, regardless of place, gender, nation, social status, or psychophysiological characteristics.
  • To create favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world.
  • To combine training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society.
  • To form a general culture of the personality of pupils, to promote the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility.
  • To ensure variability and diversity of the content of educational work in the group through the formation of educational programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of students.
  • To create a sociocultural environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children.
  • Provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

The work was carried out according to the organizational educational program of the municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten” in the village of Dobrovolskoye. in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

During the year, children developed according to their age, studied program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development.

Organized educational activities were systematically carried out with children in accordance with the basic general education program and the approved schedule of direct educational activities. All types of activities represent the main directions of children's development: physical, cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic, social-personal.

When carrying out organized educational activities, both traditional and non-traditional methods of work were used: articulation gymnastics, finger gymnastics, fairy tale therapy, elements of psycho-gymnastics and breathing exercises that promote interhemispheric interaction.

In addition to health-saving and information technologies, the project method is used, which gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills. Project activities create conditions for every child to grow up talented, smart, kind, and be able to live and work in a new society.

Another important advantage of using the project method is the joint implementation of various projects with parents as one of the most effective forms of work. By becoming active participants in their children's learning process, moms and dads contribute to learning and acquire new skills; They develop a higher appreciation of their children’s achievements and pride in them, and develop a deeper understanding of the learning process for preschool children.

Our group has implemented the following projects:

Project: “The use of mnemonic tables in the development of speech of children of the senior group on the topic “Autumn””

Project “Journey to the Land of Heraldry”

Project “Tales of K.I. Chukovsky"

Project "Family Coat of Arms"

Project “All Flowers for Mom”

Thus, our group has created a favorable environment for children to demonstrate motor, play and intellectual activity and satisfy interest in a variety of activities.

Monitoring children’s achievement of the planned final results of mastering the basic general education program of preschool education implemented in MBDOU allows us to assess the dynamics of pupils’ achievements, the effectiveness and balance of forms and methods of work.

Monitoring the quality of children’s mastery of the basic general education program for the 2016-2017 academic year showed the following results:

Diagnostics of children 4-5 years old (Middle age), 6 pupils underwent diagnostics

Educational areas


Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

September May

September May

September May

7 pupils were diagnosed at the beginning of the year, at the end of the year 6 pupils aged 5-6 years (older age)

Educational areas

Enough level

Social and communicative development

September May

Average level

Cognitive development

Speech development

September May

Low level

Physical development

September May May

Artistic and aesthetic development

Throughout the year, work is constantly being carried out on self-education, exchange of experience (teacher councils, visits to educational institutions of other educators), which is aimed at developing professional qualities, the perception and implementation of innovative ideas, new information.

As part of the methodological day at the preschool educational institution, I held an open lesson on FEMP with children of senior preschool age

"Journey to the Land of Mathematics" (using ICT);

Conducted an open lesson with the participation of parents on “Family Day” (using ICT).

On the topics of self-education “Mnemotechnics”, “Fairy Tale Therapy”:

Literature studied:

Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. D. Training in fairy tale therapy. /Collection of programs on fairy tale therapy - St. Petersburg: Speech

Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. D. Forms and methods of working with fairy tales. - St. Petersburg: Speech

Tkach R. M. Fairytale therapy for children's problems. - St. Petersburg: Speech; M.: Sfera, 2008. - 118 p.

Participation in the webinar: “Fairytale therapy and therapeutic metaphor for working with emotional problems of preschool and primary school children.”

Tevkina O.A. Methods of working with mnemonic tables (a manual for preschool teachers)

Attending master classes and seminars in preschool educational institutions in the region.

- Speech at a general parent meeting: The safety of our children (using a multimedia presentation).

Speeches at the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution:

- generalization of pedagogical experience on the topic “Project method in working with younger preschoolers”;

Report on the use of information computer technologies in professional activities.

Thus, by analyzing your work, you can draw certain conclusions:


Elements of modern technologies, in particular the use of ICT, have been successfully introduced into educational activities;

Children freely express their needs and desires through speech, master the basic skills of motor culture;

– Children are actively involved in independent experimental activities and take part in projects with pleasure.


- Low attendance by older children, 6 children did not attend kindergarten for various reasons, which will affect the quality of education in the future, since there will be a difference in the knowledge gained;

– Two children from the group have many absences, because of this the level of final diagnostic indicators decreases, because these children do not fully master the material;

– Hyperactive children are not attentive in class; because of their bad behavior, it takes a lot of time to organize the rest of the children;

Taking into account the successes and problems that arose in the past academic year, the following tasks are planned for the 2017-2018 academic year:

1. Continue targeted work with children in all educational areas.

2. Continue working with children using project technologies.

3. Continue to improve the subject-development environment in the group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Replenish didactic and handout material for the development of logical thinking; corner of role-playing games; book corner with literature by age. Purchase new educational games for preschool children.

4. Increase the level of teaching skills by participating in seminars, master classes, and training in advanced training courses.

5. Improving work on interaction with parents by directly involving them in the educational process, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the educational initiatives of the family. Also, interaction with the family on issues of the child’s education, protection and promotion of his health, provision of advisory and other assistance if necessary.

6. Master the production of a laptop “Getting to know the Clock.”

7. Work with parents of hyperactive children (conversations, consultations, parenting advice, etc.)

8. Continue to maintain continuity with elementary school.

Overall, I consider my work fruitful and meeting all requirements.

Summer is vacation time.