
Speech therapy session using Lego. Summary of speech therapy direct educational activities in the middle group for children with severe speech impairment (SSD) using the LEGO constructor. What classes are there in Lego construction?

Abstract of GCD for Lego construction.

Topic: “House for Friends”

Target: Continue to introduce children to the LEGO constructor, the shape of LEGO parts and options for fastening. Develop the skill of distinguishing details. Strengthen the ability to select the parts needed for construction. To develop the ability to use words denoting spatial relationships: right - left, ahead - behind, closer - further. Cultivate the desire to build beautifully. Practice the ability to listen to teacher instructions.

Equipment: LEGO sets - parts, a scarf, sets for playing out the building for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizing time.

Teacher: Hello guys! Today we will go again to our magical LEGO land. But a misfortune happened to her. A strong hurricane swept through and destroyed beautiful houses.

Guys, can you help fix them?

Children: Yes!

Teacher: Today we will be transported to the land of LEGO with the help of magic.

Close your eyes, now open them.

Here we are in LEGO land.

First we will restore the buildings, but to do this we need to find out what parts they consisted of.

Let's go to the excavations.

    Development of orientation in details.

Game "Under the handkerchief". ( Conducted on the carpet).

Teacher: We came to the place where the houses once stood. But you see what a blockage there is in place of the houses. We need to take it apart.

Children select all the parts lying under the scarf and name them (one part for each shape).

Teacher: You are so great, you defined all the details so well!

    The sample is analyzed.

Now let's remember what kind of houses there are.

Children look at a sample house and find out what the base, foundation, walls are made of, and how the ceilings are made. Attention is drawn to how the windows are made: the bricks are placed on bars, and the bricks are covered on top with a long plate that holds them together. Thanks to this they stand firmly.

Showing illustrations of houses.

Teacher: Look at the house, what can you say about it?

(beautiful, one-story, multi-colored, has windows and a door, etc.)

Where should we start building?

(floor, walls, roof)

    Physical education minute.

Teacher: And now, guys, we’ll rest a little and remember the exercise.

“What a beautiful house!”

One two three four five.

(Children stand facing in a circle, hands on their belts, turn left and right).

Let's build and play.

(Perform squats rhythmically.)

We are building a big, tall house.

(Stand on tiptoes and stretch your arms up).

We are installing windows and roofing.

(Perform jumping in place).

What a beautiful house!

(They extend their arms forward with an index gesture.)

The little bear will live in it.

(They squat).

    Independent work.

In order for your building to be strong, the parts need to be connected carefully, without rushing.

Now you can start building houses.

The teacher takes out Lego elements.

Children build houses (to music).

Note that all the buildings are beautiful, durable, and neat.

At the end of the work, the children talk about their construction.

What can you tell us about your house?

How were they built?

What construction parts were used?

Who lives in it?

After the lesson, children play out their construction using toys.

Speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Lego” technology.

Goals: Practice the prepositions “on” and “for” for a child in the middle group.

Practicing the prepositions “Under”, the concept up, for a child of the older group.

Practicing the prepositions “not”, “only”, strengthening the preposition “between” for a child in the preparatory group. Forming the sides left and right for all children.


You have bricks of different colors on your table.

Place a brick “ON” a brick, build a turret.

Okay. Let's talk about the turrets

The green brick lies “on” the table. Continue.

Well done!

Obyazyanki liked your turret, let's play with it.

Smart girl!


The red brick lies “on” the green brick

The yellow brick lies “on” the red brick

The blue brick lies “on” the yellow brick.

Obligation jumped “onto” the turret.

The obliging woman jumped “on” the table.

Build a turret so that the red brick is at the bottom and the yellow brick is at the top.

Young! Let's talk about your tower.

-“Under” the yellow bricks lies a red brick.

Good girl! Let's play with the obian.

The obligatory one jumps up.

Well done!


- “Under” the red bricks there is a green brick.

- “Under” the green bricks there is a red brick.

- “Under” the red bricks there is a blue brick.

The obligatory one jumps down.

The obligatory one jumps up.

And you, build me a turret according to the diagram.

Tell me about your turrets.

Between which bricks is the yellow brick located?

Between which bricks is the blue brick located?

Now tell me which brick is above the red one?

Well done!


The yellow brick is located between the red and green bricks.

The blue brick is between the green and yellow bricks.

Above the red brick is a yellow brick.

Above the yellow one is a green brick.

Above the green one is a blue brick.

Above the blue is a yellow brick.

Let's play another game "Track"

I approach a child from the middle group.

Build a path for the foxes.

Brick for brick.

Tell us about your path. Behind the green brick is....?

Well done!


- “Behind” the green brick lies a blue brick.

- “Behind” the blue brick lies a red brick.

- “Behind” the red brick lies a yellow brick.

I approach a child from the older group.

And you build a path for the bunny so that the red one is first and the green one is last.

Tell us about your path.

-There is a red brick “in front” of the bunny, continue.

Smart girl!


-There is a yellow brick “in front” of the red brick.

- “In front of” the yellow brick there is a blue brick.

-There is a green brick “in front” of the blue brick.

I approach a child from the preparatory group.

Build a path according to the diagram.

Where is the blue brick?

I will cross out the bricks in the diagrams that stand in front and behind.

What bricks are now in front and behind.

Well done!

Guys, let's play swami one more game. Put the rubber band on your left hand.

There are cubes in front of you.

I approach a child from the middle group.

Place the blue cube on the right side.

Place the yellow cube on the left side.

Place the red cube on the right side.

Place the green cube on the left side.

I approach a child from the senior group and the preparatory group.

A doll sits in front of them.

Place the blue cube to the left of the doll.

Place the yellow cube to the right of the doll.

Place the green cube to the left of the doll.

Guys, build towers for me on the carpet.

Now stand to the left of the turret.

Stand behind the turret.

Stand in front of the turret.

Stand to the right of the turret.

Well done!

Did you enjoy playing games with Lego today? What did you like most?


The blue brick lies “between” the red and yellow bricks.

The yellow brick lies between the blue and green bricks.

There is a red brick in front and a yellow brick in the back.

He puts it.

He puts it.

Target: expansion and activation of the dictionary.

  • automation of the sound [P] in syllables, words and sentences;
  • continue to consolidate the spatial meaning of prepositions: IN, FROM, ON, ON, WITH, ABOVE, UNDER;
  • consolidate the ability to form complex words by addition, activate the vocabulary with complex words;
  • continue to train children in composing sentences with prepositions of 4-5 or more words;
  • continue to develop phonemic processes;
  • activate cognitive processes (perception, memory);
  • continue enriching children's vocabulary;
  • develop children's fine motor skills;
  • develop skills of independence and activity;
  • develop cooperation skills.

Equipment: LEGO set, building diagrams, laser pointer.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Organizing time.

Updating knowledge.
Speech therapist: Today our friends came to visit us. Remember that their names have the sound [R]. Let's remember their names.
Children's answers...
... invite us to go to LEGO land. Do you want to go on a trip?
Children's answers...

  1. Today we are waiting for a mysterious LEGO island and a wizard who lives there. What kind of transport do you think will help us get to the island? (Children are offered LEGO models of a car, plane and motor boat.)

Answers-reasonings of children...
Our boat is not an ordinary one; it has a motor. What do we call a boat with a motor?
Children's answers...motor
Let's start the engine and hit the road...

  1. And here is our LEGO island, it is very small. You can only land on it from the right side. Moor our boat to the shore.

Look and name what you see on the island (mountain, palm trees, parrot, pirate...)
Our friends learned from the secret-keeper wizard that there was a chest with new LEGO parts hidden at the top of the mountain. Do you want to know what's in this chest?
Children's answers...

  1. The pirate living on the island doesn't want us to take the island's treasures and wants to test our wits. We can climb the mountain only if we build a ladder from LEGO bricks using the proposed scheme.

Count how many steps our stairs have.
Children count: one step, two steps...

  1. We can climb the stairs if we pronounce the syllables correctly. DRA-DRO-DRU-DRA...
  1. The wizard will give us a treasure chest if we pronounce the words correctly.

Ra-ra-ra is a high mountain.
Ru-ru-ru - we climbed the mountain.
Ry-ry-ry - we played LEGO.
Ri-ri-ri - take the treasures.
Bottom line.
Well done, you completed all the tasks, and now the chest with new LEGO parts rightfully belongs to you. This means that you can continue to fantasize and design in LEGO land.
Did you enjoy our trip? Where did we go today, what did we see and who did we meet? Which pirate and wizard quests were difficult for you?
Children's answers...
And now it’s time for us to return to our kindergarten. I am sure that you will continue to delight us with your new, amazing buildings from LEGO. I wish you success!

“LEGO construction in speech development classes” Work on speech development using “LEGO” technologies has made the correctional speech therapy process more effective. Children perceive classes as a game that does not cause negativity in them, but teaches children to be attentive, persevering, and accurately following instructions. This helps to better assimilate correctional material.

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“PRESENTATION “LEGO construction in speech development classes””

Preschool childhood is the age of play. While playing, the child not only learns about the world, but also expresses his attitude towards it. Play is the most important companion of childhood.

In addition to traditional teaching methods, LEGO technologies have recently been increasingly used in the psychological and pedagogical process. Speech therapists and teachers note that the use of LEGO sets in working with children allows them to achieve sustainable positive results in correction, psycho-correction, training and education in a shorter time

LEGO allows you to learn by playing and learning through play.

The history of LEGO dates back to 1932. The famous LEGO brick itself, which could be connected to other similar parts, appeared in 1947. The word LEGO - which translated from Latin means “I studied”, “I collected”, was officially registered in Denmark only on May 1, 1954.

Subsequently, the company launched the production of thematic sets: “Farm”, “Home”, “City”,…

Every child loves and wants to play, but not everyone can learn to do it on their own. Scientists (Strebeleva, Kosova) have proven that children with speech disorders or mental developmental disabilities require more attentive and targeted guidance of the game from the teacher than their normally developing peers. At the same time, as experimental studies carried out by domestic teachers have shown, playing with LEGO effectively promotes the development of children with normal development.

The main components of work using “LEGO” technologies are the construction of scenery, the reproduction of character actions with dubbing, the construction of models with their subsequent description, the use of preceding, accompanying and concluding speech, the use of constructed models for the development of lexical and grammatical skills.

component of speech.

Magic LEGO bags “The fourth odd one”, “Generalization”.