
The influence and significance of egregor on humans. How to get out of egregor. Disconnecting from a hostile egregor How to free yourself from an egregor

You know, what are egregors? These are some energy structures, which are in the information space above you and are capable of influence your thoughts and perception of the world.

It is because of them that we sometimes cannot get out of the squirrel wheel of problems and attitudes, we feel powerless “against the system,” and we cannot jump over the bar to a new level of income or health.

More recently, knowledge about egregors was considered occult and secret, and was discussed by particularly advanced esotericists. Now information about egregors has become publicly available and is widely found in psychological and spiritual literature.

Read in the article: what is an egregor, what types of egregors are there, how can we live with them and is it possible to disconnect from an egregor.

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An egregor is an energy and information field that consists of the thoughts and emotions of large groups of people united by a common idea. To put it simply, an egregor is made up of beliefs.

It is believed that religious and political movements, social movements, national and geographical communities (“Christians”, “communists”, “greens”, “Germans”, “villagers”, “Muscovites”) have their own egregors.

If you want to get out of all the energy structures that no longer support you, but only pull energy out of you and put you in a place that you don’t like, you need...

There are also very small egregors, for example, families (clan) or collectives (one enterprise). There are egregors for specific books, films, and hobbies.

In fact, the more people live and think according to similar rules, the stronger the egregor becomes, more and more easily attracting new “adherents”. He is able to interact with and influence human consciousness.

For example, there is an egregor of “cynics who do not believe in energy and other nonsense.” In general, they don’t believe in egregors either. At the same time, they think ridiculously alike, and their “commonality” perfectly fits the list of all egregorial qualities.

For example, I prefer the egregor “spiritual practices and meditations and their positive impact on life.”

Essentially, what is an egregor? This is simply a kind of collective consciousness with one bias or another. Egregor by itself neither good nor bad. It is even useful to some extent to the people involved.

It can protect a person’s consciousness from chaos, as it offers simple and understandable rules of life. For example, the egregor of the “Soviet mentality” was very strong, and many people, having lost its support, lost their orientation in life. And someone continues to believe in him even now...

Signs of being inside an egregor

1. A special system of rules and beliefs

An egregor is formed when people concentrate on one idea, and then it is fueled by this same idea. This structure strives for stability within itself.

The more people accept the original idea, the stronger the egregor becomes. Special terminology, especially different from the usual language, only aggravates the “pull-in”. Characteristic external signs are also possible, for example, clothing, special rituals, and so on.

You can easily recognize a deep follower of egregor if he broadcasts right and left “rules of life”, “inflexible commandments”, “the experience of ancestors”.

For many people, the connection is so strong that they simply do not hear any opinion other than the egregorial one. In fact, at this time the egregor speaks through his mouth.

If you manage to bring adequate and scientifically based arguments that violate the “adept’s” worldview, he seems to “switch off” and it is almost impossible to communicate further.

2. There are “insiders”, there are “strangers”

Any egregor creates boundaries. There is always a division into ours and not-ours.

Ours are always “good”. For neutral eregors, others are “not bad”, “different”; usually their existence is simply ignored. There are also friendly egregors. As a rule, they consist of a positive idea and involve people with a high level of consciousness.

For aggressive egregors, strangers are “enemies.” An information war is being waged against them (which, unfortunately, sometimes even becomes physical). The state of conflict pumps both egregors with energy and new adherents.

I will not give examples, they are too topical now and are actively pouring out on us through the media.

Check if you have spinal disorders or increased nervousness. This may be caused by living in a state of struggle or mistrust

3. The feeling of being part of something big and strong

For this reason, in fact, people are drawn into egregor. It’s good there, there is a community there, “we”. The person feels needed.

Egregor has idea, sometimes he even explains the meaning of life. There are comrades there, leaders - in general, there is someone to go with and where to go. And this, you see, is nice.

In some cases, deep immersion in the egregor allows you to relieve yourself of some responsibility for your life. A person stops speaking for himself and begins to speak on behalf of “us”. Usually these are banal, chewed-up attitudes.

For example: “It’s difficult for us, single mothers, to find work,” “You, the city people, don’t like us, the villagers, you offend us,” “Muscovites are arrogant, and we, the provincials, are honest and hard-working.”

Constructive and destructive egregors

In fact, egregors are not good or bad, they are just energy. We will divide them into constructive (creative) and destructive (destructive) conditionally, according to their impact on the lives of its adherents.

  • Neutral or friendly towards other egregors and non-systemic people.
  • Free and voluntary. A person can easily join or leave them; be a member of several egregors without condemnation or any other sanctions of other members of the egregor.
  • They give a person protection, information, and a community of like-minded people. But they do not deprive him of his independence, personal opinion and choice.
  • They broadcast positive beliefs that improve the lives of the people involved (for example, the egregor of “The Secret” gives the following instructions: “The Universe is abundant, wishes come true, can give us everything we want”).

Examples of creative egregors are the New Age movement, many spiritual practices and some religions, sports, healthy eating, charitable societies, etc. In general, “Keys of Mastery” can also be included in the list.

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    • Little tolerant or aggressive towards other egregors and non-systemic people (“Whoever is not with us is against us”).
    • Involuntary (“Input is a ruble, exit is two”) or pseudo-voluntary (“You, of course, can choose whether or not to join the party, but you understand…”).
    • In exchange for a feeling of involvement in a common cause, a person’s freedom of choice and action is completely or partially paralyzed.

Usually, violation of the rules of such egregors is punishable by “public” condemnation and rejection. In extreme cases, speaking out against the system can cost lives or freedom.

  • They broadcast beliefs that worsen the lives of “adherents”, belittling their creative abilities, ambitions, and needs. Such egregors do not destroy people (still, they need to be filled with someone). But they are provided with a life at the subsistence level, with a meager level of income, everyday boredom and, occasionally, permitted egregorial holidays.

For example, the “egregor of a provincial town” often conveys beliefs like: “We must live modestly, earn money through hard work and keep a low profile; relax with TV and beer..."

I will not give examples of destructive egregors, so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings. I think you can handle this very well yourself, since there are enough examples from the past or modern life.

Freedom from destructive egregors. How to disconnect from egregor

Of course, complete freedom from egregors is almost impossible to achieve. Even if you remove almost all egregors, you will still remain, for example, a citizen of your country or a member of your family.

But, I believe that to calculate and remove destructive egregors from your life still necessary.

This is not necessarily a totalitarian sect - this is an extreme example. But there are hidden destructive egregors that can influence your life right now.

For example, the egregor “powerless, unfortunate patients of a district hospital.” I remember how I myself, with sufficient leveling and spiritual experience, once ended up in the hospital, and after 2-3 days I almost joined the general background of whining and suffering.

If in your family, your surroundings, everyone believes that only thieves have big money, that we haven’t lived richly, and won’t – you have fallen into the “poor but proud” egregor.

Many women can fall into the egregor of “divorced women” - “I’m unhappy, men are assholes, there are no prospects, because everyone lives like this.”

And, alas, many in our country are connected to the egregor of alcoholism, or “living with an alcoholic.”

And, probably, now many of you are interested in the question - is it possible disconnect from negative ones, and just any other egregors you don’t need?

Yes, you can - which is great! For this purpose, Alena Starovoitova developed open. It will involve disconnecting participants from ineffective egregors and connecting to their inner strength, their Higher Self.

This is an amazing chance to find your own strength, free yourself from other people’s imposed attitudes, and get off the boring well-trodden rut. Moreover, participation in the master class is free (the recording will not be made publicly available).

Now is a truly wonderful time! I wish you not to miss it.

All the best.

An egregor is an energy-informational structure that unites and synchronizes the actions of people to achieve a specific goal. For example, there is an egregor of pair relationships, a work team, a company, a country. Knowing how to communicate with an egregor, you can receive its protection and help. It is the support of egregorial structures that explains the phenomenal luck and incredible charisma of some people.

Rules for working with egregors

Sometimes you look - a nice, educated guy, by the age of forty he managed to build a good business, earns good money, but relationships with girls do not work out, or, on the contrary, a person has a wonderful, friendly family, but despite all his efforts he cannot achieve material well-being. It turns out that a person easily connects to some egregors, while with others the connection is broken for one reason or another. Why is this happening?

Some egregors guide a person from birth - this is a consequence of his close cooperation with these energy structures in past lives. Such a connection is easy to determine: even in early childhood, a child exhibits inclinations and pronounced abilities for certain activities. Others have yet to earn the support of egregorial structures.

As a rule, a person unconsciously acquires the skills of connecting to various egregors in childhood and adolescence, observing the behavior of older family members and those closest to him. For example, if a guy had a clear example of successful business while growing up, then he adopts the way of thinking and the values ​​of an “honest and prosperous businessman.” Over time, an intuitive understanding arises of what unspoken rules need to be followed in order to achieve success in the material sphere. If there was no positive role model, then difficulties arise when building a stable connection with the egregor. For example, a novice entrepreneur’s business constantly fails, or it is impossible to build long-term relationships with the opposite sex. You have to learn from your own experience how to work with egregors.

Successful work with egregors is impossible without understanding the basic principles of interaction with the subtle world.

  1. If you want to achieve the fulfillment of some desire, you need to get into the sphere of interests of the egregor who is able to ensure the achievement of your goal. You can gain interest from the energy system by having the talents and resources it needs. In this situation, the egregor himself will try to establish a connection with you. In other cases, you have to go into his service - this could be a short-term provision of some kind of service or many years of work with the egregor.

    The author again treats egregors as some kind of superior authority, proceeding from the position of a subordinate. Who is higher than whom in level - a person or an egregor - is determined by the internal frequency. It’s good to just come to an agreement with an egregor and sign a contract. Semargl.

  2. Opportunities, abilities and protection are given to a person for a reason, but to achieve specific goals. If the received energy is used for other purposes, the egregor eventually blocks the energy-information channel, depriving its protégé of the previous support.
    Semargl: it is better not to mess with destructive egregors, as well as religious egregors that block growth. But if the egregor only sucks it out without giving anything in return, you should come to an agreement with him. And agree consciously, without uncontrolled ritual and mystical processes.
  3. Complete disconnection of the intruder from the energy structure does not occur immediately. At first, after committing actions that violate the ethics of the egregor, a person receives a warning in the form of some kind of emotional dissatisfaction and occasional exposure to disharmonious situations. Having received a warning, a person must pause, analyze his behavior and adjust further actions according to the requirements of the egregor.
  4. What is allowed to a ward of one energy structure may be strictly prohibited to members of another. The principles of some egregors are so incompatible in nature that it is necessary to set priorities and choose which structures will have to be renounced in order to receive the support of others.

Safety precautions

You should understand that if you regularly violate the ethics of the egregor leading you, you can not only lose his support, but also receive severe punishment. Especially if the system itself is quite rigid and authoritarian, blocking choice and free thought (for example, the army or the Christian church).

Before connecting to any energy structure, find out its original purpose for existence and how its ethics coincide with yours. Often destructive egregors hide behind the brightest slogans. Without understanding the true nature of the energy system and turning to it for help, you risk losing your freedom by getting into service on unfavorable terms for you.

Semargl: A clear sign of a destructive egregor is blocking the exit. You can enter, but you cannot leave. He was baptized - and immediately became guilty of sins for the rest of his life, and must constantly atone for them, servant of God, because he cannot get out!

Destructive energy systems try in every possible way to take over a person’s energy, playing on his lower instincts and fears. For example, the egregor of gambling is attracted by the prospect of quick enrichment, a feeling of being chosen and the opportunity to remove responsibility for one’s actions - religion. Be honest with yourself in understanding the motives that drive you when communicating with a certain energy entity.

If most of the time you are led by a certain egregor, be careful when seeking help from other energy structures based on thought forms antagonistic to it. For example, if you work closely with the egregor of Slavic paganism, then turning to the Christian, which at one time supplanted the pagan, promises trouble.

Communication with egregor

A person receives an impulse to act one way or another in certain situations from his leading egregor. In everyday life, egregorial influence gently, imperceptibly corrects the thoughts and reactions of its ward - so that it seems that these are his own beliefs and feelings.

What do you need to know when communicating with an egregor?
Each egregor produces energy-information exchange only at its own frequencies. At low frequency levels are standard defeatist thoughts and negative emotions. The “lighter” the energy system, the higher vibrations (love, gratitude, optimism) a person must develop in himself in order to perceive its instructions and help.

Doubt, haste, impatience and impure motives interfere with connection to high-frequency information flows or lead to their distortion. Always express a clear intention to get advice on an issue that interests you and pay attention to signs: “chance” meetings, conversations, dreams, your own feelings.

Pangs of conscience are a signal about whether the principles and ethics of a particular energy structure in which a person belongs have been violated. It is necessary to distinguish which criticism from which egregor at a certain moment sounds in a person as the voice of conscience. For example, a man may feel guilty when listening to his wife complain that he does not spend enough time with his family. In this situation, the signal can come from both the family egregor and the wife’s personal selfish egregor. Depending on the source, the correct behavior of a man in a given situation will differ.

How to contact egregor

Turning to an egregor for help is somewhat reminiscent of prayer. Take time for the process. For some, following special rituals helps them better tune in to the desired wave. With the help of external paraphernalia - icons, uniforms, room decoration, music, spells, shouting the company's motto - a disconnection occurs from some energy structures and a connection to others, the emotional background and attitude change. A person may have his own, personally invented symbols, for example: an autograph of a favorite writer, a family photo, a certificate, medals.

In Orlin’s course, a red thread follows a warning: work with egregors should be carried out only consciously. Automatic, unconscious connection that occurs when using rituals, paraphernalia, spells and other mystical superstitions - such a connection always turns out to be extremely unfavorable for the connected terms of the contract with the egregor. The adept gives the maximum, receives the minimum or nothing at all. Semargl.

State the problem and the final desired result. The answer may come almost immediately in the form of an intuitive guess as to how best to proceed, or information (conversation, news, book) that will attract your attention in the near future. One of the effective ways to receive answers from an egregor is through various fortune-telling systems (tarot, runes).

Communication must be done in a respectful manner. Egregor will not satisfy any of your selfish requests. A person who has established a connection with the subtle world intuitively feels which issues he should solve using his own energy, and which he can entrust to the egregor leading him. At the same time, you should not diminish your own value. If you are doing some kind of work that is important for the egregor, he will support you in any necessary way - he will solve everyday and material problems, and bring you together with the right people. He will even “get” you tickets to a concert of your favorite band, if that’s what you need to lift your spirits.

Remember that strong and high-frequency egregors have millions of servants under their command and numerous connections with other energy structures. If you feel that you do not have time to complete some work on time, simply forward it to the egregor. Soon you will be pleased to see how issues that previously tormented you are resolved in the most harmonious way without your direct participation.

Issues can be resolved, but you should remember that there is always a fee, or, to be more precise, an advance payment. Payment to the egregor with energy, attention, emotions, time. At the highest rates, 1 to 10 or more. Semargl.

Energy exchange

People often underestimate the role of energy exchange. The subtle world is extremely rational in relation to energy expenditure. Regardless of the vibrational level of the energy system, the outflow of energy from a person into it is much more powerful than the reciprocal infusion. This is necessary so that the egregor can continue to exist. Never slack on fulfilling your part of the contract. On the contrary, always try to give more. You can only get something in advance if you are in good standing, so it’s better to pay in advance.

An egregor accepts as a gift only a certain type of energy that he needs. Do not try to replace the offering he needs with an equivalent that is convenient for you. Egregor may not accept it and will still collect the debt, taking away the energy due to him under the guise of time, money, or even health.

How, for example, can we carry out a harmonious energy exchange with the egregor of work? Let's say you dream of a promotion. What to do? Worry in advance about what benefits you will bring to the company’s egregor when you achieve greater power. Will your new position be beneficial not only to you, but also to the company? Are you ready to take on more responsibility? Did you work with full dedication in your old position? Were you attentive to your subordinates? Perhaps you need additional education? Express your intention to develop in a direction beneficial to the egregor and be sure to keep your promise.

Everyone should benefit from the fulfillment of your wish. Do not play unfair competitive games. Contact the egregor with a request to transfer another candidate to the desired position to a more profitable place of work so that he, too, is satisfied with the current situation.


Connecting to egregors usually occurs automatically, because any egregor is tuned to growth and an increase in the number of adherents.
But you can’t just disconnect from many egregors.

Mystical and superstitious ways of connecting to egregors always connect you to the default enslaving conditions of the egregor. Therefore, we draw attention to the exceptional importance of conscious connection, similar to drawing up a contract.

Cooperation with structural energy systems can bring many benefits. A well-built interaction strategy will make you more effective in all areas of life. The final decision on establishing and ending contact always rests with the one who has higher vibrations - be it an egregor or a person.

It is very useful for everyone consciously following the path of spiritual development to know what an egregor is, what opportunities (and dangers!) appear when connecting to egregorial structures, how to work with them, and most importantly, how to get out of an egregor without negative consequences for yourself.

Signs of disconnection from egregor

Egregors are various energy-informational structures that are created first on the subtle plane, and then acquire corresponding institutions in the physical world.

On the basis of the egregor, not only formal organizations arise, but also any groups of people united by similar ideas. For example, there are national, religious, clan egregorial structures. The egregor organizes the life of its participants, quietly directing their thoughts and activities towards the implementation of the evolutionary task for which it was created. In fact, this is not bad; with the support of such energy structures, a person can achieve his personal goals.

The interest and energy boost that arises when engaging in some kind of activity is a sure sign of the opening of an information and energy channel into the egregor. If interest in the business fades or external circumstances develop in such a way that a person loses the opportunity to engage in his previous business (dismissal, illness, expulsion from the community) - this is a signal that the channel to the egregor is closed for some reason.

It is much more difficult to free yourself from some egregorial systems than to fall under their influence. Such structures are called low-frequency. Whatever bright goals they pursue, their methods of interacting with people are too harsh and enslaving.

Possible consequences of leaving

When the channels in the egregorial structure are blocked, a number of symptoms may occur:

  • decreased emotional background, apathy;
  • prostration;
  • difficulties in performing previously easy work (a feeling of “emptiness” in the head, lack of creative ideas);
  • a feeling of indifference to previously disturbing problems;
  • physical malaise, exacerbation of diseases;
  • loss of property;
  • change in social status (for example, loss of a job, loss of previously existing authority, power over the environment, or one’s own escape from the influence of previously significant people);
  • attempts by the egregor to return the person under its influence (increased conversations around egregor topics, aggression from former like-minded people).

Even if a person left the system of his own free will, at first he may experience an unpleasant feeling of devastation. After all, the egregorial thoughts that previously fed him become inaccessible or do not provide the same energy boost.

Disconnection from the egregorial structure can also feel like falling into a streak of failure. Since being a valuable “servant” of the egregor, a person receives tangible help in the form of successful coincidences of circumstances, a flow of material wealth, and so on.

As a rule, such a state of confusion and loss of life guidelines does not last long - until a person becomes the “chosen one” of a new egregor. Sometimes there is a direct transition from one egregorial structure to another, higher one, and it is felt as a sharp change in worldview and life values. And even if it is accompanied by some kind of material losses or a decrease in social status, it is easily experienced.

Egregors with a constructive energy structure welcome free-thinking and personal responsibility and do not punish for breaking ties with them or belonging to other forces.

General step-by-step exit instructions

Safe disconnection from the egregorial structure requires compliance with several rules.

  • Refusal to fight. The secret of how to disconnect from a negative egregor is to stop considering it as such. By fighting with the egregorial system or its followers (even mentally), a person contributes to the further pumping of his energy. It must be recognized that even if now the structure seems to enslave a person, he himself at one time allowed this to happen. This means that at some point the opening of energy channels was voluntary and brought certain benefits. It is necessary to recognize the egregor’s right to the time and energy spent on it, as well as to its continued existence, to the same extent as one’s right to exit from it is recognized. The destruction of an egregor occurs by itself when people stop energetically feeding the ideas that it carries within itself.
  • Paying off debts. If a person consumed egregorial energy, but did not give anything in return, then the balance will be upset. In this case, the egregor simply will not let the person go or “take payment.” You should not be surprised at the loss of property or health after such an unequal exchange. You need to compensate your output somehow. For example, bring and train a new servant of the egregorial structure.
  • Disruption of information and energy communication. Egregor is most “afraid” that a person will take his “provocations” calmly. Refusal of the way of thinking and habitual reactions to situations arising in life imposed by the egregorial system is a sure way to get rid of its influence. Meditation and critical assessment of your own thoughts help no worse than the magical ritual of renunciation. True, it takes more time.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Conduct an audit of the internal motives and motivations that led to this egregorial system. Assess your possibilities of life without the energy and resources provided by membership in this structure.
  2. Enlist the support of a higher power system.
  3. Express your intention to part with the egregor.
  4. Ask to indicate the price of the issue and let him go in peace, if possible, collecting the bills. As a rule, after such a request, a person intuitively understands what needs to be done to pay off the property.
  5. Take the necessary actions to pay off debts to the egregorial system.
  6. Carry out an exit ritual (you can come up with it yourself).

You can make it easier to get out and get protection by connecting to a higher-frequency egregor, that is, switching from lower programs to higher ones. Which, of course, in itself can cause psychological difficulties, the so-called “internal conflict.” In fact, it is the struggle of egregors for a person.

How to disconnect a person from an egregor

No rituals and spells or isolation from carriers of egregorial thoughts will help if actions are committed against the will of a person. At some level he must want to free himself. And only in this case will the help be effective.

Consequence for those who disconnect from egregors

If you work on the energies of an equally strong egregor “with the opposite sign,” then the energy losses will be borne by it itself. If you do not secure such support, you will have to bear all the negative consequences yourself. Only experienced magicians know how to deflect a retaliatory energy shock wave.

How to get out of Christian egregor

The rite of baptism is a magical church ritual that allows the church energy structure to be the first to fill and firmly establish itself in the spiritual world of a recently born person. Leaving the Christian egregor, a person relieves him of responsibility for his safety, refuses church spiritual nourishment, but at the same time refuses the Christian idea of ​​sinfulness and the position of “God’s servant.”

The payment to the Christian egregor for protection is the status of a guilty slave, in the book of God, but in fact of the church. A slave doomed to work forever for supposed “sins.”

Naturally, all church paraphernalia is removed, and the observance of various Christian rituals and holidays ceases. In front of the altar or the icon of “Christ the Temperance” the conspiracy is read:

I (name) speak about renunciation.
I renounce God Jehovah,
From Jesus Christ, from the Virgin Mary,
From the Holy Spirit who proceeds from them,
From every holy Christian place, from its place in heaven,
from every Christian thought and deed, from alms and forgiveness of the Lord God.
And may I never set foot on the road to salvation through Christ,
God-given and my soul will disappear forever for the Lord
and he will no longer hear my voice.
May it be so forever and ever
For this is my will.

After reading it three times, you need to sign yourself with the unholy sign of the cross - with your left hand, from bottom to top and from left to right and leave the church without looking back.

How to disconnect from the egregor of poverty

Meditation. It is necessary to remember and visualize negative situations related to money and causing unpleasant emotions. Next, you should imagine how thin threads stretch from your body to each painful situation. Place your hands on your stomach and begin to breathe deeply, imagining the sun growing inside you. Its rays begin to burn the threads that connect you with past negative experiences regarding money. Next, you need to express your intention: “I am freeing myself from the energy of instability and discovering a world of abundance and endless resources.”

Money and energy are given by the egregorial structure for an idea, the implementation of which he wants to implement with human hands. The easiest way to achieve the desired financial prosperity is to clearly plan for what purposes the received resources will be spent. This will help determine which egregorial structures may be interested and what needs to be given to them in return.

To gain wealth, it is very effective to clearly see where resources will go.

For example, the purpose of buying a new dress or a new computer game is to please your loved one. By expressing in return the intention to at least simply share your positive emotions with others, you open channels to egregors interested in such an exchange, and get what you want.

How to get rid of the egregor of alcohol

One of the easiest ways to get out of influence alcoholic egregor- come under the influence of an egregorial structure that satisfies the same needs. This explains how people get rid of addictions when they join religious organizations. Naturally, this solution is not always the best.

Any narcotic substance allows you to artificially switch to other states of consciousness. Some drink for courage, others - to numb the pain and relax. But there is only one reason - the direct channel to the corresponding egregor is closed and you need to work with it, rejecting the workaround.

Egregor of death: connection and exit

The egregor of death is a set of ideas regarding the process of dying, the causes of unnatural death and the afterlife. This channel is associated with stopping time and completing the life cycle. Here lies a whole area of ​​disciplines related to the nullification of any processes, their transformation and resuscitation.

A quick connection to an egregor occurs through the conscious acceptance of its ideas as truth, which allows you to draw energy from this energy-information field.

Imitation of death is quite acute, because at this moment emotional ties with the outside world are severed and personality is lost. Exit implies switching to the previous energy-informational background.

Magical rites and rituals that accompany the process of connecting and leaving the egregorial structure serve only as an amplifying factor in the emotional attitudes of those who participate in them, and are of a secondary nature.


Leaving the egregor allows you to change your destiny. For better or for worse, it depends on how much a person’s goals coincide with the possibility of their implementation in each specific energy structure.

Do you know what egregors are? These are certain energy structures that are located in the information space above you and are capable of influencing your thoughts and perception of the world.

It is because of them that we sometimes cannot get out of the squirrel wheel of problems and attitudes, we feel powerless “against the system,” and we cannot jump over the bar to a new level of income or health.

More recently, knowledge about egregors was considered occult and secret, and was discussed by particularly advanced esotericists. Now information about egregors has become publicly available and is widely found in psychological and spiritual literature.

What is egregor and how does it affect a person?

An egregor is an energy and information field that consists of the thoughts and emotions of large groups of people united by a common idea. To put it simply, an egregor is made up of beliefs.

It is believed that religious and political movements, social movements, national and geographical communities (“Christians”, “communists”, “greens”, “Germans”, “villagers”, “Muscovites”) have their own egregors.

There are also very small egregors, for example, families (clan) or collectives (one enterprise). There are egregors for specific books, films, and hobbies.

In fact, the more people live and think according to similar rules, the stronger the egregor becomes, more and more easily attracting new “adherents”. He is able to interact with and influence human consciousness.

For example, there is an egregor of “cynics who do not believe in energy and other nonsense.” In general, they don’t believe in egregors either. At the same time, they think ridiculously alike, and their “commonality” perfectly fits the list of all egregorial qualities.

For example, I prefer the egregor “spiritual practices and meditations and their positive impact on life.”

Essentially, what is an egregor? This is simply a kind of collective consciousness with one bias or another. Egregor in itself is neither good nor bad. It is even useful to some extent to the people involved.

It can protect a person’s consciousness from chaos, as it offers simple and understandable rules of life. For example, the egregor of the “Soviet mentality” was very strong, and many people, having lost its support, lost their orientation in life. And someone continues to believe in him even now...

Signs of being inside an egregor

1. A special system of rules and beliefs

An egregor is formed when people concentrate on one idea, and then it is fueled by this same idea. This structure strives for stability within itself.

The more people accept the original idea, the stronger the egregor becomes. Special terminology, especially different from the usual language, only aggravates the “pull-in”. Characteristic external signs are also possible, for example, clothing, special rituals, and so on.

You can easily recognize a deep follower of egregor if he broadcasts right and left “rules of life”, “inflexible commandments”, “the experience of ancestors”.

For many people, the connection is so strong that they simply do not hear any opinion other than the egregorial one. In fact, at this time the egregor speaks through his mouth.

If you manage to bring adequate and scientifically based arguments that violate the “adept’s” worldview, he seems to “switch off” and it is almost impossible to communicate further.

2. There are “insiders”, there are “strangers”

Any egregor creates boundaries. There is always a division into ours and not-ours.

Ours are always “good”. For neutral eregors, others are “not bad”, “different”; usually their existence is simply ignored. There are also friendly egregors. As a rule, they consist of a positive idea and involve people with a high level of consciousness.

For aggressive egregors, strangers are “enemies.” An information war is being waged against them (which, unfortunately, sometimes even becomes physical). The state of conflict pumps both egregors with energy and new adherents.

I will not give examples, they are too topical now and are actively pouring out on us through the media.

3. The feeling of being part of something big and strong

For this reason, in fact, people are drawn into egregor. It’s good there, there is a community there, “we”. The person feels needed.

The egregor has an idea, sometimes he even explains the meaning of life. There are comrades there, leaders - in general, there is someone to go with and where to go. And this, you see, is nice.

In some cases, deep immersion in the egregor allows you to relieve yourself of some responsibility for your life. A person stops speaking for himself and begins to speak on behalf of “us”. Usually these are banal, chewed-up attitudes.

For example: “It’s difficult for us, single mothers, to find work,” “You, the city people, don’t like us, the villagers, you offend us,” “Muscovites are arrogant, and we, the provincials, are honest and hard-working.”

Constructive and destructive egregors

In fact, egregors are not good or bad, they are just energy. We will divide them into constructive (creative) and destructive (destructive) conditionally, according to their impact on the lives of its adherents.

Constructive egregors:

  • Neutral or friendly towards other egregors and non-systemic people.

  • Free and voluntary. A person can easily join or leave them; be a member of several egregors without condemnation or any other sanctions of other members of the egregor.

  • They give a person protection, information, and a community of like-minded people. But they do not deprive him of his independence, personal opinion and choice.

  • They broadcast positive beliefs that improve the lives of the people involved (for example, the egregor of “The Secret” gives the following instructions: “The Universe is abundant, wishes come true, the Law of Attraction can give us everything we want”).

Examples of creative egregors are the New Age movement, many spiritual practices and some religions, sports, healthy eating, charitable societies, etc. In general, “Keys of Mastery” can also be included in the list.

Destructive egregors:

  • Little tolerant or aggressive towards other egregors and non-systemic people (“Whoever is not with us is against us”).

  • Involuntary (“Input is a ruble, exit is two”) or pseudo-voluntary (“You, of course, can choose whether or not to join the party, but you understand…”).

  • In exchange for a feeling of involvement in a common cause, a person’s freedom of choice and action is completely or partially paralyzed.

  • Usually, violation of the rules of such egregors is punishable by “public” condemnation and rejection. In extreme cases, speaking out against the system can cost lives or freedom.

  • They broadcast beliefs that worsen the lives of “adherents”, belittling their creative abilities, ambitions, and needs. Such egregors do not destroy people (still, they need to be filled with someone). But they are provided with a life at the subsistence level, with a meager level of income, everyday boredom and, occasionally, permitted egregorial holidays.

For example, the “egregor of a provincial town” often conveys beliefs like: “We must live modestly, earn money through hard work and keep a low profile; relax with TV and beer..."

I will not give examples of destructive egregors, so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings. I think you can handle this very well yourself, since there are enough examples from the past or modern life.

Freedom from destructive egregors

Of course, complete freedom from egregors is almost impossible to achieve. Even if you remove almost all egregors, you will still remain, for example, a citizen of your country or a member of your family.

But, I believe that it is still necessary to identify and remove destructive egregors from your life.

This is not necessarily a totalitarian sect - this is an extreme example. But there are hidden destructive egregors that can influence your life right now.

For example, the egregor “powerless, unfortunate patients of a district hospital.” I remember how I myself, with sufficient leveling and spiritual experience, once ended up in the hospital, and after 2-3 days I almost joined the general background of whining and suffering.

If in your family, your surroundings, everyone believes that only thieves have big money, that we have not lived richly, and will not - you have fallen into the “poor but proud” egregor.

Many women can fall into the egregor of “divorced women” - “I’m unhappy, men are assholes, there are no prospects, because everyone lives like this.”

And, alas, many in our country are connected to the egregor of alcoholism, or “living with an alcoholic.”

And, probably, now many of you are interested in the question - is it possible to disconnect from negative, and simply any other egregors that you don’t need?

Yes, you can - which is good news!

To begin with, let me remind you that ANYONE can be reflashed and, as practice shows, almost all egregors are predatory to one degree or another. Here, naturally, an objection will arise: “but what about the egregor of the family, clan?!” Again, everyone’s degree is different, many give more than they take away, and it’s not always possible to refuse participation. You need to realize that all entities feed on someone and feed someone. If you know of exceptions, please don't be shy. Egregors are psychoenergetic entities that have their own consciousness and transmit this consciousness to adherents. The egregor of a family, for example, can give strength, but it also takes away a lot of it, you must agree. This is neither good nor bad, everything is experience and development, it just needs to be understood and taken into account.

Now, let’s take, as a striking example, the egregor reiki, about which there was recent correspondence about it:

Q: I left reiki - in my subjective opinion, the energy of reiki is not exactly what is attributed to it (but is attributed to: light, love, nirvana, etc.), it is quite cold, calculating and technocratic - this dawned on me after two years of daily hard practice...) But some people don’t feel this, or maybe different settings are passed on from different masters, I don’t know.

A: Look who supervises it on the thin ones. Just ask them to come. Just don’t buy into masks, you need to take them off to see the true essence (with a ray from the heart, for example). You will thank yourself for leaving)

Q: What should we do next with them, these curators, when they arrive? What, just watch it and send it home?
And here is the question - is there this channel that opens during initiation - after leaving the system, they can pour in something unnecessary through it, control it, etc.? If a person does not use the channel and has never used it, and does not believe it at all (my husband) - in this case do they have “access”? Or is it better to say something like “I’m closing the reiki channel, etc.”?

A: Yes, send him home and demand to break all contracts + take back all your connections/channels. If you are ready, of course, that is, you don’t mind and there are no internal objections, otherwise you will block it.
Any control, even through the smallest astral entity, is carried out only if a person allows it. We remember that there is free will for everything.

“If a person doesn’t use the channel and has never used it, and doesn’t believe it at all (my husband) - in this case, do they have “access”?”- Why did he even receive it, if it’s not a secret, since he doesn’t believe it?

I apologize for the direct answer, but here again we are faced with another “eternal spiritual student”: I want a channel, I want to open the middle chakra and fifth eye, but I don’t know why. Such people are obviously controlled by definition and without any channels, because they forget to think for themselves, and only indulge fashionable trends. And, of course, thereby opening access to everyone who is not too lazy.

To break the connection with any egregor:

First of all, you need to be ready to break up, let go, understand that the connection is no longer needed and why, and not regret, not doubt and not experience ambivalent feelings *. You can throw away or burn certificates/diplomas/certificates and other waste paper, erase the contacts of masters and colleagues in the workshop

Sit down, relax, immerse yourself in a state of contemplation or meditation (if possible). For advanced users - activate crystals/crysts. body (although if CT is already activated, then the possibility of connecting extra predatory egregors tends to zero)

*Comment from a colleague on the topic:

In recent St. Petersburg sessions there were a couple of people who went to constellations. One goes to, and another called it “Esoteric Theater”. They scanned them and everything was clean. There is a girl and a guy there who practice reiki, maybe that’s why there is protection

Let me remind you that a person must remove the connections himself and according to his personal readiness. There have been numerous cases when the immersed person himself does not see this or that implant/entity, but the leader does. In most cases, the presenter is prohibited from removing them, because the person is simply not ready yet and/or has not worked through the cause, elimination will not give anything, the connection will return. We catch it ourselves, we must remove it ourselves, and not shift responsibility to others.

In addition, if a person is confident in his “purity and inviolability,” he will subconsciously block his own vision of alien energies. Recently there was a case: a ward works on TV, a fairly well-known person with abilities and considerable magical baggage from other incarnations. If you've ever been to a TV studio, you know how “clean” it is. Personally, for me (and I don’t have any special sensitivity), I immediately get the feeling of a viscous mask on my face, and after such hikes we take off our hats and other technogens.

During the session, the client was constantly thrown out of the state, the images were confused, but he could find little on himself. I had to interrupt the session and ask a colleague to watch/clean it. After a 10-minute check and removal of several implants, I again plunged him into the session and this time the cleaning lasted about 7 hours in 2 sessions.

Conclusion: no protection is absolute, we need to allow any option if we want to really get rid of accumulated rubbish. Faith in protection is good, but it also has a blinding effect.

This is very similar to sending the “dead” to the spiritual worlds: you cannot force them to leave, they themselves must understand that they have lost their physical shell and are now slowing down their evolution, remaining in the 3D fields, and express a desire to leave.

Let me remind you from a recent post:

Try to avoid the big ones at all costs! As the practice of colleagues and my personal shows, the larger the organization, the easier it is to reflash it and influence adherents/patients through a common information field. Such things as reiki, cosmoenergetics, DEIR, various schools of magic and other egregors are extremely dangerous. Of the above, in almost EVERY case we are faced with a mass of connections and pumping out energy. Yes, they treat, but the price of the issue does not end with money and healing, then they simply milk the energy.

Of course, one cannot put everyone under the same brush and claim that every healer who uses “channels and settings” for certain energies is a fake. Much also depends on the personal level of the master, and many should go through this experience for personal development, but this does not make the influence of the egregor any less. It is for this reason that many “first steps” (for example, reiki) are now being distributed for free, because more naive adherents need to be recruited, and people are still greedy for freebies.

For example, I recently worked with a girl who, at the age of 18, has several initiations (reiki, cosmo + something else). She repeatedly turned to various healers, fortune tellers, senses, summoned spirits with a candle, etc. The number of connections, entities and implants removed from her simply went off scale and greatly interfered with the session; it had to be rescheduled because... it was impossible to work. When a person applies for a session with such a track record, the hypnologist’s first reaction is a viscous premonition of a long and difficult cleansing, which is far from guaranteeing clear results, because The garbage accumulated in dozens of initiations cannot be removed in one session, especially since such individuals have a craving for magic and similar practices that can be traced from life to life. At the same time, many themselves do not know why they need this! Everyone wants to open their third eye, unwind their chakras, show off a hundred channels to their friends, but few people understand WHY (?!) and even more so pay attention to the egregorial essence of the channel.

Conclusion: don’t rush to the first source of new practices and dedications you come across. First, ask yourself: do I need this? What should I do with this and what is the price of free cheese? We already have everything within ourselves, so is it worth connecting to brokerage houses?
Read the entire post:

Additions, refutations, ideas?

Reader comments on the topic:

1. At the beginning, reiki made me feel the reality of what was happening, made me feel the energy, feel some kind of POWER, the ability to influence the surrounding space with my thoughts. It was annoying that people who were “in Reiki” - they were somehow... equally subtly strange, as if under masks, or as if in corporate ties)) there was something the same, feigned about them.
Not so long ago I realized that I don’t need other people’s channels, that I need to work on my own channel, channel the energy of my VY.. and not some incomprehensible slats. And immediately confirmation of the correctness of this decision began to pour in (random articles, conversations, etc.) ... I severed the connection with the Reiki egregor exactly as described in the article above. I’m not sure that I managed to do it to the end.. In meditation, I saw such a thing attached to the thymus region (something between a brain slug and the head of an “alien”), with cords from it throughout the body, to each vertebra! I tried to rip it off, asked the guardians and VYa, tore up contracts (maybe I should have asked her to leave? I had a feeling that she didn’t want to leave)... but I still feel that something remains. The next day, where this thing was attached, a bright red rash broke out, it kept getting worse and then disappeared, and only seemed to go away for a couple of days.

Advice: these are exactly the kind of things with fasteners on the back that we usually find in rake guns. after cleaning, you can burn the affected area with a violet flame and do not forget to fill it with light (you can ask VYa) so that the regeneration process begins and there are no holes in the thin bodies for new installations

2. When I started doing bioenergy (no dedications or initiations), many people asked me - is it like Reiki? I decided to go to Reiki and see what kind of practice it is. The initiation plunged me into despondency - an obvious connection to some incomprehensible egregor. The lady master also called upon the archangels for initiation. Everyone was delighted, except me. I’m glad I went anyway, but I know what kind of sect this is.

3. I read the comment and remembered! Exactly, because when, even at the first stage of tuning into Reiki flows, the 3rd symbol is placed in the aura, it passes through the top of the head and enters the spine. I clearly saw and felt that something had entered the spine and instantly lined up there as if at home, covering every vertebra. It’s a nightmare, it didn’t even occur to me then that something foreign had been inserted.

In teaching how to work in Reiki flows, none of the masters mention implants and connections. We are talking about pure energy coming from the absolute, etc. Many are convinced, and convince their students, that Reiki is not an egregor, and therefore cannot impose anything. The question then is - why the settings? The answer is to gain the skill of working with this energy. But the founder of the system gained access to this energy in a special way. No one knows what happened on Mount Kurama, but Usui did not make adjustments to his students, but helped them reach a certain state of consciousness, when they received access to this energy in much the same way as he himself. So why do we think that in 15 minutes of tweaking we can achieve what genetically other people have been achieving for years? Not a single “reiki master” gave me the answer to these questions. The Western Reiki system, in my opinion, is an outright fool and a scam for money and energy. Friends, if you work with your ancestral memory, you can reveal layers where there is information about our Slavic system of energy development and healing, it works and does not require any dedications or connections, only purity of consciousness.

4. When I had the chance to get acquainted with reykists, the question was: what next??? We raise energy levels, we ourselves are clean and we help others (does everyone need it this way according to karmic rules?)))) but there is a dead end in development...
The initiation did not seduce me in any way, simply because the SENIOR in the Spiritual Hierarchy should initiate, and not a more experienced practitioner. There is also a question - who will “initiate” whom and where and whose egregor will outweigh...)))) At the time of that acquaintance, I was in the process of activating the 4th body with all the energy gifts, but the reykists DIDN’T NOTICE this, they just reported “news” "that they LIKE my energy!!! AND IT'S ALL!
Those. The practice of that IM did not bring any evolutionary processes. Then there is no point in practicing...
And somehow I didn’t like the “flavor” of that egregor... there is no point in doing a deep analysis, since it DIDN’T GO))) but for myself it is clear that there is a field alien to me.

How to get rid of the influence of egregors?

UPD 08/07/16. from correspondence:

Q: I have a question about egregors - how do I understand that I have left it? I took training in Oberezhye - Characteristics - Spas, they activated Stan - that is, “state” in Ukrainian, which is necessary for work. They said that now alcohol will not work. Rather, a peculiar reaction appeared - dullness, drowsiness and a heavy head, the essence here is not in alcohol, but in subtle interference, which is still alarming. As the cosmoenergeticist said later, on a subtle level it looks like zombies, it seems to have been removed. Cosmoenerget was like a client. Did I understand correctly that residual connections can be removed during the preparatory session?
I read the list of egregors, of course. But how comprehensive is it? When are there so many new systems... and more leaders than Indians?) Thank you for your answer.

A: It all depends on the egregor, its predatory nature, your involvement in it, defenses, etc. Well, on a subtle level you need to look at the presence of residual connections. Many egregors cease to influence if they are not addressed, others continue to pump energy in one form or another. Everything is individual.

no, of course, the list is not exhaustive.

Of course, this is often layered with all sorts of more or less hidden sectarianism, which is most easily veiled under the pretext of certain good intentions, tribal rites, traditions, etc.
if a person does not see what is happening and cannot check it on his own, this opens up a lot of loopholes. in the session you see and control it.

It cannot be guaranteed that in one session all the influences of the egregor can be removed, just as it cannot be guaranteed that all caries can be removed in one dental session. a person is a multidimensional consciousness, which layers were affected (by this or other egregors) and how easily you can detect them the first time is unknown, EVERYTHING IS INDIVIDUAL!

besides egregor there can be a lot of other things, incl. and from other lives. You find and shoot all this YOURSELF.

in any case, if you undergo training, you can do as many sessions as you like and achieve complete cleansing.