
From whom do energy vampires take energy? An effective technique on how to protect yourself from an energy vampire. How to protect yourself: ways to increase personal energy

We need energy constantly: to move, to digest food, to talk. Even just to open our eyes and see the world around us. Without energy, life ends.

Little children have so much energy! They cannot be stopped and are difficult to put to sleep. In general, it is difficult for them to stay in place.

But as we grow up, we begin to lose the charge of vital energy that we had in childhood. And over the years, most people have less and less energy. In turn, this becomes the cause of the development of various diseases. Chronic fatigue appears, laziness begins to overcome, the person becomes apathetic, irritable...

But where does that vital energy that we had in childhood go? Did God really create us in such a way that precisely at that period of life when maximum energy is needed to achieve goals, to create, to make money, a person, on the contrary, begins to lose it?

Nothing like this! Energy is always given to us. We are able to receive it in abundance. And often people receive it in sufficient quantities to live and work fully. But they are wasting it in vain, sending it in the wrong direction. And our life energy is often taken away without our knowledge. They simply steal.

Some smart people say that you need to learn to save energy in order to direct it at the right time to complete the assigned tasks. But saving energy is impossible. Energy is constantly moving. Stagnation of energy, again, leads to diseases. Therefore, you should not try to save vital energy, but learn to direct it in the right direction and manage it rationally.

If you do this, then even the energy that you have at the moment may be quite enough to achieve your goals.

And yet there is no such thing as excess energy. Especially if you set big goals for yourself. Often it is due to lack of energy that people give up what they started halfway through.

Laziness is nothing more than a sign of a person’s lack of vital energy.

There are many different “holes” through which a person loses much-needed energy. If these holes are plugged and patched, then you will definitely have a surge of strength and energy.

Here we will look at one of these holes and how to patch it.

Part of our energy is often taken away by those who envy us. And it doesn’t matter whether they envy us with black or white envy. Envy is envy in Africa too.

Remember: those who envy you take away your energy. The stronger the envy, the more energy is taken away.

What to do? Let these vampires continue to feed at your expense? It's up to you, of course. However, in my opinion, you should not be scattered and waste your life energy aimlessly if you want your life to be not a rotten swamp, but a clean mountain river.

There is an exit. And very simple. You can and should protect yourself from vampires! And not just to defend yourself, but to return the energy they took from you back. At the same time, you don’t have to worry that the energy will return to you contaminated by those who took it from you. She will be clean.

How can this be done in practice? As I already said, this is done very simply - by your intention.

Have you heard about the power of intention? Not about the power of desire, but rather about the power of intention. So, it is your intention that can move mountains, and even more so, return your energy taken from you by envious people.

So, let's get ready. Now we will return what rightfully belongs and has always belonged to us.

Take a blank sheet of paper and a pen. And write the following phrase: “I get back the energy that my envious people took from me, from the moment of birth to this day, and direct it to my own development!”

Have you recorded it? Now read it. If possible, read it out loud. If not, then you can read it to yourself. What matters is how you pronounce what you wrote. An intention is not a request. This is a statement, a statement of a fait accompli: everything happens this way and not otherwise!

Straighten your shoulders, raise your head, feel like a ruler! And in this state, declare your intention. And not a shadow of doubt!

That's it, you can burn the sheet with what you wrote and mentally release your intention into the Universe.

Now forget about what you just did and get on with your business. Your intention launched the most complex mechanisms of the universe. They need some time for the process of returning your energy to begin. It will definitely start.

Energy vampires exist, they are fueled by our emotions - indignation, anger, pity, sympathy. If after communicating with a person you regularly experience emptiness, weakness, malaise, it is better to stop contacts or follow “safety precautions”.

Vampires are not an invention of fantasy writers. They actually exist. But they feed not on blood, but on the energy of people. Almost all of us have repeatedly encountered psychological, or in other words, energy vampires, and we know what it’s like to feel as if all the vital juices have been sucked out of you. How to protect yourself from such contacts? How to avoid becoming a victim of an energy vampire?

It's a disease?

Some esotericists are sure that psychological vampirism is a disease, and people with weak energy potential suffer from it. It is also interesting that children under seven years of age are also energy vampires in relation to parents, blood relatives and other adults. As the child develops, he learns to replenish the lack of vital energy in the right way or becomes a vampire.

Signs of communication with a vampire

Emptyness, fatigue, drowsiness... We all experience something similar when we come home from work in the evening, especially on Fridays. But if such feelings arise while communicating with a friend or one of your relatives, or maybe even with a colleague or boss, in a supermarket or government agency, there is clearly something fishy here.

During normal communication, people exchange emotions, and therefore energy. For example, after meeting one of my friends, I feel euphoria, I feel like wings are growing behind my back, the hormones of joy are going through the roof. And after a conversation with another, such melancholy falls that the world is not nice. I thought for a long time about what was going on here, analyzed it, and in the end I realized that this friend of mine was vampirizing me. She complains about her mother-in-law, who is eating up her life, about her husband, who earns little, about problems at work... And all this with the same words for many years. When I try to suggest that she look for some way out of the situation - leave her mother-in-law, buy an apartment, change her husband, change her job, she gets angry. She does not need constructive advice, but my attention, sympathy, empathy... She usually ends her monologue with a very cheerful and satisfied voice, and I go to restore my energy.

Conscious and unconscious vampires

Psychologists have been studying the topic of energy vampirism for a long time and have been very successful in their research. As you know, in order to defeat the enemy, you need to know him by sight. For this purpose, experts offer us a classification of energy vampires by type.

So, there are vampires...

1. Unconscious

Such consumers of other people's energy do not even suspect that they pose a certain danger to their environment. From time to time they experience physical and mental illness, which goes away when communicating with other people. These unfortunate people, who are not aware of their peculiarity, so to speak, are considered less dangerous. Many of them learn over time to restore their energy potential by communicating with nature, listening to music, drawing or doing some other exciting activity.

2. Conscious

These ones are really dangerous. They know the peculiarities of their body and, without a twinge of conscience, “treat themselves” by sucking out all the juices from their donors. They are not deterred by the thought that their behavior is harmful to health and may even threaten the lives of human donors. They deliberately provoke their victims to release emotions – no matter what, negative or positive. And the more turned on the donor is, the better it is for the vampire. Having become saturated with someone else's energy, a satisfied vampire will quietly disappear, leaving his victim in a state close to a heart attack or insanity.

"Solar" and "lunar" vampires

But there is another classification of this evil spirit.

1. "Sunny"

This type of energy vampires predominates. To feel good, he needs to provoke you into emotions. It’s better, of course, to use negative ones. Therefore, he often makes scandals, throws hysterics out of the blue, humiliates the victim, and all in order to provoke in her a verbal and emotional outburst with tears and screams.

2. "Lunar"

They act on the sly. Softly and gently, like moonlight, they bring the donor to complete loss of strength. Usually they cry into their vests, complain about life, whine and become boring, and then, cheerful and active, they go home, leaving the listener and comforter in a broken state. My friend, by the way, is from the same breed.

Signs of donation

It just seems that energy vampires are not capable of causing serious harm. They say, just think, my friend will cry for my life, but she will feel better, and I will be pleased. No, it won't be pleasant. A person who is regularly attacked by vampires begins to get sick. Heart, high blood pressure, headaches, stomach pain and many other neurological disorders... Mood worsens, the world around seems to lose its colors, the joy of life disappears. Weakness, eternal fatigue, feeling of a squeezed lemon.

Protection from the “solar” vampire

The main thing for a vampire is to hook you, establish contact, and evoke emotions in you. Remember this and act accordingly.

Avoid conflicts. If you are drawn into a “showdown” in transport, a supermarket or at home, do not answer, turn away, if you cannot leave, and best of all, leave. Cross your arms and legs, do not look the aggressor in the eyes. Your gaze should be fixed on the bridge of his nose. But the best thing is to take on a thoughtful look. You won’t even notice how you really think about something of your own or fall into a soft trance. Without receiving your feedback, the vampire will quickly calm down. The moment you sit and listen to him, you can begin to build a “wall” in your thoughts.

Experts also consider laughter to be a good remedy for vampires. Imagine your interlocutor in funny poses or clothes, put him on all fours, make him crawl... Soon you will start choking with laughter and everything the vampire says will fly past your ears. Do not contradict your interlocutor, no matter how stupid he is. Don't try to prove him wrong. He's just waiting for this. Listen silently with a friendly expression on your face, nod, assent, and this will disarm him.

Protection from the “moon” vampire

To avoid drowning in the tears of your vampire friend, start complaining yourself. Come up with an unpleasant story that supposedly happened to you. This way you will exchange energy without harming yourself. But the “lunar” vampire is not very willing to listen to other people’s sorrows. After five minutes, he will try to turn onto the usual path and continue about his beloved self. So the only way to protect yourself is to quickly end the conversation and leave.

How to recover

1. Water. Esotericists offer different methods of recovery after contact with an energy vampire. First of all, water procedures. It has long been noticed that water really washes away all the negativity that accumulates during the day. So at the slightest sign of loss of vital energy, it would be good to take a shower, or at least wash your face and hold your hands under running water.

2. Infusion of medicinal herbs. Then you need to wash the body from the inside. We brew tea, but not ordinary tea, but from medicinal herbs: sage or thyme. Knowledgeable people also recommend basil tea. Half a teaspoon of herb per glass of boiling water. We drink warm in a relaxed atmosphere. This drink will calm your nerves and replenish your mental strength.

3. Fresh air. If you feel unwell due to socializing, go to a park, square, or just outside. Walk around, concentrating on your breathing. You can even stand on the balcony, exposing your face to the air currents.

4. Pleasant thoughts. Try to get rid of thoughts about the communication that took place from your head. Think about something pleasant, plan for tomorrow, in a word, get distracted.

5. Favorite activities. Watch a movie or flip through a magazine. Take knitting. Call a friend. Talk to a loved one.

Soon you will feel a surge of strength, mental and physical comfort. But from now on, try to avoid people who use you for fuel.

They do not drink blood, are not afraid of garlic, silver and sunlight. These people feed off the emotions of others.

Do energy vampires really exist?

Psychologists and bioenergetics experts are confident that they exist. These “bloodsuckers” complain about their unfortunate fate, make scandals, bore, threaten or otherwise try to unbalance their victim. It is not surprising, therefore, that one person or even a whole group of people to whom such a message is directed, their mood deteriorates, their well-being deteriorates, and powerlessness and depression arise.

Vampires do not always know that they need nourishment. However, even if they unknowingly draw energy from others, you should know how to resist energy vampires. Otherwise, there is a danger of getting sick: the negative impact weakens the body and reduces its protective functions. It is quite easy to understand how to resist energy vampires. You just need to adopt proven psychological and bioenergetic techniques.

Signs to recognize a vampire

After communicating with him, you feel tired and irritated and fall asleep. You feel like a squeezed lemon.

Such an individual does not miss the opportunity to quarrel, argue, throw out his dissatisfaction and anger on others. Then his mood immediately improves.

A person may not show visible aggression towards others, but constantly complain about his health and fate, complain, demand sympathy and take up a lot of time from his interlocutors. However, as a rule, he does nothing to make his life better.

Entertainers of the masses and lovers of chatting, always striving to be in the center of attention, represent a special type of energy vampires. However, you should not suspect everyone around you who has similar traits. But if such a person does not evoke positive emotions, his active interference in the personal space of others can be called energetic aggression. How do energy vampires behave? The peculiarity that distinguishes such people is the following: they often try to establish contact with you - they stroke, pat on the shoulder or try to touch. All these signs will help you figure out how to recognize an energy vampire.

There is one more sign. These people love to borrow, while promising to repay “as soon as possible.”

How to protect yourself from vampires?

In shops, in transport, at work and just on the street you can easily meet a bloodsucker. You should not let him into your personal space! You should know how to resist energy vampires.

Be sure to remain calm, even if it is not easy to remain impartial. You should never enter into conflict with such a person; this will protect you from internal imbalance.

Now we will tell you how to deal with energy vampires.

Learn to refuse if the annoying requests of another take up time and disrupt plans. Avoid even talking on the phone with people who constantly complain about their fate, complaining about life, their bosses, their husband (wife) or children. We need to provide help to those who really need it.

You should not reveal your energy to unknown people. If a person does not inspire confidence in you, but you are forced to be in his field of vision (travelling in transport, meeting and other situations), you should cross your arms over your chest or clasp your palms and join your feet. This way you will close off your personal space and become inaccessible to the energy vampire.

Bioenergetics specialists also advise wearing a small mirror on the inside of your clothing, with its reflective surface directed away from you. This is a talisman against an energy vampire. You can also use a pin instead of a mirror. Such a talisman against a vampire (energy), according to bioenergeticists, will reflect the negativity directed at you.

We accumulate energy

Donor trees will help accumulate strength. If you stand for a few minutes near a pine, oak or birch tree, hugging or touching it, and imagine how this tree fills you with energy, you can resist any negative impact. It is best to choose a tree growing separately from the rest.

We are openly or covertly exposed to mental attacks every day. Therefore, it is useful for everyone to know how to get rid of an energy vampire. The conditions for successfully counteracting various negative energies are as follows.

Useful properties of water

Take a contrast shower in the evening and in the morning: water washes away the bad. If, for example, you came into contact with an unpleasant person at work, you can sprinkle your face with cold water and wash your hands with soap. This way you can get rid of at least partially the negative message.

Drink tea from various medicinal herbs (for example, horsetail, calamus, yarrow) after communicating with a vampire... and forgive your offender. You should eat black or red pepper and add nutmeg to your coffee - this will extinguish the negative energy directed at you.

Full sleep

Comfortable, full sleep is very important: strength is restored during rest, and the resistance of the whole body increases. Before you go to bed, do not remember those who offended you during the day. They should not be allowed into dreams.

Silver jewelry

It is preferable to wear jewelry made of silver, as this metal purifies thoughts and absorbs negativity. A silver item can be placed in water for a while. After this, silver ions will turn it into a living one, which has protective, antibacterial and restorative properties.

Often we ourselves are the cause of energy exhaustion, because we attract increased attention to ourselves. Defiant demeanor, bright appearance - and you are hooked. Don't provoke! Sometimes modesty is beneficial energetically.

The power of thought and words

Intrusion into information-biological personal space, popularly called the evil eye and damage, will only cause harm if the soul is open to negativity. Thoughts and words carry different information, so do not destroy yourself with negative emotions. Be optimistic! People who think positively are not carriers of negative energy, and also do not attract it to themselves. Learn to forgive! even with the slightest manifestation of an emotion such as anger, he remains in a negative state for two days. The more rage you have, the more harmful it is to your health. On the contrary, a positive attitude towards people and events guarantees good health and attracts good luck.

Making an energy barrier

In order to extinguish negative energy without losing strength, you should be able to put up protection. You can take advantage of the practice that yogis use. They know how to get rid of an energy vampire. If your job requires you to stay in the same room with a manipulator for a long time, use your imagination and combine several techniques.


Feel and imagine that in front of you at the level of the intercostal space, as well as on the sides and behind, there are 4 golden warm peas at arm's length. Imagine in your mind that they are spinning around you, thereby forming a hoop. After this, try to see how it turns into an egg with dense walls. Its layers are wound on top of each other for about a minute. In this case, the egg shells can be imagined as colored, preferably orange, blue, and gold. It is very important to feel all your actions. You can also imagine that a silvery-white web has enveloped you, forming a dome. This way you will prevent a breakdown of the biofield by closing its circuit. You are protected!

"Mirror Wall"

You can mentally build a mirror wall between your unpleasant interlocutor and you. You can also place yourself in the mirror cube. Negative energy will be reflected, and the ghoul will leave you alone, losing some of its strength. You can also build a brick wall: imagine that you are laying cement, placing bricks.

Playing theater

The effect of alienation - a special psychological technique - will help you maintain calm. Imagine that you are in the auditorium of a puppet theater for children. The energy vampire acts as Karabas-Barabas. Imagine how it shrinks in size. Now perceive any aggression towards you as a role. This will help you not take words to heart. Alternatively, imagine the energy vampire as appearing on television.

It is useful to use other means. This could be a prayer from energy vampires, listening to your favorite music, sports, and more. Listen to your feelings, look deep into yourself more often: on a subconscious level, we all know how to resist energy vampires.

Protection from energy vampires. How Correct Thoughts influence our LIFE! How to restore a person’s energy to fulfill desires and goals.

Seven ways to protect yourself from energy vampires

Our life and health depend not only on vitamins, minerals, microelements, but also on subtle energy invisible to the naked eye. This energy circulates throughout our body, keeping it in optimal condition.

But if there is a malfunction on the subtle plane, and the energy is not able to circulate correctly, then illness or disease occurs.

We all know that there are people who, wittingly or unwittingly, can take our energy or disrupt its circulation.

So, the person who forcibly takes away our energy, contrary to all the laws of mutual energy exchange, ended up next to us. And you and I, who give him this energy, contrary to our wishes, become donors unwillingly.

Psychics identify such people easily and immediately. How can you and I, ordinary people, determine that we have communicated with an energy “scammer”?

Here are a few signs by which they can be recognized:

When communicating with him, you get the feeling as if someone (not necessarily a psychic) ​​is trying to instill in you an extraneous thought or idea that is alien to your worldview;

When your eyes meet, you feel tense and vulnerable for no apparent reason;

During a dialogue with him, irritation grows in you without any reason, you strive to end the conversation as quickly as possible;

After communication you feel tired, overwhelmed and sick.

You can protect yourself from the influence of such people using one of 7 options:

1. Unravel the reason for the negativity. If a person is dissatisfied with his work or relationships with loved ones, then the only way to somehow prove his worth is to make others suffer. By constantly complaining about their problems, they seek attention, which they lack.

2. Try to abstract yourself from the emotions that arise when talking with such a dangerous interlocutor. Over time, you will learn to manage your emotions.

3. Smile and indifference. If an energy vampire tries to start a conversation that is unpleasant for you, smile and remain silent. The main thing is to maintain neutrality and not allow the person to transfer their negativity onto you. By showing a reaction, you give the vampire food and a reason to communicate with you again and again.

3. Use a simple trick - ask the person to talk about something good. This is especially true when your interlocutor told you for the hundredth time how he went to a clairvoyant - and his dough still didn’t work, or the tomatoes weren’t ripe, or how unlucky he was. Most likely, after your request to talk about good things, the vampire will lose interest in you.

4. Don't let yourself be used! Don't help everyone, because some people are just taking advantage of you. In addition, constantly listening to negativity will not bring positive results.

5. Repeat to yourself: “I love you, forgive me, thank you.” This technique works because you subconsciously influence the person. As a result, the “vampire” will cease to be interested in you, since he feeds on negative emotions.

"Aspen stake" for an energy vampire

You have seen for yourself more than once that people exchange not only words and glances, but also energy.
When we are in contact with a sad person, we are filled with sadness. An irritable person shares her irritability with us. A friendly person calms us down with his positive energy.
Have you noticed that not only positive-minded people, but also aggressive, evil people are always drawn to a kind person, like the morning summer sun. And this is quite understandable:
In the aura of a kind person, our nervous system is harmonized, and we calm down.
Even half an hour of communication with a kind person gives us a surge of vitality. This happens because our subtle mental body is saturated with creative positive energy.
In the aura of a kind person, our mood improves, because we, charged with positive energy, look at the world around us with kind eyes and begin to perceive life in “plus” mode.
Kind people generously gift us with the energies of love, respect, peacefulness, patience, joy and goodness. They are not worried that the reservoir of their vital good forces will be empty, because they are under the protection of the Universe. It immediately fills them with an abundance of new, young, positive energies.

When you hear the expression: “Kindness will save the world,” do not rush to deny it. This has not yet happened only because kindness does not have enough hands to embrace the earth and warm it, to heal it with the creative energy of its heart.

In a world of evil, being kind has become unpopular and even strange. Our planet is suffocating from tornadoes of negative energies and expresses its pain through various natural disasters. Together with her, all earthlings suffer from negativity. Scientists explain this process with the theory of “constant circulation and interchange of negative energies.”

Remember physics lessons? If you connect two communicating vessels with a tube, the liquid levels in them will be equalized. The same thing happens with people. From a person with a high level of energy, vitality will automatically flow to a weakened person (with a low level of energy). If only there was a “tube”... But it turns out it’s not that difficult to organize.
The most obvious way is physical contact. But people exchange energy with each other without even touching each other. Only their auras—energy-informational shells—are in contact. An aura is a protective screen that prevents someone else’s field from penetrating to a person. But it has one more function. When a person shows interest in something, his aura seems to open, trying to embrace, draw in and understand this something. By the way, it is this property of the aura that allows people to effectively recharge with fresh energy from nature.

Plants, like humans, are energetic beings by nature. Moreover, most plants willingly make contact with a person and let him into their aura. Therefore, recharging from trees is a great way to recharge your vitality. But not every tree is suitable for this.

To replenish energy reserves, donor trees must be selected. The most energetically strong donor trees include oak, pine, acacia, maple, birch, and rowan. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that city trees are not nearly as energetically strong as forest dwellers. Therefore, to recharge, it is best to go to the forest or at least to a park, away from noisy streets and highways.

The stronger the tree, the fewer other trees there are near it. If a tree stands alone and there are no other trees at a distance of about ten meters from it, then it is very strong. If trees grow next to each other, their energy is not very strong.

Choose a tree that you like. It is very important to focus on your feelings. Listen to yourself whether you want to come into contact with this particular tree. If yes, go to it and trust your body; let it find the most suitable and pleasant position for itself. You can hug a tree and press your whole body against it, you can lean your back against it, you can sit under it, leaning on it, you can simply put your palms against the trunk.

Mentally ask the tree for help and listen to your feelings: do you think it agrees to help you? If there are no unpleasant sensations indicating the failure of the tree, then the desire for contact - the internal attraction - will intensify. If you feel joy, an increase in vitality, it means that “there is contact” - your supply of vitality is replenished.

Communicate with the tree as much as you want (but preferably no more than an hour, so as not to get an energy “overdose”).

And don't forget to thank him for his help. When leaving, you must mentally say goodbye to the tree - this is necessary in order to separate the energy fields, yours and the tree’s, which temporarily became one.

After a few days, you can repeat the communication session - the effect will be even stronger than the first time. You can establish constant contact with one specific tree with which you feel a spiritual kinship.

The best time for energy recharging from trees is early morning (1-2 hours after sunrise) or early evening (1-2 hours before sunset).
This is how natural energy exchange occurs.

But each of us had to be convinced more than once that there is violence in the world of energies. Unfortunately, encounters with energy vampires are inevitable, and we must be able to protect ourselves from them.

An energy vampire is a person who forcibly takes away our energy, contrary to all the laws of mutual energy exchange.
The energy shell of such people is similar to “black holes” and in order to fill these “holes”, they are introduced, through “tubes” (energy conductors), into other people’s energy shells and suck out other people’s positive energy.
Energy vampires can be divided into two types: those who are unaware of their illness, and those who consciously feed on the energy of others, the so-called aggressive tyrants.
There always seems to be a cloud of aggression and negativity hovering around such people. They fan a huge fire with a small spark.
Humiliating, teaching, criticizing, insulting others, trying to hurt and prick more painfully, they in every possible way provoke others into open conflict. Their goal is to unbalance a person, spoil his mood, and only then “drink his blood” and recharge himself with vital energy. After which the tyrant feels very good for some time.

Tyrant vampires are not born. They become children who do not receive the necessary amount of love, warmth, care and simply human attention from their parents. Their parents are so busy with their adult problems that they don’t even have time to say, “Good night, baby.”
They criminally forget to hug the child, kiss him and look into his eyes with love. And in the trusting, open gaze of every baby, the unspoken desire of a child’s heart sounds:
“Warm me with your love. Give me your affection. Give me your attention. I want to feel that I’m good and that you’re happy with me.”

The energies of love, recognition, and joy are necessary for a child, like the sun is for a plant, like breathing is for life. And he begins to fight for his survival: by screaming, crying, falling on the floor, breaking a toy, or deliberately breaking a cup, he forces his parents to pay attention to him. Dad or mom begins to scold him, but the child is happy, at least they somehow reacted to his presence, and he was recharged with the energy of attention.
It is from these children, deprived of attention, that our today's heroes grow up - aggressive vampire-tyrants who have learned from childhood: “To achieve something, you need to provoke a scandal.” The conflict environment serves as a source of energy for them.

So, let's remember: the very first desire of an energy vampire is to at least temporarily attract attention. But this is not enough. He needs to come into energetic contact with us, that is, to bring us into a state close to him. The fact is that there is one remarkable ability of the human aura: it can perceive only energy “related” to it. Therefore, a person who encroaches on someone’s energy tries with all his might to tune the victim to his “frequencies” - the frequencies of low spirituality. He needs your irritability, aggressiveness, fear, anxiety, fussiness... Firstly, these conditions themselves cause an increased drain of vitality. And secondly, the leaking energy, as we have already said, is “native” to the vampire.

In almost every team you can meet a person who seems to be programmed for conflict. Wherever he appears, he immediately becomes the center of attention; an aura of irritation and aggression immediately arises around him, which draws vitality from those around him.

There are many such vampires on social networks on the Internet. Often, without even reading the publication, they can write in the comments: “nonsense”, “nonsense”, “nonsense”, “all this is bullshit”... . The list of these statements can be continued, but note: this was done not only in order to mercilessly erase the work of another person.
The main goal of the “writers” of such reviews is to provoke a conflict, offend, wound, irritate and, after drinking blood, recharge with related energy.
It is easy to de-energize such Internet vampires: you need to ignore them without responding to their comments.
Let the same “well-wishers” as they are enter into dialogue with them and exchange negativity among themselves.
You need to treat the opposing opinion of readers who were able to express it in a non-aggressive manner with respect and gratitude.

How to deal with a vampire aggressor in a group, at home, in transport (where you can also be called an elephant, a monkey with glasses, or even worse)?

It seems to me that Victor Hugo gives us comprehensive advice:
“If someone has offended you, take revenge courageously. Remain calm - and this will be the beginning of your revenge, then forgive - this will be the end of it.”

There are also other methods of protection against vampirism, the so-called “hornet stake” for them:

Don't look them in the eyes- this is the strongest channel of energy exchange. Calm, self-confident to the point of impudence, the vampire’s attentive look into your eyes - and your energy began to leak. Avoid such “eye duels”.

Keep your arms crossed when talking to themon the chest or connected in a lock opposite the solar plexus. It is also advisable to connect the feet. In this way, you will “close” your energy and make it difficult for outsiders to access.

Mentally wish him happiness. The words of the ancient Vedic prayer “I wish everyone (you, you) happiness” have enormous creative and protective power.
Voluntarily share your loving energy. There is no better doctor in the world. To do this, visualize how a golden ray of love comes out of your solar plexus, enters the solar plexus of the “offender”, expands in it, filling all the organs of his body, thinking, mind, consciousness, subconscious, aura, the entire sphere of his life with grace and harmonization energy of love. For those who “loved their neighbor as themselves,” energy vampirism does not exist!

Psychological defense also helps - the mental barrier with which you surround yourself.The method is quite simple - when communicating with a partner, imagine that you are covered with a large lilac glass glass. Moreover, the glass is like mirror glasses (“I see you - you don’t see me”). If at the same time you have a psychological feeling of detachment and even a somewhat “not caring attitude”, rest assured - you are reliably protected.

The absence of fear of vampires, the mental attitude not to obey their attempts is a guarantee against loss of energy.

“Thermal protection” is very effective.

It's pretty simple. Try to take 10-15 minutes in the morning before work and stand under a very hot shower. Strong heating of the body evens out its energy.” After this - a sharp cooling, an absolutely cold shower, or even better, a splash from a bucket. The mechanism of this extremely powerful remedy is simple. The skin contracts, heat exchange with the surrounding air is sharply reduced, and the energy received from hot water is accumulated inside the body. And most importantly, your aura will not only take the most economical form (eggs), but will also become denser, and therefore become less penetrable to external influences (biovampirism, damage, the evil eye...).

On the way to work, especially on public transport, try not to let strangers close to your spine. Behind it, 10-15 centimeters, is the human energy axis, which is most vulnerable to influence by subtle energies.

But what should we do if we still did not protect ourselves and were negatively affected by someone else’s energy?

Again, energy-intensive water will help us. A warm shower for six to seven minutes will dissolve and take away with it the energy “dirt” that has accumulated during the day.

Use these methods of defense against vampires hiding under the masks of “sufferers”, “bores”, “complainers”, “eternally humiliated and insulted”.
These psychological vampires do their dirty work on the sly, drawing in life energy quietly and unnoticeably. It is not immediately possible to discern in the poor, timid loser the bloodthirsty descendant of Count Dracula.

Do not skimp on love for your neighbor, rush to help a person in trouble, sympathize, understand, support friends, colleagues, relatives... . But, if the “sufferer” constantly demands your participation in his failures, stop being an energy source for his complaints and failures, move away from him and his problems.
Zabozko Lydia.

How to restore a person’s energy to fulfill desires and goals.

“I am worthy of love and respect. I love and respect myself for who I am.”

In order for your goals, dreams and desires to be fulfilled relatively easily, you need not only their truth, but also a sufficient amount of energy. Without energy it is impossible to move on. Without energy, there is no strength for further development, not to mention setting new goals and achieving them.

So, Where does a person’s energy go? and what needs to be done in order to return it, then not to squander it again in an unknown place, but to direct it in the right, constructive direction?

The first, which is also the main thing, is thoughts.

But not just thoughts, but fixation either on one’s own problems or on the affairs and lives of other people.Accordingly, the absence of thoughts on the topic “How grateful I am for this, for this, and also this has come true for me, and life helps me with this, etc.” And also the absence of thoughts in the morning, during the day and in the evening on the topic of your goals and desires. And most importantly - not hundreds of goals and desires, but two or three, so that it doesn’t seem like you want a lot of things, but it’s impossible to do them because of this huge amount.

The more you think about how difficult and bad it is for you now, the more you feel sorry for yourself, the more energy you will spend on maintaining you in this state of apathy and disappointment..

The darker your thoughts, the more you think about “how unfair everything is,” the lower and worse your energy level. What kind of wish fulfillment, secrets and recipes for how to make a wish come true can we talk about if all your energy is spent on maintaining negative thoughts.

Control your thoughts, direct them to where the energy comes from, and not to where it disappears.

Second. Thoughts about other people, events, etc.

You can say that these seem to be thoughts too, but why then did we single them out as a separate paragraph. In principle, you are right, these are also thoughts. But if in the first case, when we concentrate on negative events, we immediately feel a loss of energy, then in the second case we may not even understand that the energy was spent on these thoughts.

It seems like what’s wrong with this if after meeting with relatives you and your husband discuss this event for a couple of days? But where there are discussions, there are constant thoughts about this relative and that one, and also about who else said what, who did what, and so on. It seems like these thoughts are not negative, but the question is - do they add energy to you?

You don’t even have to convince yourself and me that such thoughts are useful. Of course, just like in the first case, they eat up your vitality, take away human energy.

So you thought for a day or two about the life and fate of other people, and God forbid you became envious, gossiped, as they say, “washed your bones” several times, and now your goals and desires somehow become distant, covered in a veil of fog, and after a few days you have completely forgotten about yourself. You keep thinking about why your distant relative from Prostokvashino was unlucky, or, on the contrary, lucky, with such and such. But your thoughts smoothly turned to a distant relative of your not very close friend, whom you saw briefly, but about whom she told you THIS, told YOU THIS... But these are not just thoughts, but in the evening you are discussing these events with your husband with all your might , friend, sister, etc. And here….
Hey, wake up, come back to yourself, to your goals, to your desires! The same applies to thoughts about some world events, events in your city, country, home, entrance, etc. things.

What do these thoughts and discussions give you? Do they bring you closer to the realization of your goals and desires? Do they make you and those around you at least a little happier? Do they fill you with energy, thirst for life and the desire to move and develop further, set new goals and realize them?

Third. Watching television, reading media, hanging out on various social networks and forums.

That’s where the energy goes, that’s how it goes. The only thing I can say is that if somewhere in a holiday home or at a party we watch TV at least a little, then there is a sharp emptiness, loss of energy and an absolute and complete, one might say “ideal” apathy towards life sets in.

Everything seems useless, life becomes scary and unpredictable, and in the soul there is a feeling of “why live at all, since everything is SO bad.” But what exactly is “bad” and how exactly, it is impossible to formulate.The same applies to the media and chats on forums on the Internet.

Fourth. Education.

It doesn’t matter whether you get a second degree or take courses in fashion design, cutting and sewing, design, etc. While we are learning, even in those periods when something is unclear or it seems that we will never master it, in any case, energy comes to us. Training, mastering new skills, professions, learning a language - all this increases a person’s internal energy level.

While a person is learning, while his brain is busy mastering new information, while it is difficult for him to master a new subject, to absorb new information, in general, energy is generated at this time.

Often it is mastering something new that brings many people out of depression and apathy back to life. It is study, not antidepressants.

And, of course, studying and mastering new skills goes hand in hand with the fulfillment of your goals and desires. Well, what kind of realization of desires can we talk about if, say, your desire is in the area of ​​singing, and you have never sung before, except at related feasts? Of course, first of all, you should start studying, find either a vocal teacher or sign up for courses.

And don’t tell me that this is obvious and understandable to everyone. I receive so many letters with questions about how to realize this or that desire, and when I clarify what the person has done for this, it turns out - nothing...

In order for our dreams and desires to be fulfilled relatively easily and freely, several conditions must be met - the truth of the desire, visualization, concentration of thoughts on the goal, and, as we said in the first part of the article, human energy.

If you meet all the above conditions, i.e. did you understand, that your desire is real, you visualize your desire for 20 minutes every day, and also write 1-2 sheets of statements that you are worthy of what you dream of, began to take the necessary actions, but if nothing happens in your life and the desire remains a desire, then it’s worth addressing your energy levels and starting to restore energy. You need to understand that if recently (or always) your desires and dreams have been difficult to fulfill or have not been fulfilled at all, but you have done everything necessary, then either the feeling has been literally driven into you since childhood "I am not worthy (of)" or your energy wants the best.

Passion for your business.

They used to call it a hobby. In our time hobby often gives a person not only energy and a feeling of joy from his existence, but also good material wealth. After all, when a person does what his soul asks, he forgets about time, fatigue disappears as if by hand, and now he already feels like wings growing behind his back. Yes, these are not wings, it is your energy that fills your entire consciousness, your entire essence and breaks out.

Repeat your success.

Be sure, in moments when you feel that nothing makes you happy and you have almost no energy left, repeat what you do best. For example, bake your favorite honey cake, which you have been baking all your life and which all your friends, relatives and colleagues are delighted with.
Or hang new wallpaper in the kitchen, because you are so proud of how you are alone, quickly and easily glue it. So why not combine business with pleasure? At the same time, renew the atmosphere in the house, and at the same time again feel proud of yourself and your skills, etc. On this wave, you can already calmly plan and realize new goals and desires.

Rest restores human energy.

Rest means rest. For some reason, many people confuse vacation with idle time. A holiday is a holiday and we all need it too. Guests, friends, trips, visits to various events - all this is wonderful, one of everyone’s favorite parts of life. But after such events I want to relax. And when I talk about rest, I mean rest. I don’t know where or how you will find that day or two when you just need to lie down, but try to find them.

Cleaning and getting rid of old and unnecessary things.

I don’t know why this happens, but during the time of cleaning and throwing out old things, unnecessary documents, notebooks, magazines, things “just in case”, etc., so, precisely at the time when we throw it all out and get rid of old and unnecessary, energy rushes into us in a clean, flowing stream.
And if someone else has old wallpaper on the walls, or boring paint, and it all needs to be torn off and remade (who knows how, of course), then there’s nothing to talk about at all. There will be so much energy in your home and in you that it will be enough to realize not only your desires and goals, but also to realize the goals and desires of people close to you.


The more offended you were at people before (even if you are not offended now), the more energy you spent on maintaining negative emotions.

Exercise. You need solitude and silence. Turn off your phones, otherwise it will be difficult to concentrate. The best thing to do is lie down and relax and start thinking about the person you are most offended by (or have been offended by before). Start to remember those situations that brought you pain and suffering, but at the same time try to observe what is happening from the outside and say: “With love and gratitude, I forgive you, Vasya Pupochkin and accept you for who you are. I forgive you for everything that happened and let go of all the insults, misunderstandings and pain from my body.”
After this, you yourself also ask for forgiveness from Vasya Pupochkin: “Vasya, I will apologize to you. Forgive me for all my negative thoughts, resentments and experiences towards you.”

After the exercise, stretch, it is best to take a shower and drink a cup of tea. You might as well get some sleep. It all depends on how strong your offense was. Those who had a strong offense may have a violent emotional reaction to forgiveness, ranging from tears to the protest “So that I forgive, but never!” If this is your case, then in the first case do not hold back a tear. And in the second, say goodbye through “I don’t want” and protest.

If you regularly practice forgiveness, within a few days you will notice how your body seems to become lighter. It will feel as if dirty, heavy clothes have been removed from you and now you are moving smoothly and freely through life.
Many illnesses and ailments will go away, and you yourself will be surprised how much energy will return to you. You will also be surprised at how easily and without excessive effort your dreams and desires will begin to come true.

The easiest way for a person to absorb natural energy is through trees. Only those trees that grow within the city, in parks, near houses, are not suitable for this. They are saturated with human negativity, it settles on them and accumulates. Therefore, go outside the city, to some real, untouched forest, away from houses. When you find yourself in such a forest, you will immediately feel it. There the mood immediately rises, the air seems sweet and the soul becomes light-hearted. It's better if it's light. Take a good look around you and choose a tree that you like. It may sound strange, but you should feel sympathy for a certain tree. Uninitiated people cannot understand, but you try it and you will immediately understand what I am talking about.

You helped me, tree (name the tree), help me today and always, don’t let my strength dry up and make me sick.

And you should always carry this stick with you, hang it around your neck, or put it in your hair. And then not a single energy vampire is afraid of you: only from time to time you need to visit the tree and thank it for helping you.

How to protect yourself with clothes?

Remember when I told you about the power of different patterns? And here you can use them. Take a regular red thread and embroider several small crosses on the inside of the shirt, so that their number is the number of your years. Don’t try to make them even, as it turns out, that’s how it should be.

You can also infuse aspen leaves with this water, then spray your clothes. Aspen repels all evil spirits, but helps good people.

I can name a lot that will help you maintain energy in yourself:

A drop of blood on the collar;

. mirror in pocket;

. any keys, you just need to take them in your hand;

. Orthodox cross;

. photograph of water: even a river, even a lake, even a stream;

. small bright flashlight;

. The padlock is a small closed symbol that the energy is in you and there is no way to take it away.

I can also advise you to tie as many knots as possible: tie a cord around your neck, bracelets on your wrists. But not bright, pretentious, but almost invisible. Here, every knot is like a barrier to the theft of energy. And the fact that the ends are connected to each other means that your energy is closed in you. When you knit the knots, you need to pierce them with a calcined needle.

Don’t forget to pin pins on your clothes: they help against any magic. When you get dressed, look carefully so that there are no loose threads sticking out of your clothes. This is a sure way out of energy. If you see what sticks out, don’t cut it, it will only make things worse. You set the tip of this thread on fire and extinguish it with a drop of water, in this way you will seal the energy channel. When darning a leaky item, look carefully so that the threads do not peek out, and be sure to trim the edges before hemming. And be sure to twist the ends of the thread and tie it in knots.

When getting dressed, wear at least one thing with the color red. It could be a design, or just a red patch, or an item sewn with red thread, it doesn’t matter. For energy Vampires, red is the color of danger; they will choose a victim that is more accessible to themselves. The thing doesn't have to be big. For example, you can put a red handkerchief in your pocket. It is not visible, but in your energy field it will be clearly felt.

It is better for girls to choose shoes with low heels: energy Vampires are scared off by any loud sounds, and when you walk, the heels hit the ground and click, so that not a single creature gets caught on the move. Yes, it’s okay for men too, you don’t have to wear sneakers all the time. And if you wear them, you can easily put red laces in them. Hang a small bell on the end of the cord so that it rings evenly as you walk. Yes, and you can pin a bell on clothes with a small pin. It’s only better if it’s invisible. If the girl has a long skirt, you can sew bells to the hem with red thread. If a girl likes to wear jewelry, then let her choose long earrings. Any noble metal will do here: gold or silver. Just don’t forget to wash them, the jewelry absorbs all the negative energy. Nowadays in cities it is fashionable for girls to walk around with their bellies exposed in the summer. So this, I’ll tell you, is a terrible thing. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors called life the belly, the energy is concentrated in it, and if the belly is bare, then it’s much easier to pump out energy. Either way, you’re unlikely to meet an energy Vampire on the beach there. Man, why are you going to the beach? Swim, soak up the sun. But both water and the sun themselves charge a person with energy, and no vampirism is needed here. So go without fear, no one will do anything bad to you on the beach.

Another vulnerable place for Vampires is the throat. Breathing goes through it, but when you breathe, you not only saturate your lungs with oxygen, you also take energy from the environment into yourself, and at the same time give your own. This is where the vampire comes to you.

Or you can wear a leaf from your tree on a chain, which charges you with energy. It will protect. If this is not possible or seems stupid to you, wear a regular leather cord around your neck. People traditionally wear a Christian cross around their neck, and do you know why? Because in combination with a cross, the chain around the neck protects against any Vampires. The cross itself scares away all evil spirits. Therefore, it’s good if there is a small cross above the threshold in the house, this will help protect the house from bad people and bad intentions. Although this, of course, is a matter of faith. A cross will only help if you believe in it, so if you think that you just put on a cross and all troubles will bypass you, then it’s in vain.

You look carefully: if someone doesn’t take your eyes off your throat, it’s not good. You may begin to feel out of breath or feel extreme fatigue. Do you remember when your mother always tied a scarf around your throat when you were a child? This is not just to avoid catching a cold. Young children are very vulnerable to energy Vampires. Girls can wear an opaque scarf around their necks, and men can wear a sweater with a high neck.

Orthodox crosses generally have great protective power, be it wooden or metal, which are placed on tombstones to protect the dead. But if you embroider several Orthodox crosses on your sleeve, anyone who offers you a hand to shake will forget about all their bad thoughts about you. There is no way to explain this, but it is a verified fact. You can cross your fingers if you feel that someone is trying to take away your power, the bastard will immediately come unstuck. For the same purpose, you can carry a small piece of aspen in your pocket. Aspen has an amazing property: it charges well with energy, but only if the person has not done anything bad to nature. But if you have sinned in some way and wished harm to people, the aspen tree, on the contrary, begins to suck the energy out of the person. That’s why aspen was used in the old days to fight ghouls. Although this is not humane, here is my opinion. Any person can improve, even if it is his fault that nature has deprived him of his energy.