
How to wash children's soft toys. Secrets to safe and effective cleaning and washing of soft toys. Hand washing soft toys - how to do it right

Little children learn about the world around them every moment, and the task of loving parents is to help them with this. Play is the simplest and most effective way to help kids in this difficult task, and toys are their best helpers. Any child loves to tinker and sometimes even sleep with soft, pleasant, cheerful and warm friends. Only after active games do your favorite fluffies sometimes look deplorable. Teddy bears and furry hares, cats and funny monkeys require proper care and cleaning. But how to wash soft toys?

The danger lurking in children's furry friends

Toys are children's constant companions. Children do not go to kindergarten, to visit, or for walks without their true friends. And what game would be complete without them! Treat them to porridge or tea, roll them in sand or snow, draw eyes and antennae - whatever the kids can come up with. And many children do not want to part with their friends even at night.

At the same time, the soft surface of toys is an excellent place for dust, dirt, mites and germs to accumulate. What’s accumulating there! All this can negatively affect the child’s health and cause an allergic reaction.

Children's soft toys need periodic bath days. It all depends on how quickly they get dirty. If a child plays with a plush friend all day long, then he will have to be looked after constantly. Washing once a month is mandatory for him. If the baby approaches soft toys only occasionally, then they can be washed once or twice a year.

Reasons for mandatory care of soft toys

Toys need to be washed regularly because:

  1. They easily collect dust and dirt.
  2. They are an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms and dust mites.
  3. There is a possibility of developing allergies.

Ways to clean soft toys

There are several ways to clean your favorite children's toys:

  • using dry cleaning;
  • using soap foam;
  • washable in a washing machine.

Is it possible to wash soft toys in a washing machine?

Very often parents worry about the safety of the original ones and do not wash them. This is a big mistake. Knowing how to wash soft toys, you don’t have to worry, because your beloved friend will remain safe and sound.

In order to understand whether and how to wash soft toys in a washing machine, study their main characteristics:

  • Size. Make sure the toy can fit in the car. Otherwise, you will have to choose a different type of cleaning.
  • Presence of small parts. If the fluffy has beads, balls and other small things, then it is better to cut them off first. If there are too many parts and the toy may lose its appearance, then choose another cleaning option.
  • Filler. Be sure to determine what the toy is filled with. Most often, the manufacturer uses padding polyester, cotton wool, sawdust, fluff and foam rubber. Different fillers react differently to moisture. For example, synthetic winterizer and foam rubber are not afraid of washing, but sawdust and other natural materials can deteriorate.
  • The presence of an electronic mechanism. Try to remove the equipment so as not to damage the toy.
  • Quality of the upper material. The manufacturer may use different fabrics, fur, yarn or anything else. The material may react differently to water. So, natural fur will deteriorate, and some types of fabrics may shrink.

Everything you need

What you need to prepare for washing:

  • mild detergent - baby laundry detergent or baby soap;
  • scissors, thread;
  • a bag for washing things (you can use a regular fabric bag or pillowcase).

Let's wash!


  • Study the labels on the toy. You need to find out if soft toys can be machine washed. The manufacturer always indicates methods for possible cleaning of products.
  • First you need to check your soft friend for the presence of electrical mechanisms. All beepers and speakers must first be removed. To do this, carefully open or tear up the toy in the least visible place and remove the mechanism.
  • Inspect the toy carefully. If it has plastic parts or decorations, it's best to remove those too. Once cleaned, you can easily sew or glue them back on. It will be much more difficult to explain to the child what happened to his friend, why he suddenly began to squint in one eye or lost it altogether.
  • Place your soft friend in a fabric or special laundry bag. This device will help you protect your toy and car from additional damage. The machine can also suffer from soft, fluffy fibers getting into it.
  • In accordance with the manufacturer's advice, select a washing mode. If the label has been cut off for a long time, do not despair. Most toys are perfectly suited to the delicate cycle. Choose a temperature of 30 degrees - and you can be sure that your soft friend is clean. However, keep in mind that dust mites die only at temperatures of at least 60 degrees.
  • Pay attention to the fact that it is better to wash soft toys with a washing machine without spinning. This will help keep your soft friend in shape. Try to dry it thoroughly with a towel. If the toy indicates that it can be washed with a spin cycle, then use an additional rinse. This will help flush out any remaining powder from the fuzz.

  • When choosing a detergent, it is better to choose baby powder or baby soap shavings. Additionally, you can use conditioner for washing baby clothes. It will help maintain the softness and volume of the product.
  • If you are afraid that the color of your soft friend may change, then add a little (half a teaspoon) of citric acid to the washing powder compartment.


If everything is now more or less clear about how to wash soft toys in a washing machine, then the question of how to dry them correctly is still open. Teddy bears and bunnies (and their other companions) should be dried in a warm, well-ventilated area. This will help keep the toy fresh. Otherwise, the product may begin to emit an unpleasant damp smell.

Toys made from synthetic materials are best dried on a flat surface, such as the floor. It is better to dry a large item by hanging it on a rope. And for such toys it is better to choose a warm season, ideally transfer the process to the summer. Shake the toy periodically. By whipping the filler, you can maintain its original shape.

How to wash soft toys made from natural materials

Let us draw your attention once again: before washing, study the composition of the toy. You can find it on the label or try to determine it yourself by touch. It will help you understand whether soft toys can be washed. Thus, products made from synthetic materials are not afraid of machine washing. You need to be careful with natural fabrics. Linen and wool, for example, shrink. Therefore, it is better to dry clean them or use regular soap foam. After washing, the toy must be thoroughly rinsed in cool water to remove any remaining powder or soap. After the soft friend has dried, gently stretch it to return it to its original shape.

Soft toys with long pile are afraid of washing. The pile may become matted, and the appearance of the product will be irrevocably damaged. And the long fur of a fluffy can damage the parts of the washing machine.

The same can be said about toys with cardboard or very small parts. Their appearance may be lost forever. Therefore, it is better to choose another cleaning option for them (for example, dry cleaning or hand washing).


Thus, caring for your baby's toy friends is a mandatory procedure. Knowing how to wash soft toys, you can be calm about the health and mood of your child.

Talking Luntik, soft educational cubes, a whole family of Barboskins, a huge teddy bear and a countless number of hares... What is there in the toy arsenal of a modern child! Soft toys are given to babies from birth. It is not surprising that by the age of two or three they no longer fit in the nursery. Moms rightly call them dust collectors, because removing dust from them is much more difficult than wiping it off the shelf.

Meanwhile, cleaning your “plush friends” is a must. In order to fully imagine the danger that dusty toys pose, let’s look at what dust consists of:

  • dead skin cells;
  • mites;
  • microorganisms;
  • parts of animal and bird down;
  • mineral part.

It’s scary to even imagine what consequences such a neighborhood could lead to.

  1. Ticks, and especially their waste products, provoke asthma and allergies.
  2. Microorganisms can cause diphtheria, tetanus, and tuberculosis.
  3. Mineral components provoke the occurrence of bronchitis.
  4. Dust is a favorable environment for the proliferation of streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria, which, when entering the intestines, cause bacterial imbalance and provoke increased gas formation, as well as the occurrence of gastritis, dysbiosis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

The remedy to solve this problem is systematic cleaning. Allergists advise carrying out cleansing procedures using detergents once a week or two. Also, during weekly general cleaning, you can vacuum toys along with the apartment.

Each toy has its own cleaning method

Before washing a particular toy, you need to analyze which cleaning option is best for it. Let's list what methods there are:

  • dry cleaning;
  • wet cleaning;
  • washing in a washing machine;
  • handwash.

You can also disinfect “soft dust collectors” at home using one or more of the following methods, choosing the most suitable product for yourself:

  • steam generator;
  • UV lamp;
  • cold.

Soft toys can be divided into several types, each of which is suitable for one or another cleaning method. These procedures will be discussed in more detail below.

The following groups of a child’s “soft friends” can be distinguished:

  1. large in size;
  2. stuffed with tiny balls (so-called anti-stress), with glued eyes, spout and other fittings;
  3. musical, battery operated.

Toys that do not fit into any of the groups listed above can be cleaned and disinfected in any way.

You can vacuum any type of toys. You just need to be careful when handling animals with glued fittings. In places where it is located (usually on the muzzle), it is better to reduce the suction force. Any toys can also be disinfected using the methods listed above.

Large-sized “plush animals” (a third of a person’s height or more) cannot be washed in a machine, and it will also be difficult to handle them manually, since once they fill with water, they become too heavy to lift. Dry cleaning is possible if you have a large, thick bag. If stains become dirty, it is better to clean them with a damp sponge using baby detergents. That is, in this case, wet cleaning would be appropriate.

Toys classified in the second group cannot be washed in a washing machine. As a rule, the fittings fly off and can clog the drain or other parts of the machine. The same applies to anti-stress ball packing. Also, you should not wash “animals” in a washing machine, on the labels of which there is a corresponding prohibitory inscription. For toys from this group, dry, wet cleaning and hand washing are suitable.

Representatives of the third group will be properly refreshed without the use of water, that is, by dry cleaning. However, if the toy is completely dirty, you can wash it, after first removing the batteries and music block from it. In some toys, the music blocks are located in a separate pocket with Velcro - it is convenient to take them out before washing and easy to insert into place. In others, the music block will have to be torn off before washing, and the torn area will have to be sewn up. Then rip open the now clean toy again and sew the block into it.

But there are toys in which the wiring is stretched inside throughout the “body”. Such a music block cannot be taken out before washing. However, you can still wash the fluffy one. Often singing toys can easily withstand washing, but you should be prepared that during the drying process they will spontaneously sing songs, meow or recite poems.

Baking soda will help clean the toy from dust without using water.

Step-by-step description of each washing method

Dry cleaning of toys is easy and safe. The only remedy that is used is baking soda. You will also need a strong plastic bag.

  1. Place children's toys (2-3 pieces) in a bag.
  2. Pour in baking soda. On average, 0.5-1 cup is enough, but it all depends on the size of the “animals”.
  3. Tie the bag and shake it vigorously for 3 to 5 minutes.
  4. Take out the toys and clean them with a vacuum cleaner, removing soda from the surface.

Wet cleaning allows you not to completely wash the “stuffed animals”, but only to remove the resulting stains or refresh the “fur”. The product needed for this type of cleaning is baby shampoo or baby bubble bath.

  1. Pour water into a basin, dissolve the selected detergent in it, and beat it into foam. You can also easily make foam by pouring water into a basin with shampoo not from the tap, but through a shower head with strong pressure.
  2. Apply lather to the sponge and quickly work over the soft, fluffy surface.
  3. Take a clean, damp (not wet!) sponge and remove the foam with it.
  4. Dry the toy with a terry towel and hang it to dry.
  5. When dry, brush the lint with a brush to give it its original fluffy appearance.

When washing children's toys in a washing machine, keep the following in mind.

  1. Review the information on the label. Toys should be washed in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations.
  2. Remove music blocks, batteries, check that all seams are intact.
  3. Place the “fluffies” in a special bag for delicate washing.
  4. Select the “delicate wash” program from the menu. As a rule, this mode provides a water temperature of 30 °C.
  5. Select the “extra rinse” item from the menu.
  6. Select the “no spin” option in the menu so that the toy does not become deformed.
  7. Pour baby powder into the powder compartment.
  8. After washing, toys should be wrung out with a terry towel and hung to dry.

You can wash your “plush friends” by hand by soaking. This is necessary in case of heavy contamination.

  1. Prepare toys in the same way as for machine washing.
  2. Pour warm water into a basin.
  3. Dissolve a detergent for washing children's clothes (soap, powder or shampoo) in it.
  4. Submerge the toys in water for 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse them well.
  6. Squeeze the “animals” so that all the water is gone, blot them with a terry towel and hang them to dry.

Washing my plastic “friends”

There are no such restrictions in washing for plastic toys as for soft ones. There is no need to separate them into groups because they can all be cleaned under the same conditions. It is only worth mentioning separately about toys that contain batteries and are created using other materials (for example, dolls with hair, horses with manes, etc.). Batteries should be removed before cleaning, and toys with hair should not be washed in the dishwasher, and in general, hair deteriorates after washing. Therefore, it is better to treat them separately with a soapy sponge, rinse the foam and wipe dry.

Plastic is a fairly common raw material for the production of toys, and a child has no fewer “friends” made from this material than from plush, and sometimes even more. What are constructors like Lego worth? Therefore, most often they wash all together.

Cleaning occurs in the following ways:

  • in the dishwasher;
  • in a bathtub with warm soapy water.

To wash your baby’s plastic “friends”, use baby detergents (soap, shampoo) or soda solution. As a disinfectant, you can scald them with boiling water. After washing, dry each toy thoroughly before putting them back into the container.

Disinfecting “teddy friends”

Just washing children's toys is not enough. They need to be disinfected. You can use any device from the list above for this. You can clean the “fluffies” with a steam generator. This device allows you to safely and effectively treat toys with steam, while destroying tuberculosis microbacteria, influenza A viruses, staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and fungus.

Treating “soft dust collectors” with an ultraviolet lamp at home helps rid them of dust mites, E. coli, viruses and bacteria. The lamp is turned on for 1 hour in the children's room. The device emits ultraviolet waves that destroy the DNA of organisms and thereby prevent them from reproducing. At this time, there should be no people or pets in the room.

Cold disinfection is the most accessible means of combating dust mites for every family. You can carry out the procedure using a freezer or balcony (in the winter season). Ticks do not tolerate low temperatures well, and -10 ºС is already a critical point for them. The freezer can be adjusted from -6 ºC to -24 ºC, depending on the model.

Thus, a regular freezer can effectively combat dust mites that have settled in children's toys.

  1. Place the toys in a bag.
  2. Place the bag in the freezer.
  3. Leave it there overnight.
  4. In the morning, take out the bag and leave it at room temperature to keep the “stuffed animals” warm.

You can also use cold to get rid of dust mites at home by leaving a bag of toys on the balcony overnight in frosty weather.

Often soft toys sit on shelves for months, collecting dust. They look like new: clean, with fluffy fur. But dust that is not visible can cause the baby to feel unwell and provoke the appearance of diseases. Learn to clean toys properly. Let teddy bears and soft bunnies bring only joy!

How to wash soft toys in an automatic washing machine at home

In a family with a small child, there are many toys. Among them are a large number of soft ones. Moreover, these little animals are made of different materials and have different sizes. It is impossible to wash a large teddy bear in a machine, and a small dog with built-in program control is also not suitable for this.

Cleaning children's trinkets

Sometimes it’s enough to watch a child play with soft animals. And it will become clear that it is necessary to wash toys as often as possible. After all, in addition to the fact that he jumps on them, lies down, rolls them on the floor, he also hugs, kisses and sleeps in the same bed.

First of all, you need to study the label on the toy.

Which children's animals can be cleaned by hand?

Before you decide to wash a stuffed animal, you need to look at all the tags that are on it. In them, manufacturers provide information on whether soft toys can be washed.

Favorite little animals that can only be washed by hand:

  • product filler: sawdust, fluff or buckwheat husk;
  • the toy is old, it has stretched seams that may not withstand the load when machine washed;
  • eyes, mouth, nose or other accessories glued to the animal;
  • if the pet is made from natural fabrics, then when washed it can be irrevocably deteriorated, i.e., deformed;
  • the toy is decorated with many beads or beads.

Make sure toys are machine washable

Which ones can be washed in the washing machine?

Animals that have a permit symbol on their labels are washed in a washing machine. It means that the manufacturer provides a guarantee: after machine washing, you will not have to remove the shreds and filling separately from the drum.

You can wash soft toys in a machine if you make sure that all the fittings and small parts are sewn securely enough. It is also necessary to check the strength of the seams.

If you urgently need to wash a pet with an internal mechanism, you will first have to carefully remove it, then all the cuts are sewn up and washed on a delicate cycle.

How to do this manually?

When buying a soft pet in a store, parents do not think about how they will have to care for it later. But the lion's share of such products cannot be machine washed.

How to wash soft toys by hand? It's actually not difficult. Even dad can handle this process. You need to take a basin with warm water, dissolve baby powder and place your pet. After a quarter of an hour, rub heavily soiled areas with a brush. Then rinse well. The water should be changed until it is completely clean.

Washing a small toy by hand is not difficult

If plush animals have a lot of greasy stains, then before washing, they need to be treated with a degreaser. Any dishwashing detergent can play this role.

Using an automatic machine

After studying the label and after the filler has been checked and all integrity defects have been eliminated, you are allowed to turn on the washing machine:

  1. Check your pet for internal mechanisms. If there is, then carefully rip the seam, take out the mechanism and sew it up firmly.
  2. To wash the animals, requires a special mesh for washing, if not, then you can use a small pillowcase. The mesh will not allow the product to deform and if any part falls off, it will remain inside the mesh. This means that the machine will be saved from possible breakdown.
  3. A possible mode is a delicate wash, and the temperature is set to 30⁰. These are standard parameters that are suitable for any toy that is not afraid of a machine. If your favorite animal has been with you for a long time, then dust mites may appear in it. These insects die only when washed, where the temperature is above 60⁰, or take your pet out to the balcony overnight in winter.

    Use a delicate wash cycle

  4. Laundry detergents are used only for children, since the child has constant contact with his pet. This could be baby powder, liquid detergent, or baby soap shavings. It is permissible to use conditioner for baby clothes. In case the toy may shed, just add 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.
  5. An additional rinse is recommended. Almost all products are prohibited from spin washing. In this case, you will have to manually squeeze the animal. But if there is a spin permission icon on the label, set the spin mode to 400–600 rpm.

It became clear how to wash a soft toy in a washing machine, now let’s move on to drying.

Proper drying

To prevent your plush friend from losing its original appearance after washing, you need to know four rules:

  • After finishing washing, spinning is done manually, preferably using a terry towel. It will quickly absorb excess water;
  • then the pet is placed horizontally in a warm and ventilated room so that the product does not have an unpleasant aroma; The big bear cannot be washed in a washing machine
  • then you are allowed to hang the animal in an upright position on the balcony. It is worth considering if the pet is knitted or made of natural material, then this is strictly prohibited. If you hang such a toy, it will be greatly deformed and will be irrevocably damaged;
  • Carefully comb all rolled areas with a comb.

What to do with a big animal?

How to wash a large teddy bear that a child simply adores and does not want to part with for a long time? This can be done in several ways:

Method No. 1

If the bear is large, then it can be washed by hand by placing it in the bathtub.

Fill the bath with warm water and dissolve baby washing powder.

Then the bear is placed in the liquid, waited until it is completely wet, and then lathered additionally. If there are severe stains, then additionally remove them by rubbing with a brush. Wash the toy for about 20 minutes.

At the end Rinse at least 4 times.

A bear washed using this method cannot be wrung out. Therefore, you will have to leave it in the bathroom for a couple of hours until the water has completely drained. Then take it to a warm, well-ventilated room. If possible, then it is permissible to go outside in direct sunlight.

While drying, the product must be shaken periodically to prevent lumps from appearing.

Method No. 2

Washing a very dirty huge bear in the bathroom is inconvenient. But you can rip the seam in a place where it is hard to see. Remove all the filling from the product into the pillowcase. Wash the fur in the machine using the delicate mode. After this procedure, when the filler takes its place, the toy will be like new.

When washing in the washing machine, be sure to use laundry bags

Method No. 3

Wet cleaning:

  • add baby shampoo to a small container with warm water, beat until thick foam appears;
  • take a soft clothes brush, apply foam to the product and rub gently;
  • then wipe the soapy area with a microfiber cloth, soaked and wrung out in water, until all the soap disappears;
  • This is how the entire product is washed.

Baking soda will perfectly remove not only dirt, but also odor.

Cleaning at home

It became clear how to wash soft toys. Some soft products are strictly prohibited from being washed or wet cleaned. In this case, you need to use dry cleaning. How to clean soft toys using this method?

Method No. 1

Every child has plush animals. These animals must be cleaned of dust or dirt of various origins every 90 days.

Therefore, you need to periodically go through your pet’s fur with a vacuum cleaner. Use a special nozzle for furniture.

The treatment is carried out on a low operating mode so as not to damage small parts of the product.

Method No. 2

A more effective dry cleaning method is done using baking soda. To do this, the animal is placed in a durable plastic bag. Pour baking soda inside, tie it tightly and begin to shake vigorously. The soft pet is covered all over with soda, which attracts dust and dirt. This process takes place within 5 minutes. Then take out the toy and vacuum it well.


How to wash soft toys in a washing machine and by hand: 18 important recommendations, video

If your family has a small child, then in any case there are soft toys in the house. Surely the baby tinkers with them every day.

And also loves to sleep with fluffies, with their nose buried in the pile. However, after such squeezing, the appearance of furry and not so “friends” leaves much to be desired over time.

Then the question arises, how to wash soft toys correctly and with what means.

Wash: is it possible or not?

Any toys, especially soft ones, are susceptible to the accumulation of dust in large quantities. Therefore, they are an excellent breeding ground for dust mites, microbes and bacteria. Therefore, washing and cleaning of such products should be regular and mandatory.

But the answer to the question whether soft toys can be washed should be indicated on their labels. It also indicates at what temperature the products can be washed. If they are missing, then inspect the item, then it will become clear to you whether the toy can be washed and how.

There are products that washing is strictly contraindicated.

  • Those that have glued parts (eyes and nose, buttons or beaded decorations, etc.).
  • Too large specimens. They simply won't fit in an automatic car.
  • Musical toys because their interior contains microcircuits and batteries that can deteriorate if they come into contact with water.
  • Products whose surface is decorated with natural fabrics.
  • Toys with natural organic fillers: sawdust, feathers or buckwheat husks.

If you have come to the conclusion that the toy can be washed, then choose the method in which you will do it: by hand or in an automatic washing machine.

How to hand wash soft toys?

Many toys cannot be washed in a washing machine. But don't be upset about this. Hand washing is sometimes better and more gentle than automatic washing.

When the toy is small and easily wrung out, it needs to be washed in a certain sequence.

  • Fill the basin with warm water (temperature approximately 30 degrees). You need enough of it so that the toy is completely covered with liquid.
  • Soak the toy in water, after lathering it with soap or washing powder. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  • Rub the product with a brush if the characteristics of the material allow such procedures.
  • Remember to hold the toy in your hands to thoroughly wash off all dirt. Squeeze.
  • Rinse it, changing the water several times. Squeeze.
  • Place it on a radiator or outside in the sun to dry.

Hand washing soft items requires compliance some recommendations.

  • If the toy is intended for the development of fine motor skills of the baby, then the filler in it will consist of many small balls. Machine washing is prohibited for such characters. It threatens not only damage to the product, but also breakdown of the washing unit, since the balls can jump out due to seams that have spread out from washing.
  • Toys with music require a special approach. They only need to be cleaned by hand or carefully washed by hand, after removing the musical parts. You will have to rip the product open, take out the batteries and microcircuits, wash it, and then put everything back in and sew it up again.
  • Grease stains are removed with ethyl alcohol. It is applied to the pile with a cotton pad before the main wash.
  • Only children's natural powders can be used as laundry detergents. Don't forget that the health of your son or daughter depends on this.
  • Rinsing is an integral part of washing. It must be of high quality. Residues from detergent or baking soda can cause allergic reactions.
  • If a toy with music is equipped with electronics from head to toe, then you won’t be able to remove the wires and batteries. This product will have to be cleaned dry or slightly damp without water.

Washing is washing, and a quartz lamp in every home will not hurt. Treating toys with it will protect the product from the proliferation of bacteria and microorganisms in soft wool.

How to wash soft toys in a washing machine?

If the tag allows the toy to be automatically washed, your task of caring for the product will become much easier. The sequence of actions will be as follows.

  • If the toys are small in size or have long pile, then they need to be washed in a special bag. Although automatic washing is not recommended for products with plastic parts, you can take a chance and wash such toys. But first you will have to remove all small elements from them.
  • Choose a mode for delicate fabrics. You can also set a hand wash or gentle care program.
  • The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. Otherwise, low-quality fabric will fade.
  • The water can be at a higher temperature if the manufacturer allows it.
  • Install an additional rinse cycle to thoroughly remove any remaining detergent.
  • Fabric softener is a good idea. It will keep the fluffy pile and smooth it out.
  • Select a spin speed of no more than 600 rpm. Otherwise, when the washing cycle ends, you will remove a completely deformed and wrinkled product from the drum.
  • After washing the toys, place them on a horizontal surface to allow any remaining water to drain. Then place it on a radiator or in the sun for final drying.

How to clean large soft toys that cannot be washed?

In addition to babies, among the soft toys there are real giants, which not only will not fit into a washing machine or basin, but they can hardly fit in your hands. In addition, not all fillers can be wetted with water.

For example, such procedures are contraindicated for organic innards - sawdust, which will immediately become unusable after getting wet. But they need to be cleaned as regularly as other plush products. What to do in this case?

If the toy is small, then you need to act in the following way.

  • Take a plastic bag larger than the size of the toy you are going to clean. Place the product in the bag so that there is some free space left.
  • When cleaning one toy, add one cup of potato starch to the bag. If you place several products in a bag, then pour starch in the proportion: one glass of powder per toy.
  • Tie the bag with thread or an elastic band and start shaking it vigorously. You will have to sweat for at least 30 minutes.
  • Then go over the entire surface of the product with a clothes brush. It will remove remaining starch and smooth out lint.

If the toy is too shaggy, then a regular vacuum cleaner will remove the remaining cleaning powder.

In a situation where you need to wash a larger baby’s friend, the number of ways is very limited, since you won’t be able to stuff the product either into a bag or into a washing machine. But even such toys need to be cleaned regularly. How to wash large soft toys in this case?

The best solution is to go to the dry cleaner. But this option is not always convenient for time and financial reasons. Then baking soda will help out, which is applied to the pile, and then gently rubbed and combed with a brush with hard bristles.

Furniture cleaner is also a possible alternative. For example, foam (“Vanish”), which removes visible dirt well.

You can risk washing such toys by hand, but the issue of spinning is unlikely to be resolved. When wet, the furry animal will be very heavy and it will definitely not be possible to unscrew it.

If old yellow stains appear on the toy, a solution of fresh lemon juice and warm water can remove them.

What should laundry be like during quarantine?

During the period of exacerbation of various airborne diseases and other infections and viruses, care for soft toys should be especially careful, since they are carriers of bacteria in the literal sense.

If washing the product is contraindicated, the child will have to stop playing with it for a while. Other toys need to be processed and cleaned at least every other day or two.

Wash items at the highest temperatures allowed by the manufacturer.

After washing, pour boiling water over it. Dry toys only in the apartment, as you can bring the virus from the street.

Don’t forget to treat the surface on which you place your plush friend to dry with a product with antimicrobial and disinfecting effects.

The best disinfectants are very low or high temperatures and hot steam. The optimal solution is to treat the toy with steam from the iron.

A soft toy for a child often becomes a faithful and best friend, so care for them must be of high quality. Otherwise, they will pose a danger to the baby's health. Don’t be lazy to frequently clean and wash your products, then they will retain their appearance and will delight your child for a long time.

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How to wash soft toys at home + photos and videos

If you have a child, then you are guaranteed a large number of soft toys in your home.

They can be of different sizes and colors, the most favorite ones or those that constantly stand in the corner, but they have one thing in common: soft toys perfectly accumulate dust and dirt.

Therefore, they need to be washed from time to time. How to properly wash soft toys so as not to harm them and the baby who plays with them?

Are they dirty?

Watch a child play with a teddy bear, bunny or rag doll. He not only rolls the toy on the floor, there are also hugs and kisses, and a taste test.

What adds to the problem is that no matter how cleanly you tidy your apartment, the ubiquitous dust still penetrates the premises and settles on surfaces.

It is not always possible to notice how gradually a toy loses its brightness of color under a layer of dust.

Children spend a lot of time with soft toys, so these products will definitely need to be washed.

In addition, children often do not let go of their favorite soft toys for literally a minute. This means that the soft playmate will probably swim in a puddle, roll around in the sandbox and smear himself on the grass. As you can see, periodic washing is simply necessary for such toys. Otherwise, the germs along with the dirt will transfer to the child.

Soft toys should be washed as they become dirty. If your child really loves such an item, then washing should be done at least every 2-3 weeks. Before you start cleaning, look at the toy label: care instructions are indicated there.

Unfortunately, dust mites are permanent residents of soft toys, and they can cause allergies in a child.

What and how to wash

  • special powders, gels and conditioners for washing children's clothes;
  • baby soap;
  • laundry soap;
  • any shampoo.

To wash soft toys, use special powders for children's clothes.

If the water in your home is too hard, give preference to washing gels and do not forget to add conditioner.

Many housewives wash soft toys only by hand. The instructions for the product or the label on it will tell you whether machine washing is allowed. This will make your task much easier.

Most toys can be safely machine washed on a delicate cycle.

Exclusively manual cleaning is used in cases where:

  • the toy is sewn from heterogeneous materials;
  • there are glued parts;
  • The product has a nose, eyes, and mouth made of painted plastic that may be scratched or rubbed off when machine washed;
  • sawdust, rice, buckwheat husks, straw, and cotton wool were used to fill the toy;
  • the product has a long silky pile that can mat and lose its shine;
  • The toy is very soft, prone to deformation and stretching.

When machine washing such products, you may encounter irreparable problems. Fabrics of different types can stretch or shrink unevenly, the filling can become damp and crumpled (which will lead to severe deformation of the toy), and the cute face will lose all its charm.

Most soft toys should be flattened and hung to dry after washing.

Important! Some toys are afraid of water and can only be dry cleaned.

The features of cleaning soft toys from contamination depend not only on the ability to wash by hand, in a machine, or using other cleaning methods. There are many nuances that need to be taken into account.

To prevent your child’s pet from losing its shape after washing, it should be straightened out and dried in a warm place, hung vertically or simply left “sitting” on the dryer.

For knitted toys, hanging is unacceptable: the yarn, regardless of its composition (especially if it is wool), shrinks when washed and can stretch when drying, which will lead to deformation of the product. Therefore, dry knitted toys in a horizontal position on a laid out terry towel.

Note! If the toy fades during washing, this is a sure sign of the use of low-quality dyes. They may contain harmful substances. It is better not to give such a toy to the child at all.

If there is a music block

Surely, among the collection of soft animals there will be those that tell your child fairy tales or sing funny songs. Such a toy often becomes the most favorite, because you can talk to it, inventing new stories. This means she will need cleaning more often. But how to carry it out so that the toy does not shut down forever when water gets into the electronic device?

The musical block in many soft toys is made in the form of a small rectangular box and sewn or inserted into a pocket with Velcro

If there is very little dirt, you can easily deal with it manually. Dissolve the detergent in water (about 1 tablespoon per 1 cup or according to the instructions on the label), apply a little solution to a soft brush or sponge and wipe the product from top to bottom, removing dirt. Then change the soap solution to clean water and repeat the treatment.

More serious contamination will require more work.

  1. Feel the toy, find the place where the electronics are located. Open the seam closest to the device.
  2. Carefully remove the box containing the electronic device.

    Just in case, at the same time check whether the battery can be replaced and whether this is necessary. If yes, then it is better to replace it at this stage.

  3. Mend the seam and wash the toy. Depending on the characteristics of the product, you can do this in an automatic washing machine or manually.
  4. Dry the toy thoroughly, then open the seam again. Replace the electronics box. Select threads of a suitable color and carefully mend the seam.

If you do everything right, the toy will still entertain your child as if it were new.

Wash by hand

Hand washing is a gentle cleaning method that is suitable for almost all toys, but requires time and effort. With small and short-haired toys there is usually less hassle, since they dry quickly, are not equipped with small parts and can easily withstand the spin cycle.

The tag attached to the soft toy will tell you how to wash this product.

  1. Wet the toy and soap it with baby or laundry soap. Place in a bowl of warm water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Or prepare a soap solution and soak the product in it.
  2. If the stains are quite stubborn, wipe them with a soapy brush or sponge. Gently remember all parts of the toy with your hands, immersing them in a soapy solution.

    Do not forget that not every fabric from which the toy is made will withstand intense friction with a brush or washcloth. Read the designations on the tag.

    Wipe off too much dirt more thoroughly, but carefully so as not to spoil the fluffy pile.

  3. Rinse the toy in clean water, wring it out thoroughly, straighten it and hang it to dry or place it on a horizontal surface next to a heat source.

    Dry the toy by straightening it well

: how to wash a soft toy by hand

Machine wash

Does the tag on the toy indicate that it is machine washable? Then your task becomes much easier.

  1. For washing, use only special powders intended for children's clothes or hypoallergenic cleaning products.
  2. Place soft toys with plastic parts and long hair in a special laundry bag. Don't forget that machine washing is usually not recommended for toys with small plastic parts - eyes, nose, etc. However, if you remove them during washing or put such a toy in a pillowcase, most likely, the hygiene procedure will not harm the stuffed animal or doll.

    You need to machine wash soft toys by placing them in a special bag.

  3. Select a delicate wash cycle. To prevent the fabric from fading, set the temperature to 30 degrees.

    In some cases, the manufacturer allows washing at 60 degrees, for example, if it is a toy intended for children under three years of age.

  4. Be sure to add an extra rinse to completely remove any detergent residue from the toy, as well as baby fabric softener to maintain the “fluffiness.”
  5. Spinning in a machine when washing soft toys at a speed of more than 600 revolutions is not recommended due to the high risk of deformation of the products. You can replace it by draining the water.

    Do not turn on the spin mode at more than 600 revolutions: the toy may lose its shape

  6. When the washing program has completed and you remove wet toys from the drum, place them on a horizontal surface (dryer or table) for several hours to drain off excess water. When the items become significantly lighter, hang them on a clothesline above the radiator or leave them on the dryer until they are completely dry.

If the soft toy is too large and does not fit into the drum of the washing machine, you can take it to the dry cleaner. In many establishments of this nature, large items are cleaned.

The easiest way to wash large toys is to have them dry cleaned.

If you don’t have this opportunity and don’t want to scrub the “big guy” by hand, open the toy, take out the filling and wash the product in the machine. After drying, stuff the toy again and sew it up.

How to clean items that cannot be washed

Wet cleaning with foam

If, according to the instructions, the toy cannot be washed, you will have to clean it manually. This is not at all difficult if the toy is small.

  1. You need to prepare a soap solution that will give a stable, strong foam. Pour warm water into a bowl of a suitable size, dissolve the powder, baby shampoo or hypoallergenic cleanser in it, and whisk well.
  2. Place a little foam on the sponge and clean the toy, starting with the most dirty areas.
  3. Wipe each cleaned area to remove moisture. Use a microfiber cloth for this: it perfectly absorbs wet dirt. Don’t forget to rinse it from foam in warm water and wring it out.
  4. When you're done cleaning, spray the stuffed animal with the fabric softener solution from a spray bottle.
  5. After this, dry it with a hairdryer, doing a kind of styling: smooth the fur with a comb so that it does not bristle.
  6. Now all that remains is to place the toy near the radiator or on the balcony overnight so that it dries completely.

This cleaning method also works well for large toys.

: caring for a large soft toy

Dry cleaning

Some products are designed for dry cleaning only. In this case, a vacuum cleaner, ultraviolet light, frost, hot steam and soda with starch will help you.

Vacuuming a toy is quick and easy. Instead of the standard one, use a special small nozzle designed for cleaning upholstered furniture. In addition, if possible, change the suction mode to a lower one. Vacuuming toys should be done frequently, preferably every week. However, this method will not remove all dirt from the toy’s pile.

Vacuum cleaning is suitable for toys with long hair that cannot be washed

This method is suitable for large toys. Small or medium-sized products can be cleaned of dust using this method:

  1. Place one or more toys in a sturdy plastic bag.
  2. Add 5 or more tablespoons of baking soda or starch.
  3. Close the bag and shake well for several minutes.
  4. Take out the toys and clean them with a brush over the bathtub.

Baking soda and starch will perfectly remove dust from a fleecy surface.

Let’s say your toy is already old, or even inherited from your friend’s eldest son. There is a real danger that not only dust mites, but also pathogenic bacteria have been living in it for a long time and in large numbers. Cold, or rather frost, will help get rid of them. Place the toys in plastic bags and place them in the freezer of the refrigerator for 2 days.

In winter, you can simply take soft toys out into the extreme cold.

Ultraviolet radiation works in a similar way. Use an indoor quartz lamp, or if it's summer, place the plush team in the hot afternoon sun for a few hours.

: cleaning soft toys at home

Features of washing during quarantine

During periods of exacerbation of various infectious diseases, up to an epidemic, soft toys will require special care. After all, they are excellent at collecting bacteria on themselves, unwittingly becoming carriers of diseases.

Toys that cannot be washed, as well as those that your child can live without for a week or two, will have to be put away.

And washing your baby’s favorite soft friends should be done very often, at least every other day.

During quarantine, you will have to wash toys much more often to reduce the risk of illness in your child.

If the fabric from which the toy is made can withstand processing at high temperatures, this will make things much easier. Wash bears and hares at a temperature of at least 60 degrees, and after washing, pour boiling water over them. Drying outside is prohibited: only in the room, on clean surfaces wiped with antibacterial agents.

Remember that severe frost and ultraviolet radiation perfectly disinfect toys. Another remedy for bacteria and viruses is hot steam. You can process the products using an iron with a vertical steam mode, a household clothes steamer, or a steam cleaner.

Of course, do not forget about standard prevention methods during quarantine: wash your hands regularly, wet clean the house, ventilate the premises.

: Doctor Komarovsky about children's toys

Soft toys are the most common playmates for our kids. Therefore, under no circumstances should you launch them, otherwise they will turn from good-natured friends into a source of danger.

Try to wash and wash toys more often, following the rules for caring for them, so they will not lose their fresh, cheerful appearance and will delight the child for a long time with their softness, fluffiness and cheerful expression on their faces.

Good luck and comfort to your home!

  • Svetlana Grishkina
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In every home there are toys made from fabric materials. Unlike plastic and rubber counterparts, they require special care. You can’t just rinse them out in a basin - the products may lose their attractiveness, fluffiness, and brightness of colors. But you cannot avoid hygiene procedures either - the fabric will acquire dirty shades, microbes accumulate on it, and this is already harmful for children who are in close contact with furry friends. In this regard, adults who have transferred household chores to technology are interested in how to wash soft toys in a washing machine correctly?

To wash or not to wash?

Water treatments are a mandatory event in the life of any soft bear or stuffed elephant. Moreover, they need them quite often. Such products cannot be called hygienic. They are cute, beautiful, but how dirty they are! Their soft bodies are a real “pasture” for germs and dust mites. Unwashed, they can pose a danger to children. To make sure that an item is allowed to be washed, look at the label or packaging. A responsible manufacturer will always indicate this point. If washing is prohibited, think about whether it’s worth buying such a thing?

Hand washing is the most gentle, but requires time and effort. Is it possible to wash plush products in an automatic washing machine (CMA)? It is possible if the manufacturer allows it and the user follows the washing instructions for printed fabric products.

When is a washing machine contraindicated?

Do not load into the drum:

  • toys that have overhead elements - buttons or eyes may fall off when rotating in the drum;
  • those that do not fit into the drum - a large soft toy will have to be “bathed” manually in a basin;
  • musical toys - they contain electronic filling inside, which will deteriorate after contact with water;
  • woolen, linen, toys made from other natural fabrics - they do not tolerate machine washing well, become deformed and lose their attractiveness;
  • filled with natural filling - buckwheat husk, sawdust, feathers.


  1. Before loading into the drum, inspect the applicants for a bath to see if they have any torn parts, poorly held buttons, or holes from which the stuffing is peeking out.
  2. If you use special laundry bags, you can even load into the drum those hares and bears that have sewn or glued fittings.
  3. To wash those who speak, sing or make other sounds, you will have to rip them open and take out all the stuffing - the batteries and the sound module. Then they sew up the hole, and only then put the toy in the drum.
  4. If there is obvious dirt on the bodies of toy creatures, they need to be treated with a detergent. Soap or hair shampoo will do. Let them sit in a soapy state, then gently scrub with a brush. This “soaking” increases the chances of high-quality washing.

Cleaning and washing methods

In addition to radical washing methods, there are more gentle options for less severe stains. The following are manual and automated cleaning methods.

Cleaning with soda

Small stains can be easily cleaned with baking soda. One or more “bathers” are placed in a bag, a pack of soda is poured into it and shaken for several minutes. Next, the toy characters are removed and shaken so that the soda crumbles. It is advisable to use a vacuum cleaner to completely remove powder particles. Instead of soda, you can use starch.

How to wash toys with foam?

You will need a foam solution. To create it, you can use baby soap, shower gel, and shampoo. Scoop up the foam with your palm or a rag and carefully wipe away the dirt. Movements should be fast so that the fabric does not get too wet. At the end, you need to blot the product with a dry towel and leave to dry.

Hand wash

I pour warm water into the basin. When washing, use baby soap and a brush. If there is severe contamination, soak for 10 minutes, and then work with your hands and a brush. This is followed by a gentle spin without twisting. Drying - on clothespins or a laid out towel.

How to wash soft toys in an automatic washing machine?

  1. Make sure the item is washable. Look for the corresponding icon on the label. It is advisable to pay attention to this nuance when purchasing.
  2. Make sure there is no music module or natural filling inside. If there is, remove it or look for an alternative cleansing method - soda, for example.
  3. Check for parts that are loose or loose. Remove everything unnecessary so as not to damage the machine.
  4. Remove grease and other stains, if any.
  5. Pour baby powder or other safe product into the container.
  6. It is advisable to use special laundry bags.
  7. Check the label to see what temperature you can wash at. Set the desired value. Typically the temperature range is 30-60 °C. If you suspect that there are dust mites in the fabric and padding, put the product in the freezer for prevention.
  8. Set to delicate mode. Start the process.
  9. Set rinse.
  10. Press by hand. Drying - in a vertical position. The room should be warm so that the process does not drag on.

  • Dust mites die in extreme temperatures. If processing at 60 degrees is allowed, they will die in them; if not, destroy them with cold.
  • Rinse with a little conditioner.
  • Use an extra rinse to ensure all the powder is washed out.
  • If the color has changed or the fabric has faded, it means you were sold a low-quality item. It may contain toxic substances that are harmful to health. You should not give it to a child.
  • Knitted items are dried horizontally on a towel to prevent deformation.
  • All old printed items contain dust mites. If you get such a rarity somewhere, be sure to put it in the freezer before moving it into your home.

Useful video:

Soft toys are cute, but they require extra attention and special care. They are not hygienic, so to ensure your child's playtime is safe, wash your plush friends regularly. If you follow the rules of care, toys will remain clean and attractive. If your washing machine is too small for your plush friend, then contact a dry cleaner - they will help.

A child, wherever he goes, almost always takes with him his favorite soft toy, or several of them at the same time. It is for this reason that toys get dirty very quickly, acquire germs, lose their attractive appearance and begin to pose a potential threat to the child’s fragile body. For this reason, special attention must be paid to caring for toys. Many parents are interested in the answer to the question of how to clean a soft toy that cannot be washed. Don't throw away the product, right? There are many ways to wash soft toys in the washing machine and by hand, even if the manufacturer does not recommend it. It's time to figure out how to wash soft toys in a washing machine and what not to do.

Proper preparation of toys before washing them - what should you remember?

In order to choose the most appropriate washing method and mode, before washing soft toys, they must be carefully examined. In particular, special attention should be paid to the following factors:

  • Size. Problems usually start with large toys. Many people are interested in how to wash large soft toys in a washing machine and do not find an answer - often the drum is too small to accept huge teddy bears and other products. In this case, you should not be interested in how to properly wash toys, but which is the best dry cleaner to take them to - there are no other cleaning options.
  • Additional details. Many toys come with buttons, zippers, plastic eyes and other accessories that should be taken care of before washing children's toys in the washing machine. It is best to remove or rip off the protruding parts so that they do not come off during the washing process.
  • Type of filler. Most often, toys are filled with padding polyester, but sometimes various other materials are used. Before washing children's toys, you need to find out what material the filling is made of, and set the machine wash mode and temperature strictly individually.
  • Availability of mechanisms. If toys can move or imitate voices and make sounds, then they have electronic mechanisms inside them, and therefore they must be removed every time before washing advanced plush toys. In no case should you forget about batteries.
  • External material. As in the case of filler, the material from which the toy’s covering is made reacts to washing differently depending on its own properties. Take the time to find out what exactly the product is made of before washing toys in an automatic washing machine, so as not to make a mistake.

A close inspection of toys will allow you to avoid making numerous mistakes and choose the right mode, temperature and other washing parameters. Now you need to understand how to wash a soft doll or toy with your hands and in an automatic washing machine - this guide on how to wash a plush toy will help you with this!

Rules for hand washing children's toys that cannot be washed

Hand washing is an excellent way to wash children's soft toys, the filling of which is very undesirable to expose to moisture. Washing by hand is easy - just follow the simple instructions:

  1. Before properly washing soft toys, they must be thoroughly removed from dust. This is best done with a powerful vacuum cleaner and several attachments - you need to knock out absolutely all the dust.
  2. Dissolve a small amount of mild shampoo in a container of water and stir thoroughly until foamy.
  3. Scoop up the required amount of foam with a sponge and apply the product to the soft toy.
  4. After wiping the toy, carefully rinse off the foam from its surface using a damp washcloth.

How to wash toys that cannot be washed? Often you cannot wash the inner filling, which can be damaged by water. If you don't let the product get too wet when hand washing, nothing bad will happen. You already know how to clean a toy that cannot be washed with your hands and a water container, but it wouldn’t hurt to figure out how to wash soft toys at home using a washing machine?

How to wash soft children's toys in the washing machine - necessary tips

Can soft toys be machine washed? Yes, if you approach this matter competently. You should not be afraid of washing toys filled with foam rubber and similar materials, as it can withstand the influence of water well and does not deteriorate under its influence. Toys made from down fillings, on the contrary, add extra hassle.

So, how to wash a fur toy at home in a washing machine, and how to do it in general? Easily:

  1. Before washing soft toys in an automatic washing machine, remove any electronic parts from them, if any, and also unfasten all external parts and decorations, especially those made of metal.
  2. To protect the product, place the toy in a laundry bag for delicate items before washing a large stuffed toy at home - this procedure will help preserve the product during washing.
  3. Add the required amount of powder for washing children's clothes to the machine container. Do not use any additional detergents again - you may get a negative washing result.
  4. At what temperature should you wash soft toys? Set the value to no more than 30 degrees Celsius.
  5. What mode should I use to wash soft toys? It is necessary to choose the most gentle of all the modes available for use - manual or one of the delicate ones, or the mode for washing children's clothes.

The question immediately arises of how to wash soft toys during quarantine if they are very large and do not fit into the drum of the washing machine. There is a way out - to disassemble a large toy into several parts, or remove the filling from it and wash it in a bag separately from the shell. We have already figured out how to wash soft toys by hand and in a washing machine. The final stage is to learn how to dry products so that they do not deteriorate.

Proper drying of soft toys - how to preserve the results of washing?

It's not enough to just know how to hand wash large stuffed animals - you need to understand how to dry them. There are several important rules, following which will allow you to preserve the washing results and not spoil anything:

  • Toys should be dried outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.
  • Do not place washed toys near sources of heat or open fire, or under the sun.
  • You should not manually speed up the drying process by trying to blow the toys with a hairdryer - this will not lead to good results.

Now you won’t have questions about how to clean soft toys without washing and whether soft toys can be washed in a washing machine. Just follow the recommendations given and then everything will work out!