
Could there be pregnancy if it smears? Brown vaginal discharge in a pregnant woman. Is spotting a result of sexual intercourse during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, many women are wary of some kind of disturbance in the condition of the fetus. Therefore, they always try to pay attention to any changes, even the most insignificant ones. And when manifestations such as, for example, brown spotting appear in the early stages, this not only leads to confusion, but also becomes a cause of anxiety. Since it is impossible to independently understand the origin of the discharge, the only right decision is to visit a doctor. And the specialist will explain what this is connected with and whether the expectant mother should worry.


In the first trimester of pregnancy, critical events for the embryo occur: implantation and placentation. A common vascular system is formed that connects the unborn child with the mother’s body. The early stages are the period when intensive construction of fruit tissue begins. Therefore, you need to treat it with special attention.

Having noticed that scanty discharge of a brownish tint has appeared, it is important for a woman not to panic. There are quite typical cases when this is a variant of the norm. We are talking about implantation bleeding - a small spot that occurs 10-14 days after conception. At this time, the villi of the fetal membrane are introduced into the endometrium, which provokes bleeding in a third of women. Some may not yet suspect pregnancy at all, believing that this is how the next period began.

But much more serious are those cases that are not associated with physiological mechanisms. Among the obstetric and gynecological pathologies that occur in the first trimester, the following conditions can lead to the appearance of bloody smears:

  • Spontaneous abortion.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Polyps or fibroids.
  • Infectious processes.
  • Traumatic injuries.
  • Hydatidiform mole (chorionepithelioma).

As we can see, such a situation arises not only due to reasons directly related to pregnancy, but also becomes a sign of organic changes in the woman’s reproductive system. Both one and the other cannot be called pleasant, but increased anxiety is still caused by those processes that pose a danger to the fetus.

Each cause of spotting during early pregnancy requires differential diagnosis so that nothing is overlooked.


Any pathology, whenever it occurs, has its own clinical picture. And although many new sensations appear during pregnancy, among them you need to try to identify those that cause particular concern and tell your doctor about it. Smearing in the first weeks of pregnancy should be considered a threatening sign, so it needs additional detail. From the medical history and objective data, the doctor determines the characteristics of the discharge:

  • Volume: scanty, moderate or abundant.
  • Appearance: brown, bright red, with admixtures of mucus, pus, etc.
  • Frequency: constant or rare.
  • Duration: short-term or long-term.
  • Connection with certain factors: occur during exercise, after sexual intercourse, or on their own.

Particular attention should be paid to additional symptoms that the woman may have. They will help you make the right assumption and guide the doctor in the right diagnostic direction.

Spontaneous abortion

If spotting appears in the early stages of pregnancy, you should think about a possible spontaneous abortion. This is not a pleasant situation, because the child, not yet developed, may die. The following signs indicate a threat of premature termination of pregnancy:

  • Discomfort and aching pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacrum.
  • Minor bleeding.
  • Feeling of pressure on the bladder and bowels.

If the pathology is not stopped at this stage through timely therapeutic correction, then the abortion progresses, which may result in the complete loss of the embryo. If the fetal parts do not come out of the uterus completely, but linger in it, then a situation arises associated with an increased risk of coagulopathic complications (bleeding, disseminated intravascular coagulation) and infection.

Ectopic pregnancy

Those women who had smearing in the first weeks of pregnancy were probably faced with the phenomenon of ectopic location of the embryo. In other words, the fertilized egg is attached not where it should be - in the uterine cavity - but outside it. Such a pregnancy most often develops in the tube and, for objective reasons, simply cannot reach a decent term. It ends shortly before it begins. As a rule, this occurs as an abortion or a pipe rupture. The first develops gradually, and the second - acutely, but in both cases there will be similar signs:

  • Pain on one side of the abdomen, radiating to the sacrum and rectum.
  • Small brown discharge.
  • Internal bleeding.

Blood accumulating in the pelvis irritates the peritoneum, causing the abdominal muscles to reflexively tense and pain to intensify. A gynecological examination reveals an overhang of the posterior vaginal vault and pain in the area of ​​the rectouterine angle (“Douglas cry”). The general condition of the woman changes according to the degree of blood loss - characteristic symptoms appear:

  • Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Dizziness.
  • Weakness.
  • Pressure drop.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Flashing "flies" before the eyes.

In severe cases, hemorrhagic shock develops when these symptoms sharply worsen, leading to loss of consciousness and multiple organ failure.

If it smears brown in combination with abdominal pain and deterioration in general health, then first of all you need to exclude acute obstetric pathology.

Cervical erosion

In most cases, cervical erosion is asymptomatic, but can create quite noticeable discomfort. A defect in the mucous membrane can even provoke spotting in early pregnancy. As a rule, they intensify after sexual intercourse and often contain an admixture of mucus. And the process of sexual contact itself will be painful. During a gynecological examination, the doctor sees erosion, which is a small area of ​​​​bright red color.

Polyps or fibroids

Benign tumors of the uterus themselves are not a significant obstacle to pregnancy, unless they are multiple in nature and large in size. But even with a single node, it may happen that the embryo attaches to it. Then the chorionic villi begin to penetrate the tumor tissue, which provokes bleeding. And the imperfection of the implantation process and, as a result, trophic disorders become a common cause of spontaneous abortion.

Infectious process

Brown discharge during pregnancy is often the result of a genital tract infection. Its causative agent can be various flora: nonspecific (strepto- and staphylococci, E. coli, Klebsiella) or specific (gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia). The latter is of greatest importance during pregnancy, since it gives a number of complications - from spread to other organs to disruption of fetal development.

By the nature of the bloody discharge, one can judge the likely pathogen: for example, cloudy with a yellowish-greenish tint and thick occurs with gonorrhea, and liquid and foamy with an unpleasant odor - with trichomoniasis. Subjective signs of infection include:

  • Burning and itching in the vagina.
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  • Pain when urinating.

Inflammation that has spread to the internal genital organs creates a risk of intrauterine damage to the fetus, developmental delays and abnormalities.

Hydatidiform mole

If spotting during pregnancy suddenly develops into quite heavy bleeding and is accompanied by the release of some bubbles, then the development of a hydatidiform mole is very likely. This is a pathology that affects the membranes of the fetus, namely the trophoblast. Cavities filled with fluid form in the chorionic villi, and they themselves grow, penetrating deeper into the underlying tissue.

Among the clinical signs, in addition to bloody discharge, it is worth noting the discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the gestational age and the absence of reliable signs of pregnancy. In addition, in the early stages, women often develop toxicosis. The danger of hydatidiform mole is that this process is similar to malignant and is capable of germinating into neighboring tissues and even metastasizing.

Progressive hydatidiform mole poses a serious danger to women because it is essentially a malignant process.

Additional diagnostics

A problem such as spotting in early pregnancy requires additional examination. The set of diagnostic methods used for obstetric or gynecological pathology may include the following methods:

  • General blood and urine tests.
  • Blood biochemistry (indicators of inflammation, antibodies to infections, hormones).
  • Microscopy and culture of secretions.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis.
  • Colposcopy.

The research results will make it possible to establish the exact origin of the smear and carry out appropriate measures aimed at maintaining pregnancy and eliminating pathological processes. It’s just important not to let the problem get worse, but to immediately consult a doctor.

Brown discharge during pregnancy inevitably causes anxiety in the expectant mother. The reason for this concern is easy to understand, because the brownish color of such discharge is given by inclusions of blood. And every woman knows about the danger of bleeding during pregnancy.

Indeed, brown spotting during pregnancy very often indicates various abnormalities and pathologies during pregnancy. However, this does not mean that brown discharge is always a warning sign. In some cases, they are, if not the norm, then absolutely safe, that’s for sure.

Of course, this does not mean that if a pregnant woman discovers brown spotting on her underwear, she should not worry - a lot depends on the accompanying symptoms, the duration of pregnancy, and so on. In any case, the first thing a woman should do is see a doctor. She still won’t be able to make a diagnosis on her own, and the risk is absolutely not justified.

There are many reasons that cause brown discharge during pregnancy. Some of them directly depend on the duration of pregnancy, the rest are not tied to it in any way. And, of course, it makes sense for a woman to know at least the most common of them and understand the mechanism by which discharge appears.

The first trimester is especially rich in the causes of brown discharge during pregnancy. In addition, it is in the early stages that there is the greatest chance that the discharge is safe.

When is brown discharge normal during pregnancy?

In the early stages: 1-2 weeks after conception, the fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine mucosa. During this process, small blood vessels can be damaged, the blood from which is mixed with natural vaginal discharge.

In this case, there will be light brown, perhaps even beige or pink discharge during pregnancy, the consistency of the discharge will be creamy. In addition, they will be singular in nature. Another distinctive feature of the discharge associated with the implantation period is that it does not cause the woman any additional inconvenience: it has a neutral odor, does not cause itching, and is not accompanied by pain.

Another important point: at the moment of attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, the woman most likely does not yet know about her pregnancy, and often writes off spotting brown discharge as a malfunction in the menstrual cycle. This is about being careful about your body. If you pay attention to an unusual phenomenon in time, you can assume pregnancy at a very early stage, when other signs have not yet appeared.

One of the reasons why spotting may occur during pregnancy is minor disruptions in the hormonal background of the pregnant woman. Such disruptions can trigger discharge around the time when menstruation should theoretically begin. This phenomenon does not pose any danger to the mother or child and does not cause any unpleasant sensations.

In this case, the discharge is also scanty, but can last a couple of days. Moreover, in some cases, this phenomenon may recur within 2-3 months after pregnancy.

Risk of miscarriage

Unfortunately, this is where the norm ends, and complex and dangerous diagnoses begin. In the vast majority of cases, bleeding during pregnancy indicates a threat of miscarriage. Most often, the threat arises in connection with the detachment of the fertilized egg. Damaged vessels remain at the site of detachment.

The cause of detachment of the ovum is usually a lack of progesterone, a female hormone, the main function of which is to prepare the lining of the uterus - the endometrium - for the implantation of the ovum and maintaining pregnancy until the placenta is formed. If there is little progesterone in a woman’s body or it is not produced at all, the endometrium rejects the fertilized egg.

Discharge when there is a threat of miscarriage can be both scanty and moderate. As a rule, they also have mucus inclusions. There are other symptoms: nagging pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and in some cases, vomiting.

This condition requires immediate medical intervention. Therefore, if the expectant mother discovers brown discharge, she should immediately call an ambulance, and then lie down and try to calm down. Any physical activity, and especially anxiety, can only aggravate the situation.

Fortunately, if you seek help in a timely manner, in most cases the pregnancy can be saved. A woman with symptoms of a threatened miscarriage will most likely be hospitalized and undergo additional tests. In addition, measures will be taken immediately to preserve the pregnancy.

Women with abruption of the ovum are usually prescribed medications containing progesterone, such as utrozhestan, and are also prescribed complete bed rest until symptoms subside.

Ectopic pregnancy

Dark discharge during early pregnancy can also indicate a more unpleasant diagnosis: ectopic pregnancy. As the name implies, we are talking about cases when a fertilized egg is implanted not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube.

The danger of this situation is obvious: as the fetus grows, it can simply rupture the fallopian tube, which will lead to internal bleeding. And this is already a threat to the mother’s life. In addition, after this it will no longer be possible to restore the tube, so an ectopic pregnancy may also lead to a deterioration in reproductive function.

Like most pathologies, ectopic pregnancy causes symptoms other than bleeding. In particular, nagging pain in the abdomen. Usually from the side of the tube where the fertilized egg is attached.

In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, starting treatment on time is no less important than in the case of a threatened miscarriage, although the treatment will be radically different. Unfortunately, in this case there is no question of continuing the pregnancy; it is removed surgically.

Hydatidiform mole

Another extremely unpleasant pathology is called hydatidiform mole. The reasons for this complication are not fully understood, but it has been noted that the fetus in this case always has deviations in the chromosome set. As a result, a theory arose that this pathology occurs when an egg is fertilized simultaneously by 2 sperm, or one, but having a double set of chromosomes. As a result, the fetus either has a triple set of chromosomes: 23 from the mother and 46 from the father, or the number of chromosomes turns out to be normal, but they are all paternal.

Since it is the paternal cells that are responsible for the development of the placenta and amniotic sac, they are mainly affected by this pathology. Instead of the formation of a full-fledged placenta, a benign tumor forms on the walls of the uterus: multiple cysts consisting of bubbles with liquid of various sizes.

This pathology can develop in different ways. Sometimes only part of the placental tissue is pathological. In this case, they talk about partial hydatidiform mole. Most often, the fetus in this case dies in the second trimester, but there is a possibility of the birth of a normal child.

A complete hydatidiform mole is characterized by changes in all tissues of the placenta. In this case, the embryo dies in the early stages. Moreover, occasionally the affected tissue penetrates into the muscle tissue of the uterus. In this case, tumor bubbles can enter the bloodstream and metastasize. Usually in the vagina and lungs.

Hydatidiform mole manifests itself as bloody discharge, sometimes containing bubbles. In addition, the woman experiences nausea and sometimes vomiting. Less commonly, women suffer from headaches and high blood pressure. To clarify the diagnosis, an ultrasound and a blood test for hCG are performed.

An ultrasound will show the structure of the placenta, the condition of the fetus, and the absence of a heartbeat. In addition, the level of hCG in patients with hydatidiform mole jumps several times.

If a woman is diagnosed with this pathology, the fetus and pathological tissue are removed, and in some cases the uterus has to be removed. If the drift can be removed, then after that it must be examined. The fact is that some women develop cancer as a result of this pathology.

After removal of the hydatidiform mole, the woman remains under medical supervision for some time. If everything goes well, then in 1-2 years the woman will be able to give birth again. Fortunately, hydatidiform mole is extremely rare, not more than 1 time per thousand pregnant women.

Causes in the second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, there are reasons for spotting. Unfortunately, all of them are deviations from the norm, and therefore threaten the condition of the mother and child. And, of course, they need treatment.

Placental abruption

One of the causes of brown discharge in the second trimester is placental abruption. This phenomenon is dangerous for both mother and child. Firstly, the detached placenta is not able to adequately supply the fetus with oxygen and nutrients. In addition, the mother may experience severe bleeding due to placental abruption.

Most often, this problem is faced by women with high blood pressure and women who smoke. This pathology can be caused by scars on the uterus from abortion or cesarean section, abdominal trauma during pregnancy, or an umbilical cord that is too short.

Detachment is manifested by bleeding of varying degrees of severity: from spotting to heavy bleeding, as well as nagging pain in the uterus and tension in the lower abdomen. Most often, detachment of a small part of the placenta occurs, although in rare cases complete detachment can occur.

Placental abruption cannot be treated, so it is usually a caesarean section. In mild cases, they try to postpone it until 30-36 weeks, when there is a chance to save the child. If the situation requires immediate intervention, an emergency caesarean section is performed.

Placenta previa

The diagnosis of placenta previa is made when the placenta partially or completely covers the os of the uterus. In this case, the expanding fetus puts more and more pressure on the placenta and can damage the vessels located on it, which provokes bleeding. Due to increased pressure, placental abruption may also occur, but in most cases such complications can be avoided.

Naturally, offering the placenta makes vaginal delivery impossible. The only option left is a caesarean section. In addition, this position of the placenta makes it necessary to more carefully monitor the condition of the fetus, since it can compress important vessels, which will provoke oxygen starvation.

Causes in the third trimester

In addition to the fact that in the third trimester, brown discharge may occur for the reasons listed in the previous section, in the last weeks of pregnancy a woman may experience bloody mucous discharge during pregnancy. Most likely, there is nothing to be afraid of in this case.

It is possible that this is just a mucous plug coming off, covering the cervix and protecting the child from infections and other influences from the external environment. Usually the mucus plug comes off a few hours before delivery, although in some cases it happens much earlier.

Causes of brown discharge, regardless of duration

Of course, not all causes of vaginal bleeding are, one way or another, tied to the duration of pregnancy. Some of them can make themselves known at any time. They may be associated with various diseases, structural features of the uterus, and so on.

Cervical erosion

In particular, the cause of spotting brown discharge in pregnant women can be erosion of the cervix. This problem is familiar to many women, both pregnant and giving birth, and those who are yet to do so. However, during pregnancy, the delicate epithelium of the cervix is ​​especially easy to damage. That is why women often first encounter this problem during pregnancy.

Typically, erosion is asymptomatic, but after rough sex or an examination on a genealogy chair, the pregnant woman develops scanty, spotting bleeding. This happens due to the fact that a foreign body disturbs the damaged epithelium.

Cervical erosion in our time is most often treated with cauterization. However, this is not recommended during pregnancy, as the burn can complicate natural childbirth. Therefore, during pregnancy, drug treatment is preferred.

Many women have a question: is it necessary to treat erosion during pregnancy? It is better to cure it, as it increases the risk of developing cancer.

Infections and inflammatory processes

Some infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases and inflammatory processes also cause vaginal bleeding. In this case, the discharge may be accompanied by various symptoms.

This may include discharge during pregnancy with an unpleasant or specific odor, pain, and the like.

It is not at all necessary that a woman became infected during pregnancy. Often, microorganisms that live in the vaginal microflora do not make themselves known until favorable conditions for reproduction arise. During pregnancy, a woman’s immunity decreases, which provokes the development of the disease. In addition, old, poorly treated infections can make themselves felt.

In this case, it makes sense to remind you that at the pregnancy planning stage it is advisable to undergo a full examination and treat all your illnesses. However, if you are reading this article, then most likely it is too late to talk about it.

Any infection during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the mother’s body, but also for her unborn child, so treatment must be started urgently.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to select medications for pregnant women, since some of them, along with the mother’s blood, penetrate the placenta to the fetus. Modern pharmaceuticals have stepped far forward in this regard, creating new drugs that are safer and with more precise dosages.

This makes the work of doctors somewhat easier. Many women worry about this, however, in any case, it is better to be cured than to risk your health and the health of the baby.

Unfortunately, in most cases, brown spotting during pregnancy indicates a variety of pathologies, abnormalities and diseases. Trying to figure out what exactly is happening on your own is not advisable. It is much wiser to meet with your doctor at the first alarming symptoms and find out the exact cause of the discharge.

Even if it turns out that nothing bad is happening to you, no one will blame you for your anxiety. It’s always better to know exactly what’s going on than to be afraid to disturb the doctor once and then have to deal with the consequences of a rash act.

Unfortunately, now many women are looking for answers on thematic forums. This should not be done, since each woman’s body is individual. Therefore, the same external manifestations in different women may indicate different diseases.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by an experienced physician, and only after additional research. Please note that the more accurately you describe your feelings to the gynecologist, the easier it will be for him to make a diagnosis.

Article verification: Ilona Ganshina,
practicing gynecologist

The colloquial term “daub” can be found in the vocabulary of not only pregnant women, but also doctors. This is bloody discharge, which in some cases can be a cause for concern. Almost every seventh woman encounters this phenomenon.

Smear at the beginning of the term

If the pregnancy is planned, then most likely the woman monitors her feelings, and towards the end of the cycle or at the first signs of a delay, she begins to do tests, take tests for hCG. Even in the very first weeks from the moment of conception, spotting may indicate that implantation has occurred. It occurs on the fifth day after fertilization of the egg.

In rare cases, the spotting in early pregnancy is pink, sometimes with a small amount of blood. This is explained by the fact that at the moment the egg attaches to the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, it is damaged. If the process is successful, an embryonic point is formed, and the mother's circulatory system becomes the basis for the development and metabolism of the embryo.

At this stage, pregnancy is not yet determined by tests. However, if a woman leads, she can observe a drop of 1-1.5 degrees, and then growth begins again. The duration of light spotting in early pregnancy is no more than two to three days. For longer periods, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Positive or negative test

A pregnancy test can indicate the nature of the discharge, of course, if the woman is expecting it. So, the test showed a negative result, but there was no heavy menstrual bleeding. Scanty discharge may indicate hormonal imbalance or recent stress. You should wait a little, and if other unpleasant symptoms occur (pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region, discharge with an unpleasant, pungent odor), then you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the test is positive and pink spotting is observed in the early stages of pregnancy, then there may be no reason to panic. Naturally, this should be reported to the doctor who is monitoring the pregnant woman. To eliminate risks, an hCG test is done, which is then checked, and the numbers are compared over time after a couple of days. They should increase two to three times, which indicates the normal course of pregnancy and the absence of threats to its termination.

In the case when a woman notices a brown spot on her underwear during early pregnancy, it is necessary to take tests for progesterone. This may indicate problems with the functioning of the corpus luteum and a lack of hormones to maintain pregnancy. If this condition is neglected, the pregnancy may not be maintained.

Dangerous secretions

The color and consistency of the discharge can tell a lot. If we talk about the most harmless ones, they are white, milky, even yellowish, transparent in structure and slightly viscous. In this case, this indicates a restructuring of the body, which is getting used to a new state.

There is an assumption that spotting in early pregnancy is a natural reaction of the body to the end of the cycle. In this case, it in no way threatens the normal gestation of the fetus. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the body's reaction and try not to overexert yourself on days when menstrual bleeding should have occurred. Throughout the first trimester, while the risk of natural abortion remains high, the woman is advised to avoid overwork and physical exertion.

The appearance of brown spotting during early pregnancy is worth special attention. In this case, it is not worth taking risks; if it continues throughout the day, you must urgently call an ambulance. The main danger is the threat of placental abruption or dilatation of the cervix.

The appearance of scarlet blood or spotting is also a reason to go to the hospital. You should not immediately panic, since the cause may be a hematoma, which in this way resolves and is excreted from the body. With timely diagnosis and properly selected therapy, pregnancy continues and the baby’s development is not in danger.

Discharge due to erosion during pregnancy

One of the causes of spotting in early pregnancy is untreated cervical erosion. In most cases, it is not touched if a woman is planning pregnancy and natural childbirth. This is explained by the fact that after treatment it is necessary to wait a certain time until the cervix heals and can soften during childbirth. This is important because the degree of its dilation and readiness determines whether the birth will take place naturally.

The presence of erosion requires constant monitoring of the pregnant woman’s condition, since the risk of premature birth and infection of the fetus remains throughout the entire period. Its size can increase with increasing load on the cervix, as well as with changes in hormonal levels.

A woman may not even be aware of the presence of erosion, especially if visits to the gynecologist are rare and she is not tormented by any unpleasant symptoms before pregnancy. Intermediate bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle or after sexual intercourse may not be taken seriously. However, during pregnancy, these symptoms may be uncomfortable and may also cause pain. The discharge is not necessarily brown; in some cases it is cheesy or yellowish.


It is believed that spotting during early pregnancy is a natural process. The cervical canal produces a special secretion, which over time forms a kind of plug that prevents infection and harmful bacteria from entering.

Some couples do not stop having sex in the first months of pregnancy. In some cases, a woman may experience clear or whitish vaginal discharge. The partner must be especially careful during sexual intercourse and must interrupt it at the first unpleasant sensation.

Placental abruption and spotting

It is believed that one of the most dangerous situations during pregnancy is placental abruption, which can occur at any stage. Doctors can quickly cope with the cause of spotting in the early stages of pregnancy if you contact a medical facility in a timely manner. Diagnosis of detachment is made using ultrasound.

In the area of ​​increased attention of doctors are women who have a history of more than two pregnancies with a short period of time between them. The least dangerous is partial placental abruption, accompanied by spotting in the early stages of pregnancy and nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

When the threat of interruption becomes apparent

A critical situation occurs with complete placental abruption. Then the discharge can be bloody, profuse, the pain is sharp and severe, and does not go away after taking painkillers. This is a clear signal to see a doctor. If in the later stages the situation can be saved by a cesarean section, then in the first trimester it is extremely difficult to talk about maintaining the pregnancy. Because there is a high risk of major blood loss in the mother. In this case, the question will probably be about saving her life.

Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor your well-being and monitor any manifestations of spotting in the early stages of pregnancy. What to do if she is discovered? Do not self-medicate, lie down if possible and call an ambulance.

The cause may be an infection

The color of the smear in the early stages of pregnancy can indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. If the discharge is accompanied by itching, an unpleasant odor, or pain, then it is worth getting tested for infections. The potential risk to the fetus is determined after diagnosis. In most cases, the presence of a particular infection is determined before pregnancy is planned, when the disease is easiest to treat. But if a woman became infected from her partner during pregnancy, then the treatment regimen is chosen based on the minimal risk to the development of the fetus.

The presence of an inflammatory process is indicated by the appearance of yellow spots in the early stages of pregnancy; if their color is closer to dark, purulent, then most likely a sexually transmitted disease is developing in the body. In another case, we may be talking about inflammation of the appendages or pelvic organs, or infection with E. coli or staphylococcus. These symptoms cannot be ignored, as the infection can lead to fetal death.

Judging by the reviews, green smears during pregnancy in the early stages indicate sexually transmitted infections. It is worth stopping any form of sexual contact with a partner without a condom, and in the best case, until complete recovery. In this case, both must undergo treatment.

The notorious thrush is manifested by milky discharge, sometimes curdled, with a sour odor. Now it can be treated with one vaginal tablet. Throughout pregnancy, thrush may appear and then go away. Most often this is due to decreased immunity. Particular attention is paid to it in the period before childbirth.


The presence of pathology can be determined using a blood test, urine test, smear and ultrasound. The results of the smear can show the content of white blood cells, the presence of mucus, fungi and bacteria. Using a blood test, the doctor can determine the level of hemoglobin, platelets and red blood cells. They show how the body copes with increased load, whether enough oxygen enters the cells, how the liver, kidneys and pancreas cope with their functions. Urine tests can be used to judge the functioning of the kidneys, the level of protein in it and the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

Such diagnostics are a priority in medical practice. Precisely because it does not require hospitalization, every pregnant woman regularly undergoes tests before visiting a doctor. Ultrasound is prescribed only during screening and according to indications. Spotting may be a reason for an unscheduled examination.

Timely ultrasound diagnostics makes it possible to determine the degree of fetal development, its location, and the presence of abnormalities. It happens that the cause of sudden discharge may be an ectopic or frozen pregnancy. In such cases, it is possible to carry out timely surgical intervention, which will minimize the risks of infection and internal bleeding.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is important to know how long the daub lasted. This is especially important in early pregnancy. This way you can determine how great the threat is to the fetus and whether there are risks to the health of the mother. If bloody discharge occurs, this will allow timely diagnosis of the amount of blood lost.


The basic rule for every pregnant woman is to avoid self-medication, especially if secretions of an unknown nature are detected. Effective treatment is prescribed only after diagnosis. If a lack of progesterone production is detected, then Duphaston is prescribed. For spotting in early pregnancy, it can reduce the risk of miscarriage. "Duphaston" differs from the similar drug "Utrozhestan" in that it is synthetic, while the latter is natural progesterone.

Infectious diseases are usually treated either before the 12th week or after the 22nd. The dosage and name of the medicines are selected by the doctor. Treatment of thrush is possible with the help of the popular drugs Nystatin and Pimafucin.

Any bleeding requires careful monitoring. Therapy here is to prevent blood loss and eliminate the risk of its recurrence. As a rule, treatment is carried out in a hospital. It involves taking medications either orally or intravenously. Bed rest and complete rest are required.

Prevention of spotting in early pregnancy

Any disease or deviation from the norm is easier to prevent than to treat. This is especially true for spotting during early pregnancy. How many babies could be born safely if women, and doctors, were more attentive to the alarming symptoms that the body gives.

As soon as a woman has learned about her situation, it is necessary to eliminate excessive stress, stop engaging in strength and extreme sports, and refrain from visiting a hot bath or sauna. It is necessary to avoid taking antibiotics and avoid radiation.

Even at the planning stage, both partners should undergo a full examination and be checked for hidden infections. It is best to undergo a course of treatment in advance, since during pregnancy many of the drugs, including antibiotics, are contraindicated.

Keeping a basal temperature chart will be a plus. This will help identify insufficiency of the luteal phase, which is responsible for the preservation of pregnancy during the first month. Since it occurs with a lack of progesterone, timely diagnosis will allow timely treatment to begin. It is worth remembering that women over 30 years old have a 30% higher risk of miscarriage than younger women.

Since many gynecologists talk about the threat of developing genetic mutations, especially in couples over the age of 35, it would not be a bad idea to undergo examination by a geneticist. In some cases, it is possible to identify the risk of developing a deviation, primarily among couples who had inherited diseases in their pedigree.

Rh compatibility should also be established at the planning stage. If there is a discrepancy, doctors will prescribe appropriate medications to eliminate a possible Rh conflict between mother and child.

And one of the main conditions for maintaining pregnancy is a woman’s stable psycho-emotional state. With constant stress and nervous disorders, spotting and nagging pain often occur, which can lead to the threat of bearing a child.

Changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman require mandatory monitoring. This also applies to the appearance of spotting. After all, they are observed both normally and in the presence of pathologies.

To determine the cause of the so-called spotting, it is necessary to undergo an examination. A timely visit to a specialist will allow you to start treatment on time and maintain your pregnancy.

Spotting in pregnant women - what is it?

The term “daub” is a common one and implies the appearance of spotting. The main characteristic of this phenomenon is scarcity, that is, a small amount. The appearance of such a secretion in the early stages is associated with various reasons. Not all of them are pathologies.

Normally, at the beginning of pregnancy, a woman is bothered by whitish, beige or light brown discharge. Their occurrence is due to changes that are associated with fetal development. The appearance of traces of scarlet blood or purulent secretion requires a mandatory visit to the doctor. This is especially important if there are other symptoms of a developing disease or disorder.

Experts consider it normal for spotting to appear during pregnancy in the days before menstruation. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. The discharge should be scanty and barely noticeable.

On the days of expected menstrual bleeding, the expectant mother needs to remember the rules of behavior, which include the following points:

  • no sudden movements;
  • exclusion of physical activity;
  • ensuring emotional peace;
  • exclusion of visiting a bathhouse, sauna;
  • exclusion of intimate relationships.

What can early spotting indicate?

The appearance of spotting in the form of mucus in a woman in the first week is considered normal. This is due to the restructuring of the entire body in connection with gestation. Embryo implantation enhances the work of the mucous membranes of internal organs to maintain optimal moisture levels. The secretion in the form of mucus is constantly produced by the cervix.

In some cases, a woman is bothered by brown discharge. They are associated with the fixation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. During implantation, which lasts about 40 hours, damage occurs to the mucous tissue and blood vessels. As a result, a woman may notice the presence of smear marks on her underwear.

The appearance of spotting is not always the result of natural processes occurring during gestation. There are several pathologies that require a mandatory visit to the doctor.

Risk of miscarriage

There are many reasons for the threat of miscarriage - for example, genetic defects of the embryo that are incompatible with life, or progesterone deficiency (necessary for the full development of the fetus).

The hormone ensures that the inner layer of the uterine cavity is ready for the attachment of the fertilized egg. When progesterone levels are low in the first trimester (week 13 inclusive), the female organ rejects the fertilized egg. As a result, a pink spotting secretion appears. Detection of such a daub requires urgent medical attention.

The woman is prescribed hormonal medications and strict bed rest. Observation and control in a hospital setting allows you to maintain pregnancy.

Excessive activity of the expectant mother can provoke leakage. Therefore, it is so important in the early stages (especially at 6, 7, 8, 9 weeks) to correctly distribute physical activity, devote enough time to rest and quality sleep.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a condition in which a fertilized egg implants outside the uterine cavity. At first, an abnormal pregnancy develops like a normal one. As the embryo grows, it lacks the necessary space. Most often, the fertilization of the fertilized egg occurs in the fallopian tube. An increase in the size of the embryo leads to stretching of the walls of the oviduct, and then to their rupture.

At first, the woman notices smudge marks and painful sensations appear. If the integrity of the pipe is violated, they become more abundant and the pain more intense. The condition is dangerous due to large blood loss. The same phenomena are observed when the embryo is localized in the ovary, uterine cervix or abdominal cavity.

Frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is characterized by the development of a dangerous condition in the first or second trimester, in which it is not possible to save the unborn baby. The development of the embryo stops and the pregnancy ends.

The following signs indicate this:

  • disappearance of toxicosis;
  • constant fatigue;
  • the breast no longer enlarges and does not hurt;
  • detection of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood;
  • the appearance of painful sensations in the lower abdomen and back (arise due to constant contractions of the uterus, which is trying to get rid of the frozen embryo).

A disruption in the development of pregnancy is indicated by brown spotting, which looks like a secretion streaked with blood. Ultrasound will help confirm the pathology.

To preserve the woman’s health and the possibility of having a child, the embryo is surgically removed along with the membranes. The timeliness of the operation is important, since a long wait is dangerous due to the removal of the uterus, sepsis and death.

Diseases of the genital area

During pregnancy, the body functions under increased stress. Therefore, resistance to the emergence of various infectious diseases is weakening. The development of pathogenic microflora is accompanied by discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching, and irritation of the intimate area. There may be an increase in body temperature and discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Discharge mixed with pus is a clear sign of sexually transmitted diseases or inflammation of the ovaries. The development of infection is dangerous by infecting the fetus with its subsequent death.

Cervical erosion

Spotting manifestations are associated with the presence of erosive lesions of the cervix. In the absence of complications, it is enough to monitor the condition of the mucous tissues. To do this, a woman must periodically undergo smears and undergo colposcopy.

As pregnancy progresses, the sensitivity of the vaginal mucosa increases. Sometimes even the introduction of a candle provokes the appearance of smudge marks on the underwear.


The state of gestation leads to changes in hormonal levels in the female body. A simultaneous decrease in immunity causes changes in the vaginal microflora. As a result, thrush develops.

It is characterized by the appearance of a cheesy secretion, an unpleasant odor in the intimate area, itching and burning in the perineal area. Spot containing candida fungi is a source of infection for the baby as it passes through the birth canal. Therefore, detection of thrush during pregnancy requires mandatory treatment and monitoring in the future.

Discharge color

Vaginal discharge accompanies a woman throughout her entire gestation period. To understand whether this is normal or pathological, first of all pay attention to their color. Normally, the secretion is always white or transparent. In this case, there are no other symptoms (for example, itching or burning in the genital area).

The appearance of bloody, brown, green, yellow, curdled discharge indicates a problem and requires a mandatory visit to the doctor. Brown spotting in the early stages occurs on the days of expected menstrual bleeding. At this time, you should limit physical activity and get more rest. Negligent attitude towards your health on dangerous days is fraught with the threat of termination of pregnancy.

In some cases, brown discharge is an indicator of an ectopic pregnancy. The presence of additional symptoms is of great importance: pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of weakness, increased spotting from the genital tract. Bloody discharge can lead to miscarriage. Therefore, their presence is a serious reason for an early visit to a specialist.

Yellow discharge is a sign of developing inflammation, the presence of a staphylococcal infection or E. coli. The appearance of fever, discomfort in the lower abdomen, and an unpleasant odor from the intimate area requires an early visit to the doctor and an examination. Inflammation leads to complications, the most dangerous of which is miscarriage.

The presence of green discharge indicates the development of bacterial vaginosis. The appearance of a fishy odor confirms the pathology. Inattention to this condition causes the development of inflammation of the genitourinary organs.

How to identify the cause of spotting - diagnostic measures

Identifying the factor that provoked the spotting is impossible without diagnostic measures. The primary ones are an examination in a gynecological chair and a thorough history taking.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes:

  • colposcopy;
  • taking a smear for flora and the presence of atypical cells on the uterine cervix;
  • ultrasonography;
  • blood tests (hCG, hormones, general).

In the absence of sufficient information to make a diagnosis, hysteroscopy, diagnostic endometrial curettage, or laparoscopy are performed.

What to do if you have a spot

If any suspicious discharge appears, a woman should consult a doctor who is managing her pregnancy. After examining the patient, the specialist will prescribe an examination, which will necessarily include tests to detect fungal and vaginal infections. If it is detected, appropriate treatment is prescribed that poses minimal threat to the woman and her unborn child.

If uterine erosion is detected, electrocoagulation is indicated. The risk of miscarriage is eliminated by the use of hormonal drugs. A frozen pregnancy requires surgical intervention. Regardless of what caused the spotting, independent use of any medications is excluded.

What medications are prescribed for spotting vaginal secretion?

According to the doctor's indications, when a spotting secretion appears, a woman is prescribed conservative treatment. If there is a threat of miscarriage or the presence of other pathologies caused by progesterone deficiency, hormonal therapy is necessary. In such cases, experts recommend taking Duphaston and Utrozhestan, the dosage of which is determined by the doctor based on examination data.

By replenishing progesterone levels, the expectant mother’s well-being improves and the possibility of miscarriage is eliminated. Taking hormonal drugs allows the fetus to develop normally in accordance with natural physiological processes.


A woman’s correct lifestyle is of great importance for the normal development of the fetus.

To avoid the occurrence of dangerous discharge from the genital tract or bleeding, it is necessary to remember the following preventive measures:

  • reduce the duration of walking;
  • devote enough time to rest and sleep;
  • avoid stress factors;
  • limit or exclude sexual intimacy.

If any discomfort occurs during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, you should consult a doctor. Even in the absence of dangerous phenomena, a visit to a specialist will allow for a timely examination and eliminate the occurrence of complications.

Doctors say that the best prevention of problems during gestation is planning a pregnancy. Experts recommend plant complex for easy conception and successful gestation - “ Seraphim's Gathering". The product has a minimum of contraindications and contains only Altai herbs that are beneficial and safe for a woman and her unborn baby.

The doctor talks about discharge in the early stages:


Spotting is observed throughout pregnancy. Whether they are natural or indicate the development of disorders, only a doctor can say for sure after conducting the necessary examination. Continuous monitoring of one’s own well-being throughout the entire pregnancy will help to rule out the presence of pathology and decide what to do for the expectant mother.

Any changes in discharge become a cause for concern for expectant mothers. Spotting vaginal discharge may appear at different times. Their origin and nature vary, so if such signs occur, you should consult a gynecologist.

It should be noted that in medicine there is no such term as “daub.” Doctors usually mean by it bloody vaginal discharge, the volume of which is no more than a few drops. They can be brown, red, brown or cream in color. We’ll talk further about how dangerous such secretions can be.

Causes of spotting during pregnancy

Factors influencing the occurrence of various discharges can be harmless and pose a danger to the pregnant woman. They are often caused by physiological changes in the body, hormonal changes and other natural phenomena during pregnancy.

Spotting may appear due to implantation bleeding, at a time when pregnancy is not yet known. A change in the level of progesterone in the blood can also provoke spotting.

The nature of such discharge differs at different stages of pregnancy. Every 6-8th pregnant woman faces this phenomenon. It is necessary to understand that such symptoms are not always the norm, and therefore require attention and timely detection of abnormalities. This may be a signal of fetal rejection, placental abruption and other negative phenomena. They are usually observed simultaneously with other symptoms, for example, nagging pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.

Spotting in the first trimester

As a rule, professional doctors take the appearance of spotting quite seriously, except in cases where they appear 10 days after the date of conception. Usually, scanty bloody discharge is a consequence of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine lining. During this process, local destruction of the small vessels of the inner lining of the uterus occurs.

If more than 10 days have passed since the expected date of conception, then close attention is paid to such discharge. They are almost always accompanied by pathological processes in the body. This could be a lack of progesterone, an ectopic or frozen pregnancy. In the event that spotting begins at the same frequency as menstrual periods, according to the menstrual cycle before pregnancy, such symptoms also indicate abnormalities.

Usually, dark stains remain on the laundry, which sometimes manifests itself as a deficiency in the function of the corpus luteum, which requires hormonal treatment. If progesterone drugs are not prescribed on time, there is a high probability of spontaneous abortion. Sometimes this condition requires long-term use of drugs that reduce androgen and prolactin levels.

Pregnancy management tactics in many developed countries do not provide for continuation of pregnancy until 12 weeks. Most often, its spontaneous interruption indicates the non-viability of the embryo due to genetic and physiological failures. However, the appearance of spotting during pregnancy is not a reason to ignore such symptoms, as they may be signs of an ectopic pregnancy that develops in the fallopian tubes. This condition is a threat not only to the health and future motherhood of a woman, but also poses a risk to her life.

Most likely, diagnosis will require an examination of the internal organs of the small pelvis to determine the location of the fertilized egg in the uterus or outside it, as well as a blood test for. The doctor may recommend rest and prescribe vitamins and other medications, and in the case of an ectopic and frozen pregnancy, urgent intervention is necessary. Symptoms of these conditions are usually dark-colored spotting. A frozen pregnancy carries the risk of intoxication, while an ectopic pregnancy puts the mother’s life at risk.

The appearance of spotting during pregnancy sometimes occurs after sexual intercourse or a vaginal examination in the presence of erosion. As a rule, this condition does not require special treatment; diagnosis is limited to tissue biopsy. The main therapy for erosion is postponed until after childbirth.

In every fourth woman, the appearance of scanty spotting is a sign of low attachment of the placenta to the inner surface of the uterus. Usually the situation normalizes on its own, but bed rest is recommended for the pregnant woman to prevent bleeding. In this case, childbirth is carried out by caesarean section.

Spotting in the second and third trimester

The second and is a calmer time in terms of possible complications. More often, the discharge of smear during this period is associated with pathologies of the placenta:

  1. . In this case, the placenta is attached close to the cervix and when the muscles of the uterus are stretched, vascular damage occurs, which causes brown discharge.
  2. It can also begin with weak spotting that turns into bleeding. This condition is considered life-threatening for a woman; it cannot be treated and requires surgery or a cesarean section when the pregnancy reaches more than 30 weeks.

In later stages, thin streaks of blood may be discharged from the genital tract. These discharges vary in intensity, from spotting to the appearance of large clots. As a rule, they indicate the imminent onset of active labor or appear simultaneously with the first contractions. This is how the mucus plug comes off. This process can last several weeks or be a harbinger of an imminent birth.

A pregnant woman should be especially careful about her health and monitor changes in discharge. Any qualitative or quantitative changes in the secretion should be reported to your doctor. In some cases, additional examination can prevent the development of pathology and maintain pregnancy. If the genital smear turns bloody and is accompanied by pain in the lower back or abdomen, you should urgently call an ambulance.