
What greens can pregnant women eat? Possible use of parsley during pregnancy. What are the dangers of eating parsley?

Every mother wants her baby to be healthy, strong and smart. You should start taking care of your child’s growth and development long before he is born. As soon as mom finds out about her new interesting position, she should reconsider her habits. It is important to register on time and undergo tests in a timely manner, visit the treating gynecologist, and carefully monitor the condition of the body. After all, various malfunctions and symptoms often indicate a lack of certain substances in the body. For example, cramps in the limbs indicate a deficiency of magnesium, diseased teeth and bones indicate a lack of calcium and phosphorus, etc. That is why it is important to eat properly and balanced.

A pregnant woman's diet should include berries, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals, meat, and fish. Greens have particular benefits - they should be added to first and second courses, salads. Today we’ll talk about parsley - we use it so often that we don’t think about how many valuable substances it contains. In this article, we will look at the composition of parsley, learn about the beneficial properties of greens for a pregnant woman, and try to figure out whether the herb is safe for expectant mothers.

Beneficial properties of parsley during pregnancy

Parsley contains a colossal amount of vitamins - A, C, E, K, PP, beta-carotene. Greens are rich in B vitamins - B1, B2, B5, B6, B9. Parsley contains many trace elements - calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper. In addition, parsley contains essential oils, saccharides, dietary fiber, starch, and amino acids. Not only the grass has amazing benefits, but also the seeds, roots, inflorescences and stems of the plant. During pregnancy, we will use only stems and leaves for food - this is a safe component of any dish. The benefit of parsley lies not only in its rich composition, but also in the time of harvesting the greens. Parsley appears in early spring, when the human body is terribly exhausted, and there is still a very long time before the first harvest. Parsley helps support weakened health - this is especially important for pregnant women. Each substance in curly greens affects a woman’s body during pregnancy in its own way.

  1. Folic acid. Women who are at the planning stage or in the early stages of pregnancy are required to take folic acid. A lack of this vitamin in a woman’s body can cause the development of pathologies of the neural tube of the fetus. Folic acid is necessary for the formation of the child’s central nervous system; parsley is rich in this vitamin.
  2. Iron. Parsley contains a lot of iron, which is necessary to maintain hemoglobin levels in a woman’s body. The fact is that the amount of blood constantly increases during pregnancy; red blood cells are needed to carry oxygen. Sufficient iron in the body provides the material for the formation of these red blood cells. Parsley is a powerful prevention of iron deficiency anemia.
  3. Potassium. Parsley contains a lot of potassium - this is the best substance for vascular and heart health. Regular consumption of parsley will help ease the work of the heart and gives a slight diuretic effect, due to which a woman can cope with edema, which is especially disturbing in late pregnancy.
  4. Vitamin A. Retinol is of great importance for vision, both for women and children. If the expectant mother has problems with her eyes, if she wears corrective lenses or glasses, additional nutrition for the eyes is simply necessary. Otherwise, visual acuity may deteriorate during pregnancy or childbirth. In addition, vitamin A is involved in the formation of the baby’s vision organs in the womb.
  5. Vitamin E. This is a beauty vitamin that is involved in the construction of the collagen network. A sufficient amount of tocopherol makes tissues more elastic and stretchable. First of all, it protects a woman’s stomach, hips and breasts from the appearance of stretch marks. Parsley, which is rich in vitamin E, helps prepare tissue for childbirth and facilitates the process of uterine dilatation. To do this, you should lean on greens at the very latest date.
  6. Magnesium. This is another microelement that a pregnant woman’s body really needs. A lack of magnesium can provoke the development of limb cramps and uterine hypertonicity. Magnesium, iodine and folic acid are groups of vitamins that are absolutely necessary during pregnancy. And it is not at all necessary to take vitamins from the pharmacy; large amounts of magnesium and folic acid can be found in parsley.
  7. Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is needed by the body to maintain immunity. During pregnancy, the expectant mother is forced to get sick a lot, since all the body’s forces are aimed at bearing the baby, and immunity is catastrophically reduced. It’s a paradox, but you can’t get sick during pregnancy, because drug treatment is undesirable, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. Parsley will help maintain health and protect against flu and colds.
  8. Alimentary fiber. Parsley contains a lot of fiber, which facilitates the digestion process, absorbs all unnecessary toxins and waste, and quickly and painlessly cleanses the intestines. Especially a lot of fiber and vitamin C are found not in the leaves, but in the stems of the green spice.
  9. B vitamins. In general, the combination of these vitamins has an excellent effect on a woman’s nervous system. During pregnancy, mood swings, irritability, tearfulness and apathy often occur. Consume parsley regularly to stabilize your emotional state.
  10. Calcium and vitamin K. These substances are valuable for the formation of the fetal skeleton; their sufficient quantity in the body is the prevention of diseases of the baby’s musculoskeletal system in the future.

Parsley is very useful to add to salads and eat it in quantities of no more than one bunch per day. What can happen to the body if there is an excess of parsley and how does it affect the course of pregnancy?

The main risk of parsley is that this green has powerful tonic properties. An excess of parsley in the diet can provoke uterine hypertonicity and even false contractions. This is really dangerous, especially in the early stages of pregnancy - it can cause a miscarriage. In later stages, parsley can cause premature birth. What else is dangerous about greens?

  1. During pregnancy, parsley juice should not be used as food; it has a powerful effect.
  2. Parsley contains quite aggressive acids that can be dangerous for stomach diseases. For gastritis and ulcers, you should avoid eating greens.
  3. Parsley has hallucinogenic properties; an excess of greens in the body can lead to a person getting lost in space, experiencing convulsions and dizziness. In severe cases, you may lose consciousness.
  4. Eating parsley in large quantities can lead to a negative effect on the fetus - the baby in the womb begins to behave restlessly, the heartbeat increases, and the level of adrenaline increases.
  5. Parsley is contraindicated for kidney disease, urolithiasis and nephritis.
  6. During the period of threat of miscarriage and termination of pregnancy, curly greenery should be abandoned.
  7. Individual intolerance to this product often occurs, which manifests itself as abdominal pain, skin rash, and flatulence. If such symptoms occur, you should refrain from eating greens.

You can eat parsley, but only in moderate quantities and if there are no contraindications listed above. Parsley can be added to any vegetable salad - it will acquire a spicy taste and tart aroma. Parsley is often used to decorate the table, because it is not only tasty, but also very beautiful - curly and bright green. But sometimes pregnant women use parsley for more than just food.

Parsley in cosmetology

A woman always remains a woman, even if she is in an interesting position. To maintain the beauty and health of your skin, you can take care of it with parsley. One of the main cosmetic effects of this greenery is whitening. Parsley gently whitens the skin, evens out its tone, making the face naturally ruddy and radiant. During pregnancy, a woman often develops age spots, so parsley comes in handy more than ever. To prepare a whitening mask, you need to put a bunch of parsley, half a cucumber and a spoonful of kefir in a blender (for dry skin, replace with sour cream). Whisk everything thoroughly and apply the resulting mass to the skin of the face. After just a couple of procedures, the skin will noticeably brighten and even out.

Ice cubes with parsley are incredibly healthy. Parsley juice should be diluted half and half with water, add lemon juice and pour into a container for freezing. You can wipe your face with the resulting cubes in the morning to invigorate and relieve swelling, as well as in the evening to soothe the skin after removing makeup. For hair care, rinsing with parsley decoction is widely used, which makes curls smooth, shiny and silky.

Parsley is a unique herb that can change the taste of any dish. It is believed that any greenery is very healthy and safe. However, this is not true - during pregnancy you need to monitor your diet. Eat parsley in moderation and it will only benefit you!

Parsley, thanks to its beneficial properties, has long been a permanent fixture in the diet of many families. However, this tasty and healthy green has a number of properties that make it impossible to use during pregnancy. How justified are the fears of expectant mothers who have excluded parsley from their diet?

What are the dangers of eating parsley?

There is an opinion that parsley is harmful. These fresh greens contain a substance called myristicin, which causes muscle cramps and hallucinations. Parsley, as a strong muscle stimulant, can tone the uterus and cause miscarriage. In the old days, healers, aware of these properties of parsley, actively used it specifically to terminate pregnancy. When consumed in large quantities, parsley can even provoke premature birth, which is especially likely in women over 40 years of age.

The myristicin in parsley, which has strong hallucinogenic properties, could theoretically cause dizziness and loss of balance. However, for such adverse effects to occur, a woman needs to eat at least a bunch of parsley, but a few chopped sprigs sprinkled on the salad will not cause harm.

Parsley, even in small quantities, is contraindicated for pregnant women suffering from diseases of the bladder and kidneys, as it has diuretic and choleretic properties and increases the load on these organs. In addition, those suffering from low blood pressure should consume large amounts of parsley.

Positive properties of parsley

Some doctors recommend that pregnant women eat parsley in small quantities. It contains antioxidants that protect against luteolin, a free radical that is unsafe for women carrying a child. A sufficient amount of antioxidants, combined with vitamin C, which parsley is very rich in, will protect against infections and oxidative stress. That is why future people who often get sick need to consume these tasty and aromatic greens more often.

Parsley is an excellent source of iron, which prevents the development of anemia in pregnant women. In addition, it contains a lot of calcium and vitamin K, which are necessary for the formation of fetal bones. Parsley is rich in folic acid, which is essential for the proper formation of the baby’s nervous system, as well as magnesium and mineral salts, which are responsible for the development of the embryo.

In small quantities, parsley is very useful for expectant mothers. By the way, if a pregnant woman is bothered by joint pain, swelling of the limbs, indigestion, bloating and gas, fresh parsley or a decoction will help cope with these problems.

It is one of the first to appear in the spring and is a source of fresh vitamins that our body so lacks after winter. Parsley, which has beneficial properties, is also necessary in the diet of pregnant women. How is it useful and why is it dangerous? How can it be used during pregnancy, besides eating it?

The benefits and harms of parsley during pregnancy

Parsley is very rich in vitamin C, which it contains 4 times more than lemon. It also contains a lot of vitamin A. No less than carrots. Parsley also contains B vitamins (a lot of vitamin B9), vitamins E and K, and biotin. It is rich in potassium and magnesium, calcium and iron, phosphorus and fluorine. One hundred grams of parsley contains only 53 kilocalories. It is the composition that determines the beneficial properties of parsley during pregnancy, in which both leaves, seeds, and roots have healing abilities. By the way, these properties are preserved when frozen and stored for a year.

For expectant mothers, parsley will be useful because it will fill the body with antioxidants in the form of vitamins A, C, E, which will protect the body from negative environmental factors and strengthen its immunity. Calcium and phosphorus in parsley contribute to the healthy development of the baby’s musculoskeletal system and protect a woman’s teeth from destruction. The latter will also enhance the fluoride in parsley. As for iron, it will serve as the basis for a pregnant woman to fill her body with hemoglobin and protect her from. And during pregnancy, low hemoglobin occurs quite often in women, which threatens oxygen starvation for the fetus.

During pregnancy, parsley has the property of improving digestion. As you know, expectant mothers often suffer from bloating and diarrhea. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract is a property of healthy curly greens.

Parsley during pregnancy will help fight kidney and heart edema. After all, its essential oil has a strong diuretic effect. It is for this reason that parsley should not be abused during pregnancy: if used frequently and abundantly in food, it can be harmful. You also need to be very careful with this greenery when a woman is threatened. Parsley in large doses tones the uterus. Inflammation of the kidneys in a pregnant woman is another taboo on eating parsley.

Possible uses of parsley during pregnancy

Pregnant women can consume parsley during pregnancy not only as part of the menu and as a seasoning for dishes. Expectant mothers can use parsley decoction as a folk remedy to treat conjunctivitis or pain in the eyes. It will relieve swelling from the eyes in the form of a lotion. To do this, a tampon is soaked in parsley infusion and applied to the eyes several times a day.

The juice of this popular green has antipyretic properties, and this quality can also be used during pregnancy, since at this time traditional pharmaceutical antipyretic drugs are not recommended for use.

The juice can also be used externally for insect bites. Simply grind a couple of parsley leaves and apply to the bite site on the skin.

Parsley decoction will also help the expectant mother with gum inflammation. You need to add a bunch of parsley to a glass of water and boil for 2 minutes. After infusing, squeezing and straining, rinse the gums with this decoction.

In order to get rid of nausea in the early stages of pregnancy, you need to make an infusion of parsley seeds. A teaspoon of these seeds is infused in two glasses of boiled water for 8 hours. After straining, pregnant women should take the healing potion half an hour before meals, one tablespoon at a time.

Pregnant women can also use the beneficial properties of greens to remove age spots. It is better if the expectant mother starts using parsley at the first appearance of pigmentation. So, you should pour boiling water over a bunch of greens, leave for an hour, strain and wash your face with this infusion every day. Another option is to freeze the infusion in ice cube trays and wipe your face twice a day. This will also serve as additional toning of the skin, and therefore take care of a healthy complexion. Washing with the infusion is also useful for inflammation of the expectant mother’s facial skin.

Especially for- Elena TOLOCHIK

Pregnancy is not only a period of waiting for a miracle, but also a time of many prohibitions for pregnant women. Ordinary things, things that a woman does every day, foods that are eaten daily may be strictly contraindicated during this period. As for food, the body itself often tells you what you can’t eat, rejecting once-favorite dishes. Today we will talk about the features of using parsley during pregnancy, consider the benefits and harms of this green spice.

General information about parsley

Parsley is one of the first to appear in gardens in spring and supplies the exhausted human body with a useful complex of vitamins. And your favorite dishes with the addition of this aromatic plant become much tastier.

Did you know? In Ancient Egypt, parsley symbolized grief. They wove wreaths from the branches of the plant and put them on their heads as a sign of sadness. Subsequently, this custom gained popularity in Greece. It was only in the Middle Ages that these greens began to be added to various dishes.

In addition, traditional healers recommend using this greenery as a medicine. Therefore, pregnant women should carefully study its beneficial and harmful properties before eating this spicy herb.

Benefits and harms of use

Pregnancy is a period when a woman’s body especially needs vitamins and minerals. Parsley is perfect for this case because it is a rich source of nutrients.

It supplies the body with the following microelements:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • manganese;
  • zinc, etc.

This greenery contains the following reserves:

  • folic acid;
  • vitamins of group B, A, C, E, K, H;
  • chlorophyll;
  • essential oils;
  • bioflavonoids.

These substances will become excellent “allies” for a woman against the unpleasant symptoms that accompany pregnancy.

Did you know? The name of the greenery comes from the Latin word “petrus”, which translates as “growing on a stone”.

Such a versatile chemical and vitamin composition is a source of benefits for the body of the expectant mother and child. But the wrong approach to consuming the plant can turn it from a vitaminizer into a remedy that can provoke abortion.

On the early lines

The first trimester of pregnancy is a particularly important period, because it is at this time that the fetus, its organs and vital systems are formed.

Doctors agree that in the early stages of pregnancy a woman should supply her body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, and prescribe vitamin complexes and supplements to the expectant mother.

It wouldn’t hurt to supplement your medications with natural vitamins. One of these “vitamin complexes” is parsley.
Let's consider the main advantages of this plant for pregnant women:

  1. Folic acid is a necessary element for the formation of organs and systems of the fetus, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  2. If the expectant mother has vision problems, she will benefit from beta-carotene and vitamin A contained in the aromatic seasoning.
  3. Iron prevents anemia.
  4. Potassium and magnesium will be useful to prevent edema. Potassium is also necessary to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  5. The plant is a powerful diuretic, which also helps get rid of edema.
  6. Fragrant greens are an excellent means of combating flatulence and bloating. A bunch of aromatic spice will help improve digestion, and therefore prevent constipation and normalize stool.
  7. The vitamins and minerals that the plant is rich in will help boost the immune system and protect the body from the negative influences of the environment.

Despite such an impressive list of advantages, we should not forget about the risks that may come from excessive consumption of parsley during pregnancy.

A pregnant woman who eats this fragrant green in large quantities is at risk of miscarriage. The roots and foliage of the plant contain apiol, a substance that can increase the tone of the uterus and provoke muscle contractions.
And this is fraught with the loss of a child in the early stages of pregnancy. In ancient times, women even used parsley to terminate unwanted pregnancies.

Important! Parsley contains myristicin, which is able to penetrate the placenta and cause an acceleration of the fetal heart rate.

In addition, the expectant mother’s body may suffer from individual intolerance to parsley, which leads to allergies, headaches, and can provoke convulsions. The woman may even lose consciousness.

On the later lines

A healthy expectant mother, without contraindications, can eat parsley at any stage of pregnancy, but it is worth remembering to follow the measure. Using fragrant greens as a seasoning for main dishes will not cause harm and will be a source of benefit.

Parsley is a powerful magnesium-potassium complex, and it is these microelements that help strengthen the heart muscle, which is particularly stressed in the last trimester of pregnancy.
The iron contained in greens helps restore hemoglobin levels, and accordingly, improves a woman’s well-being and prevents anemia.

Important! You should not self-medicate and use parsley as a means of combating edema, especially a concentrated decoction of the plant, since the apiol and essential oils contained in the greens can provoke premature birth or placental abruption.

Before using parsley, it is better for a pregnant woman to consult with her doctor, who will help assess all the benefits and risks for the body of the expectant mother and her child.

How to eat greens correctly

Since eating parsley during pregnancy is accompanied by some risk, it is worth following some rules for eating this plant. You cannot eat spicy greens in bunches, much less in kilograms.
Doctors recommend that pregnant women consume no more than 10–15 g of fragrant greens per day. It is best to add it to main dishes.

Using parsley decoction

A woman expecting a baby can use not only the greens themselves, but also parsley decoction. So, for the treatment of conjunctivitis and pain in the eyes, which often accompany pregnancy, it is advisable to use lotions from such a decoction.

To prepare it, you need to pour 1 bunch of spice into 1 glass of water and boil for about 2 minutes. Cool the infusion and strain. To relieve swelling and redness of the eyes, apply a cotton swab soaked in parsley decoction to them several times a day.

The same decoction will be useful for a woman to eliminate gum inflammation. Pregnancy is often accompanied by the appearance of age spots. Parsley infusion will also help eliminate them.

To prepare it, you need to pour boiling water over a bunch of herbs and leave for one hour. Then strain and wipe with liquid every day.
You can also freeze the infusion in ice cube trays and wipe your face with ice cubes from the infusion twice a day. Such procedures will also be useful for inflammatory skin processes.


Despite the impressive list of advantages, there are categorical contraindications to its use. So, women who are expecting a baby and suffer from kidney diseases and nephritis should not eat greens.

Parsley is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, as it can provoke allergic reactions. If the pregnancy is at risk, or the woman has already experienced miscarriages, she should completely abandon parsley.

Myristicin, contained in the plant, in large doses can cause hallucinations, or lead to coordination problems, dizziness and convulsions.
As you can see, you can vitaminize your body with the help of ordinary parsley. But if this plant can only be beneficial for the health of an ordinary person, then a pregnant woman should take into account all the pros and cons of consuming aromatic greens.

And before starting to vitaminize the body, the expectant mother must consult a gynecologist.

Juicy parsley has long become an integral component of many dishes, if not as a component, then at least as a decoration. This is not surprising. Many, not only men, but also women, fell in love with this spice for its taste, aroma, as well as numerous beneficial properties. Expectant mothers, in pursuit of vitamins and important mineral elements, try to include in their diet not only a lot of vegetables and fruits, but also greens. Is it safe to eat parsley during pregnancy? Is this product really useful for expectant mothers?

Parsley is familiar to everyone since childhood. There are about 30 varieties of spices, each of which is not inferior to each other in composition and useful components.

Composition of parsley

Competent and correct use of parsley will allow for natural healing of the body, giving it many useful elements. The mineral composition of the spice allows you to compensate for the lack of macroelements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, as well as representatives of microelements - iron, iodine, manganese, zinc. Parsley also contains:

  • Vitamins A, C, E, K, H, representatives of group B.
  • Folic acid (B9).
  • Chlorophyll.
  • Fatty oil (22%), essential oils (6%)
  • Bioflavonoids.

Properties of parsley

Such a rich chemical composition of the product also determined its spectrum of effects on the human body. So:

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which is found in excess in parsley, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, endocrine glands, and stimulates the functioning of the immune system.
  • Vitamin B9 - folic acid - normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, promotes the normal development of the fetus.
  • The high potassium content normalizes heart rate and reduces high blood pressure.
  • A complex of antioxidants helps remove free radicals from the body.

Parsley also has a diuretic, wound-healing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.

Benefits of parsley during pregnancy

The need for additional saturation of the body with vitamins and mineral elements especially increases during the period of gestation. Now all supplies need to be distributed between two people, and the baby will take everything he needs first. What benefits can parsley provide to an expectant mother?

  • A high concentration of folic acid is especially important at the stage of baby formation (in the first trimester of gestation). A deficiency of this element can cause congenital disorders of the baby’s neural tube and the development of spina bifida.
  • The iron content ensures the prevention of anemia.
  • The inclusion of beta-carotene and vitamin A is important for expectant mothers with vision problems.
  • Potassium and magnesium, which are present in large quantities in parsley, are a good prevention of edema and also help reduce the manifestations of this condition. A lack of potassium can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • The diuretic effect of parsley is useful in the fight against edema.
  • The spice components help remove toxins and free radicals from the body, thereby increasing its protective properties.
  • The inclusion of greens in the diet normalizes metabolic processes and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - helps fight flatulence and bloating.
  • Vitamin K and calcium are involved in the process of absorption of the latter. And, as you know, sufficient calcium intake is extremely necessary for a pregnant woman.

Why you shouldn't eat parsley during pregnancy

It would seem that such a rich composition of the product is simply bound to make parsley the main participant in a pregnant woman’s diet. However, it is not. The main concern with the use of parsley is the product's ability to have a stimulating effect on the walls of the uterus.

  • As a result of uterine contractions, the risk of spontaneous termination of pregnancy ahead of schedule increases.

That is why avoid including parsley root in your food during pregnancy, because. in it the nutritional elements of the product are in increased concentration. But even the spice leaves should not be overused.

  • Excessive passion for greens can lead to allergic rashes, headaches, convulsions, and loss of consciousness.
  • Myristicin, which is part of parsley oil, is able to penetrate the placenta. Increased doses of this component may increase the fetal heart rate.

If the expectant mother is healthy and has no contraindications to consuming parsley, a moderate amount of the spice will not have any negative effect on her body or the body of the baby in her womb.

Parsley during pregnancy

Are there features and restrictions on the consumption of spices depending on the gestational age of the little one under the woman’s heart?

Parsley during early pregnancy

Starting from the first days of the birth of a new life and up to the 13th week - the first trimester of gestation - the most important and responsible period for the further prognosis of pregnancy. At this time, the formation of all life systems of the baby occurs. That is why, as soon as a woman registers for pregnancy, the gynecologist prescribes her multivitamin complexes. But what could be better than natural products and the beneficial elements they contain? Some doctors are against consuming parsley in the early stages of expecting a child, citing the ability of the spice to provoke uterine tone and all the problems that arise from this. These concerns are justified if you eat parsley in large quantities (for example, 100 g in one sitting) or drink a decoction of the spice. A sprig of greenery (10-15 g) per day will not do any harm, but will only give the expectant mother some of its vitamins (saturate the body with calcium, phosphorus, iron), improve digestion - constipation will stop tormenting, stool will normalize.

Parsley during late pregnancy

Adding parsley as a seasoning to a dish is allowed (in moderation) at all stages of pregnancy, including the third trimester. Magnesium and potassium will strengthen the heart muscle, the load on which increases even more during this period. But, if a woman wants to eliminate some health problems, such as swelling, by consuming greens, then caution will not hurt. Parsley has a stimulating effect on the walls of the uterus at all stages of gestation. A concentrated infusion of parsley can provoke premature birth, so you should not drink it even as a remedy for edema.

How to best use dill and parsley during pregnancy

In order for greens to bring exceptional benefits, it is important to use them correctly. This applies not only to parsley, but also to dill, increased consumption of which can also provoke an abortifacient effect.

Parsley and dill during pregnancy

The safest way to eat greens while pregnant is to add a small amount of spices to various dishes. This way you can avoid oversaturating your body with useful, but at the same time dangerous components during pregnancy, and at the same time enjoy your favorite parsley and dill.

Parsley decoction during pregnancy

The high concentration of spice components, which is noted in a decoction or infusion of parsley, makes this remedy permissible exclusively for external use. The prepared composition can be used:

  • For conjunctivitis. Soak cotton pads generously in parsley decoction and cover your eyelids with them several times a day. Unpleasant symptoms (swelling, pain) will soon disappear.
  • In case of gum damage (gingivitis), as well as stomatitis, it will not be superfluous to rinse the mouth with parsley decoction.
  • Unpleasant age spots can be lightened by regularly wiping them with a cotton swab dipped in parsley decoction.
  • Daily washing with a decoction of herbs will help cope with skin rashes.

Contraindications to eating parsley during pregnancy

Some properties of the aromatic spice can have a negative impact on the health of the expectant mother. In what cases should a pregnant woman limit her consumption of parsley to nothing?

  • Threatening course of pregnancy (for example, due to gestosis or isthmic-cervical insufficiency).
  • History of premature delivery.
  • The diuretic effect of parsley makes it unacceptable for pregnant women who have problems with the kidneys or other organs of the urinary system.
  • Allergic reaction to parsley.
  • Disturbance of calcium metabolism.
  • Epilepsy.

How to choose parsley

Of course, it is best to grow your own greens. So you will be sure of its safety and environmental friendliness. But if you are not on the same page with gardeners, when choosing a spice, pay attention to the following points:

  • The appearance of greenery, its freshness, smell.
  • Greenhouse-grown parsley is less useful than seasonal parsley.
  • Before adding to the dish, rinse the greens thoroughly, removing all dirt and damaged leaves. Poorly cleaned greens can cause food poisoning.

A balanced and nutritious diet is the most important component of a woman’s well-being and the normal course of pregnancy. Don’t get carried away with any one product, because everything is healthy in moderation. Be healthy!