
Seventh month of pregnancy, fetal development and maternal sensations. The seventh month of pregnancy: fetal development, examinations and other features. What happens to the baby at the 7th month of pregnancy

A woman in the seventh month of pregnancy is in a certain psychological and physical state. Below we provide a list of characteristics of these conditions.
  • The baby has grown to a certain size and has become more active. He began to move more often and longer inside his mother;
  • White discharge continues from the woman's vagina;
  • Aching pain may appear in the abdominal area;
  • Constipation may occur;
  • There may be problems with digesting food, possibly the appearance or worsening of heartburn and the appearance of gases in the intestines;
  • Also, at 7 months of pregnancy, a woman may experience headaches, attacks of nausea and dizziness. In addition, there may be congestion of the nose, nosebleeds may start out of the blue, and the gums may bleed;
  • Muscle spasms may occur in the legs;
  • The lower back begins to pull until there is aching pain all over the back;
  • Your legs, arms, fingers, and even your face may swell;
  • It happens that it is impossible to avoid varicose veins in the legs and in the rectal area;
  • The skin on the abdomen begins to itch;
  • Shortness of breath may appear, or it simply becomes difficult to breathe;
  • Insomnia is not uncommon;
  • The uterus can give impulses, harden for a minute, and then return to its usual relaxed state; this behavior is usually called spasms. At the same time, gait and movements become awkward;
  • A woman thinks about the upcoming birth, about how to continue to live with the baby, she may have fear about the child’s health, and many anxious thoughts;
  • Fears, anxiety, nervousness lead to absent-mindedness in any movement, any activity;
  • But with all this, new dreams appear, what the child will be like, what words he will utter first, what care he will receive;
  • Well, like any woman in a normal state, a pregnant woman begins to think about what she will be like after giving birth, what her body and face will look like;
  • At the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, the baby is approximately 41 cm long and weighs approximately 1.5 kg.

Consider the development of a child at 7 months of pregnancy

The child is already formed, he has almost completely acquired the necessary volumes, his existence has become possible outside the mother. But parts of the child’s body are not sufficiently developed, internal organs do not function at full capacity. Only the stomach and intestines are fully formed. The kidneys have developed almost completely, but they begin to work only after the baby is born. At the age of seven months, the lungs are still actively developing in the womb. The baby already takes up almost all the free space in the uterus. The child's head has already become proportional to the body. This period is important for the development of the baby’s cerebral cortex. The child is already reacting to pain, just as babies react at full term. The baby hears sounds muffled, as amniotic fluid affects this process. The baby develops taste qualities.
Now the child weighs 1 kg and his length is 38 cm.
The fetus becomes cramped, but it is able to adapt to such an existence. Usually the fetus is held in a curled position, with its arms and legs crossed. The baby’s skin is wrinkled and still red; adipose tissue is already developing underneath it. Also, the brain increases in size, nerve cells begin to work, and nerve connections are formed. The fetus acquires the ability to learn due to the high speed of nerve impulses. By placing your hand on the tummy, you can feel how the baby moves, its outlines of some parts of the body.
The child’s weight at this stage reached 1.5 kg, length - 41 cm.

Changes in the life of a pregnant woman at 7 months of pregnancy:

  • Colostrum is formed in the mammary glands, which indicates the presence of mother's milk.
  • If you see reddish spots in the lower abdomen, this is the appearance of stretch marks.
  • You may feel slight contractions of the uterus, a process called false contractions.
  • Stomach cramps often occur, heartburn appears in a more acute form, and digestive problems arise.
  • You may feel a heaviness in the lower abdomen as the growing baby presses against the diaphragm and stomach.
  • A certain clumsiness, clumsiness, and angularity in movements appear. With little physical activity, severe shortness of breath may occur. It is recommended to walk slowly, rest more and watch your posture.
  • If your habit was to rest on your stomach and you could only sleep in this position, then now you definitely need to get rid of this habit. Resting in an uncomfortable position leads to interesting dreams about childbirth or about the unborn baby.
  • Actions that are necessary during the 7th month of pregnancy:

    Regular visits to the doctor are mandatory. Surveys should be carried out twice a month. This frequency of doctor visits is necessary until the 36th week of pregnancy.
    . Take a blood test to check your hemoglobin status. With low hemoglobin, the doctor prescribes drugs that regulate the amount of iron.

    What does a baby look like in the seventh month of pregnancy?
    The child is gaining weight. In the last stages, a pregnant woman gains approximately a third of the kilograms of her total weight for the entire period of pregnancy. Weight gain at week 28 will be approximately 9 kg.
    If you have severe, sharp back pain, fever, chills, nausea, or vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate a kidney infection. A kidney infection is bacterial; it can also be characterized by frequent painful urination, sometimes there may even be droplets of blood in the urine. Your stomach may hurt. If there is at least one sign described above, consult your doctor and also get tested.
    At the 28th week of pregnancy and after, the fetus puts more pressure on the placenta, it grows faster, the weight increases, and therefore there may be bleeding, which will be accompanied by pain. If the placenta is low, this is especially dangerous. Under such circumstances, a pregnant woman needs to stay in the hospital for conservation; in case of pathological changes, a caesarean section is used.
    Placental abruption is the process of separating part of the placenta from the wall of the uterus. The woman suffers severe pain and bleeding. For the unborn child, placental abruption is dangerous. In this situation, the baby is left without oxygen and nutrition, that is, the child’s life is in danger if the placenta abruptions. If any of the symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. There are two options for the development of events in the event of such a situation. First: blood transfusion, if the doctor decides that this will all work out, that the timing is conducive to this. Second: caesarean section.
    In the case of placental insufficiency, the child’s development slows down, since in this situation he is deprived of sufficient nutrition. In this case, the pregnant woman is recommended to rest more and resort to physical activity less often, and then the blood flow from the placenta to the baby will increase. If you have any doubts about placental insufficiency, do a urine test. This analysis will help identify whether there are any abnormalities in the development of the fetus; if this fact is confirmed, doctors may resort to artificial childbirth.

    Examinations that may be prescribed for you at these stages of pregnancy:

  • Blood pressure measurement;
  • Weight study;
  • Checking the baby's heartbeat;
  • Submit urine for analysis to check the status of protein and sugar in the urine;
  • Measuring the height of the uterine fundus;
  • Inspection and measurement of the position of the fetus, its size by palpation;
  • Checking the extremities for varicose veins or reporting;
  • For unusual symptoms, consult a doctor.
  • The 7th month of pregnancy occurs at the beginning of the third trimester. During this period, the expectant mother goes on maternity leave. Her belly acquires an impressive size, the baby actively pushes, constantly reminding him of himself and the fact that he will soon be born. During this period, great changes occur in the woman and her fetus, which are clearly visible on ultrasound.

    Seven months - how many weeks of pregnancy is this?

    The beginning of the seventh month is considered to be the 28th obstetric week of pregnancy. Lasts 7 months until 31 weeks.

    At 32 weeks, a woman can already take out maternity leave.

    The seventh month of pregnancy is called the “nesting” period. At this time, expectant mothers feel an urgent need to “build a nest”: they decorate the nursery, buy a dowry for the baby and spend hours shopping for toys, diapers and hats in anticipation of the imminent birth of their baby.

    What does the belly look like at this stage?

    At 28 weeks, the belly is significantly rounded. The height of the uterus above the womb is about 30 cm. It occupies most of the abdominal cavity, propping up and squeezing other organs. The baby is actively gaining weight, which becomes difficult for the uterus to bear. Because of this, a feeling of heaviness and aching pain may appear in the lower abdomen. Wearing a maternity bandage will help alleviate this condition.

    During this period, the fetus enlarges so much that it becomes cramped. He constantly pushes, forcing the uterus to tone. Feelings of a hard abdomen at this stage are the absolute norm.

    The stomach also changes externally. A dark stripe runs down its center from the pubis to the chest. Often stretch marks appear on the stomach of the expectant mother at 7 months, the culprits of which are considered to be sex hormones.

    Sometimes at 28-30 weeks the belly becomes smaller. Only a doctor knows what it should be, so there is no need to worry about this again. During the examination, the obstetrician will take measurements and, if necessary, prescribe an additional ultrasound to make sure that the baby is developing normally. Sometimes the reason for a decrease in the size of the abdomen is oligohydramnios. In this case, the mother is usually admitted to a hospital for preservation. You should not refuse: oligohydramnios can have quite unpleasant consequences.

    What happens to the fetus?

    By the 7-month period, the child has time to fully develop, so he can already live outside the mother’s body. The baby weighs about one and a half kilograms, his height is approximately 40 cm, the skin becomes pink, and a fat layer begins to form under it.

    Serious changes occur in all body systems:

    1. The lungs are almost ready to function. In a seven-month-old fetus, only the pulmonary ventilation system is insufficiently developed.
    2. The baby gains the ability to hear, he can already distinguish the voices of different people and even respond to mother or father’s speech.
    3. A light fluff appears on the baby's head - the germ of future hair.
    4. The genitals are fully formed.
    5. The baby is already able to see, hear, distinguish smells and tastes.
    6. The baby can actively move inside the uterus.

    If you take a photo of a 30-week fetus in the womb, you will see that it looks almost like a full-fledged baby. However, no matter how much a seven-month fetus weighs, at this stage it is still considered premature, so the mother needs to try to do everything to ensure that it is not born yet, but waits until at least 37 obstetric weeks.

    Mom's feelings

    Pregnant women in the seventh month often compare themselves to a hippopotamus: they become clumsy and slow. The hormone relaxin is released into the body of the expectant mother, which relaxes the ligaments and joints, so she may experience back pain. Other inconveniences begin at this time:

    1. Phlebeurysm. The muscles of the veins relax for a period of seven to eight months, while normal blood circulation is disrupted due to the vessels compressed by the uterus. To reduce the effects of these changes, pregnant women after 8 months are advised to wear compression bandages on their legs.
    2. Heartburn. The stomach rises above its normal position, so after eating, its contents can flow into the esophagus. A split diet will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Pumpkin seed oil is considered a good natural remedy for heartburn in pregnant women.
    3. Distinct movements. The baby becomes large in the seventh month, and its kicks can sometimes cause inconvenience to the mother, making pregnancy painful.
    4. Nausea. Sometimes, in the later stages, the expectant mother again begins to feel the symptoms characteristic of toxicosis: she feels nauseous, she often has a headache, and general weakness appears. Late toxicosis is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous, so it should be reported to your doctor.

    At 28-32 obstetric weeks, pregnant women think more and more about their baby, almost completely losing interest in the world around them. They are concerned about a lot of issues related to childbirth and caring for a newborn. The baby's own slowness and distinct movements in the stomach make the mother anticipate the approaching birth with great impatience. However, under no circumstances should she rush. When a baby is born small and premature, his life is in danger.

    Discharge at 7 months

    In the third trimester, a woman experiences such heavy discharge that she has not had throughout her entire pregnancy. If there is no foam, no bloody impurities, or white lumps in the vaginal secretion, their abundance will not harm the expectant mother. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the following suddenly appear in your leucorrhoea:

    1. Snot-like impurities of yellow or green color. Such discharge occurs during infections.
    2. Pink impurities. This sometimes indicates that the expectant mother is leaking amniotic fluid. If you ignore the problem, the fetus may suffer.
    3. Bloody streaks. If streaks of blood are visible in the secretion, you must consult a doctor: this condition is dangerous due to the possibility of bleeding or the onset of premature labor.

    Brown staining of vaginal discharge is a symptom of pathologies in the fetus that should not be ignored. In this case, it is necessary to do an additional ultrasound. A pregnant woman should also be concerned about leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor.

    In the third trimester, the expectant mother also experiences nipple discharge. This indicates the breast is ready for feeding.

    Pain at 7 months

    The voluminous uterus at this stage puts pressure on the pelvic bones, the body begins to prepare for childbirth, so the pregnant woman’s lower abdomen often hurts. Unpleasant sensations in the uterus are explained by so-called “training contractions.”

    It may seem to a woman that she has begun to give birth, but if the pain was minor and short-lived, and was not accompanied by bleeding, there is no need to worry.

    Some women in interesting positions experience pain in the central part of the abdomen, near the navel. This symptom indicates a heavy load on the abdominal muscles. As a rule, after childbirth everything returns to normal.

    Nutrition for a pregnant woman

    In the third trimester, it is very important to eat properly and nutritiously. The kilograms gained during pregnancy can negatively affect both the general well-being of the mother and the process of labor. Overweight women at this stage often develop various complications due to weight: edema, shortness of breath, hypertension, etc. Overeating is also bad for the fetus. If the baby weighs more than normal, it will be difficult to give birth. It is advisable to eat moderately, fractionally.

    The mother's diet at 7-8 months should be balanced. It should include foods rich in proteins - fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs, chicken, turkey, veal, etc. It is also important to provide the baby’s growing body with minerals and vitamins. To do this, it is better for the expectant mother to eat buckwheat, pearl barley, barley, oatmeal, millet porridge, vegetable salads with the addition of olive or flaxseed oil, and fruits.

    Since the expectant mother has less space in her stomach during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, she needs to reduce single servings. Then she will not have problems with digestion and assimilation of healthy components of dishes.

    As for the drinking regime, it should be rational. Do not drink too much liquid: this will lead to swelling. Not drinking enough water will have a negative impact on how a woman looks and feels.

    Late-term pregnant women often ask the question: how much water should they drink per day? Doctors recommend a daily dose of 1.5-2 liters of liquid. To avoid swelling, it is useful to drink green tea and rosehip decoction. The benefits of clean water for the health of the expectant mother should also not be forgotten.

    Intimate life

    Doctors assure that during a normal pregnancy there may be no restrictions in a woman’s sexual life in the last months of pregnancy. Intimate relationships are not at all dangerous for the fetus. The baby often reacts to the mother’s orgasm by starting to move actively or, conversely, calming down.

    If there are any difficulties with the health of a pregnant woman, the possibility of sexual activity should be discussed with a doctor. Sex is strictly contraindicated in case of placenta previa, increased uterine tone, infection in one of the partners and other conditions that can lead to the onset of premature labor.

    Childbirth at 7 months

    When a pregnant woman shows signs of the onset of labor at 28 weeks, doctors usually try to stop labor if they see that they can maintain the pregnancy for another 7-8 weeks. It often happens that all this time the expectant mother has to stay in the hospital under the constant supervision of doctors.

    If stopping labor is impossible, obstetricians deliver the baby. When a 7-month-old baby is born, everything happens the same as when a full-term baby is born. The difficulty is that the cervix does not have time to ripen at this stage, which is why ruptures occur more often in such “sudden” mothers. They often bleed. Premature babies are also at risk during childbirth.

    There is an opinion that it is better to give birth to a baby at seven months than at eight. This is due to the development of the fetal respiratory system: in the seventh month, a substance is concentrated in its lungs, which helps them open immediately after birth. After the 32nd week, the concentration of this substance decreases, so eight-month-old children are more likely to die from premature birth.

    However, in reality, it is better not to give birth in both the seventh and eighth months, because an immature child can suffer serious injuries. The expectant mother must try with all her might to avoid premature birth in order to protect her baby from possible complications.

    Of course, you need to wait a little longer before the pregnancy ends. Nothing wrong with that. This waiting time can also be spent with great benefit. Many mothers sing songs, read poems, and tell fairy tales for their baby in the womb. Such a pastime brings a lot of joy to a woman and a lot of benefits to her child: scientists assure that the early development of children should begin in the womb. The seventh month is the ideal time for this.

    In the second half of pregnancy, your weight continues to increase, the weekly gain is still 250-300 g. At a more significant rate of increase in body weight, we can talk first about hidden and then about obvious fluid retention - edema, which can be a sign of gestosis.

    It is believed that during pregnancy a woman should limit herself to an increase of 9-12 kg, depending on her constitution. Optimally, if over the previous two trimesters you added about two-thirds of this increase to your weight, then the last trimester accounts for about one-third - 4 kilograms.

    Due to stretching of the skin on the abdomen and chest, not only stretch marks (striae) may appear, but also a feeling of itching and dry skin - most often in the abdominal area. Special creams for pregnant women or regular fatty creams containing vitamins A and E will help cope with dryness and itching.

    The rapid growth of the uterus is accompanied by stretching of the ligaments, which can cause minor pain in the lower abdomen. Usually the pain goes away when the woman changes her body position.

    Back pain at this stage of pregnancy occurs quite often - they are associated with an increased load on the spine, softening of the joints of the pelvic bones (this is how the body prepares for possible stretching of the pelvic ring when the baby’s head passes through childbirth). The more pounds you carry, the harder it is on your spine, so control your weight if possible. Sleep on a hard mattress, sit with a straight back, choose chairs with a back and armrests, do not cross your legs - this position not only impedes blood circulation in the legs, but also increases the load on the pelvic bones. Avoid standing for long periods of time, wear a maternity brace when walking, do exercises that strengthen the abdominal and pelvic muscles (for example, “cat back”, Kegel exercises - alternating tension and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles, etc.).

    At this stage of pregnancy (and sometimes earlier), muscle cramps of the lower extremities may appear. Such ailment, unlike “back” pain, can be prevented. To do this, wear special elastic tights, during rest, raise your legs above the level of your body to restore normal blood circulation in them, follow a special diet that maintains optimal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the body, and before going to bed, massage your legs from the toes towards the hips.

    For varicose veins, which may first appear or progress during pregnancy, it is necessary to wear special knitted underwear. This condition manifests itself as discomfort and pain in the legs, especially after standing for a long time; A network of veins appears on the skin of the legs.

    To avoid another fairly common ailment of pregnant women - hemorrhoids - it is necessary to prevent the development of constipation with a diet rich in fiber, sleep on your side to avoid pressure on the veins of the rectum, and do exercises that improve blood circulation in this part of the body. Certain symptoms of hemorrhoids occur quite often and to some extent are considered a variant of normal pregnancy, but you should definitely inform your doctor about them 2.

    Since the pressure of the uterus on the abdominal organs has increased significantly, sometimes urinary incontinence may occur when sneezing or coughing. If this happens quite often, use pads. Don't be upset: in a couple of months you will forget about these unpleasant sensations.

    Fetal development in the seventh month of intrauterine life

    By the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, the length of the fetus is already 40 cm, body weight - 1500 g. From the 28th week of intrauterine development, when the fetal body weight is 1000 g or more, the so-called perinatal period begins. It covers all subsequent weeks of pregnancy, childbirth and the next 7 days of the newborn's life.

    The baby establishes a rhythm of sleep and wakefulness; he can wake up in the morning with his mother and greet her with quite violent kicks. Some children, on the contrary, want to “take a walk” precisely at the time when their mother is sleeping. Fatty tissue gradually accumulates under the child's skin.

    At this stage, the fetal heart contracts at the same frequency as in newborns (120-160 beats per minute). From the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetal heartbeat can be recorded on a cardiotocogram (CTG), which makes it possible to assess the condition of the fetus and the tone of the uterus. Irregular “breathing” movements of the chest, which can be seen during ultrasound examination, are also an indicator of the condition of the fetus.

    From this stage of pregnancy, a special substance is formed in the fetal lungs - surfactant, which at birth helps maintain the lung tissue in an expanded state.

    In the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus is usually born alive. He can survive if he is kept in a special incubator, with artificial ventilation and the use of appropriate intensive care and resuscitation equipment. Such a child is born with pronounced signs of prematurity: poor development of subcutaneous fatty tissue, wrinkled skin, abundant cheese-like lubrication; His entire body is covered with vellus hair.

    Possible complications in the seventh month of pregnancy

    When labor develops after 28 weeks of pregnancy, they no longer talk about miscarriage, but about premature birth. The threat of premature birth usually requires hospitalization and treatment. To accelerate the maturation of the fetal lungs and stimulate the production of surfactant, corticosteroid hormones are usually prescribed at this stage of pregnancy. This contributes to the survival of the child if, despite the measures taken, he is born significantly.

    With placenta previa, when it covers the area of ​​the internal os of the cervix, as the gestational age increases, the risk of bleeding and acute fetal hypoxia increases, so the pregnant woman must be in the hospital.

    On seven months pregnant Sometimes there are signs of a complication such as gestosis. Preeclampsia is usually represented by a triad of symptoms: edema, increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine. Preeclampsia can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent, but in any case, the expectant mother requires mandatory treatment, since this condition is dangerous not only for her, but also for her child.

    At this stage of pregnancy, constant monitoring of urine test results is required - this is necessary for the timely diagnosis of urinary tract infections, gestosis and some other pathological conditions. The frequent development of urinary tract infections in the 6-8th month of pregnancy is associated with their expansion due to the action of progesterone and other hormones, as well as the mechanical pressure of the growing uterus.

    The seventh month of pregnancy brings a lot of trouble to the expectant mother - before going on maternity leave, there is a lot to do, including filling out documents for maternity leave. But the month ends with the first week of vacation, the woman gets the opportunity to rest, she does not need to get up early and run to work or school, especially since she can no longer run - it becomes quite difficult to carry a child, the size of which already resembles an average fork of cabbage.

    General information about the term

    The seventh month opens the final, third trimester of pregnancy for the expectant mother. Now she is reaching the finish line and many are starting to count the time until the birth. A month includes 4.5 calendar or 4 obstetric weeks. If you measure the period the way doctors do - in obstetric weeks and months, then the 7th month will correspond to 26, 27, 28 and 29 weeks. If you count in such months, then the pregnancy is exactly 10 months, each of which has 4 weeks.

    In calendar weeks more familiar to a woman, pregnancy lasts 9 months. And the seventh is 27, 28, 29, 30 weeks and several days from 31 weeks.

    The seventh month has long been popularly called “nesting time.” Right now, a woman gets more free time due to going on maternity leave, many at this stage begin to buy cute children's things, equip the house, the nursery, and restore cleanliness and order.

    Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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    Baby development

    The baby in the womb is growing rapidly and gaining weight, now this is vital, because subcutaneous fat will help the baby after birth to retain body heat and not become hypothermic. Mom will rejoice at the cute roundness - cheeks, plump butt, arms. In the meantime, the child still looks thin, but already very similar to a newborn.

    The lungs are actively maturing - a substance accumulates in the alveoli that will allow the baby to breathe independently after birth - surfactant. So far it is not enough for independent breathing, but if birth occurs during this month, then the baby has every chance to survive and be healthy. The processes that occur in the development of the fetus at this stage are very interesting, and it is worth considering them more carefully.

    Week 27

    The time when the child enjoyed free swimming in the amniotic fluid and turning over is over. With the onset of the first week of the third trimester the baby weighs almost up to a kilogram with a height of 37 centimeters (on average). There are already larger children, there are those whose weight does not yet reach 900 grams, but all of them, without exception, feel a little cramped in the mother’s womb. To save space. the child takes a flexion position, which is often called the fetal position - the arms are brought to the chest or crossed on it, the chin is bent down, the back is in an “arch”, the legs are bent at the knee joints. The baby will spend the rest of the time before birth in this position.

    From now on, it becomes quite difficult to determine the sex of the child by ultrasound.. The position in which the baby is located makes visualization of the external genitalia difficult and the accuracy of determining the child’s gender is noticeably reduced.

    At the current stage, the child’s visual function improves. This is due to the completion of the formation of nerve connections in the optic nerve. Now the fetus can not only distinguish between light and dark, as it did before, but also see blurred color spots. He has already learned to open his eyes slightly. Focusing of vision will begin to appear only in the first months after the birth of the child.

    If the birth takes place right now, the prognosis is quite favorable - up to 75% of children survive successfully, however, the baby cannot yet do without intensive care.

    Week 28

    The same thing happens in a child’s body as in an adult’s body, only the lungs don’t work yet. And yet, every day the baby’s internal organs improve in their functional responsibilities: the heart beats rhythmically and supplies blood to the entire child’s body, the kidneys produce up to half a liter of urine per day, the bladder empties regularly, the pancreas produces insulin, the bone marrow produces blood cells, reproductive organs glands are sex hormones, and all this is wisely controlled by the brain, which has already acquired grooves and convolutions.

    It is believed that the baby is entering the perinatal period of its development, preceding childbirth. Its height reaches 38 centimeters, weight varies from 1100 to one and a half kilograms. It’s difficult to say how much a fetus should weigh - now everything is purely individual (there are big and large children, there are small, miniature ones). There is a trend towards differences in weight by gender - boys are becoming slightly heavier than girls.

    Eyelashes grow and cheeks become rounder. There is no plump butt yet, but it is a matter of time. The color of the iris changes from blue to the one provided for by the baby’s genome. A tenth of the thin, colorless lanugo hair that covers the child’s body has already fallen out, and the rest are tending to do the same. There is now almost no physiological need for lanugo and cheese-like lubricant - the skin has become more durable, four-layered. Lubrication is retained only in the folds under the knees, in the groin, in the elbow folds and in the neck fold. If twins or triplets are growing in the mother’s womb, then right now the expectant mother goes on her maternity leave according to the law.

    If childbirth occurs now, 90% of children survive without significant health consequences.

    Week 29

    The child continues to get heavier - now he can already weigh from one and a half kilograms with a height of 39 centimeters. Subcutaneous fat now made up about 5% of his total mass, and this is an impressive result for a baby. His chances of survival in case of premature birth increased to 96-97%. The consequences of childbirth at this stage, of course, can be very different, but for most children everything goes well.

    At this time, a very significant event occurs - the differentiation of the parts of the cerebral cortex is completed, and now the baby more consciously interacts with the world around him. He can catch the umbilical cord, suck a finger, and knows about 70 other different reflex skills that will help him survive immediately after birth.

    Week 30

    At this time, all pregnant women with one fetus go on maternity leave. A wonderful period begins when a woman can enjoy her position, engage in her favorite hobby, and prepare for the birth of a baby. Worry during the current period is caused by the incorrect position of the baby in the uterus. The one that has established itself by the 30th week is usually already final, and if now the baby is sitting on his butt or lying across, then after a month and a half the doctor will raise the issue of prescribing a cesarean section for the woman, so as not to expose the life and health of the child to an unreasonable risk of birth injuries.

    It becomes more and more crowded inside the uterus. The movements are still active, but all children are already in a flexing position. The height of the average baby at 30 weeks is about 40-41 centimeters, the child weighs from 1600 grams.

    31 weeks

    The beginning of this week ends the seventh month. The baby has reached this time with a height of 42 centimeters, he weighed up to 1800 grams, there are already children who weigh under 2 kilograms.

    There are no more multiple folds on the skin, almost all the lanugo hairs have fallen out, the remnants will fall out in the last weeks of pregnancy, and if they don’t fall out, then the child will get rid of lanugo after birth on his own, without the help of parents and medical workers.

    If the stomach, cheeks, butt were getting better before, then Now my arms and legs are starting to get better. The ears, represented by relatively soft cartilaginous tissue, harden somewhat by this time and stop puffing up to the sides and adhere to the head. If a baby is born right now, neonatologists will assess the degree of prematurity based on the degree of softness of the ears. Those born at this stage usually survive well without significant consequences for the body., but medical care from resuscitation specialists will be required, since the baby will still be considered premature, his lungs are not mature enough.

    Babies 7 months pregnant are very emotional. Observant mothers already know what the baby likes and what he doesn’t, when he is active and when he sleeps, what sounds scare him.

    Activity will soon decline, because there is little space in the womb, but for now parents can enjoy unforgettable minutes: the baby can knock his fist on the stomach in response to the palm placed by dad, he can respond to mom’s affectionate voice.

    Well-being of the expectant mother

    At the very beginning of the seventh month, a woman will not feel any drastic changes in her well-being beyond what was the case last month, but by the second half of this period everything will begin to change, and you need to be prepared for this.

    Women often complain of increased sweating. Indeed, in the seventh month, sweating increases, especially if the woman is active, walks a lot, works, and it’s summer outside. It may begin to feel hot or cold - the expectant mother remembers these sensations from the first trimester, from the earliest stages of pregnancy. But then this was due to the action of the hormone progesterone, but now the reason is a sharp increase in the amount of blood circulating in the female body and increased metabolism.

    Right now, fluid may begin to linger in the tissues, and then the gynecologist, during the examination, will definitely report that the woman has edema and will offer her supportive treatment in a hospital or day hospital. Swelling is not difficult to recognize - in the morning the face looks like a mask of a Chinese emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and a ring or bracelet on the hand leaves a clear mark on the skin. Shoes may feel tight if your feet are swollen.

    Edema cannot be considered the norm, and you should not even try to reassure yourself that “everyone has it.” Swelling is a sign of gestosis. This is what is called late toxicosis. It is more dangerous than the early one in that the swelling can also be internal. Preeclampsia can lead to complications during childbirth and even cause the death of the woman and fetus.


    Due to the increased amount of blood in the body, vaginal discharge increases. This is normal, but only on condition that the woman does not have pain in her lower abdomen and does not have bloody or brown discharge. Healthy discharge – white or transparent, odorless or with a slight kefir odor, without itching.

    If pink, beige, heterogeneous discharge with clots, or bloody discharge of any intensity appears, you need to call an ambulance - it is possible that the woman is at risk of premature birth.

    With timely hospitalization, pregnancy can be prolonged in all cases, except for the presence of the onset of labor with contractions and rupture of water.

    The cause of green or gray foul-smelling discharge at this stage is infection. White discharge with itching and a feeling of dryness is thrush. If something like this starts, you need to visit your doctor to get a prescription for treatment, since before birth the genital tract must be clean and free of infections, otherwise a caesarean section may be considered to protect the baby from infection.


    You can't hide your belly. He is big and even in loose clothes anyone can easily determine that a woman is pregnant. The uterus has risen above the level of the navel and is pressing against the diaphragm. Because of this, a woman has a constant feeling that she does not have enough air, that it is difficult to breathe. Your ribs may start to hurt.

    It seems to the expectant mother herself that her belly is already very large, in any case, in order to fasten her boots or tie her shoelaces, she already needs outside help. At the same time, there are women who complain about their belly being too small. This makes them worry about the baby's development. There is no reason to think that the baby feels bad in a small belly. The belly may simply be small because the woman has a wide pelvis, is overweight, has been diagnosed with oligohydramnios, and has a small fetus. Just share your worries with the doctor - he will definitely tell you if everything is okay with the baby.

    This month, many women experience so-called training or false contractions.(the abdomen becomes tight, the uterus becomes toned for a few seconds, and then relaxes again). Such contractions are completely normal, as is the absence of such contractions. False contractions have no effect on the due date or the condition of the baby. It is believed that this is how women’s bodies prepare for childbirth.

    The belly needs to continue to be moisturized and nourished with rich baby cream or special anti-stretch mark products - the skin stretches too quickly. Weight gain now ranges from 200 to 400 grams per week, and most of this weight should be attributed to your baby gaining weight.


    The load on the spine increases. The center of gravity has changed. This is why your back hurts more and more often, especially if you stand or sit statically for a long time. Some women experience pain in their pubic bone. Be sure to tell your doctor about this. The divergence of the pelvic bones before childbirth is a mechanism provided by nature to facilitate the birth process, but excessive divergence can lead to symphysitis.

    The rest of the sensations are quite individual: the breasts are growing, colostrum may be released. Some begin to suffer from insomnia again, but now not because of progesterone, but because they only have to sleep on their side, and rolling from side to side can be problematic. Many suffer from occasional heartburn and diarrhea (the uterus puts pressure on the intestines and stomach).

    Particular attention should be paid to your psychological and emotional state - with the development of depression, the likelihood of severe postpartum depression now increases significantly, and therefore it is better to turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist for help now if you have not been in the mood for more than two weeks, if what was interesting earlier, no longer attracts if you don’t want anything or have a strong fear of childbirth.

    What is allowed and what is prohibited?

    In the seventh month, it is important for a woman to pay special attention to the prevention of premature birth.


    • be nervous, be under prolonged stress;
    • lift weights and exhaust yourself with workouts in the gym;
    • experience strong vibrations;
    • jumping;
    • alcohol (even champagne, even in small quantities).

    Now about what is allowed, but with restrictions.

    • Sex is not prohibited if a woman does not have any pathologies during her current pregnancy, if the doctor does not object to the active intimate life of his patient. Sexual life will require an attentive and tactful attitude on the part of the partner - postures should be delicate, you should not put pressure on the stomach. Orgasm helps improve a woman’s emotional state and also prepares the muscles of the uterus for childbirth. But everything should be in moderation. There are cases where orgasm led to premature birth.
    • Treatment. A woman can have her teeth treated if there is such a need. Any treatment should be coordinated with an obstetrician-gynecologist, since at this stage colds, sore throat, flu, chickenpox and herpes are no longer as dangerous for the baby as unauthorized treatment with medications and folk remedies.
    • Trips. Flights during the 7th month are permitted, but only if women do not have pregnancy pathologies or hypertension. Flying to exotic countries is not recommended, since acclimatization may require too much strength from the female body. From this date, some airlines, before allowing a pregnant passenger onto the plane, ask to show a certificate certified by a doctor’s seal stating that the doctor does not object to the flight and does not consider it dangerous. When purchasing a ticket, check this issue with a representative of the carrier company.
    • You can dye your hair and get your nails done, but only with the use of the safest compounds possible.
    • You need to call an ambulance at 7 months of pregnancy in cases where bleeding has started, watery discharge (water) has appeared, and regular contractions have developed (the abdomen becomes tight at certain intervals, which become increasingly shorter).
    • Try to avoid injuries and falls. If this happens, contact your doctor immediately to make sure everything is okay with your child.

    You can clearly see the development of the baby in the seventh month of pregnancy in this video.