
Sayings of classics about raising children. Statements about education. We all come from childhood

Each person must engage in his own upbringing until his last day. (M. Azeglio)

Education needs three things: talent, science, exercise. (Aristotle)

In education, the development of skills must precede the development of the mind. (Aristotle)

Anyone who wants to raise a child well is doomed to always adhere to fair views. (O. Balshk)

There is nothing more useless and even more harmful than instructions, even the best ones, if they are not supported by examples, and are not justified in the eyes of the student by the entirety of the reality surrounding him. (V. G. Belinsky)

Initial education should see in a child not an official, not a poet, not a craftsman, but a person who could later be one or the other without ceasing to be a person. (V. G. Belinsky)

There is no person so bad that a good understanding would not make him better. (V. G. Belinsky)

Whoever has not been a student will not be a teacher. (Boethius)

A habit is strongest when it begins in youth; This is what we call education, which is, in essence, nothing more than early formed habits. (F. Bacon)

Education is not limited to school. (P. Valerie)

Education develops abilities, but does not create them. (F. Voltaire)

If we allow children to do whatever they want, and on top of that we have the stupidity of giving them reasons for their whims, then we will be dealing with the worst way of education; children will then develop a regrettable habit of particular unrestraint, of peculiar intellectualism. , to selfish interest - the root of all evil. (G. Hegel)

Education should primarily sow our hearts with habits that are beneficial to the individual and society. (C. Helvetius)

The more perfect the education, the happier the people. (C. Helvetius)

Nine-tenths of the people we meet are what they are - good or evil, useful or useless - due to education. (D. Locke)

Children are often smarter than adults and always sincere. (M. Gorky)

Education is a scraper that can straighten wood, but will never turn spruce into ebony. (P. Decourcel)

Education always happens, even when you are not at home. (A.S. Makarenko)

It takes a genius to teach others,
It takes a strong soul. (N.A. Nekrasov)

To educate means to prepare for life... You need to learn at school, but you need to learn much more after leaving school. (D.I. Pisarev)

Character is nothing more than a long-term skill. (Plutarch)

Of all the fruits, the best fruit comes from good education. (K. Prutkov)

Education is the acquisition of good habits. (Plato)

Not everything that is going on in a baby’s head can be understood quickly and correctly by parents. The following describes 6 tests that will help determine the character of a child...

The greatest mistake in parenting is excessive haste. (J.-J. Rousseau)

If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first get to know him in all respects. (K.D. Ushinsky)

The purpose of education is not to allow love for oneself to drown out love for one’s neighbor. Nature bestows inclinations, education contrasts them with habits. (P. Buast)

Youth loves to be encouraged rather than taught. (I.V. Goethe)

A new vessel smells for a long time of what it was first filled with. (Horace)

Nothing in the world purifies, ennobles, or preserves adolescence so much as a strongly aroused public interest. (A.I. Herzen)

Those from whom we learn are rightly called our teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name. (I. Goethe)

A true student learns to develop the unknown with the help of the known and thereby approaches the teacher. (I. Goethe)

Learn from those you love. (I. Goethe)

Even a chicken can love children. But to be able to educate them is a great matter of state, requiring talent and broad knowledge of life. (M. Gorky)

A teacher, if he is honest, must always be an attentive student. (M. Gorky)

Our educator is our reality. (M. Gorky)

A simple, uncouth person can be re-educated, but a person who imagines himself to be refined is incorrigible. (W. Gaslitt)

To fashion a beautiful statue and breathe life into it is good; but to develop a young mind, to fashion a young soul in your own way and to breathe into it a sense of truth is even better. (V. Hugo)

The teacher himself must be what he wants the student to be. (V.I. Dal)

Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved unless it is learned. (Democritus)

Education is an adornment in happiness and a refuge in misfortune. (Democritus)

A child knows how to love someone who loves him, and he can only be raised with love. (F. E. Dzerzhinsky)

Excessive severity and blind discipline are cursed teachers for children. (F. E. Dzerzhinsky)

Intimidation can only instill baseness, depravity, hypocrisy, vile cowardice, and careerism in a child. (F. E. Dzerzhinsky)

The teacher and his way of thinking are the most important thing in any teaching and upbringing. (A. Disterweg)

True education strives for natural development, but not for premature maturity. (A. Disterweg)

In education lies the great secret of improving human nature. (I. Kant)

A person can become a person only through education. He is what his upbringing makes him. (I. Kant)

The world has long been called a stormy ocean: but happy is he who sails with a compass. And this is a matter of education. (N. M. Karamzin)

Great is the teacher who puts into action what he teaches. (Cato the Elder)

Education is the highest of goods, but only when it is of the first grade, otherwise it is good for nothing. (R. Kipling)

In everything where the word serves as a mediator between people, and especially in teaching, it is inconvenient to both talk and not talk. (V. O. Klyuchevsky)

Many parents have found themselves in a situation where their tired child begins to act up, throw things, fight, and is about to become hysterical. Ta...

Teachers are given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s. (V. O. Klyuchevsky)

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach. (V. O. Klyuchevsky)

Without examples, it is impossible to teach correctly or learn successfully. (L. Columella)

He who knows little can teach little. (Ya. Komensky)

It is easy to follow correctly those who walk ahead correctly. (Ya. Komensky)

There is nothing more difficult than re-educating a poorly educated person. (Ya. Komensky)

The one who considers it necessary to teach children not to the extent that they can learn, but to the extent that he himself wishes, is completely unreasonable. (Ya. Komensky)

Let it be an eternal law: to teach and learn everything through examples, instructions and application in practice. (Ya. Komensky)

Happy is the school that teaches you to zealously study and do what is good, even more zealously to do the best, and most zealously to do the best. (Ya. Komensky)

There are children with a sharp mind and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. They are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; Meanwhile, great people usually come out of them, if only they are educated properly. (Ya. Komensky)

Only that in a person is strong and reliable that was absorbed into his nature in his first period of life. (Ya. Komensky)

Only in a team can a child’s personality develop most fully and comprehensively. (N.K. Krupskaya)

To punish children for offenses that they did not commit, or at least to severely punish them for minor offenses, means to lose all their trust and respect. (J. Labruyère)

We would not believe in teaching, upbringing and education if it were confined only to school and cut off from the turbulent life. (V.I. Lenin)

If you know the means to strengthen the body, temper the will, ennoble the heart, refine the mind and balance the mind, then you are an educator. (C. Letourneau)

The world exists not for us to understand it, but for us to educate ourselves in it. (G. Lichtenberg)

It is pointless for a teacher to talk about curbing passions if he gives free rein to any of his own passions; and his efforts to eradicate in his pupil a vice or obscene trait that he allows in himself will be fruitless. (D. Locke)

In a poorly educated person, courage takes the form of rudeness; erudition becomes pedantry in him; wit - buffoonery, simplicity - uncouthness, good nature - flattery. (D. Locke)

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases. (A.V. Lunacharsky)

Education is the bread of the soul. (D. Mazzini)

A teacher who does not have facial expressions, who cannot give his face the necessary expression or control his mood cannot be a good teacher. The teacher must be able to organize, walk, joke, be cheerful, angry. The teacher must behave in such a way that every movement educates him, and must always know what he wants at the moment and what he does not want. If the educator does not know this, whom can he educate? (A. S. Makarenko)

Children spend 8-10 hours in kindergarten every day. While their parents are at work, teachers feed the children, entertain them, put them to bed, ...

It is impossible to raise a courageous person if you do not put him in such conditions where he can show courage, no matter what - in restraint, in a direct open word, in some deprivation, in patience, in courage. (A. S. Makarenko)

No matter how many correct ideas you create about what needs to be done, if you do not cultivate the habit of overcoming long-term difficulties, I have the right to say that you have not cultivated anything. (A. S. Makarenko)

You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can raise him so that he is happy. (A. S. Makarenko)

If you don’t demand a lot from a person, then you won’t get much from him. (A. S. Makarenko)

The combination of enormous trust with enormous demands is the style of our upbringing. (A. S. Makarenko)

It educates everything: people, things, phenomena, but first of all and for the longest time - people. Of these, parents and teachers come first. (A. S. Makarenko)

If we are well educated, we do not suffer from any restrictions in our sensual pleasures. (B. Mandeville)

Teachers, as local luminaries of science, must stand at the full height of modern knowledge in their specialty. (D.I. Mendeleev)

All the pride of a teacher is in his students, in the growth of the seeds he sows. (D.I. Mendeleev)

We are all born sweet, pure and spontaneous; therefore, we must be educated to become productive members of society. (Judith Martin)

For the education of young minds, the most useful things are the useless. (Georges Duhamel)

The best way to make children good is to make them happy. (Oscar Wilde)

Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to refuse anything. (Rousseau J.-J.)

If you yield to the child, he will become your master; and in order to make him obey, you will have to negotiate with him every minute. (Rousseau J.-J.)

Many troubles have their roots precisely in the fact that from childhood a person is not taught to control his desires, he is not taught to correctly relate to the concepts of what is possible, what is necessary, and what is not. (Sukhomlinsky V. A.)

The best school of discipline is the family. (Smiles S.)

The main function of the new family should be the function of educating a person and a citizen. (Gramsci A.)

The main meaning and purpose of family life is raising children. The main school for raising children is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother. (Sukhomlinsky V. A.)

Not tyranny, not anger, not shouting, not pleading, not begging, but calm, serious and business-like orders - this is what should outwardly express the technique of family discipline. Neither you nor your children should have any doubt that you have the right to such an order as one of the senior authorized members of the team. (Makarenko A. S.)

Self-will should be extinguished sooner than a fire. (Heraclitus)

Let the child's first lesson be obedience, then the second may be what you consider necessary. (Fuller T.)

The best thing we can give our children is to teach them to love themselves. (Louise Hay)

Before I got married, I had six theories about raising children; Now I have six children and not a single theory. (John Wilmot)

What to do with children when mother is not at home, and grandmother and nanny are also absent. Even a caring dad feels uneasy in such a situation. Child, os...

Everyone knows how to raise children, except those who have them. . (Patrick O'Rourke)

The purpose of education is to teach our children to do without us. (Ernst Legouwe)

There was a time when nothing but obedience was expected of children; now everything except obedience is expected of them. (Anatole Broyard)

Comrades raise much better than parents, because pity is not characteristic of them. (Andre Maurois)

The first problem of parents is to teach their children how to behave in polite society; the second is to find this decent society. (Robert Orben)

Those who do not need education respond well to education. (Fazil Iskander)

Anyone who does not remember his own childhood very clearly is a bad teacher. (Maria Ebner-Eschenbach)

No matter how much you educate a person, he still wants to live well. (Boris Zamyatin)

Don't make children shed tears too often, otherwise they won't have anything to shed over your grave. (Pythagoras)


Quotes and Aphorisms 21.04.2018

Dear readers, if you have children, then when asked what is most important to you in life, you know what to answer. And despite the fact that with the appearance of children in our lives, we acquire a lot of new problems and difficulties that we have not encountered before, along with this, children fill our lives with meaning and great love.

Quotes and aphorisms about children succinctly and accurately express feelings and thoughts associated with childhood and children. And, perhaps, the main idea is that, first of all, they give us the opportunity to become better.

We all come from childhood

“All adults were once children. Only few people remember this,” said Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Quotes about children will help us remember the feeling of lightness and fullness of life that we experienced in childhood.

“Children are younger than us, they still remember how they too were trees and birds and therefore are still able to understand them; We’re too old, we have too many worries, and our heads are full of jurisprudence and bad poetry.”

Heinrich Heine

“It’s only a step from a five-year-old child to me. There is a terrible distance from the newborn to me.”

Lev Tolstoy

“Moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we involuntarily become children: everything acquired falls away from the soul, and it becomes again the same as it once was and, probably, will be someday again.”

Mikhail Lermontov

“Be yourself both man and child, so that you can teach the child.”

Vladimir Odoevsky

“Every child is partly a genius, and every genius is partly a child.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

“In each of us there is still a three-year-old child who is scared, who just wants a little love.”

Louise Hay

“A great man is one who has not lost his childish heart.”


Ah, childhood, your days are pure, like frames from an old film...

Quotes and aphorisms about children with meaning indicate that children are not just little people who are just beginning to experience life, but also a chance for our world to become a little brighter and kinder.

“Children are the reason why heaven has not yet destroyed the world.”

Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

“How terrible the world would be if children were not constantly born, bringing with them innocence and the possibility of all perfection!”

John Ruskin

“Your children are not your children. They appear through you, but not from you. You can give them your love, but not your thoughts, because they have their thoughts. You can give a home to their bodies, but not to their souls. You are only bows from which living arrows are sent forward, which you call your children.”

Gibran Kahlil Gibran

“There is no hymn on earth more solemn than the babbling of children’s lips.”

Victor Hugo

“There are no children, there are people. But with a different scale of concepts, a different store of experience, different drives, a different play of feelings.”

Janusz Korczak

“Children’s play often has deep meaning.”

Friedrich Schiller

“Nature wants children to be children before they are adults. If we want to disrupt this order, we will produce early-ripening fruits that will have neither ripeness nor taste and will not slow down in deterioration.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Children are happiness, children are joy...

Very often happiness comes to our home with the birth of a child. And life changes completely along with this, it becomes different, it makes you look at yourself, other people, and the world around you in a new way. And we begin to see what we have not seen before. Quotes and aphorisms about children and happiness so vividly describe the joy that children bring into our lives.

“Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because they themselves, by their nature, are joy and happiness.”

Victor Hugo

“Children multiply our everyday worries and anxieties, but at the same time, thanks to them, death does not seem so terrible to us.”

Francis Bacon

“Children are the anchors that hold a mother in life.”


“A child is love made visible.”


“Children are a happiness that grows over the years.”

“Happiness cannot be bought. But he can be born.”

“I take your hand in my hand and kiss the crown on your wrist. It was not in vain that I suffered to give birth to such happiness.”

“The day begins with happiness, happiness rose before everyone else. Happiness smiles at mom, turning her smile into laughter.”

“When children are born, order, money, peace, relaxation disappear in the house - and happiness comes.”

“Only when you have children do you understand that there is a life that is more valuable than your own.”

Children are the flowers of life

The quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupery that children are flowers of life that are born with their heads down is familiar to everyone. Maxim Gorky called children “the living flowers of the earth.” Because a child is a vessel filled to the brim with trust in this world. Children decorate our lives and give it meaning.

“Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them the plaything of your mood.”

Anton Chekhov

“The child’s state of mind runs through our entire lives - it is this that prompts us to seek the meaning of life, to seek God.”

Vladimir Levi

“In the theater of life, the only real spectators are children.”

Vladislav Grzeszczyk

“Without children it would be impossible to love humanity so much.”

Fedor Dostoevsky

“Children are the living force of society. Without them it seems bloodless and cold.”

Anton Makarenko

“I am sure that if you had to choose to live where the noise of children does not stop for a minute, or where it is never heard, then all normal and healthy people would prefer incessant noise to incessant silence.”

Bernard Show

Only one world is limitless - childhood

There are many beautiful quotes and aphorisms about children. They contain all the wisdom and the very essence of such a magical time of human life as childhood.

“Children have neither a past nor a future, but, unlike us adults, they know how to use the present.”

Jean de La Bruyère

“Children are our judges of tomorrow, they are critics of our views and actions, they are people who go into the world for the great work of building new forms of life.”

Maksim Gorky

“Children teach adults not to become completely immersed in something and to remain free.”

Mikhail Prishvin

“The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this skill with ours.”

“You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“We teach our children first. Then we ourselves learn from them.”

Jan Rainis

“Take care of the tears of your children so that they may shed them at your grave.”


“Children’s charm lies in the fact that with each child everything is renewed and the world appears anew for human judgment.”

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

“Tell something to the children - all the way to the end. But they will certainly ask: “What next? What for?" Children are the only brave philosophers.”

Evgeny Zamyatin

The purpose of education is the development of the child

Quotes about parenting give an idea of ​​what exactly it should involve and when it is most effective. After all, education is not only and not so much moral teaching and reading morals, but the ability to understand what children really need and provide them with the opportunity for further development.

“Preaching from the pulpit, captivating from the platform, teaching from the pulpit is much easier than raising one child.”

Alexander Herzen

“Education means nourishing the child’s abilities, and not creating those new abilities that he does not have.”

Giuseppe Mazzini

“A child needs your love most when he deserves it least.”

Erma Bombeck

“Let the child’s first lesson be obedience, then the second may be what you consider necessary.”

Thomas Fuller

“Children need role models more than criticism.”

Joseph Joubert

“All the difficulties of upbringing arise from the fact that parents, not only not correcting their shortcomings, but also justifying them in themselves, want not to see these shortcomings in their children.”

Lev Tolstoy

“Don’t make an idol out of a child; when he grows up, he will demand sacrifices.”

Pierre Buast

“Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy? This is to teach him not to refuse anything.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“Parenting is the most difficult thing. You think – well, it’s all over now! No such luck – it’s just beginning!”

Mikhail Lermontov

“Parents often confuse the concepts of “upbringing” and “education” and think that they have given their child an upbringing when they have forced him to study so many subjects. Hence the frequent disappointment of parents in their children in subsequent years.”

Anton Rubinstein

“Sow an action and you will reap a habit; sow a habit and you will reap a character; sow a character and you will reap a destiny.”

William Thackeray

“If you want to raise good children, spend half as much money and twice as much time on them.”

Sukhomlinsky about children and their upbringing

The great teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky dedicated his life to children. Tips on how to discern the personality in a child are reflected in Sukhomlinsky’s quotes on raising children. They will never lose their relevance.

“The most important feature of pedagogical culture should be a feeling for the spiritual world of each child, the ability to give each as much attention and spiritual strength as necessary for the child to feel that he is not forgotten, his grief, his grievances and suffering are shared.”

“Only he can become a real teacher who never forgets that he himself was a child.”

“By raising your child, you are raising yourself, asserting your human dignity.”

“Children don’t need to be told a lot, don’t stuff them with stories; words are not fun, but verbal satiety is one of the most harmful satiations. The child needs not only to listen to the teacher’s word, but also to remain silent; in these moments he thinks, comprehends what he heard and saw. We must not turn children into passive objects of perception of words.”

“Let your pupil be rebellious, self-willed - this is incomparably better than silent obedience and lack of will.”

“Where everything is based on punishment, there is no self-education, and without self-education, education in general cannot be normal. It cannot, because punishment already frees the pupil from remorse, and conscience is the main engine of self-education; where conscience sleeps, there can be no question of self-education. The one who has received punishment thinks: I have nothing more to think about my action, I got what was due.”

“A child is a mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children.”

Personality education according to Makarenko

The brilliant teacher Anton Semenovich Makarenko had his own view on raising children. His methodology was criticized and persecuted, however, according to UNESCO, he is one of the four people who had the strongest influence on modern pedagogical science. Makarenko’s quotes about raising children show his vision of how to raise a full-fledged personality.

“Your own behavior is the most decisive thing. Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home.”

“The educational process is a constantly ongoing process, and its individual details are resolved in the general tone of the family, and the general tone cannot be invented and artificially maintained. The general tone, dear parents, is created by your own life and your own behavior.”

“Do you want to corrupt the soul of your child? Then don’t refuse him anything. And over time you will understand that you are not raising a person, but a crooked tree.”

“Concentrating love on one child is a terrible delusion.”

“If at home you are rude, or boastful, or drunk, and even worse, if you insult your mother, you no longer need to think about education: you are already raising your children, and raising them poorly, and none of the best advice and methods will help you.” .

“So we all invent educational systems: this is how we should educate, this way... But in fact, parents and educators have one task: to keep the child’s nervous system safe and sound by the age of 18. Life will put such a burden on his shoulders that his nerves will need to be intact, and we tear them to shreds from an early age...”

Quotes about children and parents

The relationship between parents and children is not always cloudless. And if you are faced with the problem of fathers and children, let's remember that it is we, parents, who contributed to their emergence to a large extent. Children are our reflection, and this idea is clearly visible in quotes about children and parents.

“Children and parents are birds of a feather, but grown at different times.”

Natalya Rozbitskaya

“How often do children hear that they should be grateful to their parents. Because they spent their entire lives on them, didn’t sleep at night, and simply because they gave birth to them... Have you ever wondered how much children give to their parents? Real love, joy, hope... How often, next to a child, we feel smart and omnipotent. A child gives us a sense of self-worth. So maybe we shouldn’t expect gratitude from children, because they gave us no less?”

“Children rarely misinterpret our words. They repeat, amazingly accurately, everything we shouldn’t have said.”

“It’s curious: with each generation, children are getting worse, and parents are getting better; It follows from this that increasingly good parents grow up from worse children.”

Wieslaw Brudzinski

“Parents least of all forgive their children those vices that they themselves instilled in them.”

Johann Friedrich Schiller

“When children baffle their father, he sends them to the corner.”

Valery Mironov

“Children never obeyed adults, but they always imitated them.”

James Baldwin

“When you finally realize that your father was usually right, you yourself have a son growing up convinced that his father is usually wrong.”

Peter Lawrence

“He who has no children sacrifices death.”

Francis Bacon

Children is our future

We all want our children to grow up better, smarter, happier than us. Quotes on the topic that children are our future reveal to us the full meaning of this famous phrase.

“You will live in the world ten times, repeated ten times in children. And in your last hour you will have the right to triumph over conquered death.”

“Look at my children. My former freshness is alive in them. They are the justification for my old age.”

William Shakespeare

“Life is short, but a person lives it again in his children.”

Anatole France

“Children are one third of the population of our country and our entire future. Children make me want to live.”

Muhammad Ali

“By raising children, today’s parents are raising the future history of our country, and therefore the history of the world.”

“Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, our tears, our guilt before other people.”

Anton Makarenko

“Children are living messages that we send to a future that we will not see.”

Alfred Whitehead

“Fear for a child is more than fear for your own life. This is fear for one’s immortality.”

Victoria Tokareva

The magical world of childhood

You don't always need a lot of words to express the essence of things. Short quotes with meaning about children only confirm this.

“The child is the future.”

Victor Marie Hugo

"A child gives birth to parents."

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

“All the children in the world cry in the same language.”

Leonid Leonov

“Most of us become parents before we stop being children.”

Minion McLaughlin

“Children listen most attentively when people are not talking to them.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

“We always make up our children.”

Voldemar Lysyak

“Every person is always someone’s child.”

Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

“Women make us poets, children make us philosophers.”

Malcolm de Chazal

“The efforts of adults are aimed, in essence, at making the child comfortable for themselves.”

“The loneliness of a child gives the doll a soul.”

Janusz Korczak

“Abandoned children often live with their parents.”

“Children are a strict assessment given by life itself.”

About children with a smile

Where there are children, there is fun and laughter. And it is right. After all, childhood is the most carefree time of life. Let this selection of funny quotes about children once again remind us of this.

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List of keywords: teacher Makarenko A.S., the main principle of education, play in a child’s life, punishment, the relevance of Makarenko’s teachings in our days.

The article talks about the use of the principles of teacher Makarenko in preschool education in our time.

The use of the pedagogical principles of A. S. Makarenko in the education of preschool children.

Anton Semyonovich Makarenko is one of the most prominent domestic teachers. He described his teaching experience in literary works: “Pedagogical Poem”, “Flags on the Towers” ​​and “Book for Parents”.

The pedagogical legacy of Anton Semenovich Makarenko is of exceptional importance. His works address many of the most important issues of ethics, pedagogy, and psychology, which are still relevant in our time. He places the following sections of educational work as the basis for the theory of education: education in the learning process, education in work, education in play, education in the process of artistic creativity. Such sections also exist in modern pedagogy. Only now they are aimed at educating a “general” person, and according to Makarenko, the goal of education should reflect the unique requirements of society at each stage of its development. He said: “We want to educate a cultured Soviet person. He must be a politically developed and devoted member of the working class, a Komsomol member, a Bolshevik.” The methods he proposed can be used in modern society.

Much of what Makarenko wrote about in his books applies not only to school age, but also to preschool age, because the success of education is determined at a young age of up to 5 years. “What a person will be like mainly depends on what he will be like by the fifth year of life, but the principles of education are the same as at 10, 11 years old. “- stated A. S. Makarenko in his “Book for Parents”

The good in a person has to be designed, and the teacher is obliged to do this. When “designing personality,” A. S. Makarenko considers it necessary to provide for both general and individual qualities of the child. We cannot deny this statement in preschool pedagogy.

The main principle in education is to find the middle - the measure of education of activity and inhibitions. From the first year of life, it is necessary to educate the child in such a way that the child can be active, strive for something, demand something, achieve something, and, at the same time, it is necessary to educate him so that he gradually develops brakes on his desires, which are already harmful. If this middle ground is found before the age of 6, then he is raised in the right direction. But how to find it? I think that for this you need to have a pedagogical flair. The ability to educate is still an art, the same as playing the violin or piano well. Possession of this art must be supported by experience and knowledge of the physical and mental characteristics of age.

I am close to the idea that there should be closeness between a child and an adult, but there should also be distance. You cannot get very close to the child. In some way, in the eyes of a child, we must be higher. A sense of distance must be cultivated from the first days. This is not a gap, not an abyss, but only an interval. If a child from the age of three sees in you some kind of higher being, authoritative towards him, he will listen to every word with joy and faith. It is necessary that sometimes the rightness comes without evidence, simply because we said it. The child to whom everything is proven can grow up to be a cynic.

A. S. Makarenko paid great attention to instilling a sense of responsibility. It is this sense of responsibility that is important when preparing for school.

The topic that Makarenko put forward at the time is still relevant today. This is a topic about the ability to navigate the environment. The feeling of oneself and someone else's needs to be cultivated from the age of three or four. At five years old, a child should also know what he can and cannot talk about, know his own people and those of others. Only then can we be calm for the life of the child.

According to Makarenko, the teacher’s actions should be extremely demanding. This does not mean that he should scream. You can sometimes “hiss,” but this will be more effective than screaming. Only exactingness can help cultivate discipline. And this, in turn, will help in the future when studying at school. In kindergarten, this process takes various forms: after eating, take away the dishes, set the table, make the bed after sleep, put away toys after playing.

Unlike discipline, which is the result of the educational process, the regime represents the means by which it is achieved. In kindergarten, where the child stays all day, following the daily routine is the main thing in instilling discipline, in hardening, and in creating a good mood for children. However, this is sometimes ignored by educators. The daily routine must be justified and regulated. Under no circumstances should the regime be held together by drill. Children should feel free.

A. S. Makarenko said that the method of imitation in education is of great importance. Only through your example, play, and discussion of game situations, and not at the cost of wise edifications, can you achieve positive results. By observing children in kindergarten, how they play and communicate with each other, you can determine what the relationships are like in the family, what they see in the world around them. And sometimes you see yourself in them. Therefore, the baby should see in front of him an adult who is cheerful, cheerful, and friendly. How can a child imitate if he sees in front of him a teacher or another adult who is angry or always has a “sour” face. Every child should feel that they are welcome and that they are loved. He will try to maintain this attitude towards himself, strive to correspond to it. Such a child will immediately feel when an adult is dissatisfied with his behavior.

The essence of the educator's pedagogical position must be hidden from students. A teacher who endlessly pursues his pupils with apparently special conversations bores them and almost always causes some resistance. A child is a small person, you need to treat him without fuss.

Makarenko attached great importance to the game. We add: especially in preschool age. He said that a child's life should be a game. As the child plays, so will he work. For children, play is work, and work is play. An adult should run, jump, sing, read, and work together with children. But work “in general” is not an educational means. An educational tool can be work that is organized for a specific purpose. When a goal is set and a positive result is visible, children work with interest.

The statements of A. S. Makarenko regarding punishment are also important. He said that punishment should educate. What is important in punishment is not the content, but the very fact of its imposition. For example, the words “I’ll sit with you” addressed to a child who is disturbing everyone in the bedroom can be both punishment and encouragement if they are spoken in a different tone.

The punished person must always know why he is being punished and understand the meaning of the punishment. In general, you should always try to punish as little as possible, only in cases where it is impossible to do without it. For example, for cruelty, theft, deliberate destruction of something. But after punishment you need to be on normal terms with the student. Punishment by deprivation of food and things that are good for his health should not be carried out. It doesn’t matter what is given as punishment, but the symbol matters.

Teacher. Is it a profession or a love for children? There can be no profession without love. Many people love it, but this does not mean that everyone can be a teacher.

Raising children is an easy task when it is done without hassle, in a healthy, calm, reasonable and cheerful way of life. Where education occurs without stress, it succeeds. And for this to be so, the process of education must begin with oneself. A. S. Makarenko said: “Before you start raising your children, check your own behavior.” The process of education is a two-way process. The pedagogical discoveries of A. S. Makarenko served as the basis for the development of social pedagogy.

Sayings of great people about education

“A well-mannered person is one who wants and knows how to respect others; he is one for whom his own politeness is not only familiar and easy, but also pleasant. He is one who is equally polite to both senior and junior in age and position.”

D. S. Likhachev

“Never promise a child what you cannot keep, and never deceive him.”

K. D. Ushinsky

“Education must begin from the cradle.”

N. I. Pirogov

“Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and then not only should you not interfere with this, but you should take measures to ensure that they always have something to do.”

J. Komensky

“We teach our children first. Then we ourselves learn from them. Those who do not want to do this are behind their times.”

J. Rainis

“Childhood should not be a constant holiday - if there is no labor stress that is feasible for children, the happiness of work will remain inaccessible to the child.”

V. Sukhomlinsky

Aphorisms of great people

Aphorisms and thoughts of great people

1. Never show that you are smarter than a child; Having felt your superiority, he, of course, will respect you for the depth of your thoughts, but he himself will immediately withdraw into himself with lightning speed, hide like a snail in a shell. A. Averchenko

2. Raise your children in virtue: it is the only one that can give happiness. L. Beethoven

3. When we touch another person, we either help him or hinder him. There is no third option: we either pull a person down or lift him up. B. Washington

4. There is no hymn on earth more solemn than the babbling of children's lips.

5. Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they are joy and happiness. V. Hugo

6. For an adult, gullibility is weakness, for a child it is strength. C. Lam

7. Repeating the teacher’s words does not mean being his successor. D. Pisarev

8. We teach our children first. Then we ourselves learn from them. Those who do not want to do this are behind their time. Jan Rainis

9. The purpose of educating a child is to make him able to develop further without the help of a teacher. E. Hubbard

10. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. Don't be afraid to make mistakes - don't be afraid to repeat mistakes. T. Roosevelt.

11. Mother is the name of God on the lips and hearts of small children. W. Thackeray.

12. Dreams are the cornerstones of our character. G. Thoreau

13. The word “tomorrow” was invented for indecisive people and for children. I. Turgenev

14. Until the age of twenty-five, children love their parents; at twenty-five they condemn them; then they forgive them. I. Ten

15. Nobility of manners is taught by examples.

16. To digest knowledge, you need to absorb it with appetite. A. France

17. A bad teacher of children is one who does not remember his childhood. M. Ebner-Eschenbach

18. The teacher must be what he wants the student to be. V. Dahl


1. “Those who do not love their neighbors live a fruitless life and prepare a miserable home for themselves in old age.” P. B. Shelley

2. “The main meaning and purpose of family life is raising children. The main school for raising children is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

3. “The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

4. Anger is short-term madness. Horace

6. “Severity gives rise to fear, but rudeness gives rise to hatred.” F. Bacon

7. “Walking and movement promote brain play and thought.” J. J. Rousseau

8. “Children must be treated gently because punishment hardens them.” S. L. Montesquieu

9. “Where they love us, there is only a home.” D. N. Byron

10. “One father means more than a hundred teachers.” D. Herbert

11. “You don’t need another example when your father’s example is in your eyes.” A. S. Griboyedov

12. “Parents who do not consider it necessary to hide their personal dramas from their children instantly reduce their children to the position of slaves.” R. Walser

13. “When a child is frightened, spanked and upset in every possible way, then from a very young age he begins to feel lonely.” D. I. Pisarev

14. “The child who suffers less abuse grows up to be more self-aware of his dignity.” N. G. Chernyshevsky

15. “Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require many sacrifices.” Pierre Buast

16. “A stubborn child is the result of the mother’s unreasonable behavior.” Janusz Korczak

17. “Be truthful even towards a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie.” L. N. Tolstoy

18. “Children are holy and pure. Even among robbers and crocodiles they are in the rank of angels. We ourselves can climb into any hole we want, but they must be enveloped in an atmosphere suitable for their rank.

You can’t be obscene in their presence with impunity... you can’t make them the toy of your mood: either gently kiss them, or madly stomp your feet on them...” A. P. Chekhov

19. “Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

20. “If people say bad things about your children, that means they say bad things about you.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

21. “A child is a mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children.” IN. A. Sukhomlinsky

22. “To make fun of children is almost a crime.” Alfred Adler

23. “The years of childhood are, first of all, the education of the heart.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

24. “It is vain to think that a harsh tone is a sign of straightforwardness and strength.” William Shakespeare

25. “Anger is a weapon of powerlessness.” Sophia Segur

26. “If you are angry, count to ten before you speak; if you are very angry, count to one hundred.” Thomas Jefferson

27. “Children are not always good at obeying their elders, but they are very good at copying them.” James Baldwin

28. “For normal development, children need to be heard.” Trish Magee

29. “Like oxygen to breathe, children need parental love and appreciation.” Dorothy Briggs

30. “If a child makes a mistake, he needs help more than a reprimand or punishment.” Marva Collins

31. “To make your children’s childhood more joyful, learn to be patient, let it become a habit.” Trish Magee

32. “A swear word is unvarnished, petty, poor and cheap muck, a sign of the wildest, most primitive culture - a cynical, arrogant, hooligan denial of both our respect for women and our path to deep and truly human beauty.” A. S. Makarenko

33. “Never promise a child what you cannot keep, and never deceive him.” K. D. Ushinsky

34. “Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, our tears, our guilt before other people, before the whole country.” A. S. Makarenko

35. “The cultural education of a child should begin very early, when the child is very far from literacy, when he has just learned to see, hear and say something well.” A. S. Makarenko

We are a small part of nature.

You answered someone rudely -

A. Dementyev

36. “The joy of work is a powerful educational force. During childhood, every child should deeply experience this noble feeling.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

37. “Education is least of all words, that is, words come last, and before deed, action, example.” A. Markusha

38. “Mother, remember: you are the main educator, the main teacher.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

39. “Advice to all adults dealing with children: don’t be afraid to praise your child.” A. Markusha

40. “Nothing is valued so dearly and comes so cheaply as politeness.” Cervantes

41. “Trust me, Where they love us, where they believe us.”

M. Lermontov

42. “Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to be refused anything.” J. J. Rousseau

43. “There is a strange, deep-rooted misconception that cooking, sewing, washing, and babysitting are exclusively women’s work, and that doing this for a man is even shameful. Meanwhile, the opposite is offensive: it is a shame for a man, often unoccupied, to spend time on trifles or do nothing while a tired, often weak, pregnant woman cooks, washes, or nurses a sick child through force.” L. N. Tolstoy

44. “There are children who are sharp-minded and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. They are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; meanwhile, they usually turn out to be great people, if only they are educated properly.” Y. A. Komensky

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1. “Those who do not love their neighbors live a fruitless life and prepare a miserable home for themselves in old age.” P. B. Shelley

2. “The main meaning and purpose of family life is raising children. The main school for raising children is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

3. “The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

4. Anger is short-term madness. Horace

6. “Severity gives rise to fear, but rudeness gives rise to hatred.” F. Bacon

7. “Walking and movement promote brain play and thought.” J. J. Rousseau

8. “Children must be treated gently because punishment hardens them.” S. L. Montesquieu

9. “Where they love us, there is only a home.” D. N. Byron

10. “One father means more than a hundred teachers.” D. Herbert

11. “You don’t need another example when your father’s example is in your eyes.” A. S. Griboyedov

12. “Parents who do not consider it necessary to hide their personal dramas from their children instantly reduce their children to the position of slaves.” R. Walser

13. “When a child is frightened, spanked and upset in every possible way, then from a very young age he begins to feel lonely.” D. I. Pisarev

14. “The child who suffers less abuse grows up to be more self-aware of his dignity.” N. G. Chernyshevsky

15. “Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require many sacrifices.” Pierre Buast

16. “A stubborn child is the result of the mother’s unreasonable behavior.” Janusz Korczak

17. “Be truthful even towards a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie.” L. N. Tolstoy

18. “Children are holy and pure. Even among robbers and crocodiles they are in the rank of angels. We ourselves can climb into any hole we want, but they must be enveloped in an atmosphere suitable for their rank. You can’t be obscene with impunity in their presence... you can’t make them the toy of your mood: either gently kiss them, or madly stomp your feet on them...” A. P. Chekhov

19. “Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

20. “If people say bad things about your children, that means they say bad things about you.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

21. “A child is a mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

22. “To make fun of children is almost a crime.” Alfred Adler

23. “The years of childhood are, first of all, the education of the heart.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

25. “Anger is a weapon of powerlessness.” Sophia Segur

26. “If you are angry, count to ten before you speak; if you are very angry, count to one hundred.” Thomas Jefferson

27. “Children are not always good at obeying their elders, but they are very good at copying them.” James Baldwin

28. “For normal development, children need to be heard.” Trish Magee

29. “Like oxygen to breathe, children need parental love and appreciation.” Dorothy Briggs

30. “If a child makes a mistake, he needs help more than a reprimand or punishment.” Marva Collins

31. “To make your children’s childhood more joyful, learn to be patient, let it become a habit.” Trish Magee

32. “A swear word is unvarnished, petty, poor and cheap muck, a sign of the wildest, most primitive culture - a cynical, arrogant, hooligan denial of both our respect for women and our path to deep and truly human beauty.” A. S. Makarenko

33. “Never promise a child what you cannot keep, and never deceive him.” K. D. Ushinsky

34. “Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, our tears, our guilt before other people, before the whole country.” A. S. Makarenko

35. “The cultural education of a child should begin very early, when the child is very far from literacy, when he has just learned to see, hear and say something well.” A. S. Makarenko

36. “Take care of each other’s health:

We are a small part of nature.

You answered someone rudely -

Someone’s life has been shortened now.”

A. Dementyev

36. “The joy of work is a powerful educational force. During childhood, every child should deeply experience this noble feeling.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

37. “Education is least of all words, that is, words come last, and before deed, action, example.” A. Markusha

38. “Mother, remember: you are the main educator, the main teacher.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

39. “Advice to all adults dealing with children: don’t be afraid to praise your child.” A. Markusha

40. “Nothing is valued so dearly and comes so cheaply as politeness.” Cervantes

41. “Trust me,

Where they love us, where they believe us.”

M. Lermontov

42. “Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to be refused anything.” J. J. Rousseau

43. “There is a strange, deep-rooted misconception that cooking, sewing, washing, and babysitting are exclusively women’s work, and that doing this for a man is even shameful. Meanwhile, the opposite is offensive: it is a shame for a man, often unoccupied, to spend time on trifles or do nothing while a tired, often weak, pregnant woman cooks, washes, or nurses a sick child through force.” L. N. Tolstoy

44. “There are children who are sharp-minded and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. They are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; meanwhile, they usually turn out to be great people, if only they are educated properly.” Y. A. Komensky

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Quotes about children, parents, education

Good day!

For a long time I have been collecting interesting and meaningful statements about children, their parents, and upbringing. In short, about the world of childhood through the eyes of parents, thinkers, and teachers.

I'm looking forward to it and thank you in advance!



A parent who tries to change his child without starting with himself is not just wasting his time, but is taking a very serious risk. (V. Levi)

Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they are joy and happiness. (V. M. Hugo)

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

By raising children, today's parents are raising the future history of our country, and therefore the history of the world. (A. S. Makarenko)

Children are holy and pure. Even among robbers and crocodiles they are in the rank of angels. We ourselves can climb into any hole we want, but they must be enveloped in an atmosphere suitable for their rank. (A.P. Chekhov)

You will not deceive the child with your words; He will not listen to your words, but to your gaze, your spirit that possesses you. (V.F. Odoevsky)

For some reason, many women think that having a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. One could just as well say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing. (S. Harris)

Play is, in essence, the growth of the organism. (Stanley Hall)

Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, our tears, our guilt before other people. (Anton Semenovich Makarenko)

Children need a role model more than criticism. (J. Joubert)

Happiness is soft, warm palms. There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa. There is no simpler answer to what happiness is.

Everyone who has children has happiness!!!

Dull and incapable of learning minds are a thing as unnatural as monstrous bodily deformities; but they are rare. (...) The vast majority of children show good hope; if all this fades away with age, it is clear that it is not nature that is to blame, but nurture. (Quintilian)

Child prodigies tend to be the children of imaginative parents. (Jean Cocteau)

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood. (Pablo Picasso)

A child who received education only in an educational institution is an uneducated child. (George Santayana)

It's only a step from a five-year-old child to me. There is a terrible distance from the newborn to me. (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this skill with ours. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Education means nourishing the child’s abilities, and not creating those new abilities that he does not have. (Giuseppe Mazzini)

You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Beware of children! Someday they will take over the world! (Ashley Brilliant)

To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy: let him work, act, run, scream, let him be in constant motion! (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Treat your child like the best guest in the house. (Indian proverb)

A mediocre teacher expounds. A good teacher explains. An outstanding teacher shows. A great teacher inspires. (William Arthur Ward)

The formation of a child’s personal image is an internal process; it is determined by the formation of the child’s self-awareness. A child is valuable in his own right, therefore, personality traits are not “set” by the teacher in accordance with standards, but are “demanded”, since they were initially inherent in the student by nature as an opportunity for his personal self-development. (E. V. Bondarevskaya)

Each person is an island within himself, and he can build a bridge to another if... he is allowed to be himself. (R. Rogers)

Respect your child's ignorance! Respect the work of knowledge! Respect failures and tears! Respect the current hour and today!

How will a child be able to live tomorrow if we do not allow him to live a conscious, responsible life today? (J. Korczak)

Let the child find out not because you told him, but because he himself understood; let him not learn science, but invent it. If you ever replace reasoning with authority in his mind, he will no longer reason: he will become only a toy of someone else's opinion... Living is the craft that I want to teach him. (J. J. Rousseau)

Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I will remember. Let me act on my own and I will understand.

The student is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a torch that needs to be lit, and only the one who burns himself can light the torch. (Plutarch)

When everything around you is amazing, nothing is surprising, this is childhood. (Antoine de Rivarol)

We all come from childhood. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”)

There are no children, there are people. (Janusz Korczak)

Children do not need teachings, but examples. (Joseph Joubert)

Be truthful even towards a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie. (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

Being truthful and honest with children, without hiding from them what is happening in the soul, is the only education. (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

The best way to make children good is to make them happy. (Oscar Wilde)

Your child needs your love most precisely when he deserves it least. (Erma Bombeck)

Respect the child's desire to be good, take care of it as the most subtle movement of the human soul, do not abuse your power, do not turn the wisdom of parental authority into despotic tyranny. (Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky)

If you want your child to stand confidently on his feet, don’t hold his hand all the time. (Victoria Frolova)

Parents raise, and children are raised by the family life that develops intentionally or unintentionally. (Alexey Nikolaevich Ostrogorsky)

A child's mind grows with little hands. (Ravil Aleev)

There is nothing worse than raising children with a one-sided key: not a single door in this world, full of locks and locks, can be opened with such a key. (Boris Krieger)

Not tyranny, not anger, not shouting, not pleading, not begging, but calm, serious and business-like orders - this is what should outwardly express the technique of family discipline. Neither you nor your children should have any doubt that you have the right to such an order as one of the senior authorized members of the team. (Makarenko A. S.)

Nothing acts in the young souls of children more powerfully than the universal power of example, and yet all other examples of no one else impress them more deeply and firmly than the example of their parents. (Novikov N.I.)

Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You nurture it in every moment of your life. The child sees or feels the slightest changes in tone, all the turns of your thoughts reach him in invisible ways, you do not notice them. (Makarenko A. S.)

A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around us flows into the child’s spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. (Sukhomlinsky V. A.)

Children's play often has deep meaning. (Schiller I.)

Many children's games imitate the serious activities of adults. (Korchak Ya.)

Where your abilities don’t lead you, don’t push you there. (Komensky Ya.)

The purpose of education is to teach our children to do without us. (Ernst Legouwe)

Geniuses are rare not because they are rarely born; no, genius rarely happens, because it is very difficult to avoid the process of “processing” in society. Only occasionally does a child manage to escape its clutches. (Osho)

Every child at the moment of his birth has a higher mental potential than that ever demonstrated by Leonardo da Vinci. (G. Doman)

Someone, someday, has to answer,

What are difficult children?

An eternal question and sick as an abscess.

Here he is sitting in front of us, look,

He shrank like a spring, he despaired,

Like a wall without doors and without windows.

Here they are, these main truths:

They noticed too late... they took into account too late...

No! Difficult children are not born!

They just didn't get help in time. (S. Davidovich)

You can also learn about topics for future articles here.

This boy requires more affection and attention. He is extremely excitable and sensitive from birth. Expect all sorts of dirty tricks and surprises. It is necessary to educate – L. & N. Magazin

Really good robbers grow up from spoiled children to whom everything is allowed. The teachers are to blame. – Evgeniy Schwartz

Your brilliant upbringing requires elite society - commoners and hard workers are not suitable. Your gloss and shine can be damaged, even scratched when interacting with rough surfaces in a poorly behaved society.

Living well and comfortably cannot be prohibited by good upbringing. – Boris Zamyatin

Education is based on three pillars - talent, exercise and science.

By financing children, parents already take an important, feasible part in their ethical and legal education. – Przekruj

Parents raise their children by creating the history of the country as an integral part of world culture. – A. S. Makarenko

The most immoral thing is treating children as if they were slaves on plantations - disgusting, scary and disgusting. That's not how you're raised.

It’s happiness to see children’s hands nearby. There are candy wrappers behind the sideboard, crumbs on the bed. It is easy for us to answer about universal happiness. He who has a child is happy forever!

Read the continuation of famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

The main meaning and purpose of family life is raising children. The main school of raising children is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother. Sukhomlinsky V. A.

Every child at the moment of his birth has a higher mental potential than that ever demonstrated by Leonardo da Vinci. (G. Doman)

Children need a role model more than criticism. (J. Joubert)

One must be born an educator and a teacher; he is guided by innate tact. – Iskander Fazil Abdulovich (b. 1929)

There are no children, there are people. (Janusz Korczak)

Being truthful and honest with children, without hiding from them what is happening in the soul, is the only education. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Don't make children shed tears too often, otherwise they won't have anything to shed over your grave. – Pythagoras

Only that in a person is strong and reliable that was absorbed into his nature in his first period of life. - Komensky Ya.

A parent who tries to change his child without starting with himself is not just wasting his time, but is taking a very serious risk. (V. Levi)

A child's mind grows with little hands. (Ravil Aleev)

I love children, especially when they cry: they are usually taken away immediately. – Nancy Mitford

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Play is, in essence, the growth of the organism. (Stanley Hall)

Children are holy and pure. Even among robbers and crocodiles they are in the rank of angels. We ourselves can climb into any hole we want, but they must be enveloped in an atmosphere suitable for their rank. (A.P. Chekhov)

Children do not need teachings, but examples. (Joseph Joubert)

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood. (Pablo Picasso)

Your child needs your love most precisely when he deserves it least. (Erma Bombeck)

Geniuses are rare not because they are rarely born; no, genius is rare because it is very difficult to escape the process of social indoctrination. Only occasionally does a child manage to escape its clutches. (Osho)

Your child needs your love most precisely when he deserves it least. – Erma Bombeck

Self-will should be extinguished sooner than a fire. – Heraclitus

You will not deceive the child with your words; He will not listen to your words, but to your gaze, your spirit that possesses you. (V.F. Odoevsky)

To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy: let him work, act, run, scream, let him be in constant motion! (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

A child who received education only in an educational institution is an uneducated child. (George Santayana)

The best way to make children good is to make them happy. (Oscar Wilde)

When everything around you is amazing, nothing is surprising, this is childhood. (Antoine de Rivarol)

Anyone who does not remember his own childhood very clearly is a bad teacher. – Maria Ebnereschenbach

If you want your child to stand confidently on his feet, don’t hold his hand all the time. (Victoria Frolova)

Each person is an island within himself, and he can build a bridge to another if... he is allowed to be himself. (R. Rogers)

Many children's games imitate the serious activities of adults. (Korchak Ya.)

There was a time when nothing but obedience was expected of children; now everything except obedience is expected of them. Anatole Broyard

Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require sacrifices. – Pierre Buast

We all come from childhood. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”)

Nothing acts in the young souls of children more powerfully than the universal power of example, and yet all other examples of no one else impress them more deeply and firmly than the example of their parents. (Novikov N.I.)

There would be no problem with children if they had to cut down trees to power the TV. – Bill Vaughn

The formation of a child’s personal image is an internal process; it is determined by the formation of the child’s self-awareness. A child is valuable in his own right, therefore, personality traits are not set by the teacher in accordance with standards, but are in demand, since they were initially inherent in the student by nature as opportunities for his personal self-development. (E.V. Bondarevskaya)

A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around us flows into the child’s spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. (Sukhomlinsky V. A.)

Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they are joy and happiness. (V.M.Hugo)

Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to refuse anything. – Rousseau J.-J.

If you yield to the child, he will become your master; and in order to make him obey, you will have to negotiate with him every minute. – Rousseau J.-J.

The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this skill with ours. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Not tyranny, not anger, not shouting, not pleading, not begging, but calm, serious and business-like orders - this is what should outwardly express the technique of family discipline. Neither you nor your children should have any doubt that you have the right to such an order as one of the senior authorized members of the team. (Makarenko A. S.)

You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

The first problem of parents is to teach their children how to behave in polite society; the second is to find this decent society. – Robert Orben

Children's play often has deep meaning. (Schiller I.)

The ultimate goal of any education is to foster independence through amateur performances.

It's only a step from a five-year-old child to me. There is a terrible distance from the newborn to me. (L.N. Tolstoy)

To educate means to develop immunity to television. – Marshall McLuhan

Parents raise, and children are raised by the family life that develops intentionally or unintentionally. (Alexey Nikolaevich Ostrogorsky)

When you talk to children, it goes in one ear and out the other. Because there is nothing between the ears. – Robert Orben

Much can be achieved through rigor, much through love, but most of all through knowledge of the matter and justice, regardless of personalities. – E. Gibbon

Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require sacrifices.

Respect your child's ignorance! Respect the work of knowledge! Respect failures and tears! Respect the current hour and today! How will a child be able to live tomorrow if we do not allow him to live a conscious, responsible life today? (J. Korczak)

Respect the child's desire to be good, take care of it as the most subtle movement of the human soul, do not abuse your power, do not turn the wisdom of parental authority into despotic tyranny. (Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky)

The teacher himself must be educated. - Karl Marx

Beware of children! Someday they will take over the world! (Ashley Brilliant)

Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You nurture it in every moment of your life. The child sees or feels the slightest changes in tone, all the turns of your thoughts reach him in invisible ways, you do not notice them. (Makarenko A. S.)

The student is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a torch that needs to be lit, and only the one who burns himself can light the torch. (Plutarch)

Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, our tears, our guilt before other people. (Anton Semenovich Makarenko)

Every person has two upbringings: one that others give him, and the other, more important, which he gives himself - Diesterweg Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm (1790 - 1866) German democratic teacher.

Be truthful even towards a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie. (L.N. Tolstoy)

The purpose of education is to teach our children to do without us. (Ernst Legouwe)

There is nothing worse than raising children with a one-sided key: not a single door in this world, full of locks and locks, can be opened with such a key. (Boris Krieger)

To change a person, you need to start with his grandmother. - Victor Hugo

Comrades raise much better than parents, because pity is not characteristic of them. – Andre Maurois

The purpose of education is to teach our children to do without us. – Ernst Legouwe

A mediocre teacher expounds. A good teacher explains. An outstanding teacher shows. A great teacher inspires. (William Arthur Ward)

You should never talk with children about lofty matters or reason ahead of time. There is nothing more vulgar than the children with whom they reasoned. Reason develops after all other faculties, and to begin with it means to begin from the end. If the reasons and reasons for all things were clear to children, then there would be no point in educating them. – Rousseau J.-J.

Many troubles have their roots precisely in the fact that from childhood a person is not taught to control his desires, he is not taught to correctly relate to the concepts of what is possible, what is necessary, and what is not. – Sukhomlinsky V. A.

Dull and incapable of learning minds are a thing as unnatural as monstrous bodily deformities; but they are rare. (...) The vast majority of children show good hope; if all this fades away with age, it is clear that it is not nature that is to blame, but nurture. (Quintilian)

Treat your child like the best guest in the house. (Indian proverb)

Let the child's first lesson be obedience, then the second may be what you consider necessary. – Fuller T.

Education has the goal of making a person an independent being, that is, a being with free will.

The best school of discipline is the family. – Smiles S.

The main thing in raising children is that they do not notice this. – the author of the aphorism (quote) is unknown

Child prodigies tend to be the children of imaginative parents. (Jean Cocteau)

The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself.

In education, the development of skills must precede the development of the mind. – Arnold Matthew (1822 – 1888)

For some reason, many women think that having a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. With the same success one could say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing. (S. Harris)

Education is often a mask suitable for hiding ugliness under it, but it does not give another face. – Aristotle

We spend three quarters of our lives learning how to behave. – Buast Pierre (1765 – 1824)

The main function of the new family should be the function of educating a person and a citizen. Gramsci A.

Only those who do not need education respond well to education. – the author of the aphorism (quote) is unknown

We demand from other people's children that they behave the way we should behave. – the author of the aphorism (quote) is unknown

Self-education is the most difficult type of self-service. – Eugeniusz Korkosz

Let the child find out not because you told him, but because he himself understood; let him not learn science, but invent it. If you ever replace reasoning with authority in his mind, he will no longer reason: he will become only a toy of someone else's opinion... Living is the craft that I want to teach him. (J.J. Rousseau)

If the child does not feel that your house belongs to him too, he will make the street his home. – Nadine de Rothschild

Education means nourishing the child’s abilities, and not creating those new abilities that he does not have. (Giuseppe Mazzini)

Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I will remember. Let me act on my own and I will understand.

Children do not need teachings, but examples. – Joseph Joubert

Where your abilities don’t lead you, don’t push you there. (Komensky Ya.)

Parenting is terribly difficult, incomprehensible and incredibly interesting. We have made a selection of quotes that will help you become wise, understanding, listening and hearing parents.

1. Do not offend children with ready-made formulas, formulas are empty; enrich them with images and paintings that show connecting threads. Don't burden your children with the dead weight of facts; teach them techniques and methods that will help them comprehend them. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

2. Children who are treated with respect and support are more emotionally stable than those who are constantly protected. (Tim Seldin, The Montessori Encyclopedia)

4. Children partly adopt pessimism from adults. They are like a sponge, absorbing both what you say and how you say it. (Martin Seligman, The Optimist Kid)

5. It is not good to give children rewards all the time. Through this they become selfish, and from here a corrupt mindset develops. (Kant I.)

6. There is a rational grain in allowing a child to break a cup or plate. (Tim Seldin, The Montessori Encyclopedia)

7. A habit is strongest when it begins in youth; This is what we call education, which is, in essence, nothing more than early formed habits. (Bacon F.)

8. Any real education is achieved only through self-education. (N.A. Rubakin)

9. One of the most important functions of creativity is to enable children to express what they cannot say in words. (Jean Van't Hal, Creative Education)

10. Only a living example educates a child, and not words, even the best ones, but not supported by deeds. (A. S. Makarenko)

11. Reading with children can be an excellent means of emotional education. (John Gottman, )

13. No matter how busy your loved ones’ schedules are, find time to have dinner together. (Julie Lythcott-Haims, Let Them Go)

14. Leave the children alone, but be within reach in case you need them. (Astrid Lindgren)

15. Many parents think that discipline means punishment. What it really means is learning. (Tim Seldin, The Montessori Encyclopedia)

16. Only by instilling in your child an optimistic view of the world, you teach him to understand himself, to open his inner world and the world around him. (Martin Seligman, The Optimist Kid)

17. You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children (J.-J. Rousseau)

18. Remember: children tend to believe their parents' words. If you tell your child every day that he is harmful, he begins to consider himself that way. (John Gottman, Child's Emotional Intelligence)

19. The purpose of a child's education is to make him capable of developing further without the help of a teacher. (E. Hubbard)

20. The best gift you can give your child is a happy and strong relationship between you, his parents. (John Gottman and Julie Schwartz-Gottman, "The Baby Test")

5 books on education

The right book can be a good help in education. We have chosen as many as five that will help you deal with the difficulties of parenting. They are all about how to motivate children to learn, inspire creativity and learn to correctly express their emotions.

Geniuses and outsiders

Life is not fair. Money, power, fame and success are distributed extremely unevenly among people. But why is it everything for some and nothing for others? The book shows what Bill Gates, the Beatles and Mozart have in common and why they managed to outdo their peers. “Geniuses and Outsiders” is not a “how to become successful” manual. This is a fascinating journey into the world of the laws of life that you can use to your advantage.

Child's emotional intelligence

This book is a guide for parents who want to become closer to their children and help them learn to regulate their emotions. Experienced family psychology specialist John Gottman clearly shows that those behavioral stereotypes that we are accustomed to consider “correct” do not contribute to the development of a child’s emotional intelligence.

What do you really want

This book is written for teenagers who are thinking about the future, but do not yet know exactly what they want. She will help you determine your aspirations and outline a plan for achieving your goals, teach you how to motivate yourself and inspire you to achieve great feats.

Let them go

A manifesto about the dangers of overprotection as an approach to raising children, written by a curator and dean at Stanford and a mother of two children. It talks about the love and fear that lie behind our involvement in their affairs. It looks at the damage we cause by overzealousness and how we can parent differently to achieve good long-term results and help our children achieve even greater success.

Creative education

In the pages of her book, Jean Van't Hal talks about how to develop in a child the creative abilities inherent in him from birth, and how to bring creativity into the daily life of the family. This book will help you:

  • Find time to be creative during the day
  • Choose activities that your child will enjoy
  • Set up a place for studying and storing children's work
  • Select art materials and tools
  • Encourage and develop creative thinking
  • It is correct to talk to your child about his drawings