
Expressions about feelings with meaning. Feelings. Short statements about feelings. Quotes about the mind

- You must be able to restrain your feelings. - For what? Do we hold back too often in life?

True feeling will stand the test of time.

"Eric Segal"

I don't think poetry expresses feelings. It awakens feelings in the reader, which is a completely different matter. As someone said: If you want to express your feelings, cry.

"Margaret Atwood"

True love cannot speak, because true love is expressed in deeds rather than in words.

"William Shakespeare"

Only an ascetic who has curbed his senses can fast at a feast, be healthy and calm alone with his wife, and sacrifice while being rich.

"Chanakya Pandit"

Probably, in order not to worry about everything, you need to completely abandon feelings.

"George Eliot"

But I want you to remember one thing: I don’t regret anything and I won’t regret anything. We have each other - that's the main thing. Everything else is a prefix, an ending or... self-deception.

"Elchin Safarli"

If you smile, I will smile too. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you see my smile or whether I see yours. After all, what we see is not more important. What is more important is how we feel.

"Elchin Safarli"

Sudden passion strikes like lightning and bursts like a soap bubble.

"Françoise Giraud"

Fickleness of mind is not contagious to the heart: you can change your opinions and maintain your feelings.

"Pierre Beauchaine"

They write not because they want to compete with anyone, but because the soul longs to be poured out with sensations.

"Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol"

It's easy to confess feelings of love when they don't exist.

"A. Carr"

The height of feelings is in direct proportion to the depth of thoughts. Heart and mind are the two ultimate balances. Lower your mind into the depths of knowledge - you will raise your heart to the skies.

"Victor Hugo"

If you want to please people, appeal to the feelings, be able to dazzle the eyes, sweeten and soften the ears, and attract the heart. And then let their minds try to do something to harm you.

"Philip Chesterfield"

Men believe that their feelings will be understood without words and remain silent, but then they only regret that they never said the most important thing.

I liked our elevated feelings.

"Lidiya Smirnova"

Humans are distinguished from animals by feelings rather than by reason. When you watch a cat, you see the mind at work rather than laughing or crying. Perhaps the cat laughs and reasons silently to itself, but then it is possible that the crab also solves quadratic equations to itself.

"Miguel de Unamuno"

Age... does not kill feelings - it only slightly modifies them. Graham Greene

Feelings are given to man to lead his consciousness away from the truth.

"Stepan Balakin"

I believe that animals have feelings and other signs of intelligence, but no one has been able to prove this yet. What’s more, we can’t prove that other people are intelligent, let alone animals.

"Joseph LeDoux"

The feeling organ is at the same time an understanding organ.

"Oswald Spengler"

The mere touch of her fingers as they sat side by side filled him with extreme excitement and unearthly joy.

"Oscar Wilde"

If you give yourself completely to a man, without a trace, it means the feeling is real; if your soul is like a closed vessel, any connection is empty and insignificant.

"David Lawrence"

What I feel should belong only to me.

"Susan Collins"

Those who can speak are always silent about their feelings, and those who cannot always want to speak out.

No imagination can come up with such a multitude of contradictory feelings that usually coexist in one human heart.

"F. La Rochefoucauld"

It costs women little to say what they don't feel at all, and it costs even less for men to say what they feel. Jean de La Bruyère

Do not show your feelings to the world, because feelings are a pointer to weaknesses, and you never know in whom the enemy is hidden.

Doubt is the despair of thought; despair - doubt of personality.

"Soren Kierkegaard"

If you vigorously brush away hatred, then it will never go away and will remain deep inside you, in which case it is better to give free rein to your feelings until you experience relief.

Feelings make a person think, but thoughts do not make him feel.

"George Bernard Shaw"

It is very important to talk about your feelings to the one you love because you never know when you might lose them or when they will lose you.

Wounded pride can destroy even the warmest relationships and kill even the strongest feelings.

"Peter Kwiatkovsky"

If a person never controls his feelings, he must always control his expressions.


They spoke little, felt more, complemented the silence with touches. There is nothing more eloquent than silent touches.

"Elchin Safarli"

Perception is always supersensible. The five senses are merely means of tuning attention.

"Absalom the Underwater"

Feelings fade away if there is no passionate love in your heart.

"Tatyana Egorovna Solovova"

"Paulo Coelho"

Whenever I see women, and even men, blindly infatuated with someone, I stop believing in their ability to feel deeply. This rule has never deceived me yet.

"Nicolas de Chamfort"

One love is replaced by another. Someone can love several times in their life. But some are not destined to. Because their hearts are already forever given to their only chosen one.

He gave me that feeling when it seems that in a minute you will go crazy with desire.

"Janusz Wisniewski"

In a sarcastic person, feelings rarely come out, but always very loudly.

"Friedrich Nietzsche"

There are meetings, there are feelings when everything is given at once and there is no need for continuation. Continue, because this is to check.

"Marina Tsvetaeva"

A living being cannot stop wanting or feeling, he just needs to change the quality of his desires.

Bhagavad-gita, 2.71, comment.

Virtue does not consist in the absence of passions, but in the control of them.

George Bernard Shaw


A short mind has a long tongue.


Liveliness of mind is not very attractive to a person if it is not accompanied by correctness of judgment. It's not the good watch that goes fast, but the one that shows the exact time.

L. Vauvenargues

The ability to pose reasonable questions is already an important and necessary sign of intelligence and insight.

Lower your mind into the depths of knowledge - you will raise your heart to the skies.

To be delighted with oneself and to maintain an unshakable confidence in one's own intelligence is a misfortune that can only befall one who is either not endowed with intelligence at all, or endowed with it to a very small degree.

J. Labruyère

How often do people use their minds to do stupid things.

F. La Rochefoucauld

The world is transformed by those who have been able to transform themselves, knowing that the greatest skill comes from the control of the mind. When the mind becomes an obedient servant of man, the whole world will lie at his feet.

Inayah Khan Hidayat

A mind without reason is a ship without ballast or rudder.

W. Wycherley

While the heart is still fueled by desires, the mind retains illusions.

F. Chateaubriand

It's better to be simple and honest than smart and deceitful.

If you want to be smart, learn to ask intelligently, listen carefully, answer calmly and stop talking when there is nothing more to say.

L. Tolstoy

People who, without having their own mind, know how to appreciate someone else's, often act smarter than smart people who lack this skill.

V. Klyuchevsky

You can’t live without a conscience and a great mind.

Russian proverb

The bliss of the body is health, the bliss of the mind is knowledge.

The main thing in a person is not the mind, but what controls him: character, heart, good feelings, advanced ideas.

F. Dostoevsky

The acquisition of any knowledge is always useful for the mind, for it will subsequently be able to reject the useless and retain the good. After all, not a single thing can be loved or hated unless it is first known.

Leonardo da Vinci

Only the smartest and the dumbest cannot change.


Usually, the more intelligence a person has, the less importance he attaches to it.

L. Mercier

The mouth is the gateway of the mind. If you keep them open, the mind will slip out. Imagination is the legs of the mind. If left unchecked, it will lead the mind astray.

Hong Zichen

During hours of idleness the mind becomes dull. Use peace to comprehend the light of reason. During hours of preoccupation with business, the mind becomes lost. Use the light of reason to achieve peace.

Hong Zichen

The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that a person, by changing his inner mindset, can change the outer aspects of his life.

William James


The mind enlightens the senses.

If a blind man has knowledge, he is better than an ignorant sighted man.

From the book "Avesta"

Reason is more valuable than all the riches of the world.

From the book "Avesta"

Only those who decide to remain ignorant are ignorant.

Prudence is the ability to curb your lusts and passions.

Whoever God wants to destroy, He first deprives him of his reason.

A. Aurelius

Reason is the gaze of the soul, with which it, by itself, without the mediation of the body, contemplates the true.

A. Aurelius

Reason is the bright light of the Divine Principle, casting its guiding rays on the mind.

Inayah Khan Hidayat

The triumph of reason lies in living in peace with those who have no reason.

F. Voltaire

A person has three ways to act wisely:

The first is the most noble - reflection;

The second - the easiest - imitation;

The third - the most bitter - experience.


The mind, once expanded its boundaries, will never return to its former limits.

A. Einstein

A healthy mind sees only one path and follows it; the mind sees ten roads and does not know which one to choose.

We are the more free the more we act in accordance with reason, and the more enslaved we are the more we succumb to passions.

G. Leibniz

It is not easy to convince people to use their minds instead of their eyes.

B. Fontenelle

To understand what is just, to feel what is beautiful, to desire what is good - this is the goal of intelligent life.

A. Platen

Reasonable and moral always coincide.

L. Tolstoy

Explore everything, let your mind come first; let him lead you. And then, when you leave your mortal body, you will become immortal, and death will have no power over you.

The mind, becoming a servant of vice, an instrument of passion, a defender of lies, is not only perverted, but becomes sick, losing the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood, good and evil, righteous and unrighteous.

V. Channing

Only that which is born of the mind and appeals to the mind can become a spiritual force for all humanity.

A. Schweitzer

We can expect the correction of evil not from changing the form of our life, but only from the spread of kindness and reasonableness.

L. Tolstoy

The heart can add intelligence, but the mind will not add heart.

A reasonable person does not pursue what is pleasant, but what saves him from trouble.


He is prudent who does not grieve about what he does not have, but, on the contrary, is glad about what he has.


We all float on the waves of the ocean; reason serves as our compass, and passions serve as the wind that drives us.

The prudent person strives for the absence of suffering, and not for pleasure.


Reason is given to man so that he can live wisely, and not just so that he simply understands that he is living unreasonably.

V. Belinsky

Generosity of heart is the best inspirer of the mind.

A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

We don't even have enough intelligence to appreciate our ignorance.

B. Verber

Look for love that comes not so much from the heart as from the mind - this is what is worthy of the individual.


Virtues can also bring harm if they are not illuminated by the light of reason.

O. Balzac

Reason is an incomparably higher ability, but it is acquired only by victory over passions.

N. Gogol

The purpose of the world is for reason to reign.

What passion decides is short-lived, fleeting; Whatever reason determines, you will never repent.

E. Rotterdamsky

The human mind is a sign of the highest life as we know it.

You can give in to force, but you meekly submit only to reason.

Explore everything, give the mind first place.

Our age is such that it is proud of machines that can think, and is afraid of people who try to demonstrate the same ability.

Mumford Jones

Understand in order to believe.


Absalom Underwater

Faith questions, reason discovers.

Absalom Underwater

A stupid mind lets you go around the world.

Russian proverb

A stupid person will judge, but a smart person will judge.

Russian proverb

A wise man does not expose himself to the light, so he shines; he does not talk about himself, therefore he is glorious; he does not glorify himself, therefore he is deserved; he does not elevate himself, so he is the eldest among others.

He who knows people is intelligent, and he who knows himself is perspicacious.

He who, knowing a lot, behaves as if he knows nothing, is a moral man.

The untrue appears to be true, and the true appears to be untrue - such is the diversity of existence. Be reasonable!


A wise person evaluates according to his own judgment, a fool trusts rumor.


A wise man is temperate in his words, and a prudent man is cold-blooded.

Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 27)

If a wise person hears a wise word, he will praise it and apply it to himself.

Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 21, v. 18)

There is no faster way to mastering knowledge than sincere love for a wise teacher.

You cannot solve a problem with the same consciousness that created the problem.

A. Einstein


To be sensual means to be suffering.

If the feelings are not true, then our whole mind will turn out to be false.


Never act in the heat of passion - you will do everything wrong. He who is not himself is not responsible for himself; passion drives out reason.


Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial; everything is permissible to me, but nothing should possess me.

Apostle Paul

The passions in man are constantly awake, looking out for their prey; the mind sleeps until it is awakened.

I. Herder

Feeling and thought, if carefully weighed, are like a blind man carrying a lame man.

Fr. Grillparzer

Who wants to rule over himself,

He has to restrain his feelings sometimes.

A person becomes poorer in thoughts as he becomes richer in feelings.

F. Chateaubriand

Trusting unreasonable sensations is a characteristic of rude souls.


People who live only by their feelings are animals.

L. Tolstoy

Meaningless feelings are the lot of animals; they humiliate a person.

V. Belinsky

Impulses and emotions do not explain anything; they always stem either from the power of the body or from the weakness of the spirit.

K. Strauss

Every feeling tends to turn into lust or aversion.

V. Dilthey

A man who can do whatever he wants will soon do what he shouldn't.

Velez de Guevera

Feelings are unreliable.

I. Saikaku

Passions not only do not allow us to see a given object from all sides, they also deceive us, showing us an object where it is not there.


If there were no reason, sensuality would overwhelm us.

W. Shakespeare

If a man never masters his feelings, he must master his expressions.


Lots of emotions - little reason.

Only an ascetic who has curbed his senses can fast at a feast, be healthy and calm alone with his wife, and sacrifice while being rich.

Chanakya Pandit

Master your passions, or they will master you.

The wall of emotions blocks a person’s external and internal world at the same time.

Absalom Underwater

Muhammad Azzahiri As-Samarkandi

Sad is the end of all passions.

The moment we begin to feel, we stop indulging in wise thoughts.

E. D. Bulwer-Lytton

All passions are good when we control them; everyone is bad when we obey them.

J.-J. Rousseau

People follow pleasures, rushing from side to side, only because they feel the emptiness of their life, but do not yet feel the emptiness of that new fun that attracts them.

B. Pascal

O happiness of knowledge! How much higher is it than the joy of imagination and feeling.

H. Borges

He loves because he loves, he doesn’t love because he doesn’t love - the logic of feelings and passions is short.

H. Borges

Illusion is, in essence, not the sensory world, but its evil, which, however, for our eyes constitutes the sensory world.

Free yourself, O heart, from the captivity of earthly feelings, from the joys of love, from empty sorrows.

Go to the dervishes, my heart, sit down on their threshold, and perhaps you will become a saint among saints.

Omar Khayyam

Patience and time give more than strength or passion.

J. Lafontaine

A person who is captured by his passions cannot be free.

Prudence enlightens, but passion blinds.

J.-B. Moliere

Our emotions are inversely proportional to our knowledge: the less we know, the more angry we become.

B. Russell

Passions are reptiles when they enter the heart, and violent dragons when they have already entered it.


A hot-tempered person will never know the truth.

Eastern wisdom

There is no sin heavier than passions.

Avoid frivolity, avoid passion and pleasure, for only the serious and thoughtful achieve great happiness.

Eastern wisdom

A restrained person has fewer mistakes.


The driving force behind the development of modern civilization is pleasure, but the principle of pleasure ultimately destroys itself.

The more a person strives for pleasure, the more he moves away from the goal of being happy.

V. Frankl

There is no pleasure that does not ultimately lead to satiety.

Pliny the Elder


A person in love with himself cannot be capable of true love. Selfishness is a terrible vice that poisons love. If you are selfish, it is better not to start a family.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Selfishness is the root cause of cancer of the soul.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Selfishness is such a disgusting vice that no one will forgive in another person and no one will recognize in himself.

The ego is not your enemy, it is an illusion of who you think you are.


It is impossible to find peace until you take the path of service to others and self-sacrifice.

G. Van Dyke

A person is not given to understand if there is no love in him, and is not given to recognize if he does not sacrifice himself.

A. Lenormand

The main and greatest ignorance is ignorance of ourselves.

Egoism writes down in ink the evil done to it and in pencil the good done to it.

Everything that surrounds the egoist seems to him only a frame for his portrait.

J. Petit-San

He who loves himself very much is not loved by others, because out of delicacy they do not want to be his rivals.

V. Klyuchevsky

By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own.

Of all human passions, the strongest is pride, which, when offended, never forgives.

B. Belinsky

Selfishness makes us strive to please others.

C. Brentano

Living only for yourself is an abuse.

W. Shakespeare

He is good for nothing who is good only for himself.

F. Voltaire

The most honorable victory is the one gained over egoism.

Living only for yourself is a shame.

A. Ostrovsky

A person who thinks only about himself and seeks his own benefit in everything cannot be happy. If you want to live for yourself, live for others.

If a person loves only himself, then with the advent of difficult life trials he curses his fate and experiences terrible torment.

F. Dzerzhinsky

Selfishness kills generosity.

F. Dostoevsky

Brotherly love lives on a thousand souls, selfishness lives on only one, and a very pitiful one at that.

M. Ebnereschenbach

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and destroy himself?

Luke (chap. 9; v. 25)

Egoists are capricious and cowardly in the face of duty: they have an eternal cowardly aversion to bind themselves to any duty.

F. Dostoevsky

As long as our temporary self strives for eternal life, we will fail, just like a cancer cell. A cancer cell differs from an ordinary cell in its overestimation of its Ego.

Why did the lamp go out? - I covered it with a raincoat from the wind. Why did the flower fade? - I greedily pressed him to my chest. Why did the stream become shallow? - I dammed it so that it would serve me. Why did the string on the harp break? - I tried to extract a sound from her that exceeded her strength.

D. Frawley

There are many faiths, and all are not alike.

What does heresy, sin, Islam mean?

I chose to love you, God.

Everything else is insignificant rubbish.

When you refuse to live for yourself, do not give in to doubts. If you allow doubt to take over you, you will be ashamed of your lofty intentions. When doing good to people, do not demand gratitude from them. If you demand gratitude from them, your desire to do good will cause harm.

Hong Zichen

In order to successfully carry out our mission, we must help other people in every possible way on their path. By helping others, we help ourselves. Establishing and maintaining relationships with others is blocked when we cherish our own uniqueness to such an extent that we become completely absorbed in our egocentric world.

M. Newton

To love means to consciously learn to love yourself, that is, your true spiritual essence. Those who cannot take care of themselves cannot give anything to others.

D. Favors


If we consider the development of consciousness in modern society, we will see that all human activity is based on the needs of the senses, and only a small place is given to the mind, where it tries to warn that excessive alcohol consumption will harm your health.

The mind comes up with new and new options for sensual pleasures, developing manic tendencies. Gradually he goes crazy under the influence of his own intensified desires. Thus, a man who raised a lion in his house is killed by his own pet. “Cultivating” its madness, the mind creates disgusting spectacles with the help of high-quality technology in prestigious “highly cultural” premises.

Martti Larni

By entering a new gross body, the living entity receives new ears, eyes, tongue, nose and skin (the organ of touch). All these senses are located around the mind, and through them the living entity enjoys the sense objects available to them.

Bhagavad-gita, 15.9

The thirst for pleasure makes one cruel.

“Free” feelings force a person to be more and more frank in his vicious desires. This is a culture of naked bodies, fights, sex, debauchery and violence, a culture that gives rise to personal degradation.

The moon, reflected in water, acquires the quality of water. Reflected in ghee, it takes on a quality of oil similar to golden mist. And when reflected in marble, it acquires a marble pattern.

Likewise, the soul, entering the sense organs, finds itself enveloped in these feelings. Having entered the atmosphere of the mind, she feels its thoughts and moods. And by entering the mind, the soul can finally see the difference between itself and its reflection and know itself.

Trusting unreasonable sensations is a characteristic of rude souls.
Heraclitus of Ephesus

Often someone who pretends to be in love falls in love in earnest and, starting with pretense, ends up seriously. All the more leniently should you, women, treat those pretending to be lovers - the former imaginary lover will turn into a real one.

It's nice to be loved and dear.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

If the feelings are not true, then our whole mind will turn out to be false.
Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus)

Master your passions, otherwise your passions will take over you.

Distance increases charm.
Tacitus Publius Cornelius

...Whoever has conquered his feelings, his consciousness is steadfast.
"Bhagavad Gita"

The heart changes so quickly that you can’t keep track.

Human feelings are often more excited or softened by examples than by words.
Pierre Abelard

Our will is not above feeling,
She has no power over time.
We see that we were loved
Only when we lose love.
Lope de Bega

There are no more poisonous vessels
For the feeling of a mortal man,
What are these women's eyes?
Lope de Vega

Seeing and feeling is being, thinking, living.
William Shakespeare

The fewer words, the greater the feeling.
William Shakespeare

Man's sensitivity to trifles and insensitivity to the essential - what a terrible perversion!
Blaise Pascal

Although reason, by the will of Providence, must govern our feelings, at two decisive moments of earthly existence, feelings still take precedence over reason. This is, firstly, the desire to reproduce their own kind - not a single sane person would ever marry if he listened to the voice of reason, and, secondly, the fear of death, which also contradicts common sense: if a person did not succumb to feelings, he I would hate life and wish it would end quickly or never begin.
Jonathan Swift

The stupidest person in the world experiences the same feelings as the smartest.
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Sentimental people are the most senseless of mortals...
Thomas Carlyle

Straightforwardness adorns all the feelings it accompanies.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Whenever I see women, and even men, blindly infatuated with someone, I stop believing in their ability to feel deeply. This rule has never deceived me yet.
Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

Feeling awakens thought in us - everyone agrees with this; but not everyone will agree that thought awakens feeling, but this is no less correct!
Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

Too fine a sensitivity is a true misfortune.
Carl Julius Weber

A feeling held captive by crude practical needs has only a limited meaning.
Karl Marx

To be sensual is to be suffering.
Karl Marx

It is only thanks to the objectively developed wealth of the human being that the wealth of subjective human sensuality develops, and in part is generated for the first time: the musical ear, the sensing beauty of the shape of the eyes - in short, those feelings that are capable of human pleasures...
Karl Marx

...It is humanize human create a human feeling that corresponds to all the richness of human and natural essence.
Karl Marx

You have to feel strongly for others to feel.
Niccolo Paganini

Feeling is fire, thought is oil.

Feeling in itself does not constitute poetry; the feeling must be born of an idea and express the idea. Meaningless feelings are the lot of animals; they humiliate a person.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

It is known that a fiery feeling is expressed briefly, but powerfully.
Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin

Only then does the feeling become purified when it comes into contact with the highest beauty, with the beauty of the ideal.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Nothing stimulates mental activity to such an extent, forces one to discover new aspects of objects and phenomena, as conscious sympathies or antipathies.
Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

Nothing - neither words, nor thoughts, nor even our actions express ourselves and our attitude to the world so clearly and truly as our feelings: in them one can hear the character of not a separate thought, not a separate decision, but the entire content of our soul and its structure .
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

There are people who create their hearts with their minds, others who create their minds with their hearts: the latter succeed more than the former, because there is much more reason in feeling than in the mind of feelings.
Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev

Every thought born from a moral idea is a feeling.
Pierre Simon Ballanche

Feeling is a moral force that instinctively, without the help of reason, makes a judgment about everything that lives...
Pierre Simon Ballanche

A person needs to experience strong feelings in order to develop noble qualities in him that would expand the circle of his life.
Honore de Balzac

A person who is prone to exalted feelings usually deceives himself and others.
Erich Maria Remarque

To feel means to understand and comprehend.
Miguel de Unamuno

I think with feeling and feel with thought.
Miguel de Unamuno

It is very difficult to force yourself to speak. It is more difficult to force yourself to remain silent. It's even more difficult to force yourself to think. But the hardest thing is to make yourself feel.
Khal il Gibran Gibran

There are feelings that replenish and darken the mind, and there is a mind that cools the movement of the feelings.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

I can't stand it when people tell me what I should experience, because then I seem blind to myself, although I can understand what is being said.
Max Frisch

The best kind of person is the one who lives primarily by his own thoughts and other people's feelings, the worst kind of person is the one who lives by other people's thoughts and his own feelings. From the various combinations of these four fundamentals, the motives of activity are the difference between people. People who live only by their feelings are animals.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

What we do, we could do without the participation of feelings - feelings only accompany our actions.
Alfred Adler

A harmonious emotion means a complex of mutually reinforcing emotions.
Alfred North Whitehead

We don't feel the same emotions for everyone.
Karl Raymund Popper

Every feeling tends to turn into lust or aversion.
Wilhelm Dilthey

Our feelings for the most part merge into general states in which the individual components become indistinguishable.
Wilhelm Dilthey

Flat natures give themselves over to impressions, allowing one to crowd out the other.
Wilhelm Dilthey

Feelings meet us in life all the time in specific mergers.
Wilhelm Dilthey

Feelings provide raw material.
Georg Simmel

Each experience has its own temporality.
Edmund Husserl

The feeling organ is at the same time an understanding organ.
Oswald Spengler

Feeling is life, not thought, and when this life finds expression, not yet curbed by thought, then poetry is obtained.
Benedetto Croce

Many people say that they do not need exciting experiences, but we will take the liberty of saying that most people actively seek them out.
Eric Bern

The whole life of feeling consists only of superstition.
Emile Durkheim

Impulses and emotions do not explain anything; they always stem: either from the power of the body, or from the weakness of the spirit.
Claude Lévi-Strauss

The senses deceive; they are limited in space and in various possibilities.
Jean-François Lyotard

Sensual consciousness persists.
Gilles Deleuze

Great feeling protects against sensitivity.

Wilhelm Fischer

The fullness and depth of feelings and thoughts do not allow frantic impulses.

M.Yu. Lermontov

When we are ready to succumb to the dictates of feelings,
Shyness always prevents us from admitting it.
Know how to recognize behind the coldness of words
Excitement of the soul and heart is a tender call.

J. Moliere

Having reached the end of what should be known, you will find yourself at the beginning of what should be felt.

D. H. Gibran

If there were no reason, sensuality would overwhelm us. That's what intelligence is for, to curb its absurdities.

W. Shakespeare

Only a coincidence of circumstances reveals our essence to others and, most importantly, to ourselves.

F. La Rochefoucauld

We often treat those who burden us leniently, but we are never lenient towards those who burden us.

F. La Rochefoucauld

A feeling that has a price is worthless.

N. Chamfort

A person suffers not so much from what happens, but from how he evaluates what happens to him.

M. Montaigne

Seeing and feeling is being, thinking is living.

W. Shakespeare

Light feelings often last a very long time, nothing crushes them, because nothing strains them; they follow circumstances and disappear with them, while deep attachments are completely torn apart, leaving painful wounds in their place.

Anna Stahl

Feeling prevails over reason, but not over reason.

A. Blok

Feelings are the coloring of thoughts. Without them, our thoughts are simple, dry, lifeless outlines, but not pictures.

Nikolay Shelgunov

The most unpleasant feeling is the feeling of your own powerlessness.

T. Carlyle

A person without pride is insignificant. Self-love is an Archimedes lever with which the earth can be moved.

I. Turgenev

We all have one anchor from which, unless you want to, you will never break free: a sense of duty.

I. Turgenev

It is easy to hide hatred, it is more difficult to hide love, and the most difficult thing is to hide indifference.

L. Berne

We are more sincere towards others than towards ourselves.

F. Nietzsche

When I try to discern people's true feelings, I rely on my eyes more than my ears.

F. Chesterfield

The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it.

O. Wilde

A person is not given to understand if there is no love in him, and is not given to recognize if he does not sacrifice himself.


Master your passions, which rule if not obeyed.


If a person never controls his feelings, he must always control his expressions.

P. Buast

B. Auerbach

Beliefs are feelings. Feelings are not analyzed, they are not discussed.

O. de Badzak

The sense of right and wrong is the basis of the ability to acquire knowledge.


Feeling is only truer and clearer than reason when we are looking for the truth.

Wilhelm Fischer

Feelings don't deceive. The judgment made on them deceives.

V. Hugo

Feeling precedes knowledge. He who did not feel the truth did not understand, did not recognize it.

V. Belinsky

People understand only feelings that are similar to their own feelings; others, no matter how beautifully expressed, have no effect on them: the eyes look, but the heart does not participate, and soon the eyes turn away.

I. Ten

If the feelings are not true, then the whole mind will turn out to be false.


It is very difficult to force yourself to speak. The more difficult thing is to force yourself to remain silent. It’s even more difficult to force yourself to think. But the hardest thing is to make yourself feel.

D. H. Gibran

Nobility of feelings is not always accompanied by nobility of manners.

O. Balzac

You will never achieve mutual understanding between people except through feelings.

Germaine de Stael

If a person did not give in to feelings, he would hate life and would like it to end as soon as possible or never begin.

D. Swift

A sensitive person is like an unarmed person among well-armed ones.

One who relies on his senses is like a blind man who walks boldly on the street: he can easily fall into a hole and break his neck.

Love is a fairy tale! Love is a caress! Love is a fountain of feelings! And if she is unrequited, then well...!

By controlling your feelings, you control your destiny.

The most annoying feeling is the feeling of reality...

You shouldn't shout about feelings all over the world. All you have to do is say “thank you” to one person!

I have a couple of huge closets and chests full of feelings for you. But they are locked with a key, and this key is in my pocket.

The beauty of people is measured by the depth of their feelings...

A smart person is never overly happy; he thinks about tomorrow.

If you care about a person, you need to grab him and hold him in your hands very, very tightly... Otherwise, one day you will turn around, and no one is there...

No matter how skillfully the food is drawn, it will not satisfy your hunger...

Yesterday I fell asleep in my son’s room... In the morning I looked at my phone... SMS from my husband: 1.20-Darling, where are you??? 3.20-Where the fuck are you??? 3.30-Found it! Sleep, sleep, darling!!!

All existing feelings, both positive and negative, have a place to be. Without one we will not understand the sweetness of the other, because they are intertwined with each other, like twigs in a basket, they hold on to each other...

My Friend, I am always by your side. Even if you don't notice me. I hug you with the wind, kiss you with the rain, warm you with the ray of the sun. And I love... all the people who meet on your life's path.

And I would like to stick my nose into your shoulder! And I wish my lips would gently touch your eyes! And I would like to take your hand and go into the blue! And you’re not there, but I’m still waiting and waiting!

Every person is a slave to his feelings and a master of his will.

Love cannot be replaced with love, but when feelings disappear, we renounce one love for another.

Someone else's scarlet sail can be a red rag for someone.

Having quarreled, thinking that “it won’t last for long”, you can lose each other forever...

To you - your whole soul inside out... To you - your whole self... and without a trace... And you keep repeating one thing: she is not this, not that, not that... So figure out what you need? And don’t stick your nose into places where you don’t need to be...

-Darling, have your feelings for me really all died?
-Why all? The feeling of hunger remains. Pour some borscht!

Tears are a very powerful river of life, bringing with it renewal and cleansing...

One day, a moment comes when something clicks and you begin to look at everything with completely different eyes.

God grant health, strength and patience to those who are now worse off than me...

Distance means so much when you are not sure of feelings - do they love you and do you love you? separation makes it possible to understand this.

May you have pleasant dreams - give up your nightmares! Sort everything: throw away what turns out to be a nightmare!

I understand closed people, it’s difficult to trust nowadays, but it’s hard to live without trust...

One-sided feeling is voluntary slavery.

Before you give your feelings to someone... check the conditions under which they are stored...

We hold back our emotions, embarrassed to say kind words, but in vain...

Your presence alone drives me crazy and deprives me of clarity of thought...

Predilection for someone or something rejects the arguments of reason and tries in every possible way to justify itself.

I don't play with other people's feelings. But I play along well with those who start playing with my feelings.

This is the best joke of life, to connect the soul with one person, and fate with another.

Holy science - to hear each other... Aphorisms about feelings, quotes about feelings

And so I give birth: small arms, legs... I smile and fall asleep... I can’t put into words how nice it is when you see your baby for the first time)

To become a mystery to a man, you just need to learn to be a woman.

You don’t doubt the strength of my feelings, even my blanket at night I dream about your duvet cover...

Feelings are built on feelings, but what else, and we are sick with others, which more often than not defeats us...

I want to plunge into a fairy tale with you. It's easy to enter the world of holiday lights. In your arms at 5 am to wake up and think: “You are no relatives”

A man does not need to say - you are the only one, he must say - you are the best.

As much pain as there is in the human soul, so much joy can there be. Running away from pain will not create space for happiness.

This is where people live! With the mind, not with feelings...

When moving the arrow, check the time... Otherwise, love may pass you by)))

Sometimes feelings are right, but people can be wrong.

If it is comfortable to just remain silent with a person, then you are close in your state of mind, and this is not a little...

I want to see what you feel...

I know for sure that as long as the spring of love is alive, you do not live in vain...

Once I breathed in the fresh air, I never wanted to return to the stuffy chamber of my hard-forgotten past.

Negativity crowds out reason, reason crowds out compassion.

Men always look for the way to a woman’s heart in the wrong place... and yet they find it!

People have learned to think - weighing everything and calculating... but for some reason we resemble people less and less... Apparently because we have forgotten how to feel.

It's so strange to miss a person you don't know...

Now, I hope you will understand my long-term cry from the heart, it seems that I’m “on the fly” again, love is in no hurry to smile at me with a wedding...

Man's sensitivity to trifles and insensitivity to the essential - what a terrible perversion.

Reason without feeling is a property of a machine; feelings without reason are a property of a beast.

A person with false feelings has the same false soul.

Nothing is in vain and nothing is in vain. If I found it, I need it for some reason.

Love is always noticed... but not always accepted...

There would be much fewer tears and broken destinies in the world if people did not confuse the concepts of “desire” and “love.”

We protect people’s feelings so much that we don’t notice how we put on masks. The heavier your soul, the more ideal the mask. I really don't like masks!!! But I love the people dear to me madly...

When God wants to break a man's heart, he gives him more sense.

Feelings have nothing in common with reason. And no matter how smart you are, they can offend you.

Don’t destroy what has been built for more than one day... Don’t hurt the one you value... Learn to trust and not lie... And you will be the happiest and most beloved person in the Universe!

It’s so easy for me with you... and so hard around you...)))

Feelings are like a burden for those who have not yet given up on them, but also joy when they are fulfilled - their destiny!

It is human nature to think rationally and act illogically.

If you want something from a person, say it out loud, because we are all far from psychics

Why, when you feel bad, no one notices, but if you feel good, then this makes them suspicious...

We so rarely write about how good we feel. And so often we look for sympathy - when cats scratch to our liking...

Coldness of mind is sobriety over a hot heart.

No matter how many times in life we ​​have to experience disasters and see our hearts break, we still must believe and love...

Aphorisms about feelings, quotes about feelings