
The test shows a barely visible second line. Pale line on a pregnancy test. Will the test show pregnancy before the delay?

The simplest and most affordable way to determine pregnancy at home today is rapid tests.

All types of tests have two zones for evaluating the result: test and control. The appearance of a colored line in the control zone means that the test is of high quality and the testing was carried out correctly. The appearance of a second color band in the test zone means a positive result, that is, it indicates that there is most likely a pregnancy.

When a woman sees two bright, clear, straight, evenly colored lines, as a rule, no questions arise. But what to think when it appears faint stripe on a pregnancy test?

Pregnancy tests detect the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. This hormone is produced in small concentrations in the body of all people, both men and women, but as pregnancy progresses, its concentration rapidly increases.

It begins to be produced from the moment the fertilized egg is attached (in a normal intrauterine pregnancy to the wall of the uterus), that is, from about 7-10 days after fertilization. Already at this stage, its concentration exceeds the sensitivity threshold of the pregnancy test and is 25-100 mIU/ml.

There are several reasons why a very weak second line appears on a pregnancy test:

  • testing was carried out not in the morning, when the concentration of hCG in the urine is highest, but in the middle or afternoon, when the concentration of the hormone is lower;
  • shortly before the study, the woman drank a large amount of liquid;
  • the pregnancy is short and the hormone is produced in low concentrations;
  • insufficient amount of the hormone and the associated threat of miscarriage;
  • some gynecological diseases not related to pregnancy.

The instructions for the tests say that the appearance of a second, even very faint, line on a pregnancy test should be read as a positive result. If a woman doubts the reliability of the test result, it can be repeated after 48 hours.

Sometimes it is not pink, but a whitish or gray faint line that appears on a pregnancy test. As a rule, it is visible only at an angle and in certain lighting. On thematic forums this phenomenon is called ghost stripe. Typically, such a strip appears when the test evaluation area is completely dry, that is, after more than 10 minutes have passed since the start of testing. Most likely, the test was stored in violation of storage conditions, or it is a cheap, low-quality test and the ghost strip is a translucent reagent.

After receiving a positive result, even if a very weak second line appears on a pregnancy test, you need to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible to confirm pregnancy and determine the correct location of the fertilized egg.

A pregnancy test is the simplest and most convenient way to determine pregnancy at home, which is used by most women. However, many of us have encountered such an ambiguous result as a pale line on the test. How to decipher this result and why such an incident happens - we’ll look at it in today’s article.

About stripes on the test

Let's start by determining where the second stripe comes from and what it means. The appearance of a second strip indicates that the level (human chorionic gonadotropin) has increased, which is a sure sign of pregnancy. The maximum level of this hormone is observed at 8-9 weeks of pregnancy. However, already 7-10 days after fertilization, thanks to the concentration of hCG in the blood, a blood test can determine the presence of pregnancy. In modern pregnancy tests, the level of hCG is determined in the urine, where this hormone enters much later than into the blood. That is why it is recommended to carry out a pregnancy test no earlier than 2 weeks after fertilization or from the first day of missed menstruation.

When using a pregnancy test, we usually determine the presence or absence of pregnancy by one or two distinct lines. If you purchased a high-quality test and did everything correctly according to the instructions, one strip should appear in any case. Why? The fact is that this strip is a control strip, which indicates the suitability of the test and the correctness of the result. But the second strip is a test line and its manifestation signals the onset of pregnancy.

Pale second line - what does it mean?

If you purchased a really high-quality pregnancy test and used it correctly, then, as a rule, the appearance of a second line, even a pale one, indicates pregnancy. Moreover, many instructions for the test contain a warning that even a pale line indicates pregnancy. Well, this “pale” appearance is due to the fact that the level of hCG in your urine is not yet clearly pronounced, but the presence of this hormone, even in the smallest amount, already indicates the onset of pregnancy.

Pale line on a pregnancy test - what to do?

Well, firstly, even if you are completely satisfied with the result, it would not hurt to do another control test, preferably if this test is from a different manufacturer. At the same time, you can purchase not a regular test strip, but one so that the result is more reliable. If both tests confirm the presence of pregnancy, we can only congratulate you!

Secondly, sometimes a pregnancy test can be positive, so in any case, after using the test you should consult a doctor. Especially if you have recently been experiencing pain in the lower abdomen, general weakness and other health problems. And in any case, if you are pregnant, you should register with a gynecologist as early as possible.

Another secret of the pale line on a pregnancy test

It turns out that you can find out the gender of the unborn child by looking at the pale line on the test. As a rule, a low level of hCG, and therefore a pale line, notifies you that you will soon become the mother of a boy. But a high hCG level and a bright line on the test indicate that you are having a girl.

As you can see, a pale line on a test can tell you a lot, so we hope you find today’s post useful.

We sincerely wish you an easy pregnancy and good health!

Especially for Ira Romaniy

A pregnancy test is a modern and simple way to find out about the occurrence of conception. There are many different tests that differ from each other in terms of accuracy and sensitivity. A woman should know what tests there are, how they differ and how to do the test correctly.

How does a pregnancy test work?

Using the test is a convenient way to find out about pregnancy as early as possible. The reliability of the results obtained is approximately 98%. Pregnancy is determined through the interaction of the reagent on the test strip and hormones.

HCG is a hormone that is produced in the body almost immediately after conception. As the fetus grows, its amount in the urine increases.

It is enough to lower the strip into a container with urine, and the area with the reagent substance is colored - stripes appear on the light part.

What does the bar show?

A pregnancy test will show a positive result if 2 stripes appear. One of them always appears and almost immediately after dropping the test into the urine. It is painted in a bright blue-raspberry tone.

The appearance of a second line is possible only if the hormone hCG, which is responsible for pregnancy, is present in the urine. If conception has not occurred, only one line will be visible on the test after a few minutes.

What does a positive pregnancy test look like?

The result should show 2 straight lines. Color intensity may vary significantly. In this case, the control strip responsible for a positive result may be paler.

What does a negative pregnancy test look like?

If 1 single line is visible on the result, this indicates a negative test.. The same result is indicated by the weak color intensity of the second stripe or its strong blurriness. The white color of the strip means that a lot of liquid got on it and it did not have time to react.

The pregnancy test has a 98% reliability of the results obtained.

Faint second line on a pregnancy test - what does it mean?

This reaction is possible if the pregnancy is short or if the pregnancy test is negative. If the test is carried out before the delay, too little time has passed since conception. In this case, doctors recommend repeat tests after some time.

What are the types of pregnancy tests?

The tests differ in appearance and degree of sensitivity. Some allow you to find out about pregnancy a very short time after conception.

Test strips

Such tools allow for quick diagnosis. They are very easy to use, decipher, and cost up to 100 rubles. Such tests consist of a strip with a reacting substance; one end of it is placed in a container with urine. After 5 minutes you can already see the result.

The appearance of a second line on a pregnancy test is possible only if the hormone hCG, which is responsible for pregnancy, is present in the urine.

Usually, When determining pregnancy using this method on the first day of delay, the result is 97% accurate. But even he can make mistakes if he does not follow the recommendations for use.

To carry out the test, you need to take a clean container and collect urine in it - it is best to do this in the morning, when the hCG hormone reaches its maximum concentration. You need to lower the strip into it for half a minute.

A control line will immediately appear indicating that the test was carried out correctly. After 5 minutes, a second band may appear, which means a positive result.

Advantages of this type of tests:

  • affordable price;
  • a wide range of.


  • low sensitivity;
  • the need for a separate container for testing;
  • with strong urine concentration it may show erroneous results;
  • if there is insufficient impregnation or, conversely, if the strip is heavily immersed in a container with urine, it may give erroneous readings.

Jet pregnancy test

This type of testing is a modern method of determining pregnancy and is considered more reliable. The tests are very different from previous generations of similar research methods.

Such tests have a sophisticated design and increased sensitivity. Thanks to this, they can show reliable results even with low hCG levels.

The test has a special layer. In the presence of hCG, the reagent reacts with the hormone and shows an accurate result. Already after 60 seconds the test is ready to show reliable data. The cost of such tests is significantly higher than other, less accurate, analogues.


  • the possibility of using such a pregnancy test under any conditions;
  • no need for a measuring container;
  • applicable at any time of the day.

Inkjet test cassettes have a more complex design. Through their rod, which consists of smaller channels, urine reaches the test area with the reagent. This part contains a latex layer with antibodies that actively react to hCG.

Even at very low concentrations of the hormone, the reagent will show correct results. This way can be used from the first day of a missed menstrual cycle.

Electronic (digital) test

This test has a similar mechanism of operation as the others. It actively reacts to the presence of hCG. It can be done at any time of the day, regardless of the degree of urine concentration.

Capable of showing accurate information from the first day of delay. The accuracy of the indicators is within 98%.

Despite the low cost, it is able to show correct indicators within a few days after the expected conception. The closer the day of delay, the higher the percentage of reliability of the results.

According to survey results, even if before the day of the delay it showed a negative result, then on the first day of the delay it could already show the onset of pregnancy.

It is recommended to repeat this test several times to be more confident in the results.. As soon as urine is absorbed into the reagent strip, a clock image appears on the screen. This indicates the functionality of the device. After 3-4 minutes, the results with a plus or minus sign are displayed on the screen.

Tablet tests

Similar meters are also are quite sensitive and are able to detect the onset of conception already in the early stages. To obtain the result, a drop of urine is applied to a special window with a reagent strip.

This type of test is more modern and more expensive than conventional strips. It is often used for testing in medical clinics.

The kit includes a special pipette. After the urine reacts with the reagent, the result is displayed in the window. When conception occurs, the reagent becomes colored. This type of determination of conception is the most reliable among analogues.


  • no need for a special container;
  • presence of a pipette for analysis.


  • difficulties in collecting the required amount of urine;
  • high cost compared to analogues.

Tank test

This test is equipped with a urine reservoir. There is a window on the front side of the device, and the area with the reagent is built into the reservoir. In this case, the accuracy of the result is independent of the volume of urine. The reagent is able to absorb only the required amount to determine the likelihood of conception.

How many days after a missed period or conception can a test be taken?

Pregnancy test can be used from the first day of the delay. But many women have an irregular menstrual cycle and cannot correctly calculate the onset of this period. After conception occurs, the woman’s body begins to prepare for the upcoming process of pregnancy.

The restructuring of the entire hormonal system immediately begins, the level of hCG increases many times. It is to this that all systems for determining pregnancy react.

To confirm the result, it is necessary to do at least 4 tests, preferably with an interval of several hours at different concentrations of urine.

Pregnancy can occur after the egg is released from the ovary - this period is called ovulation and occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Thus, when calculating the probability of fertilization, 2 weeks after the last cycle and the release of the egg, conception is possible.

Implantation takes a few more days. The hCG hormone begins to be produced after the fetus attaches to the uterine wall. And every day its level increases.

Within a week, hCG reaches a level that can be determined by tests. This allows testing to be done after the expected delay has begun.

A delay does not always indicate pregnancy; it can be caused by stress, hormonal imbalance and the presence of chronic diseases.

Will the test show pregnancy before the delay?

Tests with good sensitivity are able to show results even before the expected date of the next cycle. This is approximately 3 weeks after the previous last day of menstruation.

By that time, fertilization has already occurred and the level of the hormone produced can already be displayed on ultra-sensitive tests.

When will a pregnancy test show an accurate result - from when?

Approximately 13 days after the end of menstruation, the egg can be released and fertilized. Another 3-4 days are given for the embryo to attach and the hormone production to begin.

Thus, already 3 weeks after the last menstruation it is possible to determine pregnancy in the early stages, about a week after conception.

Sensitivity of pregnancy tests

All tests to determine pregnancy indicate the minimum level of the hormone to which it is capable of responding. It usually varies from 10 to 30. The lower the value, the more sensitivity it has, which allows you to do tests within a week after the expected date of conception.

Which pregnancy test to choose

When choosing a test, many women rely on the factors of affordability, price range and ease of use. Test strips require a special container, but this is not necessary for the tablet version.

Pregnancy test Evitest (Evitest)


  1. It is considered one of the most accurate methods.
  2. Allows you to use it from the beginning of the delay.
  3. In a few minutes you can already get the result.
  4. Use at any time of the day.

According to reviews, shows accurate results ranging from 94 to 99%. It is recommended to maintain sterility. Prices start from 80 rubles.

Pregnancy test Frautest (Frautest)


  1. Affordable price.
  2. Possibility of obtaining results from the beginning of the delay.
  3. A quick way to determine.

According to reviews, it is considered a quality product and allows you to get results just a few minutes after the procedure. Prices start from 75 rubles.

Pregnancy test “I was born”


  1. Low cost.
  2. A quick way to determine.

Considered a test of medium sensitivity and not always able to detect pregnancy in the early stages. Prices for the test start from 95 rubles.

Clearblue (Clear Blue) - reusable test


  1. Hypersensitive.
  2. Determination of pregnancy before delay.
  3. Several types.
  4. Highly accurate.

Determination accuracy reaches 99%.
Convenience in different release forms. Prices start from 95 rubles.

Early pregnancy tests

To determine pregnancy In the early stages, tablet, inkjet and reusable tests are used.

What is the most accurate highly sensitive test

According to research, the most accurate tests were:

  • clearblue;
  • Frautest;
  • Evitest.

How much does a pregnancy test cost in pharmacies?

Depending on the degree of sensitivity the cost of tests in pharmacies starts from 25 rubles (disposable test strip).

How to take a pregnancy test correctly - features and rules

When carrying out the determination method using tests, it is recommended to maintain sterile conditions. It is not recommended to keep the strip in urine for less or longer than the prescribed period..

Tests show any pregnancy, including ectopic.

Is it possible to take a pregnancy test in the evening?

The test can be carried out in the evening if it has highly sensitive reagents. Other tests require a high concentration of urine (morning) to ensure reliable results.

Can a pregnancy test show a negative result?

The test does not show pregnancy, but there is a delay

It is recommended to repeat the test after a few days. It should be borne in mind that the delay may be caused by anxiety conditions or concomitant diseases.

Ectopic pregnancy: the test will show or not

Tests show any pregnancy, including ectopic. This is because they only respond directly to hormone levels.

Can an ovulation test show pregnancy?

No, because such tests are focused on determining the presence of another type of hormone, and not hCG.

Pregnancy test at home - how to check pregnancy without a purchased test

There are several ways to determine pregnancy at home.

Pregnancy test with iodine and paper

A small sheet of paper is dipped into morning urine. Next, apply a few drops of iodine to the moistened edge. A violet-blue tint indicates a positive result, a brownish tint indicates a negative result.

Pregnancy test with soda

To do this, you need to collect about 200 ml of urine in a container (it is advisable to perform the procedure in the morning) and put a teaspoon of soda in it. Hissing indicates a negative result.

How to take a pregnancy test:

Pregnancy test with baking soda at home:

Almost every woman has been in a situation where there is a suspicion of pregnancy, and visiting a doctor takes a lot of time, which is not always enough.

Wonders of modern times

It is in such cases that a representative of the fair sex can use a rapid test that can determine whether she is pregnant or not. Accordingly, if the result is positive, and this is proven by two lines that appear, then you should immediately visit a gynecologist. One strip is a negative answer, but here it is also better to see a doctor to avoid the development of an inflammatory process or other health problems.

But what should a representative of the fair sex do when the second line on the test is barely visible, what does this mean? Of course, the doctor has the answer to this question, but it is desirable that the woman herself understands how to evaluate the result obtained.

Testing principle

The production of such express strips for determining pregnancy follows the same principle in all cases, regardless of their cost. The main factor here is the high sensitivity to the unique hormone gonadotropin, which begins to appear in a woman’s urine already in the early stages.

These tests are equipped with a control zone, where one or two bands appear. But it happens that the first of them is clearly expressed, and the second stripe on the test is pale. Do not forget that they all differ in the amount of time after which the test should be checked so that the result corresponds to reality. Almost always you need to wait from three to ten minutes. The main thing to take into account is a very important point - the unsuitability of an express pregnancy test after the time specified in the instructions has expired, otherwise the displayed result should not be regarded as reality.

Is the result always correct?

Many women ask this question. In fact, in the case of pregnancy, two stripes should be distinguished, and their color is pronounced and they are very clearly visible. If the test shows a pale second line, then it may simply be unsuitable for use.

You should know that each package contains fairly detailed instructions that describe step by step what to do and how to do it. If you do not take into account the rules specified there when using, you can get the wrong answer to such an exciting question.

By the way, even if all the stripes are drawn clearly, again, no one can give a complete guarantee that the result is correct. The fact is that the tests may have already expired at the time of use, and there may also be a manufacturing defect, which is completely possible in the case of both expensive and cheap options.

What do the doctor's say?

And yet the woman was faced with the fact that the second line on the test was pale, what should she do? Of course, one of the most effective options would be to make an appointment with a gynecologist, who will give the correct answer to the question about the presence of pregnancy. Even if, according to the result obtained, the reception is present, it cannot be avoided. Here, anyway, you can’t go anywhere without a doctor.

Some doctors say that sometimes when the second line is weakly visible on the test, the woman turns out to be pregnant, but ectopically. It follows from this that visiting a doctor is almost inevitable, because the woman must be completely convinced that everything is in order and there is no reason to worry.

Gynecologists also recommend carrying out an express check for pregnancy only after three days of delay. Then the option when the second weak line on the test leads to confusion can be practically eliminated. If you check earlier than the specified period, then even during pregnancy the result may turn out to be negative (or questionable) due to a lack of hormones in the woman’s body.

What does the test respond to?

This is a rather complex mechanism, enclosed in one thin plastic or paper strip. It is impregnated with a special reagent, which gives a reaction in the presence of hCG (human choriogonadotropin) in the body.

There are two types of express checks. These are highly sensitive tests - they determine the presence of pregnancy a week after conception itself, and ordinary ones, capable of showing the correct result only on the third day of the delay.

The reason that the second line on the test is barely visible may be an insufficient amount of hCG in the body. However, a blood test in this case can already give a completely reliable result. Another reason may be the use of the test without following the rules and instructions or improper storage of the tests by the seller.

How to properly conduct an express check?

It should be remembered here that the test strip can give a reaction to a hormonal imbalance in the female body, sometimes even to a fairly serious genital disease. The emotional background should also be in order, without the presence of a manic desire to get pregnant or, conversely, fear of this fact. In such cases, even if the test showed a second line (weak), the woman may perceive and understand it differently from what it really is.

Thus, if you are not sure, you can repeat the procedure again. If during the analysis, errors in testing are excluded, then a more sensitive test should be purchased. Having chosen the appropriate option, it is better to do it in the morning, then the concentration of hCG is most elevated and detectable. Just don’t drink a lot of liquid beforehand at night, as this will distort the results.

It should be remembered that in the presence of pregnancy, the stripes become clear and equally bright, according to the attached instructions, only on the fifth day of the delay. Accordingly, if, upon re-checking, a fuzzy second line still appears on the test, then, most likely, the woman will soon become a happy mother.

How the test works

You should know that the amount of a specific hormone released in large quantities during the development of pregnancy in men or women in the normal state ranges from 0 to 5 units. Once the fetus has been implanted in the uterus, the amount of hCG hormone increases dramatically and approximately doubles over a period of 48 hours.

To detect its presence in the body, you should take a blood test or use home diagnostics to determine pregnancy using urine. The reagent applied to the strip, in contact with this hormone, becomes colored. It is worth noting that after one day of delay, the amount of hCG in the urine reaches a sufficient level to be detectable. The second strip will be colored.

Even if the second line on the test is barely visible, the very fact of its presence indicates that human chorionic gonadotropin is already present in the body, only its concentration is still too low. This may be affected by drinking water before testing (in large quantities). It is also possible that the period during which the diagnosis was carried out is very short.

Do I need to double-check the result?

Of course yes. It's better to do some tests. It’s just important to know that they are not held consecutively. The diagnosis should be repeated the next morning. After all, every two days the level of the pregnancy hormone increases almost twice, and accordingly, the result will be more accurate.

You should be aware that sometimes a streak appears upon contact with urine that does not contain hCG. But there is a difference: in this case, the color will be gray, not pink or bright red, and when the strip dries, the reagent will simply disappear, or rather discolor.

In addition, you need to remember that when re-testing, if no dynamics are observed, and the second line is light on the test even after a week, this may indicate health problems in the woman; accordingly, in this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

What other reasons could there be?

It happens that the second line on the test is barely visible and is not at all due to pregnancy. A weak test area may occur when a tumor or cyst develops in the uterine cavity. Also, this fact may indicate a violation of the development of the fetus, that is, when it does not grow in the uterine cavity. This is called an ectopic pregnancy.

If during an abortion the woman’s embryonic tissue was not completely removed, then this fact may affect the result of home diagnostics. After a miscarriage, a test in which the second line is barely visible will show an incorrect result for several weeks.

Drugs that help eliminate infertility, kidney or heart dysfunction can also affect the appearance of the second pale stripe. Another interesting fact: the appearance of such a strip may indicate that a woman is expecting a boy, since in this case it is significantly lower than during pregnancy with a girl.

In any case, a trip to the gynecologist is inevitable, and it’s not worth it. After all, you need to make sure that everything is in order, and if there are problems, start taking measures to eliminate them.