
Finger game about geometric shapes. Finger gymnastics in mathematics classes. Chicks in the nest



teacher of the highest qualification category

GBDOU kindergarten No. 118, Vyborg district, St. Petersburg

The sources of children's abilities and gifts are at their fingertips. From the fingers

figuratively speaking, there are the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Probably, few parents, and especially few teachers working with preschoolers, have not heard about the need to develop fine motor skills in children and about its relationship with children’s speech. What are fine motor skills? Physiologists use this expression to mean the movement of the small muscles of the hands. At the same time, it is important to remember about hand-eye coordination, since the development of small hand movements occurs under the control of vision. Why is it so important to develop fine motor skills in a child’s hands? The motor speech centers in the human cerebral cortex are located next to the motor centers of the fingers, therefore, by developing speech and stimulating the motor skills of the fingers, we transmit impulses to the speech centers, which activates speech. But in fact, sufficiently developed fine motor skills of a child’s hands affect not only his speech, but also his general development and intellectual abilities. Science has proven that one of the indicators of a child’s normal physical and neuropsychic development is the development of the hand, manual skills, or, as they say, fine motor skills. Based on modern research, experts draw conclusions about the development of the central nervous system and brain based on the skill of children’s hands.

There are many different ways to develop fine motor skills in preschoolers. One of the most interesting and accessible to both preschool teachers and parents is finger games.

What are fine motor skills? What are the ways to develop it in preschoolers? What are finger games and how to play them with children? You will find answers to all these questions in the presented methodological development, which will be of interest to preschool teachers and parents of preschool children.

It should be noted that the finger games proposed in this methodological development belong to health-saving technologies included in the list modern educational technologies . You can learn about how it is possible to use finger games and other innovative technologies in the Portfolio of Professional Activities of a preschool teacher in order to successfully pass certification. article by Korobova T.V. "Registration of notes and presentations using modern educational technologies in the portfolio of professional activities of a preschool teacher"

Finger games are the best way to develop fine motor skills in preschoolers

Scientists studying the activity of the children's brain and the psyche of children note the great stimulating value of the hand function. Employees of the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences have established that the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. From an anatomical point of view, about a third of the total area of ​​the motor projection of the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand, located very close to the speech zone. Therefore, the development of a child’s speech is inextricably linked with the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Fine motor skills is the ability to perform fine movements of the fingers and hands through the coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems. Fine motor skills begin to develop naturally from infancy. First, the child learns to grab an object, then the skills of transferring from hand to hand appear, then the child, growing up, learns to hold a spoon or pencil. With age, motor skills become more varied and complex. The proportion of actions that require coordinated movements of both hands is increasing.

It would seem that everything is wonderful - the kids are growing up, their hands should become stronger and more dexterous every year, but, unfortunately, this does not happen for everyone. Many children have difficulty manipulating small objects, they hold a pencil incorrectly, and their fingers are sluggish and awkward. How can we help them achieve the necessary dexterity in their little fingers? There are many different ways to accelerate the development of fine motor skills. This includes massage of the hands and fingers, games with small objects (mosaics, puzzles, beads, all kinds of construction sets), games with sand and water, applique (both tear-out and using scissors), origami, all kinds of weaving, modeling, drawing, shading and graphic exercises. In addition to all of the above, you can offer children tying and untying ribbons, laces, knots on a string; collecting cut pictures; fastening and unfastening buttons, snaps, hooks; screwing and unscrewing lids, jars, vials; sorting cereals (peas, buckwheat, rice), etc. There are a lot of games, tasks and exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills, but the most interesting and accessible in all this variety for both children and adults is finger games. They will help the baby learn to be a real master of his palms and fingers.

Finger games- These are fun exercises for fingers and hands, using them to stage any poems, stories, or fairy tales. Finger games are an important part of developing fine motor skills in preschoolers. These games are very emotional, exciting for children, and also extremely useful for their overall development:

  1. Promote speech development. As a rule, if finger movements are developed in accordance with age, then the child’s speech development is within the age norm. The combination of hand movements and reciting poetry makes the child’s speech clearer, more rhythmic, and brighter. That is why training the movements of the fingers and hands is the most important factor stimulating the child’s speech development, helping to improve articulation movements, preparing the hand for writing and, no less important, a powerful tool that increases the performance of the cerebral cortex, stimulating the development of the child’s thinking.
  2. They develop perception and the ability to listen to an adult’s speech.
  3. Contribute to the development of creative activity. After all, you can “tell” whole stories with your hands!
  4. Activate hand motor skills. This develops dexterity and the ability to control one’s movements. Fingers and hands acquire good mobility and flexibility, and stiffness of movements disappears.
  5. They help to form elementary mathematical concepts in the game.
  6. They teach the child to concentrate attention and distribute it correctly.
  7. They develop memory, because in finger games you need to remember a lot: the position of the fingers, the sequence of movements, and just poetry.
  8. They develop emotionality, form good relationships between children, as well as between adults and children.

Finger games are an interesting and exciting activity for both children and adults. Parents can play with them with their children, and preschool teachers can use them in their work. Finger games can be used at any time, both in routine moments and during direct educational activities. But adults should not forget some rules:

  1. Before learning a new finger game with your children, try playing it yourself and achieve clear movements of your hand and fingers.
  2. Before each game, set up your children and find a way to interest them.
  3. It is advisable to start finger games by warming up your fingers: flexion and extension. You can use rubber toys and balls for this exercise.
  4. When learning a new game, all movements of the fingers and hands are performed slowly by the demonstrating adult and the child. If the child cannot independently perform the required movement, you need to take his hand in yours and act with him.
  5. An adult should pronounce the texts of finger games as expressively as possible: either raising or lowering his voice, making pauses, emphasizing individual words, and perform movements synchronously with the text or during pauses. If it is difficult for a child to pronounce the text, then it is enough to perform the movements together with an adult. For some games, you can put paper caps on your fingers or draw faces on your fingertips.
  6. It is necessary to ensure that children perform movements with their hands and fingers with optimal amplitude and load. There will be no benefit from sluggish and careless movements.
  7. Finger games should be carried out systematically, daily. In order for the acquired skills to be consolidated, you should repeat well-known games that children love and at the same time learn new ones.
  8. Try to use various finger games, using squeezing, stretching, relaxing the hand, and isolated movements of each finger. Remember that the cerebral cortex has a separate projection area for each finger.
  9. Repeat the games for both the right and left hands.
  10. Finger games increase the tone of the cerebral cortex, so be careful when working with children with increased convulsive readiness.
  11. The duration of finger games depends on the age of the children. For younger preschool age (up to 3 - 4 years old) the recommended time is from 3 to 5 minutes, for middle and older preschool age (4 - 7 years old) - 10-15 minutes a day.
  12. Preschool teachers should learn new finger games with children systematically.

Finger gymnastics helps to achieve goals in various educational areas, so planning for learning finger games can be placed in the educational areas “Physical Development”, “Speech Development”, “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” in the “Perspective Annual Planning for Educational Areas”. The place of planning depends on the goals set when learning sets of exercises for fingers directly by you, dear colleagues.

Long-term planning of finger games for the senior group of preschool educational institutions (5 - 6 years old)


1 Week.

One two three four five -
We will collect leaves. They clench and unclench their fists.
Birch leaves , Bend the thumb.
Rowan leaves, Bend the index finger.
poplar leaves, Bend the middle finger.
Aspen leaves, Bend the ring finger.
We will collect oak leaves, Bend the little finger.
We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom. They clench and unclench their fists.

Week 2.

The fingers fell asleep and curled into a fist. Clench the fingers of your right hand into a fist.

One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Unclench your fingers one by one.

Wanted to play! Move all your fingers.

We woke up the neighbors' house, Raise your left hand, fingers clenched into a fist

Six and seven woke up there,
Eight nine ten - Bend your fingers one at a time others at the expense.

Everyone is having fun! Twist with both hands.

But it's time to go back everyone:
Ten, nine, eight, seven Bend the fingers of your left hand one after the other.

Six curled up,

Five yawned and turned away.

Four, three, two, one, Bend the fingers of your right hand.

Round fist like an orange.

Week 3.

We shared an orange The left hand is in a fist, the right one clasps it.
There are many of us, but he is one.
This slice is for the hedgehog. With our right hand we open the fingers of our left hand one by one.
This slice is for the siskin.
This slice is for kittens.
This slice is for ducklings.
This slice is for the beaver.
And for the wolf - peel! Shake both brushes.

Week 4

Ding-dong, ding-dong, Backs of hands facing up, fingers

What is this strange chime? both hands crossed. Middle finger of the right hand

The bell is ringing here is lowered and rotates freely. Repeat - with

He's moving his tongue! left hand finger.


1 Week.

One two three four five! Unclench your fingers one by one.
Let your fingers go for a walk!
One two three four five! Bend your fingers one by one.
They hid in the house again.

Week 2.

The bunny's ears are long, Index and middle = ears, moving.

They stick out from the bushes The remaining fingers are together, this is the face of a bunny.

He jumps and jumps,

Makes your bunnies happy!

Bunny took his drum Press the index finger to the middle one, do not move them.

And hit bam-bam-bam! The ring and little fingers tap on the thumb.

Week 3.

Drops dripped , Tap the table with two fingers of each hand.
It's raining Tap with four fingers.
It's pouring like crazy! We knock harder.
It started hailing Use your finger bones to knock out the fraction.
Lightning flashes , Hissing sound, draw lightning with your finger in the air.
Thunder! We drum with our fists or clap our hands.
Everyone quickly runs home We hide our hands behind our backs.
And in the morning the sun shines brightly again ! We describe a large circle with our hands.

Week 4

The beetle flies and buzzes and moves its mustache: Hands in a fist, index and little fingers - forward.

“F - f - f - f - f ......” This is a mustache, we move it.


1 Week.

Fingers played hide and seek
And the heads were removed
Like this, like this

Like this, like this

This is how they removed the heads. We bend each finger on both hands one by one.

And then they danced. Extend your fingers and move all your fingers.

Week 2.

The little bunny got up early and went out into the clearing. Use the fingers of one hand to show a hare with ears.
Walked along the edge of the forest We walk with our fingers on the table.
And I found a big head of cabbage Fist of the other hand.
Became a bunny with a crunch
Nibble on a head of cabbage:
Crunch-crunch, crunch-crunch Hare = one hand “gnaws” a head of cabbage = fist of the other hand.
He ate it, fell under a bush and fell asleep. They lowered the “hare” to his knees.

Woke up, stretched sweetly With effort we spread all our fingers.
And when I got home I took a long breath! We show how the hare moves across the table.

Week 3.

Little gray lump sits The middle and ring fingers rest

And he rustles papers. the thumb, index and little fingers are bent into arcs

And the cat has ears on the top of her head, and pressed against them (mouse). Then the index

To hear better and raise your little finger and move them (cat).

The mouse is in her hole.

Week 4

Visiting the big toe
They came straight to the house Alternately connect all fingers up to the little finger
Index and middle with a thumb.
Nameless and last The little finger taps the thumb.
Little finger himself
He knocked on the threshold.
Together fingers are friends, Gather your fingers into a pinch.
They can't live without each other.


1 Week.

The bird flaps its wings Squeeze both palms, thumbs = beak,

And flies to his nest, turned towards the child. Other fingers

He will tell his chicks, cross and move = wings.

Where did she get the grain?

Week 2.

Four brothers are walking towards the eldest.
- Hello, big guy! Connect all fingers into a pinch.
- Hello, Vaska the pointer, Connect alternately with the larger one
Little Bear, Orphan Grishka, finger all the other fingers.
Yes, little Timoshka!

Week 3.

Fingering fingers Thumb and index fingers of the left hand -

And we get a chain. in a ring, through which they alternately pass

Let's collect one chain rings from the fingers of the right hand: thumb and index,

And let's start the second one again. large and medium etc. There are different options.

Week 4

Quickly inflate the balloon The fingers of both hands are pinch and touch

He's getting big. tips. In this position we blow on them,

Suddenly the balloon burst fingers take the shape of a ball. The air comes out

The air has come out - fingers again in their original position.

He became thin and thin.


1 Week.

Cheerful bunny rabbit Index and middle fingers = ears, rest

frolicked in the clearing, fingers = bunny face, twirl with your hand.

How rustling he will hear, Hold the “bunny” close to you.

He freezes and does not breathe,

And on the top of his head

Ears are growing like arrows! Move the straight “ears”.

And he has a mink

Under the tree on the hill, Make a ring = a hole from the fingers of the other hand.

He runs up to the hole, Twist the brush “bunny”, bringing it closer to the “mink”,

Jump - and dives into it! “dive” into the hole!

Week 2.

We wrote, we wrote,

Our fingers are tired Clench and unclench the fists of both hands.

You jump, fingers, Alternately press your fingers to your thumb

Like sunbeams.

Jump-jump, jump-jump, Specify and Wednesday fingers (ears) move,

We galloped onto the meadow, other fingers = bunny face.

The wind shakes the grass, Move all your fingers.

Tilts right, left. Shake your hands.

Don't be afraid, bunnies,

Have fun on the lawn! Repeat – “Bunny with ears.”

Week 3.

Quickly from finger to finger The right hand is a bunny. First for each syllable

The bunny is jumping, the bunny is jumping, the index finger jumps 2 times on each

He went down, turned around, finger of the left hand without the thumb, and then 1 time.

And he came back again. Highest of all - on the thumb of the left hand.

Again from finger to finger

The bunny is jumping, the bunny is jumping,

Down again and up again

The bunny jumped the highest!
Week 4

Together the fingers stood in a row Show palms.
Ten strong guys Clench your fingers into a fist.
These two are a guide to everything Show index fingers.
Everything will be shown without prompting.
Fingers - two average Show middle fingers.
Two healthy, cheerful guys.
Well, these ones are nameless Show ring fingers.
Silent, always stubborn.
Two short little fingers Show your little fingers.
Fidgets and rogues.
Fingers are the main ones Show thumbs up.
Two big and bold Clench the remaining fingers into a fist.


1 Week.

We painted today
Our fingers are tired. They clench and unclench their fists.
Let's shake our fingers
Let's start drawing again. Move all your fingers.
Week 2.

Confusion– Palms look at each other. The little finger of the left hand is connected to the thumb of the right hand, and below them - the little finger of the right hand is connected to the thumb of the left hand, the index finger to the ring finger, etc. Open those fingers that were at the bottom and quickly move them to the top, immediately connect them again. Move your fingers from bottom to top again. Speed ​​up your movements!

Week 3.

A squirrel sits on a cart They clench and unclench their fists.
She sells nuts:
To my little fox sister, Unclench your fingers one by one.
Sparrow, titmouse,
Teddy Bear
And the cowardly bunny.

Week 4

Friends in our group Rubbing the palms.

Girls and boys.

We'll make friends with you Move all your fingers.

Little fingers.

One two three four five. Palms together, fingers of the same name hitting each other as they count.

Five, four, three, two, one.


1 Week.

Fingers play football Wiggle all your fingers in the air.

Everyone is overtaking each other

Everyone is running, skipping, galloping, Drum alternately, quickly with your fingers on the table.

Everyone wants to hit the ball.

Everyone scores a goal Fingers take turns, slowly “scoring” a goal.

It's good to play football.

Week 2.

I can do two nuts Roll 2 walnuts in your palms

Hold between your fingers . alternately with your right and left hands.

This will help me at school

Write straight letters.

Week 3.

Nimble fingers– Children sit in a circle and quickly pass a ballpoint pen or pencil around the circle from hand to hand.

Week 4

Before you start the game, Roll the peas (beads), pressing

You need to say to your fingers: them to the table with your finger. Alternately transmit

“Finger, my good finger , a pea to all fingers.

You press the peas to the table,

Twist and ride

And pass it on to someone else!”

I'll roll it in my hands

Beads, polka dots.

Become nimble quickly

Fingers, palms.


1 Week.

Littlefinger decided to go for a walk , Open each finger one by one

But the nameless one did not allow it, fist and move it from side to side.

And the middle one heard about it,

I almost lost my patience,

The index finger said sadly:

“The big one will definitely be upset!”

The big one showed everyone the window

And he said very seriously:

“We need to take a walk without the rain,

Until he started dripping from the clouds again!”

Week 2.

Thumb-boy, where have you been? Fingers clenched into a fist, thumb up!

I went to the forest with this brother, Alternately, the fingers unclench and move closer together

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother, with big.

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother.

Week 3.

The white-sided magpie was cooking porridge, The index finger of the right hand draws circles

She fed the babies: on the left palm. Then alternately bends

Gave this one fingers of the left hand, reaching the thumb -

Gave this one taps on it.

Gave this one

Gave this one

But I didn’t give it to this,

He didn't chop wood

He didn't light the stove

He has nothing! Shake your index finger.

Week 4

I roll a pencil in my hands , Roll the pencil between the large

I'm twisting between my fingers . finger and everyone else in turn.

Definitely every finger

I will teach you to be obedient!


1 Week.

Our delicate flowers We bring our palms together to form a “bud”. Then we “reveal”

The petals open, flower" - we spread our fingers apart, then our fingers

The breeze breathes a little, move, unite again into a “bud”. Slightly

The petals are swaying. shake our hands.

Our delicate flowers

The petals close

They nod their heads,

They fall asleep quietly.

Week 2.

One two three four five , Fingers into fists, palms up.

The fingers went out for a walk.

This finger found a mushroom The little fingers were bent back, then the next fingers one at a time.

This finger began to cut,

I began to clean this finger,

This finger began to cook,

And this little finger sat down and ate everything , Thumbs up!

That's why I got fat!

Week 3.

Thumbs say hello Palms folded, fingers of the same name

Index fingers say hello tapping each other = “saying hello.”

Middle fingers say hello

Ring fingers say hello

Little fingers say hello.

This finger wants to sleep We alternately bend the names of the same name

This finger went to bed fingers, it turned out to be two fists.

This finger took a little nap,

This finger has already fallen asleep,

This finger is fast asleep.

Hush, hush, don't make noise , Threaten the index fingers of both hands.

Don't wake up your fingers

The clear morning will come , Fists up!

The red sun will rise, Unclench your fingers!

The birds will chirp Move your fingers!

Fingers will stand up!

Week 4

Here are five kittens. One has left and is no longer there . Children bend their fingers one by one.

Well, no and no. There are four kittens left.

Here are four kittens. Alone at night sometimes

He climbed a tree and there were three kittens left.

But somewhere a mouse squeaked very thinly,

The kitten heard - there are two kittens left.

One of them with the ball disappeared through the door without a trace.

And the smartest one is the one who remains. Last,

He approached the bowl and, as a pussy should,

The five began to lap up milk from a bowl.

List of used literature


Finger games in the classroom.

When working with children of middle preschool age, it is important to note that children’s speech is not well developed. Therefore, I pay great attention to the development of speech, with the help of finger games in various activities. In math classes, I teach children how to count using finger exercises. In speech development classes: “The Journey of the Kolobok” (Appendix No. 2), I also use the finger game “Kolobok”, forming auditory perception, memory and thinking.

With the help of nursery rhymes and finger exercises, I enrich children’s vocabulary, develop their imagination and speech.

During drawing classes I used finger exercises: “Beautiful Flowers”, “Our Hands” (Appendix No. 2), they are needed to relax the hand.

Diagnosis of the development of fine motor skills in children in the middle group.

I conducted diagnostics of the development of fine motor skills in children of middle preschool age, using the manuals of I. Svetlova.

“Chopping” (movement with straight palms, fingers closed, alternate tapping on the table). Most of the children accurately reproduced the movements according to my model. The inaccuracy in the execution was that the palms were not straightened, the fingers were half bent. “Salting” (stroking all the fingertips with the thumb).

The following pupils do not involve all fingers in the stroking movement:

Ruslan. Sh. (5.3) - stroked the fingers, starting with the ring finger, while the little finger was moved to the side.

Andrey. U. (4.10), Kirill. K. (5), Katya. P. (4.11) - stroked with the thumb - middle and index.

“Pinch-palm” (connecting all the fingers of the left hand into a pinch, imitating the beak of a woodpecker, tap on the right vertically open hand, with fingers apart, and transfer these movements to the other hand).

The main difficulty for children is transferring movement from one hand to another. Difficulties were observed in brush distortion, regardless of the sample. Anya. S. (5,1) - when transferring, she tapped first on the fist, then fist on fist, and only then, with a pinch, on the open palm.

“Alternate tapping” (with all fingers, starting with the little finger, with both hands on the table).

Mistakes that children made:

Artyom. J. (4.11), Nastya. S. (5,1), Kamil. R. (4.10) - tapped with all fingers at the same time.

Ruslan. Sh. (5.3) - tapped his fingers alternately, not including his thumb.

Results: the use of finger games promotes the development of speech, thinking, attention, memory, and creative imagination.

Conclusion: Children like finger games, children practice with desire, have become more attentive, and are happy to expressly repeat the words of nursery rhymes. They use finger theater in their free time from classes.

Children have learned to be the master of their palms and ten fingers, and perform complex manipulations with small and large objects.

I believe that it is very important to continue to use finger games in all types of activities, because they give a positive result in the development of speech in preschool children.

I chose this particular direction not by chance, because... I think it is very important to pay great attention to the development of fine motor skills of the hands with the help of finger games, which helps improve the development of children’s speech.

In this work, I tried to show in classes and games how finger games are necessary for the development of a child’s speech. And for this purpose, she diagnosed the development of fine motor skills in children of middle preschool age, using the manuals of I. Svetlova.

I hope that my work will help educators in their work on the development of speech in children at different ages.


An important part of the work on developing fine motor skills is “finger games”. These games are very emotional and exciting. They promote the development of speech and creative activity. “Finger games” seem to reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During “finger games,” children, repeating the movements of adults, activate their hand motor skills. This develops dexterity, the ability to control one’s movements, and concentrate attention on one type of activity.

Finger games provide an opportunity for parents and educators to play with their children, delight them and, at the same time, develop speech and fine motor skills. In such games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate. Such games form good relationships between children, as well as between adults and children.


1. Bardysheva T.Yu. Skillful fingers. - M.: LLC TD Publishing House World of Books, 2008.
2. Eletskaya O.V., E.Yu. Varenitsa Day after day we talk and grow. M.: TC Sfera, 2005.-P.54-59.
3. Zakrevskaya O.V. Grow up, baby! . -M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2007.-P.60,65.
4. Kozyreva L.M speech development. Children under 5 years old. Yaroslavl Development Academy, 2007.-P.41.
5. Koltsova pp. 146-148, pp. 149-154, pp. 173-181.
6. Ruzina M.S. Finger play training. -Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2006.-173-180 pp., 189 pp., 200 pp.
7. Yanushko E. Help the baby talk!.- M.: Terevinf, 2007.- 127 pp., p. 162.

8. Svetlova I. Developing fine motor skills and hand coordination. M., "Olma Press", 2001.

Appendix No. 1

One two three four five -

We went out to the kindergarten for a walk.

We walk and walk through the meadow,

There flowers grow in a circle.

There are exactly five petals,

1–2 lines - count the fingers of the other with the finger of one hand, lightly pressing on the pads.

3–4 lines - with the index finger of one hand we perform circular strokes on the palm of the other.

5–6 lines - count the fingers in reverse order, stroking them.

Then we read the poem again and repeat all the movements on the other hand.

After playing, relax

Shake your fingers.

Bend your fingers

Just like bunny ears.

1–2 lines - relax your hands and shake them.

3–4 lines - place both palms with fingers pressed against each other to the head and bend the closed fingers several times.

The poem and all movements can be repeated.

The wolf will open his mouth,

Wants to steal a bunny:

Click and click, and click again!

The wolf won't catch the hare.

The mouth clicks in vain -

The hare runs great!

Lines 1–4 - the index, middle, ring and little fingers on both hands are pressed against each other, and the pad of the thumb is then pressed against the closed four fingers, then released, depicting a cleft palate. We click the “mouth” on both hands.

Lines 5–6 - relax the fingers on both hands and “run” them across the table, touching its surface with the pads.

There is a top sitting in the house,

He looks at you through the peephole

Can you open the door a crack?

And bite your finger.

If it hurts, then a little

Rub your palms!

1–2 lines - from both hands we make a “spyglass” or “binoculars” and put it to the eyes.

3–4 lines - from one palm we make a “cleft mouth”, as in the previous game, and we bring the fingers of the other hand to the “mouth” and grab them with it, performing stroking movements with the pads.

5–6 lines - lightly rub your palms against each other.

Hut on a meadow

The doors are locked.

We'll quickly find the key

And we’ll unlock the hut.

Let's shake off our palms,

Let's rest a little.

1st line - we make a “house” from both hands, connecting them with the pads of the fingers and the bases of the palms.

2nd line - we connect the fingers into a lock.

3–4 lines - we rotate the thumbs of both hands (one around the other), without opening the lock.

Lines 5–6 - open your fingers, relax your palms and shake them with light movements.

Wings of our mill

The breeze is like a captive -

As the wind changes,

This is how the mill turns.

Lines 1–4 - press your palms together and perform rubbing rotational movements. The fingers do not touch.

All the helpers again

This brother was chopping wood,

This brother cooked cabbage soup

This brother was cooking porridge

For our large family.

This one was waving a broom,

He swept cleanly.

Well this one is small

Slept with our mother.

1–2 lines - clap your hands or rub them together.

Lines 3–8 - in accordance with the text of the poem, rub the fingers of the second hand with the fingers of one hand, starting with the thumb, so that “mama’s” little finger “sleeps.” Then we repeat everything for the other hand.

The kids dressed up

Your fingers in gloves.

One two three four five -

Ten fingers - like a squad,

And everyone is happy with the suit.

Trying to become strong

They play sports.

1–2 lines - spread the fingers of both hands (palms facing out).

3–4 lines - repeat twice and while counting, bend all fingers one by one.

Lines 5–6 - clench your palms into fists and then unclench them. We perform the actions with both hands at the same time.

After breakfast we are with you

Let's go to the forest to get firewood.

Saw-saw, saw-saw!

We will quickly overcome the log!

Chop, chop, chop, chop!

We will work with an axe.

Let's bring home firewood,

Let's put it in the middle of the yard.

1–2 lines - with the closed fingers of both hands, we alternately draw along the inside of the forearms.

3–4 lines - place both palms on the table edgewise and “saw”, making movements back and forth.

Lines 5–6 - chop with a fist or the edge of your palm, tapping on the table.

Lines 7–8 - we perform a collecting movement, as if we are raking all the firewood into a pile, grabbing it, lifting it and lowering it onto the table again, stroking it with our palms.

Egorka rides on a horse

Now uphill, now downhill.

One two three four five -

It's fun for him to jump!

Drives out into an open field -

There is room to roam to your heart's content!

1–4 lines - we clench one hand into a fist, with the fingers of the other we “step over” the bones and holes between them.

Lines 5–6 - unclench your hand and use the fingers of the other hand to stroke your palm in a circular motion.

We repeat everything for the other hand.

Dancing in the kitchen on the wall

Sunny bunnies,

And Masha got naughty

Little fingers.

They run fast

On the machine's palm.

Calm down, you naughty ones,

Let's rest a little!

1–2 lines - use the fingertips of both hands to “run” along the table or wall.

3–4 lines - we “run” the fingers of one hand over the palm of the other.

Lines 5–6 - with the fingers of one hand we stroke the palm of the other.

We repeat all the steps for the second hand.

Two palms - two houses.

Vagabond bears live there.

They'll sleep a little

And they will rush along the paths.

And the tracks are two hands.

Come on, help the bears:

Put them on a sled,

Take a ride along the paths!

Lines 1–4 - clench and unclench your fists.

Lines 5–8 - with the closed fingers of one hand, we stroke the inside of the forearm from the elbow joint to the wrist, then do the same with the other hand.

The game can be repeated several times.

Rolled along the path

Multi-colored polka dots.

The birds are pecking merrily,

They don't give us peas.

Give me a pea!

I'm so pretty!

1–2 lines - using the fingertips of both hands, lightly tap on the surface of the table, depicting rolling peas.

3–4 lines - we collect the fingers of both hands into a pinch and “peck” imaginary peas.

Line 5 - fold your hands into a boat, stretch them forward and “ask” for a pea.

Line 6 - with both palms we stroke ourselves on the cheeks or on the head.

The boat was sailing in the sea,

The fox was rowing with an oar.

The fox is tired

She set her sails.

Now he's sitting on a bench,

He looks at the sea through binoculars.

1st line - fold your palms into a boat and make several wave-like movements.

2nd line - separate your palms and “row” with both hands in different directions.

3-4 lines - raise your arms above your head and spread your fingers.

Lines 5–6 - clench your palms into fists and apply them to your eyes, pretending to be binoculars.

Girls and boys!

Spread your fingers!

Bend in half

Make a fist!

Open your palms

Shake it a little!

To write correctly,

We need to rest our hands!

We perform all the movements according to the text of the poem. For classes in kindergarten, you can change the text of line 7: “To draw beautifully” or “To cut beautifully.”

Nikolka the hedgehog fell under the tree,

Nikolka the hedgehog was rolling on the grass.

He decided to warm his belly in the sun,

And of course, get a slight tan.

The sun disappeared, the hedgehog froze,

Only my small nose managed to tan.

1–2 lines - we clench our hands into fists and use the joints of the metacarpal bones and phalanges of the fingers to make rolling movements on the table.

3-4 lines - unclench your fists and stroke the other with one palm.

Lines 5–6 - alternately touch the tip of the nose with your fingers.

Marinka went for a walk

Along a narrow path.

Near the forest on a meadow

She picked flowers.

While I was running home,

I lost the flowers.

1–2 lines - use the index and middle fingers of both hands to “walk” along the table.

3-4 lines - we connect the fingertips on both hands and “tear the flowers”, then opening and closing the pinch.

Lines 5–6 - open both palms and, touching the surface of the table with our fingertips, “run” home.

Appendix No. 2

Lesson on speech development in the middle group "The Journey of the Kolobok"

Program content:

    To develop spoken language in children - to teach them to use verbs, adjectives, to coordinate them with nouns in number, gender, case; ability to use prepositions “above, under, about, with.”

    Improve gross and fine motor skills using different materials.

    Cultivate interest in Russian folk tales.

    Formation of skills in educational activities.

Preliminary work:

    reading fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Three Bears”, “Kolobok”,

    playing on a flannelgraph,

    table theater games.

Material for the lesson:

    Demo: tabletop theater "Kolobok", story panel (Fig. 1), artificial spruce, magic bag, plastic balls for each child.

    Dispensing: The main field (Fig. 1), cards with images of animals (Fig. 2), buns (Fig. 3), matchsticks, colored pencils, green triangles, 3 for each child.

Progress of the lesson

Children, accompanied by music, enter the group along the path and stand in a semicircle.


We'll go down the path
Let's go straight into a fairy tale.
One two three four five -
We'll play a fairy tale.

My dear guys! Do you like listening to fairy tales? I also really love fairy tales, and you will help me tell them.

(the teacher leads the children to the table where the characters from the tabletop theater "Kolobok" are displayed)

It was baked from flour,
It was mixed with sour cream,
He was chilling at the window
Along the path: (rolled away)
He was cheerful, he was brave,
And on the way he sings a song: (sang)
Who is this?.. (Kolobok)

Guys! What song did the bun sing?

Finger game "Kolobok"

Me, Kolobok, Kolobok! (rolls an imaginary bun in their hands)
Scratched the bottom of the barrel, (right palm scraped on left palm)
It's sweeping through the barn, (imitate sweeping the floor)
Mixed with sour cream, (make circular movements with the right hand)
Sat in the oven, (show both arms extended forward)
It's cold at the window. (shows the window with their hands)
I left my grandmother (run the middle and index fingers of the right hand over the palm of the left)
I left my grandfather.

Where do you think the bun rolled along the path? (children's answers)

Let's remember who the bun met in the forest.

(children sit at tables on which there are cards depicting a hare, wolf, bear, fox (Fig. 3) and a separate bun (Fig. 4)).

I completely forgot, who did the bun meet first?

Place your kolobok next to the hare. Then who did he meet? (wolf)

(Children place their kolobok near the wolf)

What did the wolf say to him? (“Kolobok, Kolobok! I’ll eat you!”) A bear met the Kolobok (children place the Kolobok next to the bear) and said to him in a thin voice: “Kolobok, Kolobok! I’ll eat you!”

Or maybe I messed something up, help me. (the bear said in a thick, rough voice)

But our little bun is not easy; after meeting the fox, he ran away from her and rolled on.

(The children have a story panel on their tables)

On our next card there is a path drawn, let's ride along the path together with the kolobok, holding the kolobok with our right hand. The bun rolls and rolls, and towards it: (hedgehog).

The bun looked at the hedgehog and was surprised. Show me how surprised the bun was.

(Oh! - the children show surprise) Guys, trouble happened to our hedgehog - he lost his needles, let's help him collect them, make them from matchsticks. (Children lay out thorns for the hedgehog from matches)

What wonderful hedgehogs we have! The bun decided to admire the hedgehog, but our bun is small, and the hedgehog is big. Let's invite the kolobok to look at the kolobok from the stump. The bun rolled up to: (stump), climbed onto: (stump), looked at the hedgehog from: (stump). The bun really liked the hedgehog and he smiled. I propose to draw a smile for our bun. What color pencil will we need for this, do you think? (red) What kind of bun did you all get? (joyful, cheerful) And now let’s show the bun how we can rejoice.

(children leave the tables and do physical exercises)

They stomped their feet, (stomping feet)
Hands clapped. (clap hands)
Hee hee hee, (hands to the side)
Ha ha ha (hands up)
What a beauty! (clap)

(children sit at tables)

Yes, spruce trees also have needles. Well done! Let's make a spruce tree for each of your koloboks, I suggest using yellow triangles for this (children correct the teacher, green triangles are needed).

I am very glad that you are so attentive to me! (children lay out a spruce using a drawn trunk) Our guys are just great, they made a whole spruce forest! (An artificial spruce tree appears in the center of the group.)

Guys, we all together composed a continuation of the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Did you like her? (children's answers)

Look, a spruce tree also grew in our group, let's go to it.

(children approach the spruce tree and stand in a circle)

It was probably the bun that gave us some kind of surprise. Let's look for him. Where could he have left it? Let's look first at: (spruce), then under: (spruce). (Children find a magic bag) Do you want to know what's in there? (Children feel, make assumptions, the teacher pours multi-colored plastic balls out of the bag) Balls and who do they all look like? (on a kolobok). I invite you to play with them (play music).

Mathematics classes in the middle group

Subject: Plan (travel map)

Software tasks:

    To develop the ability to navigate according to an elementary plan, to correctly determine the relative position of objects in space

    Develop the ability to compose simple geometric figures from sticks and threads on a table plane, examine and analyze them in a visual-tactile way

    Fix the count within 5, form an idea of ​​counting backwards

Demo– toys, theater tickets, a table with a plan, a set of numbers from 1 to 5.
Dispensing- counting sticks, threads.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Game "Theater"

Educator: Guys, today we will go to the animal theater. First you need to buy tickets. How many of you are interested. We will enter in groups of several people, five at a time.
Assignment to the first group: Who is first, third, fifth in your group? (distributing numbers)
Assignment to the second group: count from 1 to 5 (I give out numbers)
Assignment to the third group: name the numbers in order, starting with the “tail” (I distribute the numbers)
Educator: Well done! Turn over the card with the number - this is an invitation-ticket to the theater (animals are depicted).
Please sit on the chairs according to the tickets you purchased.

2. Working with a plan.

Fairy tale "The Hare and the Fox" (using toys)

Educator: Once upon a time there lived a Hare and a Fox. They got tired of quarreling and decided to live together. The Fox invited the Hare to visit. She lived far away, you won’t get there right away. The Fox drew the road to her house for the Hare (the teacher places the plan on the board). Tell us how to get to Lisa.


There are five fingers on my hand

Five grabbers, five holders.

To plan and to saw,

To take and to give.

One two three four five!

Rhythmically clench and unclench your fists. On the count - alternately bend the fingers on both hands.

(Children analyze the plan together with the teacher)

Educator: How many roads lead to the Fox's house?
The Hare wanted to swim. Help him get to the lake.
The Hare decided to treat the Fox with mushrooms. How can he get to the mushroom place?

3. Physical exercise.

Educator: Imagine that we are going to visit Lisa. And there are so many berries in the forest. Let's pick some strawberries for the Fox.
The children walked, walked, walked
Found strawberries!
Oh, what a berry!

4. Game “Make a figure”

Each child has 2 strings and a set of counting sticks on the table.


    Make up □ and ∆. How many sticks will you need?

    Show sides □ and ∆. How many are there? How many angles?

    Make Ο and 0 (oval) threads
    Is it possible to make them out of sticks? Why? How are these figures similar?

5. Game "Rope"(I give you a thick rope tied into a ring)

Educator: Children, grab the rope with your hands and form Ο, 0 (oval), □, ∆.

Appendix No. 3

Finger gymnastics (2-3 years).

Nenila Pig
She praised her son:
- He’s so cute, - 1
He's so handsome; - 2
Walks sideways - 3
Ears erect, - 4
Pig nose! - 5

- Cockerel, cockerel, - 1
Golden comb, - 2
Oil head. - 3
Silk beard, - 4
That you get up early
Why are you singing loudly?
Don't you let the kids sleep? - 5

Some water, some water, - 1
Wash my face! - 2
To make your cheeks red - 3
To make your eyes sparkle - 4
So that the mouth laughs - 5
So that the tooth bites!

Bucket sunshine! - 1
Rise quickly - 2
Light, heat -3
Calves and lambs, - 4
More little guys - 5

Legs, legs, where have you been? - 1
- We went to the forest to pick mushrooms.
- What were you little hands working on?
- We collected mushrooms. - 2
- And you, little eyes, helped?
- We searched and looked – 3
We looked at all the stumps. - 4
Here is Vanyushka with the fungus - 5
With boletus!


Thumb-boy, where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother.

On the first line, show your thumbs on both hands. Then connect them one by one with the rest of your fingers.

Fingers played hide and seek

And the heads were removed.

Like this, like this

And the heads were removed.

Rhythmically bend and straighten your fingers. Complication: alternately bending the finger on both hands.


We chop the cabbage - chop it

We salt and salt the cabbage,

We are three or three cabbage,

We press and press cabbage.

1. With straight palms, fingers fixed, we imitate the movements of an ax, up, down - repeating, rhythmic movements;

2. alternately stroking the fingertips, fingers gathered into a pinch - imitation of pickling;

3. rubbing fist against fist - vertical movements, up and down;

4. We vigorously clench our fingers into a fist, squeeze and unclench - the movements are rhythmic, simultaneous.


Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock,

Someone's knocking is heard.

This is a woodpecker on a pine tree

Pounds the bark with its beak.

1. Tap the open palm of your left hand with the fist of your right hand 6-7 times in a row;

2. - on the contrary, tap the fist of your left hand on the open palm of your right;

3. connect all the fingers of the right hand, depicting the beak of a woodpecker and lightly hit the palm of the left hand, the fingers of which are spread to the sides, depicting a tree;

16) give mutual assessment of activities and their effectiveness...

  • Literature page 29


    ... page. 16 Puppy socialization page. 19 Practicing initial training commands page. 21 Taking care of your health page...German Shepherd page. 28 Literature page. 29 For notes page. 30 GERMAN... Another trip to the city. 16 weeks The age at which a puppy explores its surroundings...

  • Literature page 17 (2)


    Shegra district……………… …………………... .. page. 11 7) For the Tomsk region…………………………………........... page. 12 Conclusion……………………………………………………... page. 16 Literature………………………………………………………page. 17 Introduction...

  • Finger gymnastics for children



    The pads of the thumbs do not simply touch the pads of the remaining fingers one by one, but press on them with force.


    Press your bent fingers firmly against your palms.


    When unclenching your fists, strain your straightened fingers.


    Move straight, tense fingers together and apart.


    Connect the palms of both hands, cross and bend your fingers, press them to the back of your hands.


    The position of the palms is the same as in the previous exercise, but the crossed fingers are straight and tense.


    The thumb and index fingers rhythmically touch the pads, the remaining fingers are straightened and pressed against each other.


    Connect the pads of the thumb, middle and ring fingers; Straighten your index finger and little finger and move them.


    Tilt the straight index finger left and right, the remaining fingers are bent into a fist.


    Keep your hands parallel to each other, with pressure, rhythmically connect the pads of the fingers of the same name (“knock” with the pads).


    Straight fingers apart, tense - rhythmically bend the first and second phalanges of the fingers.


    Jumping on branches

    Little squirrel.

    The tail flashes among the branches. Who will keep up with her?

    Use your thumb to touch the remaining fingers in turn, performing the exercise first with one hand, then with the other.

    “Who sleeps in winter?”

    The bear in the den sleeps soundly, snoring all winter until spring.

    Chipmunks sleep in winter,

    Prickly hedgehog and badger.

    Only the bunny can’t sleep - he’s running away from the fox.

    He flashes among the bushes, He chattered - and he was like that!

    Squeeze your fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger. Show your thumb and rotate it. Connect the thumb of the right hand with the index finger of the left and vice versa

    "Visiting a fairy tale"

    One, two, three, four, five - We love to read fairy tales.

    Princess Frog,

    The Little Humpbacked Horse,

    Little Mouse and Kolobok. We still need to name the chicken Ryaba - we are happy to remember the heroes from fairy tales.

    Unclench your fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger. Clench your fingers into a fist, starting with the thumb.

    Let's call fairy tales:

    This fairy tale is “Teremok”.

    This fairy tale is “Kolobok”.

    This fairy tale is “Turnip”:

    About granddaughter, grandmother, grandfather.

    "The wolf and the seven Young goats" -

    Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.

    They stretch their arms forward, playing with their fingers. Alternately touch the other fingers with your thumb, starting with your index finger. Show thumbs up.

    "Fun Meeting"

    Hello kitten!

    Hello, little goat!

    Hello, puppy!

    And hello, duckling!

    Hello, cheerful, funny pig!

    Extend your fingers, starting with the little finger, move each finger, greeting the animals.

    "Funny men"

    Funny people were running past the river.

    Jumped, galloped,

    We greeted the sun.

    We climbed onto the bridge

    And they hammered a nail.

    Then we plunge into the river.

    Where are the little people?

    “Men”-fingers run along the “paths”-hands of children standing opposite each other. Jump your fingers on each other's shoulders. Gently place your hands on your friend's cheeks. Make a bridge with your hands. Knock your fists. Bend over and swing your arms freely. Hide your fingers under each other's armpits.


    for the development of fine motor skills without speech accompaniment

    1. The tip of the thumb of the right hand alternately touches the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers (“fingers say hello”).

    2. The same exercise is performed with the fingers of the left hand.

    3. The same exercise is performed simultaneously with the fingers of the right and left hands.

    4. The fingers of the right hand touch the fingers of the left hand in turn (“say hello”): first the thumb with the thumb, then the index finger with the index finger, etc.

    5. The fingers of the right hand all simultaneously “hello” the fingers of the left hand.

    6. Straighten the index finger of your right hand and rotate it (“wasp”).

    7. The same movements are made with the index finger of the left hand.

    8. The same movements are simultaneously made by the index fingers of both hands (“wasps”).

    9. The index and middle fingers of the right hand “run” across the table (“little man”).

    10. The same movements are made with the fingers of the left hand.

    11. The same movements are simultaneously made by the fingers of both hands (“Children are running a race”).

    12. Extend the index finger to the little finger of the right hand (“Goat”).

    13. The same exercise is performed simultaneously with the fingers of both hands (“Kids”).

    14. The same exercise is performed with the fingers of the left hand.

    15. Form two circles from the thumb and index fingers of both hands, connecting them (“Glasses”).

    16. Extend the index and middle fingers of your right hand upward, and connect the tip of the ring and little fingers to the seal of the thumb (“bunny”).

    17. The same exercise is performed with the fingers of the left hand.

    18. The same - simultaneously with the fingers of both hands (“hares”).

    19. Raise both hands, palms facing you, fingers spread wide (“trees”).

    20. Use the fingers of both hands, raised with the back of them towards you, to move up and down (“birds are flying, flapping their wings”).

    21. Bend the fingers of your right hand one by one, starting with the thumb.

    22. Perform the same exercises, only bend your fingers, starting with the little finger.

    23. Perform the two previous exercises with the fingers of your left hand.

    24. Bend the fingers of your right hand into a fist, straighten them one by one, starting with the thumb.

    25. Perform the same exercise, only straighten your fingers, starting with the little finger.

    26. Perform the two previous exercises with the fingers of your left hand.

    27. Connect all fingers except the thumb together, extend the thumb upward (“flag”).

    28. Bend both hands into fists, extend your thumbs up, bring them closer (“two people are talking”).

    29. Clench your right hand into a fist, and lean your left hand vertically (“stream” - “chair”).

    30. Clench your right hand into a fist, place your left hand horizontally on top of it (“table”).

    31. Bend the fingers of your left hand into a fist, leaving a hole on top, leaving a hole on top (“a barrel of water”).

    32. Left hand in the same left position, insert the index finger of the right hand into the hole from above (“the bird is drinking water”).

    33. Bend the fingers of both hands slightly and apply them to each other (“bowl” - “nest”).

    34. Both hands are in the same position as in the previous exercise, and the thumbs are down inside (“bird’s nest with eggs”).

    35. Holding your fingers up, connect the tips of the middle and ring fingers of both hands, raise your thumbs up or extend them horizontally inward (“gate”, “door”). 36. Connect the fingertips of your right and left hands at an angle (“roof”, “tower”, “house”).

    37. Hands in the same position as in the previous exercise, only place the index fingers horizontally in front of the “roof”.

    38. The fingers are in the same position as in the previous two exercises, only the thumbs are on both sides of the “counter” (represented by the index fingers located horizontally) and “talk” to each other.

    39. Raise your hands up with your palms facing each other, place your fingers horizontally, connect the tips of the middle and ring fingers of both hands (“bridge”, “road”, “house”). 40. Hands in a vertical position, press the palms of both hands together, then slightly spread them, rounding the fingers (“cup”, “flower”).

    41. Press your hands with the backs of each other, lower your fingers down (“plant roots”).

    42. Extend the index finger of the right hand, the remaining fingers “run along the table” (“the dog is running”, “the horse is running”).

    43. The fingers of the right hand are in the same position as in the previous exercise, but spread the index and middle fingers of the virgin hand (they represent the “rider”), place the “rider” on the “horse” - the index finger of the right hand.

    44. Place your right hand on the table, raise your index and middle fingers, spread them (“snail with antennae”).

    45. Right hand - as in the previous exercise, and put the reconciliation (“snail shell”) with your left hand.

    46. ​​Press the middle and ring fingers of the right hand with the thumb into the palm, bend the index finger and little finger, raise the hand up (“cat”).

    47. Connect the thumb, middle and ring fingers of the right hand, index finger and little finger, bending slightly, lift up (“cat”, “dog”).

    48. Bend your left hand into a fist, raise your thumb up, wrap it around the fingers of your right hand (“bird in the nest”).

    49. Point the ends of your fingers forward, press your hands with your palms to each other, open them slightly (“boat”).

    50. Cross your fingers, raise your hands up, spread your fingers (“sun rays”).

    51. Press the back sides together, cross your fingers, lift them (“Christmas tree”, “branches”).

    52. Cross the fingers of both hands, the backs of the hands facing upward. Lower the middle finger of your right hand down and rotate it freely (“bell”).

    53. Crossed fingers facing down, the backs of the hands facing up, thumbs extended upward (“passengers on the bus”).

    54. Rolling plastic balls.

    55. Tearing paper into small pieces.

    56. Stringing rings, large buttons, beads.

    57. Fastening buttons.

    58. Untying and tying knots.

    59. Lacing boots.

    60. Folding pyramids, houses, etc.

    61. Game "mailbox".

    62. Modeling, drawing, shading, working with mosaics, sticks, construction sets, etc.

    63. Finger games (“white-sided magpie”, “Indian ladder”).

    64. Shadow theater.

    Correction exercises stereognosis

    Stereognosis (stereo + Greek gnosis cognition)- this is the ability to recognize objects by feeling them.

    a) determining the texture of various objects with closed eyes, first with the “best” then with the “worst” hand;

    b) developing the ability to determine the shape of various objects by touch, first with the “best” hand, then with the “worst” hand;

    c) determining the shape of various geometric bodies by size, thickness, etc.;

    d) determining the texture of the fabric by touch;

    e) identification of three-dimensional numbers and letters by touch;

    f) sorting 2 and 3 types of objects by touch.

    Finger gymnastics complexes

    1. Palms on the table (count “one-two” with fingers apart and together).

    2. Palm - fist - rib (counting “one, two, three”)

    3. Fingers shake hands (on the count of “one-two-three-four-five” the fingers of both hands are connected: thumb to thumb, index to index, etc.)

    4. Little man (the index and middle fingers of the right and then the left hand run across the table, the same movements are made simultaneously with the fingers of both hands (“children run a race”)

    5. Children run a race (movements are the same as in the fourth exercise, but perform both hands at the same time)

    6. Ring (the tip of the thumb of the right hand alternately touches the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers; perform the same exercise with the fingers of the left hand; perform the same movements simultaneously with the fingers of the right and left hands)

    7. A barrel of water (bend the fingers of your left hand into a fist, leaving a hole at the top)

    8. Alternately raising and lowering the fingers (the hands are on the table):

    a) right hand,

    b) left hand,

    c) both hands at the same time.

    Finger gymnastics

    1.Flag (pull your thumb up, connect the rest together)

    2. Birds (alternately the thumb is connected to the rest)

    3. Nest (connect both hands in the form of a bowl, clasp fingers tightly)

    4. Flower (the same, but the fingers are separated)

    5. Plant roots (press the roots-hands with the backs of each other, lower your fingers down)

    6. Horns (hands in a fist, only the little fingers and index fingers raised up, synchronously)

    7. Freely pat your hands on the table alternately and simultaneously

    8. “Claws” - strong half-flexion and extension of the fingers.

    1. Bee (rotate the index finger of the right and then the left hand around)

    2. Bees (the same exercise is performed with both hands)

    3. Boat (point the ends of the fingers forward, press your hands with your palms to each other, slightly opening them)

    4. Sun rays (cross your fingers, raise your hands up, spread your fingers)

    5. Passengers on a bus (fingers crossed down, backs of hands up, thumbs up)

    6. Ears (we show the Latin letter “V” with the fingers of both hands, synchronously)

    7. Fist-palm. The arms are extended forward at chest level. One hand is clenched into a fist and bent at the elbow at the same time, the other with the palm straightened down, then the position of the hands changes

    8. Scissors - spreading the fingers apart and bringing together first one, then the other hand, then both hands together.

    Finger gymnastics

    1. Lock (on the count of “one” - palms are together, and on the count of “two” - the fingers are connected into a lock)

    2. The Fox and the Hare (the fox is sneaking - all fingers slowly walk forward on the table;

    the hare runs away - fingering, quickly moving backwards)

    3. Spider (fingers bent, slowly moving across the table)

    4. Butterfly (put your palms together with the backs of your hands, wave your fingers tightly clenched together)

    5. Count to four (the thumb is connected alternately with all the others)

    6. Bend, unbend (bend the fingers of your right hand into a fist, straighten them one by one, starting with the thumb; do the same exercise, only straighten your fingers, starting with the little finger; perform the two previous exercises with the fingers of your left hand)

    7. Ring fist. The fingers of one hand are clenched into a fist, and the fingers of the other take turns with the thumb to form a ring, then the positions of the hands change

    8. Raising the hands to the sides without opening the wrists (arms extended forward)

    Nursery rhyme
    Come on, brothers, let's get to work!

    Show your hunting.

    The big one needs to chop wood.

    The stoves are all yours to light.

    And you should carry water.

    And you have to cook dinner.

    And for the little one to sing songs.

    Sing songs and dance,

    To amuse siblings.

    Children turn to their right hand, bent into a fist, bending all fingers in turn.

    Finger gymnastics

    1. Flexion-extension of fingers (alternately bend the fingers of the right hand, starting with the thumb; perform the same exercise, only bend the fingers, starting with the little finger; perform the two previous exercises with the fingers of the left hand)

    2. Bowl (fingers of both hands slightly bent and placed next to each other)

    3.Roof (connect the fingertips of the right and left hands at an angle)

    4. Magazine (hands in the same position as in the previous exercise, only place the index fingers in a horizontal position in front of the roof)

    5.Flower (hands in a vertical position, press the palms of both hands together, then slightly spread them, rounding the fingers)

    6.Birds are flying (with the fingers of both hands, raised with the back of them towards you, make up and down movements)

    7. Press alternately with the pads of your fingers on the surface of the table. Performed first with one, then with the other, and then with both hands simultaneously.

    8. Exercises with a lock (fingers intertwined, palms clenched): squeezing the palms, turning, tilting left and right, unclenching the fingers without releasing the lock - “Sun rays”.

    Hand massage

    It is carried out first on one hand, then on the other.

    1. Stroking from the fingertips to the middle of the hand from the outside and back

    2. Kneading the fingers: intense circular movements around each finger

    3. Exercise “Magpie-white-sided”

    4. Intense movements of the thumb back and forth, up and down, in a circle

    5. Flexion-extension of all fingers at the same time

    6. Flexion-extension of the arm at the wrist joint

    7. Intensive rubbing of each finger

    8. Acupressure of each finger between the phalanges from the lateral and

    front-back sides

    9. “Fingers go to bed”: alternately bending the fingers, then straightening them simultaneously, accompanied by a poem:

    This finger wants to sleep

    This finger jumped into the bed

    This finger took a nap

    This little finger is already asleep.

    Hush, little finger, don't make noise,

    Don't wake up your brothers.

    Fingers rose, hurray!

    It's time to go to kindergarten.

    10. “Fingers say hello”

    11. Repeat the first exercise.

    Self-massage of hands and fingers

    1. Pressing tightly squeezed four fingers of one hand on the base of the thumb, the middle of the palm, the base of the fingers of the other hand.

    2. Rubbing the palms with a hexagonal pencil with a gradual increase in effort.

    3. Rubbing your palms with up and down movements.

    4. Rubbing the side surfaces of clasped fingers.

    5. Kneading, then rubbing each finger lengthwise, then crosswise.

    6. Place the walnut between your palms and make circular movements, gradually increasing the pressure and pace. You can do the exercise with two walnuts, rolling one over the other, with one hand, then with the other.

    7. Pressing the unsharpened pencil onto the painful points of the palm, then rotating the pencil to the right and left.

    8. Kneading the right hand with the fingers of the left and vice versa, then rubbing alternately.

    Relaxation of fingers and hands

    The child reproduces actions with some real object. “Painting the fence” movement of the hand up and down, left and right.

    “Let's pet the kitten” smooth stroking movements are performed first with one hand, then with the other.

    “The chicken is drinking water”: the elbows rest on the table, the fingers are folded in the form of a beak; rhythmic forward bending of the arms.

    “Musicians”, with hand movements, the child copies playing various musical instruments.

    “Salt the soup”: the elbows rest on the table, the fingers of both hands reproduce the corresponding movements.

    Make soft fists that can be easily unclenched and into which an adult can stick his fingers, and strong ones that cannot be unclenched.

    « Weather"
    Cold. Autumn. my fingers

    They all scold the cold days.

    The dandelion finger (little finger) complains:

    How cold it is!

    The index finger whispers barely audibly:

    What if it snows? The middle finger grumbles:

    The wind made me deaf! The ring finger screams:

    Ah ah ah! Sun, come out!

    Big Thumb exclaims:

    It's a pity I'm not wearing boots!

    Give me the casing!

    We rub and stroke our fingers

    "Ten Fingers"
    Ten thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

    One fell asleep under the tree, and there were nine of them left.

    Nine thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

    One fell asleep under the tree, and there were eight of them left.

    Eight thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

    One fell asleep under the tree, and there were seven of them left.

    Seven thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

    One fell asleep under the tree, and there were six of them left.

    Six thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

    One fell asleep under the tree, and there were five of them left.

    Five thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

    One fell asleep under the tree, and there were four of them left.

    Four thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

    One fell asleep under the tree,

    And there are three of them left………

    "Your fingers"
    This finger is the biggest.

    The most cheerful, the funniest!

    (Show your child your thumb and rub it.)

    This finger is the index finger.

    He is respectable and attentive.

    (Point to something

    index finger.)

    This finger is middle

    Neither the first nor the last.

    (Bend your middle finger.)

    This finger is the ring finger,

    He doesn't like semolina porridge.

    (Bend your ring finger

    as if he doesn't want porridge.)

    The smallest one is the little finger,

    Loves to run to the store!

    (Stick out your little finger as if he

    wants to escape from the other fingers.)

    Thick and big finger

    I went to the garden to pick plums.

    Index from the threshold

    Showed him the way

    The middle finger is the most accurate

    He knocks plums off the branch.

    Nameless eats

    And the little finger is gentleman

    Plants seeds in the ground.

    (based on a folk song)

    A squirrel sits on a cart

    Sells his nuts;

    To my little fox sister,

    Sparrow, titmouse,

    To the clubfooted bear,

    Bunny with a mustache.

    (extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)

    "Autumn leaves"
    One two three four five,

    (bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

    We will collect leaves.

    (clench and unclench your fists)

    Birch leaves, rowan leaves,

    (bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

    Poplar leaves, aspen leaves,

    We will collect oak leaves.

    This fat piglet was wagging his tail all day long.

    This fat pig was scratching his back on the fence

    This fat pig was picking the ground with his nose

    This fat pig drew something himself

    This fat pig is lazy and impudent

    I wanted to sleep in the middle and pushed all my brothers out of the way

    Take turns stroking your baby's fingers, first the little and ring fingers, then the middle and index fingers.

    This is the thumb

    He's like a fat boy

    I ate ten servings of porridge,

    That's why I got fat.

    This is the index finger,

    He is the most attentive

    He will see everything, but will not say,

    It will only point to the side.

    The middle finger is here,

    He lives in the heart.

    And to the other finger

    No name was given

    That's why nameless

    Everyone called him.

    Well, this finger -

    A little boy,

    The little finger is called -

    The hand ends there.

    Tukkaeva Zarema Kazbekovna

    The hand has a large “representation” in the cerebral cortex, so finger gymnastics is of great importance for the development of the child. One of the most common types of finger gymnastics is finger games. Finger games develop not only manual dexterity and precision, but also the child’s brain, stimulate creativity, imagination and speech. The goal of classes to develop dexterity and accuracy of the fingers is to develop the relationship between the hemispheres of the brain and the synchronization of their work. In the right hemisphere of the brain, images of objects and phenomena arise, and in the left hemisphere they are verbalized, i.e. find verbal expression. And this process occurs thanks to the “bridge” between the right and left hemispheres. The stronger this bridge, scientists believe, the faster and more often nerve impulses travel along it, the more active the thought processes, more precisely the attention, the higher the abilities.

    Finger games affect finger plasticity, hands become obedient, which helps the child perform small movements necessary in drawing, and in the future, when writing. Scientists consider finger games as a combination of finger plasticity with expressive speech intonation, the creation of finger theater, and the formation of figurative and associative thinking. This means that finger gymnastics affects not just the development of speech, but also its expressiveness and the formation of creative abilities.

    Finger games, according to scientists, are a reflection of the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During the game, children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills. This develops dexterity, the ability to control one’s movements, and concentrate attention on one type of activity.

    Exercises for finger gymnastics are selected taking into account the age of the child.

    ✔ Children under 2 years of age:

    They become familiar with the palm, perform simple movements: patting, tapping on the knees, hiding hands behind the back.

    For example, the exercise "Bunny"

    The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears.

    That's it, that's it! And he wiggles his ears.

    With the help of an adult, they show the figure with one hand (rays, claws, ring, beak, fan, rain);

    It is recommended to start finger gymnastics by warming up your fingers: flexion and extension. You can use rubber toys with squeaks for this exercise.

    The exercise begins with an explanation of its implementation, the posture of the fingers and hand is shown.

    Gradually they move from showing to verbal instructions. (if the child acts incorrectly, the correct pose is shown again).

    At first, all exercises are performed slowly. If the child cannot independently take a pose and perform the required movement, the teacher takes the child’s hand in his own and acts together with him; You can teach the child to support one hand with the other or to help with the actions of the working one with his free hand.

    Work on developing movements of the fingers and hands should be carried out systematically for 2-5 minutes daily. These rules are observed when performing finger gymnastics with children of any age.

    ✔ Children aged 2 - 3 years perform:

    Energetic movements with the hands (knead the dough, hammer in a clove).

    For example, exercise “Cabbage”

    We chop and chop cabbage,

    We three or three carrots,

    We salt and salt the cabbage,

    We press and press cabbage.

    Simple figures from the fingers of one hand.

    “Bunny” The bunny has long ears, they stick out from the bushes. He jumps and gallops, making his bunnies happy.

    “Goat” The goat has horns sticking out, it can gore.

    After completing the figures yourself, you can act out scenes or short fairy tales, distributing roles between the teacher and the children (for example, a meeting between a hedgehog and a bunny in the forest).

    Making simple figures from fingers and palms (ring, ladle);

    Games involving two hands (house, gate, castle, glasses, chain).


    There is a lock on the door. (join the fingers of both hands into a lock)

    Who could open it? (fingers clasped together, arms stretched in different directions)

    Knocked (without releasing your fingers, knock your palms together)

    Twisted, (twist the clasped hands at the wrists) Pulled (fingers clasped, arms stretched in different directions) And opened. (unclasp fingers)


    There is a house in a clearing,

    Well, the path to the house is closed.

    We open the gates

    We invite you all to the house.


    Quickly inflate the balloon.

    He's getting big.

    Suddenly the balloon burst, the air came out -

    He became thin and thin. (All the fingers of both hands are in a “pinch” and their tips touch. In this position, we blow on them, while the fingers take the shape of a ball. The air “comes out” and the fingers take their original position.)

    ✔ Children 3 – 4 years old.

    Games involving two hands, but each hand has its own movement.


    And the cat has ears on the top of her head,

    To better hear the Mouse in her hole. - an animal figure is performed (first with one hand, and then with the other, then with both hands together). - the second figure is learned according to the same principle.


    Gray skin,

    Little eyes,

    Ears on top of head.

    Let's say to the mouse: “Hello!” - children perform the first figure with one hand, the second with the other, the position of the hands changes. - Having mastered the free execution of figures, the exercises become more complicated: small scenes are acted out, short stories are retold, accompanied by the construction of figures from the hand and fingers.


    Vaska the cat saw a nest on a tree. There were chicks living in the nest (we depict a figurine of a cat, a nest with chicks). Vaska the cat wanted to eat the chicks and climbed a tree. But then a mother bird flew in and began to protect her chicks (image a bird). The cat got scared and ran away (image a cat).

    Flexion and extension of the fingers of the right (left) hand alternately.


    This finger is the thickest, strongest and biggest!

    This finger is for showing it off!

    This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle!

    This ring finger is the most spoiled!

    And although the little finger is small, it is dexterous and daring!

    ✔ Children http://x-apple-data-detectors://1years:

    Perform different figures and movements with the right and left hand;

    Squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands together and alternately;

    Make a figure from both hands, aligning the fingers.


    Crawling backwards, backwards

    Everything under water is grabbed by claws.

    The crab crawls along the bottom with its claw outstretched. Palms down, fingers crossed and down. Thumbs to yourself. We move our palms on the fingers, first in one direction, then in the other.

    Four-year-old preschoolers can play games using several events that follow each other.

    "The Bunny and the Cabbage"

    The little bunny got up early, went out into the clearing.

    The fingertips of one hand form the muzzle, and the straightened index and middle fingers form the ears..

    I walked along the edge of the forest to the forest and found a large head of cabbage.

    “We walk” with our fingers on the table. We show a fist with the other hand.

    The little bunny began to gnaw on a head of cabbage with a crunch: crunch-crunch, crunch-crunch. The “hare” gnaws his fist and smacks his lips. He ate it, fell under a bush and fell asleep. Woke up...Stretched sweetly, With effort we spread all our fingers. And when I got home I took a long breath! We show how the hare moves across the table.

    ✔ Children 5 - 7 years old

    They recite poems and nursery rhymes with their hands with frequent changes of figures. They make animal figures from fingers using additional materials (ball, handkerchief, pencil).

    Combine the fingers of one hand alternately (1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5). Then with the other hand and both hands in parallel. When performing the exercises, attention is paid to the quality of the figure, the coordination of movements of individual fingers and the entire hand, and the ability to hold an object. Exercises can be selected taking into account thematic unity.

    For example, the theme “Mushrooms”.

    This finger went into the forest

    This finger found a mushroom

    I began to clean this finger,

    this finger began to fry,

    This finger ate everything, that’s why it lost weight.

    Methodical instructions. Bend your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger.

    "For mushrooms"

    The sun rose early in the morning and caressed all the children. (Palms crossed, fingers spread wide - sunshine.)

    We went for mushrooms. (fingers walk along the table, knees.)

    They brought three baskets. (show three fingers)

    Stick figures

    I went into the forest with a basket,

    I found a fungus on a tree stump.

    A game - Place peas along the drawn outline. “Basket” I take a basket to the forest and put mushrooms in it. Methodical instructions. Place your palms on yourself, interlace your fingers, spread your elbows to the sides - the palms “spread apart”, and gaps form between the fingers.

    Mushrooms in the meadow

    Who's hidden in the picture? Help, fingers! You are running along the contour, Help me recognize the picture. Milk mushroom. Lay out a pattern using small geometric shapes. “Wonderful bag” Find a fungus among several different toys.

    An interesting exercise in finger gymnastics is finger theater. It allows you to stage rhymed stories and fairy tales using your fingers, which attracts children. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate the concepts of “right”, “left”, “up”, “down”, etc. At the age of 5-6 years, finger theater skills prepare the hand for writing. It is recommended to show finger shows to children from a very early age. Didacts attach great importance to finger theater because it is an exercise:

    Stimulates the development of fine motor skills;

    Introduces the child to such concepts as shape, color, size;

    Helps develop spatial perception (concepts: right, left, next to each other, etc.);

    Develops imagination, memory, thinking and attention; helps develop vocabulary and activates speech functions;

    Finger gymnastics in mathematics classes.

    Finger gamesdevelop the child’s brain, stimulate speech development, help show creativity and imagination, and contribute to the formation of mathematical concepts. Some finger games are aimed at learning to count, while others introduce the baby to the names of body parts and the fingers themselves. In some finger games, the baby must act with both hands at once - this helps him better navigate in space, master concepts such as high-low, right-left.The level of development of a child is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine hand movements - movements that contribute to the development of thinking, memory, attention, and speech. Therefore, work on developing fine motor skills should be carried out regularly. Only then can the greatest effect be achieved. Finger gymnastics games and exercises can also be used in mathematics classes.
    Exercises that are complicated by solving related problems are interesting.

    Finger games aimed at orientationin space, mastering the concepts of “in front - behind”, “left - right”.Gray goat.
    One day a gray goat came into the garden to eat.(Index fingers are straightened, fingers are pressed to the forehead. Let's go forward.) I looked around - there was food here and there.(We turn in one direction or the other.) There is grass under the hooves,(We lower our chin)
    And above your head there is foliage.(Raise our chin up.) Bend over and eat the cabbage(Lean down.)
    And at the top there are big pears(We stand on our toes and stretch up.) Cucumbers grow behind, (We turn back.) There are bushes growing ahead.(Turn back)
    On the left is a young onion, on the right is a young zucchini(Half turns left, right)
    Here - a hundred berries, there - two hundred(Tilts to the right, left.)
    The goat is spinning in place.(Spinning)
    And while he was choosing, the Dog drove him into the barn.(Bowing our heads, we run away from the dog.) Finger games aimed at learning counting. Orange
    We shared an orange(left hand in a fist, right hand clasping it)
    There are many of us - but he is oneThis slice is for the hedgehog(with our right hand we open the fingers of our left hand one by one)
    This slice is for siskinThis slice is for kittensThis slice is for ducklingsThis slice is for the beaverAnd for the wolf - peel!(shake both brushes)
    For example, you can fix the countdown based on the poem by Yu. Chuzhak“I bought a lamb bagel” . At the farmer's market (extends fist)
    Early in the morning (place palm on edge)
    Bought (show palm)
    Ram (fist)
    Baranok (edge)
    For the lambs (fingers of the left hand “play”)
    For the sheep (fingers of the right hand “play”)
    Ten poppy rings
    (show 10 fingers)
    Nine dryers
    Eight buns
    Seven cakes
    Six cheesecakes,

    Five cakes,
    Four crumpets,
    Three cakes
    Two gingerbreads
    And I bought one roll

    (show the corresponding number of fingers).
    I haven't forgotten about myself(negative head movement)
    And for the wife - sunflowers
    (the fingers of both hands are spread out, the thumbs are pressed against each other)!

    Finger games and exercises are a unique tool for speech development. Pediatricians and psychologists believe that the psychomotor processes of speech development directly depend on the development of fine motor skills (that is, the ability to manipulate fingers). Learning texts using “finger” gymnastics stimulates the development of thinking, attention, imagination, fosters emotional expressiveness, speed of reaction. The child remembers poetic texts better, his speech becomes more expressive.

    Therefore, finger games are very important for a child.

    Using finger games and exercises helps children:

    -- make a breakthrough in speech development - improve pronunciation and enrich vocabulary;

    -- prepare your hand for writing, which is especially important for children who will soon go to school;

    -- prevent the appearance of the so-called writer's cramp - a common problem for beginning schoolchildren;

    -- develop attention, patience, internal brake - the ability to restrain yourself exactly when it is necessary;

    -- stimulate imagination, show creativity;

    -- while playing, master the principles of geometry, both on the plane and in space;

    -- learn to control your body, feel confident in the system of “bodily coordinates,” which will prevent the occurrence of neuroses;

    -- feel the joy of mutual understanding without words, understand the possibilities of non-verbal communication;

    -- and if the child is a little left-handed person, then help him successfully adapt to the world of right-handed people.

    Game "Clock"
    (We sit on the mat (on our knees). We move our fingers (“run”) from the knees to the top of the head).
    The mouse climbed for the first time
    See what time it is.
    Suddenly the clock said: “Bang!”

    (One clap overhead).
    The mouse rolled head over heels.
    (Hands “roll” to the floor).
    The mouse climbed in a second time
    See what time it is.
    Suddenly the clock said: “Bom, bom!”

    (Two claps).
    The mouse rolled head over heels.
    The mouse climbed for the third time
    See what time it is.
    Suddenly the clock said: “Bom, bom, bom!”
    (Three claps).
    The mouse rolled head over heels.
    Game "Worms"
    One two three four five,
    The worms went for a walk.
    (Palms lie on your knees or on the table. Bend your fingers, pull your palm towards you (movement of a crawling caterpillar), walk along the table with your index and middle fingers (the remaining fingers are pressed towards the palm).
    One two three four five,
    The worms went for a walk.
    Suddenly a crow runs up
    She nods her head
    (We fold our fingers into a pinch and swing them up and down).
    Croaks: “Here comes lunch!”
    (Open your palm, moving your thumb down and the rest up).
    Lo and behold, there are no worms!
    (Clench our fists, pressing them to our chest)
    Game "Kittens"
    (We fold our palms, press our fingers together. Elbows rest on the table).
    Our cat has ten kittens,
    (We shake our hands without separating them).
    Now all the kittens are in pairs:
    Two fat, two nimble,
    Two long, two tricky,

    Two little ones
    And the most beautiful ones.

    (Tap the corresponding fingers against each other (from the big to the little finger). Game "Fingers" Fingers fell asleep Curled into a fist. One two three four five - They wanted to play. We woke up the neighbors' house, Six and seven woke up there, Eight nine ten - Everyone is having fun. But it's time to go back everyone: Ten, nine, eight, seven. Six curled up, Five yawned and turned away. Four, three, two, one - We sleep in the house again.

    (On the first two lines, the fingers of both hands are clenched into fists. On the third, straighten the fingers of the right hand. On the fourth, move them quickly. On the fifth, tap the fingers of the right hand on the fist of the left. On the sixth and seventh, straighten the fingers of the left hand. On the eighth – circular movements with the hands. Next, bend the fingers of the left hand first, and then the right).

    Thus, we can conclude that finger games provide an opportunity for parents and educators to develop mathematical concepts in a fun way for children. And also, it is important to arouse and consolidate a stable interest in mathematics among children. Finger games are the most effective, interesting and convenient way to develop mathematical concepts in preschool children.