
Providing first aid for a stroke. If a stroke occurs at home, what should you do? First aid rules First aid for stroke treatment

A stroke is an acute disturbance of blood circulation in the brain. This is one of the serious diseases that can lead to death or disability. It is extremely rare for a person to feel great after a stroke. As a rule, it is customary to distinguish two types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic, the treatment methods of which are different from each other.

What causes a stroke and how to recognize it?

A disease such as stroke is more common in older people and can be caused by various factors. The main reasons for its development are the following:

How to identify the first symptoms of a stroke?

Any person should know what to do when the first symptoms of a stroke appear, since different situations happen in life and sometimes help must be provided to a sick person immediately. But, first of all, you need to understand that the patient has a stroke, and not another disease, for this you need to perform the following steps:

It is worth noting that the help of a doctor is especially important in the first 40-60 minutes after the first signs of a stroke appear.

Therefore, you need to immediately call a doctor, and, if possible, take the patient to a specialized department of the hospital.

In addition, the disease has special precursors, thanks to which it is possible to distinguish a pathology such as a stroke from a number of others. The first signs of the disease include the following conditions:

What should you do and what shouldn't you do?

Further treatment depends on what type of stroke a person has. Before starting first aid measures at home, you need to call a doctor and the dispatcher describe in as much detail as possible the patient’s condition and what is happening to him. If he gives any recommendations according to first aid, they must be followed.

If we are talking about ischemic stroke, then you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

But, as mentioned above, there is a big difference between the two types of stroke, which concerns not only first aid methods, but also the manifestation of the disease itself.

In order to alleviate the patient’s condition during a hemorrhagic stroke, you need to listen to the following recommendations:

Often, with a disease such as a stroke, the patient refuses to provide first aid and see a doctor, because he believes that the disease will soon pass and his condition will improve. In this case, you cannot listen to him, since it is worth remembering that his brain function is impaired.

If the patient's heart has stopped, it is necessary to perform artificial respiration or chest compressions.

It is advisable not to move the person who has had an attack, but to leave him where everything happened, if nothing in this place threatens his life.

So, if a person has a stroke on the road, of course, he needs to be moved to a safer place, without making it difficult for cars to pass.

What to do before the ambulance arrives?

It was described above what measures can be taken at home before the ambulance arrives if you know what type of stroke the patient has. But sometimes there are cases when it is not possible to identify what type of disease a person has, and therefore any wrong actions can only harm a person’s health. That is why doctors have developed a set of measures to provide first aid at home in the event that it is not clear what type of stroke we are talking about:

It is necessary to measure blood pressure at home before the ambulance arrives and record the time at which the measurement was taken; this data must be reported to the arriving doctor. You also need to remember at what time the person had a stroke. Based on this data, the doctor will select treatment. After the ambulance arrives, a person who witnessed the stroke should go with the patient to the hospital.

It also happens that when helping a person who has lost consciousness, the Chinese method is used. It consists of pricking each finger of the hand with a needle, thereby causing capillary bleeding and bringing the patient to consciousness. Before performing such actions, you need to thoroughly sterilize the needle and treat it under fire.

The Chinese also use another method for stroke, which is effective for curvature of the mouth. You need to rub your earlobes until they turn red, and then prick them several times. Such manipulations will bring the patient to his senses and make the line of the mouth straight. It is worth noting that these methods are not highly valued by Russian medicine, as they can cause shock in the patient.

What not to do?

The person who will provide first aid must behave calmly and deliberately. Very often, people, due to their inexperience, trying to help the patient, only make things worse, aggravating his health condition. During a stroke, you should not do the following:

The first thing to do if there are signs of a stroke is to call an ambulance and try to improve the patient’s condition before it arrives. If you yourself don’t know what to do, you can ask the doctor how you can help the patient when placing a call.

It is worth remembering that first aid for a stroke is a necessary measure, provided that it is performed correctly. After all, thanks to timely assistance, the progression of an acute life-threatening condition can be stopped.

– a disease that strikes suddenly. Every year it gets “younger”: more and more often you can meet patients with this diagnosis who have recently crossed the twenty-five-year mark. Until recently, it was considered a disease of middle age, and cases when people fell ill at the age of about thirty were extremely rare.

Today, stroke is the fifth leading cause of death. However, more terrible are the consequences of this disease, which can last for many years, turning a cheerful, yesterday absolutely healthy person into a disabled person who cannot do without outside help.

Mistaking a person having a stroke for a drunk, passers-by go about their business, but knowing the primary signs and responding to the situation in a timely manner can save the person’s life and prevent serious complications. The more time passes from the onset of an attack to the provision of first aid, the more severe the consequences will be for the body.

A stroke occurs when blood stops flowing to an area of ​​the brain due to a blood clot forming, blocking blood flow and oxygen to the brain.

Due to lack of oxygen, gradual cell death begins, which affects the structure of the cerebral cortex and mental activity.

Timely assistance reduces possible irreversible consequences, but not everyone can recognize a stroke, and few know how to properly provide first aid before the ambulance arrives.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, you need to be more attentive to your health and undergo a preventive examination. Like any other disease, a stroke has “precursors” that tell the body that it is necessary to take preventive measures or undergo treatment.

There is a reason to see a doctor if:

  • frequent feeling of weakness, fatigue quickly sets in;
  • suffer from attacks of severe headache;
  • numbness of the hands is periodically felt;
  • sudden dizziness;
  • there are sudden disturbances in orientation in space;
  • difficulties with speech, sometimes it is impossible to remember familiar words;
  • lack of concentration at the right time.

These symptoms do not necessarily mean that a stroke is coming. They may indicate circulatory disorders and be associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia and a number of other diseases:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • diabetes mellitus (diabetic coma);
  • poisoning with toxic substances or alcohol;
  • various brain tumors, etc.

In any case, this is a reason to once again consult a doctor and fully check the condition of the body in order to identify violations in its functioning.

How to recognize a stroke

The first signs that indicate poor circulation and indicate the likelihood of a stroke:

  • loss of consciousness or state of “stupefaction”;
  • drowsiness or sudden agitation;
  • rapid heartbeat and dizziness;
  • increased sweating, nausea, and in some cases vomiting;
  • possible disturbance of orientation in space;
  • visual disturbances, loss of sensitivity, articulation disorders.

If a stroke is suspected, there is a special technique that allows even a non-specialist to identify the disease based on the most common signs.

  1. Ask the patient to extend their hands towards you with palms facing up. During a stroke, one will go down or to the side.
  2. Ask the patient to raise both arms above their head at the same time. In the patient they will rise at different speeds and to different heights.
  3. Ask to show your tongue. In the patient, it will be bent or turned to the side.
  4. Offer to repeat a simple phrase after you or identify yourself. If you speak like a drunk or have impaired articulation, this is a clear sign of a stroke.
  5. Ask the patient to smile and show his teeth. A twisted smile, more like a grimace, indicates a stroke.

The presence of these signs (not necessarily all) is a reason to call emergency help or, if possible, quickly take the patient to a doctor.

Priority measures

Regardless of where the patient had a stroke - on a park bench, in a house, in an underground passage or on a lawn, the actions of those around him must obey a strict algorithm that will help reduce the consequences of a stroke:

  1. Remain calm yourself and help the patient, if he is conscious, to calm down. Convince him that nothing bad is happening.
  2. Check your general condition: breathing, pulse, consciousness; If possible, measure your blood pressure;
  3. Determine the signs of a stroke: the presence of seizures, facial distortion, speech impairment, etc.
  4. Call an ambulance.
  5. Lay the patient on his back or side, slightly raising his head and torso, or horizontally. If signs of nausea occur, turn your head to the side.
  6. Before the doctors arrive, provide first aid and, if necessary (lack of breathing, dilated pupils, weak heartbeat), perform resuscitation: artificial respiration, chest compressions.
  7. Make sure that there is no lack of oxygen: open a window or vent, unfasten your collar or belt.
  8. Observe the changes occurring in the patient's body.

This is a general algorithm of actions that will reduce the risk of death before the arrival of professional doctors. The first three hours from the onset of an attack are the most important. The quality of life after recovery depends on the correct assistance provided.

Detailed description of all emergency steps

Each case of stroke may be accompanied by different symptoms. There are two types of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic. When providing first aid, it is important to consider the type of illness.

Ischemic stroke:

  • occurs at night or early morning;
  • the patient is conscious, the disturbances are moderate;
  • there are speech impairments, weakness in the limbs on one side, and a distortion of the face;
  • no convulsive syndrome.

In this case, first aid is provided according to the standard method described above, and has no special features.

Hemorrhagic stroke:

  • appears abruptly, against the background of physical or emotional overload;
  • there is confusion or fainting;
  • convulsions are present;
  • severe tension in the muscles of the back of the head, it is impossible to move the head;
  • significant increase in blood pressure.

In case of hemorrhagic stroke, it is imperative to position the head so that it is elevated and above the body.

You need to apply ice to your head. It is better if to the half in which the hemorrhage occurred - this is the side opposite to the tense one.

Severe stroke

In severe forms of stroke, swelling of the brain may occur, causing fainting, convulsions, dilated pupils, and absence of heart rhythm - clear signs of clinical death.

For emergency help in this case you need:

  1. Place the patient on his back on something hard.
  2. Turn his head to the side, clear his mouth of mucus and remove dentures (if any) from his mouth.
  3. Throw his head back.
  4. Grab the corners of the lower jaw with both hands, try to push it forward and open the patient’s mouth with your thumbs.
  5. Perform mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration: cover the patient’s lips with a cloth and take two deep breaths.
  6. Indirect cardiac massage: place your hands on top of each other, interlocking your fingers. Place your lower palm at the junction of the lower and middle parts of the sternum, and rhythmically perform about 100 pressures per minute. Every 30 compressions, take 2 breaths of artificial respiration.

You need to continue actions until the ambulance arrives.

Use of medications

In some cases, if the patient is conscious, medications can be used. But only if for some reason it is not possible to quickly deliver the patient to the clinic. It is better if these are intravenous injections of drugs that can support brain cells: piracetam, thiocetam, nootropil, actovegin, cortexin, furosemide, lasix, etc.

What not to do if you have a stroke

In case of a stroke, first of all, you should not panic. If, based on primary signs, you suspect that you are developing a stroke, inform those around you. They must call an ambulance immediately.

To reduce the load on the body, there is no need to make unnecessary movements, turn or move the patient.

A stroke attack is always accompanied by severe neurological symptoms, so a person is completely dependent on doctors. Under no circumstances should you hope that it will “go away on its own.”

You should not take drugs that have a vasodilating effect - papaverine, drotaverine. Their mechanism of action promotes the expansion of healthy areas of blood flow, which creates a significant load on already damaged areas and aggravates the situation.

It is not advisable to give food or drink: when someone loses consciousness, attacks of vomiting often occur, which is why the patient may choke on vomit.

Effectiveness of first aid

According to statistics, if first aid is provided in a timely manner and the patient is admitted to the clinic in the first three hours after the onset of the disease:

  • in 50-60% of cases, patients with severe forms of stroke survive;
  • in 75-90% of cases, patients who have suffered a mild form of stroke recover completely;
  • in 60-70% of cases, the abilities of brain cells are completely restored.

Timely and correctly provided first aid contributes to the rapid restoration of body functions after illness. A stroke is a case when every minute gained from an attack is a chance to preserve certain body functions.

Stopping damage to brain cells in a timely manner allows you to preserve your quality of life as much as possible.

A stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation in which the affected areas of the central nervous system stop receiving blood. As a result, neurons die irrevocably. Stroke is a serious disease that often leads to disability. Preventing acute cerebrovascular accident is much easier than treating its consequences.

  • Every person should know how to provide first aid for a stroke, because this way you can save someone’s life. The algorithm of actions is especially important for persons whose relatives have risk factors leading to acute cerebrovascular accident.
  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action! Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS
  • only DOCTOR! We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but!
  • make an appointment with a specialist

Health to you and your loved ones!

First aid for a stroke begins as soon as the first signs appear. It is believed that if medical assistance is provided to the patient in the first three hours, the consequences of a stroke are completely reversible. However, the longer you delay getting help, the more dangerous the complications and the more questionable the prognosis for life.

More important than first aid for a person who is not a health care worker is to recognize a stroke at home and immediately call an ambulance. Only medical professionals will be able to stop the progression of the pathology and, if possible, restore lost brain functions.

Types of strokes

Depending on the mechanism of circulatory disorders, there are two types of stroke, the treatment of which is fundamentally different from each other.


The most common cause is atherosclerotic damage to the central and peripheral vessels. A thrombus can enter the vessels of the brain from the cavity of the heart, carotid artery, arteries of the lower extremities and other vessels.

There is a high risk of ischemic stroke in people with atherosclerosis and diabetes. Cerebral infarction occurs most often in people over 60 years of age.


Hemorrhage in the brain develops as a result of a violation of the integrity of the vessel (rupture of a cerebral artery). The main cause of this pathology is hypertension.

Weak cerebral arteries may not withstand a sharp rise in blood pressure and burst. Therefore, people with hypertension should take antihypertensive therapy regularly and avoid stress.

Hemorrhagic stroke is typical for patients aged 40-60 years.

At the prehospital stage, it is difficult to determine the type of stroke. However, before prescribing treatment, the doctor must find out the type of pathology, since what is indicated for ischemic stroke can lead to the death of a patient with hemorrhage, and vice versa.

Signs and symptoms

It is difficult to determine the type of stroke at home. To do this, you should carefully monitor the patient from the very beginning of the development of pathology. If you already see a person with signs of pathology, then it will not be possible to determine the mechanism of its development. However, it will be a huge plus for the patient if you simply recognize the presence of a stroke.

Stroke recognition techniques

To make it easier to recognize stroke in women and men, the following techniques are used, the abbreviations of which are easy to remember.

IMPACT technique:

  • Smile. During a stroke, the innervation on one side of the face is disrupted, and facial expressions become crooked. Ask the person to smile and if you notice a crooked smile, then there is a cerebral circulation disorder.
  • Movement. The patient should be asked to raise both arms or both legs. In a stroke, one limb will be lower than the other.
  • Articulation. Ask to say a few words. If there is an acute cerebrovascular accident, the patient’s speech will be slurred and sluggish.
  • Solution. If you detect one of the above signs, you should immediately call an ambulance. Moreover, the dispatcher should be informed that there is a suspicion of a stroke.

UZTs technique:

  • U – smile;
  • Z – speak;
  • C – raise your hands.

Video: How to distinguish a migraine from a stroke

Symptoms of a stroke

Depression of brain functions over time

Brain cells die 4 minutes after they stop receiving blood. However, during a stroke, only a small area of ​​the brain is left completely without blood supply. A large area of ​​the bark receives some of the nutrients and oxygen, and therefore dies more slowly.

If emergency care is provided within 3 hours, then some of the affected neurons recover favorably. In addition, in this case, the circulatory disorder extends to a small area of ​​the cortex.

The first signs in men and women are impaired consciousness.

Brain functions are then affected in the following order:

  • consciousness;
  • physical activity;
  • speech;
  • vision and hearing;
  • sensitivity.

It is impossible to say how long it will take before certain disorders appear, since everything depends on individual characteristics. In addition, the above sequence may vary depending on the location of the stroke.

Responsibilities of doctors

The emergency doctor is obliged to begin providing assistance as soon as he sees the patient. The extent of treatment depends on the condition of the patients. Do not refuse hospitalization under any circumstances, even if the EMS doctor insists on it. The duties of doctors include urgent hospitalization of a patient with a stroke.

CPR is performed in the ambulance and vital signs are maintained. If possible, necessary medications are administered.

The goal of therapy for ischemic stroke is to dissolve the blood clot and normalize blood supply in the ischemic area. And in case of hemorrhage, doctors try to provoke the formation of a blood clot and stop the bleeding.

When the patient is brought to the clinic, a series of tests are carried out to make an accurate diagnosis. Ideally, a computed tomography scan is performed. Treating a stroke is a long process. For each patient, an individual therapeutic tactic is selected, aimed at restoring working capacity and preventing complications.

Thrombolysis is not a panacea for ischemic stroke

During the first hours after an ischemic stroke, thrombolysis can be performed. The patient is given a drug that dissolves the blood clot.
After this, cerebral circulation is completely restored, and complications do not develop. However, thrombolysis is good only in words.

Firstly, such drugs are expensive and are not included in the standard equipment of emergency care (can be found in private primary care clinics).

Secondly, thrombolysis has many contraindications. It should not be performed on persons with increased bleeding, patients who underwent surgery less than 6 months ago, etc.

Therefore, you should not ask your doctor for urgent thrombolysis, as this can cause massive internal bleeding, which will lead to the death of the patient.

Foreign experience

Naturally, the standards for providing first aid for stroke in Europe and America are an order of magnitude higher than those in the CIS countries. For this reason, statistics on disability and mortality of such patients abroad look more optimistic.
To understand the quality of medical care, we give an example of the actions of an American doctor.

First aid for a stroke should be provided within 60 minutes.

During this time, the doctor performs the following manipulations:

  • medical examination, taking tests and taking an ECG - less than 10 minutes;
  • examination by a neurologist – 10-15 minutes;
  • performing a computed tomography scan of the brain – 20-25 minutes;
  • interpretation of the research results – no more than 45 minutes;
  • the beginning of intensive therapy – no later than an hour after the patient’s admission.

Differential diagnosis

The main thing that loved ones should notice is the speed of development of symptoms. With an ischemic stroke, the symptoms increase gradually, over several hours and sometimes days. Hemorrhagic stroke develops abruptly and the time of onset of symptoms can be clearly noted.

Also, for the differential diagnosis of types of acute cerebrovascular accident, the following signs are used:

First aid for a stroke at home for a person varies depending on what type of acute cerebrovascular accident has developed.

Ischemic Hemorrhagic
  • lay the patient down with the head end elevated;
  • ensure complete peace;
  • monitor normal breathing;
  • turn the victim's head to the side to prevent the tongue from retracting;
  • Use a soft brush or washcloth to rub the victim’s limbs;
  • You can give the patient glycine or piracetam, but avoid taking other medications.
  • Place the patient on the bed with the head end elevated. If a stroke occurs on the street, the patient should not be moved. It is better to lay the patient on the ground and place a cushion under his head.
  • Ensure a good flow of oxygen, unfasten any constricting objects (belt, tie).
  • Remove dentures from the patient's mouth to avoid aspiration.
  • Tilt the victim's head to one side. If there is vomit, try to remove it from the mouth in a similar way. If possible, clean the mouth with some tissue, gauze or bandage.
  • Apply cold to the side of the head opposite the affected half of the body. If there is no certainty that this is a hemorrhagic stroke, such an event should not be performed, as it will aggravate the condition of the patient with cerebral infarction.
  • Cover your arms and legs with a warm blanket to maintain blood circulation in them.
  • Limbs in which motor activity and sensitivity are impaired should be rubbed with an oil-alcohol mixture (2 parts oil and 1 part alcohol).

What to do before the ambulance arrives

If you do not know what type of stroke the patient has, then it is better to follow the recommendations below, which will definitely not harm the patient.

  • If a person is unconscious, then the main thing when providing first aid is to prevent the tongue from sinking and the aspiration of foreign bodies (prostheses, vomit).
  • To do this, turn the patient's head to the side. You should also warm the extremities, provide access to oxygen, and do not move the victim unnecessarily. If the person is conscious, then he should be calmed down.
  • Place the patient on several pillows, thus elevating the head and shoulders. Open the windows, loosen tight clothes. Reassure the victim and keep him still in bed.

If you have symptoms of acute heart failure, you should not administer any medications to the patient until the ambulance arrives.

Acute heart failure usually manifests as pulmonary edema. If such a complication is suspected, the patient should be seated with his legs down from the bed. To reduce swelling, tourniquets are applied to the upper third of the limbs, and the legs can be immersed in hot water. These measures contribute to the accumulation of blood in the periphery, facilitating the patient’s breathing.

  • What not to do during an attack
  • If you suspect an acute cerebrovascular accident, you should not:
  • force the victim to move independently or move a person from place to place without good reason;

And the main thing you should not do if you have a stroke is refuse medical care. Remember that the more time passes from the development of the pathology, the more part of the brain will die. Only 10-20% of neurons are subject to reverse restoration, and then only with serious rehabilitation.

Unfortunately, the mortality rate of stroke patients is quite high. Today, doctors can cope with the disease, but only if the pathology is detected in a timely manner. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, call an ambulance, which will take the patient to a specialized department for diagnosis and treatment of stroke.

The success of stroke treatment depends on the timing of specialized care. Therefore, it is important to determine the possibility of its development at home using typical signs. The most important part of first aid is calling a doctor immediately.

According to statistics, a stroke occurs every two minutes in the world. It is one of the reasons for acquiring permanent disability. It has been proven that early initiation of treatment increases the chances of restoring lost functions and helps prevent the death of the patient. In order to make a diagnosis, a medical examination is required, but anyone can identify the first signs of the disease. To do this, you need to perform a few simple tests. The victim is asked:

  • smile;
  • raise both arms to a horizontal level with your eyes closed, and then above your head;
  • say your first name, last name, date, answer the question;
  • stick out tongue.

If the patient’s smile turns out to be crooked, the arms do not rise at the same time, or are shifted to the side, then this may be one of the signs of cerebrovascular accident.

When a focus of ischemia appears in the substance of the brain, coordination of movements is disrupted, so a person cannot raise both hands up, or one is very late, the protruding tongue moves to the side. If the speech centers are affected, then the patient does not understand the speech addressed to him, cannot coherently construct a sentence, or pronounce a complex word.

Stroke on the left, normal on the right

It is important to detect at least one of these signs; the patient will not always have them in full. Also, the possibility of acute cerebral catastrophe is indicated by sudden sudden weakness and blurred vision. These symptoms are nonspecific, but they also confirm the onset of a stroke.

With extensive hemorrhage in the brain, from the first minutes the patient plunges into a comatose state and does not respond to external stimuli.

First aid at home before the ambulance arrives

The patient should be in a horizontal position with the head and shoulder girdle raised, the elevation angle does not exceed 30 degrees. To ensure air access, you need to open the windows completely, put them in for ventilation in cold weather, and cover the victim with a blanket. In case of nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to turn the patient on his side and place a bag or basin next to him. All constricting clothing should be removed, the belt should be loosened, and the collar should be completely undone.

If the attack was accompanied by vomiting, then the oral cavity must be cleaned and the dentures removed. Often, increased pressure inside the skull leads to seizures. In this case, a spoon or similar flat object wrapped in cloth is placed between the teeth, and the patient is placed on his side. During convulsions, the head must be supported to prevent injury.

Medical therapy in the first minutes

If a person has not previously taken any pills, or there is no information about his illnesses, then it is strictly forbidden to take any medications, they can lead to irreparable consequences.

You can’t rely on the patient’s words; if the brain’s functioning is disrupted, he perceives his condition inadequately.

The only drug that can improve the prognosis for ischemic stroke is Glycine.

This amino acid in a dose of 1 g, which is 10 tablets, is absorbed or placed in crushed form behind the cheek. A dose taken in the first three hours can slow down the development of necrosis of brain tissue. It is also recommended to place an ice pack on the head or a frozen object on the side opposite the affected limbs.

What is prohibited during a stroke

This disease is characterized by a rapid increase in signs of destruction of brain tissue. The maximum effectiveness of medical care is found during a period called the therapeutic window. It lasts from 3 to 6 hours from the onset of a stroke, so even if the manifestations of circulatory disorders weaken, or the patient’s condition is stable, this does not mean that he does not need urgent hospitalization.

While the patient and the person assisting him are waiting for the doctor to arrive, it is prohibited:

  • give food and nourishment to the sick;
  • use sedatives or heart medications, Nitroglycerin is especially dangerous;
  • attempt to restore consciousness using ammonia solution or similar means;
  • leaving the patient alone or delaying calling an ambulance;
  • help the patient get back on his feet.

It should be borne in mind that in some cases, the clinical manifestations of stroke are not clearly expressed in the first hours of the disease, and a delay in providing specialized care can lead to irreversible changes in the brain. Self-medication in this situation is life-threatening.

First aid for the development of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke is aimed at providing the patient with physical and mental peace and eliminating obstacles to breathing. The main rule when identifying signs of cerebrovascular accident is to call specialists as early as possible and hospitalize the victim in a hospital.

A stroke can be suspected by disturbances in facial expressions and speech, weakness in the limbs due to headache, or severe weakness. Taking medications without prior medical advice can be dangerous.

Useful video

Watch the video about first aid for a stroke:

Read also

The main warning signs of a stroke are quite pronounced. They differ in ischemic and hemorrhagic brains. It is important to notice the first signs in women and men in order to get help sooner.

  • Ischemic stroke occurs due to various disorders, the reasons lie in an incorrect lifestyle. Symptoms depend on the type of lesion - left, right hemisphere, frontal lobe. There are several degrees, and there are also lacunar and extensive. A dangerous consequence is cerebral edema.
  • Ischemic stroke occurs quite often in the elderly. The consequences after 55 years are extremely severe, recovery is difficult and not always successful, and the prognosis is not so optimistic. Brain stroke becomes more complicated in the presence of diabetes mellitus.
  • A real threat to life is a brainstem stroke. It can be hemorrhagic or ischemic. The symptoms resemble a heart attack and are also similar to other diseases. Treatment for long-term, complete recovery after a brain stem stroke is almost impossible.
  • A rather dangerous hemorrhagic stroke can develop even from heat stroke. The reasons for the extensive left hemisphere lie in stable arterial hypertension. Coma can happen instantly, with increasing symptoms. Treatment may not be effective.

  • It happens when blood stops flowing to one part of the brain, a clot blocks blood flow, and cells begin to die without oxygen. If you provide timely assistance, there is a chance to save a person’s health and even life.

    How to recognize a stroke?

    It is very important to recognize a stroke in time to provide assistance. The sooner measures are taken, the more favorable the prognosis for recovery will be. The optimal result can be expected if no more than 3 hours have passed since the attack. Symptoms of a stroke can increase gradually or appear unexpectedly. It happens that only part of the characteristic symptoms is noticeable, which blurs the overall clinical picture. As a result, the patient does not associate them with a stroke and misses the chance to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    Characteristic signs of a stroke:

    • numbness in the muscles of the face, arms or legs;
    • dizziness;
    • poor balance;
    • Strong headache;
    • blurred vision;
    • difficulty swallowing;
    • confused consciousness.

    A very simple test that can be easily performed by the patient’s relatives helps to accurately determine a stroke. If at least one of the signs is present, cerebrovascular accidents are already acceptable.

    Cincinnati test:

    1. A person can smile with only half of his mouth, the second cheek and eyelid sag slightly.
    2. Only one hand rises if you ask to raise both.
    3. The victim mumbles the simplest phrase or cannot speak at all.

    The process can move to other parts of the brain, which affects important body functions.

    First aid

    If a stroke occurs at home, it is important to properly resuscitate the victim.

    If the patient is conscious

    The main thing in this situation is to calm the person down and assure him that everything will be fine. Even if he cannot speak, he fully understands speech and reacts to the words he hears. Additional stress can further aggravate a serious condition. Call an ambulance immediately. If you find a mobile phone, inform your relatives.

    1. Place the patient on a hard surface, raise the legs slightly, allowing blood access to the head.
    2. Remove dentures, if any.
    3. Give access to fresh air by opening a window or directing a fan.
    4. Loosen clothing that makes breathing difficult.
    5. If vomiting begins, place the person on his side so that these masses do not cause suffocation.
    6. Do not give food, water or usual medications, with the exception of medications for hypertension.
    7. If you have a tonometer, measure your pressure. If the numbers are high, try to reduce them. During an attack, the body tries to compensate for the flow of air into the brain, but there is a danger that a blood clot will break off.
    8. If you don’t have pills on hand, you need to put heat on your feet and cold under your lower jaw.

    Do not turn the victim onto his stomach or allow him to lower his head too much.

    If the patient is unconscious

    In this case, you need to act in a different order, but it is necessary to remain calm and clear in your actions in the same way as in the case when the victim has not passed out. When calling an ambulance, you need to report that the person is not in control.

    1. Feel the pulse, it is better to check the carotid artery in the neck area.
    2. Check if the patient is breathing. To do this, hold a mirror to your lips.
    3. If the surface of the glass does not become cloudy, begin artificial respiration and chest compressions.

    If the patient is not breathing or has no pulse

    Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to try to resuscitate the patient.

    Precordial beat

    Necessary in case of cardiac arrest. A strong precordial blow is applied to the chest area; this is a kind of replacement for a stun gun. The heart begins to beat after a noticeable shock. Before this, the patient must be turned over on his back, unbuttoned the buttons on the chest, and make sure that there are no chains or pendants.

    Heart massage

    For many years, there has been a proven method of indirect cardiac massage. Actions must be clear and verified.

    Action plan:

    1. Place one palm on the center of the chest, the other on top.
    2. Make strong pressing movements, their frequency should be up to 70 times per minute. The duration of the movements is 3 minutes.
    3. You should not bend your arms or lean on them with the full weight of your body.
    4. If the victim begins to breathe, the pressure should be stopped.
    5. If there is no result, continue the massage until the doctors arrive.

    It is carried out simultaneously with indirect cardiac massage: 2-3 breaths for 6-7 presses. This needs to be done together, but if there is no assistant, it is permissible to resort to one procedure.

    Action plan:

    1. Kneel to the patient's right.
    2. Holding the jaw, tilt the victim’s head back with your other hand and cover your nose with your palm. This will help clear the airways and prevent your tongue from sticking.
    3. Take a deep breath and inhale the air into the person's nose or mouth.
    4. When blowing air into your mouth, you need to pinch your nose; if the procedure is “mouth to nose,” you need to close your mouth.
    5. Repeat the steps until the doctors arrive.

    Additional Help

    There is also a series of important tips that highlight additional measures, taking into account the type of stroke. There is a distinction between what occurs when a cerebral vessel ruptures, and when a blood clot clogs a vessel.

    First aid for suspected hemorrhagic stroke:

    1. A bottle of cold water or a piece of ice is applied to the head, and the area opposite the numb side is selected.
    2. Cover with a warm blanket to maintain blood circulation in the arms and legs. You can apply a heating pad or mustard plasters to your limbs.
    3. For paresis, lightly rub your fingers, hands and feet with any oil-alcohol solution.

    First aid for suspected ischemic stroke:

    1. Wipe your face, temples and neck with a damp handkerchief.
    2. Unfasten belts and buttons on clothing to make breathing easier.
    3. Rub your arms and legs to maintain blood circulation.

    What to do if you notice signs of a stroke in yourself:

    1. Do not be nervous. Remaining calm, inform your family or neighbors, or those nearby, if you are feeling unwell.
    2. Call an ambulance.
    3. Open the front door.
    4. Lie down comfortably, loosen buttons and knots of clothing.
    5. Do not take vasodilators, which will cause greater stress on damaged areas of the brain.
    6. Do not eat or drink anything.

    What can't you do?

    There are also a number of actions that should never be performed, otherwise the harm caused to the victim will be much greater.


    1. Disturb the patient by talking, moving him from place to place.
    2. Make him sit more comfortably.
    3. Use ammonia, which can cause respiratory arrest. The drug also affects blood clotting, which is especially dangerous for strokes.
    4. If the stroke is complicated by an epileptic attack, you should not unclench the person’s teeth or forcefully hold them. The only thing that remains is to note the time of the attack in order to report the duration to the doctors, and remove sharp objects away.

    Providing first aid for a stroke is a delicate matter, but quite feasible for everyone. The main thing is to remain calm, not to panic and call the doctors in time. If you follow all the recommendations mentioned, there is a chance to save a person or at least return him to working condition.