
Citrine origin. Citrine stone: properties, varieties, who is suitable according to their zodiac sign. History and origin

He has a mixed reputation. In Ancient Rome it was worn by the most respected citizens, and among many nations it was the stone of liars or cheaters. Just as the sun warms everyone equally, the magic of citrine helps everyone.

Citrine is a rare representative of the quartz family of minerals.

For centuries, the citrine stone did not have a name. It was considered and called topaz: Spanish, Bohemian, Western. The name was established in the 18th century and is translated from Latin and European languages ​​as “lemon yellow.”

VIPs were decorated with gold-colored crystal seals for confidential documents.

Physical properties

Citrine is formed similarly to quartz, so their characteristics are similar:

  • it is silicon dioxide;
  • glass luster;
  • hardness above average (7 out of 10);
  • forms druses from crystals, grains, granular aggregates;
  • dissolves with hydrofluoric acid;
  • piezo and dielectric;
  • specimens are transparent, but the crystal structure may have partial opacities;
  • cracks, opaque inclusions.

The yellow color is caused by impurities or defects that occur during chemical processes in the stone. Easy to handle, but scratches glass. May become discolored in the sun.

Where is it mined?

Citrine is the rarest stone in the quartz family. It is found in both Americas (USA, Uruguay). The number one producer in the world is Brazil. Here they found the largest citrine in history weighing 2258 carats (450 grams), stored in the USA.

The island state of Madagascar replenishes its treasury with pebbles. In Europe, citrine stones are mined in France, on the Iberian Peninsula, in Russia (in the Urals).

Colors and varieties

The classic color of the stone is created by iron, silicon and aluminum. The ratio of components determines the range from pale lemon to amber. The description of a specific instance includes an indication of color.

The pale yellow mineral is considered natural. Other specimens, of greater brightness and saturation, were obtained after heat treatment of smoky quartz (bright yellow), morion or amethyst (orange and brown).

Thick, sunny orange Madeira citrines are named after the color of the wine of the same name. Essentially it is burnt morion or amethyst.

Wine-yellow citrine stones are obtained by calcining Brazilian amethysts. This variety is also called palmyra, madera, sierra or bahia topaz.

The most common is yellow, rare expensive stones of the citrine variety are pale yellow and green. Ametrines are valued - crystals with alternating segments of citrine and amethyst colors. They are found in Bolivia, but rarely.

Magic properties

The magical power of the stone helps a person in all areas of life. It will improve your financial situation, attract good luck, and help you maintain composure in force majeure situations.

Introduction, slightly emotional: Friends, I simply don’t have any strength anymore - I don’t have the strength to be angry with those who sell I don’t know what, I don’t have the strength to prove something to those who prefer to remain in a pleasant illusion and I don’t have the strength to protest against those who deliberately does what it does... namely, it anneals unfortunate amethysts, irradiates no less unfortunate rauhs, and all in order to present the consumer with a yellow stone called citrine!!!
However, I consider it my duty to conduct a minimal educational program and show here the natural reference citrine, so that many owners of imitations can feel the difference!
Main features:
1. Natural citrine is always evenly colored (what is in stores and resembles Vympel ice cream in terms of color zoning is annealed amethyst)
2. Natural citrine is always golden yellow, sometimes with a brownish tint (transitional to rauch). Irradiation gives the stones a green tint; it should not be present in natural stones
3. Natural citrine has slight dichroism (but irradiated too!)
4. Natural citrine has a hardness of 7, i.e. it scratches glass (soft golden calcite is sold under the guise of citrine)

The most popular imitation is heated amethyst. Low quality amethyst is heated at a certain temperature and it changes its color to yellow. Why do this, because amethyst is good on its own? The thing is that the consumer wants to have not only amethyst, but also citrine. Natural citrine is becoming an expensive rarity, and with the discovery of deposits in Brazil and Uruguay, the cost of amethyst has fallen accordingly..
Easy to distinguish:
1) the color distribution of amethyst is different from the color distribution of citrine. After heating, the color changes, but not its distribution. Citrine has a uniform color; in heated amethyst, the yellow is more intense towards the top and is unevenly distributed. Cloudy white areas indicate that the crystal is fried. Inclusions of goethite (dark specks on the druses) are also very suspicious and indicate that this is a former amethyst
2) The characteristic habit of amethyst crystals is usually pyramidal (rhombic) in shape, and citrine, like rock crystal, most often forms additional facets.
3) Lack of dichroism - that is, the lack of the ability to slightly change the shade of color from pale yellow to bright yellow depending on the direction of light.
Quartz is also sold under the guise of citrine, containing surface iron oxides. The oxyl film is removed with oxalic acid. Oxides, as a rule, also give an uneven color and, upon closer inspection, you can also understand that in fact it is colorless quartz.
Sold as citrine golden calcite You can check by scratching the product with a knife (the hardness of calcite is much lower than that of citrine) or by dropping hydrochloric acid (calcite will hiss)
Sold as citrine irradiated smoky quartz And irradiated quartz with the makings of a citrine color. Such samples are distinguished by a characteristic greenish tint. Gemologists do not distinguish irradiated quartz from natural citrine.

now we look from left to right: annealed amethyst, irradiated rauch, quartz colored with iron oxides

Photo taken from mineralog
And now natural citrine!!!
This crystal is from the Congo, my personal - please do not copy

Golden, shining with sharpened edges, the citrine stone has been considered a symbol of wealth, abundance and prosperity throughout its long history. To free yourself from everything negative that has accumulated in your soul, remove fears, believe in yourself and ensure professional success, you need, as the ancients believed, to wear jewelry with this mineral. There is no darkness or negativity around him.

If the magical properties of citrine mean little to our contemporaries, then another magic - the magic of its beauty - will not leave anyone indifferent.

Born of magma

Citrine is found in igneous and metamorphic rocks, classical sediments, alluvial sands and gravels. The precious mineral is mined everywhere: in the USA, Spain, Brazil, South Africa, France, Great Britain, Russia and Madagascar. But the largest supplier of natural citrine is the state of Rio Grande do Sol in Southern Brazil.

The roots of the name of the stone are found in the Latin “citrus” - “lemon yellow”. The characteristics of its basic qualities are almost identical to those of amethyst, since both are precious varieties of quartz, one of the most abundant minerals in the earth's crust.

Natural citrine (silicon dioxide) is pale yellow and very rare. In its pure form, quartz is colorless and transparent, and its variety gets its color from the iron hydroxide impurities that are present in it. The hardness of the gem on the Mohs scale is rated at 7 points (out of 10), chips are almost non-existent or hardly noticeable. Citrine has a glassy luster and a trigonal crystal structure.

Most commercial citrine is made by heat treating amethyst, which is why it is sometimes called burnt amethyst. The modified mineral acquires a deeper amber or orange-reddish hue at a temperature of + 470 - 560°C. The unusual yellow-violet color of the stone is created by the joint heat treatment of amethyst and citrine. Ametrine is the name given to a jewel created from 2 stones.

Magical energy of stone

It is believed that the mineral is able to strengthen the level of material stability and life satisfaction. Its energy has a positive effect on people whose daily work is not associated with routine and monotonous daily tasks. It is ideal for those obsessed with creative pursuits, possessing logic, internal motivation, and self-confidence.

Yellow citrine is a stone of prosperity. It helps many people in professional growth and career advancement, facilitating the correct assessment of the risks of a particular project. The mineral is able to maintain a person’s emotional and mental balance, removing signs of depression, anxiety, uncertainty, indecision, helping with hypersensitivity and stress.

It is believed that the stone fights chronic fatigue syndrome and has the ability to return a person to a full life after degenerative disorders. In addition to the ability to help in difficult life situations, citrine has magic that can renew interrupted communication, develop initiative, activity and courage. It improves memory, revives awareness of the joy of life, kindness, warmth, gives optimism and deepens the understanding of concentration and will.

The Vedic understanding of the energy of the mineral adds to these properties its cleansing capabilities. Considering that the crystal stores solar energy, it is assumed that its owner has it in abundance and he also gives his heat and energy to a good cause. Citrine absorbs everything that carries a negative charge, providing a protective effect on everything that surrounds its owner.

The stone is the guardian of the aura, it acts as an early warning system that gives its owner enough time to take protective measures. He is endowed with special power, whose will ensures the happiness of all owners of the magic crystal and helps them accept themselves as they are.

The healing power of citrine

Owning jewelry with this stone supports:

  • heart;
  • full secretion of insulin;
  • optimal functioning of the pancreas;
  • liver and spleen function;
  • digestive system;
  • circulatory system;
  • thyroid function, etc.

The mineral enhances a person’s own capabilities, strengthening the immune system, removing toxins and eliminating infections. It is believed that it increases the regenerative powers of the body during illness, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, prevents dizziness, relieves migraines, fights dry skin and varicose veins, maintains stable weight and good vision.

MASKOM gold ring with garnet and citrines (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Like many other amulets, it helps women in labor and strengthens the nervous system. Insomnia is not a problem for the owner of such jewelry; citrine will help you fall asleep and ensure a restful and sound sleep.

There are many known recipes for using the stone, but the elixir is most often used. The method of preparing it is simple: the mineral is simply kept in water for 12 hours, then lotions are made with this water to cure acne and ulcers.

If the owner of the stone is in a depressed state, then the elixir can be sprinkled around the apartment, and the citrine itself can be placed on the body in the solar plexus area. It is comfortable to lie on your back and breathe evenly and calmly for 20 minutes. Important: we are talking only about natural minerals.

Data on the healing properties of the stone have not been scientifically confirmed, although there are many studies, but this information is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.

Enduring beauty and magic

Citrine has been a rare stone for thousands of years and therefore especially valuable. In 2 centuries BC, the first cabochons were cut in Greece and Rome. Ancient jewelers used them for exquisite jewelry. Interest in the mineral either faded or revived, but on a different basis. Popular stone of the 19th century. was almost forgotten at the beginning of the twentieth century. The fashion for these yellow sparkling jewelry was revived in the 30s. XX century Hollywood stars. These included Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford, who wore elaborate and massive Art Deco jewelry.

Today, citrine and its modifications are again in demand and valued not only by jewelry owners, but also by collectors. Color is one reason for the renewed interest. The largest polished samples of natural stone weighing more than 1,150 carats are kept in the Smithsonian Institution (USA).

ALORIS gold ring with cubic zirconia and citrines (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Like other precious stones, citrine, due to the magnitude of its magical properties, is suitable for many, but not for everyone. It is usually recommended for independent women born under the sign of Aquarius, whose work environment is dynamic, full of change and new challenges. This will add to their self-confidence, courage and entrepreneurship. An amulet of prosperity is suitable for those on whom it depends:

  • Doing Business;
  • financial decision making;
  • business meeting;
  • recruiting;
  • organization of public speaking, etc.

Of those for whom citrine is suitable, the professions that stand out are psychologists, teachers, entrepreneurs, employees of banking structures, i.e. those specialists who most often communicate with the masses of people and on whom responsible decisions depend. This group also includes students - creative people, engaged in mental work, often pessimistic and prone to depression.

As a professional support stone, citrine improves the position of everyone who works in trade, casinos, media, sports and fitness. This is an important crystal for medical staff and traditional healers. If the classification is based on a certain character, then the suitable owner of the citrine talisman can be a perfectionist, altruist, romantic, performer, epicurean, mediator.

Gold brooch SL with black diamonds, citrines (go to SUNLIGHT catalogue)

In the horoscope, the signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces are combined into a group of those for whom this magical amulet is suitable. If we take only the year of birth, then according to the eastern calendar, citrine can be worn by those born in the year of the Rooster. In numerology, these will be people born under the influence of the number 6.

For many years, citrine became so cheap and quantifiable that no one took it seriously. Now there is a full-scale renaissance of this stone. Its price is no longer an obstacle as it allows very large pieces to be used in jewelry.

Citrine is popular with women who want to enrich their wardrobe with affordable jewelry. In terms of the combination of beauty and cost, it has no real competition.

They say that this stone brings its owner all the best in life. Millennia have passed since the moment when solar citrine became significant for humans. Almost everything has changed. The only thing that remains unchanged is the beauty of the precious gem endowed by people with magical powers.

Citrine- a variety of quartz of lemon-yellow to amber-honey and brownish-yellow color. Transparent. Varieties in which there is an alternation of natural zones of citrine and amethyst color are called ametrine. In nature, citrines are less common than quartz of other colors.
The color of citrines is due to the presence of impurities of ferric iron, which is located in the tetrahedral position in the quartz structure, or is associated with defects that arise when replacing tetravalent silicon with trivalent aluminum with compensation of valence by lithium and hydrogen ions. Some varieties of rauchtopaz (smoky quartz) acquire a yellow color when slowly heated to 300-400°C, however, all heat-treated stones have a thicker color with a reddish tint noticeable to the eye, while natural citrines are usually pale yellow.
Inexpensive semi-precious and ornamental stone. Available in both cut and cabochon. Chemical formula: SiO 2 (silicon dioxide).

See also:


Since citrine is a type of quartz, citrine has a trigonal system and has developed polymorphism.
Two main polymorphic crystal modifications of citrine: hexagonal β-quartz, stable at a pressure of 1 atm. (or 100 kN/m2) in the temperature range 870-573°C, and trigonal α-quartz, stable at temperatures below 573°C. It is α-quartz that is widespread in nature; this modification, stable at low temperatures, is usually called simply quartz. All hexagonal citrine crystals found under ordinary conditions are paramorphoses of α-quartz over β-quartz. α-quartz crystallizes in the class of trigonal trapezohedron of the trigonal system. The crystal structure is of a frame type, built from silicon-oxygen tetrahedra arranged in a helical manner (with a right or left turn of the screw) relative to the main axis of the crystal. Depending on this, right and left structural and morphological forms of citrine crystals are distinguished, distinguishable externally by the symmetry of the arrangement of some faces (for example, trapezohedron, etc.). The absence of planes and a center of symmetry in α-quartz crystals determines the presence of piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties.


Like all quartz, citrine has piezoelectric properties. Hardness 7; density 2.65 g/cm³.
The color of citrines is due to the transition from divalent iron to ferric iron, or the presence of impurities of ferric iron located in the tetrahedral position in the quartz structure, or is associated with defects that arise when replacing tetravalent silicon with trivalent aluminum with compensation of valence by lithium and hydrogen ions.

Often forms doubles. Dissolves in hydrofluoric acid and alkali melts. Melting point 1713-1728 °C (due to the high viscosity of the melt, determining the melting point is difficult; there are different data). Dielectric.


Crystals are usually in the form of a hexagonal prism, topped at one end (less often at both) with a six- or three-sided pyramidal head. Often, towards the head, the crystal gradually narrows. The faces of the prism are characterized by transverse shading. Most often, crystals have an elongated prismatic appearance with the predominant development of the faces of a hexagonal prism and two rhombohedrons forming the crystal head. Less commonly, crystals take the form of a pseudohexagonal dipyramid. Externally regular quartz crystals are usually complexly twinned, most often forming twinned areas according to the so-called. Brazilian or Dauphinean laws. The latter arise not only during crystal growth, but also as a result of internal structural rearrangement during thermal β-α polymorphic transitions accompanied by compression, as well as during mechanical deformations.

In igneous and metamorphic rocks, citrine forms irregular isometric grains intergrown with grains of other minerals; its crystals are often encrusted with voids and almonds in effusive rocks.
In sedimentary rocks - nodules, veinlets, secretions (geodes), brushes of small short-prismatic crystals on the walls of voids in limestone, etc. Also fragments of various shapes and sizes, pebbles, sand.


Citrine, like amethyst, fills cavities in crystalline rocks. It forms in low-temperature hydrothermal conditions and fills voids (cracks and tonsils) in hydrothermal quartz veins among crystalline (volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary) rocks, growing onto a chalcedony or opal substrate to form geodes. Crystals always grow on a base. It is found with quartz, amethyst, amethyst quartz and other varieties of silica, calcite.

Deposits of natural citrines have been discovered in Brazil, Argentina, Myanmar, Namibia, Scotland, Spain, France, Russia (Ural Mountains), Kazakhstan, USA (Colorado) and Madagascar.


Citrine belongs to class IV precious stones. In jewelry, transparent, intensely colored stones without flaws are usually used. Citrines of a rich yellow-orange color (madeira variety), usually obtained by annealing amethyst (450 - 500°C) or morion (300 - 400°C), have the greatest jewelry value. Such stones have the greatest light and heat resistance. Significantly less valuable are citrines that are yellow in color with a greenish tint and are very unstable to daylight and temperature. They fade completely when heated to 200°C. The purest samples are cut, made into brooches, earrings, pendants, and inserted into rings. Lesser quality varieties are processed for necklaces. In the old days, seal rings were often cut from citrine. In the XIX - early XX centuries. Personal seals were made from gold and citrine to seal business papers and personal letters. Compared to many other gemstones, citrines are relatively inexpensive. Jewelry with them can be available to almost everyone. At the same time, properly cut citrines play and shimmer in the light with all shades of yellow. The cut form of transparent varieties of citrine is diamond or combined; opaque - flat; flywheels - cabochons.

Citrine - SiO 2


Strunz (8th edition) 4/D.01-10
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition) 4.DA.05
Dana (7th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 7.8.1

Citrine stone is a golden-colored variety of quartz. Transparent citrine crystals are easy to process, and therefore have long been used by jewelers to make jewelry, seals, and amulets. Despite its centuries-old history, citrine received its own name relatively recently, only in the middle of the 18th century. Before that, it was called golden topaz (Spanish topaz, Bohemian topaz, Western topaz) because of its amazing similarity to this stone.

There are not many natural citrines, but they can be obtained from amethysts and smoky quartz, which, when fired, change color, acquiring various shades of yellow: from lemon to orange-red. In the Urals, large crystals were baked in bread, and small ones, sprinkled with ash, were placed in an oven in a pot. Citrines obtained in this way had even better jewelry qualities than their natural counterparts - they were cleaner, more transparent, more interesting in color, while maintaining the inherent hardness and density of citrines.

Properties of citrine - description

Citrine is a Class IV gemstone and is widely used in jewelry. This mineral is easy to process, it is durable, hard, and scratches glass. Its chemical formula, like all quartz, is SiO2. Natural citrines may have cloudy areas, inclusions of opaque quartz, and cracks.

Types of citrines and their colors

Natural citrines are typically pale yellow in color. Its saturation depends on iron impurities. Heat-treated amethysts and smoky quartz turn into lemon, orange, wine, honey, gold, amber or tan citrines. Annealing smoky quartz produces bright yellow stones, while processing amethyst produces orange-brown stones. Citrines with a beautiful sunny orange rich color are called “Madera” because of the similarity in color to the famous wine.

Photos of citrine

Products with citrine

Uniformly transparent stones without flaws are used for inserts into rings, brooches, earrings and pendants. Citrines set in gold look especially stylish and expensive. A diamond or combined cut is chosen for clear crystals, and a flat cut for cloudy ones. Large crystals of natural origin are often processed using the cabochon method. Unevenly colored and translucent crystals are used to make bracelets and necklaces.

How to clean citrine

It is recommended to keep citrine jewelry in closed individual boxes. They should not be stored mixed with other jewelry, as hard citrine can scratch softer metals or minerals. It is recommended to wash citrines under warm running water using a soft cloth or brush.

Citrine deposits

Natural deposits of citrine are extremely rare. Brazil ranks first in terms of production volume. There are also deposits in Madagascar, France, the USA and Spain. In the Urals and Kazakhstan, stones of a beautiful wine-yellow hue are mined. It is very difficult to distinguish citrines with a natural color from annealed quartz, since the latter have the same high jewelry quality and are not inferior in beauty to their natural analogues.

The meaning of citrine stone

Citrine, due to its crystalline form and yellow color, is considered a stone that absorbs solar energy. Therefore, the owner of citrine has the right to count on energy support from him in case of loss of vitality, apathy, and depression. Citrine raises self-esteem, adds self-confidence, organizes thoughts, and encourages creativity. It is capable of attracting good luck in financial matters - a citrine crystal located close to cash will contribute to the increase in wealth in the house. This stone, like the sun, brings warmth and light to the house, it is able to improve relationships between people.

Whose citrine stone is the horoscope, zodiac sign

For most people, citrine is neutral. That is, if a person likes jewelry with citrine, then he can safely wear it without exposing himself to the risk of negative effects, but also without counting on the help of the stone. For the bright signs of Fire - Aries and Leo - citrine will bring good luck and success, and will become a real happy talisman for them. Citrine also has a good effect on people born under the signs of Gemini and Libra. The only zodiac sign that is not recommended to have citrine in the house is Scorpio.

Medicinal properties of citrine

It is believed that citrine has the ability to influence the solar plexus area - the center of balance of vital forces. Citrine crystals, having natural energy, improve the psychophysical state of the body, elevate mood, tone up, activate mental activity, help overcome depression and chronic fatigue. Citrine also has a healing effect on people with speech impediments.

Magical properties of citrine

Color science states that yellow promotes financial well-being and attracts good luck. The closer the shade of the stone is to golden, the brighter and richer the tone of the stone, the more strongly it attracts wealth. Citrine, thanks to its natural sunny shades, is ideally suited for business people, helping to conclude profitable deals, make successful investments and receive income even in hopeless transactions.

For gambling people, a talisman with citrine will increase the chance of success in risky situations, and in case of loss it will help not to lose peace of mind. The mineral is also good for creative people, giving inspiration for new ideas, strength to implement a project, and, at the same time, helping to ensure that talent brings income to the owner of the stone.

Citrine does not accumulate negativity and does not need energetic cleansing, which is very valuable.