
Orange oil for cellulite is a recipe for smooth and firm skin. Orange oil - use in cosmetology and folk medicine Baths with orange oil

Nowadays, such a cosmetic procedure as body wrap is quite popular. Thanks to the wrapping procedure, you can get good results in the fight against cellulite and excess weight. With the help of wraps, you can tighten and moisturize the skin, as well as remove excess fluid and toxins. To enhance the effect, essential oils are added to the wrap mixture. This procedure is performed in many beauty salons, but it can also be done independently at home.

Rules for wrapping with essential oils

1. Before doing the wraps, take a shower and scrub your skin. This must be done in order to open the skin pores and remove dead skin particles from the epidermis. Thanks to this procedure, the beneficial components of the wrap mixture will better penetrate deep into the skin.

2. Before and after the essential oil wrap procedure, drink plenty of water (about 2 liters). This is necessary so that toxins and broken down fats are better removed from the body.

3. Before the wrapping procedure, refrain from hair removal.

4. Wrapping with citrus essential oils should be done at least 8 hours before going out into the sun. Otherwise, you may get skin burns.

5. When preparing mixtures for wraps, do not exceed the indicated dosages of essential oils.

6. The wrapping procedure cannot be performed during menstruation if you are pregnant or suffer from diseases such as varicose veins, gynecological diseases, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases.

How to make a body wrap with essential oils?

Before you take a shower, prepare everything you need: mixture for wraps, cling film, warm robe, etc.

Prepare a warm blanket to cover yourself with. Make sure that the room where you will be is warm enough.

Take a shower and scrub your body. For belongings, you can use coffee grounds mixed with shower gel, to which you can add orange essential oil (for 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds, 1 teaspoon of shower gel and 5 drops of essential oil).

Then rinse off the scrub, dry your body with a towel and apply the wrap mixture to problem areas of the skin. Wrap the body with film, moving from bottom to top. Put on a warm robe and lie down under the blanket.

The duration of the procedure is 40-60 minutes.

Then rinse the mixture off your skin and apply a moisturizing body milk or massage mixture with essential oils to your body.

What are the benefits of wraps with essential oils?

The components that are included in the sucking of essential oil wraps help draw out accumulated toxins from the skin that are located in the upper layers of soft tissue. This procedure helps fight fat deposits, improves blood circulation and relieves muscle and joint pain.

Wraps with essential oils are useful not only for combating excess weight, they improve the overall condition of the body and improve mood.

The best essential oils for body wraps: orange, bergamot, verbena, vetiver, geranium, grapefruit, cypress, lavender, lemon, patchouli, rosemary.

Orange essential oil removes toxins, improves blood circulation in tissues, restores elasticity and firmness of the skin, stimulates cell renewal and regeneration, regulates water-fat metabolism, anti-cellulite.

Bergamot essential oil Promotes tissue regeneration, nourishes and refreshes dry and tired skin, eliminates peeling and irritation, anti-cellulitis.

Verbena essential oil regenerates tissue, rejuvenates, tightens, smoothes the skin, eliminates sagging. Increases the elasticity of problem areas of the body: thighs, buttocks, abdomen, chest.

Vetiver essential oil increases skin firmness and elasticity, helps strengthen the epidermis, shrinks pores, optimizes sweating.

Geranium essential oil has regenerating, decongestant, tonic and vasodilating effects, eliminates hormonal imbalance. Geranium oil is beneficial for dry and flaky skin.

Grapefruit essential oil normalizes fat metabolism, reduces weight, helps cleanse blood and lymph of toxins, anti-llulite.

Cypress essential oil increases blood circulation and oxygen saturation of tissues. Promotes rapid regeneration, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, useful for mature and aging skin.

Lavender essential oil removes waste and toxins. It is a diaphoretic, anti-cellulite and diuretic. Stimulates tissue regeneration. Tightens and smoothes the skin.

Lemon essential oil normalizes metabolism and fat utilization, an anti-obesity remedy, eliminates cellulite. Participates in cleansing the body of toxins.

Patchouli essential oil tightens and tones the skin. Eliminates cellulite.

Rosemary essential oil has anti-edematous and diaphoretic effects. Positively affects sagging skin, smoothes and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

You can use these essential oils to create your own wrap blends or use ready-made recipes. When compiling your recipe, adhere to this ratio of no more than 10 drops of essential oils per 20 ml of the base mixture.

Anti-cellulite wrap with essential oils

Using this recipe will help get rid of cellulite, tighten and tone the skin, and also reduce stretch marks on the skin.

5 drops rosemary essential oil

10 drops grapefruit or orange essential oil

2 drops cypress essential oil

30 ml almond oil

Mix all ingredients in a container and apply to problem areas with massage movements. Wrap the body with film. Cover yourself with a warm blanket. The duration of the procedure is 40-60 minutes. There is no need to wash off this mixture. Course of 8-10 wraps every 2-3 days.

Hot anti-cellulite wrap with essential oils.

10 drops grapefruit essential oil

5 drops lavender essential oil

3 drops bergamot essential oil

3 drops patchouli essential oil

4 drops cypress essential oil

30 ml almond or apricot base oil

Heat the base oil in a water bath. The oil temperature should not be too hot. Add essential oils to warm base oil and mix well. The method of using this mixture is the same as the previous recipe.

Wrap with essential oils for weight loss

The ingredients that make up this wrap help remove excess fluid, waste and toxins from the skin, and stimulate metabolism in soft tissues. Thanks to this, you can achieve significant results in the fight against excess weight, as well as tighten the skin and make it more elastic.

8-10 cups of clean water

1 cup sea salt

4 cups blue clay

2 cups dry kelp

50 drops grapefruit or lemon essential oil

30 drops cypress essential oil

This recipe is based on a mixture for wrapping the whole body; if you want to apply it to individual areas of the body, then reduce the recipe, observing the proportions.

Heat water mixed with sea salt. Stir until the salt dissolves. Then add dried seaweed, mix the clay again and let it brew for about 30-40 minutes. If the mixture is too runny, add a couple of tablespoons of potato starch. Then add essential oils to the resulting mass and mix until smooth. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, rinse off the remaining mixture and apply massage oil to your body. A course of 10-12 wraps every 2-3 days.

Wrap with green tea and essential oils to sculpt body contours

This mixture helps to moisturize, tighten and make the skin more elastic. The green tea included in this recipe has strong antioxidant properties that protect the skin from premature aging. Using this recipe as a result, you will get beautiful body contours and velvety, soft skin.

8 cups water

2 cups sea salt

½ glass of green tea

50 drops grapefruit essential oil

40 drops verbena essential oil

several strips of cotton fabric 10-15 cm wide and 3-4 m long

cling film

Combine salt and water. Bring the resulting solution to a boil. Grind green tea into powder using a coffee grinder. Add green tea powder to the water-salt solution. Cool the resulting solution and strain. Add essential oils and mix.

Mode of application

Dip the fabric into the resulting solution and wring it out. Wrap the fabric strips around the problem areas of the skin and wrap the film on top. Cover yourself with a warm blanket. The duration of the procedure is 40-60 minutes. This mixture should not be washed off. A course of 10-12 wraps every 2-3 days.

Wrap with essential oils for weight loss (-2 sizes in 1 month!)

With this wrap you can not only reduce your volume by 2 sizes, but also tighten your skin and get rid of stretch marks.

4 tablespoons wheat germ oil

0.5 teaspoon (1 ml) vitamin E

3-4 drops cinnamon or geranium essential oil

3-4 drops of orange essential oil

3-4 drops rosemary essential oil

3 tablespoons dry kelp

250 ml warm water

2 elastic bandages of medium stretch, 10-12 cm wide and 4-5 m long

cling film

2 water containers

Mode of application

Mix essential oils with wheat germ oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the hips, waist, and abdomen.

Prepare two containers, pour warm water into one and pour the wrapping solution into the other. Take elastic bandages and dip them in a container of warm water, wait until they are wet. Then squeeze and dip into a container of wrapping solution, wait until they are soaked, then squeeze. Wrap the bandages around the area of ​​your body from your knees to the middle of your torso. The wrapping must be done moving from bottom to top. Course of 15 wraps every other day.

If you don't understand something, you can watch the video

Video weight loss wrap with essential oils (-2 sizes in 1 month!)

After the wrapping procedure, instead of milk or body cream, it is useful to apply an oil mixture with essential oils to the skin.

Recipe for massage mixture with essential oils

120ml grape seed oil

30 drops grapefruit essential oil

20 drops cypress essential oil

10 drops lavender essential oil

Mix all ingredients together and pour into an opaque glass jar. This massage mixture can be used after taking a shower or bath. This massage mixture should be stored in the refrigerator for 6 months.

Until the middle of the last century, cellulite was considered a sign of women's health. However, years later, scientists discovered that the “orange peel” is nothing more than a hormonal imbalance. It most often occurs in pregnant women or women over 25 years of age. In modern cosmetology, there are many ways to help you get rid of subcutaneous fat and sagging skin. The use of orange oil for cellulite is one of the most common procedures that can be done at home. From this article you can learn how to choose the right oil, its beneficial properties and methods of use.

Facts on Orange Essential Oil

Orange oil has long been famous for its beneficial properties. This type of oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is used as a base for perfume compositions, in soap making, as a massage oil, and, of course, in aromatherapy. Orange essential oil is also actively used in the fight against cellulite; recipes based on this remedy can be found in the second part of the article. But first, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of this product and the effect of oil on the skin.

Composition of orange oil

Like any citrus fruit, orange is rich in vitamin C. This is the most famous natural antioxidant that helps restore damaged tissue and also has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, this vitamin promotes the absorption of microelements such as iron and copper. Orange oil also contains calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These substances help rejuvenate and tone the skin, restore hair structure, and even increase working capacity and help cope with psychological stress.

Beneficial properties of orange oil

Orange oil has a huge amount of beneficial substances. We will introduce you to the main ones, which are mainly aimed at improving the appearance of the skin of the body and face.

  1. Improved blood circulation;
  2. Narrowing of pores;
  3. Rejuvenation of the skin;
  4. Reducing the level of pigmentation;
  5. Elimination of cellulite;
  6. Cleansing and toning the skin
Orange essential oil: powerful weapon against cellulite

Orange oil is one of the most commonly used products in home cosmetology. The aroma of this product tones and gives a charge of vigor, turning the procedure into pure pleasure. It is recommended to use this oil only in diluted form, otherwise you risk an allergic reaction. In the fight against cellulite, it is possible to use this product as an adjuvant to other anti-cellulite products.

Orange oil bath

This is one of the simplest, but at the same time most enjoyable ways to get rid of the hated cellulite. A hot orange bath can dissolve excess fat, tighten the skin, and speed up the metabolism in the body. To prepare it you will need:

  1. Orange oil - 15 drops;
  2. Sea salt - 1 handful

Fill the bathtub with hot (about 60 degrees) water. Add orange oil and sea salt to it. The procedure should take at least 20 minutes. A light warming massage will help enhance the effect. A slight burning sensation may appear in problem areas, this indicates the removal of excess fat from your body. Such procedures should be repeated no more than twice a week.

Anti-cellulite wraps

This procedure is very popular in beauty salons to get rid of cellulite, but it can also be repeated at home. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Honey - 2 tbsp;
  2. Orange oil - 5 drops

Mix the components of our future warming mask in a small container and heat it slightly. Next you need to prepare the skin. To do this, you need to carefully massage all problem areas. Then the pre-prepared composition is applied to the heated skin. Now we need to create a greenhouse effect. To get it, wrap your skin in cling film and then wrap yourself in a warm blanket. The procedure takes 30 minutes. After the time has passed, take a warm shower and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream. This is one of the most effective and fastest ways to get rid of cellulite.

Anticellulite massage

Using orange oil for cellulite will help you quickly, and most importantly, get rid of the hated fatty crust for a long time. Another way to combat it is anti-cellulite massage. It will require special equipment: mittens, brushes. Orange oil in this procedure acts as a massage oil. A few drops are applied to previously cleansed skin, and using a mitten or brush we begin the massage. It is carried out with rhythmic circular movements. If the procedure is carried out correctly, you will feel a slight tingling sensation in problem areas. After finishing the massage, it is not recommended to wash off the oil; to achieve maximum effect, you must allow it to be completely absorbed into the skin.

Selection of orange oil

Nowadays, no one is surprised by the word “fake”. Such a drug will not only be of no benefit, but can also seriously harm your health. In order to avoid this trouble, buy oils only in trusted stores. Please note that this quality product is packaged in dark glass containers. You should also be wary of the price being too low: real undiluted oil cannot be too cheap.

The use of orange oil for cellulite implies a wide range of cosmetic procedures. These include taking hot baths, body wraps or anti-cellulite massage. You can do any of them yourself, at home. And to achieve maximum effect, we recommend that you give up bad habits, follow a low-calorie diet, and also exercise.

The properties of orange oil are so beneficial for our health that it can be used for almost any reason. It helps with metabolic disorders, depression, obesity. Orange oil is actively used against cellulite and for weight loss.

This fragrant oily liquid of sunny orange color can eliminate many cosmetic problems, the causes of which lie in the violation of substances. Real orange essential oil is obtained by cold pressing, but you can also get it at home by infusing orange peels with high-quality odorless vegetable oil.

The finished orange oil can vary in properties and production - this means what part of the orange tree it was obtained from. Thus, the best orange oil is made in Spain and Guinea; the oil obtained from the leaves is called petitgrain, and from the flowers - neroli. Orange oil is obtained from the fruit of the bitter orange.

The scope of application of orange oil is quite wide; it is suitable for skin care and internal use. The role of orange oil in cosmetology is quite well known: it is the fight against wrinkles and skin aging, elimination of pigmentation, skin regeneration, restoration of skin evenness after complicated acne, and anti-edematous effect.

In addition, orange oil is also used for the treatment and restoration of hair: for seborrhea, dry hair, and disorders of sebaceous metabolism of the scalp.

Orange oil is also quite popular in various care products: it is added to creams, lotions, shampoos, lipsticks and balms.

When taken orally, orange oil can help boost immunity and treat influenza and influenza-like illnesses. It also perfectly reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, thereby helping to lose weight.

Orange oil for weight loss can also be taken as part of aromatic baths. To achieve the effect, you need to complete a full course of baths, taken every other day for three weeks. The bath lasts 15 minutes, the water temperature is comfortable, there is no need to shower or dry your body after the bath. Dry wine is used as a solvent for orange oil: the following oils are added to 100 ml of wine: two drops each of orange, cypress and grapefruit oil and one drop of juniper oil.

Orange oil for weight loss used for massage can be mixed with other oils that will complement its effect. Mixture for massage: neutral jojoba oil is taken as a basis (if it is not available, then olive oil) - 30 ml, mixed with grape seed oil - 20 ml, add five drops of orange, juniper, geranium and rosemary oils to the mixture, three drops of oil cypress

Before performing a massage, you need to carry out cleansing procedures, including herbal enemas (chamomile decoction), eliminate alcohol and heavy foods, and take a warm shower. After the massage you need to refrain from eating and drinking for two hours.

Orange oil against cellulite is used as a rub and wrap. Here are a couple of popular recipes. To rub in, add orange oil to the body cream - add 15 drops of oil to a single portion and mix. Rubbing is carried out on clean skin, using massage movements to rub the cream enriched with orange oil into problem areas. To improve the condition of the skin, rub twice a week.

For wraps, add ten drops of orange oil to half a liter of warm water, and after the skin has steamed in a bath or sauna, moisten a sheet with the solution and wrap the body for five minutes. The skin becomes velvety and shiny, and with regular use, cellulite will recede.

Of course, you should not consider orange oil as a panacea for all ills - however, if you use it in combination with exercise and diet, you can expect excellent results.

Citrus essential oils have been proven to help rid the skin of unsightly bumps. Orange oil against cellulite has found the most widespread use in cosmetology.

Orange oil has a whole range of beneficial properties for our body. When applied to the skin, it enhances metabolism, improves carbohydrate-fat metabolism, which promotes the rapid breakdown of fats. The skin becomes tightened, smooth and elastic. At the same time, we receive an aromatherapy session that will relieve us of depression and lift our spirits.

Anti-cellulite massage with orange oil

Orange oil is often used as a massage agent during anti-cellulite massage. To do this, just apply a few drops of oil on your palms and then rub problem areas with it for 15 minutes.

Massage with oils using cups

To enhance the effect of the massage, you can use various massage accessories: mittens, massage cups, brushes, massagers, etc. After the massage, it is not recommended to take a shower so that the oil acts on the skin for a long time.

It is very effective to use a mixture of orange oil with geranium, cypress, rosemary, juniper, etc. for anti-cellulite massages.

Do not be alarmed if you feel a slight tingling sensation on your skin during the procedure. This is an indication that the oil is working effectively in the right place.

You can add orange oil to a massage cream, shower gel or lotion, and then apply it to your skin every time you shower.

On a note: Orange oil increases the effect of sun rays on the skin, so before going outside you need to treat your skin with sunscreen to protect yourself from burns.

Orange oil bath

It is very effective to add orange oil when taking baths. This is the most pleasant way to combat cellulite. A warm aromatic bath will help dissolve excess fat, remove waste and toxins, speed up metabolism, heal and tighten the skin, and relieve stress. It is recommended to alternate baths with massage and wrapping procedures to achieve the desired result.

  • Therapeutic baths for cellulite and weight loss: how to do, recipes

How to prepare an anti-cellulite bath: Fill the bathtub with warm water. Mix 10 drops of oil with your favorite bubble bath and then add to water. If you have time and desire, lightly warm up problem areas with massage movements. Now you can enjoy the procedure for 15-20 minutes. To enhance the healing effect, dissolve a handful of sea salt in the bath. You will immediately feel how the therapeutic components of the bath work: the skin will warm up, soften, and a slight burning sensation will appear in the places where excess fat has been deposited. You can take such baths 1-2 times a week.

Orange oil wraps

Anti-cellulite wraps are successfully used in the fight against cellulite both in beauty salons and at home. The easiest way to apply a therapeutic wrap is to apply orange oil to problem areas, warm the skin with circular movements, and then wrap in film for 15-20 minutes.

Orange oil and honey wrap. Mix 2 tablespoons of natural honey and 5 drops of orange oil. Apply to the skin, massage for 5 minutes, then wrap yourself in film, then a blanket and lie down for 20 minutes. A very powerful tool!

Go to section: How to get rid of cellulite: effective remedies

Mustard wraps for weight loss and cellulite

Citrus fruits are used to obtain essential oils, which not only have an original rich aroma, but also great benefits for the body. The scope of its use is enormous, ranging from cooking to medicine.

Orange essential oil – properties

The popularity of this product is due to its wide range of beneficial properties. With its help you can speed up blood circulation, stabilize blood pressure and cleanse the blood. When consumed orally, it can improve stomach function, intestinal motility and remove toxins. For those who are interested in the benefits of orange oil, it is worth knowing that it has a choleretic and diuretic effect. It is worth noting the positive effect on the nervous system, which helps relieve fatigue and improve mood.

Orange essential oil - chemical composition

Scientists have determined that this product has a rich composition of useful substances, which determines the presence of numerous properties. The main component is limonene, which is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and inflammation. Orange oil contains another important component - myrcene. It contains many different vitamins and other useful substances:

  1. A – activates metabolic processes and has a rejuvenating effect.
  2. Phytoncides – cause the presence of antiseptic properties.
  3. C – important for strengthening the immune system;
  4. Group B – has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Orange oil - use in cosmetology

For cosmetic purposes, citrus esters are used more often than others; they are used on an industrial scale and in home recipes. Orange oil, the use of which is approved by specialists, improves the condition of skin, nails and hair. To see the effect, you just need to add a few drops to your usual care products, but you can carry out special procedures.

Orange oil for hair

Beautiful and well-groomed curls are the pride of many girls, but underneath this lies regular and properly selected care. The substances that make up the ether have an effect on the follicles and hairs, which helps to get an amazing effect. Orange essential oil for hair makes it shiny, manageable, smooth and healthy. The benefits of this product are confirmed by many trichologists.

  1. Recovery occurs after microdamage and, as a result, the number of thin, brittle and split ends decreases.
  2. Dormant follicles are toned and revitalized, which leads to increased hair growth.
  3. Helps cope with existing irritation and removes dandruff.
  4. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, which removes excess fat.
  5. Dry hair is moisturized and becomes more supple and beautiful.
  6. The root bulbs are strengthened, which reduces the number of lost hairs.

Using orange oil is very simple, you just need to add a few drops to one of your care products. There are many different masks that help cope with different problems. Another interesting and useful way to use oil is to apply it to a wooden comb and comb it. You need to do the procedures regularly, otherwise there will be no effect.

Orange oil for face

Citrus essential oil has a number of important properties that make it beneficial for the skin. It helps get rid of dryness, roughness, flabbiness and lethargy. Orange essential oil for the face makes the skin soft and moisturized. It helps improve the growth process of new cells and maintain an optimal level of moisture in the epidermis. People with oily skin types can also use it, since the ether helps normalize the process of sebum secretion and tighten pores.

The oil is recommended for rashes on the face, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is worth noting that it has a whitening property, so it can be used to lighten freckles and age spots. Orange oil is effective against wrinkles, as it helps to replenish collagen deficiency, which determines the tone, elasticity and firmness of the skin. Bitter citrus essential oil has a softening, regenerating and rejuvenating effect. It is easy to use, you just need to add 5 drops to 20 g of lotion or cream.

Orange oil for nails

With this product you can improve the condition of your nail plate without spending a lot on salon treatments. It helps soften cuticles, evens out color and adds shine. Orange essential oil strengthens the nail and reduces the risk of splitting, and also effectively fights fungus. It is very simple to use, you just need to apply a couple of drops closer to the base of the nail plate and rub them in for a while. There is no need to wash off anything after this procedure.

Orange oil for skin

The ether is used not only for the face, but also for other parts of the body. It helps restore moisture levels, has a tonic effect and accelerates cellular metabolism. It is recommended to use orange oil for the care and treatment of various problems with the epidermis. With its help, you can soften and remove dead skin cells in a gentler way than using a scrub.

Orange oil is especially popular for cellulite because it penetrates the skin, improves blood circulation and lymph flow, and also removes toxins from the body. For this purpose, it is best to massage problem areas. Mix half a teaspoon of any vegetable oil and 10 drops of ether. First, steam the skin, and then rub it. After just a couple of sessions, you can notice that the number of tubercles on the surface has decreased, and the surface of the body has become firmer and more elastic.

Orange oil for weight loss

To cope with excess weight in a short period of time, it is recommended to supplement proper nutrition and regular exercise with cosmetic procedures. It has already been said that it helps to cope with cellulite, for which wraps and massages are carried out. At the same time, you don’t have to be afraid that after losing weight your skin will sag and stretch marks will appear. Orange oil for weight loss has the following properties:

  1. Helps tonify the digestive system and normalize metabolic processes.
  2. Helps speed up fat burning processes, reducing volume and improving body contour.
  3. Relaxes, helping to fight bad mood and depression - symptoms that often accompany people on a diet.

A bath with orange oil for weight loss, which is very simple to prepare, gives good results. Draw a bath and pour foam or shower gel into it, to which you must first add 3-5 drops of ether. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. To obtain results, it is recommended to take such healing baths every 3-4 days.

Orange oil - medicinal properties

In folk medicine, citrus essential oils are used for various purposes, all thanks to the rich composition of beneficial substances. They have antiseptic, bactericidal, deodorizing and tonic properties. Taking orange essential oil orally can improve the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems, lower blood pressure, normalize metabolism and get rid of painful sensations. Take 2 drops of it, adding it to a glass of any drink, but not more than twice a day. Natural orange oil is also used to solve other problems in the body.

  1. Effective for rinsing with sore throat, stomatitis, toothache, cough and runny nose. To do this, add a drop of ether to a glass of water.
  2. To get a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, it is recommended to do dry inhalation, for which three drops of liquid are applied to a cloth or porcelain surface and inhaled.
  3. Orange oil helps with joint pain, cramps and colds, for which applications, compresses and rubbing are done. The ether is mixed with any vegetable oil in equal proportions.
  4. To cope with menstrual pain and headaches, add three drops of orange essential oil to a spoon of base oil and massage.

Orange oil for herpes

Herpes infection is common among people of all ages and is characterized by the appearance of rashes and sores on the lips. There are many folk remedies that help fight it, including orange oil. It contains ascorbic acid, which effectively fights colds. For those who are interested in how to use orange essential oil, you need to know that it is simply applied to the rashes at least four times a day. Due to the fact that the virus will be destroyed, relief will be felt after the first lubrication.

Orange oil for runny nose

In folk medicine, various esters are widely used to combat cold symptoms. There are several ways to use orange oil to relieve a runny nose. The easiest option is to take a sachet and add a few drops inside. Place it at the head of your bed at night and the aroma will be released for several hours. This option is great for children.

During the daytime, you can use an aroma lamp, into which a mixture of orange, tea tree and eucalyptus oil is poured. You need to breathe for 30 minutes. three times a day. Hot inhalation will help with a runny nose, for which mix a couple of drops of bitter orange and rosewood, and also add a drop of black pepper. Add the mixture to hot water, but not boiling water, and inhale for about 4 minutes.

Orange oil - contraindications

Before you start using the oil, be aware that it may cause harm to some people. This is especially true for people who are allergic to orange oil. To understand this, it is recommended to carry out a test by lubricating the back side with an oily liquid and monitoring the reaction. It is not recommended to apply ether to the skin if the weather is sunny, as the risk of burns increases. It is worth considering that it increases appetite, so it is not recommended for those losing weight to take it orally.