
Autumn vytynanki. Festive interior decorations “September 1st How to decorate windows on September 1st templates

Nadezhda Kuznetsova

Good evening, dear colleagues!

We will need: self-adhesive colored paper, scissors, pencil and a little knowledge of the Microsoft Word 2013 text editor.

I chose rolled colored self-adhesive paper, 70-80 cm wide, 2 meters long (I couldn’t find any other sizes, you can find smaller ones):

First, we select names for our corners, in my case, these are:

Visiting a fairy tale

Music corner



We are Young Olympians! (for sports corner)

Our creativity

Briefly about the work ahead: in the Microsoft Word editor we will make letter templates (with one nuance, I will tell you later) with these phrases, so that we can then put them on colored paper on the reverse side, trace the required number of letters and signs with a pencil, cut them out and stick them on the wall. That's basically it. I took the height of the letters to be approximately 10 cm, you can choose at your discretion. So let's get started!

Launch Microsoft Word, open a blank A4 document, set the orientation of the sheets - landscape, create a flowchart like this:

insert - figures - block diagram: process

Then, holding down the left mouse button, draw an arbitrary rectangle covering almost the entire page

and immediately assign it a default style called Color outline - black, dark 1

Go to the tab home and select the desired text font. I liked the Century Gothic font because it can be easily cut out later. The default maximum text height is 72, so in the font size window we sign the value 400 , which corresponds to the height of the letters in natural size after printing of approximately 10 cm.

We begin to type the letters we need inside the created flowchart, I’ll start with the expression "Visiting a fairy tale"

With this font size, I have 3 letters on A4 format (text in bold):

I made all the letters in capitals, this makes it easier to compose the text later without additional problems.

In order not to waste printer ink, we will do one trick so that the letters are not completely painted over in black, but only outlined. To do this, select the text, apply text effects and design to it Fill - white, outline - accent1, shadow

Let's do the final operations. Move the mouse to the edge of our flowchart and right-click on it, an additional window will pop up, select the last line autoshape format, and in the Microsoft Word editor an additional vertical tab will appear on the right with editing the autoshape parameters.

1. To begin with, let us indicate in Shape Options in the tab Shading and borders Line - no lines.

2. Then, with the selected text in Text options in the tab Text effects - shadow set the transparency parameter to 100% (move the slider to the right all the way). The shadow should disappear.

3. Ibid. Text options in the tab Text Fill and Outline - Text Outline(also with selected text) specify the color - black (instead of blue, which was the default). The text outline should turn black.

And the last thing we need to do in the Microsoft Word editor is to mirror the text horizontally - I wrote about this nuance at the beginning of the article. This is necessary so that later when tracing and cutting out the letters, they look correct. Because we will trace them on the back side of colored paper.

To do this we will do the following: in Text options in the tab Text effects - rotation of a volumetric figure We specify the angle parameter in rotation around the X axis as 180 degrees instead of 0.

We make the remaining letters and signs in the same way. In order not to edit text styles and text effects every time, you can copy our flowchart to another page of the document and edit the letters there, substituting the ones you need. Repeated letters can be skipped because the sheets that we print on the printer will only be a pattern that can be repeated several times when tracing the letters.

Finally, we print out our document with all the necessary letters, cut them out along the contour, put them on the back side of colored paper, trace and cut out the required number of letters and characters.

I got it like this:

A little advice: before sticking the letters on the wall, it is advisable to mark the beginning and end of the words so as not to re-glue the letters again.

My signed corners turned out like this:

I hope you enjoy my work!

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

The long-awaited spring has arrived! With the arrival of spring, I decided to transform my group too! The group's reception area was decorated with bright flowers. There were flowers.

In early spring, our kindergarten held a competition “Best Information Center for Parents”; our senior group “Buratino” took 1st place.

This is our hall. This year we decorated it in white and silver tones. The white arch, illuminated with lights, is the entrance through which children enter.

Dear friends! Dear Colleagues! The year of the red monkey is approaching. So my students and I decided to make a monkey for decoration.

Hello, dear colleagues. You know, you always really want the music room to be very beautiful. And I wanted to contribute a small one.

This set of paper cutting templates contains almost everything you need to decorate your school interior in an interesting and attractive way for the holiday of September 1:

- autumn foliage and clusters of ripe rowan,

- a familiar and cozy image of the school in festive decorations and charming schoolchildren enthusiastically greeting each other at the school walls,

- a variety of school equipment, a traditional bell and other school paraphernalia,

— as well as 4 options for holiday inscriptions (the inscription “September 1” is presented in two versions).

All this wealth of paper decorator will allow you to create thematic compositions on the windows (or in other parts of the interior) in the classrooms of both junior and senior classes. At the same time, the light, cheerful nature of the scenery will certainly find a response in the souls of first-graders and older children, as well as teachers and parents of students.

By the way, parents can use the elements of the set not only at school, but also at home, organizing a pleasant surprise on the occasion of the beginning of the school year (especially if we are talking about the very first academic year at school).

In addition, many elements of the set will certainly come in handy when preparing for the next big school holiday - Teacher's Day.

And together with a special addition, the templates from the “September 1” set are an excellent tool for creating festive compositions for the school’s birthday (Anniversary).

With the help of these templates you can solve not only large-scale decorating tasks, but also decorate compact objects. Especially for such purposes, a set of hand-cutting templates (in PDF format) includes reduced copies of elements, which fit on A4 sheets, and the set for the plotter contains solid templates of all elements that can be scaled arbitrarily.

For example, fragments of the composition are placed in three window openings width 60 cm and height 135 cm. However, you can easily vary the dimensions of the composition, adjusting them to the size of your window, for example:

  • reduce the size of elements by setting the custom scale in the print/cut settings to less than 100%;
  • reduce the area of ​​the composition by reducing the number of elements used - the optimal solution for small windows;
  • expand the composition by adding additional elements (from other sets or drawn yourself) - for especially large windows or showcases.

Dimensions of large elements of compositions:

  • school: 62.8×57.1 cm;
  • boy and girl: 36.4×54.1 And 35.5×54.4cm;
  • rowan branch: 33.2×35.2cm;
  • school equipment: 50.3×27.3,50.0×33.5,50.0×33.4 And 50.5×28.3 cm;
  • inscription “Happy Knowledge Day!”: 52.5×26.2 cm;
  • inscription “September 1”: 52.5×33.9 cm;
  • inscription "Hello, school!": 52.4×36.9 cm.


1. A set of templates in the format PDF- for cutting by hand:

  • simple and composite templates (composite - glued together from several fragments on different sheets) for cutting out decorative elements on A4 sheets;
  • reduced jewelry templates that fit on A4 sheets;
  • templates for cutting out composition elements on seven sheets of A1 format (templates on A1 sheets are intended for large-format printing on whatman paper (this can be done at the nearest copy center), which will slightly reduce production time);
  • instructions for making window (interior) decorations.

2. Set of templates in vector formats DXF, SVG and FCM (for ScanNCut Canvas), STUDIO3 (Silhouette Studio Document)- for cutting on a plotter:

  • templates of large decorative elements, prepared for cutting on sheets of paper A4 and sheets 30×30 cm(large elements are divided into fragments of appropriate sizes);
  • templates of all decorative elements (without breaking into fragments);
  • instructions for making window decorations.

Add a set of templates in the desired format to your cart.

Hello, dear readers! Today we have a school theme, namely, I will tell you about the design of the board for September 1st.

Knowledge Day is always a hassle: you need to figure out what flowers, or maybe a gift, to give to the teacher, get your child ready for school and, of course, decorate the classroom. After all, children will probably enjoy a festive classroom more than a standard office with desks, chairs and without a single hint of a holiday. Everything must be done to ensure that children are interested in learning, and a well-spent September 1 will be the basis for an excellent start to the school year.

Design of the school board for September 1

Let's take a closer look at the options for decorating a school board - perhaps the main detail of any educational institution, without which it is simply unthinkable to imagine the learning process.

Decor ideas for 1st grade

The youngest visitors to the school are first-graders. The design of a school board and classroom for them should be approached with special responsibility and a great desire to please the kids. In kindergarten they often had holidays, walks, toys, and they would simply be bored in a gray office.

If kids come to a festive, beautifully decorated classroom, this will certainly lift their spirits and awaken (stimulate) interest in the further educational process. There are a lot of ideas for decorating a board; you can search online or use your imagination and do it all yourself. I offer you several options for designing a board for Knowledge Day:

Decoration with bows, balls and maple leaves. Your little one will love this board decoration.

To apply you will need:

  • balls;
  • You can draw templates (bows, leaves, rowan berries) yourself.

Download ready-made templates

If one of the parents is good at drawing, you can ask him to decorate the school board beautifully. For example, you can depict your children’s favorite cartoon characters and add a school theme. First graders are still inspired by the atmosphere of a fairy tale, so this decor is a win-win option.

Decoration with balloons. All decorations for September 1 are based on flowers and balls. Today, many different shapes are made from balls. Starting from flowers and ending with cars. I suggest you take a look at an interesting option - balloon men with balloons in their hands. You can order them from a holiday agency, or you can try to make them yourself. Kids will really like these figures; they can be placed on both sides of the board, and the board itself can be decorated with beautiful themed stencils and holiday greetings.

The figures can symbolize a diligent student or student, or depict one of the popular fairy-tale characters, for example, Pinocchio.

Another idea for decorating with balloons that will not leave any child indifferent. A standard classroom immediately turns in the imagination of children into an exotic, distant land, where palm trees grow and funny monkeys have fun.

Simple ideas

You don’t always have money for expensive classroom decoration, so I offer you several basic options for decorating a school board, which will entail a minimum of costs, but the children will definitely like it.

The first is a simple and interesting option. You will need:

  • White paper;
  • scotch;
  • balls;
  • Printer;
  • scissors.

We inflate several balloons and hang them on the board. We draw (can be downloaded on the Internet) a boy and a girl, flowers, the number 1 and letters. Cut everything out and glue it onto the board. We print out the congratulatory verse and add it there. The inscription may be different, for example, “hello school”, “happy knowledge day” and other phrases suitable for the topic.

This cute little train will definitely make children happy. We also download it from the Internet, print it out, cut it out and pin it on the board. We also glue a “Hello School” poster and a bell there. Then we cut out the clouds on which we write wishes for the young students.

You can make such flowers yourself and decorate the board. There are only a few of them in the photo, but if you make them in large quantities and cover almost the entire board, the kids will love this decoration.

The beauty, made as in the photo, will definitely appeal to children in grades 2 and 3. After all, they also like cartoon characters and already know how to read. Each child will curiously look for where his name is hidden on the board.

You can draw a book with chalk on a blackboard and glue a lot of butterflies around it. They can be made from simple colored paper. It's very easy to do and looks incredibly beautiful.

Unusual design ideas

Making a sun out of balloons

We will need:

  • yellow balls No. 16;
  • modeling balls (SDM) No. 260 (2 pcs.);
  • ball trim;
  • 2 shades of yellow balls No. 5;
  • pump;
  • high float (for processing balls);
  • sticker (eyes, mouth).

We make a knot from the scraps of the balloon, insert it into a 16-inch balloon and inflate our balloon to a round shape.

We tie two long balls for modeling and when tying our ball, we insert them into the knot.

We catch the knot that we previously dropped into the ball and twist it.

We take one of the oblong balls, stretch it, wrap it around a knot and tie a knot with a small remainder. After this, we do the same with the second modeling ball.

Let's start with the rays, take balls No. 5, treat them with high float, because... we will twist them. We take the pump, calibrate it to 1.5 strokes and pump up each ray. Now we take the ball, give it an oblong shape and twist it ¼ from the top. Now we twist this small circle in half. We do the same with the rest of the small balls.

Let's start adding rays to the sun. We take small balls and twist them using the modeling balls attached to the sun earlier. Alternates shades of yellow through one. When we are done with the rays, we glue on the eyes and mouth. Our beautiful sunshine is ready.

Balloon flower

We will need:

  • several blue ShDM No. 160;
  • small flower made of white balls No. 10;
  • one ball No. 5 yellow.

We inflate the blue balloons with helium, and the white and yellow balloons using a regular pump. We tie five large blue balls together, connecting a combination of 2 and 3 balls to each other and placing them in the same plane.

We do the same with five small white balls (we connect a set of 2 and 3 balls, respectively, to each other). Place a bunch of white balls on top of the center of the blue balls. We securely tie the blue balls to the white ones with a ribbon several times, passing in a circle.

We twist the yellow five-ball in half and place the middle between the white and blue balls. This must be done so that the yellow ball, on one side, looks like the core of a flower, and on the other, it is securely fixed in the composition and allows you to attach a stem to it. We tie the inflated leg of the green ball to the back of the flower, securing it to the thickening of the yellow ball.

You can keep the process simple and make a flower using only large helium balloons and a stem ball.

We will need 5 large blue balls and one white (No. 10). You also need a green ball to act as a flower stem. An important detail - when pumping up the white ball, you need to pump it 3 times and tie it so that the tail is as large as possible. We twist the white ball in the middle and catch it between the balls. We return the tail back and twist it together, then lower it down. On the back side there is a place to attach the tail, and on the front there is a white center. We attach the stem according to the previous diagram. The flower is ready!

I hope these ideas will help you turn your classroom into a fabulous place where children will feel fun and comfortable. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog, share the material with friends and on social networks. And with this I say goodbye to you, see you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Marina Rudich

The Day of Knowledge is approaching. A special day for everyone. Future schoolchildren will join the group on Monday. They will go to preschool education for another year, gain knowledge, and then take their places at school desks. " September There will be a festive lineup, competitions and dancing.

Every time to 1 September senior groups festively arrange group rooms. This time we are again decorated the windows in the dressing room bright vytynanka on a school theme.

Having prepared the templates and armed with sharp scissors, we cut out vytynanka. We cut them out of white and tinted paper so that they could be seen from the second floor.

For window decoration we cut out future schoolchildren

stack of books


Alarm clock and pencils

Several bright autumn leaves

Then they began decorate windows.

On one window Placed two schoolchildren and books, glued autumn leaves and bright pencils above them

On the second window we also have schoolchildren

surrounded by pencils.

While we were cooking vytynanka, the pupils looked at them with interest, saying that they were ready to go to school so that they could quickly buy a backpack and uniform.

The windows turned out bright, the pupils looked at them with interest and asked their parents to send them to school or buy a backpack.

The hot autumn season has arrived. I love this time! The holidays are creeping up unnoticed as always - you’ve barely managed to prepare for September 1st when Teacher’s Day is just around the corner. Of course, the parent committee will prepare general gifts for this day from the entire class, but you always want to please your beloved teacher with at least a small sign of attention, but created with love with your own hands. In preparing such a gift, autumn vytynankas will come to the rescue, with which we will decorate a postcard-box called a chocolate box.

What kind of animal is this?

On a postcard for Teacher's Day, you always want to emphasize autumn motifs. For me, first of all, autumn is associated with colorful maple leaves scattered along the paths of the forest. Therefore, I have developed these simple, but very beautiful templates with which you can decorate our cards (all photos are enlarged, click on them!).

Everything is very simple: I print out the templates on a printer, transfer them using carbon paper onto suitable cardboard and cut them out with an ordinary paper knife with interchangeable blades (the simplest one is possible, its price in the store is about 10 rubles, it was included in several photos). There are templates here not only for Teacher's Day, but also for September 1st.

Attention, important! If you print, keep in mind that the sheets are specially cropped to fit the A4 format, but if you still miss, know that these templates should end up with these dimensions: 16.5x7.5 cm, otherwise they will not fit on a postcard or, conversely, they will turn out to be too small!!!

Here's how it's done

The first task is to print the templates and transfer them onto cardboard using carbon paper. Now I carefully cut out all the details with my own hands.

Plain red looks too solemn. To make it a little more autumnal, I take a piece of sponge, a little yellow acrylic paint and tint the blank a little, giving it a more interesting and voluminous look.

The second card was less fortunate; it had to be repainted several times to finally achieve the color I liked. The choice settled on gold, which I applied to an already cut blank from a can of spray paint.

The second stage of work is to make two blanks from white cardboard with your own hands. Templates are everything to us, so I’ll just take a pattern from an old master class:

I cut out two blanks on it:

I bend all the folds and cut off the excess. Voila! The future boxes are almost ready. But before gluing them into volume, you must first glue all the decorative details - both the protrusions and just strips of beautiful cardboard. If you want to see in more detail how to glue and cut it all, read the detailed master class here:. Or you can not read anything and just decorate the card with your own hands to your taste!
The next step is to glue all the protrusions onto the cards using glue. You can just as easily use a good glue stick or double-sided tape.


Now all that remains is to make the clasp. In two different postcards I show two ways to do this: in the first, I cut the white ribbon into two parts, singe the edges so they don’t fray, and sew each of the ends into place on the cardboard with thread. So that the thread is not visible, I decorate the top with decorative paper parts. This chocolate bowl will simply be tied with a bow.
In the second, I solve the problem differently: I sew a wooden button in the shape of a ladybug onto the front side on top, and paper decor is glued to the edges of the thread and knot on the back side. And in the box itself, in the end part, I make two small slits with a knife, through which I insert a single tape. And the second chocolate box is now fastened with a golden ribbon, which is tied around the button.

Making a fastener with your own hands is not difficult, the main thing is to correctly think through the moment at which it is easier to make cuts: it is advisable to make them before gluing the box, otherwise you will suffer later and spend a lot of extra time.


This is the first chocolate maker for Teacher's Day with maple leaves.
A second chocolate maker arrived behind her, with carved flowers in gold tones. Carved elements on them create additional volume. Thanks to them, the cards began to play completely differently!