
How to choose the right face cream. Cream for dry skin prepared at home How to make cream at home for

It may seem that making creams yourself is very simple, but in fact it is not. It is important to choose the right ingredients for your skin type and mix them in the right proportions. But, after spending a little time, you will get a natural and safe cream that is not addictive, does not contain any preservatives and has no side effects. They advertise all sorts of products that promise to greatly improve the skin, get rid of acne, and so on. But it is not always the case. Therefore, there is nothing better than homemade cream. Moreover, production does not take much time.

It is worth saying that some men also use these products, so there is even a special men's rating of creams.

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How to make face cream at home

Before you cook the cream, you need to purchase all the ingredients. As practice shows, most recipes are not popular, because people are simply afraid of not finding the right component. That's why some people give up cream making.

This is a false assumption as all the ingredients are easy to find. For example, essential oils, emulsifiers and more can be purchased at the pharmacy. If a recipe requires beeswax, you can find it in beekeeping stores.

You can prepare an anti-aging lifting cream for age spots, glycerin, gelatin, with collagen, and so on at home.

It is better to buy a syringe with divisions in order to remove the required amount of each component. So how can you prepare a magical hypoallergenic cream at home yourself, step by step?

DIY face moisturizer, recipes for dry skin

For dry skin, a cucumber-based cream is perfect. We all know that, for example, a cucumber mask is applied to the eyes, and cucumber extracts are actively used in cosmetology. This vegetable has moisturizing and toning properties that keep the skin youthful and beautiful. In addition, cucumber is a lifesaver for sensitive skin. Therefore, cucumber cream for moisturizing comes in handy. Try also day and night cream with honey, it also perfectly moisturizes the skin.

- Small cucumber;
— Chamomile (decoction) or boiled water 1 glass;
— Beeswax 1 tsp;
— Almond oil 1 tsp.

Melt the butter and wax and mix. To do this, use a water bath, as the fatty base will burn over an open fire. Place the mixture in a container and melt. After the wax has melted, you can add a chamomile decoction. If you don’t know what to replace it with, then use plain water. After this, add the finely grated cucumber. Leave the mixture to simmer for about half an hour. Then mix everything thoroughly again and leave until completely cool. Transfer the finished mixture into a jar and apply to your face for 15 minutes. After this, the cream can be washed off with warm water. You can use the quick-cooked cream only a couple of times a week.

How to make an effective anti-aging face cream for wrinkles at home

Super homemade face cream for wrinkles after 40 years is very easy to prepare and use. Only one condition is important here - you need to use it regularly to tighten the contour.

To prepare you will need:

— Honey 1 tbsp;
— Vaseline 1 tsp;
— Castor oil 1 tsp;
— Iodine 2 drops.

All components are mixed in a clean container, where the finished cream for aging combination skin will be stored. It is desirable that it be made of porcelain or glass.

The cream is easy to prepare. Add a couple of drops of iodine to the bottom of the jar, add all the other ingredients and mix thoroughly. The finished cream should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than one month. Therefore, attach a label with the date of manufacture to the jar for yourself. You need to use the product twice a week, leaving it for a couple of hours each time, and then rinse with warm water.

The cream perfectly tightens the skin, restores its elasticity and smoothes out wrinkles. It is better to prepare the cream yourself. This is the only way to be sure that it is safe.

You can also prepare a professional cream based on hyaluronic acid that removes tightening, or with other products, for example, sea buckthorn, mumiyo, herbal, oil, honey, and so on. In addition, you can prepare a lifting cream with ginseng or an Ayurvedic summer base cream.

All creams are great for rejuvenating and nourishing the skin, so with them you can please others for a long time.

How to prepare whitening cream

Some women want their facial skin to be whiter. For these purposes, you can also prepare your own cream and not spend a lot of money.

To prepare you will need:

— Yogurt 200 gr;
— Lemon juice 20 g;
— Almond nut 4 pcs.

The base of the cream is yogurt. It contains a lot of lactic acid, which perfectly softens even rough skin. Lemon juice brightens the skin, as do almonds. This cream is a good competitor to expensive products.

First, grind the almonds in a blender. Then mix yogurt and lemon juice. Add almond flour to the mixture and mix again.

To prevent the cream from spoiling, store it in the refrigerator.

Preparing cream for oily skin

This very simple cream for oily skin will transform your face. It will look fresh and fit.


— Mineral water 100 mg;
— Gelatin 6 g;
— Glycerin 80 mg;
— Honey 50 ml;
— Alcohol 10 ml;
— Cucumber juice 20 mg.

Pour water over the gelatin and let it sit for half an hour. After this, strain the mixture and add other ingredients with honey. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath, let cool and place in a jar.

Recipe for those with problem skin

Peach cream is good for problem skin.

To make it you will need:

— Peach oil 30 mg;
— Calendula decoction 50 mg;
— Ginger oil 5 mg;
— Salicylic acid 5 mg;
— Essential grapefruit oil 10 drops.

First heat the peach oil. While it is still hot, add the remaining ingredients and leave in a water bath until the consistency becomes creamy.

After cooling, the cream can be used.

Problem skin definitely needs anti-tanning sunscreen, a light massage vitamin based on sour cream, and so on. In addition, if you suffer from acne, then any doctor can recommend facial peeling.

Nourishing cream for normal skin

For normal skin, you can make a nourishing cream based on olive oil. The composition contains many valuable components that have a good effect on the condition of the skin.

To prepare you will need:

— Olive oil — 4 tbsp;
— Cocoa — 2 tbsp;
- Peach oil - 1 tbsp;
— Emulsifying wax — 2 tbsp;
— Beeswax 1 tbsp. l.;
— Essential oil — 3 drops.

The cream must be prepared in a water bath, on which a bowl of oil and wax is placed. The components must be brought to a homogeneous mass. After this, remove the mixture from the bath and stir until it cools. In this case, the mixture should be in the form of a cream. Now you can add essential oil for scent. Everyone chooses the scent for themselves. Some people like the smell of coconut oil, while others like jojoba. So pick what you like and add it.

How to store ready-made cream at home (shelf life)

As for storing finished creams, it is different for everyone. It is better to store ready-made creams in the refrigerator, any kind at that. If we talk about deadlines, then everyone has their own. Some creams are stored for only 5 days and therefore must be used quickly, while some can be used for up to one month.

These are not all recipes for creams that can be prepared. In addition to those that we have listed, there is chocolate cream, Ayurvedic, for hair removal, based on cream and aloe vera, with retinol, urea, foundation, with the addition of rosacea, carrots, propolis, soothing and many others. It’s not worth dwelling on these recipes, since they are not suitable for everyone. You always need to look for something new.

On the Internet you can also see photos and beauty tips from Olga Seymour. Olga Metelskaya also gives good advice. Reviews of the activities of both women speak for themselves.

Recipes for homemade face creams use improvised substances and products from the refrigerator. In skillful hands, such cosmetics become an excellent alternative to ready-made creams with complex compositions and numerous unnatural additives.

  • Any woman can use or create recipes for face creams at home. The main thing is to work with high-quality raw materials, dishes, and tools.

For storage you need jars made of glass or hard plastic, for mixing - wooden spatulas. Why can't metal? The fact is that it oxidizes the cream during the preparation process, causes a repulsive odor and leads to loss of beneficial properties.

Medical syringes, pipettes, and a measuring spoon will be useful in your work to measure ingredients in drops or small volumes.

Creative people make adjustments to recipes, because imagination is not superfluous in any work. But the composition can not be changed without limit. For example, only components of the same type (oils, decoctions, vitamins) can be replaced; the base cannot be replaced, otherwise you will end up with something indigestible and mutually exclusive.

Homemade cream is stored for about 2 weeks, then it flakes and spoils. The optimal portion for this period is up to 20 ml.

Homemade anti-wrinkle face cream

When preparing homemade face creams, it is important to remember that they do not last long unless they contain special preservative ingredients. In order not to throw away the spoiled residue, any homemade face cream, including wrinkles, is prepared for several days, maximum for a week.

  • A simple recipe for those who do not like complex tasks and multi-step actions. Ingredients – 2 tsp. honey, protein, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin. Mix and add flour to obtain a thick mass. Standard use: apply to cleansed skin of the face and neck for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to periodically wash your face with chamomile infusion.

Cream from medicinal raw materials: collect 3 rowan leaves, 8 currant leaves, 5 fresh nettle leaves, 3 red rose and jasmine flowers each, 50 g parsley. Mix with natural wax, melted margarine, sunflower oil (a tablespoon in total) and a teaspoon of vitamin A. Pre-process the plant ingredients with a blender to a paste, then grind everything together as much as possible.

  • The universal cream with kelp is prepared as follows. 3 tsp. moisten dry seaweed with 3 tbsp. l. boiling water, cover. Add lemon juice (a few drops) for oily skin, vitamin A for dry skin.

Moisturizing homemade face cream

Some women think that preparing homemade face creams is a troublesome task that requires time and skill. Of course, it’s easier to buy a ready-made product, taking comfort in the fact that it was created by professionals.

It’s difficult to argue with this, but cooking it yourself has many advantages: it is made with love and pleasure, from high-quality raw materials, under the control of your own eyes and other senses.

  • If desired, you can find recipes that do not require exotic ingredients and complex manipulations: just mix together a mixture of several substances that have the qualities necessary for a particular case.

For example, a homemade moisturizing face cream can easily be made from strawberries. To do this, you need to squeeze the ripe berries to form three to four tablespoons of juice and add 1 tsp. glycerin. After 10 minutes, add 1 tsp. oatmeal and thoroughly beat everything together with a mixer. Useful for dry and normal skin types.

Homemade cream for dry skin

A good homemade cream for dry skin does the following:

  • replenishes the lack of fat;
  • moisturizes, enriches with nutrients;
  • eliminates irritation and peeling;
  • guarantees freshness and quality;
  • saves the budget.

To prepare homemade face cream for excessively dry skin, you need vegetable oils and decoctions, yolks, cream, fruit and berry pulp, honey, wax, and vitamin solutions.

We offer several recipes:

  • Chamomile

Infuse a spoonful of dried flowers in half a glass of boiling water under a lid. After straining, mix 2 tbsp. l. of this infusion with 0.5 tsp. glycerin, a spoonful of cow butter, 1 tsp. castor and 3 drops of essential oils.

Beat the entire mixture with a mixer and place in a cool place. This is a serving for five days.

  • Nettle

1 tbsp. l. fresh or two dry raw materials are brewed with a cup of boiling water with a spoonful of birch buds. Cool in a sealed form. Then mix pre-melted wax (1 tsp), a spoonful of olive and butter oils, 3 parts of vitamin A, and a spoonful of infusion. Next, heat for half a minute and beat.

  • Apple

Take 1 tbsp. l. sweet apple pulp and butter, as well as yolk and 1 tsp. warm honey. Give uniformity by rubbing or whipping, apply as a mask and leave for up to half an hour. The mass retains freshness when stored in the refrigerator for only 2 - 3 days.

Homemade cream for oily skin

Regular use of homemade creams for oily skin will remove the oily shine, pores will become less noticeable, and the complexion will improve. This result is ensured by completely natural ingredients, the absence of dyes, preservatives and everything that industrial products are stuffed with.

However, those who want to make homemade face cream with their own hands face some difficulties and disadvantages. Show persistence and you will be rewarded.

This cream differs in appearance from the store-bought one. If you get a liquid, oily, odorous substance, don’t worry: that’s how it should be.

To avoid possible allergic reactions that may be caused by individual components, test the resulting mixture on your wrist.

Do not use expired mass.

Use special utensils and high-quality ingredients for cooking.

Alternate creams with different properties in portions: use moisturizing for a week, lifting for the second, etc.

Homemade face cream for combination skin

The normal amount of active substances in homemade face creams is up to 7%. For oily skin, this is yeast, extracts of ginger, hops; for dry and sensitive skin – propolis, vitamin E, linden extracts, pumpkin seeds, peony tincture.

  • 60% of the composition is pure water or herbal decoctions.

Making homemade face cream for combination skin requires adherence to technology, and the first portion is made minimal, so that it is only enough for an allergy test. It is performed on the wrist or elbow, where the skin is thin, sensitive and reacts most quickly to irritating components.

Dried chamomile flowers are often used in such recipes. An infusion is made from them (the raw materials poured with boiling water are kept in a water bath for 15 minutes), which, after straining, is mixed with honey and glycerin (for 4 tablespoons of infusion - 1 teaspoon of the remaining substances). Bring until smooth.

The second part of the components is also prepared in a sauna. Melt a spoonful of butter and olive oil, add a beaten yolk and a spoonful of camphor oil to the cooled mass. Finally, everything is connected.

Homemade day face cream

Lovers of homemade products know that most of the ingredients are, as they say, at hand, and the missing ones can be easily purchased nearby, in stores, markets and pharmacies. Usually you need wax, lanolin, oils, medicinal plants, and homemade products.

Homemade daytime face cream is easy to make from sour cream. In addition to this, you will need 3 yolks, juice of 2 lemons, 25 g of flaxseed oil. Everything is mixed - and the homemade cream for the face and around the eyes is ready.

Like other home remedies, keep sour cream in the refrigerator, in a closed jar, for no longer than a week. Expired cosmetics are harmful to the skin. To avoid mistakes, you should prepare a little cream and stick a piece of paper with the date of manufacture on the jar.

Too low temperatures are also undesirable; optimal – +3 degrees. If the cream separates during storage, it’s not a big deal: it doesn’t lose its beneficial qualities. You can maintain the desired consistency by shaking or vigorous stirring.

Night face cream at home

Cosmetics used at night maximally nourishes and moisturizes, relieves irritation and flaking, reduces pores and unpleasant shine. Night face creams at home pursue precisely these goals.

Homemade face creams are popular due to the fact that they can be prepared from available raw materials, for example, aloe powder and lard. At 3 tbsp. l. water (boiled) take 1 tsp. powder, stir until smooth and add two more ingredients: 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. – rose water. Stir constantly in a water bath, soon add 1 tsp. aloe juice and a tablespoon of unsalted lard.

To obtain juice, the leaves are first kept in the cold for 2 weeks. This procedure ensures maximum concentration of beneficial substances. After 2 minutes, the mass is removed, knocked down and placed for storage. The result is a nourishing cream intended for dry skin types.

The following remedy is prepared from oils - peach kernels, almond, olive (1 tbsp each) and 1 tsp. wax. While the mass is melting, in a water bath or low heat, in another bowl, mix borax (at the tip of a knife) with tbsp. l. boiling water Both parts are mixed and beaten at low speed until cooled.

Portions are designed for a week, since longer storage does not guarantee quality.

Homemade nourishing face cream

Homemade nourishing face creams are most relevant for dry skin and related problems. There are many recipes, from the simplest in composition and method of preparation to the exclusive. What unites them is the common property of homemade face creams - efficiency, the ability to make cosmetics yourself and at the same time save money.

  1. Sour cream is prepared from home-produced dairy products. Half a spoon is mixed with 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. cucumber juice and 1 yolk. Alcoholic rose water (2 tsp) completes this stage.

To enhance the desired properties, add 2 drops of oil preparations of vitamins A, E, and your favorite ester and mix everything together. At low temperatures the substance should thicken.

  1. For badger fat cream you need vitamins A and E (3 drops each), St. John's wort oil (2 tbsp.), natural wax (1 tsp.). The cream is easy to make: just heat the mixed ingredients in a water bath or fire. The result is a very fatty mass, which is suitable for nourishing the face, as well as hands and feet.
  2. Vegetable cream is prepared from juices, one vegetable or a combination of both. 3 l. grind the juice with the yolk, add it to a container where wax and glycerin are already heated (1 tsp each); Finally, add your favorite oil (1 tbsp). After 2 minutes, remove and beat thoroughly.

Base for homemade face cream

Homemade face creams are prepared from food, pharmacy, aromatic natural ingredients, according to various recipes and methods. They are selected depending on the type and age of the skin, the presence of problems that need to be solved with the help of home cosmetics.

The basis for homemade face cream can be oily and aqueous substances. In particular, they use cosmetic oils, various waters, including rose water, and decoctions.

Cosmetic oils (grape seeds, apricot, almond) are considered a light universal base.

Sea buckthorn and jojoba oils are classified as special bases; They are distinguished by a characteristic smell and bright color.

The following are recommended as a base for homemade face creams:

  • for oily skin – milk thistle, corn, peach, almond, watermelon, hazelnut oils;
  • for dry – olive, shea, apricot, peach, sesame, coconut;
  • for sensitive ones – pink, lemon, rose, burdock, sea buckthorn.

Water, in various forms, takes up 60% of the cream's composition. It can be distilled, mineral, boiled, flower water, infusions of various herbs. It is important to remember that clean water extends the shelf life, and healthy decoctions increase the effectiveness of homemade face creams.

If you take a mixture of oil and water as a basis, then you cannot do without binding components. There should be no more than 2% of them in the formula.

These are emulsifiers, the choice of which depends on the type of skin for which the cream is being prepared. Substances are bought in pharmacies or specialty stores; they come in the form of powder, granules, and plates.

There is controversy regarding essential oils. Adherents of aromatic home remedies advocate their use as a base; opponents warn against possible allergic reactions and other undesirable consequences. If you still use aromatic oils, then no more than 10 drops per 100 g of the finished product. And only at the last stage, when cooling.

Anti-aging face creams at home

Adherents of natural cosmetics know dozens of ways to delay old age, including using homemade face creams. And they strongly recommend that the rest of the female audience prepare anti-aging face creams at home.

The advantages of such cosmetics are obvious. It is cheaper than ready-made products from stores, often more effective than salon treatments, always fresh and without unnecessary ingredients added by manufacturers for aroma, preservation, presentation and other commercial properties.

Cooking with your own hands forces a woman to study the topic, the properties of the ingredients and recipes, and also provides an opportunity for flights of fancy. It’s no wonder that many of the world’s masterpieces in the field of cosmetics and perfumery were created experimentally.

Simple recipes for anti-aging cosmetics:

  • 1.With cognac

Take 100 g of heavy cream, fresh yolk, a spoonful of honey, a teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 dessert spoons of cognac. Mix and apply to face with a sponge, rinse with warm water after an hour.

  • With iodine

Prepared on the basis of Vaseline (1 tsp) and honey (1 tbsp). Add a spoonful of pharmaceutical castor oil and a drop or two of iodine. All components are thoroughly mixed before each use. Keep on the face without restrictions - from 25 minutes to 2 hours, store anywhere, not necessarily in the cold. But also no more than a month.

  • With ginger

We use juice squeezed from crushed ginger root 5 - 6 cm long. Add 2 tsp. apricot and sesame oils, vitamin E solution, as well as 100 ml of cocoa butter. Place the mixture in the oven at 70 degrees for 10 minutes. The dishes must be made of heat-resistant material. Store the finished product in the cold, in a glass jar with a lid. It is enough to use twice a week.

Homemade face cream with vitamins

Vitamins E, A and C are favorite ingredients in homemade face creams and are found in most popular recipes. Why is no secret: these substances have the best effect on the skin. The skin is the first to feel their lack and reacts with loss of a healthy appearance, dryness, sagging, dermatitis and other problems.

There are two ways to replenish vitamin reserves: ingesting vitamin complexes, vegetables and fruits, and local nutrition externally. In particular, special homemade face creams with vitamins.

Vitamin A regulates the secretion of sweat and sebum, accelerates cell restoration, and prevents aging. The following symptoms indicate a lack of a substance:

  • dryness;
  • subtlety;
  • peeling;
  • rash.

Vitamin E strengthens capillaries, supports muscle fibers, and prevents aging, which is why it is included in the formulas of most creams. For dry skin, it regulates the moisture balance; for oily skin, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents acne.

Vitamin C, that is, ascorbic acid, protects and restores the skin of the face. It stimulates the formation of collagen, strengthens blood vessels, and accelerates wound healing. Prepared homemade vitamin cream should be stored closed in a dark container, since light and air destroy vitamin C.

No less important for health and a thriving appearance are other vitamins: D, K, PP, group B. To saturate the body with these substances, it is necessary to combine a balanced diet, high-quality cosmetics and a healthy lifestyle.

Homemade face cream after 50

The main task of homemade face creams after 50 is rejuvenation. This is the result that women of this wonderful age focus on when choosing ingredients for preparing homemade face cream.

In addition to avoiding hard water and soap, proper nutrition and lifestyle, rejuvenation requires:

  • intensive hydration, inside and out;
  • soft cleansers;
  • saturation with antioxidants;
  • UV protection.

Natural face masks are popular among mature women. They increase firmness and elasticity, reduce the number and depth of wrinkles - subject to regular procedures.

Typically, homemade recipes use available products and preparations: vegetables, fruits, dairy products, oils, medicinal plants. Simple homemade face masks:

  • potato

The boiled bulba in its uniform is kneaded with milk, and the yolk is added to the cooled mixture. The resulting paste is distributed over the face while heated, including in the eye area. The thermal effect will be enhanced if a hot cloth is placed on top.

  • cucumber

Grate the fresh vegetable, wrap it in a cloth and apply it to your face.

  • oil

Grind a tablespoon of butter with the yolk, add a spoonful of honey and fruit puree (apple, plum).

Such masks do not take much time, but can effectively rejuvenate and refresh the skin, increase a woman’s self-esteem and mood.

Homemade face cream with gelatin

Gelatin is a natural source of collagen; Elasticity, firmness, and ultimately youthfulness of the skin depends on it. If there is a lack of it, the skin loses its elasticity and fades. Lovers of homemade face creams are happy to use this substance in their recipes, since it is believed that gelatin can even out even deep wrinkles.

For this purpose, the easiest way is to use gelatin masks, when the gel-like mass is applied to the face for half an hour, allowing it to be freely absorbed into the skin. Residues are removed with cotton wool and washed off with water.

Homemade face cream with gelatin acts somewhat differently, since it has a prolonged anti-aging effect. In addition to gelatin, the recipe includes honey, glycerin, and salicylic acid.


  • 1 tbsp. l. pour gelatin into a glass of mineral water to swell.
  • Without ceasing to stir, dissolve over the fire.
  • After cooling to +25, add 4 tablespoons of liquid honey.
  • Mix with gelatin and leave for about an hour.
  • Add a quarter cup of glycerin, previously mixed with 2 tablespoons of mineral water and 1 g of salicylic acid.
  • Beat with a whisk or mini mixer until smooth.
  • Place in the refrigerator.

The recipe is considered basic and can be improved depending on skin type or individual needs. Apply the cream for 20 minutes before going to bed, remove the residue with a napkin.

Homemade lifting face cream

Lifting creams are designed to slow down the process of skin aging. They begin to be used after about 35 years, when wrinkles appear, sagging and a double chin form, since by this time the skin loses the ability to produce collagen in sufficient quantities. Lifting cosmetics are varied and often quite expensive.

  • Homemade face lifting cream may not be as effective as an expensive industrial one. The advantage of homemade cosmetics is different - environmental friendliness, naturalness, safety; it does not cause allergies or side effects. The active ingredients of such creams are berries, oils, bee products, and plant materials.

One of the recipes is based on sea buckthorn fruits. 3 tablespoons of scalded berries are pureed in a blender, add 1 tsp. royal jelly and grape seed oil, finally - an ampoule of retinol and tocopherol.

A very simple lifting method is to prepare an iodine mixture. 3 drops of the drug are combined with a mixture of liquid honey, unrefined olive oil and petroleum jelly in a 1:2:2 ratio.

A more complex cocoa cream is prepared for night use. First, the lemon zest porridge is poured with a glass of melt water; after 7 hours, add a spoonful of olive oil and a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to 50 ml of the resulting lemon water. Then mix 2 tbsp. spoons of high fat cream, 10 ml of cologne, 20 g of rose petals. Mix everything together with a blender.

Homemade face cream with glycerin

Glycerin is a chemical alcohol with a sweetish taste and odorless. The vast majority of hand and face creams contain it in their composition. The main property of cosmetics with glycerin is the ability to moisturize the skin, because it absorbs water.

However, this property is like a double-edged sword: by absorbing moisture from the air, glycerin saturates the skin; when there is a lack of moisture in the environment, it, on the contrary, switches to the skin and pulls it from the deep layers, causing dryness. It is important to take this feature into account when making homemade face cream with glycerin.

In addition to moisturizing, homemade face creams based on glycerin smooth out wrinkles and protect against dirt, germs and external factors - with the help of a film formed at the site of application. They have no contraindications, do not cause reactions, and are suitable for all skin types.

The addition of vitamin E enhances the beneficial qualities of the glycerin preparation, because it is not for nothing that experts consider it the vitamin of youth. If there is a lack of the indicated components, the skin quickly sagging, fades and ages.

  • The easiest way to combine glycerin and vitamin E is to mix 10 ampoules of the vitamin with 25 g of glycerin. The mixture is applied before bed to a relaxed face, left for 45 minutes and without washing, and the excess is removed with a napkin. A week-long course of such procedures can pleasantly surprise a woman with positive changes in her skin.

The only “but”: glycerin homemade face creams cannot be used in winter, when heaters are working in the rooms and drying the air. The same thing happens in hot, dry climates. In such conditions, cosmetics, instead of moisturizing, perform the function of drying the dermis.

Homemade face cream with aloe

Natural aloe juice is actively used in industrial and homemade face creams. The juice is obtained from the fleshy leaves of the plant and is condensed tenfold - in order to concentrate the medicinal components and make it easier to use. For cosmetic preparations, the type of aloe vera is used, for medical preparations - aloe vera.

The main active substance of aloe is polysaccharides. Homemade face creams with aloe are based on the use of two qualities of polysaccharides - moisturizing and stimulating local immunity.

In addition to polysaccharides, the plant is rich in antioxidant vitamin complex, enzyme, salicylic acid, minerals and amino acids. They make the gel obtained from aloe a complete product for care and protection against all sorts of adverse factors.

In cosmetology, the gel is used in the following cases:

  • for regeneration caused by sunburn;
  • as an anti-inflammatory drug;
  • for oily skin;
  • for moisturizing and mattifying dry skin;
  • as protection against infections;
  • for softening, including hair.

Considering the high cost, in the formulation of ordinary industrial products the substance occupies up to 5%, and only in elite products the concentration is much higher: 45 - 80%.

The concentrate prepared by yourself is stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. Before use, dilute with water five times or mix with vegetable oils.

Homemade face cream with cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is rich in substances beneficial to the skin, which makes it a particularly valuable ingredient in homemade face creams. Fatty acids and phytosterols, vitamins K and E stimulate metabolism, protect and restore, rejuvenate and brighten the skin of the face and body.

It is also valuable in terms of cost, since the process of obtaining this oil is complex and lengthy. By the way, the natural consistency of cocoa butter is solid, not liquid.

In recipes for homemade face creams with cocoa butter, the pure substance is used in a mixture with various components: olive oil, wax, rose and mineral water, honey, herbal decoctions, and essential oils.

  1. To prepare a nourishing cream, take 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn and rosehip oils, 2 drops each of vitamins A, E, 1 tbsp. l. melted cocoa butter. After removing from heat, add a spoonful of regular cream, continuing to stir until completely cooled.
  2. Anti-wrinkle cream is prepared from yolk, honey, carrot juice and cocoa butter in equal quantities (1 tsp each), with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.
  3. For the scrub, you need to melt the cocoa butter, add honey (1 teaspoon per 2 teaspoons of oil) and stir. After removing from the heat, add a spoonful of chopped nuts and oatmeal, stir until it cools.

Face lifting cream at home

No matter how much success professional cosmetology achieves, homemade face creams do not lose popularity. Women willingly use time-tested products made from natural ingredients, exchange recipes and tips on how to prepare face lifting cream at home. A high-quality lifting cream can work a miracle: turn back time by five years or more. A useful ingredient is sea buckthorn.

  • Sea buckthorn berries have regenerating, antioxidant, antiseptic, and moisturizing properties. Fresh fruits, oils and extracts are useful. Sea buckthorn based cream restores a youthful appearance and promotes relaxation. It’s not difficult to prepare, the main thing is to do it correctly.

Take 3 tbsp per serving of cream. spoons of berries, scalded with boiling water and whipped with a blender. The recipe includes grape seed oil (half a teaspoon), royal jelly and vitamins A, K - 2 drops each. The whipped mass can be mixed with baby cream for ease of use. The shelf life of the product when placed in the cold is up to a month.

The product is used two to three times a week. Leave on skin for 15 minutes; During this time, all beneficial substances are absorbed into the skin, the rest is washed off with clean water.

Homemade face cream with beeswax

Natural wax, like other bee products, is actively used in cosmetology and pharmacy. It is added to the formulas of homemade face creams as a whitening and anti-inflammatory component to eliminate acne and pimples, relieve irritation, and increase skin elasticity. Additional components saturate with nutrients, moisturize, soften, and smooth the skin.

To prepare homemade face cream with beeswax, you need the following substances:

  • olive oil;
  • jojoba oil;
  • wax;
  • yolks.

The oils, mixed equally, are heated over low heat, then, without removing from the heat, wax is added to the pan in the amount of a matchbox. Stirring, pour two or three yolks (raw) into the melted mixture and then gradually bring the homogeneous mass to a boil. The finished product is poured into prepared containers and used after cooling as a homemade anti-wrinkle face cream.

Whitening homemade face cream

Natural whitening ingredients are often used in the formulation of homemade face creams. One of them is cucumber juice.

A slightly whitening homemade face cream with cucumber is prepared as follows.

  • Fresh cucumber is finely grated without peel. Heat the mixture in a water bath: a teaspoon of wax plus 3 tbsp. spoons of almond oil. Pour 2 tbsp into the molten mass. spoons of hot water and a spoonful of cucumber mass, stir without removing from heat. After straining, the mass is beaten with a mixer.

One of the recipes for a cream with a whitening effect is attributed to the incomparable Marlene Dietrich. In addition to eliminating freckles and blemishes, it provides instant lifting, moisturizes, saturates with nutrients, and restores the skin.

  • To prepare a miracle remedy, mix 20% sour cream, yolk, 100 g of lemon juice, apricot kernel oil and tea tree. Used for facial care as a night remedy, as well as for the body after a shower. With the help of this cream, the skin is perfectly restored at night.

Conventional baker's yeast is also actively used in home “cosmetic laboratories”. In addition to whitening, they saturate the skin with B vitamins. For dry skin, yeast is mixed with full-fat milk, the resulting paste is applied to the face and washed off after half an hour without soap.

Vitamin face cream at home

Many people prepare homemade face creams based on baby cream, with the addition of ready-made vitamins, essential oils and other substances. Night vitamin face cream at home is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • basics;
  • drug "Aevit";
  • edible fish oil;
  • combilipena;
  • rosewood oils.

The basis is any baby cream containing natural oils, extracts, safe and beneficial substances for the skin. A spoonful of base is enough per serving.

“Aevit” is an inexpensive complex drug that combines the so-called “vitamins of youth and beauty” - A and E. They are responsible for the condition of the skin, the production of collagen and estrogen, and prevent the formation of wrinkles and other defects. Use 3 capsules per serving.

Fish oil is used to enrich the cream with fatty acids, vitamins A and D. Also take 3 capsules.

Multivitamin combilipen in ampoules contains a group of B vitamins. In our case, 1 piece is enough.

Essential oil, a few drops, is necessary not only to impart a delicate aroma; it also has nourishing, moisturizing, rejuvenating properties, provides gentle care and protection.

The contents of the capsules are squeezed out through a puncture; To add combilene to the mass you will need a syringe. The essential oil can be chosen depending on your skin type and needs.

The finished mass has a soft pink color, a creamy consistency, a pleasant smell, and does not separate when stored in the refrigerator. The described amount is enough for two months of daily use.

The cream is applied locally at night and, after thawing, distributed over the entire face. There is no need to stick in with your fingers. Before going to bed, remove the residue in the usual way.

The effect of using vitamin face cream at home is the elimination of redness, rashes, inflammation, peeling, nutrition and hydration, increased turgor, “polishing” of the skin.

Mattifying face cream at home

The advantage of oily skin is that it maintains youth and a healthy appearance longer, but its owners are frustrated by the side effect of this advantage - a constant unhealthy shine. You can get rid of it in various ways, including through special homemade face creams.

Mattifying face cream is prepared at home in order to mask shine, flaking, uneven tone and shadows in the eye area, fill in wrinkles and even out the makeup texture.

Today, a cream with mattifying properties can be prepared for any skin; the main thing is to choose the composition correctly, for example, add moisturizing and softening ingredients if there is dryness. And also remember that such a remedy does not solve the problem, but only corrects the appearance.

Advantages of mattifying cosmetics:

  • durability of the effect;
  • good base for makeup;
  • does not curl or crumble;
  • evenly distributed and shaded.

The downside is that a cleanser is required to remove industrial cream from the skin. And preparing a mattifying face cream at home is quite a troublesome task. The kefir cream presented below is an exception to the general rule.

  • To 10 ml of kefir (or whey), you need to add separately whipped protein and orange essential oil (or other). Mix and apply daily to clean skin.

Gone are the days when we firmly believed in the effectiveness and harmlessness of store-bought face creams. For many, the result of their use is clogged pores and disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Isn't it time to stop torturing your skin? Here you will learn how you can make a natural facial moisturizer at home. No complicated chemical processes or unpronounceable ingredients! Everything is available in the market and is natural for the skin, just like mother nature itself.

What to prepare cream for moisturizing facial skin at home

All moisturizing creams are based on vegetable oil. The most common oils that have moisturizing properties, are easily available and used in home cosmetics are olive and coconut. Other popular options are argan oil and jojoba. Often used together, they both have healing qualities and care for the skin without making it greasy. You can also safely choose the following oils:

  • Apricot kernels – great for dry and aging skin;
  • Almond – takes a little longer to absorb than other options;
  • Grapeseed is a good choice for oily and acne-prone skin;
  • Avocado – for aging skin;
  • Hemp oil is a very light oil for any skin type.

Attention! Despite all its popularity, coconut oil has the ability clog pores on the skin of the face. To choose an oil for making cream that will not have such an effect, see the table of comodogenicity of natural oils.

Note that the oil base should make up at least 2/3 of the homemade cream. If desired, you can add nourishing oil to it, which will provide additional care and saturate the skin with useful elements. The best oils for this:

  • Tamanu – helps with acne, oiliness and scars on the skin;
  • Sea buckthorn - for all skin types, but especially for aging and dry skin;
  • Rosehip – regenerating, strengthening and rejuvenating oil;
  • Borago – has a high content of oleic acid, which restores cells and helps the skin retain moisture;
  • Evening primrose – for problematic and aging skin;
  • Neem is an antimicrobial and healing agent for acne and oily skin.

The third ingredient for making a moisturizer at home can be essential oils. They have amazing properties for the skin, but must be used carefully so as not to cause an allergic reaction or give the cream too much of an odor. When experimenting with recipes, try the following essential oils first:

  • Lavender – has a healing effect, helps with oily skin;
  • Mint – good for acne;
  • Chamomile is a healing and soothing oil for all skin types;
  • Rose is a wonderful remedy for aging, dry and normal skin;
  • Schisandra – promotes lightening, helps with acne;
  • Rosemary – for oily skin.

We have provided all these ingredients so that you understand the peculiarity of homemade natural skin creams and can independently experiment in search of the ideal composition. In the end, no one canceled the factor of individual susceptibility to individual components.

Here are 3 ways to make skin moisturizer using coconut oil. Please note that all of these recipes used solid white coconut oil, not the liquid coconut oil that is commonly used on hair.

Recipe 1. Nourishing and moisturizing cream for dry skin


  • 1/2 cup olive oil (almond or other of your choice);
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil;
  • 1/4 cup beeswax.

Additional component (optional) – 10 drops of essential oil.


  1. Combine the oils and beeswax in a heatproof jar or jar. Note that in the preparation of creams, beeswax plays the role of a stabilizer, which helps to obtain a uniform consistency.
  2. Place the jug/jar in the pan and fill it with water until it covers about ¾ of the pan.
  3. Place the pan on the fire and stir for about 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the hot water out of the pan and replace it with the same amount of cold water. This will help you quickly cool the resulting moisturizer.
  5. If desired, add essential oil to the mixture.
  6. Using a blender/whisk/fork, whisk the ingredients and stir until thickened.

The cream is great for nourishing and moisturizing dry skin.

Recipe 2. Moisturizer for problem skin

What you will need:

  • 1 cup of fresh aloe vera gel (it is better not to buy it, but to cut it yourself from the leaves of the plant);
  • 20 grams of natural beeswax (a stabilizer that mixes well with oils and makes the cream less liquid);
  • 1/4 cup almond butter;
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil;
  • 10 drops of essential oil (the author of the recipe used grapefruit oil);
  • Blender.

How to make moisturizer using this recipe:

  1. Melt beeswax, coconut oil and almond oil in a double boiler (or see option in previous recipe);
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into the blender bowl and let cool. If you do not do this, the consistency of the cream may not be as uniform.
  3. Add essential oils to a glass of aloe gel;
  4. Place a blender in the oil and wax mixture and blend while slowly pouring in the aloe vera gel;
  5. Transfer the freshly prepared moisturizer to a prepared container and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3. Homemade cream for moisturizing oily skin


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil;
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil;
  • 6 drops lavender, tea tree, or other essential oil of your choice.

This homemade moisturizer is very easy to make. It is enough to mix all the elements. Vitamin E and essential oil perfectly refresh oily skin without adding shine.

  1. They can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time. You can guess the expiration date by the change in smell.
  2. Creams containing oil are used very sparingly. It is recommended to apply them little by little on clean facial skin.
  3. The first few times you try it, you may not get the perfect “creamy” consistency. The reason for this may be the lack of beeswax, different temperatures of the ingredients, some remaining ingredients on the blender (which may cause the proportions to be upset), etc. If you see the butter separating from the cream, simply whisk it with a whisk. In any case, this moisturizer can be used because all its parts are natural and harmless.

Use the recipes and tips provided with pleasure, and be sure to tell us about the results! How have you perfected the formulation and which oils work best for you?

Every day there are newer and more advanced developments of recipes for creams for various purposes, but this makes a procedure full of creativity that allows you to make a decent cream at home, even better if according to grandmother’s reliable recipes proven over centuries, becoming much more relevant. Homemade creams are good because when creating them, we can choose the ingredients that are most suitable for our skin and at the same time remain confident in their quality and environmental friendliness. In this article we will look at how to easily and simply prepare face cream at home.

Tips for beginner cream makers are simple: from all the abundance of possible components of the future cream, which we plan to make at home, it is necessary to thoughtfully select only those ingredients that do not cause any manifestations of allergies (from rashes to scabies) and the quality of which does not leave the slightest doubt about their authenticity. This is the most significant advantage of homemade cream.

The main principles of making healing creams with your own hands:

  • use only ceramic and glassware, avoiding touching metal;
  • stock up on the necessary tools in advance (a whisk for quick whipping, a thermometer for liquids);
  • heat ingredients exclusively using a steam bath;
  • do not heat the cream to a temperature above 60 degrees;
  • for greater convenience in measuring the volume of oils and waxes, they can be crushed into crumbs or shavings;
  • Continue whipping the homemade cream until it cools completely;
  • be sure to test the resulting cream on the sensitive skin of the wrist;
  • the preservation of the cream can only be ensured by the refrigerator and for no longer than one week;
  • any essential oils are added to the cream no earlier than it has cooled to a temperature of about 25 degrees (otherwise their smell will be changed and most of the healing properties will be lost);
  • Ready-made homemade creams are transferred to sterile glass jars from previously used purchased creams.

Homemade cream base recipe:

  • solid butter is selected as maximum in volume, for example, cocoa or coconut or mango in an amount of 50 g;
  • 20 ml of liquid oils are added to the main oil, having properties different from the main one (this is done so that the effect of the finished cream is more versatile): macadamia or peach kernel, sea buckthorn or amaranth;
  • the introduction of 5 g of floral wax (tuberose or jasmine, mimosa or violet) or beeswax makes the cream harder and the skin noticeably silkier.

It will be easy to create nourishing and moisturizing creams at home on this basis: you just need to add special ingredients that will further enrich the composition with their properties.

Moisturizing cream It is preferable to use in the hot summer, when the skin is often dehydrated.

Recipe for moisturizer with badger fat that prevents flaking:

  • add 1 tbsp badger fat;
  • pour in 2 tbsp St. John's wort oil;
  • add 1 tsp rose wax;
  • add 3 drops of vitamins A and E.

Moisturizing lecithin cream recipe:

  • pour in 6 teaspoons of distilled or boiled water;
  • add 2 tsp lecithin;
  • add 1 tsp castor oil;
  • add 1 tsp glycerin;
  • add 3 ml of propolis tincture and 3 ml of aloe juice.

Revitalizes and heals skin that is prone to dryness.

Nourishing face cream at home

Nourishing creams It is better to use in the cold winter, when the skin is mercilessly exposed to the thinning action of winds and frosts.

Recipe for nourishing noble face cream:

  • take 200 g of homemade fat sour cream;
  • add the squeezed and strained juice of a small lemon;
  • pour in 100 ml of cologne (preferably “Triple”);
  • add 100 ml of medical alcohol;
  • enrich with 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed cucumber juice;
  • grind 2 fresh yolks of domestic chickens (or 4 quail yolks);
  • add 1/2 tsp vitamin A;
  • put 1 tsp flower honey;
  • enrich with 2 drops of jasmine essential oil and 1 drop of sweet orange essential oil.

When using, do not forget about your royal posture and watch how the cream not only improves your facial skin, but gives pride to your gait.

Recipe for night nourishing creamy rowan cream:

  • Soften 1 tbsp ghee;
  • grind with 1 yolk;
  • add 1 tbsp of fresh rowan berries, crushed into pulp;
  • add 1 tsp buckwheat honey.

After whisking until completely smooth, you can use it before bed as a mask or as a night cream.

Recipe for nourishing cream with calendula:

  • pour dried calendula flowers with sesame or olive oil in a ratio of 1:10 and leave for 10 days;
  • in 2 tbsp of strained oil tincture of calendula flowers, add 2 tsp of flower or beeswax and melt in a water bath;
  • pour in 1 tbsp corn oil;
  • add 1 tsp glycerin.

After prolonged mixing until the composition is homogeneous, it is used to nourish dry skin, especially in cold weather.

Anti-aging creams at home

They are created with the full feeling that a little more and your talent will be comparable to the capabilities of perfumer Patrick Suskind, because our site will enrich your intellectual knowledge with the knowledge of how to prepare a rejuvenating cream at home.

Recipe for anti-aging wrinkle cream with honey and iodine:

  • take 1 tbsp castor oil;
  • pour in 2 drops of alcohol tincture of iodine;
  • add 1 tsp buckwheat honey;
  • add 1 tsp of cosmetic Vaseline.

After thorough mixing, you can store it in any dark place.

Recipe for anti-aging wrinkle cream with herbal and flower juice:

  • take 1 tbsp of freshly squeezed juice taken in equal proportions of jasmine and rose petals, nettle leaves, currants and parsley;
  • heat 1 tablespoon of rice or sesame oil in a water bath;
  • add 1 tsp of planed flower or beeswax;
  • add 1 tsp vitamin A;
  • pour in 1 teaspoon of warm (closer to hot) boiled water.

The whipping process should not be interrupted until the anti-aging cream has completely cooled.

Recipe for stimulating anti-wrinkle cream:

  • grind 6 quail yolks (they are healthier than chicken yolks);
  • add 1 tbsp linseed oil and continue beating;
  • pour in 200 ml of cream;
  • add the strained juice of two lemons;
  • add 250 ml of boiled water (when it was hot, it was poured over the pulp and peels of two lemons, whose juice we have already used);
  • pour in 150 ml of camphor alcohol;
  • put 1 tbsp buckwheat honey;
  • After shaking, bring the volume to 500 ml with boiled water.

The most pleasant thing about making a stimulating anti-wrinkle cream is that, given its considerable volume, you can make your closest friends happy by sharing with them the opportunity to store the mixture in a cold and dark place and use it, shaking it beforehand.

Recipe for a cream with a lifting effect:

  • take 75 ml sesame oil;
  • add 25 ml of aloe vera gel;
  • add 3 ml of DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol in liquid form), which actively gives the skin elasticity and lightens spots of unwanted pigmentation.

The main component of this cream is DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol), the properties of which provide visually visible lifting.

If we decide that we are making our own eye creams, then we should take into account the thinness of the skin in this area, so we will choose an oil that is easily absorbed.

Eye cream recipe:

  • take 2 tbsp sesame oil;
  • pour 1 teaspoon of chamomile oil into it;
  • add 1 tsp primrose oil;
  • mix with 3 drops of rose essential oil.

Shake thoroughly and apply with light pats of fingertips before going to bed.

Recipe for a gentle cream that helps reduce wrinkles in the eye area:

  • Heat 50 ml of apricot oil to a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees;
  • pour in 2 tbsp jojoba oil;
  • add 1 tsp avocado oil;
  • 1 tsp flower wax;
  • 50 ml rose water;
  • 1/4 tbsp borax;
  • 5 drops of rose essential oil.

After uniformly mixing all the ingredients and cooling, apply the cream to the pads of warm fingers and gently distribute in the area of ​​the formed wrinkles and around them.

Cucumber eye gel recipe:

  • take 50 ml of strained and still warm calendula decoction (1 tsp of ground calendula per 100 ml of water);
  • add 0.5 tbsp starch and heat, stirring continuously, until a jelly-like solution forms;
  • pour 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice, squeezed through 5 layers of gauze, into the cooled jelly;
  • beat until smooth with 50 ml aloe vera gel.

Tired eyes will look healthy and radiant after using this gel.

Nourishing Lavender Eye Serum Recipe:

  • take 60 ml of jojoba oil;
  • add 15 ml of avocado oil into it;
  • add 15 ml grape seed oil;
  • to enhance the healing effect of the cream, add 7 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 4 drops jasmine essential oil.

Use the serum, carefully applying to sensitive skin in the eye area.

The even smoothness of delicate skin is the main concern of modern beauties, which is why anti-cellulite cream created at home is so relevant. Almost every homemade anti-cellulite cream recipe includes coffee, the use of which leads to the rapid breakdown of fat. Sea salt, which can rid the body of excess toxins and sludge, is also often found in the recipe. Extracts of green tea and algae such as spirulina or kelp stimulate a visible reduction in volume. The presence of essential oils in homemade cream not only makes its smell pleasant to the specific person who will use it, but also, due to the synergistic effect with other components, enhances the effect of coffee, salt and algae.

Anti-cellulite oil cream recipe:

  • take 30 ml of rosehip seed oil;
  • add 10 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • enrich with 10 drops of juniper essential oil.

The more regular and deep your self-massage with this homemade cream, the fewer problems and bumpy areas will remain on your beautiful body.

Recipe for anti-cellulite cream with mumiyo:

  • Thoroughly crush 5 mummy tablets into a fine powder;
  • dilute with 1 teaspoon of slightly warm water until dissolved;
  • add 5 drops each of essential oils of juniper and grapefruit;
  • pour the resulting mixture into 70 ml of cocoa butter melted in a steam bath and 5 g of rose or beeswax;
  • pour in 10 ml of glycerin and 5 ml of green tea extract.

The mass is whipped until plastically homogeneous and then applied in the morning and evening to the skin warmed up in the shower with massaging movements.

Sunscreen recipe:

  • take 3 tbsp sesame oil;
  • add 1 tbsp cocoa butter;
  • add 1 tbsp jojoba oil;
  • add 1 tbsp walnut or almond oil;
  • pour in 1 teaspoon of soy liquid lecithin;
  • add 1 tbsp flower or beeswax;
  • add 1 tbsp oil;
  • add 1 tsp coconut oil;
  • pour in 1 tbsp avocado oil;
  • add 2 tbsp aloe vera gel;
  • add 20 drops of carrot seed oil;
  • add 2 tablespoons of lavender or jasmine or rose hydrolanta;
  • add 1/2 tsp borax.

If you apply this homemade sunscreen 30 minutes before you plan to go out into the open sun, your skin will remain young and fresh for a long time.

DIY foundation recipe:

  • Let's take 7 g of emulsifier (thickener) for our foundation (this can be agar-agar or glycerin, glyceryl or silk guar);
  • 4 g sucrose stearate;
  • 3 g planta M;
  • 4 ml avocado oil;
  • 4 ml sesame oil;
  • 3 g of hemp;
  • 2 g Japanese camellia (sasanqua);
  • 3 ml cucumber seed oil;
  • 25 ml of calendula decoction;
  • 25 ml chamomile decoction;
  • 25 ml of St. John's wort decoction;
  • 1 g D-Panthenol;
  • 1 g fish oil;
  • 1 g water tincture of propolis;
  • 3 g horsetail extract;
  • 1.5 g WILLOWHERBTM (antibacterial);
  • 1 g dimethicone;
  • 1 g Allantoin powder, which relieves skin irritations;
  • 1 g potassium sorbate preservative.
  • 2 drops of lime essential oil;
  • 2 drops rosemary essential oil;
  • 2 drops of myrtle essential oil.

After heating in a water bath and thoroughly mixing the components of the foundation, add 10 g of mineral powder of a suitable shade, and the cream is completely ready.

Flaws homemade creams:

  • their shelf life is sharply limited (about only one week);
  • the need to develop confident skills in arranging the desired ingredients and whipping them into a non-separating smooth mass;
  • lack of gel-like appearance and lightness;
  • presence of an oil film after use;
  • Pores may become clogged in a shorter period of time and, as a result, facial cleansing may be required more often.

Advantages handmade creams:

  • the presence of only environmentally friendly high quality components;
  • maximum anti-allergenicity relative to your skin;
  • the disadvantage of a short shelf life smoothly turns into a great advantage in the form of constant freshness of the cream;
  • low cost;
  • the opportunity to make unique gifts, lovingly created with your own hands.

Everyone has the right to choose a store-bought or homemade cream that he likes more; he prefers the simplicity of buying ready-made cream, or he is fascinated by the creative process itself when making a small homemade miracle. In any case, sometimes life gives us no choice and, trying to avoid allergies or possible toxicity, we inevitably choose to make our own homemade cream.