
Aphorisms, quotes, sayings about love for your beloved girl, woman. Declaration of love to a girl in your own words Nice phrases for a girl

Girls love with their ears, you have been told since childhood and you are ready to agree with this, but you don’t quite understand how this happens in reality. Someone more experienced says: women love with their ears, and ears love diamonds. This is also a good option, but not entirely correct, and more expensive and not at all suitable in an age of crisis. How exactly do girls love with their ears and what do they want to hear from a man? What phrases and sentences should come out of your mouth for a girl to fall in love with you through her ears?

No one knows exactly what the noodles you put on her lovely ears should look like, but we have identified the general approaches to pleasing a woman’s ears.

1. I miss you

Being in different parts of the city and even the country, the phrase “I miss you” will let her know that you are thinking about her not only at the time of the date, but also between them. Confidence in your feelings will give her a feeling of stability in the relationship.

2. I love you

These three words are the most desirable to a girl’s ears. From time to time a woman just needs to hear them. They mean to her that she is still desired by you, loved, beautiful and you want to continue to be with her. It’s like expressing a desire to extend a “subscription” to a relationship.

3. You are extraordinary

Compliments that convict your girlfriend of her uniqueness are valued above all else by her. Who likes to consider themselves an ordinary cute blonde, of which there are millions on this planet? It is the emphasis on the exclusivity of her character, spiritual qualities, beauty and spirituality that will make her blush with joy that someone has finally appreciated her.

4. I'm glad I met you

Mentioning your meeting as your incredible luck will make her feel, if not a queen, then at least a princess. She must believe that before her you eked out a dull existence in the absence of a worthy love match. It was she who saved you from loneliness and the stupid, ugly girls who surrounded you earlier. Most likely this is not true and you lived well before her, but let her consider herself the savior of your soul and mortal body.

5. You are beautiful / smart / charming

Compliments are simply necessary for a normal relationship. It is your legal duty to praise her moral qualities, her appearance, or her new little black dress. Without compliments, she will begin to lose faith in her beauty, strength and begin to fade away. She can also easily find someone who will admire her, but do you need that? Praise her like a little girl and shower her with compliments about her charmingly seductive body parts and spiritual qualities, and she will try to be even better exclusively for you.

6. I like being with you

Nothing can make her feel unique better than knowing that time spent in her company is the best time of your life. Say this after a wonderful and unforgettable evening spent together.

7. Marry me / let's have a baby

You should use heavy artillery when you are really ready to connect your life with it. Such phrases will make her understand the seriousness of your intentions and the desire to live your whole life with her. This is already accepting her not just as an ideal girl, but as the best. This crosses out her worries that she is not a temporary option, not a “camping” option and not replacing the girl’s place for a while. tells the girl that she is the one who is your dream, that she has passed all the tests, inspections and men’s thoughts. A marriage proposal is the best remedy for a girl’s ears; it envelops her soul like a balm and soothes her heart. She is the best for someone and she is happy about it.

Photo: Danila Panfilov

❥ I want the whole world to know that I love you! Today I called you, heard your sad voice, and I also felt sad. Smile, honey, please. You have a very beautiful smile! I feel happy when I see her. I love you very much, from the first day we met.

— ☙ —

❥ My girl, I feel for you an incredibly great and truly wonderful feeling, without which a person cannot live, but simply exists - this is love. You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for whom I began to live and breathe.
I love you and will love you forever!

— ☙ —

❥ My favorite kitten, I love you madly! I will give everything for you, you are the whole world to me, you are my life, I am happy with you. I value our relationship and value you, I want you and I to always be together, without being separated for a moment, my sunshine. I love you!

— ☙ —

❥ My dear, the best girl on this Earth. I don’t know what’s going on in your soul, I just want to say that for me, meeting you is the best thing that has happened to me lately, I am grateful to the Almighty for meeting you, I can’t imagine how I would live, not knowing you. I love you.

— ☙ —

❥ I love you more than life itself, I want to be only with you, I live with you, I will be happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, wonderful, charming girl in the world. I just adore you! You are my ray of sunshine, I realized that I can’t live without you... I love you!

— ☙ —

❥ My beloved and dearest in the world! You are the most beautiful in this world and I am very happy that we met! You know very well that I love you, but I want to tell you about this personally - that I love you madly and I don’t doubt my feelings at all, I value you very much. You are the most dear person to me in this world!

— ☙ —

❥ I never thought that it was possible to think about the same person all day long. About a person with whom you always feel good and cozy, with whom you never want to part, with whom hours fly by like minutes. About a person, looking into whose eyes you forget about everything! Sunny, I miss you so much, I miss you so much! I want us to always be together. I want to repeat to you all my life - I love you, love you, love you...

— ☙ —

❥ I remember how terribly nervous I was before our meeting. I was expecting a date with an ordinary girl, but a real angel was waiting for me! When you came up to me and looked at me, my breath caught, my heart sank, my knees buckled and my chest felt somehow unnaturally warm. I drowned in the heavenly gaze of the most beautiful eyes in the world. During our short meeting, I realized that it would not be the last. Walking next to you and talking about all sorts of nonsense, I felt my heart fill with joy and warmth spread throughout my body. I was truly happy. I fell in love with you from the first second of meeting you and I will always love you, my joy.

— ☙ —

❥ Absolutely everything has changed for me since you appeared in my life! I realized that you are the best, and I no longer need anyone except you. I want to always be with you. Look into your eyes, hold your hand gently, kiss you and tell you how much I love you. My love grows stronger every day and it becomes more and more difficult to be without you, because my life takes on meaning only when you are near. You are forever in my heart.

— ☙ —

❥ I keep you very carefully in my heart... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips said, every second that we were close. You have completely and completely filled my soul and heart... and my heart can’t live without you... I love you baby!

Our beautiful love story...

We fell in love despite our differences, and from that moment something rare and beautiful was created.

You are all for me …

I can lose everything I have, but I can't lose you, I can't lose someone like you in my life.

I love you …

You bring me joy when I'm sad, I dream of you when I sleep, you're my guardian angel, when I'm with you, you're my soulmate, you're the one I love.

You can love me like I love you...

Even if everything goes wrong, I will smile at you. Just because you once told me that you love my smile and I love you.

Your love is enough for me...

I love you with all my heart and soul and that is more than enough for me.

You are my treasure …

My love, take care of yourself, take care of yourself, you are my precious treasure, so take care of yourself like a treasure.

Beautiful words for a beautiful girl!

Saying “I love you” is not enough when you love sincerely and deeply. When it's time to express your feelings, there are many romantic love phrases to say to the person you love.

When you have a special person in your life, there are so many unsaid things living in your heart. But there is no suitable occasion or you are too busy to express them. Many times it has happened that you wanted to say something nice to her/him, but the best moment for this was missed. There are so many untold love wishes that you always wanted to express to that one person, but due to your practical lifestyle, all of them go unheeded. If there is someone truly special in your life, hold on to her/him and make him/her feel loved by saying a little romantic words. If you don't have these words, read on and you will find these words.

Do you know why God created Eve? In my opinion, not only to complement Adam and be his faithful companion, but also because of the need for communication and love. Love is something extraordinary that can come into our lives very simply. But the more you hold on to it, the stronger this wonderful feeling will be. There is no better way to express your love than communication, so you should never be shy when it comes to being honest about your love. If you want to say something romantic and nice to your loved ones, do it. To help you with some romantic phrases, I have prepared a list of such phrases, take a look.

Romantic phrases about love for your loved one.

Does he hold your hand while you walk, or hug you when you cry, or laugh good-naturedly when you're angry? Even if he is not a superman or the bravest person on earth, he is always there for you when you need him. He doesn't have to try too hard to understand you. If you have such a man in your life, then don't wait for the right time to express your love. Adopt some of these romantic phrases to say to him and let him know that you love him.

If I had to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say, “I love you.”

You are the only one I want to whisper in his ear: “I love you.”

I think about you when you're not around, but I can't think about anything when you're around.

Even when I sleep, you are in all my dreams.

Your smile makes me laugh! Your laughter makes me smile.

The day I see you, I can't frown.

If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have liked you, if I hadn't liked you, I wouldn't have loved you, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you. But I met, I love and I miss.

I miss your kisses. Come quickly!

Romantic phrases for your beloved.

She would watch a football match with you, even if she doesn't understand anything about it. She can cook your favorite breakfast. She never tells her friends about your weaknesses and keeps all your secrets. There is only one reason why she is doing this for you - she is afraid of losing you. So, don’t waste time and do everything to make her feel like the most attractive girl. With the help of romantic love phrases you can do this.

Every time I see you, you look more and more beautiful.

Sometimes I think about you and involuntarily smile. People think I'm a little crazy.

Before meeting you, I lived in the illusion that rosebuds are the most beautiful creatures on Earth.

I love the sparkle in your beautiful eyes.

The moment you walk into the room, my breath is taken away and I am speechless.

I love the warmth I feel when you hug me.

My most beautiful thoughts are the thoughts that I have you.

I fall in love many times... And constantly into you.

I love not only you, but myself who is next to you.

Saying something romantic to that one person who belongs only to you in this world is not a crime. Therefore, do not remain silent when you decide to say these romantic words to your loved ones, unless, of course, you have something that you keep secret from them. And of course, you need to speak sincerely.

Quietly adoring a girl and staying silent about it is like bathing in a coat. And there is no pleasure, and you will drown soon.

If a guy is constantly looking for an excuse not to date, then he doesn’t need you. He who appreciates and loves will always call, find, and come.

- Why don't you ever call me by name? Am I not your only one? - What are you, my love... What name could the one who is everything to me have?

My sun, you are everything to me. I love you, I can't. I'm looking forward to meeting you.

Best status:
If a guy constantly pokes at your shortcomings, then there is reason to wonder if he loves you?

It is impossible to love others without loving yourself. It is impossible to hate others without experiencing self-hatred. Everything is relative.

You will sit in front of the computer for a long time and yell at the whole apartment, you will not notice how she leaves and does not return.

Do you know how love differs from clay? If you share with her, it won’t make you any less.

Love is comparable to air. When it’s there, you don’t notice, when it’s not, you’re suffocating, when it’s clean, you feel dizzy, and when it’s dirty, you’re afraid of getting infected.

By luck, he and she did not meet. Now they are very happy...

You are not mine, not with me... I would give anything to hear your voice again, my angel...

It always seems that we are loved because we are good. But we don’t realize that they love us because those who love us are good.

I miss. I love. Kiss. Thinking of you. In my mind I picture meeting you in my dreams..

Let's just have each other? Please... I need this, don't lose me until the end. No need…

Love is when you look into the eyes of your beloved and see your reflection there!

A man who was able to lay his pride at the feet of his beloved woman deserves the most devoted love.

The sun misses the sky, the sky misses the moon. And I love, my dear, I only miss you!!!

She is the whole world and happiness for someone in the morning.

I hate absolutely everything about you, So why do I love you?

I put my phone closer to the speakers so that I could know about her call 2 seconds earlier.

Everyone breathes oxygen, and I breathe you.

You can always look at three things, at the stars, at how others work and at you, dear!

When you move your mouse over my page, you don’t know that you are moving a thin blade over my heart... so that’s why it constantly hurts!

And even if she is not perfect, I know that she is real, sincere, that she loves me. As do I her!

Let's switch to “WE”?

You are like a star in my window, which gives me a ray of light! I love the star! I love you, even though you are far from me!

You are a reason for someone to smile...

Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find the bottom and does not see the limit!

Such a beautiful girl and you smoke...... such an ugly guy also talks...

It’s easier to say that everything is over...beat... than to explain why you want to bang your head against the wall...

and I increasingly forget this strange word - love - especially if I feel that I love

The owner abandoned the bunny. The bitch deceived the bunny. I played and forgot, I broke the bunny’s heart. He took cruel revenge on her and chopped her into cabbage. Because it was necessary to respect other people's feelings!))

Today I tell the chick: don’t fuck with my brains. she just blurts out: it doesn’t fit my brain...)))

I advise you to call me today. Otherwise, I will call, but not you...

Yes, I'm a witch. Yes, I am evil, but there are others too. Just know, my dear, that you made me like this :))

How painful it is to be friends with someone you love...

You're fickle, I know! BUT now I realized that it is better to doubt that you love me than to be sure that you don’t...

And she buried her nose in the soft toy he gave her and began to cry quietly...

Dance just for me. Look only into my eyes. You know for me you are the only one. For you all the lines are about love!!!

The sweetness of your lips will be replaced by chocolate, the bitterness of insults will be replaced by a cup of coffee, and the warmth of your hands by cigarettes... Don’t think that you are irreplaceable...

It's a pity you are so far away. It's so hard for me without you. Thoughts fly in the darkness, But come to me quickly!

You can sympathize with hundreds, be carried away by dozens, admire a few, but love only one...

If a guy loves, he will always look for an extra reason to meet, and not excuses why he can’t meet...

Try to get what you love, otherwise you will have to love what you got.

The girl is a harmless creature who can destroy your heart...

When you lie next to your loved one and you care not only about what is between his legs, but about how he breathes, how his heart beats... This is Love.

One morning you will wake up and realize how much you need me. And at this moment I will wake up with someone who has already understood this.

You bitch hurt me. But I am grateful to fate. That we won't be together anymore. But it’s all bullshit, we’ll survive!

I'll put a password on my heart. Sit down, bitch, hack!

He who does not adore the shortcomings of the one he loves cannot say that he is truly in love.

I wanted to call you. But even more I wanted to hear a call from you. That's why we never talked.

Living with the person you love is as difficult as loving the person you live with.

It is much easier to love someone you really want to get. But usually you have to learn to love the one you have already received.

I love you dearly, dearly,
I love you with all my heart.
I will smash all the barriers into pieces,
I will ruin myself for you.

And I’m ready for you, dear,
At least walk to the ends of the world.
Without you I don't even need heaven,
Let me into your heart.

This is higher than the riches of the entire Universe,
This is better than a cherished dream.
And a second will become priceless,
If you are next to me.

Like a pedestrian in love with the road,
Like rain, loving the rainbow,
I thank God very much
That He gave you to me.

Darling, you are like a song
You're like a warm day in spring.
With you the world is brighter, more interesting,
I want to be with you forever!

My love for you grows day by day,
She guides me like a light in the darkness,
You are the smartest and the most beautiful
My dear, beloved girl.

I seem to be burning with a hot fire,
I appreciate your kindness and sincerity.
I adore you with all my heart,
I can’t imagine fate without you!

Your eyes are beautiful
The figure is so slim.
How cute you are!
What a beautiful rose.

Your gait beckons
And your cheerful laugh.
I fell in love with myself cleverly,
There is no one more beautiful than you!

You know, seriously
I fell in love with you.
It's like I'm under a spell.
You are the girl of my dreams!

You are beautiful...
How beautiful you are always,
I want to be with you every minute
I hope we will be together - always,
I'm falling in love more - it's cool!
It's just an indescribable feeling
Falling in love with you is so wonderful,
Love means a lot to me.
My star, you are the best, you are my happiness.
I want to compliment you:
How smart, talented and incredibly beautiful,
You and I will remember all the good moments,
With you I become the happiest!

You are a ray of sunshine, the world is brighter with you,
Even when it rains!
I want to kiss you so quickly
Press it to your chest with great tenderness!

I ask you, dear, be with me,
I will always be there, I promise!
I love you with all my soul
And I can’t imagine life without you!

They say that no one is perfect,
Only I am convinced of the opposite.
Darling, everything about you is beautiful,
I'm very much in love with you!

There is no other like this in this world,
I've dreamed about you all my life.
I was lucky that I met you,
Because you are my ideal.

Darling, my angel, you are my light,
With you I found great happiness,
There is no dearer person in the world,
You are so beautiful, there is no one more beautiful than you!

I'll get a star from heaven for you,
So that you, dear flower, smile,
I will fulfill your every dream,
So that happiness spills into your heart!

You, my bright ray of light,
I love you to the point of dizziness
You are warmed by my love,
You are the most beautiful of all, no doubt!

You are my air, my dear,
And without you I will suffocate!
I'll be there, I promise
Always, my angel, I swear!

You can't love like I love,
Without noticing anything around,
Day and night only dreaming about you.

You can't wish it the way I want it
Plunge headlong into the pool,
In life, I treasure only you.
You can't wish for it, but I want it!

I will devote my life to you,
You are my meaning and my joy,
I don’t need anything without you!
You can’t love like that, but I love you!