
Master class on making crafts from pine cones “Magic hedgehog. DIY hedgehog from plastic bottles How to make a hedgehog from a plastic bottle step by step

The hedgehog is a cute, cute animal that attracts attention with its mysterious appearance. Very often in summer cottages or in the garden you can find various figures that decorate the area. Among all the figures you can often find a hedgehog. Gardeners are very fond of this cute animal and often place it in their plots. But not everyone can afford to buy garden figurines for themselves; they are expensive and not everyone can afford them. But if you show imagination and a little patience, you can make many interesting crafts with your own hands from waste material, including a cute hedgehog for your site.
A plastic bottle is a simple material that is available to each of us. You can make various interesting crafts from bottles both for the garden and for the home. In addition, plastic bottles have some advantages: they are not afraid of frost or rain. On the website you can find the section. There you will find many interesting and original ideas for both home and garden, and learn how to make simple and complex crafts from plastic bottles.
And now we will look at a small master class on making a hedgehog from plastic bottles, the author of this MK is Ivanova Nadezhda from Vladimir.

To make a hedgehog you will need:
* Plastic bottles.
* Soldering iron.
* Paints.
* Wire.
* Styrofoam for making an apple.
*Glue optional.
* Cocktail straws.

Method for making a hedgehog from plastic bottles:
We will use a beer bottle in the form of a keg as the basis for making a hedgehog. We also take another plastic bottle, cut off the middle of it and roll it up into a ball (in the form of a cone). We put it on top of a beer bottle, this one will be the head of our future hedgehog. Let's make ears, cut out two circles from a plastic bottle of the desired size and shape. Next, we need to make slits on the fixed head, in those places where we will have ears. Insert the finished circles into the slots. The entire structure can be secured with a heat gun, but Nadezhda secures everything with a soldering iron.
We heat up the soldering iron and use it to make several holes in the joints of the plastic bottles. Hold it for 2-3 seconds and remove it. It is better to make several holes for better paper clips. When we remove our hands, our parts should hold tightly to each other.
If you suddenly fasten two surfaces crookedly, you can tear it all off and fasten it again in a new place, in a place where the surface is not yet holey. Subsequently, these holes will close and they will not be visible.
The frame for making a hedgehog from bottles is already ready, let’s move on to the next stage of work.

Let's make needles from a plastic bottle. Take a plastic bottle and cut it into strips. Then we cut out needles from the strips as shown in the photo. We melt the edges of the needles a little over a candle, thereby giving them a more natural look. When the needles are ready, we can attach them to the hedgehog.

We fix the needles on the hedgehog's face with a soldering iron, bangs begin to appear))) And then we move on to the hedgehog's body.

Our hedgehog is starting to gradually acquire needles. On the hedgehog's face, the needles grow in a different direction than on the back.

The hedgehog is almost ready, let's give it some eyes. We cut out two circles from a plastic bottle, paint them with acrylic paints and when dry, glue them to the desired place with a heat gun or Titan glue. You can glue ready-made eyes for making toys.

Let's make our hedgehog's paws. We take the wire and twist them into fingers, and put cocktail tubes on the fingers. Then we connect everything together and secure it to the hedgehog’s body.

Let’s finish the hedgehog’s face and attach the needles completely to it. It is better to paint the edges of the needles gray, so our hedgehog will look more natural.

A hedgehog's belly can also be made from needles. On the paws, we will make claws from a plastic bottle.

We paint the nose in the desired color and you can make antennae from fishing line. You can also make mushrooms or an apple for our hedgehog. All this can be made from polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam. We create a shape, paint and secure with toothpicks. That's it, the hedgehog made from plastic bottles is ready. Let's place him in the garden, let him decorate the garden plot. We hope you enjoyed this master class and found it useful. Before you throw away something unnecessary, think that you can make something useful out of it)))

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We recently walked through the park and picked up a lot of spruce and pine cones. The idea was to leave them until the New Year, but then they decided to make a hedgehog with their daughter.

I started collecting material and realized that there were a lot of options, enough to fill an entire article. Well, okay, I’m sharing with you ideas for making a hedgehog from pine cones.

Today we will create it from a plastic bottle, plasticine, paper and other materials. The most difficult thing in the whole craft is to decide on the base (body). Choose the material from which it will consist.

Therefore, I did not limit myself to 10 master classes, but decided to give some tips using which you can create a base from different materials; they will be described at the very end of the article.

Hedgehog made from pine cones and a plastic bottle: large and small (master class 2)

Probably everyone has a plastic bottle in their house. If it is not there, then you can purchase this container at any store.

The larger the volume of the bottle, the larger the hedgehog.

Therefore, when making such a craft to decorate a garden, they usually take 5 liters of container.
We don’t need such a huge craft, so we’ll limit ourselves to an ordinary one and a half sheets.

Below I will show two bottle based hedgehog ideas. We will have a big golden handsome man and a little cute baby.

Big golden hedgehog

This is a very simple idea that any student can reproduce. If you have small children, they will need your help.

Let's take:

  • plastic bottle,
  • glue gun,
  • gold paint,
  • plasticine,
  • bumps.

Let's start by removing the label from the bottle. To do this, you can put it in water for an hour. The paper will get wet and come off easily.

Then we wipe the container and screw on the lid.

We’ll immediately start covering it with cones. To do this, place the “body” on its side and fix the bumps on it using hot glue.

This must be done carefully so as not to get burned. Glue the top and sides. We do not touch only the side part on which the bottle and its neck lie. This will be our face.

We cut out antennae from black cardboard and fix them to the lid from the inside.

Now we go outside or to the balcony and paint the blank from a spray can in gold.

Since the paint has a pungent odor, paint only in well-ventilated areas. It is better to entrust this step to an adult. Ask mom or dad to help you.

When the paint is dry, make eyes from plasticine. First, take two identical small white balls. We flatten them with the pads of our thumbs and glue them to the face.

Then we take two smaller black balls and glue them on top of the white one. So our hedgehog is ready. If you wish, you can decorate it with the gifts of autumn, if you have.

You can also do it a little differently and not paint the face, but simply paste it over with plasticine. Then you don't need to paint anything.

Craft from a small bottle

Below I will tell you how to create a cute baby from a small container. Most often, a water bottle for children is taken.

Let's take:

  • bottle 0.2 l,
  • 2 buttons or small coins,
  • 4 round pieces of foam plastic (you can take thick cardboard),
  • acrylic paints,
  • Hot melt glue.

We also prepare the bottle first. We remove the label from it.

We make paws from 4 round blanks. Cut into claws. We place them so that they are at an even distance from each other.

We will not paint the bottle right away, because through the transparent walls it is more convenient to see whether the legs are glued evenly.

And using hot glue we fix the bottle on the legs.

The legs can also be made from foam plastic, thick cardboard, or plasticine. Using whatever you have on hand, even get creative and put the body on plastic spoons without stems.

For the ears, take buttons or coins.

You can also take cardboard. Immediately glue them in place.

Now we open the paints and begin to give the workpiece a more finished look.

We paint the muzzle, ears and belly with pink or flesh paint.

If you don't have a hedgehog because your nose outweighs it. There’s nothing wrong with that, because there will be bumps on the back. And they, in turn, will not let the pet fall.

Now pour white paint inside the bottle. Close the lid and shake the bottle well to color the inside. Then pour out the remaining paint. Do not tighten the cork, let everything dry inside.

We take brown color and paint over the paws, nose, ears.

We try to make movements from the bottom up, imitating the hairs on the ears.

Let the workpiece dry. Then, when the paint has already dried well, we begin to glue our pine cones onto the back and sides with hot glue.

How to make a hedgehog from pine cones, plasticine and a plastic bottle

Another master class where we need a bottle. Not the whole truth, but only the bottom of it.

Let's take:

  • plasticine,
  • glue,
  • cones,
  • bottom of a plastic bottle.

Cut off the bottom of the bottle, 4-5 centimeters in height.

Then we seal its entire upper part with plasticine. You need to take small but dense pieces. If you run out of plasticine, then take a shade that matches the color. It won't be very noticeable under the bumps.

We select small cones and attach them to the base, pressing them into the plasticine.

If the cones are poorly fixed, then add plasticine to the place where you want to insert it.

Let's leave some space on one side. We will glue the muzzle there.

And we will make it from gray or white plasticine. We crush a piece in our hands and say cone. Let's raise the edge a little and sharpen it, there will be a nose.

Then we roll out the black nose and eyes.

That's it for this easy and very simple craft.

Step-by-step instructions for two plasticine crafts for kindergarten

Now let's make two small crafts. We only need a couple of cones and plasticine. This option can be offered to a preschooler. I think he will be very interested.

I propose to make two animals: one will stand and the other will lie down.

So, the first master class.

Let's take the cone. We cut off its sharp part and try to make the bump stand up.

Then, using sharp nippers, cut off the scales on one side vertically from bottom to top.

We take yellow or white plasticine. And we twist it into a sausage. Glue it to a place where there are no scales.

Forming a nose. We make eyes, a nose and a mouth from black plasticine.

And also for stability we need paws made of plasticine of the same color.

Well, so that the hedgehog isn’t so sad, let’s make a mushroom for him.

This craft reminds me of the character from the cartoon “Shake!” Hello,” remember there the Hedgehog sang: “One is a daisy, two is a daisy.”

Now the second master class, where the hedgehog lies or stands on 4 legs.

Take a cone and plasticine. We make a cone out of plasticine and glue it to the blunt side of the cone. For the face, mix pink or flesh colors.

Attach eyes and nose.

If desired, you can insert Christmas tree needles into the cone or attach a bunch of rowan berries.

And this is how he stands on his paws.

I also found video instructions on how to make such funny friends.

In this video, the entire creative process is given in great detail. At the very end there are photos of the works that the children made according to this description.

An interesting idea for creating a base for a hedgehog out of foam.

Modern mothers use polystyrene foam with all their might. It can be easily cut with a regular stationery knife and therefore takes on absolutely any shape. Now I suggest you find a rectangular piece of polystyrene foam and make a body out of it for the craft.

Let's take:

  • polystyrene foam (any size),
  • corrugated paper,
  • hot gun,
  • PVA glue,
  • bumps.

Take a rectangular or square piece of foam. On one side, use a stationery knife to clean it off so that you get a pointed edge. This is a half-finished muzzle with a base.

We cover the workpiece with corrugated or toilet paper. For fixing, you can use regular safe PVA glue or hot glue from a thermal gun. Now the base is ready.

Then we place the pine cones on hot glue.

By the way, it’s convenient to stick decor into the foam. To do this, dry leaves can be fixed on a toothpick or wire and stuck directly into the body.

Eyes can be drawn or molded from plasticine. You can also purchase ready-made eyes at craft stores or cut them out of self-adhesive paper.

The idea of ​​a hedgehog made of cones and polystyrene foam with a rope

You can often see topiaries made from round polystyrene foam balls. Now I’ll tell you how you can make a hedgehog based on this blank. However, you can use foam or polyurethane foam circles.

For decoration we will take twine or rope.

Let's take:

  • polystyrene foam ball,
  • hot glue,
  • a piece of polystyrene foam,
  • tourniquet or twine.

Let's start by cutting the round piece in half. For one hedgehog you will need one half.

From a small piece of polystyrene foam we cut out a muzzle with a pointed edge. And using hot glue we place it on one part of the semicircle.

We take the twine and begin to wrap the spout with it. We secure the ends with hot glue.

The photo shows that the edge of the rope was coated with glue and fixed on the underside of the nose.

Once the whole face has been screwed on, we cut off the rope and fix this end. It's better to hide it on the bottom side.

Now turn the workpiece upside down and wrap the bottom. This needs to be done in a spiral.

We won't touch the back.

After all, we glue the cones onto it with hot glue.

We fix the nose and eyes. And the hedgehog can already go to an exhibition at school or kindergarten.

Below I’ll tell you what other material can be used to create the base.

A simple hedgehog made of pine cones and paper

Another simple option is to make a muzzle out of cardboard or colored paper.

Let's take:

  • bump,
  • hot glue,
  • scotch,
  • cardboard.

Let's start with the basics. We need to make a small cone out of cardboard.

To get to its size, you need to measure the circumference of the cone. And make a circle of the same diameter on cardboard. Then we cut out a quarter of it.

Look, the picture clearly shows that the sharper the triangle you cut is, the wider the workpiece will be.

We roll up our part and glue its sides with tape. Using hot glue, fix it on the wide side of the cone. All that remains is to decorate the craft and glue or draw a nose and eyes.

Crafts from a bottle, cup and natural materials for school

A large hedgehog can be created by using a bowl, saucepan or plate as the body.

Of course, we won’t take mom’s new dishes, but we’ll look for some old ones. Such bowls are usually not thrown away by our grandmothers, but are carefully taken out into the yard. They contain food for birds, chickens or cats. In general, you understand what we need.

Let's take:

  • plastic bottle 1.5 l,
  • cup,
  • paint,
  • cones,
  • hot glue,
  • scissors.

Let's start making the base. To do this, cut off the narrow part of the bottle, where the neck is. Then we make small cuts along the diameter (about 1 cm), we will glue them to the plate for better fixation.

We turn the bowl itself upside down and glue this plastic blank.

If there is a primer, it is better to prime the entire part. This is done for uniformity and uniformity of coloring. However, you can immediately spray paint over the bowl.

Then we cover the entire bowl with cones.

Follow the step-by-step instructions and you will get this funny hedgehog made from pine cones and a plastic bottle. If you have prepared materials, the whole work takes 15-20 minutes.

For this craft you will need the following materials:

  • Cones;
  • Plastic bottle, preferably brown;
  • Glue or heat gun;
  • Brown gouache or plasticine;
  • Ready-made moving eyes, brush;
  • Leaves, rowan berries for decoration, double-sided or regular tape for attaching them.

To work with pine cones and plastic, you definitely need a glue gun. No glue is suitable for these purposes. I tried super glue and instant glue - the pine cones did not stick at all. After all, their surface is lumpy, often uneven, sometimes only a small area of ​​the cone comes into contact with the plastic and ordinary glue does not hold it. Therefore, it is better to spend a little money and buy at least a small heat gun, thanks to which you can make any crafts with pine cones, plastic, and a variety of materials. Everything is fastened with lightning speed and thoroughly.

Hedgehog made from pine cones and a plastic bottle step by step

Preparing the buds

After the cones are collected, they need to be processed. Wash them thoroughly in warm water and soak in a 1:1 solution of vinegar and water. Dry the buds. This is if they are already opened. If the buds are closed, you can skip the vinegar treatment; you can just wash them thoroughly in fairly hot water. Then take the following measures:

  • Boil for 15 minutes;
  • Bake for 1 hour in the oven;
  • Process in the microwave.

At one time I tried every method. But I only liked the one where the pine cones are placed in the microwave. When boiling, a lot of steam and smell are released, and the pan becomes hopelessly damaged. In the oven for too long and there is a risk of over-roasting the buds. But in the microwave it’s just perfect. I lined a plate with paper towels, placed the pine cones on it and turned it on for one minute. After that, I opened the door, released the steam, turned the pine cones over and turned on the microwave again for 1 minute. It took quite a lot of these minutes - about 7-10 - for the cones to open completely. But it’s still much faster than fussing with the oven and pan.

How to make a hedgehog from a bottle and pine cones?

All basic and auxiliary materials are ready, it’s time to get down to action. Prepare the cutest cones of the same size, which will be in the first row, that is, closer to the hedgehog’s face. Take the pine cone and place it on the bottle so you can see where it will be in contact with it, because that is the area where you will need to apply glue. Turn on the glue gun, wait 5 minutes, then apply a little glue to the side of the pine cone and quickly press it onto the top of the bottle. In the same way, glue the entire first row around the hedgehog's face.

Make the second row in the same way, pressing the cones tightly against each other and selecting ones that are relatively similar in size and shape.

Cover the entire bottle with pine cones. Here it is no longer necessary to glue it to the side, and it won’t work; most often the cones are subsequently located in a straight position.

Side view.

The back of a plastic bottle covered with pine cones.

The main work is ready, now the most interesting part is giving the appearance of the hedgehog.

My daughter and I have this hedgehog. That's why we glued her eyes with eyelashes. Eyes can be made from plasticine or paper. We painted the lid with gouache, but it could also be covered with brown plasticine.

And on the side of the cones we attached rowan berries and several leaves with double-sided tape. The craft is quite durable; it can later be glued to a board or foam plastic.

A hedgehog made from pine cones and a plastic bottle is ready, or rather a hedgehog. And it’s not scary that her nose is too big, she’s still a beauty and a fashionista.

Useful tips

Toy eyes

PVA glue.

To make sure that there are no insects in the cones, it is better to clean them.

1. Cut thin pipe cleaners into small pieces (3-5 cm) - these will be hedgehog needles.

2. Cut out several small triangles from felt - these will be the ears of the hedgehogs.

3. Apply PVA glue to the ends of the cut pipe cleaners and insert them into the cone between its scales.

4. Glue felt triangles to the pine cones to make ears for your future hedgehogs. You can bend the triangles and then glue them to make the ears rounded.

5. Take a small pompom and glue it to the top of the pine cone - this will be the nose.

6. Take two small pieces of cut pipe cleaner, bend them in half and glue toy eyes to the fold. Let the glue dry for about 1 hour.

7. Insert the blanks with eyes into the cone between its scales.

Hedgehog made from fir cones and polymer clay (step by step)

You will need:

Polymer clay (black, beige or any light tone)

Black beads (in this example their size is 4 mm)

Cocktail straw (optional)

Toothpick (for adding details)

PVA glue.

1. Roll a ball out of beige clay, and then make a cone out of it - this will be the face of a hedgehog.

2. Attach the muzzle to the pine cone and smooth the ends of the clay so that it sticks well to the pine cone.

3. From clay, roll two large “sausages” (for the hind legs), two medium ones (for the front legs) and two small circles (for the hedgehog’s ears).

4. Attach large and medium clay sausages to the pine cone so that they form the legs of a hedgehog. Make sure your hedgehog is standing well and adjust the position of his paws accordingly. Use a toothpick to add details - toes.

5. Squeeze small circles to make “pancakes” and attach to the bump in the place where the hedgehog’s head is - these will be the ears.

* Instead of pancakes, you can simply make small holes in the balls.

6. Roll a small ball from black polymer clay and attach (press) it to the tip of the muzzle.

7. Insert black beads in place of the eyes.

8. If you want to make your hedgehog smile, you can do it with a toothpick or a cocktail tube cut in half lengthwise.

How to make a simple hedgehog from fir cones

You will need:

Toy eyes

PVA glue


Plasticine (if desired).

1. Cut out a hedgehog’s face from felt - its shape resembles a triangle with one rounded top.

2. Glue the face to the pine cone.

3. Glue toy eyes to the face. If there are none, then you can cut out two circles from black felt and glue them.

4. Cut a small circle from black felt and glue it in place of the spout.

5. If you wish, you can make paws from plasticine or clay and attach them to the pine cone.

You can make a bunny in a similar way, only to create the paws and ears you will need a thin white pipe cleaner.

Hedgehog made from cones and birch bark (instructions)

You will need:

Birch bark (it can be replaced with regular paper or cardboard)

Pompom (in this example we used eucalyptus flower buds, but they can be easily replaced with a pompom, plasticine, clay or even a button)

Plasticine or small buttons (for eyes)


PVA glue and glue stick.

1. Cut a piece of birch bark shaped like half a moon. Twist it to form a cone and glue the ends together - this will be the face of the hedgehog.

2. Glue a pompom or attach plasticine to the tip of the cone - this will be the nose.

3. Making hedgehog ears. Cut two small circles from birch bark, make a cut on each one as long as the radius of this circle and twist it into a cone. Glue the ends together.

* To make ears, you can use plasticine or cut out two semicircles from paper, which you simply glue to the pine cone.

4. Glue all the parts to the pine cone.

* If you want to make eyes for a hedgehog, use plasticine or small buttons that need to be attached to birch bark (the hedgehog's face).

Hedgehog made of cones and plasticine

You will need:

Plasticine or clay

Toy eyes.

1. Roll 1 large ball from plasticine for the head, 4 medium balls for the paws, 3 small balls for the ears and nose.

2. Make a cone out of a large ball and attach it to the bottom (smooth) part of the pine cone.

3. Attach the paws and use scissors to create a pattern on them to make the paws more detailed.

4. Attach the nose to the cone. For the nose, you can use black plasticine or clay, while for the muzzle you should use a lighter-colored material.

5. Add artificial eyes and use scissors or a toothpick to make the hedgehog smile.

6. Attach balls that act as ears and make small holes in them for more detail.

Here is another version of such a plasticine hedgehog: