
Toxicosis ended at 11 weeks. The appearance of the expectant mother also changes

The stereotype has long been that “vomiting means you’re pregnant.” But if in the first trimester this is quite normal, toxicosis at 11 weeks of pregnancy is a separate issue.

What is toxicosis?

Toxicosis at 11 weeks of pregnancy is not only nausea and vomiting. This is a dramatic change in hormonal levels, leading to sudden mood swings, drowsiness, lethargy, irritability, and sometimes weight loss. However, all this is “early toxicosis”, to which many women are susceptible at 5-6 weeks.

Nausea at the 11th week of pregnancy, as a rule, is no longer observed. Usually by this time toxicosis has already passed, since the woman’s body has already become accustomed to the new condition.

If the expectant mother is still feeling nauseous at 11 weeks of pregnancy, then the likely causes may be the following:

    expecting twins (toxicosis stops by 14-16 weeks),

    late pregnancy (often it is somewhat more complicated),

    chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

These cases are special, and therefore only a doctor can offer methods to combat the manifestations of toxicosis. You may need vitamin supplements or medication.

Toxicosis at 11 weeks and child development

At week 11, the embryonic period of development ends, and now it is no longer an embryo, but a fetus. Manifestations of toxicosis at the 11th week of pregnancy may be due to the fact that at this time the fetus is going through a period of particularly rapid development. His internal organs are growing rapidly and are beginning to function actively. In this regard, the metabolism in a woman’s body accelerates by almost 25%, which means an increased need for carbohydrates and liquid. The load on the gastrointestinal tract increases, and as a result, toxicosis “lingers” for another couple of weeks.

It is quite possible that if you feel sick at 11 weeks of pregnancy, the reason lies in the characteristics of the immune system. The body of the expectant mother tries to protect the child from harmful substances by exhibiting such a reaction to inappropriate foods. In addition, the development of fetal muscles requires an increased amount of protein, and with the help of “alarm signals” the body tells the woman that her diet should be revised. Usually women do not encounter the problem of vomiting at 11 weeks of pregnancy, but if this happens once, you should reconsider your diet. Repeated episodes of vomiting during this time are a warning sign.

If at week 11 toxicosis is severe and greatly worries the woman, consultation with a doctor cannot be avoided. These may be symptoms of serious problems, and not a manifestation of hormonal changes.

When you feel sick at 11 weeks, it is possible that the reasons are not at all physiological, but psychological. A woman experiences enormous psychological stress from the fact that a new life is rapidly growing inside her. Perhaps she does not receive due attention from her loved ones (or it seems so, or it really is - it’s hard to say). It happens that the expectant mother is sure that there is no pregnancy without toxicosis, and begins to look for its manifestations herself. This is clearly unnecessary, since the psychological state of a woman directly affects the development of the child.

Contrary to popular belief, toxicosis is an optional companion to pregnancy. Many lucky women never experienced all the “delights” of this phenomenon.

How dangerous is toxicosis?

Nausea itself at 11-12 weeks of pregnancy is not terrible if it does not accompany the woman constantly. An increase in temperature is also normal and is associated with the aforementioned acceleration of metabolism.

You should be concerned if you experience repeated bouts of vomiting at 11 weeks of pregnancy. This leads to dehydration, and a large amount of water at 11 weeks is necessary for the development of the baby.

Another danger of nausea at 11 weeks of pregnancy is that natural oxygen exchange is disrupted. The reason for this is uneven breathing. The lack of oxygen in the blood of the mother (and, accordingly, the fetus) negatively affects its development in general and the nervous system in particular.

If toxicosis is accompanied by apathy, drowsiness and lethargy, you need to discuss this problem with your doctor. Perhaps the woman needs psychological support.

Methods to combat toxicosis

By the 11th week of pregnancy, a woman already knows which foods she should avoid to avoid triggering nausea and vomiting. However, nausea often occurs regardless of what the expectant mother has eaten; it seems to happen for no apparent reason.

The cause of toxicosis at week 11 may be an incorrect diet. So, you should switch to fractional meals (5-6 times a day in small portions). You should not go to bed immediately after eating - you need to wait 30-40 minutes. This will reduce the load on the stomach and food will be absorbed better.

Vomiting at 11 weeks of pregnancy is an indicator of retention of metabolic products in the body. You can help the body remove these substances with rosehip decoction and cranberry juice. These drinks also have a mild soothing effect on the stomach. Grapefruit juice has similar properties, but its consumption is associated with the risk of allergies. You can consume this juice only if you are completely sure that it is normally absorbed by the body.

Careful use of alternative medicine helps combat toxicosis at the 11th week of pregnancy. You can try aromatherapy. Thus, a drop of jasmine essential oil applied to cotton wool will help overcome a sudden attack of nausea. Massaging the area between the thumb and index finger is also effective.

A positive attitude is the best way to overcome the psychological aspects of toxicosis. The expectant mother should not dwell on unpleasant sensations, straining at every slight attack of nausea. This is normal and there is nothing wrong with it (unless, of course, it happens too often).

Toxicosis, of course, is not the most pleasant companion of pregnancy, but it should not overshadow the joy of expecting a child, which will erase all negative memories.

With the onset of pregnancy and throughout the entire nine-month period of bearing a child, a woman’s body undergoes serious changes to adapt to new conditions. Diarrhea can be considered one of the manifestations of a functional disorder when powerful hormonal changes occur. However, diarrhea in early pregnancy can be caused by reasons other than physiological, which threatens negative consequences for both the woman and her child.

Early diarrhea caused by external factors can be divided into the following types:

  1. The secretory form, in which the ability to absorb liquid by the intestinal walls is reduced, and the stool is copious and very liquid.
  2. Hyperexudative, provoked by inflammatory and infectious processes of internal organs. There is blood, mucus, and pus in the stool.
  3. Osmolar with a lack of enzymes with food residues in liquid diarrhea.
  4. Diarrhea in the early stages with impaired motility with copious feces of a mushy consistency.

Any of these types of diarrhea early in pregnancy is very dangerous. Firstly, constant loose stools can lead to dehydration, which contributes to the loss of nutrients needed by the fertilized egg and oxygen starvation. Then, diarrhea in the first weeks of pregnancy (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th), caused by infectious causes, when there are no protective mechanisms, can lead to infection of the fetus. In addition, increased intestinal motility causes an increase in uterine tone, increasing the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, diarrhea in the first trimester of pregnancy is a signal of problems in the body, especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms and a visit to the antenatal clinic becomes necessary.

Diarrhea in early pregnancy

Among the main causes of diarrhea in the early stages are:

The first thing to do in the early stages of diarrhea is to calm down; excessive nervousness only intensifies and prolongs the manifestations of diarrhea. Further actions are aimed at stabilizing the general condition. The safest and most suitable drug for this purpose at home is Regidron. Diarrhea in the first weeks of pregnancy can be a companion to toxicosis and in this case does not require taking any special measures to stop it.

Toxicosis is indicated by the simultaneous presence of three signs:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • loose stool.

However, such a triad of signs may also indicate pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract or the threat of developing severe gestosis. The characteristic signs of toxicosis in diarrhea in the early stages are the inconstancy, sudden appearance, frequency and long duration of manifestation of these symptoms. If toxicosis does not affect the general condition of a woman, then you should simply switch to a special diet. In this case, only fresh products are used without sharp, irritating odors in the form of porridge or boiled, baked form. To restore fluid loss, alkaline non-carbonated mineral water, dried fruit compotes without sugar, and medicinal herbal teas based on oak bark are recommended.

Diarrhea at 4, 5, 6, 7 weeks of pregnancy

Diarrhea in the first trimester is divided according to the degree of danger depending on the period. To understand what measures need to be taken to treat diarrhea in the first trimester, you need to know exactly how the early stages of expecting a baby proceed on a weekly basis. The first two weeks the egg moves to the uterus and the embryo is implanted in its wall. On the 4th, the heartbeat is noted, and external signs appear:

  • absence of menstruation;
  • increased fatigue and drowsiness;
  • manifestations of nausea in the morning.

Diarrhea in the 4th week of pregnancy caused by infection or bacteria can affect the baby's heart function. On the 5th, the development of the central nervous system of the embryo begins and the face is formed. Diarrhea in the 5th week of pregnancy, which may reduce the amount of folic acid necessary for the development of the central nervous system and brain, can affect their full development. In the period from 6 to 9 weeks, changes occur in the embryo and its transformation into a fetus, surrounded by a protective layer in the form of a placenta, which replaces the child’s lungs, stomach, kidneys and liver.

6 weeks of pregnancy and diarrhea with nausea and vomiting means toxicosis. Diarrhea in the 7th week of pregnancy is very severe, especially if it is accompanied by pain and fever; it is most dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy. Therefore, it is urgent to establish the causes of the disorder in order to quickly begin treatment.

Why does pregnant women vomit and what to do?

When the first vomiting occurs during pregnancy, the woman is happy because she receives confirmation that she has conceived, but in the future, daily nausea can be so exhausting that there is no time for joy. Why does expectant mothers vomit and how can they alleviate their suffering? Are nausea and vomiting during pregnancy always normal, or can such symptoms be dangerous?

Toxicosis during pregnancy

All women, even those who have not yet given birth, know the medical term “toxicosis”. Almost all pregnant women were, to one degree or another, susceptible to this pathological condition, which disappeared immediately after childbirth and without any treatment. There are early and late toxicosis, which have different causes and degrees of complications.

Note! The main symptom of toxicosis is vomiting. This is a common symptom, but this does not mean that if a woman does not have morning sickness, then her pregnancy is somehow going wrong. We are all individual and each woman’s body adapts to bearing a fetus differently. Vomiting in late pregnancy is different from what happens in early pregnancy.

Causes of toxicosis

Let's consider what happens in the female body after conception. The main task is to maintain pregnancy, since half the fetus consists of unfamiliar chromosomes and the body will try to expel it.
To prevent miscarriage from occurring, the female ovaries begin to produce the hormone progesterone, which has a relaxing effect on the uterus. It is progesterone that is responsible for vomiting during pregnancy, since this hormone causes toxicosis.

In addition to progesterone, prolactin and human chorionic gonadotropin can cause nausea. If hormonal changes after fertilization occur in all women, then why is it more pronounced in some pregnant women?

Attention! If a woman has or has previously had problems associated with the digestive system, then she is likely to vomit during early pregnancy. Abnormal (low or high) stomach acidity, combined with changing hormonal levels, will cause not only nausea, but also severe vomiting.

In addition to hormonal components, the causes of morning sickness can be the following:

  • Heredity - almost always a daughter will inherit a difficult pregnancy if her mother also had severe toxicosis.
  • State of the immune and endocrine systems.
  • Psycho-emotional stress - the nervous system, not only during pregnancy, but also in other critical conditions of the body, can malfunction due to the urge to vomit.
  • Changed sensitivity to smells - all senses are heightened and nothing can be done about it, you can only endure it.

It should be noted that if a woman’s existing pregnancy proceeds without serious pathologies, it is difficult to reliably determine the causes of her toxicosis. Most often, one can only guess why, but the true reasons can be found out very rarely.

Important! Heartburn, diarrhea and vomiting during pregnancy do not depend in any way on the gender of the child the woman is carrying. There are various folk beliefs regarding these symptoms, but it has been scientifically proven that toxicosis has no effect on whether the baby will be a girl or a boy, or whether twins will be born.

Normal or pathological?

The first nausea appears approximately 4-5 weeks after conception and usually lasts until 12-14 weeks, but if there are twins, nausea and vomiting in the early stages can last up to 16 weeks.

In the first trimester, vomiting occurs only in the morning, when the stomach is hungry, but it may not occur, but the woman will be sick all day. Doctors believe that nothing bad happens if food is rejected up to five times during the day, but vomiting should not be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, or weight loss.
Degrees of toxicosis:

  • weak – vomiting up to 5 times a day;
  • medium – up to 10 times;
  • high – over 10 times.

Attention! When an expectant mother vomits repeatedly during the day, she must be observed in a hospital, since this is already a deviation from the normal state.

With frequent vomiting, weakness, apathy, high temperature, and low blood pressure are observed. In such cases, the body becomes quite dehydrated, and weight loss can even reach 3 kg per week.

Vomiting in the second trimester of pregnancy is also observed, but not as frequent. If the baby develops without deviations in the womb, then there is no danger in such manifestations. In the middle of pregnancy, nausea occurs, but the female body seems to have come to terms with the new situation and the vomiting gradually subsides.

Important! If unpleasant symptoms continue to torment, it can be assumed that a lot of acetone has accumulated in the body to fight the fetus. Its excess must be removed and this can only be done with the help of special medications, so you need to notify your doctor about ongoing problems.

Vomiting in the third trimester of pregnancy most often occurs from gestosis - late toxicosis caused by oxygen deficiency. Nausea is accompanied by increased blood pressure, protein in the urine and severe swelling. The seriousness of gestosis is that convulsions, multiple organ failure, and coma may occur. If gestosis is diagnosed, urgent hospitalization is required.

Attention! If nausea and vomiting first appeared in the second half of pregnancy, then this is always considered by doctors to be a dangerous symptom that indicates a pathology that has arisen.

Food poisoning cannot be ruled out in pregnant women, so if she complains of nausea accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, you need to look for problems with the digestive system during pregnancy.

Treatment of nausea and vomiting

Any ailment in expectant mothers requires a proper examination, therefore, during a routine examination, a woman is obliged to tell the gynecologist everything without concealment. Only a specialist should decide whether to admit the patient to the hospital or not. Particular attention is paid if vomiting occurs at 38 weeks of pregnancy, since this can be not only late toxicosis, but also early labor.

Attention! There are no anti-nausea medications for pregnant women. You cannot self-medicate and take pills without a prescription. You can seriously harm the fetus.

All expectant mothers should think only about good things, and you can try to eliminate nausea using a few rules:

  • Frequent walks relieve the condition.
  • If you can’t walk a lot, ventilate your home more often.
  • Nausea only happens on an empty stomach, so breakfast is a must.
  • After breakfast you need to lie down and have a great breakfast in bed.
  • You need to listen to your own body and eat whatever you want.
  • Avoid fried and fatty foods.
  • Let meals become fractional, but frequent.
  • Drink more fluids unless directed by your doctor.
  • If nausea occurs, always limit movement.

Let's remember folk recipes. A good remedy for nausea in pregnant women is all sour and salty foods. Carry with you apples, water with lemon, chamomile infusion, dried fruits and other foods like pickles and sauerkraut. It is important to understand that the urge to vomit will not accompany the entire pregnancy and everything will get better over time. Be more positive and stay healthy!

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause?

Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory pathology of the pancreas. This is how we can briefly characterize this condition, but to understand what kind of disease pancreatitis is, we will have to remember the anatomy and functions of the pancreas. It is known that men more often suffer from the acute form of the disease, and women - from the chronic form.

  1. Features of development and tasks of the pancreas
  2. Causes of failure of the normal functioning of the pancreas
  3. Main reasons
  4. Types of pancreatitis, classification
  5. Clinical manifestations
  6. Diagnostic methods
  7. Treatment

Features of development and tasks of the pancreas

The pancreas begins to form in the fetus as early as the fifth week of pregnancy. This is important for women of childbearing age to know. At such an early stage, they indulge in diet violations, smoking, and drinking alcohol, without yet deciding whether they will continue the pregnancy. And when they realize it, the child has to be treated for the rest of his life. A baby is born with a gland 5 cm long, by the age of 16 it grows to 15 cm and is maximally ready for work.

Main functions of the gland:

  • production of valuable secretion with enzymes, without which proteins and fats cannot be digested;
  • synthesis of the hormone insulin, which controls the level of glucose in the blood, and therefore the energy-producing system. Because it is from glucose that the body receives the maximum number of kilocalories, which ensure all types of activity of other organs and systems.

What happens when the normal functioning of the pancreas is disrupted?

Pancreatitis is characterized by retention of its own enzymes and cessation of the excretion of juice into the duodenum. This leads to “self-digestion” of tissues. Swelling and increase in size stretch the capsule, compressing groups of cells that produce the hormone insulin. Lack of insulin provokes the development of secondary diabetes mellitus.

The disease occurs in acute or chronic form. It occurs suddenly or occurs over a long period of time with periods of exacerbation. In chronic pancreatitis, all changes occur against the background of old scars and significantly limited ability to recover.

Causes of failure of the normal functioning of the pancreas

In children, inflammation of the pancreas occurs rarely, the main reason: disruption of the development of the structure of the pancreas during the mother's pregnancy. For adults, hereditary structural changes play a role (cystic fibrosis), but are not the main ones.

Main reasons

With all the study of pancreatitis, scientists note that about 15% of cases do not fit any of the listed reasons.

Types of pancreatitis, classification

Acute pancreatitis, based on symptoms, clinical course and examination results, is divided according to severity into mild, moderate and severe.

In mild cases, minimal disturbances are observed; symptoms quickly disappear with treatment and diet. Moderate and severe degrees require serious treatment and a recovery period.

Histological changes in the pancreas underlie another classification:

  • interstitial pancreatitis - the tissues are swollen, there is congestion in the blood vessels;
  • hemorrhagic - severe swelling, small blood clots in the vessels, causing areas of necrosis and hemorrhage, inflammation spreads to the entire gland;
  • pancreatic necrosis is the most severe stage of the disease, in which irreversible changes occur in the tissues.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis appear suddenly, there is a clear connection with the consumption of alcohol and fatty foods, abdominal trauma, an attack of biliary colic, exacerbation of a peptic ulcer, viral hepatitis or severe septic conditions. The most common pain is in the upper abdomen, radiating to the back and shoulder blades, lasting for several days, and not relieved by antispasmodic drugs.

With exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, the same pain appears as in the acute stage. But in alcoholics, the chronic process can be asymptomatic for a long time. In the chronic course of the disease, the patient noticeably loses weight, despite good nutrition.

Diagnostic methods

Considering the listed symptoms, the doctor will definitely prescribe the following when seeking medical help:

  • general blood test (characteristic of leukocytosis, change in formula, acceleration of ESR);
  • biochemical liver tests (significantly elevated);
  • characteristic changes in stool analysis (excess fat and undigested proteins);
  • An ultrasound will detect an increase in the size of the pancreas, the shadow of stones with concomitant cholelithiasis.

There are special tests that test for allergies to pancreatic cells.

Sometimes they resort to diagnostic laparoscopy and magnetic resonance imaging.


Treatment of acute pancreatitis and exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis must be carried out in the surgical department of the hospital.

In the first days, apply fasting for 2-3 days and cold compresses on the epigastric region. From the fourth day, diet No. 5a is prescribed (frequent meals with liquid soup, pureed porridge, restriction of fats, bread, vegetables). With effective treatment, the diet expands to table No. 5, which the patient must follow throughout his life.

Enzyme preparations are administered intravenously to the patient to prevent destruction of the pancreas and relieve intoxication. Painkillers are needed.

Surgical treatment in the severe stage involves removal of the pancreas and the fight against peritonitis.

Pancreatitis always poses a danger due to its rapid development and unpredictability of consequences.

Toxicosis at 10-11 weeks of pregnancy is not only vomiting and nausea. First of all, these are dramatic changes in hormonal levels, which can lead to drowsiness, sudden mood swings, irritability, lethargy, and in some cases, sudden weight loss. However, all this can be attributed to “early” toxicosis, which occurs in almost all women at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy.

As a rule, toxicosis at 11 weeks passes without nausea. During this period, the body should already have time to get used to the new state, so all unpleasant symptoms should disappear. If 10-12 weeks, toxicosis has not yet passed, then most likely the reasons for this may be the following:

  • expecting twins, in this case toxicosis disappears at 14-16 weeks of pregnancy;
  • late pregnancy, often it is much more complicated;
  • chronic liver and gastrointestinal diseases.

It is likely that if you feel sick at 11 weeks of pregnancy, the reason for this is hidden in the characteristics of the immune system. A woman’s body tries in every possible way to protect the fetus from harmful substances, showing a similar reaction to harmful products. In addition, the development of the child's muscles requires a larger volume of proteins, with the help of toxicosis, the body tells the woman that it is necessary to reconsider her diet. Usually, by the 11th week of pregnancy, a woman no longer faces the problem of vomiting, but if this happens even once, she needs to reconsider her diet. Cases of vomiting that are repeated with a clear frequency are an alarming sign.

When you feel sick at 11 weeks of pregnancy, it is quite possible that the reason lies in psychology, not physiology. A woman feels a great psychological burden from the fact that a new life has arisen and is growing inside her. She probably doesn’t have enough attention from her loved ones (or she just thinks so). It happens that a woman thinks that there cannot be a normal pregnancy without toxicosis, and she herself looks for its manifestations. However, toxicosis does not have to be present in the life of a pregnant woman. Many lucky women have never felt it.

What's dangerous about toxicosis?

In itself, toxicosis that occurs at 11-12 weeks of pregnancy does not pose a great danger to a woman, but only on the condition that it does not accompany her constantly. Also normal for toxicosis is an increase in temperature, this is due to accelerated metabolism.

Sensations during pregnancy include both positive and unusual moments. All of them are explained by changes in hormonal levels and the development of life in the womb of the expectant mother.

The well-being of a pregnant woman is associated with the rapid growth of the fetus during a given period of time. Until the twentieth week, the embryo will quickly gain weight and develop rapidly. The fair sex will experience a number of changes in her body. And, unfortunately, not all of them will be pleasant. Although the thought of the long-awaited birth of a baby will support and warm you.

11th week of pregnancy feeling in the stomach

Often at 11 weeks of pregnancy the lower abdomen hurts. If such sensations bother the expectant mother, she urgently needs to tell the gynecologist about it. An examination will reveal the cause of this ailment. And the specialist will take certain actions to relieve pain.

When the lower abdomen feels tight at 11 weeks of pregnancy, there may be increased tone of the uterus. This sometimes happens at this time. Certain medications and vitamins will help with such pain and reduce uterine tone.

What kind of discharge is there at 11 weeks of pregnancy?

The causes of bleeding at 11 weeks of pregnancy can be very different. Small smears of blood may be the result of sexual intercourse or lifting a heavy object.

Another reason is hormonal imbalance. When secretion with blood occurs at the time when menstruation should have occurred. If there is no pain, there is no need to worry too much. Although it is necessary to notify the doctor about this. Sometimes the consequences of such discharge can be the most terrible for the fetus. Typically, such secretion is accompanied by severe pain, and the discharge intensifies.

In any case, if you observe a brown or pink secretion, you must tell a specialist about it. With the help of a series of studies, as well as by touch, he will be able to accurately determine the cause of the observed secretion.

If a girl’s discharge is cheesy in nature, then we are talking about thrush at 11 weeks of pregnancy. In this situation, the gynecologist will prescribe a number of drugs that normalize the vaginal microflora, and secretion will return to normal.

Can you feel sick at 11 weeks pregnant?

Those who are interested in whether toxicosis occurs at the 11th week of pregnancy often receive an affirmative answer from specialists. Morning sickness, dizziness and weakness are common manifestations of toxicosis at 11 weeks of pregnancy. How to deal with this? By and large, you just need to get over the illness.

In the second trimester, the malaise usually ends. Although, if discomfort greatly exhausts a pregnant woman, specialists usually prescribe special remedies that can alleviate the condition.

Cold at 11 weeks of pregnancy

ARVI at 11 weeks of pregnancy - this is what a pregnant girl should be wary of. In general, any infection is a big test for the fetus. And medications can cause disturbances in the development of the embryo. Therefore, you should be wary of drafts and avoid communicating with sick people so as not to catch the virus.

Causes of frozen pregnancy at 11 weeks

In the first stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother has a lot of fears. For example, girls are worried about how to recognize a frozen pregnancy at 11 weeks. Usually this anomaly is detected during a routine examination. The embryo’s heart stops beating, development stops and gestation stops. Why did the pregnancy stop at 11 weeks?

This may be due to many factors: hormonal imbalance, injury, poisoning with toxic substances, genetic disease, infection.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy at 11 weeks may be immediately and unnoticed. Everything happens quite individually. If we talk about the most common symptoms of a frozen pregnancy at 11 weeks, then these are, first of all, the cessation of toxicosis, and quite abruptly, and brown discharge, which is not always accompanied by pain.

With the end of the first trimester, toxicosis finally gives in and recedes. But the uterus continues to grow, and its weight can already be felt in the belly of the expectant mother. While invisible to the rest, it already makes a pregnant woman think several times a day about the tiny “belly” living in her tummy. The first “pregnant” fears are already behind you, and you are firmly convinced that yes, very soon you will become a mother.

What does a baby look like at 11 weeks of pregnancy, and how does a woman feel?

What happens at 11 weeks of pregnancy

There is a restructuring in your body: blood volume has increased, metabolism has increased, calories are burned, as if after the most exhausting workout. The uterus already occupies the entire pelvis, and by feeling the lower abdomen, the expectant mother can feel how hard it is. Well, if you are doubly lucky, that is, there are two babies “sitting” in your tummy, your situation is already very difficult to hide from others.

Sometimes it seems that the baby has already begun to “bump” in the stomach, and the mother feels it - in fact, the kicks of the tiny legs are still very weak, and the sensations that you mistake for the movements of the little one are nothing more than contractions of the intestines.

The corpus luteum disappears and the placenta develops. At week 11, the uterus puts a little less pressure on the urinary tract, so you can forget about constantly running to the toilet... though not for long.

Feelings and signs at 11 weeks of pregnancy

For most mothers, the morning finally becomes good: toxicosis passes. However, if you still feel nauseous, don’t worry: in some cases, the “best friend of pregnant women” does not leave mothers until the 14th week, gradually fading away, and this is also normal. Well, even if it disappears, you may notice that it has been replaced by heartburn, as well as constipation. Hormones are to blame for this. True, this does not happen for everyone.

Almost everyone’s tummy is rounded at the bottom, and low-waisted trousers or fitted skinnies are difficult to button (as a rule, such clothes are sent deep into the closet - why squeeze the uterus and its “inhabitant”). Sometimes women feel aching in the lower back and nagging or sharp pain in the lower abdomen. With such feelings, it is better to immediately contact a antenatal clinic.

Vaginal discharge increases. This is normal: they will remain like this until childbirth. They should be whitish, with a sour smell. Colostrum may be released from the nipples - there is no need to squeeze it out. It is better to replace a synthetic bra with a cotton one.

Development and size of the fetus at 11 weeks of gestation

The baby’s head now has an impressive size: it is twice the size of the body, and due to the strengthening of the upper vertebrae, the baby can bend it. The legs are smaller than the arms; The baby already knows how to stretch, his fingers have gained sensitivity. The internal organs are formed, the intestines begin to contract.

The fetus has a sense of smell, so it can feel what your breakfast or lunch smells like - and, remembering all the tastiest things for itself, the baby forms its own food preferences. The baby's eyes are set wide apart, with irises forming on them; The eyes are “decorated” with eyebrows and eyelashes. And, of course, the toddler’s genitals form.

At week 11, the little one grows to 5-6 cm. It is interesting that 1/10 of the body is the liver - an extremely important organ at the moment, in which proteins are actively generated that help the body develop properly. The nearby gallbladder is already producing bile. The brain is also actively developing, the main areas of which have been formed.

The baby resembles an athlete warming up: he improves his movements and actively “swims.” His nervous system is developing at an amazing speed. Thousands of new cells appear, the body “learns” to control its muscles.

Since all the skin became sensitive, the baby began to react to various irritants. The spinal cord already contains red blood cells.

Screening and other examinations at 18 weeks

At week 11, the gynecologist often refers his patients for screening. This is a three-time ultrasound, plus a blood test for biochemistry. The examination is considered mandatory; it can reveal if there are deviations in the child’s development or there may be a risk of their occurrence. The procedure is not dangerous either for you or for the little one.

If the screening shows something suspicious, the pregnant woman will be asked to consult a geneticist. And by the way, in this case there is no need to worry: this is not a sentence, but simply a reason to undergo even more thorough examinations.

The first screening is done at 11, sometimes at 12 weeks of pregnancy. This is the best time to set your expectations, assess the baby's condition, measure his collar space, and also identify twins/triplets.

The appearance of the expectant mother also changes

One cannot help but recall the changes in the appearance of the young mother. For example, many pregnant women at 11 weeks complain of brittle nails and hair loss. There is no point in buying expensive shampoos to change something. Wait a little: after the birth everything will pass.

However, sometimes the opposite happens: The “mane” becomes visibly thicker and grows faster.

It’s better not to dye your hair now: although you choose ammonia-free dye, due to hormonal changes in the body, the result of its action may be unexpected.

But what you need to buy is oil for stretch marks (say, olive oil). Even if stretch marks do not appear on the skin yet - good prevention will prevent their appearance, but if you miss time, you can earn marks on your stomach or chest for life.

Sex at 11 weeks pregnant

If toxicosis has not yet left the woman’s body, she sometimes does not want her husband’s hugs (especially since she can feel sick not only from the smell of fried potatoes, but also from the aroma of her beloved’s skin). Well, if this “attack” is gone, you can indulge in love as much as you like. Of course, remembering that dangerous positions can harm the unborn baby. But for mothers of twins or under the threat of miscarriage, doctors may prohibit carnal pleasures.

Physical activity

We need to move! Choose what you prefer: swimming or doing gymnastics for pregnant women. And if there is no fitness club nearby, just walk for 30 minutes - ideally in the evening, before bed. Don't exhaust yourself by planning two-hour "hikes" to avoid gaining extra weight! What is important to you now is not your waistline (which will soon disappear altogether), but relaxation. Tired? Go rest and let the whole world wait.