
How to make an original cake from sweets and juice? How to make a candy cake for a boy, girl, man and woman. How to make a cake from candies with your own hands How to decorate candies in the form of a cake

Receiving such a gift is real happiness! The taller and more beautiful, the better! Let us also try to decorate a few simple cakes together, so that we always have an idea for an unusual gift. Believe me, the time will definitely come when all ideas will be exhausted.

General design principles

To make a candy cake, you do not need to have experience in this matter. Even a beginner can cope with this task. You just need to have all the necessary ingredients for the cake, time and desire.

You definitely need a box that gives the appearance of a biscuit. Candies are glued to it. These boxes are then placed on cake mats or foam boards. To make it beautiful, the candies in this form are tied with ribbons. If desired, several more floors of the “cake” are installed on top. The top is decorated to taste.

Candy cake for any occasion

Required components: 1 cookie box, hot glue, candy, fabric, 1 Raffaello box, foil, cake candles, beads, foam, ribbons, double-sided tape, corrugated paper, scissors.

How to assemble:

  1. Cut out a base from polystyrene foam on which the entire cake will stand. It should be thicker than a box of cookies and coconut candies, and larger in diameter.
  2. Wrap the cookie box in cloth and seal it with tape.
  3. Wrap the side of the box with corrugated paper tape, and also glue it with tape.
  4. Glue one type of candy onto the paper. It will be good if you can find candy sticks like Twix or Kinder.
  5. For foam plastic, also cut the tape of the required thickness and glue it.
  6. Use hot glue to glue the beads, then use tape to glue other types of candies.
  7. Wrap the box with Raffaello in cloth and cover it with corrugated paper.
  8. Attach candy sticks to the top again.
  9. Tie all three bases with ribbons, forming bows.
  10. Cut petals from foil and set them aside.
  11. Place toothpicks on the candles and wrap them with tape.
  12. Glue the petals to make flowers, and in the middle of each is a candle.
  13. Prick the resulting flowers onto the base of the foam cake.
  14. Attach all three bases of the cake together and decorate the top to taste.

Tip: you can sprinkle a pile of sweets or fresh flowers on top.

How to make a cake for a man

Necessary components: a box (like a sponge cake for a cake), two types of candies, a glue gun, ribbons, colored paper.

How to assemble:

  1. The box must be covered with paper of the desired color, attaching it with glue.
  2. Glue candy sticks to the side and wrap everything with ribbon.
  3. Place the rest of the candies on top and, if desired, add alcohol in small bottles (Jack Daniels, Finlandia, Jim Beam, etc.).

Tip: you can complement the cake with fruits or berries in color.

DIY “basket” of sweets

Necessary components: 1 large box of sweets or cookies, a handle for the basket, glue, tape, wide satin ribbons, several artificial flowers, a piece of fabric 60x60 cm, candies and, if desired, fruits, candy sticks.

How to assemble:

  1. Open the box; you won't need a lid.
  2. Wrap it in fabric, which has been pre-lubricated with glue.
  3. Let it dry a little, forming all the bends and edges correctly.
  4. Place a strip of tape along the edge of the box and glue candy sticks onto it.
  5. Tie them with ribbon and make a bow.
  6. Place a handle for the future basket inside the box, having previously smeared it with glue in the right places. Let it dry.
  7. If you take fruit, you must wash and dry it.
  8. Mix with candies and pour inside the box.
  9. Coat the handle with glue and wrap it in satin ribbon.
  10. Spread artificial flowers over the surface and you're done.

Tip: to make the basket even more beautiful, you can tie another bow on the handle.

Juice and candy cake

Necessary components: about 10-20 packages of small juice (0.2-0.25 l each), disposable rubber bands, several satin ribbons, several Snickers bars, Twix, Bounty and several Barney biscuits, cake mats of different diameters, three round boxes from cookies of different diameters, double-sided tape.

How to assemble:

  1. Grease the round boxes with glue from the bottom and place them evenly on substrates of the appropriate size.
  2. Place juice packs around the largest box.
  3. Put on rubber bands to prevent the juices from moving and the cake from falling apart.
  4. Next, tie ribbons over the elastic bands so that they are not visible.
  5. Place the second box with the backing on top and secure it.
  6. Cover the entire box with tape and attach the bars to it, alternating them with each other.
  7. Tie it with ribbon again to make it look more beautiful.
  8. Attach the third backing to the box, which is already covered with tape.
  9. Glue the Barney biscuits and wrap with tape, but lightly so as not to crush the sweets.
  10. Decorate the top of the cake to taste.

Tip: to make the substrates bright, they can be covered with fabric or corrugated paper.

Gift for newlyweds

Necessary components: different types of candy (including sticks like Twix), backing, corrugated paper of the desired color, double-sided tape, satin ribbons, round box.

How to assemble:

  1. To begin, the round box must be glued to the backing. Double-sided tape will help with this.
  2. Next, wrap the top and sides of the box with corrugated paper, again using adhesive tape.
  3. Glue candy sticks around, and on top some regular ones (to taste).
  4. Tie the candies that are glued to the side with ribbon, and the cake is ready!

Tip: To give your cake a special meaning, you can use themed additions. For example, a figurine of the bride and groom, two doves or a yin and yang sign.

If your task is to make a cake from sweets, then you can use not only them. You can also add waffles, chewing gum, chocolates, candy bars, and sweet dragees like M&M’s.

To make the cake original, use additives. This could be whole nuts, small or light fruits, flowers, alcohol (unless the cake is for children), sprigs of cotton or spruce/pine. For children, you can add cars or small dolls.

It’s not enough just to assemble a cake as a gift. It definitely needs to be turned into something unusual! The least you can do is wrap it in clear film (often used in bouquets) and tie a ribbon on top. Don't forget to make a bow!

To really please an adult with this cake, you can use a bottle of some kind of alcohol instead of a round box (inner base). For example, champagne, wine, cognac, liqueur or anything else that the birthday person loves.

For those who don't have a round cookie or candy box, you can also use a tin can. It doesn’t sound like much, of course, but if you wrap it in paper or cloth, no one will guess. Or try cutting out a cardboard box yourself.

You can stick not only ordinary candles into a children's cake, but also fireworks. Imagine how delighted the youngest guests will be. Give them a real holiday! For this purpose, by the way, it is better to use not a substrate, but polystyrene foam or small pieces/layer of oasis (floral sponge). Fireworks will fit better in them, and you won’t have to tape or glue them.

If you are going to a themed party, be sure to check the dress code. If you need a certain color, then this is not a problem. Just select the candies of the desired color and play with the shades. It will turn out unusual, because most often these cakes are multi-colored.

A candy cake is an ideal gift for any event. Be sure to save our “recipes” and recommendations for their preparation. They are made quite simply, so there should definitely not be any difficulties! Good luck!

With my own hands. But it turns out that you can make it from sweets and other materials amazing compositions, which will be wonderful sweet gifts for your loved ones and will please the eye.

Candy compositions are suitable for any festive occasion and will appeal to everyone: women, children, and men. We offer you several master classes on making the most popular compositions from sweets with your own hands. Once you know the basics, you can use a little imagination and come up with your own compositions.

DIY candy basket

Basket of sweets- one of the simplest candy compositions that can be easily made using a paper base. To make a neat basket, they usually use candies in the form long sticks.

To work you will need:

- Candies

Loose colored cardboard

Double sided tape

- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Long chocolates bend your ponytails, gluing them to the sides using double-sided tape.

2) For the basket you will need a cardboard base, which you can make yourself, or use a ready-made one. Measure the height of the candy and measure a rectangle on a piece of cardboard a width corresponding to the height of the candy, and a long one, depending on the size of your future basket.

Staple a sheet of paper into a mold cylinder and secure the edges with a stapler. On 300 grams a basket of sweets is obtained with the diameter 7-8 centimeters.

3) You need to glue it to the bottom of the cylinder round bottom. To do this, you can use a circle of loose paper, folding the edges and gluing them with glue on the outside. Then glue it onto loose paper cardboard circle, which corresponds to the diameter of the bottom of the cylinder.

4) Stick strips of double-sided tape in the upper and lower parts of the outer side of the cylinder.

5) Then start attaching one at a time candies.

6) You should get something like this simple basket:

7) As an addition, decorate the basket with a bow, bandaging a row of candies. The basket is ready. Now you can put other candies in it or make several corrugated paper flowers.

Laptop made from candy

This original candy gift can be used as the basis for many other compositions. A laptop can be easily made from a candy box, which is decorated with sweets on the outside. The box should have an opening and closing lid that will serve as a “monitor” for the composition laptop. If you do not have a suitable box, you can make the base of the product from a piece of polystyrene foam.

To work you will need:

- Candies (flat and rectangular)

Foam plastic (thickness – 2 cm)

Glitter paper

Printed page showing the Windows splash screen

Paper knife

thick wire

- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Lay out flat candies to get outline of the future laptop and trace the outline with a pen.

2) Cut out the foam along the contour two identical rectangles, then wrap each one in glitter paper or foil. These will be the main parts of the laptop - the monitor and keyboard.

3) Take the first piece and glue it in the center a printout with a computer screensaver.

4) Post it flat long candy on all sides of the picture.

5) Lay out the candies and glue them to the second blank, which will be keyboard. For example, this is how you can use more tall rectangular candies to get the keys:

6) Glue the candies to outside of the laptop.

7) Cover with candies sides of blanks, then only on three sides. You will need the fourth side of each of them for fastening. To do this, use thick wire, sticking it into the end of the monitor.

8) Bend wire at the desired angle and insert the other end into the keyboard blank. To connect it to the monitor.

9) You will end up with an open laptop.

Here are some more options laptop made from candy, which will be a great gift for your beloved men with a sweet tooth:

DIY candy tree

Very popular gifts for any special occasion - candy trees. There are several ways to make them, but the principle is the same: a round base, a leg and a pot.

Option 1:

This version of a candy tree is the simplest. To make the craft it will take you no more than an hour. A variety of trees can be made from this product. It all depends on your imagination.

To work you will need:

- Candies of different shapes (about 50 pieces)

Old newspapers

Wooden stick for the trunk

Glass or vase

Decorations (ribbons, colored paper)

- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Make it from newspapers small ball of desired diameter and wrap it with threads so that it does not unravel. Stick a wooden stick at the bottom, which will serve as the trunk of your tree.

2) Stick the lower end of the stick into a glass or vase and strengthen it somehow so that the barrel does not tilt. For example, you can fill a vase with the same newspapers or use a piece of foam. The base for your tree is ready.

3) Make sure the barrel stood tightly in the vase and did not fall when you decorate your tree with candies and other details. Start by attaching the candies. They can be glued using a glue gun. Better to use flat bottom candy, then it will be easy for you to unwrap them right on the tree and eat them.

As a basis for trees, you can take other, more professional materials, for example, foam ball and plastic stick, which can be found in specialized craft stores:

You can use it as a base liquid gypsum, which, once hardened, will tightly hold the barrel.

Working with plaster will take a little longer, although the wood will end up looking like this more stable and reliable.

Option 2:

Original trees can be made from candy "Chupa Chups" or others sweets on sticks. Moreover, these will not be simple candy trees: each such mini-tree will represent one candy.

To work you will need:

- Candy on sticks

Mastic (edible plasticine)

Sprinkles for cakes of different colors


Decorations for pots

Gypsum or hardening plastic

- Water

Let's get started:

1) Insert the lollipop into the thimble and secure it with plaster or any other material, which is suitable (for example, clay or salt dough). Allow the base to harden.

2) After unwrapping the candy, wrap it fondant and form into a ball correct form.

3) After wetting with water, place the candy in a container with sprinkles and roll it so that small particles stuck to the tree.

4) Decorate the thimble ribbons or wrap it in foil. Your candy tree is ready.

In a similar way you can do a big tree from round chewing gum.

Candy tree (master classes):

DIY candy cake

Candy cake– an original gift for a birthday or other holiday, as well as a beautiful craft that is easy to make. The composition is decorated candy flowers, which can be made from corrugated paper. You can read more about candy flowers.

To work you will need:

- Candies

Corrugated paper


Ribbons for decoration

Cardboard box

- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Cut out cake blanks from thick sheets of foam plastic: one larger, the other smaller. The size of the “cakes” will depend on you. Paste over the blanks corrugated paper, leaving beautiful edges on top.

2) Also cover with colored paper cardboard box, which you place on the top level and in which you can put small gifts and toys.

3) Cover the top of the foam blanks with the same paper and set all levels on top of each other, securing them well.

This is the basis for your future cake. Now you can decorate it with candies. For example, you can place candy flowers and bouquets on top of it, or cover the sides with candy by placing the sweets on glue or double-sided tape.

This composition can be made from the same foam base, cutting it in the shape of a triangle. It will work out piece of candy cake.

One-tier candy cake from long and round candies and paper flowers:

This original cake is made from broken chocolate bars. Kitkat and decorated with jelly beans on top M&M's. Not bad idea for a children's party or birthday. The chocolate bars were probably used without a base and were held together with tape.

Candy grapes master class

Bunch of grapes made from sweets is an excellent and very original gift for those with a sweet tooth. It can be used as a separate gift, or used to decorate any composition: cake, bouquet, and so on.

Option 1:

To work you will need:

- Round candies in wrapper

Wire for bouquets

Details for decoration - leaves, ribbons, ladybugs, etc.

- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Make blanks for the bunch. To do this, apply tape to each candy attach the wire.

2) Then collect several candies (5-6 pieces) together and secure with tape or tape. For example, you can use colored tape that matches the color of the wrapper, then the fasteners will not be visible.

3) Do several small grapes, which you will then attach to thicker wire.

4) When the whole bunch is ready, decorate it with leaves, ribbons and other decorations.

With the help of such clusters you can decorate gift bottle of wine:

Gifts are always a problem. No matter how long we know a person, how much money we have, on the eve of the holiday we will still rack our brains over what to give. In addition to the gift itself, as a rule, flowers and sweets are often included with it. Pleasant, but hackneyed - what could be more formal than a box of chocolates, which, on occasion and necessity, we present to doctors, teachers, and housing and communal services workers. That is why, recently, faceless chocolate sets have been replaced by homemade candy cakes.

Thus, the essence does not change - a sweet addition is attached to the main gift. But appreciate the difference in the approach - in the first case, it is a duty box bought in a nearby store, and in the second, it is a handmade work of art, into which one puts one’s soul and good attitude towards a person. Of course, it’s easier to order a beautiful cake and craftswomen who have been doing this professionally for a long time, but it won’t be the same. Therefore, we invite you to try making a cake from sweets yourself, guided by master classes, thanks to which even those who have never done hand-made can get cute cakes.

New Year's candy cake for children and adults: how to make?

We will need:

  • circles made of foam, of arbitrary height (focus on the height of the selected candies), the following sizes in diameter: 25.4 cm, 20.3 cm, 15.2 cm, 10.2 cm, 7.6 cm;
  • candies (the quantity depends on their size);
  • New Year-themed wrapping paper;
  • artificial needles, bow, mistletoe leaves for decoration;
  • glue gun

Making a chocolate cake with your own hands is not very difficult. To do this, you need to be creative and use the right products.

There are many ways to decorate such a delicacy. In this article we will present the most popular and simple recipes, which will not require much effort and time to implement.

DIY chocolate cake. Master Class

If you don’t want to bake biscuits or cakes, then we suggest making one for which you only need chocolates and a set of stationery.

So how to make a chocolate cake with your own hands? To do this you need to prepare:

  • chocolate bars in wrappers (such as Mars, Snickers, Milkyway, Twix, etc.) - at your discretion;
  • cardboard (not very thick);
  • wrapping paper;
  • scissors, glue, single-sided tape, double-sided adhesive tape;
  • confetti or crepe paper.

Making a frame

Before you make a chocolate cake with your own hands, you need to make a frame. For this we decided to use regular cardboard. It is cut into two strips 10 cm wide. In this case, one strip should be longer than the other.

By gluing the ends of the cardboard, you should get two end-to-end cylinders, the diameters of which are 25 and 15 cm, respectively. After this, they begin to create the lid. To do this, circles are cut out of cardboard, the diameter of which also corresponds to 25 and 15 cm. They are glued to the cylinders with tape and beautifully wrapped in multi-colored gift paper. If you don’t have one, then you can use regular candy wrappers.

As soon as the cylinders are ready, they are placed on top of each other (small on large) and carefully secured with tape.

As a result of the described actions, you should get a beautiful frame for the future two-story cake.

Decoration process

Making a chocolate cake with your own hands is much faster than a classic sponge cake dessert. Moreover, such a delicacy turns out to be very original. By preparing it for your child, you will give him a huge amount of positive emotions.

So how should you make your own chocolate cake? To do this, we need a regular double-sided one. It is attached to the back of the wrapped bars, and then the protective layer is carefully removed and glued to the lower tier of the frame.

The chocolates should be placed very tightly in this way. If at the very end you have too little space left for a standard candy bar, then you can purchase a narrower candy in a wrapper.

The second tier of the frame is decorated in a similar way.

After the sides of the cake are covered with chocolate, its free upper parts are sprinkled with confetti or shredded corrugated paper.

How to serve?

As you can see, making a chocolate cake with your own hands (a photo of the dessert is presented in this article) is not so difficult. After it is formed, it must be placed on a beautiful flat dish and served.

The big advantage of this delicacy is not only the speed of its preparation and the absence of heat treatment, but also the ability to store it not in the refrigerator, but at room temperature (just not in the sun).

Making it out of candy

A handmade cake made from chocolates and sweets will definitely delight your children. This delicacy can be decorated in different ways. If you want to get a tall dessert consisting of several tiers, then we suggest using this recipe. To implement it we will need:

  • circles made of dense foam plastic of arbitrary height (you need to focus on the height of the candies), the diameter of which is 25, 20, 15, 10 and 7 cm, respectively;
  • any large candies;
  • any wrapping paper;
  • mistletoe leaves, artificial pine needles, bow for decoration;
  • glue gun

Step by step cooking process

How to make a cake from chocolates and sweets with your own hands? First you need to process the main ingredient. Small chocolates or large candies need to be wrapped in gift paper to make them look similar in appearance. If you purchased the treat in the same wrapper, then this procedure can be omitted.

Foam circles should also be treated separately. To do this, they are wrapped in gift paper, which is secured with Next, all the circles are stacked on top of each other, starting from largest to smallest. At the same time, they are well connected to each other.

After preparing the frame and sweets, they begin to form the cake. It is done exactly the same way as described above. A small amount of glue is applied to the back of the candies, and then they are pressed firmly against the side surfaces of the frame.

Final stage

After all the candies are glued to the foam circles, start decorating the cake. For this purpose, bows and mistletoe leaves are used.

Having strictly followed all the described steps, you should get a very tall and beautiful dessert. It should be served on a large cake plate along with a cup of tea.

DIY chocolate cakes: step-by-step photos, preparation

Above we have presented to your attention two ways to make dessert from chocolates and candies at home. Such recipes are especially popular among those who do not know how to bake.

If you like to tinker with dough, then you can make a birthday cake with chocolates using a home-baked sponge cake. We will tell you exactly how to implement this recipe right now. For this we need:

Preparing the biscuit

Before you create a cake from Kinder chocolates with your own hands, you should prepare a sponge cake. To do this, add sugar to the egg yolks and rub vigorously with a spoon. Next, beat the whites to stiff peaks and add them to the yolks.

After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, add cocoa (four large spoons) and light sifted flour. The result is a fluffy and homogeneous dough with a viscous consistency. It is placed in a greased form and sent to the oven.

The chocolate sponge cake is baked for about an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. After the specified time has passed, it is taken out, placed on a cake pan and cooled. After this, the biscuit is cut into two identical cake layers.

Cream preparation process

It is better to use butter cream for this cake. It will allow you to hold the chocolates together well and get a very beautiful and original dessert.

To prepare the cream, beat the butter vigorously using a mixer, and then gradually add the remaining cocoa and condensed milk to it. By thoroughly mixing the ingredients, you get a very fluffy and aromatic chocolate mass.

Forming the cake

This dessert is easy and simple to form. First, the surface of one of the cakes is thoroughly greased with butter cream and sprinkled with a small amount of M&M's candies. After that, it is covered with a second sponge cake. Pressing the cakes tightly, they are evenly greased with the remaining cream (including the side parts of the semi-finished product).

If you think that the dessert will be too dry, then the sponge cake should be pre-soaked in some syrup.

After the described steps, you get the classic one. Of course, it can be used in this form. However, it will be better if the delicacy is decorated with chocolates.

Decoration process

Decorating a cake from Kit-Kat chocolates with your own hands follows the same principle as in the two previous recipes. To do this, the waffle delicacy is alternately attached to the side surface of the dessert. If you've used enough buttercream, the chocolates should hold up pretty tightly. By the way, instead of Kit-Kat, you can use similar products like Kinder. If desired, these chocolates can be combined by sticking them alternately to the side surface of the cake.

If it seems to you that the products are not holding well, then they must be additionally secured with a beautiful satin ribbon. This way your cake will definitely not fall into pieces, but will turn out even more original.

After the side parts of the dessert are covered with columns of chocolate, they begin to decorate the surface of the homemade delicacy. For this we decided to use M&M's. It is simply placed on the surface of the cake, and then sprinkled with confectionery shavings of a contrasting color.

How to serve at the holiday table?

Unlike the cakes presented above, a chocolate dessert based on a sponge cake should be kept in the refrigerator for several hours. This is necessary so that the cakes are well saturated with cream and syrup.

Then the cake with chocolates is served to the table. It is carefully cut into pieces (for example, three chocolates on the side) and served to guests along with a glass of tea.

Let's sum it up

Now you know the simplest and most popular recipes for cakes with chocolates and candies. By putting these methods into practice, you are sure to get incredibly beautiful and delicious desserts that are ideal for any holiday table.

By showing your imagination, you can come up with your own methods. Success in creativity!

    You can make a variety of crafts from sweets, cakes with your children and bring them to kindergarten. It’s very good for the kids to then separate such a cake into separate candies, if there are candies in there and not candy wrappers.

    It turns out very festive and elegant.

    The box should be made of cardboard and the walls should be lined with candies, and then covered and decorated beautifully.

    You can use candies like Kit-Kat, Kinder, Snikers and others.

    It’s not difficult to assemble a cake from Kit-Kat chocolates, you can put sponge cakes inside, chocolate candies like Skitls, mamp;ms are poured on top, you can make decorations from mastic like toys, animals, birds and cartoon characters (Angri Birds, Minions):

    Here is a cake you can make from sweets and chocolates for the New Year:

    Here is a step-by-step technique to perform visually:

    Now it has become very fashionable for a child’s birthday to bring to kindergarten not just sweets and cookies in a bag and then distribute them to your classmates, but to make a magnificent masterpiece of sweets and please the whole group.

    There are many options. You can try to decorate the cake yourself or order it from a professional.

    There is nothing complicated here. The most important thing is your imagination and building material: Barney, waffles, candy bars, lollipops, dragees, juices, chocolates, kinder surprises, marmalade, ribbons, corrugated paper, etc.

    You can make a cake from sweets and chocolates yourself. It's not difficult at all. To make your masterpiece, prepare - candies, preferably large ones, corrugated paper, ribbons, bows, artificial flowers, as well as a cardboard frame - it can be made from cardboard, or use a cardboard box from a store-bought cake. By the way, for such a cake you can use children’s favorite Kinders, and even soft toys for decoration, and the shape of the cake does not have to be standard (round or square) - you can make a cake in the shape of a ship (for a boy)