
Early pension provision for civil aviation workers. Tax and accounting. Pension payments to Russian military pilots

Good afternoon How is length of service calculated for calculating pensions for civil aviation flight personnel?

Lawyers' answers: 2





1. When calculating the length of service for assigning pensions to flight personnel, the following is considered:

a) every 20 hours of flight time on airplanes (except for the flight time and work provided for in subparagraphs “b” - “d” of this paragraph) - for one month of service;

b) every 12 hours of flight time: on helicopters, in aviation for special applications (medical flights, aerochemical work, aerial photography, patrolling, atmospheric sounding and other types of work); in the positions of flight personnel of escort groups for foreign aircraft (leaders); in positions of command-flight and flight-instructor staff, including in higher and secondary educational institutions for training and advanced training of aviation flight personnel - for one month of service;

c) one year of work as part of an aircraft flight crew in emergency rescue (search and rescue) units - for one and a half years of service;

d) one year of work as a flight crew in educational and sports aviation organizations of DOSAAF - for one and a half years of service, subject to the fulfillment of the flight training plan, and when performing elements of complex or aerobatics - for two years of service;

e) one year of work in the positions provided for in paragraph 4 of the List of positions of flight personnel, work in which gives the right to a pension for long service - for one and a half years of service, subject to the annual norm of jumping from piston aircraft, helicopters, airships and balloons, descents (ascents) on special descent (lifting) devices from helicopters hovering at a height of at least 10 meters, and when fulfilling the annual norm of jumps from jet aircraft and helicopters - for two years of service.

If the conditions that give the right to preferential calculation of length of service in accordance with subparagraphs “d” and “e” are not met, one year of work is counted as one year of service.

2. Calculation of periods of service in accordance with subparagraphs “a” and “b” of paragraph 1 is carried out by dividing the actual flight hours for the entire period of work in flight personnel positions by 20 and 12 hours, respectively. Annualized service is determined by dividing the number of full months of service by 12.

3. When performing various jobs specified in paragraph 1 during the year, length of service is calculated in proportion to the duration of flying hours (employment) at each job.

4. The length of service of flight personnel includes:

time of service in positions of flight personnel of the Armed Forces of the USSR and work in positions of flight test personnel - in the manner established for the assignment of pensions, respectively, to military personnel and flight test personnel;

time of work abroad as a flight crew of foreign civil aviation - in the manner established by paragraph 1 for the relevant types of flight work, subject to payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the RSFSR (for the period of work starting from 1992);

time of study at higher educational institutions of aviation, if this was preceded by work in flight positions - according to the actual duration;

the time of paid parental leave provided to women - the duration established by law.

5. The length of service of flight personnel for the period of work before January 1, 1992, at the choice of the person applying for a pension, is calculated according to the rules in force before the specified date.

6. The length of service of employees performing air traffic control also includes work as an aviation flight crew.

7. The length of service of engineering and technical personnel also includes work as an aviation flight crew and work in air traffic control.

8. The length of service of engineering and technical staff and air traffic control employees includes work in aviation flight personnel, calculated in the manner established by paragraph 1 for the relevant types of work.


In accordance with the norms of Federal Law No. 173-FZ*, the following categories of civil aviation workers enjoy the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension:
-Men who have worked for at least 25 years and women for at least 20 years in the flight crew of civil aviation, and when leaving flight work for health reasons - men who have worked for at least 20 years and women - at least 15 years in the flight crew of civil aviation. Civil aviation flight personnel include: aircraft crew members, flight instructors, flight command personnel, parachutists of all types. For parachutists, a mandatory condition is to fulfill the jumping norm; when working in DOSAAF, it is to fulfill the flight training plan.
-Men upon reaching the age of 55 years and women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they have worked in direct control of civil aviation flights for at least 12 years 6 months and at least 10 years, respectively, and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20, respectively. years.
-Men upon reaching the age of 55 years and women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they have worked in engineering and technical personnel in direct maintenance of civil aviation aircraft for at least 20 and 15 years, respectively, and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years. The main condition for the early assignment of this type of pension is direct full-time employment in work on operational and periodic (warranty) airfield maintenance of aircraft in aircraft parking lots and other open areas of the airfield (except for those employed in the specified work in off-airfield conditions in special equipped premises).
-Men upon reaching the age of 50 years and women upon reaching 45 years of age, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 10 years and 7 years 6 months as air traffic controllers, air traffic controllers-instructors, senior air traffic controllers, flight directors performing direct air traffic control in airport areas, air hubs, in airfield control rooms, regional, auxiliary centers and sectors, local control centers with the highest intensity or complexity of traffic, flight attendants.
Pensions for civil aviation workers are assigned and paid regardless of the fact of dismissal from flight work.
Citizens can apply for a pension at any time after the right to it arises, without any time limit. An application for a pension is submitted in person (by mail) or through a representative who has the appropriate power of attorney to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.
To assign an old-age labor pension, a standard list of documents is provided, as well as documents confirming special experience (flight record book, certificate of flight hours or certificates confirming the preferential nature of the work).
In addition, for members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft, in accordance with Federal No. 155-FZ**, additional pension payments are provided.

Civil aviation pilot is a difficult and responsible profession. During the flight, the aviator is responsible not only for himself, but also for the lives of the passengers on board. Not many people choose this type of work, so the labor market offers pilots decent wages and comfortable working conditions. We will tell you more about how much a civil airline aviator earns in the Russian Federation below.

Applicants for the position of civil aviation pilot must have a higher education with a pilot qualification and a line pilot certificate, approval for types of aircraft of a certain modification. Also, when hiring, preference is given to candidates with knowledge of English.

The pilot of the aircraft must:

  • Fly an airplane professionally;
  • Organize pre-flight and in-flight work in compliance with all safety regulations;
  • Be able to analyze the weather situation and make the right decisions based on the received weather data;
  • Monitor the technical condition of the vessel before the flight;
  • Operate the aircraft in full compliance with the Air Navigation Services Rules (AFM).

What does salary depend on?

The profession of an aviator has always been prestigious. Some guys are attracted to it by romance and an incomparable urge to get off the ground. Others think more commercially, choosing a profitable profession. They are primarily interested in how much passenger aircraft pilots earn per year. Although no one can name a clear standard amount, pilots’ salaries may vary monthly (as well as annual income), because they depend on many factors.

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Serviced equipment

The more prestigious the airline, the higher the earnings of the staff working there. For example, low-cost airlines pay their pilots much less due to the low cost of flights. Although even for companies that occupy the first positions in the ratings, the salary of a pilot servicing Boeing will differ from what an Airbus pilot receives.

There is no assignment of a team to a specific piece of equipment: today the personnel can be put on a regular flight, tomorrow they can be sent on a charter flight. This suggests that many pilots have the skills to fly their company's aircraft.

Flight hours

Without enough experience (in other words, flight hours), it is difficult to get a job at a prestigious airline. To gain practice, you will first have to get a job at small local airfields somewhere in the outback. Only with a sufficient track record will a pilot be able to break into a large airline, but even there he will not immediately become a ship commander. Having achieved what you want, you cannot always hope for salary stability, because it is not charged at a monthly rate. Hourly wages are taken into account, so monthly earnings directly depend on how many flights were flown during the reporting period (as well as their duration). The minimum monthly norm is 65 hours. The more the pilot is involved in his profession, the more he will receive.

Pilot qualification

One of the most decisive factors in employment is the qualifications of the candidate. It is confirmed by a special document. This can be obtained by completing training at specialized flight schools.

There are several main pilot qualifications:

  • amateurs (minimum 42 hours flight time required);
  • linear;
  • civil aviation pilots;
  • pilot of ultra-light aircraft.

Any training is carried out in accordance with legal requirements. There are a number of skills and knowledge that a candidate for a license must possess:

  1. Knowledge of planning theory and practice.
  2. Proficiency in pre-flight preparation.
  3. Perform basic maneuvers.
  4. Excellent knowledge of air traffic rules.
  5. Be able to land and lift an aircraft.

How are things going in Russia?

In our country, the problem of pilot shortage is quite acute. Despite the fact that the population of our country is 140,000,000 people, it is quite difficult to find the required number of pilots among them. Therefore, first of all, many airlines are trying to lobby for the lifting of the ban on accepting tax non-residents as first civil aviation pilots. It is this reason that forces both Aeroflot and private companies to make all sorts of concessions, which include not only excessively high salaries, but also a colossal number of various additions, bonuses and benefits. Therefore, the costs of companies for maintaining flight personnel are very high.

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Let’s look at the earnings of a domestic aviation pilot using the example of the well-known state company Aeroflot. Just 2 years ago, airline salaries were as follows:

  1. 290,000 rubles (with 85 flight hours per month).
  2. 340,000 rubles (if the pilot’s schedule includes 90 or more flight hours).

Now on the official website of Aeroflot, in the recruitment advertisement, a salary of 400,000 rubles is listed. Although the pilots themselves claim that the average salary is actually lower.

Depending on the region

In Russia, pilot salaries vary greatly depending on the region. In first place is the Tyumen region, where the average salary for pilots is 222,592 rubles, then it is distributed as follows by region:

  • Omsk - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Tomsk - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Irkutsk - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Republic of Tatarstan - 140 thousand rubles;
  • Moscow region - 115,767 rubles;
  • Khabarovsk Territory - 104,250 rubles.
  • Magadan region - 55,500 rubles.

Privileges, benefits and bonuses

Each airline, in addition to high salaries, provides pilots with an extensive social package, including various bonuses and benefits. This is done to attract experienced pilots and keep its flight crew from tempting offers from competitors. For example, in order to attract pilots, Aeroflot offers one-time payments when applying for a job. The first and second pilots receive remuneration in the amount of a month's salary. The annual paid leave for pilots is 70 days.

Compared to European holidays, this figure is more than twice as high. Aeroflot also provides numerous benefits for keeping children in child care institutions, paying for housing, and transport. Employees have the right to discounted air tickets and a pension supplement. The airline monitors the health of its employees: provides vouchers to sanatoriums, equips sports grounds and gyms.

In addition, the leading Russian air carrier annually indexes wages with inflation.

When do pilots retire and how much do they earn?

What is the salary of Aeroflot pilots, many citizens of the Russian Federation are interested. To take a well-deserved vacation, men only need to have 20 years of experience (at least 6,000 hours), while women need to have 15 years of experience and at least 4,800 flight hours.

The payment consists of two parts:

  1. Insurance pension (formed from pension contributions);
  2. Additional payment.

The second part is calculated using the following formula:


Where: C = the amount of social security and in 2019 is equal to 5034.25 rubles; SP - insurance pension; ST - exceeding the minimum length of service, calculated in whole years.

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Hello, in this article we will try to answer the question “What is the pension for civil aviation pilots in Russia.” You can also consult with lawyers online for free directly on the website.

We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

The Pension Fund has established additional payments for civil aviation flight crew members. The bonus is assigned to flight crew members of civil aviation aircraft whose length of service is more than twenty-five years for men, twenty for women. Of these, for men, twelve and a half years - in flying an airplane or helicopter for men, ten - for women.

These subsidies were approved by official resolution No. 115 of March 14, 2003. The calculation of seniority for the formation of pension payments to aviation crew employees takes into account the following points:

  • education in aviation universities with preliminary work in flight positions;
  • twenty flight hours of an airline employee are considered one calendar month;
  • twelve hours of helicopter flights accompanied by foreign aircraft, as well as as trainers in educational institutions that train and retrain civil aviation flight crews, are counted as a full calendar month;
  • workers of search and rescue units are calculated in the equivalent of one to one and a half;
  • employees of sports aviation organizations, the Voluntary Society for the Promotion of the Army, Aviation and Navy receive a year or two of work experience per calendar year worked (if the minimum program is completed - one and a half, when performing complex figures - two);
  • each year of work of the parachute services for one and a half years of work experience.

Purpose and amount of payments to military pilots in 2019

Separately, it is worth mentioning the flight attendants. Men who have worked for at least ten years as flight attendants can retire at the age of 50, while women need to “fly off” for seven and a half years and then they will be granted a pension at the age of 45. The pension is granted early if the insurance period is at least 20 years for men and 15 years for women.

On labor pensions and additional payments to pensions for flight crew members of civil aviation aircraft from August 1, 2014.

The PLS of Russia often receives requests for clarification on the procedure for establishing an early pension.

Now several Russian airlines are planning to create their own training flight squad. This is how these air carriers are trying to solve the problem of an acute shortage of personnel. According to preliminary estimates, within a few years there will be no one to pilot airplanes in our country.

Rules for calculating pensions for civil aviation pilots

Individual registration Until 2002, a citizen was required to provide proof of employment and salary level when assigning a pension. Today the system has been simplified. Each citizen has a personal account into which contributions are made, both by the employer and, if desired, by the citizen himself.

K is the coefficient for the share of the average salary, which is 0.55 when working out a full length of service (20 and 25 years) and an increase of 0.1 for each subsequent overtime year (maximum coefficient 0.75).

If it becomes impossible to work due to health reasons, then you can receive a labor pension as a former civil aviation pilot if your work experience as a flight personnel is 15 years or 20 years, depending on the gender of the pensioner.

The shortage of pilot personnel is especially acute in remote regions of the country. “We haven’t had any young specialists for ten years,” the ship’s commander, Vladimir Shaposhnikov, admitted to NI. — The average age of our pilots is approaching 50 years. There is virtually no one to retrain for new aircraft. Boeing used to retrain pilots up to 45 years old, but now the limit has been changed - up to 50 years old.”

Video: “Early retirement in 2019 according to the law”

In addition, as an additional guarantee of social security in connection with dangerous and stressful working conditions, an additional payment to the pension of flight crew members of civil aviation aircraft is provided (paid from funds received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from organizations employing the labor of flight crew members).

On the territory of Ukraine, since 2018, amendments to the law have been in force, on the basis of which, in order to receive a pension, a member of the flight crew must fly not for 20 and 25 years, but for 25 and 30 years.

If we talk about a retired pilot living in Moscow, you need to contact the department that is closer to the citizen’s registration address.

Flight experience is calculated by dividing flight hours by the established standard hours per month. For airplanes this norm is 20 hours, for helicopters – 12 hours.

That is, we can leave after 12.5 years of work. But for some reason pilots have small pensions. Therefore, everyone tries to fly 12 thousand hours (24 years of work), for which they give the maximum pension. But it doesn’t even reach 10 thousand rubles. And the average pension is six thousand rubles.” Pilots say that this amount is several times less than their salary.

In the meantime, it is not possible to get a job at a large airline, many college graduates go to work in small companies, for example, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and fly on aircraft such as the AN-2.

For each missing year of service, 2% is deducted. An additional 10% of average earnings is provided for test pilots. The maximum limitation on accrued payments is 75% of the established amount.

It’s better not to ask how much pilots in a small airline earn; their salary is quite comparable to the national average. But after working here for two years, you can send your resume to major airlines - there will be offers.

We hope that the article was useful to you. If you have any questions or legal nuances, we recommend writing to the online consultant form on our website.

At all times, the profession of an aviator was considered one of the most prestigious, in particular because of the level of salary. But, it is not enough to obtain a pilot's certificate and minimal practical experience to enjoy all the benefits of the profession. The salary of an aircraft “driver” directly depends on work experience, position held, hours worked and the organization in which the pilot works.

How much do pilots earn in the world?

Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” provides for the annual recalculation of pensions for working pensioners.

We must pay tribute to Vladimir Putin. During the election campaign, he said that this norm should be abolished in the CIS countries. We were not talking specifically about pilots, but in general about the workforce that could come to certain sectors of the Russian Federation. In my opinion, this would be a very correct decision. At the age of 35, our pilot can fly to Europe or Asia, fly there for 10 years and earn money.

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Renting a garage in Moscow will cost from 1 thousand to 20 thousand rubles. Drawing up a purchase and sale agreement A garage can be bought or sold like any other piece of real estate.

How much do aircraft pilots earn in Russia and abroad...

Therefore, when intending to purchase country property in this way, you should make sure that it: is located on land of a suitable category; is a permanent building with walls and a foundation; equipped with all necessary communications. Purchasing a dacha using maternity capital will be possible only if it fully complies with the specified parameters. For civil aviation flight personnel, pensions are accrued immediately after length of service and are retained by the citizen until the end of his life.

The work of professional pilots is highly valued in the world and in Russia in particular. Their salaries reach tens of thousands of dollars a year; in Russia, salaries can reach 300 thousand rubles a month.

The labor pension for civil aviation pilots is calculated at 55% of average earnings and increases by 1% for each year of service exceeding the established one.

In addition to the fact that you need to study very well and for a long time, you need to undergo regular medical examinations, and for this you need to have excellent health. We should not forget that the pilot’s profession is dangerous and his life is constantly insured.

In case of preferential dismissal from a detachment for good reasons, the length of service criteria are reduced by five years: 20 and 15 (men and women, respectively).

When applying for an additional pension payment, a former civil servant goes through the same algorithm as for other reasons for additional payment.

You can apply for payments at any time after you become entitled to them. The application is submitted to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR).

Civil aviation pilot salary in Russia 2019

True, many large airlines conduct an exam in meteorology and aerodynamics when hiring. If you show it and pass it, then you are hired, but first you fly with an instructor, then a co-pilot, and only after that you will be entrusted with a plane with passengers. Now let’s take a closer look at what a pilot’s salary consists of.

According to representatives of the industry, it is necessary to change the principles of calculating salaries for pilots and all personnel, bringing the amount of salaries to a certain common denominator. The heads of top carriers are strongly against any changes, citing the fact that the existing system is fair.

The pilots recall that previously six institutions produced specialists, each producing 500 people a year. “Now we are asking, before it’s too late, to accept 700 people, and in 2009 - 750,” the general director of Aeroflot said at the council.
A centralized program to increase the salaries of airline employees is currently not being implemented. Representatives of the profession can expect a minimum salary increase as part of the annual indexation to the percentage of inflation.

Thus, the specific amount of state support is calculated based on the size of the social pension established for the period of dismissal of the test pilot.

In this case, professional service experience exceeding the legal limit of 20 and 25 flying years is taken into account.

The most common basis for granting early retirement among such workers is a pension in connection with work as a flight crew. To be appointed, a flight service of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women is required. The average pension for civil aviation flight personnel in the Rostov region is 19 thousand rubles.

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Pensions for flight test personnel in Russia

When performing various jobs during the year, the periods of work that give the right to early assignment of an old-age pension to civil aviation flight personnel are calculated in proportion to the duration of flying hours (employment) at each job.

When considering salaries in regional airlines, you can see a significant difference:

  • Tyumen region – 215-230 thousand rubles;
  • Primorye - 150,000 rubles;
  • Magadan region – 130-150 thousand rubles;
  • Moscow region – 120-130 thousand rubles.

The salary of an aircraft commander is the highest among crew members. The average salary in the country is 200 thousand rubles.

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PLC of Russia receives letters asking for clarification concerning the assignment of a labor pension in accordance withFederal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ and appointments (suspensions) of additional payments to pensions in accordance withFederal Law “On additional social security for members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft”dated November 27, 2001 No. 155-FZ .

The labor pension for civil aviation flight personnel is assigned in accordance with clause 13, clause 1, article 27 of Federal Law No. 173-FZwhich states that the old-age labor pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 7 of the Law (60 years for men and 55 years for women). For civil aviation flight personnel, age requirements do not apply. To qualify for a retirement pension, men must work for at least 25 years as a civil aviation flight crew, and women must work for at least 20 years as a civil aviation flight crew. When leaving flying work for health reasons, men must work for at least 20 years and women 15 years as civil aviation flight personnel.

For civil aviation flight personnel, a special procedure has been established for calculating special length of service - based on total flight hours. For those who flew airplanes as ordinary crew members, the entire flight time is divided by 20 and 12 and the length of service is obtained in years. For those who have flown helicopters (regardless of their position) in the command and instructor staff and special-purpose aviation, it is necessary to divide by 12 and 12 again.

Time spent studying at higher educational institutions of aviation, if it was preceded by work in flight positions, is counted according to the actual duration.

To obtain the right to a retirement pension, you must have at least the following flight hours: on airplanes, transport work 6,000 hours for men, 4,800 hours for women;

Helicopter flights are 3,100 hours for men and 2,480 hours for women.

With 25 years of service for men, the formula for calculating the conditional pension by which the accumulated pension capital is calculated uses a coefficient of 0.55, and with 45 years of service this coefficient will be 0.75.

Formula for calculating the conditional pension:

1671р x (0.55÷0.75) x 1.2

1671 rubles - the average salary in the country for 2000-2001, which was underestimated by 2 times compared to statistics

0.55 – coefficient for 25 years of service, then 0.01 is added for each subsequent year, but not more than 20 years

1.2 - the ratio of a pensioner’s earnings to the average salary in the country for the same period.

For flight personnel, this coefficient is much higher, but the limit is 1.2 for everyone except northerners.

Using this formula, a conditional pension is calculated for each employee, which is used to calculate the accumulated pension capital as of January 1, 2002. Starting from 2002. length of service is required only to obtain the right to a pension, and the amount of the pension itself will be the sum of the value calculated using the above formula, to which will be added insurance contributions made by the employer, which will be divided into years of survival (in 2012 they are equal to 18) and by 12. If the employee is younger 1967 birth, he will have an increase in the funded part of the pension.

Due to the decommissioning of Soviet-made aircraft, navigators, flight mechanics, flight engineers and pilots were left without work. Many cannot retrain for new aircraft for various reasons, and have not earned the right to early retirement.Sometimes 50-100 hours are not enough to reach 25 years of flight time. There is a need to complete the total length of service on earth and wait until the age of 60 to receive a pension.

PLC of Russia believes that since the work of flight crew members of civil aviation aircraft is recognized as harmful, dangerous, stressful, difficult and of a special nature, it is possible to receive an early pension in accordance with paragraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Law on Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation, which states: “The old-age labor pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 7 of this Federal Law to the following persons”:

    men upon reaching 50 years of age and women upon reaching the age of 45 years, if they have worked respectively for at least 10 years and 7 years 6 months in underground work,at work with hazardous working conditions and in hot shops and have insurance experience of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively.

If these persons have worked in the listed jobs for at least half of the period established above and have the required length of insurance experience, they are assigned a labor pension with a reduction in the age established by Article 7 of this Federal Law, by one year for each full year of such work - for men and women.

The problem of assigning early pensions to flight crews according to the above point is that flight crews are not included in the 1st list of hazardous work for which such pensions are awarded (for example, flight attendants at 45 and 50 years old, women and men). But there is another document. In accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 1999. No. 22, members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft (pilots, navigators, flight engineers, flight mechanics, flight radio operators, flight operators) have a 36-hour work week,when performing flight work for work under harmful, dangerous, stressful and difficult working conditions of a special nature.

Such working conditions were approved in 1997 by the “Sanitary and Hygienic Characteristics”(harmfulness, danger, tension, severity of labor of Russian civil aviation crew members) by the First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G.G. Onishchenko, Director of the Federal Aviation Service of Russia G.N. Zaitsev,which were agreed upon with the Russian PLC .

Also, in 1997, G.G. Onishchenko and G.N. Zaitsev approved, agreed with PLC of Russia and approved by the Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Association of Aviation and Space Medicine of Russia V.D. Vlasov“Medical justification” (the right to increased and early pension provision for flight personnel of the Russian Civil Aviation in connection with the risk of loss of professional ability to work under the influence of dangerous, harmful and stressful working conditions).

Regarding early pension provision for flight personnel in accordance with clause 1, clause 1, article 27 of the “Law on Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation,” the Russian PLC appealed to the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Once we receive a response, we will publish it in the newspaper.

On emerging problems in the implementation of Federal Law No. 155-FZ (additional payment to pensions), I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the material posted in the magazine “Pension” No. 6 for 2011.

The maximum pension supplement for February, March and April 2012 will be = 11615.45 rubles, collection rate - 0,295704980. As previously predicted, the amount of additional payment to pensions decreased compared to payments in November, December 2011, and January 2012. This happened because inIIIIn the quarter of 2011, financial resources from airlines providing payments were received by almost 300 million rubles more than inIVquarter due to the return of debts that were not paid on time. INIVIn the quarter of 2011, only current payments were received, which will finance payments in February, March, and April. The PLC of Russia predicted all this back in October and warned veterans that a significant increase in the additional payment to pensions was due to additional contributions received by debtors and from February 1, additional payments to pensions would decrease. After the adoption of amendments to Federal Law No. 155-FZ, which related to the introduction of mandatory monthly and quarterly reporting on accrued and paid contributions, fines and penalties for late payment of contributions, and clarification of the basis for calculating contributions, the payment discipline of airlines has significantly improved. Funds from airlines began to flow significantly more compared to previous years.

WITH 02/01/2012 The entire labor pension will be indexed by 7% and from 04/01/2012. by 2.4%.Previously, the basic and insurance parts of the pension were indexed separately. To receive a new pension amount from 02/01/2012. it is necessary to multiply the entire pension (without Moscow and regional allowances) by 1.07.

EDV (monthly cash payments) from 04/01/2012. will be increased by 6%.

WITH 01/01/2012 the aggregate rate of insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds has changed.In 2011 it was 34%. Of these, employers paid 26% to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (20% was spent on paying labor pensions and 6% was cut off for the funded part of the pension), 2.9% - to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, 3.1% and 2% - to the Federal and territorial compulsory health insurance funds, respectively.

From 01/01/2012 the rate of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund has been reduced from 26 to 22%. The base of each employee subject to insurance premiums has also been indexed, that is, the maximum annual earnings from which insurance premiums are paid. It will increase from 463 to 512 thousand rubles (on a monthly basis from 38.6 to 42.7 thousand rubles). An additional tariff for insurance premiums has been established above the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance premiums in the amount of 10%, which will be sent not to the individual accounts of the employee, but to the solidary part of the pension for current payments to today's pensioners. The burden on the wage fund from high earnings has increased and this does not please, including aviation employers.

To the hotline of the State Pension Fund of Russia No. 5 civil aviation pilot Viktor Vasilyev asked to inform how the new bill on retirement age would affect civil aviation pilots. In particular, he is afraid of losing preferential rights to early retirement.

The head of the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund No. 5 for Moscow and the Moscow region, Alexander Akimenko, advises.

Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed Russian citizens on the upcoming changes in the country's pension system, says A. Akimenko. - In particular, he softened a number of standards proposed in the government bill.

As for civil aviation flight specialists, clarifies A. Akimenko, their benefits were preserved in the original version of the bill adopted by the State Duma in the first reading this summer.

A. Akimenko recalled that in accordance with the developed draft federal law, early pensions will remain for civil aviation pilots, for civil aviation flight controllers, as well as for specialists working on civil aviation aircraft maintenance (men and women).

The right to early benefits will be retained by persons who have worked as flight test personnel and are directly involved in flight tests (research) of experimental and production aviation, aerospace, aeronautical and parachute equipment.

A. Akimenko noted that the right to early old-age pension is granted to men who have worked for at least 25 years as a civil aviation pilot, and to women who have worked for at least 20 years in positions in this category. When leaving flying work for health reasons, the required length of service is at least 20 years for men and 15 years for women. (The list of positions of aviation flight personnel, as well as periods of work in these positions in state and experimental aviation, was approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated September 4, 1991 N 459).

When calculating the length of service for assigning pensions to flight personnel, the following is considered:

20 hours of flight time on airplanes – per 1 calendar month;

12 hours of helicopter flight time – per 1 calendar month;

1 year of work as part of an aircraft flight crew in emergency rescue (search and rescue) units - for 1.5 years;

1 year of work as a flight crew in educational and sports aviation organizations of DOSAAF - for 1.5 calendar years, subject to the fulfillment of the flight training plan, when performing elements of complex or aerobatics - for 2 calendar years;

1 year of work as paratroopers of all types, rescuers, as well as paratroopers-firefighters of all types, air fire service instructors, heads of parachute (parachute rescue, search and rescue) units, employees of freelance and regular parachute groups performing parachute jumps or descents (ascents) on special descent (lifting) devices from helicopters located at an altitude of at least 10 meters - for 1.5 calendar years.

If you have the required length of service as members of flight crews of civil aviation ships, a monthly supplement to your pension is provided.

Our Office of the Pension Fund No. 5 is carrying out advance work with insured persons retiring in the next 12 months, including with citizens whose pensions are assigned early,” said A. Akimenko. - Providing documents in advance allows PFR specialists to create a pension (payment) file,, if necessary, request the necessary certificates from the archives of organizations (if they are not available) and assign a pension in a timely manner and in full.

Our information: The PRF branch for Moscow and the Moscow region pays pensions to 9,809 citizens included in the category of civil aviation flight personnel, of which 5,924 are in Moscow and 3,885 in the Moscow region.