
Deformation of nails and thickening of the plate on the big toe. Thickening toenails - causes and treatment How to treat thickened toenails

A healthy person's nails are no more than one millimeter thick and are transparent or pinkish in color. Sometimes the plate thickens, turns yellow and becomes deformed. The nail on the big toe is especially often affected. This is not only unsightly, but can also be a sign of a serious illness. Therefore, there is no need to mask this defect with varnish. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment will help restore your nails to their previous appearance.

Doctors explain why nails curl and thicken. All this is due to a systemic disease of the body with viruses, onychomycosis or injury. For these reasons, the nail may become layered, hard, and curved. The plates on the legs are most often damaged, but the arms can also be affected.

Mechanical damage to the nail plate

Tight and uncomfortable shoes lead to damage to the nail and disruption of its normal growth. The surface of the plate is regularly injured, it begins to intensively regenerate, forming a thick protective layer.

There is nowhere to grow forward due to tight shoes, so the nail grows upward and becomes noticeably thicker. It turns yellow, with an uneven surface that may be covered with cracks. The nail on the little toe is most often caused by shoes that are too small.

Obstructed blood flow in the extremities also leads to deformation of the nail plates. They change shape, become hard and compacted due to injury, inflammatory disease of the fingers or nail bed. Even an unsuccessful pedicure can lead to such a cosmetic defect. Flat feet or club feet also cause deformation and thickening of the nail.

The keratin plates on the legs become thick, yellow and thickened, usually due to an infectious or medical disease. A timely visit to a doctor will restore your nails to a healthy appearance and help you detect a serious illness in time.


Thick toenails most often occur due to fungal diseases, which affect every fourth person. Onychomycosis or fungus develops unnoticed at first. The patient usually notices signs of the disease in the later stages. Treating fungus is not easy and takes a lot of time. You should consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • the thickness of the nails increases, their color changes;
  • the plate is covered with cracks and begins to peel off;
  • white or yellow spots appear;
  • an unpleasant odor occurs;
  • the skin on the feet, especially in the interdigital area, peels and is very itchy;
  • If you smear an iodine solution on the affected nail, dark spots will appear on it with onychomycosis.

A fungal infection can be easily distinguished from a traumatic nail hardening by looking at the photo. With mycosis, the nail crumbles, and in advanced cases, peeling and yellowing may appear.

In older patients, keratin plates become distorted due to injury or illness, and not due to age-related changes. They also need full treatment. The cause of nail deformation can also be psoriasis, neuropathy, nutritional disorders and vitamin deficiency, and skin diseases.

For accurate diagnosis and treatment of foot fungus, you need to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will identify the causative agent of the disease and check its sensitivity to antifungal drugs. After this, the patient will be prescribed the necessary treatment. These can be products for external use, antifungal tablets, medications that normalize the immune system.

Treatment of thickened nails

Therapy for a damaged nail can begin only after an accurate diagnosis has been established. Each pathology has its own treatment regimen.

Help with nail plate injuries

If the deformation occurs as a result of injury, then over time the nail will completely recover. To speed up regeneration, you can try the following:

  • At first, shoes should be loose, preferably open. It is advisable to fix the nail with an adhesive plaster, try to reduce the load on the legs;
  • The injured area should be treated with anti-inflammatory and painkillers;
  • A few days after the injury, the nail is lubricated with troxevasin or heparin ointment. The medicine is used four times a day for a week;
  • Compresses made from bodyagi and soda will speed up recovery. Baths made from a decoction of plantain and yarrow also help restore damaged nails.

If the nail has become deformed due to narrow and small shoes, then a high-quality pedicure will partially solve this problem. But if the nail continues to be injured, the cosmetic defect will return. For a complete recovery, you need to change your shoes to looser ones.

Sea salt baths are used to quickly restore the nail. To do this, dissolve a few tablespoons of salt in two to three liters of hot water. After the bath, you need to carefully treat the nail with tongs and a nail file. Only its edge is cut off, cutting off the protruding fragments. The upper part of the deformed nail should not be touched, as this will lead to even greater growth. Weekly treatments will speed up recovery.


In order to cure nail fungus, medications and folk remedies are used. In the initial stage of the disease, mycosis can be destroyed with cream, gel or special varnish. In advanced forms, therapy is supplemented with antimycotic drugs for oral administration.

Fighting pathology on your own is dangerous. To accurately diagnose and prescribe the correct therapy, you need to consult a dermatologist.

Drug therapy

If the nail begins to change due to mycosis of the feet, then it can only be cured with medical means. They are used for a long time, several months, sometimes up to a year. The most commonly prescribed medications are:

  • Clotrimazole– ointment or cream. They lubricate the deformed nail twice a day for several months. Suppresses the growth of pathogenic fungi, prevents the development of their cells;
  • Lamisil cream. Destroys all types of mycoses. They lubricate the nail with it twice a day, and at the same time treat the skin of the feet with the medicine. Helps defeat mycosis, including old ones;
  • Exoderil– this cream is applied to the nails twice a day for six months;
  • Cyclopiroxolamine– antifungal agent, produced in the form of varnish, gel, cream. Penetrates into the deep layers of the nail, helps cure all types of pathogenic fungi. To treat the affected plates, it is convenient to use varnish, which is applied once a day for a month. Also helps to prevent nail fungus;
  • – solution or varnish. They treat nails two to three times a week. The drug cures advanced forms of mycosis and prevents infection of healthy surfaces. They are treated with it for a year.

If the disease is advanced or external medications cannot cure onychomycosis, then you have to get rid of the fungus with the help of tablets. The most commonly used drugs are:

  • Lamisil tablets. The drug is taken twice a day for two months. The medicine should not be prescribed for kidney disease;
  • Terbinafine. The tablets are taken once a day for six months;
  • Nizoral. Helps with all types of onychomycosis. Taken twice a day, it is also prescribed for the prevention of fungal diseases.

All antifungal tablets have many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, they are taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

How to treat thickened toenails with folk remedies

Folk remedies are also used to combat onychomycosis. They can treat the disease in the initial, unadvanced stage of the disease. Sometimes they are used as an adjunct to medications.

The best recipes against onychomycosis:

  • The iodine solution is dripped onto the nail or applied with a cotton swab. They are treated in this way for three to six months. There are allergies to iodine, so before starting treatment, check your body - apply a little solution to the skin and wait to see if there is any irritation;
  • Listerine. It is spread on the nail and rubbed in thoroughly. Another way is baths with Listerine. After steaming, trim the protruding parts of the nail;
  • A bath with hydrogen peroxide works well to fight fungus. To prepare it, add two tablespoons of peroxide to two to three liters of warm water. Treatment is carried out twice a day for one hour;
  • Three tablespoons of sea salt are dissolved in a bath of water. If you regularly steam your feet in it, the fungus will disappear over time;
  • Lemon juice removes onychomycosis. To do this, apply compresses from freshly squeezed juice twice a day. Apply the juice to a piece of cotton wool, apply it to the affected area and hold until completely dry;
  • A mixture of vinegar and glycerin is carefully applied to the deformed nail. They are treated in this way for a month.


To prevent thickening, deformation and separation of the nail plates, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Shoes should be loose and not injure your feet. Particular attention is paid to the thumbnail - it most often suffers from mechanical stress;
  • Daily foot care, baths with sea salt, medicinal herbs, lemon will help avoid fungal infection and improve the condition of the nails;
  • For beautiful and healthy plates you need to eat well and take vitamins regularly;
  • To prevent onychomycosis, you should not use someone else’s shoes, take special slippers to the beach, and dry yourself only with your own towel;
  • Elderly people need to be especially attentive to their nails, as fungal diseases progress rapidly at this age;
  • Mycosis multiplies quickly in a humid environment, so it is necessary to combat excessive sweating of the feet.

If you notice signs of foot fungus or deformation of the nail plate, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. Timely treatment will help get rid of the infection and return your nails to their former healthy appearance.

Video on topic

Of course, the nail plates on the toes are not as noticeable as on the hands. Especially in autumn and winter. And if a deformed nail appears, then a person will not pay much attention to it at first, believing that the thickening is just a cosmetic problem and going to see a specialist is a waste of time. But Tibetan doctors are confident that, for example, changes in color, shape, structure, as well as thickening of toenails have their own reasons and may indicate that some serious problems are occurring in the body, the causes of which can be determined by a dermatologist.

In addition, the image of an aesthetically attractive, well-groomed person will not be complete if the condition of his hands and feet leaves an unpleasant impression on others.

Description of thickening toenails and its causes

A normal horny plate should have a pale pink matte color and a smooth, even surface. Its thickness on the toes should not exceed one millimeter.

If the nail begins to split, thicken, and lumpiness, ribbing, and in some cases itching appears, then it’s time to seek help from a specialist. Because this is not only an aesthetic problem. The changes that occur may be symptoms of diseases that need to be identified and treated.

With any progressive changes in the nails, it is necessary to find the cause of this phenomenon and make efforts to eliminate it.

Symptoms: begins to turn yellow, dry skin, deformed nails, rough skin

The causes of thickening of the nail plate on the toes can be either a genetic predisposition, for example, congenital pachyonychia, or serious diseases:

If your nails become thicker for no apparent reason, then you need to pay attention to your shoes. She must be:

  1. Made from natural raw materials.
  2. Comfortable fit to the leg.

It is advisable that the heel should be no higher than 6–7 cm. And regular pedicures and foot care should become the rule.

How to treat seals on the nail plate

You can replace your shoes with more comfortable ones. And if there is a lack of vitamins at any time, taking a course of vitamin therapy is not a problem, but psoriasis and mycosis can only be cured by a doctor and the right remedies chosen by him. Find out how to choose a cream for foot odor and sweating in.

Treatment with medications

Thickening toenails can be a symptom of a certain disease. If the nail begins to turn yellow, then this is most likely a manifestation of mycosis. This disease can be managed with medications.

Ointments to reduce thickness

If the cause of deterioration in the appearance of the nail plate is fungi, then effective means to combat them will be the corresponding ones, which are divided into two groups:

  • Azole Active substances destroy the cell membrane and thereby prevent the synthesis of harmful microorganisms. Example: Miconazole, Fundizol and others;
  • allylamine. Penetrate the nail plate and destroy the fungal colony. This group includes Mikoseptin, Lamisil, Mikospor and others. After treatment, a new nail plate grows in place of the affected nail.

Mikospor - cream for removing affected nails. The active substance is bifonazole. For the product to help, it must be used correctly.

To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the thickened and yellowed nail. Apply cream to it and secure a waterproof plaster on top. After a day, you need to remove the diseased area with a special scraper. Find out how Mycostop cream works.

The procedure should be carried out regularly once a day for a month.

Cosmetical tools

Eveline Cosmetics (Poland). “A product for effective and rapid nail regeneration 8 in 1.”

Must be used according to a specific pattern. Process on the first day. On the second day, apply the product again. On the third day, wash it off and repeat the procedure.

Naomi (USA). "Nail reconstructor." The product saturates nails with vitamins and minerals. Restore their structure. Gives nail plates elasticity. You can find out about other American cosmetics at.

Naomi (USA). "Nail reconstructor."

Grate the garlic on a fine grater and mix in equal proportions with natural butter. Place it on the nail, put a patch on top and change it daily.

Pour a bunch of milkweed with three liters of boiling water and let it brew for at least 3 hours. Immerse your feet in the hot liquid and keep them there for 30 minutes. Repeat after two days. And so on until the fungus completely disappears.

A very effective remedy is celandine herb. Place a spoonful of natural raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Remove the container and wrap it to infuse. Wipe your toenails morning and evening.

Celandine is a very poisonous plant. Therefore, when using it even for external use, you need to adhere to precise dosages.

Strange as it may sound, thick tomato juice can help get rid of fungal diseases of the toes.

Combine tar, goose fat, and sulfur in equal proportions. Add the same amount of burnt copper sulfate (the color should not be blue, but white-gray). Regularly lubricate affected areas. Find out how tar shampoo affects your hair.

Pour a glass of alcohol into a dessert spoon of lilac flowers. Insist for two weeks. Lubricate your nails generously. It will take one to two weeks to recover.

Hardware cosmetology

Just a few years ago, fungus-affected nails were simply removed. Now the technique has changed a little. No one can make your nails thinner - even if you deal with the fungus, your nails grow very slowly. And until the thickened plate comes off, a lot of time will pass. But it is possible to remove the affected areas and make the nail plates aesthetically attractive with the help of a medical pedicure.

The procedure is painless, but it is carried out in salons, not hairdressers. And only a specialist with secondary or higher education. Instruments undergo three-stage disinfection.


Video about treating nail fungus.


Thickening of toenails can occur for several reasons. Among which the most important is probably fungus. But this can also happen from wearing shoes that are too small or, conversely, larger than needed. For diseases of the circulatory and peripheral nervous system. Therefore, you probably shouldn’t visually determine the cause of thickening of your nails on your own. It's better to have a specialist do it. He will also prescribe treatment. In each specific case the approach will be individual. This may be drug treatment. Then creams and ointments are used, which contain anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, etc. Surely natural raw materials prepared according to folk recipes can solve the problem. The main thing is to pay attention to the problem in time in order to deal with it faster.

Let's consider the phenomenon of thickening of toenails, the reasons for its formation and ways to get rid of this defect. The thickness of the nail plate may indicate the manifestation of various diseases.

The main reasons causing thickening of nails:

  1. Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease in which the top layer of the skin dies off quite quickly, which leads to thickening.
  2. Fungal diseases. They lead to deformation of nails, which acquire a dull unnatural color, thicken, and begin to crumble.
  3. Poor circulation in the lower extremities.
  4. It is a hereditary process that is embedded in genes, so it is almost impossible to get rid of it forever and it is unlikely to be cured completely.
  5. Damage to nerve endings (neuropathy), which develops after suffering various injuries and infectious lesions. This disease is very insidious: it can develop either too slowly or quite rapidly. The diagnosis of the disease can be made by palpation of the nerve trunks to determine the presence of a thickening on the finger. In addition, a number of examinations are carried out, selected by the attending physician. People suffering from diabetes are especially susceptible to this disease.
  6. Skin disease of the legs. Manifests itself in significantly noticeable changes in the skin. They signal obvious deviations in the functioning of the body. A dermatologist will help you sort out this problem after examining your leg.
  7. An improper diet, as well as a lack of vitamins and microelements, contribute to the development of various chronic diseases, including metabolic disorders in the body, which also negatively affects the condition of hair and nails.
  8. Deformation of the nail often occurs due to improperly selected shoes: tight, narrow, high heels. Additional stress on your feet puts you at risk of developing calluses, corns, and distorted nail shapes.

How to deal with thickening

When you are concerned about thickening of your toenails, you first need to find out the cause of its occurrence by seeking help from a doctor. Otherwise, you can purchase many medications, but they will not give the desired result. This can happen, for example, if the cause of the disease is psoriasis, which should not be treated with antifungal drugs. The same can be said for nail detachment due to wearing tight shoes.

A slightly different situation arises when it is discovered that the thickening of the toenail is still caused by a fungal infection. You can’t just leave things to chance, hoping that everything will go away on its own. And incorrectly selected antifungal agents will not give the desired result. This is explained by the fact that fungi are different. You won’t be able to determine this by yourself “by eye”. To determine the type of fungus that is causing the infection, a scraping must be made. And only a laboratory analysis will give an accurate answer to the question of why the nail plate thickens.

In parallel with drug treatment, you can also use traditional medicine:

  1. Strongly brewed coffee effectively fights finger fungus. Coffee baths relieve discomfort and soften rough areas.
  2. Baths with soda solution.
  3. Baths with milkweed decoction. After 20 minutes of use, you should not wipe your feet, but let them dry on their own.
  4. Lotions made from alcohol tincture of propolis.
  5. Apply birch tar to the affected area.
  6. Baths made from a decoction of the celandine herb are often used for various skin diseases, including foot fungus; treatment with pure juice also gives a positive result.
  7. Applying the pulp of aloe leaves at night.


The fungus is not a deadly threat. Fungal infection is dangerous because it tends to progress, and also acts as a catalyst for other existing diseases of the body.

The fungus can also spread, moving from one nail to another, and can also affect the skin.

  • To prevent feet and nails, you need to follow some rules:
  • proper hygiene;
  • use only a personal towel;
  • wear individual house shoes;
  • when choosing shoes, try them on, putting on socks, and when you come home with your purchase, wipe the inside with alcohol;
  • when visiting, also do not put someone else’s shoes on your bare feet;
  • When visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool or sauna, wear waterproof shoes;

Wear comfortable, non-squeezing shoes every day.

Another good remedy for prevention would be to use baths with the addition of sea salt or herbal infusions that have disinfectant properties (yarrow herb, wormwood, calendula flower and sandy cumin).

Regular removal of the affected part of the nail and the use of an antifungal agent will eventually help cope with the disease.

Treatment is carried out until all symptoms disappear completely.

For a long time, your toenails may not cause any complaints, until at some point you notice that they have become thicker, harder than before, changed their structure, color, and even curved.

It is practically impossible to disguise this problem; in addition, thickened nails cause pain and bring discomfort to their owner.

What to do if your toenails become thick and hard and for what reason does this problem occur?

Why do nails become thick?

This problem is due to the following reasons:

  • the most popular is nail fungus infection;
  • the presence of psoriasis, eczema, etc.;
  • age feature. For example, in older people, the blood supply to the nail bed is impaired, which leads to its thickening, regardless of how good the care was;
  • very uncomfortable or narrow shoes (changes for this reason can affect not only adults, but also children);
  • consequences of prolonged contact with water, as well as with chemicals, injuries;
  • the presence of chronic diseases that are associated with metabolism - for example, diabetes and anemia;
  • flat feet (including because it makes it very difficult to choose suitable shoes).

How to get rid

To completely get rid of the defect, it is necessary to find out why the toenails have become hard and thick, and first eliminate the cause itself.

If this happened due to a fungal infection of the nail plate, then the first thing to do is cure it.

If the reason is flat feet, then you need to visit an orthopedist and with his help choose special shoes, thanks to which the nails will no longer be injured when walking, etc.

Whatever the reasons for the thickening of the nails, it is still recommended to visit a doctor in any case: based on the condition of the nails, he will be able to determine the presence or absence of symptoms of some more serious disease.

How to soften your nails?

You can use baths, homemade compresses and other folk remedies on your own. It is only important to select one or another recipe depending on the cause of the defect.

A number of general rules apply to all baths:

  • the water temperature should be between 36-38 degrees;
  • the duration of one procedure is 15-20 minutes;
  • at the end of the procedure, the nails should be dried thoroughly using disposable wipes (this will prevent the infection from spreading further);
  • when the feet are dry, they need to be lubricated with cream, but it is best to use a special product designed for restoring nails.

Under no circumstances use salt baths to soften the nail plate, because, on the contrary, they are designed to strengthen it.

Now let's move on to the bath recipes. Perhaps one of these would be suitable:

  1. Squeeze two tablespoons of lemon juice into 5 liters of water and mix everything. Please note that lemon juice causes a burning sensation, so this bath can only be used in cases of diseases in which the skin on the foot and around the toes is not damaged.
  2. If problems with nails are a consequence of injury, then dilute celandine juice in water: you will need a tablespoon of juice for two liters of water. This remedy is very effective, but after it the nails may turn orange-yellow for a short time (but soon the normal color will return again) and should not be used in cases of nail fungus. The fact is that the juice will penetrate deep into the affected nail and this will probably result in internal burns.
  3. If you need not only a nail softener, but also a disinfectant, then a bath with soap, not regular soap, but tar soap, is suitable. It is recommended to be used specifically for infectious lesions of the nail plate. You can find this soap in any pharmacy, after which you need to grate it (necessarily on a coarse one) - you will need about a quarter of the bar, which should be diluted in a small amount of water. For greater effect, you can even lubricate your nails with this solution before putting them in the water. Immediately after lubricating, wrap your nails for 10 minutes, and then proceed to the bath. During the procedure, do not forget to add hot water so as not to catch a cold.

In addition to baths, compresses can be used. And although they are also effective for softening nails, compresses have a disadvantage - the procedure lasts quite a long time, from 8 to 12 hours.

On the other hand, if you apply compresses before going to bed, you will find that your nails have become softer in the morning.

So, choose the recipe that you like:

  1. Grind fresh aloe leaf into a paste and then apply it to your thick toenails. Next, wrap them in plastic and put on clean socks on top.
  2. Ripe and fresh pumpkin should be cut into small plates (their thickness should be about half a centimeter) and try to tie them as tightly as possible to the nail plates. Perhaps the pumpkin will dry out almost completely - this is normal, because it gives off moisture well.
  3. Mix a tablespoon of vegetable oil, corn and potato starch and apply a thick layer of the resulting paste to your nails. You don’t need to wrap them in anything, just protect them so you don’t accidentally wipe off the product. Bandage your fingers until the morning, and in the morning, thoroughly rinse the compress from your nails with warm water, then apply a softening hand cream to them.
  4. Boil one potato, mash it and let it cool. Afterwards, the resulting puree is mixed with honey (a teaspoon is enough) and everything is applied to the nail plate, and thick socks are put on top.

How to Trim Thick Toenails

It is best to cut such nails only after you have softened them - any of the methods described above will do.

As for cutting, it is better to use pliers for this purpose, since ordinary nail scissors are often unable to cope with thick and hard nails.

Sometimes even with tongs it can be difficult, so there is another, albeit somewhat strange, option - scissors for cutting chicken. Sold individually or in kitchen knife sets, they make it easy to trim thick nails. Buy them especially for yourself so as not to embarrass the rest of your household.

Until you get rid of your nail problems, give up nail polishes and gels, as these products prevent the free penetration of air into the nail and the disease will only worsen.

Prevention measures

A professional pedicure is considered the most ideal for the prevention of thickened nails, but some people are not able to afford such expenses on a regular basis, while others do so due to the lack of good pedicures in the place where they live.

If you also have problems with pedicure, then:

  • wash your feet daily in the summer and every other day in the winter;
  • after washing, always treat all nails with emollient cream, sunflower or olive oil, and vitamin oil solution;

Huge yellow or black nails on the hands and feet that resemble animal claws are not a very pleasant sight. They can be so hard that they cannot be cut off, they disfigure legs, and cause horror in people. Thick nails are so hard that they cannot be cut with scissors. Summer shoes are becoming unavailable. For women, this is generally a tragedy. They don’t know what to do about it, panic and hysteria begin.

Why did the nail plate on the big toe of each foot change its structure and become thicker? Thickening and changing color of nails can provoke various diseases.

Causes and symptoms of thickening:

Fungus remedy

1.The most common reason for this problem is fungus. The symptoms of fungus are very easy to recognize, as the toes begin to itch first.

An unpleasant odor emanates from the feet and the appearance of the nails deteriorates. It is easy to catch this disease. While visiting beauty salons, gym, solarium, swimming pool. More careless is wearing someone else's shoes. What to do if the nail on your big toe has turned slightly yellow and thicker?

The fungus is easy to treat this way. Even if you don’t have a fungus, it won’t cause any harm, and prevention won’t hurt.

2.Lymphatic circulation disorder is the second reason for this problem. It usually affects the toenails. Elephantiasis of the feet disrupts the uniform supply of nutrients, because the toes experience hypoxia, the nail plate becomes much thicker, and then darkens.

Thickening and yellowing of the nail

3.This trouble can be caused by diabetes. During the course of this disease, the blood supply is disrupted, the nail on the big toe experiences a lack of nutrients, becomes thicker, and its color and structure changes.

4.Endocrine diseases, change the color and thickness of the nail plate. When the endocrine system is disrupted, the normal production of hormones is disrupted. Some are produced in excess, others, on the contrary, are not enough. If there are not enough hormones responsible for the growth and health of nails, then they become thick and change color.

5. Liver diseases, often lead to this problem. Seals, yellowness, roughness, grooves on the nails are one of the signs of liver disease.

6.Cardiac ischemia, leads to cessation of blood circulation, which causes the entire body to suffer, including the nails. They become very thick and acquire a yellow-gray tint.

7. Nervous system disease neuropathy is a complication of diabetes mellitus. The peripheral type of this disease leads to decreased sensitivity of the lower extremities; they are more susceptible to dryness than other parts of the body. You need to watch every nail. If it changes color and becomes thicker, then you should definitely visit a dermatologist.

Fungus on the nail

8. It happens that yellow and thick nails on a person’s toes or hands are a congenital feature. Disturbance of normal blood circulation leads to the fact that they turn yellow and thicken. This disease is called - onychogryphosis.

8. Because lack of vitamin B and calcium, toenails turn yellow, become streaky, and become thicker.

9. The nail on the big toe became painful and yellow, it’s all to blame wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes. In addition to yellowness, it may have blue and black spots. Over time, the nail falls away from the skin. To ensure your new nail grows healthy, you need to wear comfortable shoes.

10. Old age. In people who have passed the age of sixty, their fingernails and toenails become thicker. This is more likely due to the fact that older people suffer from one of the above diseases, or metabolic disorders.

All these causes can be successfully treated. In order for each nail to become healthy again, there are folk remedies, as well as modern medicine.

Folk remedies for thickening of nails:


Before making baths and compresses, it is worth remembering that not all diseases can be cured with folk remedies. Traditional methods usually treat nail plate fungus.
Apple vinegar along with potassium permanganate, it is added to the water in which you wash your feet. Such baths need to be done for exactly a week to restore a healthy appearance to your nails.
Tea tree oil– a good remedy for fungus. Treatment: you need to smear yellowed toenails every day.
Herbal collection, consisting of horsetail, oak bark and calendula, is successfully used for baths, has a quick and long-lasting effect.
Garlic– a product known for its antibacterial effect. In order to fight fungal diseases, garlic must be mixed with alcohol to make a tincture, then wipe your feet with it two to three times a day.
For a good effect, it is better to use two methods of treatment at once. For example, first take a bath, then smear your nails with oil.

After taking baths, you need to treat your steamed toenails with oil.
To treat internal causes use:
ivy leaves, filled with a liter of vodka or alcohol. They are first infused for three days, then taken one tablespoon per day. This helps normalize the functioning of the endocrine system.

Wild clove tea cleanses the blood and normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands. It is an excellent remedy for treating many diseases, but this type of clove grows only in France.

If the nail has become thicker due to a violation of the outflow of lymph, then it is treated plantain decoction. Making a decoction is very simple. You need to pour one hundred grams of dried plantain leaves with a liter of water, bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat for another ten minutes. You need to take three tablespoons per day.

Honey with garlic

You can also mix crushed garlic with honey and take it three times a day.
For some liver diseases, people are treated with fasting, or a special diet, and an herb called milk thistle, which must be taken before each meal. After a month of treatment, the liver is cleansed and the signs of the disease disappear.

The worst thing is when this problem is congenital, then treatment is required constantly.
Congenital thickening can be treated with kombucha. Before applying the compress, you need to steam your feet, then treat each nail with kombucha for 8-12 hours.

At the initial stage of onychogryphosis, the steamed nail plate is treated lavender oil. This treatment is good for prevention (until the nail becomes thick). If the nail plate on your toes has already hardened and taken on a sharp shape, it is better to consult a doctor.

Gives a good effect aloe leaf compress.

A congenital disease does not mean that a person has this shape and color of nails. Usually they become thicker due to a lack of nutrients or some problems with the internal organs. Therefore, you must first identify and eliminate the cause. Treatment with folk remedies is good, but not always effective.

Diagnosis and treatment of thickened nails

Before starting treatment, you need to identify the exact cause, and not guess it, self-medicating and wasting time.

To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist and get a referral from him for the appropriate tests. After passing all the tests, when the reason becomes known. You may have to change your doctor. A thick nail, or rather a small piece of it, is taken for analysis.
Thickening of the nails, which appears due to fungus, lymphostasis, and lack of essential vitamins, can be treated with folk remedies. But if the thickening occurs due to liver disease, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the nervous system, it is better to treat them using the methods prescribed by the doctor.