
Development of memory and speed reading. Essay “Does a person need memory?” Why memory is important to people

Why do you need to develop your memory?

Memory- one of the mental functions and types of human mental activity, designed to preserve, accumulate and reproduce information.

The ability to store information about events in the external world and the body’s reactions for a long time and repeatedly use it in the sphere of consciousness to organize subsequent activities (Wikipedia).

According to statistics, memory problems bother every third inhabitant of the earth. Moreover, memory impairment is typical for all ages.

Why do you need to improve your memory?
Funny question, you say. After all, everyone knows what a good memory is. However, many people perceive their memory in an extremely simplified way, and therefore do not understand how its development affects other abilities. Their logic boils down to the following arguments:

Will your ability to memorize improve? But I already remember everything I need. I have already fully adapted to my abilities, phone numbers are stored in my cell phone, if you need something more complex, you can write it down. Since the memory problems have already been somehow resolved, there is no need to waste time on it. In the end, the main thing is not memory, but thinking, intelligence, and the ability to process information.

Most people think that by improving their memory they will turn their head into a camera or tape recorder, and do not see other advantages.
But the development of memory is not only memory, but also thinking, imagination, attention, and much more, without which effective human mental activity is unthinkable.

So, What does a person achieve by training his memory?

1. Attention. The need to control the course of your thoughts, constant concentration on objects of memorization leads to improved attention. As a result, it becomes easier for a person to concentrate on current affairs and problems; his life becomes much more organized and less susceptible to interference.

2. Thinking. The development of memory also improves thinking due to the fact that you constantly have to work with mental objects and come up with associations connecting them. As a result, associative thinking develops - responsible for generalization and abstraction and visual-figurative thinking - the use of which helps a holistic perception of reality and intuitive problem solving. Well, of course, just the ability to memorize helps thinking. If all the necessary facts are at hand, then in the process of thinking there is less need to linger on solving secondary problems to obtain the necessary information. It’s no secret: by the time you find the information you need, you’ll forget why you need it. Especially if you are looking for it using the Internet, you come across so many interesting things along the way that the search process turns out to be “more important” than the result, and when you find what you are looking for, you already forget where it all began.

3. Imagination and creative activity. The associations invented by the mnemonist are often unusual and absurd. By connecting objects you have to create the incredible. Already after some time after starting classes, you can notice that when solving your problems you begin to use methods that previously seemed too non-standard. And intractable problems suddenly get a simple and elegant solution.

4. Protecting the human brain from age-related changes. What we don't use, we lose. This is clearly seen in the example of human physical abilities. No matter how good your physical shape you are, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not give your body physical activity, then after a while the muscles will atrophy and become flabby, shortness of breath will appear, and a bunch of other problems related to the heart, blood pressure, etc. If you lead an active lifestyle, take long walks, go to the pool or gym, then health problems can be avoided. The same applies to the mental capabilities of the body. It is widely believed that a person's mental abilities decline with age. Research shows that this is often what happens. But the deterioration of human abilities is not so irreversible. If you continue to use your brain and give it a workout, then at least its condition will not worsen. The deterioration of brain abilities can be prevented by solving crossword puzzles or logic problems. By performing exercises to develop memory, you can also prevent the deterioration of mental abilities - memory, concentration, thinking, etc.

As we can see, the development of memory helps not only memory, but also contributes to the harmonious development of other human abilities.

What kind of memory will we develop?

When people say the phrase “I have a bad memory,” they often mean completely different things. For some it’s the inability to remember phone numbers, for others it’s people’s faces. Some people struggle with absent-mindedness - they constantly forget keys and documents, miss appointments, etc. And there are people for whom a good memory is an opportunity to quickly learn a large amount of information for an exam. Once you figure out what exactly you need, you can save a lot of effort and time.

Depending on what kind of memory you are going to develop, there are three ways to develop memory. Let's look at them in more detail:

1. Memory for events or everyday memory. The name is quite conditional, it allows us to separate memorization techniques that are used mainly in everyday life and boil down to “not forgetting something.” You may forget to take your keys when leaving the house because someone interrupted you with a phone call just before leaving. You may forget to go into a store while passing by it, thinking about something of your own. You may forget documents simply because you forgot. You may forget your cell phone in a cafe.
Books or articles on the Internet often contain techniques for developing this type of memory. I recommend one book that is almost entirely devoted to this type of memorization - “The Language of Memory” by Douglas Herman and Michael Grunberg. Much of the book describes situations in which two memory experts kept forgetting something. An interesting book, with a description of a large number of facts from life.

2. Memory as a mental function. What is often called natural memory. This method includes performing exercises to develop attention and memory itself, controlling breathing, organizing a diet to improve your mental abilities.
It must be said that although individual elements of this method of memorization are found quite often, in a systematic form this is only in one source - the audio course by Ivan Ivanovich Poloneichik “Principles and methods of memory development”. The development of this type of memory allows you to remember a variety of information without much effort.

3. Mnemonics or artificial memory. Probably the oldest and most effective method of memorization. How about memorizing a few thousand digits, like the signs of pi? Or remember, close to the test, the contents of a thick book filled with a bunch of facts, information, numerical data? Or a list of laws, the meaning of which may be difficult to understand even when reading?
Mnemonics, mobilizing the capabilities of thinking, attention, imagination, allows you to remember all this. Although, of course, mastering it requires time to do memorization exercises and regular training. And the biggest paradox is that by mastering mnemonics and using it, your memory does not get better. Using mnemonics allows you to memorize, but does not develop memory.

So, these are the three main methods of memory development. Which one is better? Hard to tell. It’s better to approach from the other end - what do you need from your memory? What are you missing at the moment? What problems does your own memory prevent you from solving? Think about it and the answer will appear on the surface.

In the meantime, I offer you an exercise to train your memory:

For many adults, poor memory becomes a real stumbling block: problems with remembering, forgetfulness, inattention, etc. What can we say about elderly people, whose problems with the blood vessels of the brain often affect their memory.
Memory training exercises help quickly solve this problem.

Develop your memory and be healthy and happy!

Rosa Fayzullina
“Why is memory needed?” Summary of a lesson on the development of voluntary memory in children

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introduction to the situation.

Didactic tasks: motivate children to be included in gaming activities.

The teacher collects children around you.

Do you like fairy tales?

Can you name your favorite characters?

All answers are heard children, after which the teacher asks a riddle.

Confident in yourself, even if you're clueless,

And by nature he is a big arrogant

Well, guess how to guess him,

He is known to everyone under the name...


Guys, Dunno came to us today. Dunno appears on the interactive board.

Hello guys! Znayka told me that you recite poems well. I was asked to learn a poem at school, but I just can’t do it. Listen here. He tries to tell, but he can’t remember all the words in the poem.

Poem from an electronic textbook. Krontik learns to listen and reason. Chapter 15. A. Konyashov “Where did the soap go?”

Where did it go?

Just recently it was

And suddenly it was lost,


We washed the cups with soap,

Plates and shirts.

We washed spoons, knives and ladle with soap.

Oh, how it loved

Wash the ink off your face

Wash off the paint from your palms,

And clay and putty,

And plasticine, and even

Wash off traces of soot.

Learn how to memorize a poem.

Tell me what need to make the poem easy to learn.

Do you guys want to help Dunno?

And can you?

Can you repeat the poem?

You don't know either.

What have to do in order to remember better?

All answers are heard children, after which the teacher brings result:

If not develop your memory, then you will have to spend a lot of time preparing lessons and repeating. It is easier to remember any information if you present it in the form of some kind of image or drawings. Remember: Imagination can help you remember new information. There are people whose work requires them to keep memory large numbers. Do you know what their secret is? They actively use their imagination. For them, each number is a specific image. These can be objects, animals, flowers. For example, eight is a tumbler, one is a branch, two is a bird, six is ​​a castle. Some even make sentences in their minds with these images. For example, you need to remember the number - 222-18-00. You can come up with following: three birds sitting on a branch noticed a tumbler chewing two dry nuts.

2. Updating knowledge.

2.1. A game "Guess the pictogram".

1) Update the idea of ​​a pictogram (a pictogram is a simplified drawing that denotes an action or event).

2) Form an idea of ​​the pictogram.

The interactive board shows six different color pictures, and their symbols are presented below in black and white. You must match each color picture with a picture with a symbol.

3. Difficulty in the situation.

3.1 Work in the electronic textbook. A game "Encrypt the word"

Didactic tasks:

1) Create a motivational situation to form an idea of ​​how need to depict the given word or phrase with a pictogram.

2) To develop experience, under the guidance of a teacher, of fixing a difficulty, understanding its cause and experience of goal setting.

The teacher tells:

Dunno came home from school. And he began to learn the poem, but it was very difficult for him to remember the poem.

Show Dunno how you can easily remember a poem using pictograms.

Children understand correctly, but I explain. Train the ability to depict a given word or phrase with a picture or symbol.

3) Form children Experience working in an electronic textbook.

Instructions: I'll be there now pronounce you words and phrases, and you must “encrypt” it with a picture, symbol or sign.

Material for the assignment. A word or phrase is read out, which the children must “encode,” that is, indicate the words with some sign or a laconic drawing. Words are read at intervals of 15-20 s. so that all the children have time to make a sketch. After this task, play a game, and then the children should reproduce words and phrases.

Words to remember:

3. Village.

4. Big city.

5. The sun is shining.

6. Delicious pie.

7. The phone is ringing.

8. Hot tea.

9. Happy holiday.

10. Going to school soon.

11. Angry dog.

12. It’s raining outside.

And now we will play a game where need to be very careful.

Now you and I will decide that when I name animals and beasts, you you'll stomp, when there is fruit, we clap 2 times, and if there is any inanimate object, then we raise our left hand. Agreed. Let's start our game.

After the game we ask children take their places and play encrypted drawings. Comprehension (total) classes.

Didactic tasks: to form the primary experience of understanding one’s activities, constructive attitude towards difficulties.

The teacher collects children around you.

Were we able to help Dunno?

We taught Dunno to memorize a poem because we learned to encrypt words and sentences with pictograms.

The teacher praises children for that that they were attentive and diligent and were able to help Dunno.

Publications on the topic:

"In the animal world". Lesson summary for the development of attention and memory Necessary equipment: cards with words with missing letters, “snake” cards, simple pencils, recording of animal voices.

Good day, dear colleagues! This year our country celebrates the most wonderful and main holiday “70 years of the Great Victory”.

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Summary of a lesson by a teacher-psychologist on memory development for children 3–4 years old Lesson summary for memory development. Purpose of the lesson: development of fine motor skills, development of imagination, formation of auditory concentration.

Parent meeting “Why do children need a mother?” BMDOU No. 19 Open parent meeting on the topic: “Why do children need a mother” Educator: Irgit E. Kh. Progress of the meeting 1. Introduction.

With this type of amnesia, a person forgets things that just happened to him.

In everyday life, we often complain about bad memory, and when we forget to buy or do something, we say “memory has gone.” But what does it really feel like to lose your memory, not remember what you just did, what you said, where you went? Why do we need memory at all, and what do we lose when we lose it completely or partially?

By memory call the property of the human psyche to record and store information received from the outside. Thanks to the presence of this mental function, we can periodically use this information, i.e. remember it when necessary. And this is very important, so we can use our life experience.

Memory a very complex function that consists of many components. This is how they distinguish between motor, emotional, figurative and verbal-logical; voluntary and involuntary; short-term and long-term types of memory. This complexity probably determines that memory may periodically fail and some information becomes impossible to retrieve and use.

Partial or complete loss of memory is called amnesia. It can be temporary or permanent. Memory disorders can appear for a variety of reasons and take different forms.

Among the causes of amnesia are injuries, tumors, blockage of blood vessels that supply certain areas of the brain with blood, abuse of alcohol and tranquilizers, and mental illness. All this can lead to temporary memory lapses or complete loss.

Depending on how much information is lost, there are several types of amnesia.

  • Retrograde amnesia– events that occurred before the onset of memory loss are forgotten.
  • Anterograde amnesia. The person remembers what happened to him before, but cannot remember what happened to him after the onset of the disease. Atherograde memory loss can occur simultaneously with retrograde memory loss, leading to complete memory loss.
  • congrade amnesia, when the memory does not record events that occurred during the shutdown of consciousness.
  • In addition, there are:
  • Fixation amnesia. With this type of amnesia, the memory does not “record” information about events that just happened.
  • Childhood amnesia– lack of memories of early childhood.
  • Traumatic amnesia occurs as a result of head injury.
  • Psychogenic amnesia. A person completely forgets all information about himself under the influence of severe emotional stress.

Fixation amnesia

This is a type of memory impairment when a person cannot remember recently received information, i.e. what just happened to him is not stored in his memory. The last few minutes of life are not recorded. At the same time, the memory of what happened before, before the onset of the disease, is not impaired. Such a person knows who he is, remembers the professional skills he once acquired, but is not able to remember what he just said or did. This creates great difficulty in navigating current situations. But the person’s personality is still preserved.

In some cases, memory replaces information about recent events, actions and conversations with fictitious memories. This phenomenon is called confabulation.

Total memory loss, if it really exists, is a sign of deep organic damage to the brain.


Yaroslav Vladimirovich

narcologist, Kyiv Ask your question

Confabulations fill gaps in memory, and events from the past can be passed off as having just happened. A person with this memory disorder can confidently say that he just came from work, returned from a walk, or talked with a friend, although all this happened a long time ago. It is also possible that fictitious events that did not happen in real life are passed off as what just happened.

Fixation amnesia can occur with cerebral atherosclerosis and traumatic brain injury, but most often it manifests itself as part of Korsakoff's syndrome.

Korsakoff's syndrome - a severe form of amnesia

The cause of the development of this syndrome may be alcohol intoxication, brain tumor, carbon dioxide poisoning, lack of vitamin B1, cerebrovascular accident, or traumatic brain injury. Usually, with Korsakoff's syndrome, fixation amnesia “turns on” simultaneously with retrograde and anterograde, resulting in complete disorientation of the person.

As a result of prolonged alcohol abuse, a psychoorganic syndrome often develops, which manifests itself as dementia: memory loss, etc.


Alexey Yurievich

neurosurgeon, Kherson Ask your question

Most often, Korsakoff's syndrome is a chronic condition, but in some cases, amnesia can appear in attacks and disappear after a while. So, for example, if Korsakov's syndrome is caused by intoxication, then over time it is possible to restore memory.

Take care of your memory, remember that it preserves our individual experience. Violation of such an important mental function as memory can make a person completely defenseless, unable to live in society. Therefore, timely consultation with a doctor and adequate treatment with the use of nootropics (piracetam) and other drugs that improve cerebral circulation (vasobral) are necessary.


Memory loss doesn't erase emotions

How is memory formed?

Such an amazing memory

Human cognitive and creative abilities, as well as the implementation of higher mental functions, are impossible without the use of memory. In everyday life, we constantly perceive, analyze and remember a huge amount of information. Is it necessary and why to train your memory? After all, there is Google, reference books, books, notebooks. But it's not that simple.

Memory is not only the highest function of the brain, but also a powerful physiological mechanism for maintaining physical and mental health.

The adult brain weighs about one and a half kilograms. With a body weight of 75 kg. it's only 2%. But the brain consumes energy and oxygen in the amount of 20-25% of the total energy consumption of the body. The main fuel of brain cells is glucose. Glucose is most intensively consumed by the cerebral cortex, especially during intellectual and creative activity. Such a high level of energy exchange in the neurons of the brain is ensured by increased blood supply; up to a liter of blood enters the brain per minute.

Memory and stroke

Transient ischemic attacks develop with cerebrovascular accidents. But why is it broken? One of the reasons for impaired blood supply to the brain is a decrease in the need of neurons for oxygen and glucose when memory and imagination are not involved. There is no need for sufficient blood supply to the brain, and the blood vessels lose elasticity, their lumen decreases, and they simply cannot provide blood flow to the brain in the required volumes. A pathological vicious circle arises: decreased memory leads to decreased blood supply to the brain, and decreased blood supply further impairs memory.

Agree, one or two generations, brought up without history lessons, without stories about feats, and simply about the life of their ancestors (grandparents, great-grandfathers), about the traditions, customs accepted in your family, in short - in unconsciousness, and that’s all, in front of you are “strangers” - people close to you. Strangers in the sense of the absence of common dear memories, ignorance of the values ​​​​accepted in the family, priorities.

You are united only by blood relationship, a common surname, and the fact that if something happens (with you) they will be designated among the heirs of the first (second) line.

The other day I attended a party on the occasion of the 90th birthday of a wonderful woman. She passed away almost 30 years ago. The image of the mother remained clear in the memory of her daughters and sons-in-law. But their children no longer remember her. No, of course, they can recognize her in the photo, but in the morning they went to her grave and laid flowers. But they don’t know how cool she was, how she survived the war years, what successes she achieved in life. Their age justifies them - grandma died when they were still “walking under the table.” It turns out that this was an omission of the elders - they didn’t tell or explain enough. It turns out that these gaps need to be filled. And this is just one special case. What can we say about events that were once significant for many peoples, the history of an entire country?

... These days marked another anniversary of the liberation of Kyiv from the fascist invaders. The Kiev offensive operation took place from November 3 to 13, 1943. Its result was the liberation of the cities of Kyiv and Zhitomir by Soviet troops. Exactly 74 years have passed since then. And it was on the night of November 6-7, in the Park of Eternal Glory in the city of Kyiv, that some scumbags, under the cover of darkness, poured cement mortar into the Eternal Flame. Police received a call reporting damage to the monument on Tuesday morning.

The police who arrived at the scene found 8 buckets in which these “poor bearers” brought cement mortar. We must pay tribute, the deputy head of the Kyiv city state administration, Alexei Reznikov, said that “such acts of vandalism are a shameful example of disrespect for history and the memory of heroes” and that he “... is sure that vandals cannot escape responsibility.” By the way, this memorial of Eternal Glory on the Pechersk Hills is dedicated to those killed in World War II. It was opened exactly 60 years ago, on November 6, 1957.

Here, someone can remind me that, supposedly, since May 2015, in Ukraine there has been a law condemning the communist and national socialist regimes. This document prohibits the production and public use of symbols, in particular images of Soviet flags and coats of arms, as well as the public performance of the anthems of the USSR, Ukrainian and other Soviet republics. Yes it is. But monuments to World War II participants are not subject to this law. In general, this fact is terrible in itself. Kyiv, for the liberation of which so many lives were given, and suddenly this...

Faced with such “unconsciousness,” I want to ask only one question to the vandals: “How do you live without a brain?!”

Here in Kazakhstan, in our native Shymkent, everything is more or less okay with this. In Shymkent there is a unique memorial of Glory, the park “Zhenis” (“Victory”), a branch of the South Kazakhstan region of the historical and local history museum “Erlik” (“Courage”), a Map of Heroes in the cemetery on Tolstoy Street, and individual monuments to War Heroes. We honor, we remember. And somewhere we even seem to rediscover the names of the heroes of bygone days.

It turns out that this is significant for us; there is a need, on a genetic or some other level, to have among our relatives, acquaintances, fellow countrymen, heroes-beacons, thanks to whom life on this planet has become better and more meaningful.

An example of “recognition anew” is the feat of an 18-year-old boy from the Katyn-Kopr department, Erezhepbai Moldabaev. Today's boys and girls are increasingly “trying on” the facts of the biography of their fellow countryman, asking themselves: could I do that? At the age of 18, this ordinary South Kazakhstani boy went to the front. He became a squad commander of the 545th Infantry Regiment of the 389th Berdichev Infantry Division. This is the 1st Ukrainian Front. During his very short life, this young man distinguished himself in battle at least three times. During the liberation of the city of Berdichev, Erezhepbai was the first to break into an enemy trench and destroy 5 Nazis with grenades and a machine gun. In July 1944 - during the crossing of the Dnieper. Junior Sergeant Moldabaev died on August 7, 1944 in another battle. He was buried in the Polish village of Grudza, Lublin Voivodeship.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to him posthumously on September 23, 1944. He was only 19 years old.

And what if not a duty of memory - the 2017 military parade that took place on Red Square in Moscow... Without the memory of history, of their ancestors, the people and the state cannot survive. The spirit of ancestors is not a fiction, it is something very significant, the basis of the foundations, in fact, our foundation. The goodwill of the departed spirits of ancestors still needs to be earned. The Kazakhs say: “Oli razy bolmay, tiri bayimaida,” roughly translated into Russian: “Until the dead are satisfied, things will not go well for the living.” Remember your ancestors, don’t let history be distorted; except for us, the elders, soon there will be no one to stand up for it.

Farida Sharafutdinova