
How to have fun celebrating your child's birthday? How to celebrate a child's first birthday - mother's experience How to celebrate a mother's children's birthday

The baby is finally one year old! We should probably agree that the most difficult period of infancy will be lived through. The child is no longer an absolutely helpless little lump wrapped in diapers, but some kind of person, but a personality. And at this time, mom often has new problems and doubts...

I clearly remember how my eldest daughter turned this long-awaited year.

In the morning I woke up in high spirits, took out the gift I had prepared in advance, and stroked the elegant dress. And I decided that today would be very special, not the same as always... It seemed to me that my girl would instantly become understanding, talkative, and obedient. And in general, already quite an adult. I had a peculiar attitude, adopted from more experienced mothers: “The main thing is to live until one year, and then it will become easier.” So I expected that, like in a fairy tale, everything would be fixed in an instant. I hoped that our monotonous everyday life had come to an end.

Polinka woke up and... All my rosy plans were shattered in an instant. The fairy tale did not happen. She didn't become different! She remained the same child she was yesterday. What stupidity, you say, to expect a child to change overnight... I’m ashamed to admit, but I believed in this stupidity to the last.

For my daughter’s first birthday, I met so many moms in real life and on the Internet. How offensive it was to read exclamations of joy about how someone’s child started walking at 10 months, and to find out that the neighbor’s boy took his first step at 11. And now we turned one year old, and our girl never walked.

And you can’t even really stand on your own without support. What to do?

“And we assemble the whole pyramid easily!” – a friend from a course for pregnant women writes on ICQ. But mine is indifferent to this wicked pyramid and generally only recognizes remote controls and telephones as toys. We're probably behind...
– Do you already say “mom”, “dad” and “give”? - a friend pesters on the phone. – Mine has already said a lot of things in a year.
Hmm, “mom-dad-give” is clearly not from our repertoire... I’m not raising a child like that, I’m a bad mother...

The elegant dress is on, but it’s uncomfortable to crawl in it. A gift bought for “mad money” is abandoned in favor of opening and emptying favorite boxes. And no holiday is a hindrance to this for my daughter. I reverently look through the recording of the birth and birth of the little beauty, wipe away a tear and run to save this very beauty who cannot open the door to another room.

How to organize a child's first birthday

It is useless to organize a real feast for a baby's year. You can invite guests, children, clowns and other artists, but only without a child - for parents. The baby doesn't need all these new faces for nothing. Moreover, he may be afraid of them - and there will be no celebration. Your baby should be familiar with all the guests you invite to the celebration. I planned to invite friends with one-year-old babies, I thought that they would somehow play together. A week before the event, they stopped by to meet each other. My child, seeing a girl his age for the first time at home, threw a real hysteria. The idea of ​​inviting children was dropped. Therefore, only grandparents were invited.

From my point of view, cafes and restaurants are also not very suitable for celebrating a first birthday. Unless you go there with your child every day. After all, it takes time for a baby to get acquainted with a new place; again, no one can say in advance how he will behave in an unfamiliar place with new people. Therefore, the most proven and reliable way is to invite guests home. You can tell your little one in advance that Grandma Katya and Grandpa Misha will come to him and that they will bring gifts for his birthday.

What to serve for 1 year old

The simplest cake for a child is a children's cookie coated on all sides with cottage cheese and decorated with fruit. The big advantage of this dessert is that you can eat it with your hands. Lingonberry juice, compote - a sweet treat for the child is ready. The table for adults can be anything, but the main thing here is to maintain a balance of interests and not to overload yourself with cooking, so that later you don’t sit at a crowded table, completely exhausted, without any desire to rejoice.

What to give to a 1 year old child

A talking alphabet, a sorter, educational games, a simple bicycle - you can continue ad infinitum. It all depends on finances and imagination. There are two points I want to make.
Mommies and daddies! Give yourself something nice for your baby's first birthday. Let dad choose a gift for mom, and mom for dad! You deserve this no less than the child.
Don't be shy about asking your relatives for something specific. Nobody canceled gifts of money, but you must admit, it’s more pleasant to remember that Grandma Katya gave this gurney, and not so much money to buy it. Do not deprive your relatives of the sweet taste of childhood by choosing a gift for your beloved granddaughter or nephew.

Breastfeeding after one year

Grandmothers definitely focus on this more than intimate process. Well, that's how it happened.
- How are you still feeding? There is nothing healthy in milk after a year, but the breasts will stretch out, and then you won’t wean them off.

In general, the issue of breastfeeding is a very personal one. I am never going to advise anyone on this topic. I will say this: if you have already fed your child up to one year, then you should not abruptly finish this matter overnight the day after the holiday. Remember, the baby is left without very serious mother's support. You understand this especially during illness, teething, stress... Weaning a child from the breast is quite simple, but this happens once and for all. And you will never again see the happy face of your baby, reaching for his mother’s breast, licking milk.

There is a lot of advice on weaning: you need to act gradually, calmly and decisively.

And most importantly, everything should happen when you – mother or child – need it. But in no case to acquaintances or relatives. Therefore, we calmly answer the question: “Yes, we are still feeding.” And we ignore any attempts at manipulation.

If mom is tired

Over time, the mother accumulates fatigue - physical and mental. No matter how much you love your child, no matter how ready you are for his arrival, there is still tension. Sleepless nights, colic, whims, crying that is difficult to stop - all this does not pass without a trace. Plus unfinished business, unrealized plans...

Your fatigue and desire to take a little break from your child is not a reason to say that you are a “bad mother.” Rather, this is a reason to make the opposite assumption. After all, your whole life revolves around your treasure, you give it all your strength. Hence the fatigue. Mom is also a person with her own desires and moods.

Dear mothers! You haven’t started loving your child less – you’re just now in energy conservation mode. Your body is not made of iron and also requires rest. At least occasionally...

What can you recommend here? Again, only the most basic things.

  • Go for a walk! With or without a child. A very common situation is when the baby is walked on the balcony or given to the grandparents. Force yourself to get dressed and go out to breathe. Look around, at the trees, birds, other children.
  • Sleep! Deny yourself the pleasure of spending nights on forums or clearing out your backlog. Get enough sleep! This is the most effective way to relax.
  • More positive! Start your morning with exercise. Both for yourself and for the child. Tune into the new day with a positive attitude. Looking at yourself in the mirror, say out loud: “I am a good mother! Everything works out for me!” It won't be worse, we've checked. Kiss and hug your beloved husband and child more, tell them about your love. Smile! Dance to your favorite music, sing!
  • Eat! It would seem strange advice. It is clear that no one can live without food, especially a nursing mother. But how do you do it? Hastily, run-run, to catch it while the child is sleeping or busy. No. We sat down ourselves, the child next to us. We feed the baby and ourselves at the same time. You can first the child, and then yourself. And at this time keep the child occupied with pieces of fruits and vegetables. Let the little one, looking at you, learn to eat carefully, and not smear food on the table. Now almost any delicacy can be ordered to your home. Sometimes treat yourself to delicious pies or rolls - whatever!
  • Communicate! By phone, in real life, on forums, with a saleswoman or neighbor. It doesn’t matter where - the main thing is to enjoy this most valuable wealth - human communication. Talk to your husband, be sure! About everything in the world, about his work, about his thoughts about his baby and more...
  • Give yourself a hobby. Read interesting books, do crossword puzzles, knit, master a language, learn photography, work from home - whatever your heart desires. This way you will keep yourself busy and will not later regret that you lived a year like in a nightmare, without discovering anything new for yourself. “I don’t have any time,” you say. A well-structured daily routine will help you! And even if you don’t find anything you like, don’t blame yourself: you are doing the most important thing in the world - raising a new person.

Well, if it’s completely unbearable... An hour in a bath with foam or salt, a sofa with your favorite book, shopping or a spa -
it's up to you to choose! Choose the least burdensome period in your baby’s daily routine – for example, a walk or a nap. And then feel free to involve the baby’s dad and other relatives in the matter, kindly ask them to sit with the child at such and such a time, and clearly specify when you will return. Don't forget to provide your shift with clear instructions on what to do with the baby: how to feed, what to wear, where are the diapers, etc. And enjoy your vacation! You deserve it! The main thing is that such requests do not happen every day.

Value individuality

The main wisdom that I did not immediately understand. Your baby is an individual, a unique person. Neither he nor you have any reason to be upset that he didn’t go to school or didn’t say “mom.” He'll go and tell you a little later. If you are really panicking, go to a specialist doctor or enroll in a development school. But don’t try with all your might to fit your baby into the skills of his peers.

If at a birthday celebration the birthday person does not behave the way you would like, this is also no reason to worry. Let your child be himself!

In a year and a month, when I no longer hoped for anything, my girl took her first steps.

When I was one and a half years old, I threw the pyramid into the back drawer because my daughter became uninterested in it, and we began to collect puzzles with gusto.

At two years old, the baby began to speak well. Immediately in poetry.

A child a year is still not easy. And at two it’s not easy. And at three, and at five, and at ten there are difficulties... But he grows. Like daylight at the end of winter, when the sun begins to shine a little longer than yesterday. Imperceptibly, slowly. But it is growing! There will be many joys and problems on your way, but your child will definitely grow up! And you won’t even notice how...

Every year I make a presentation for my daughter and myself. Elementary, in Power Point. One slide for a month. With photos, with comments about what was interesting this month.

Just 12 months of slides from the life of my most beloved girl. How quickly time flies. How fast they grow...

What can I tell you... A 3rd birthday is a very difficult holiday for parents. One and a half to two hours spent with children of this age will be remembered for a long time :-).

Why? Three-year-olds do not yet feel like active participants in competitions. This is bigger spectators, who quickly lose interest in what is happening if you relax even a little.

Today I made a selection of entertainment for children of this age (in September 2012 my Vovochka will be 3 years old, I’ll “test” the program :-)). In the photo on the left is HIM!

3rd birthday! Let's have fun!

How to decorate a room?

My huge illustrated article will enrich you with ideas. You can also take a look at.

Whom to invite?

Children at this age come with adults. More 4-5 children It’s better not to collect, there will be chaos.

Here is our version of the invitation (I didn’t have time to write it, they made these videos, posted them on YouTube and sent out links to everyone):

When to celebrate?

It is better after a nap - at 16-17 hours. Call us for the “Merry Afternoon Tea” :-). Children will not be capricious, not tired, and ready for fun.

When to give gifts and prizes?

During the celebration, you can only hang homemade medals around your neck.

What to cook and how to decorate the festive table?

Here are my two most detailed articles with a bunch of pictures: and.

How to greet guests?

Option 1.

Immediately at the entrance you give a helium balloon into your hands: “Fly to us in a hot air balloon!” If there are a lot of balls, let moms and dads “fly” into the room.

Option 2.

Each guest is greeted by a train. Give the birthday boy some kind of buzzer (pipe, whistle). The first guest clings to the “train” by the waist, all subsequent guests are new carriages. After the next doorbell rings, build the train anew, drive up to the door with a whistle and “chug-chug-chug” - accompaniment :-).

Puppet show

This is a good organizational point. Everyone gathered and sat down on chairs. Now it all depends on your acting abilities. Basically, you just act out a play with glove dolls, but at the end it’s better for the “Three Bears” or all the turnip heroes to congratulate the birthday boy.

There are various types of puppet theaters in stores: magnetic, cardboard, shadow, etc. Cost - from 200 rubles. After the holiday, children enjoy playing with all the characters.


It's time to move! A short bowling tour (three tries each, for example). You can throw the ball into factory-made pins, or make it yourself.

Pour a little water (5-7 cm) into 5 plastic bottles or add beans, peas, pasta or coins for stability. Any ball will do: rubber, plastic.

Before each throw we count: “One-two-three!” (for three years, after all!)


Need an artistic dad. Or grandpa... As a last resort, mom in a bear mask. Have two adults stretch out a baby blanket like a roof 1 meter from the floor. This is our little mansion. All the little baby animals climb into their house and wait for the bear. The clubfoot approaches from different sides of the blanket, pretending that it is about to crush the tower. The children run away screaming as soon as he decides to sit on the “roof.”

Be patient, the children will make you repeat the action 10 times :-).

Plasticine painting

Prepare simple images (coloring books are fine for little ones). Warm up high-quality plasticine in advance that does not stick to your hands. Give it to the children. You need to pinch off small pieces and lay out a plasticine mosaic along the contour of the picture.

You can draw one picture for everyone - a cake with three candles, let it be a collective creativity.


Three-year-old children are not yet very good at catching a ball, so I suggest put it in the net(if you don’t have a classic string bag, a white laundry bag will do). Let the presenter swing the net like a pendulum, and the children will catch or push the ball, responding to the commands “Cheese!” or "Rat!"

Face painting

If you don’t have experience, don’t risk painting your face with special paints; the result will not please either you or your child. But small drawings on the hand with crayons for the face and body are just right! Flowers, cars, butterflies... children will be happy to see how you decorate your next guest.

Merry orchestra

First, the children need to be dressed up. Buy ears, noses, masks and wigs, put on caps and funny hats. Now we're giving away "musical instruments": whistles, lids, rustling bags, plastic bottles with coins, spoons, etc.

Now we turn on the polka and... Let the parents help by clapping. Or they film this cheerful orchestra :-). Let this 3rd birthday remain not only in memory!


This is such three-year-old humor. Parents will also find it funny when they see their children having fun. The bottom line is that to any question from the presenter you need to answer only the word “BUBLIC”:

- What is your name?
- Bagel...
- What did they give you today?
- Bagel...

More questions: What is your favorite toy, what is on your nose, who is the main character in the fairy tale “Kolobok”, what should you say if you were given a gift; what is the name of your kindergarten, what is always in your mom’s bag, what is your dog’s name, what do you take to the sea, what is in your dad’s wallet, and so on.

Only three

3rd birthday! We must remember this figure and this number! Prepare 10 disposable plates. Place different items on them in quantity from 1 to 6. Children need to make sure that there are only three items in all plates (add or remove).

A child's birthday is the most memorable holiday that can successfully compete even with the New Year. And all because on this day all attention is focused only on the baby: they give him gifts, guests come to him, a table is set for him with all sorts of goodies.

Unfortunately, only in childhood is this holiday really remembered, because when we get older, we outgrow the joy of the miracles that happen and lose the selfless feeling of happiness.

How to spend your baby's birthday in such a way that he remembers it? What treats to put on the table, and what competitions to make? Where is it better to celebrate the holiday - at home, in a cafe or in the park? Finally, what is the best way to celebrate a holiday for a toddler under 3 years old and an older child?

Choosing a place to celebrate

Holiday at home: pros and cons

The most important advantage of celebrating a birthday at home is its affordability in terms of finances. After all, you save not only on renting a hall or buying entrance tickets, but also get a unique opportunity to prepare treats for your child and guests the way you want, and for the amount you have.

In addition, you will be able to invite more guests than if you celebrated the holiday in a cafe (and all for the same financial reason), and if we talk about the baby’s birthday, then a home party will be a safer event for him.

The disadvantages of a birthday party at home include the time spent on preparing food and decorating the room, as well as the need to wash the dishes yourself after the guests have left.

Celebrating the holiday outside the home

If the financial component of the banquet does not scare you and you can easily spend a significant amount on renting a hall and refreshments, and also do not want it to be noisy at home, then celebrating a birthday outside the home is best for you.

After all, in this case, you will not need to worry about treats, buy food for cooking yourself, think about organizing an event, planning games, competitions and entertainment.

As a rule, this is done by the organizers who accept your request for a banquet: they invite animators, create a menu, decorate the room and deal with other important issues.

General principles of preparing for the holiday depending on the age of the baby

From 0 to 3

While your child is very young, it is best to spend his birthday at home. After all, until the age of 3, he does not understand well the meaning of a large-scale event, and you, as a rule, prepare everything not so much for him as for the guests.

However, you shouldn’t refuse a celebration for a 1-year-old baby either: it’s enough to invite close relatives and friends to the holiday. Don't forget to put it on the table.

Despite the fact that the child may not be able to blow them out on his own. Photos of him touchingly trying to do this will become the best memory of a child's birthday. And they will stay with you for many years.

From 3 to 5 years

It is also better to spend a child’s birthday at 2 years old or 3 years old (up to 5 years old) at home, because it will be comfortable for him to be in a familiar environment. And the fact that at this age a child may still be shy about guests cannot be discounted either.

From 6 to 8 years

At this age, all the fun begins: the child already remembers well the importance of the event and his central position in it, so you simply must organize the holiday as brightly and effectively as possible. However, in any case, the choice of celebration format should be discussed with its “culprit”.

From 8 to 10 years

A 10-year-old child has already grown up a lot and expects something special from his birthday, and you should help him get as many positive emotions from the event as possible. Therefore, it would be best to celebrate this holiday outside the home: in a cafe, in nature, in a water park. Moreover, now the baby independently invites his guests: a bunch of friends in the yard and friends from school.

It would be best to pay as much attention as possible to the child himself and invite everyone he wants to see at the holiday. The baby's relatives can gather separately a little later (for example, in the evening).

Ideas for celebrating children's birthdays outside the home

In aquapark

If it’s warm and sunny outside, then sitting at home on such a beautiful day is simply blasphemy! Is it your child's birthday today? Just great! Celebrate at an amusement park or take your kids to a water park.

There they will squeal and joyfully ride on roller coasters, splash in the pool, ride on a train and explore the surroundings while sitting in the Ferris Wheel. There are a lot of places where you can climb and jump on, and the energy that is overflowing will be splashed out in the right direction.

Don’t forget about treats either: having played enough and ridden the rides, the children will have to eat deliciously in a cafe or pizzeria, which you will order for them in advance.

Cultural celebration: museums and excursions

Don't want to take the kids to the park? Spend the day culturally: let the celebration take place in the museum! Starting with an exciting excursion, you can, having agreed in advance with the event organizers, hold the event in a museum setting.

Children of primary school age will love it: unusual and very exciting!

Outdoor recreation: picnics and barbecues

Another option for celebrating a birthday is to go out into nature, because all children love fresh air and delicious barbecue. If you have a country house or dacha, then you can go there with your guests, but if not, then a simple outing for a picnic is also suitable.

If there are not very many guests, and the parents of the invited children will be with you, it is worth staying overnight in nature. There is nothing more wonderful for a child than sitting by the fire at night, baking potatoes in the coals and telling interesting stories.

Celebrating the holiday at home

Prepare the prizes

In order for your birthday to go off with a bang, you need to worry about the surroundings and components of the holiday no less than about the food. Therefore, start organizing by preparing gifts and prizes that you will give to little guests for winning competitions.

These can be chocolates, hairpins and keychains, books, souvenirs and small soft toys.

Decorate your apartment

In order for the festive atmosphere to be felt 100%, you need to properly decorate the room in which the children's holiday will be celebrated.

You can use anything: balloons, bright ribbons, painted posters, decorative flowers and even soft toys. The most important thing is that the room is truly beautiful, filled to the brim with childhood!

Choose music

Being bored at a festival is a sin, so you can select fun music in advance, which you can use to fill the pauses between competitions and accompany the event itself. Record songs about friendship on a disc and select special backing tracks online: this way you can invite your little guests to sing a song for the birthday boy, having given them the words in advance.

Invite the clowns

To make your birthday bright, invite clowns or life-size puppets. There are a lot of companies that help organize a child’s birthday party at home in a similar format.

Just don’t forget to discuss the idea of ​​a celebration with them in advance by watching videos of their work and choosing the cartoon and fairy tale characters that your child loves most.

Take photos

Regardless of how you decide to celebrate this day, don't forget about photography and videography. Just don’t ask the kids to pose: it’s best to take pictures while they’re having fun - they’re sure to be unexpected and interesting.

Together or separately?

You don’t know what to do: should you gather guests at one table, regardless of age, or seat children and adults separately? It would be best to ask the birthday boy what he wants: to sit with adults or with friends?

“Sharing” also has its downsides: if you have two tables, you will begin to be torn on two fronts. We will have to keep an eye on the children and not forget about the adults. Therefore, it would be better to gather all the children during the day, and sit with the adult guests at the table in the evening.

Treats for guests

A table for adults is more or less clear, but what about children's treats? Of course, it’s worth making more sweets, but don’t feed the children only cakes and sweets?

Therefore, it is better to start the celebration by serving light salads so that the children can gain strength for games, and after the break, serve them cakes and fruit slices. The cake should be placed on the table at the very end of the event.

Examples of scripts for birthday celebrations

Of course, there are many options for celebrating a child’s birthday, but we decided to offer you one scenario for a boy and one for a girl.

Pirate party for boys from 3 to 8 years old

To celebrate a boy's holiday in a great way, you can organize it in the style of a pirate party. After all, little men really love ships, duels, pirate costumes and other sea paraphernalia!

Of course, it will be better if you organize it in the yard, but if it’s cold outside, then it’s quite possible to hold a pirate party at home.


Start by making unique invitations for each child by cutting out an irregularly shaped card, rubbing it with a wet tea bag to give it a vintage look, and writing some fun pirate words on it.

After this, tie the card with a rope, first roll it into a tube, and stick it into a plastic bottle, pouring sand into it.

Holiday attributes

Let every boy who enters your house receive an eye patch. You can even draw him real stubble or go further and give the young pirates homemade sabers and scarves.


Lay a blue tablecloth on the table, decorating it with sewn paper sabers and gold coins. You can put a bottle of candles there, which should be secured well. Drink glasses can be decorated with a themed film applique.

Sea battle or treasure hunt

The first option for fun: dress the kids in swimsuits and give them balloons filled with plain water. Let the children squeal and throw them - this game will not leave anyone indifferent!

In addition, real pirates will have to go in search of treasure. To do this, bury a magic chest in the garden in advance, filled with candies and chocolate medallions, and then divide the children into two teams and give them a map with which they will look for the treasure.

Royal party for girls from 3 to 8 years old

Any girl will love a holiday organized in the style of a royal party! After all, the birthday girl and her guests can be dressed in the best outfits, decorate themselves with beads and bows to become the most beautiful Princesses in the world!

Invitation card

It is done not only to reinforce the idea of ​​the holiday, but also because in the postcard you indicate the clothes that the guests will wear: beautiful dresses or suits.

The invitation itself can be made with your own hands: to do this, cut it out of colored paper, write the text on it in beautiful handwriting and make a border around the edge of the card with ribbons.

Decorating the room

It is best to place a pink tablecloth on the table, attaching bows or ribbons to the edges. Juice glasses are decorated with flowers attached with tape.

The hall in which the celebration will take place is decorated like a castle: hang balloons, flowers and posters depicting royal nobles, castles and horses there.

Meeting with guests

Any guest entering the door on this day will be greeted with a curtsy, as befits palace etiquette. You should address each other as “Princess” or “Prince”. You can also present each guest with a royal crown at the entrance.


One of the competitions that can brighten up a girl’s day will be the game “Where is the King’s Treasure?” To carry it out, fill a simple saucepan with chocolate medallions and prepare a wooden spoon.

After this, blindfold the birthday girl, give her a spoon in her hand and tell her that there is a whole pot of coins very close to her. The girl will have to use the tips of the guests to find these treasures. The children will shout to her whether it is hot or cold so that the birthday girl understands where to go.

In the same way, other guests can try to find bars and coins, so that no one will be offended on this wonderful and joyful children's holiday.

Summing up

Remember that only loving and attentive parents are able to arrange a real holiday for their baby!

After all, if there is a desire to make a child happy, then ideas for holding an event appear out of nowhere and financial opportunities are also necessarily sought out. Happy birthday to you!

The first important holiday in a baby's life is his first birthday. Exactly a year ago, on this beautiful day, a little man was born into our lives and our family; he became the most precious gift that life gave us. He brought happiness to our home, gave us unforgettable moments of joy and pleasure.

The first important holiday in a baby's life is his first birthday. Exactly a year ago, on this beautiful day, a little man was born into our lives and our family; he became the most precious gift that life gave us. He brought happiness to our home, gave us unforgettable moments of joy and pleasure. Together with him we rejoiced at his first smile, first steps and words, which is why we also decided to celebrate our baby’s first birthday with him.

Many parents are very mistaken, believing that they don’t have to celebrate their baby’s first birthday at all, that the child is still very young, that he still won’t understand anything or will be scared when he sees a lot of people he doesn’t know on this day. They prefer a regular feast with their friends, without the presence of the hero of the occasion, forgetting that this is his holiday. But everything is in your hands, parents, only you know what your baby likes, what makes him happy, and what might just make him laugh. Therefore, try to make your baby’s first holiday interesting and unforgettable; a camera or video camera will help you with this.

We have come up with a plan to celebrate our baby's first birthday, maybe you and your baby will love it too. Preliminary preparation included only a few steps:

  1. When our baby was only 1 month old, we bought him a small car, everyone was surprised - why? But even then a wonderful idea came to our minds; every month we decided to buy, fortunately, a machine a little larger in size than the previous one. Our baby grew, and his car fleet grew along with him; a year there were already 12 cars in the garage (under the crib). You can replace the cars with dolls or soft toys, but they should all grow with your baby.
  2. Take photographs of your baby more often or film with a video camera, if you have such an opportunity, before the holiday, so that the one-year-old birthday boy gets used to this procedure and does not attach much importance to it.
  3. Introduce your baby to his first friends before the holiday so that he gets used to them. These could be his peers or children a little older than him, your relatives, the children of your friends or neighbors. Observe which of them he is more happy about, which ones he is less happy about, and which ones he doesn’t want to play with at all, this will help you create a guest list in the future.
  4. The most important thing is to teach your child to blow out a candle. A difficult task, but quite doable if desired. At this age, the baby happily learns through play, but enthusiastically completes the learned material only a few days after learning, until interest disappears. Therefore, it is best to teach your child to blow out a candle a couple of days before his birthday. First, you can show how to blow on a dandelion or a feather, and only then teach your child how to blow out a candle. If your baby likes this idea, then the first birthday cake must have a candle (musical, if your baby loves music, or in the form of the number “1”), but if he doesn’t like it, then he will have to discard the candle.

Well, now the preparation plan for the celebration:

  1. Buy or make your own birthday cap and bowtie (for a boy) for your baby. This is very simple to do: for this you will need only one sheet of cardboard, from which you can make both a cap and a butterfly, and then cover them with wrapping paper for gifts with a child's drawing. Tie an elastic band to the cap, but always one that is wrapped with threads; you can buy it in “Everything for Sewing” stores). It is better to tie a ribbon to the butterfly, not an elastic band, which is used for wrapping gifts. It is also suitable for a cap balabon, make a small star or flower out of it, you can buy a ready-made one. Try all this on your baby the day before the holiday, show him in the mirror how beautiful he is and promise him that tomorrow you will show all this to his friends.
  2. Bake a small cake yourself, it can be a regular sponge cake made from fresh homemade eggs with an apple. (3 eggs, 0.5 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. flour, beat with a mixer, add peeled and finely chopped apples, bake in the oven until ready). The usual round shape of the cake can be easily changed by making it, for example, a polar bear. At the top, cut the round cake so that you get two ears, and use the scraps to make a muzzle on top of the cake. Sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar and use the halves of peeled walnuts to make eyes and a nose. Everyone will love this cake.
  3. It is better to purchase juice in small bags with straws for all your baby’s guests.
  4. Fruits are not only very healthy, but also tasty, these can be: apples, pears, peaches, apricots, bananas, oranges, etc. You will have to take into account not only the tastes of your baby, but also his guests, so if one of your friends is allergic to any of the fruits, then it is better to refuse it.
  5. For serving, a coffee table with small chairs, or a folding table-chair for your child is suitable. The birthday boy should sit in the center, as usual.
  6. Balloons - the bigger the better, different shapes, colors and different sizes. You can decorate your room with them, but not only that, you will also need them for playing. Just inflate them and scatter them all over the room, the children will happily start scattering them and will simply squeal with pleasure.
  7. Even if your 1-year-old doesn't speak yet, he still understands a lot, so show him all 12 cars (or other toys) and tell him that they grew up with him. I am sure that both your little birthday boy and his little guests will really like these toys, let them all play with them together.
  8. Well, for dancing, don’t forget to buy a CD or cassette with children’s songs.

Everything is almost ready, you can invite guests, but you must always remember that a birthday is only once a year, so don’t postpone it to another day just because it falls on weekdays. The holiday must take place exactly on time, and those who truly love your baby will definitely come at any day and time. At this time, your baby should already be asleep and greet guests.

Naturally, invite children along with their parents 2 hours earlier than other guests in order to provide the kids with a comfortable environment and, without fuss, carry out all the planned events first for the children, and only then to meet the rest of the guests.

There should not be too many children, two to five will be enough.

Yes, and don’t forget to buy a gift, it should be beautiful and interesting for your baby. Congratulate him first so that the baby feels how pleasant it is to receive interesting gifts, then he will happily accept them from his guests.

Dear dads, don’t forget to give flowers to your mom, because she was the one who gave you such a wonderful baby.

And now this long-awaited holiday has arrived. A feeling of joy and happiness overwhelms your family, you are proud of your baby, you remember how tiny he was when he was born, you admire how big he has grown.

So let this day in your baby’s life be the most wonderful and incredibly fabulous.

Let your smile light up like a fire,
And children's laughter flows like a stream,
Let your eyes sparkle like diamonds,
And let your wishes come true!

Happiness to you and your baby!


A very light story. Indeed, celebrating the 1st year of a baby’s life is an integral part of everything first for a child - the first breath, the first smile, the first word, the first birthday. So let us remember this, regardless of the fact that the baby will not understand it.

Zamechatel"nyj rasskaz, Thank you vam

If I were little, I would really like this holiday. You can immediately see caring parents.

04/23/2004 16:49:20, Vitaly

This story is filled with warmth, kindness and love. Not only interesting, but also educational
(there is the fact of teaching a child to blow out a candle). Good luck to you, as well as inspiration for new stories.

04/20/2004 15:38:00, Svetlana

A wonderful story, imbued with love, attention and care for your child. Very instructive. A child who grows up in such an atmosphere will give love and joy to those around him.
An excellent example to follow.

04/19/2004 15:21:16, Elena

Wonderful story. Childhood is the most carefree and fabulous time, but parents should not forget that they must help create a fairy tale. The fairy tale itself may not appear, so it is very important to create it so that the child has only pleasant memories of childhood. A child’s birthday is one of the most fabulous and pleasant moments in his life; he should feel that all the attention of adults and friends is now on him. This story is exactly about what a first birthday really should be like, colorful, beautiful, given to him alone. :-))

04/19/2004 13:55:11, Vika

The story is informative and instructive for those who thought that it was not necessary to celebrate the first year of birth. A child always wants to do something nice, so why miss the opportunity on his birthday. After a while, when the baby grows up a little, he will look at photographs or videos from his birthday and it will be interesting for him to see the cake with candles, donated toys, familiar children who came to congratulate him. I know this from personal experience; we are preparing for our third birthday.

04/17/2004 14:32:38, marchukin

It’s so great that among all our adult worries and concerns, the baby’s parents do not forget that his holidays and the very first discoveries in his life are events of the highest and most important importance!
Moms and dads! Take an example from this wonderful family and give your miracle joy and love! Even though he is still just a baby, he will definitely appreciate your efforts :))) And to you - good luck, happiness and new interesting friends, both to your baby and to you! :)))

04/17/2004 12:53:35, Elena

A wonderful story, everything is so well presented! Our first birthday is in a week, tomorrow we will learn how to blow out a candle!!! :) My “adult” son is sleeping and has no idea how worried his mother is about the holiday! I really want this day to remain unforgettable! With your advice it will be much easier to do. Thank you! And good luck in the competition!

Let's remember ourselves in childhood: what was the most long-awaited holiday? The most anticipated children's holiday of the year is a birthday; it is very important for a child. The task of parents is to create a special atmosphere so that everything on this day seems unusual.

A birthday does not require a lot of expenses, as many people think... Of course, if for a parent a birthday is a good reason to spend a lot of money, this is also an option. But for a child this has absolutely no meaning. The series of events taking place on this day will be remembered by the little birthday boy much more than one big fireworks display.

The main component of this day is its beginning. It is necessary that waking up be different from every day. It has been tested on more than one child that it is the special getting out of bed that is remembered most often after a birthday. The child will remember everything you come up with for him: balloons, pleasant music, mother’s song, soap bubbles, sparklers, a DIY birthday poster and much more that might come to mind.

Almost every place that is planned to be visited on this day should be a surprise for the child. For example, you went to brush your teeth, and in the bathroom a new toothbrush, toothpaste and a towel with his name are waiting for him. You leave home for kindergarten, and there is a sign on the door: “Happy Birthday!” We will be waiting for you in the evening!” The day before, on the way to the garden, you can hide a message from Santa Claus - this will be a huge surprise for the baby, especially if he was not born in winter, because another most memorable holiday is this. The message could be, for example, this: “Greetings to you (child’s name). Today is your birthday, and I remember this, because I have the birthdays of all the guys written down. I wish you to always rejoice and be a happy child. I look forward to seeing you in the New Year.” This message can be not only from Santa Claus, but also from a favorite character that the child likes.

In kindergarten, a surprise can be a notebook, a set of pencils and beautiful stickers, with the help of which each child in the group can draw up their congratulations to the birthday boy during the day. When you pick up your child from kindergarten in the evening, you can bring a gift - a small book. Are you going home and went to the grocery store? Ask the cashier in advance to give your baby a lollipop and congratulate him. Another little pleasure!

Of course, after such a busy day, the child will be waiting for possible surprises at home. Balloons are very beautiful and impressive, but we won’t spray it, we’ll take one beautiful balloon, fill it with confetti and put a letter from the parents there. Its content is very individual, and it is written from the heart so that the child feels the importance of his existence.

It’s good if it’s possible for someone to decorate the apartment festively for the birthday boy’s arrival. But if not, the child himself will help you with great pleasure and enthusiasm.

If guests come to your child’s birthday, you need to come up with a program in advance and prepare the necessary equipment. Here are some birthday party tips:

  • make a treasure hunt map in the apartment (at each point that the children must find, they will complete the task written on the sheet: jump, count, recite a poem, sing to the birthday boy, etc.);
  • traveling through countries (similar to the first one - tasks around the country they found);
  • little magicians (on the Internet you can find many magic tricks for children and perform them together with guests);
  • mini-theater (choose a short well-known fairy tale so that everyone gets a role, and act it out with the children).

The culmination of the holiday is, of course, gifts. Everyone will give it as a gift, and you have a special surprise. You can take a large box, decorate it beautifully and put a small gift inside (this is what the imagination is capable of), wrapped in a large amount of paper. This will be fun: I myself received a similar gift as a child, and despite its insignificance, I really liked it, since it was obtained by a long time of unrolling the paper. Well, when everyone had fun and joked, you can give a real gift from your parents.

This is the kind of birthday you can have for a child without any special financial expenses - you just need thoughtful preparation. Have an unforgettable birthday!


On the advice of friends, we spent our son’s 9th birthday at the “Tsel” club. Well, what can I say, I liked it! The club has different characters from cartoons and films, we chose Darth Vader) this is how Star Wars turned out) the club has large playgrounds, shooting games and other things that boys like. In a word, Egorka and the boys were not allowed to get bored. They also included a show program with chemical experiments and face painting. Next year we’ll think, if we don’t find something out of the ordinary, we’ll celebrate Egorkin’s anniversary in Tseli)

Or you can just call the animators. The guys, as a rule, bring equipment, costumes, balloons with them.. I ordered a joyful one for my son, then he walked around all day because the balloons remain and after the competitions the mood is high) I live in Balashikha and here you can order a great program for only 3500!

Minimum costs both in time and money - this is a Holiday in Cuba. The idea is the following. Buy a box that contains everything you need for a children's party. And the script, and the costumes, and the music. We had a pirate party for our son. Everything went with a bang! No need to prepare in advance, no need to come up with props and hide it all from prying eyes :)

Comment on the article "How to celebrate a child's birthday: more surprises, less costs"

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