
Ultrasonic cavitation for cellulite - description, effectiveness, contraindications. Ultrasound therapy Massage technique

Beauty salons offer their clients a wide range of services aimed at combating imperfections of the face and body. These include traditional and exotic types of manual massage, anti-aging injections, as well as high-tech hardware treatment methods.

Ultrasound is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. This is explained by the fact that with its help it is possible to have a targeted, targeted effect on tissue, including at the cellular level. It is used for diagnostics (ultrasound), treatment, figure correction, and cosmetic procedures. The essence of the technique is to influence the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles or joints using a device that produces waves of a certain length and intensity.

Ultrasonic massage activates lymph and blood flow, accelerates metabolic processes and promotes tissue regeneration. The cells are saturated with oxygen, nutrients are fully delivered to them (including from medicinal products applied to the skin), and toxins (decomposition products) are removed. The effect on the deep layers improves the natural production of collagen, which gives tone to sagging skin, smoothes wrinkles, and promotes a lifting effect. Ultrasound also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In addition, the waves promote gentle exfoliation and cleanse the skin surface of dead cells.

In addition to ultrasonic facial massage, there are similar procedures for different parts of the body. For example, anti-cellulite effects are performed on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. Ultrasonic waves work with subcutaneous fatty tissue, breaking up compactions of improperly formed tissue, and also improve the appearance and condition of the skin. Such procedures help remove excess fluid from the body, which allows them to be included in a comprehensive weight loss program.

By triggering active processes in the skin, ultrasound promotes tissue regeneration. Therefore, it is used to get rid of scars and scars.

As a result of a course of therapeutic massage, muscles and skin are tightened, spasms and swelling go away, and the waves have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Indications for prescribing procedures

The properties of ultrasound make it possible to use it for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases, as well as for body modeling and skin care.

Indications for facial massage, in particular, are:

  • age-related skin changes (sagging, wrinkles);
  • seborrheic oily skin;
  • acne;
  • scars;
  • rosacea;
  • violation of the tone of facial muscles;
  • swelling.

Body treatments are performed for:

  • cellulite;
  • stretch marks;
  • the presence of scars and cicatrices;
  • skin restoration after surgery.

Ultrasound is used in the treatment of diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis) and internal organs.

Thus, to eliminate congestion during lactostasis, ultrasound breast massage is used. Hardware prostate massage is also popular - this procedure does not cause physical or psychological discomfort and can be performed independently at home. In different cases, waves of a certain length, range, and intensity are used. The exposure time may also vary.


There are not many contraindications to ultrasound massage, including:

  • installed pacemaker;
  • the presence of neoplasms, including cancer;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute stage of infectious diseases;
  • some pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • first trimester of pregnancy.

In addition to general cases, there are local restrictions depending on the affected area:

  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • moles;
  • tendency to nosebleeds;
  • installed implants;
  • and others.

Cases of individual intolerance to ultrasound are rare, but they do occur. Therefore, in case of any discomfort that appears during the procedure, it is necessary to interrupt the session and it is advisable to consult a doctor.

You cannot massage the heart area, touch the spinous processes of the vertebrae, or the knees.

Massage technique

As mentioned above, the technique depends on the type of procedure, but in general it looks like this.

First, a gel or other contact substance is applied to the skin. Then the emitter is placed on the surface of the body and moved along it with light, not too fast movements. The massager can work both in pulse (most often) and in constant mode. Sometimes the specialist’s hand lingers on an area that needs more intense treatment.

The duration of the session is determined by the doctor. It ranges from 5 to 30 minutes. The procedures are carried out daily or 2-3 times a week, with about 10 sessions.

During the massage there should not be any unpleasant or painful sensations, but warmth or slight vibration may be felt.

Using ultrasound at home

In a professional environment, special devices are used that have an expanded range of functions. Such equipment has a high price, requires special conditions for placement and operation, in particular, due to its size, and training to operate it. At the same time, household (including portable) devices for ultrasonic massage are also produced, which can be used at home and taken with you on trips.

It’s easy to learn how to perform facial procedures in an apartment. They are made using small devices that are battery-powered, have 2-3 modes of gentle exposure and usually combine ultrasound and light therapy. The massagers come with instructions that show the lines along which the movement occurs, as well as the recommended duration and frequency of procedures. Video tutorials are useful for clarity.

Before the session, the skin is cleansed with cosmetic milk and a massage gel is applied. The field uses a tonic and a suitable type of nourishing cream.

Remember that ultrasound enhances the effect of any medicinal cosmetics.

Regular implementation of procedures will prolong the youth of the skin, eliminate minor defects, maintain the clarity of the oval of the face, and the tone of facial muscles.

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Cellulite is a consequence of degenerative processes in subcutaneous fatty tissue that arise as a result of hypertrophy of adipocytes and accumulation of fluid in the intercellular environment. The manifestation of the “orange peel effect” is possible both against the background of nutritional obesity and in people with normal body weight.

Cellulite is conventionally divided into the following stages:

1st - the presence of an “orange peel” effect when the skin is captured in a fold;

2nd - characteristic signs of stage 1 + telangiectasia;

3rd - preservation of the “orange peel” effect with a stable condition of the skin with severe tissue swelling and impaired pain sensitivity in the affected area;

4th - changes in temperature, density and texture of the skin, pain on palpation.

From a medical point of view, cellulite is not a disease, but the consequences associated with pathological processes in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, impaired microcirculation, accumulation of toxins and metabolic products have an adverse effect on the body as a whole, and changes in the appearance of the skin serve as an irritant and cause emotional imbalance in patient.

Ultrasound therapy and ultraphonophoresis (the combined effect of ultrasonic vibrations and medicinal substances administered using ultrasound) are the most effective methods used for the treatment and prevention of fibrous forms of cellulite. The effect of such therapy is mainly due to its defibrosating, catabolic, regenerative effect. In medical practice, ultrasound is used at fixed frequencies of 800-3000 kHz (high frequency) and 22-44 kHz (low frequency). Low-frequency ultrasound, unlike high-frequency ultrasound, penetrates deeper into tissues and has a pronounced bactericidal, decongestant, loosening and depolymerizing effect; significantly increases vascular and epithelial permeability, as well as phoretic activity.

Ultrasonic waves can be reflected from the boundaries of various media and have the properties of focusing, diffraction and interference. Reflection and refraction of ultrasound depends on the acoustic impedance of the media. This occurs at the interface of biological tissues and air. Therefore, the basic rule for conducting ultrasound procedures is to ensure an airless space between the ultrasound emitter and the skin. The reflection of ultrasonic waves depends on the angle of their incidence on the affected area. The greater the deflection angle, the greater the reflection coefficient. That is why during procedures the emitter must be pressed tightly against the skin.

When conducting ultrasound therapy, methods of fixing the position of the emitter or moving the emitter in the treatment area are used.

When carrying out ultrasound procedures, the human body is affected by 3 mutually related and complementary factors - mechanical, thermal, physico-chemical. The action of the mechanical factor is associated with the acoustic pressure of ultrasonic waves. As a result of alternating zones of compression and discharge in the tissues, a vibration “micro-massage” occurs at the cellular level. The permeability of cell membranes increases, intracellular processes are activated - the synthesis of protein, enzymes, ATP. The thermal effect of ultrasound is associated with the conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy in tissues. Increasing the temperature to 1°C helps to increase the rate of biochemical reactions and diffusion processes, improving microcirculation. The physicochemical factor has a stimulating effect on biochemical and biophysical processes in the human body, serves as a catalyst for redox enzymes and coenzymes in cells, promotes the synthesis of ATP, nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, polysaccharides and other cellular components.

The biological effect of ultrasound is associated with its ability to cause analgesic, antispastic, vasodilating, absorbable, anti-inflammatory, and phoretic effects. The depth and strength of the effect of ultrasound on human tissue depends on the frequency and dose (intensity) of the ultrasound wave.

Frequency is the number of complete oscillations of particles of the medium per unit time (per 1 s) and is measured in hertz (Hz). In aesthetic cosmetology, high-frequency (880-1000 and 2000-3000 kHz) ultrasound devices are used for the prevention and treatment of cellulite.

Dose (or intensity) of ultrasound - this is the energy passing in 1 s through an area of ​​1 cm2 located perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave; measured in watts per 1 cm2 (W/cm2). When carrying out cosmetic procedures, the ultrasound intensity does not exceed 1.2 W/cm2.

Duty ratio is the ratio of the pulse repetition period to the pulse activity. Typically, the pulse repetition period is 20 or 10 MS, respectively, the duty cycle will be 10.5 and 2 MS.

The speed of ultrasound propagation in the human body depends on tissue density, nature and concentration of substances per unit volume. In muscles and internal organs, ultrasound speed ranges from 1450-1650 m/s, in bone tissue -3500 m/s.

Penetration depth and mechanical impact of ultrasound on biological tissue differ significantly depending on the method of its excitation and, as a consequence, on the type of propagating wave. High-frequency ultrasonic devices (up to 3000 kHz) generate longitudinal waves. Ultrasound emitters are usually flat membranes that perform mechanical vibrations along the direction of wave propagation. The penetration depth of such a wave depends on its frequency and tissue density. At a frequency of 800-1000 kHz, the penetration depth reaches 8-10 cm, at a frequency of 2500-3000 kHz - 1-3 cm.

The ability of ultrasound to increase epithelial and vascular permeability served as the basis for the combined use of a phoretic factor with medicinal substances - ultraphonophoresis.

Ultraphonophoresis- combined effect on the body of ultrasound and medicinal and cosmetic products applied to the skin. The introduction of necessary substances into the body during ultraphonophoresis occurs through the excretory ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands; There are also transcellular and intercellular routes of penetration. During the procedure, the administered substance (in this case, having a pronounced lipolytic effect) is included in the contact medium, and it must retain its structure and pharmacotherapeutic activity when exposed to a mechanical wave. The substance included in the contact medium can be prepared in the form of an emulsion, ointment, cream or solution. The basis for contact media during ultraphonophoresis can be glycerin, lanolin, petroleum jelly, DMSO, vegetable oil, etc.

Drugs precipitated in an ultrasonic field penetrate the epidermis and upper layers of the dermis through the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. Unlike electrophoresis, ultrasound does not manage to accumulate medicinal substances in the skin in sufficient concentration, so they act for a relatively short time. Despite this, as a result of the combined action of phonophoresis and various therapeutic effects of ultrasound (mechanical, thermal, chemical), the therapeutic effects are potentiated and are quite pronounced.

Significant progress in the use of ultraphonophoresis in the field of aesthetic medicine came after the creation in the mid-90s of cosmetic gels for ultrasound therapy based on extracts from algae, etc. Phytoextracts are transported into the dermis and hypodermis thanks to a new generation technology - hydrolyzed fiber. The structure of hydrolyzed fibers makes it possible for these biologically active substances to penetrate into various layers of the skin and helps solve many cosmetic problems.

When carrying out ultrasound therapy, a stable technique (fixed position of the emitter) or a labile technique (movement of the emitter in the treatment zone) is used.

For the treatment of cellulite, a labile technique is often used. The skin is pre-cleaned, peeling is carried out, and anti-cellulite gel or other contact substance is applied to the cleansed skin. The impact area should not exceed 250 cm2. If the cellulite area is significantly larger, then it is divided into fields of 250 cm2. In the first procedures, no more than 2 fields are used. If the procedures are well tolerated, the treatment area can be expanded to 4 fields. The emitter is pressed tightly against the skin and the cellulite area is worked through with sliding longitudinal movements (speed - 1-2 cm/s). The ultrasound intensity varies in the range from 0.8-0.9 W/cm2. When treating cellulite, preference is given to the pulse mode as it is more gentle.

Based on the pathogenesis of cellulite and the depth of penetration of the ultrasonic wave, the best effect is achieved by combining both frequencies. As a rule, the procedure begins with a frequency of 2640 kHz, and over the next 10 minutes the 880 kHz mode is used. When treating stage 1-2 cellulite using ultraphonophoresis, a frequency of 2640 kHz is preferred.

The exposure time for several fields, the duration of the procedure for 1 field is 3-5 minutes, and the total duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes. Procedures are carried out every other day, their number depends on the stage of cellulite, the effect of exposure, and on average is 10-20 procedures. A repeat course of ultrasound therapy is carried out after 2-3 months.

Indications for ultrasound therapy :

  • chronic inflammatory processes (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, post-acne fibrotic changes in the skin);
  • traumatic and post-acne scars, keloid scars;
  • cellulite; post-traumatic infiltrates and bruises;
  • dark spots.


  • acute and chronic purulent-inflammatory processes in the skin and organs;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • coronary heart disease, rhythm disturbance;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

The most favorable results of cosmetic correction can be achieved in the initial stages of cellulite. Pronounced metabolic changes and structural changes in tissues observed at stages 3-4 are much more difficult to influence. Therefore, to achieve the best effect, a specialist needs to develop a rational scheme for complex correction, taking into account the results of the diagnostic analysis and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Before I start telling you how ultrasound cures cellulite, you need to understand what ultrasound is. So, this is an ordinary sound, but having a higher frequency in relation to the sound that is perceived by the human ear.

Ultrasound cannot be heard, touched or seen, it has no smell, and simply put, no human sense organ is capable of perceiving it. However it works! Even more, ultrasound is the only factor without which, for the past 20 years, no more or less effective anti-cellulite program can do.

Ultrasonic dynamics are capable of propagating in uniform media, capable of penetrating to great depths and having a wide range of powers. When exposed to the human body, ultrasound heats, tones, increases metabolism, improves blood circulation, and removes toxins. Applies ultrasound for cellulite, inflammation, for resorption of scars, wound healing.

Ultrasound has nothing in common with dangerous (ionizing) radiation. In the framework used for treatment, ultrasound for cellulite is absolutely harmless, does not cause any side effects, and no special preparation is required to carry out the effect. And the main thing is that ultrasound is recognized by specialists all over the world as the most effective and very promising way to treat cellulite.

How does cellulite occur?

Everyone knows what cellulite looks like. And what happens under the skin?

The peculiarities of the female body are that in the area and hips, subcutaneous fatty tissue looks like a cellular structure, similar to a honeycomb, which is filled not with honey, but with fat cells. When excess fat accumulates or fluid is retained, the cells begin to swell and create the well-known “orange peel” appearance.

Over time, the cell walls become denser, which causes the appearance of dense nodules. The lymphatic vessels and veins are compressed, and the fatty tissue turns into a dense, cold-to-the-touch material. Next, large veins begin to be compressed.

The standard picture in later stages is cellulite in the thigh area, varicose veins in the shin area. That is, a vicious vicious circle: cellulite exists due to the fact that blood does not circulate, and blood does not circulate due to the presence of cellulite.

Problem areas are located at a depth of about 1-4 cm without damaging the tissue, it is impossible to get there. The popular ones only knead the tissue, often painfully and with serious consequences: hemorrhage and gross scarring of the tissue. Under no circumstances should you injure cellulite areas!

Ultrasound for cellulite is the only way out that will “stir up” the fat cells without damage and force the blood vessels to work, softening the already formed nodules. Under ultrasonic influence, strong heat is generated on cellulite cells, nodules and vessels, and the local temperature rises by approximately one degree. In practice, such properties of ultrasound therapy allow unlimited solutions in the treatment of the deep layer of fiber.

Ultrasound for cellulite

It is no coincidence that anti-cellulite sessions begin with ultrasound effects (about 15 sessions are required for lasting results). The ultrasound device for cellulite is adjusted so that you can press the ultrasound head to make “sounding” with smooth movements; a special gel is first applied to the skin. There are no special sensations during the procedure, only sliding and pleasant warmth.

During an ultrasound session for cellulite, special processes occur deep in the tissue; they cannot be caused by any other procedure. Every cell is susceptible intensive micromassage. All enzymes work that intensively remove toxins and fat deposits. And if you apply electrical stimulation, vacuum massage or lymphatic drainage procedures after ultrasound exposure, a positive result will not be long in coming.

When adding vitamins or other active substances to the gel, there is a possibility of performing the “phonophoresis” procedure. This is a process when the molecules of the necessary drug are “pressed” directly into the skin by a sound wave. From where they are already sent with the blood flow into the thickness of the problem areas. This procedure is as effective as ultrasound for cellulite. In many cases, it can replace mesotherapy - the same result, but without injections.

How can you use ultrasound?

The effect of ultrasound depends on the parameters set for the effect. This method is used not only for, but also for removing stretch marks, swelling, smoothing postoperative scars and removing rosacea.

Ultrasound cannot be replaced in courses of general weight loss and local volume reduction. Modern equipment allows you to set approximately 20 ultrasonic parameters for various purposes. The impact is determined by the quality of the devices and their technical capabilities. It is important to choose the right mode, option and duration of exposure. Any device is just a tool, and any tool requires hands and an understanding of proper use. If done correctly, ultrasound can work real miracles against cellulite.

Ultrasound- a sound wave that is transmitted with a frequency above 20 thousand Hz. Its use in the treatment of cellulite and body contouring has wide boundaries. This is due to antispasmodic, defibrosating and catabolic effects. The mobility of the molecules of the active substance also plays an important role in this process.

Similar impact " liquefies» subcutaneous fat, as a result of which the substance becomes mobile, is easily removed from the cell, and then utilized naturally through the body’s excretory system.

Ultrasound is especially in demand in figure correction programs, when it is necessary to remove dense lumps of fat, most often in the riding breeches area. Fat deposits in this area do not respond well to other influences, but respond positively to ultrasound. This is an excellent alternative to surgical liposuction.

What effect does ultrasound have on the skin?

  • Ultrasound has thermal and non-thermal effects on tissue.
  • The emitter makes a peculiar “micromassage» cells.
  • Membrane enzymes are activated.
  • Swelling resolves and decreases, nerve endings are not compressed, and normal sensitivity in the affected area is restored.

Therefore, ultrasound therapy is considered an indispensable program for body contouring. The latest equipment allows you to clearly regulate the intensity of ultrasound. As it increases, a large amount of heat begins to be released at the interface of the media.

The energy that comes through the skin is absorbed by the tissues. An increase in local temperature by one degree makes the skin tissue more elastic, which normalizes metabolic processes. Thanks to this property, the use of ultrasound provides almost unlimited possibilities for working with skin.

In hardware cosmetology, low-frequency ultrasound is the most popular ( 20-25 thousand Hz). It is distinguished by the most pronounced effect and impressive depth of penetration.

Ultrasound therapy goes well with other procedures for body shaping and cellulite treatment. This

Cellulite has become one of the main enemies of female attractiveness. The purpose of this article is to find out how you can get rid of cellulite using ultrasound.

Women are bombarded with a lot of information on how to get rid of cellulite forever. The Internet, television, advice from friends and acquaintances lead to disappointment, because it is impossible to completely remove cellulite. A magic cure has not yet been invented, but you can visually reduce the signs of orange peel using ultrasound.

What should an ultrasonic massager be like?

Ultrasound devices for the treatment of cellulite come in two types: with low-frequency (LF) radio waves and high-frequency (HF) sound waves that break up fat cells. HF ultrasonic device is used to treat deep layers of fat, stimulates the neurosympathetic system to produce adrenaline and speed up metabolism. LF ultrasound devices are the most common, used to treat fat cells beneath the surface of the skin. There are combined type devices using HF and LF ultrasound to heat and remove fat cells.

How does ultrasonic massage work?

Non-invasive procedures break up the fat cell and release it into the bloodstream, where it is eliminated from the body. Under the influence of ultrasound, the fat cell melts from a slight increase in temperature. To obtain a noticeable effect, the procedure is accompanied by lymphatic drainage massage to accelerate the removal of fat from the body. The painlessness of the procedures has made ultrasound massage popular; reviews of the massage are almost all positive.

The visible result of the procedures can be seen after the first session; in the later stages of cellulite, several sessions will be required. The most commonly treated areas are the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. After the session there are no side effects and there is no need for restorative procedures.

How often should anti-cellulite treatments be repeated?

Ultrasound therapy sessions are usually carried out once a month or once every two months. The body constantly accumulates fat and cellulite returns to its original place. In order to avoid stretch marks from sudden weight loss, you must adhere to a low-fat diet and perform daily exercises after the procedures. Immediately after the massage, it is necessary to replenish lost fluid; green tea is a good option. The liquid will help fat cells leave the body faster.

Ultrasound, reviews

This is one of the painless ways to get rid of cellulite. Reviews of ultrasonic massage confirm its effectiveness. Each session lasts about an hour, small bruises may appear after manual lymphatic drainage massage, which is carried out before and after ultrasound therapy. It improves blood flow and helps destroy fat cells.