
Unusual basal temperature charts. What does basal temperature tell you about in the early stages of pregnancy? BT during pregnancy: normal

By correctly reading the basal temperature chart during pregnancy, even before a missed period, the expectant mother can track its onset. You also need to know what factors can distort the result so as not to mistake them for deviations in the development of pregnancy.

Characteristic indicators at different stages of the cycle

Basal temperature, as one of the methods for determining a day favorable for conception, is widely used nowadays, although the measurement does not provide a 100% guarantee and has a sufficient number of disadvantages. When planning a pregnancy, you need to start preparing in advance and, for comparison, take readings from at least 3-4 cycles, building a curve connecting daily temperature points.

Before we talk about building a digital axis, let’s figure out what normal values ​​should be displayed on it:

End of the menstrual cycle

  • At the end of menstrual bleeding in the first period of the cyclic process, the thermometer shows approximately 36.2-36.5°C. It is at these marks on the thermometer that the egg matures with the participation of estrogen, which controls this process.

Temperature before and after ovulation

  • On the eve of ovulation, there is a slight drop in temperature by a few tenths of a degree, and then an increase to 37°C and above. This indicates the release of the cell and its movement to meet the sperm in the fallopian tube.

An example of a graph of basal temperature during pregnancy before delay

  • After the fusion of germ cells, the graph of basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay (photos of examples confirm this) consistently shows slight fluctuations between 37 and 37.5 ° C throughout pregnancy.

  • If fertilization does not occur, a few days before menstruation, a gradual decrease in temperature begins and from the first critical day it becomes 36.8 ° C or lower.

Pregnancy diagnosis according to schedule

Elevated temperature marks on the curve are the first indirect sign of completed conception, then it will be confirmed by nausea, pain in the mammary glands, changes in mood, taste preferences, etc., and the final line will be marked by two identical stripes on the test.

Basal temperature chart during pregnancy before delay – 36.9°C

The moment of fertilization itself passes unnoticed for the woman, but implantation of the embryo into the endometrium can be recorded. In this case, the graph of basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay is 36.9°C or slightly less on days 5-7 after ovulation. Approximately this period of time is necessary for the fertilized egg to reach the uterus and begin implantation into its wall.

At this moment, slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen may be felt, and mild bleeding from the vagina may be present, as a symptom of the attachment of the fetus. The decrease will be visible for only a day, and then the curve will return to the values ​​​​that were before the decline and will no longer deviate.

Signs that distort indicators

We examined the normal course of pregnancy in the early stages and its inherent adequate meanings. But sometimes the graph of basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay, examples have deviations, both in the direction of increasing and decreasing temperature values. They are caused by certain reasons related to the influence of internal and external factors on the woman’s body.

When a shift in indicators occurs once, it can be attributed to errors in temperature measurements that occurred due to a completely understandable reason:

  • Insomnia;
  • Short sleep, less than 6 hours;
  • Cold;
  • Sexual intercourse 3-4 hours before measurement;
  • Excessive physical activity the day before;
  • Stress.

Dangerous deviations in the basal temperature chart during pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy

If an increase of 37.5-38°C is observed and continues for several days, an inflammatory process in the woman’s reproductive system can be suspected. This could be an infectious disease, or possibly an ectopic pregnancy. Attachment of the fertilized egg in the wrong place can cause a peculiar reaction with temperature jumps up and down and the curve turns out to be somewhat incorrect with atypical depressions.

Frozen pregnancy or miscarriage

A decrease in indicators, with confidence in conception, below 36.9 ° C, is also a cause for concern. In this case, a frozen pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage is suspected. This state of temperature values ​​is explained by a decrease in progesterone levels occurring due to fetal death. It is no longer necessary to support the development of the embryo; the corpus luteum gradually reduces its production, and the hormone content in the blood drops. He is no longer able to maintain elevated basal temperature numbers, and it drops.

If a threat of miscarriage is suspected, the temperature will be below 36.9°C on the chart during pregnancy before the delay.

Basal temperature chart during pregnancy before delay (video)

In this video, an obstetrician-gynecologist talks about how to correctly measure basal temperature during pregnancy before a delay.

To make sure that you are drawing up your basal temperature chart correctly during pregnancy before the delay, video materials and examples of girls on the forums will help you get rid of doubts about the sequence of actions and understand the temperature values.


When drawing up a temperature curve, one should not forget that each organism is characterized only by its own values, so it is not the numbers themselves that are important, but rather the difference between the first and second phases of the cycle, which should be no less than 0.4°C.

Basal temperature is the body temperature at rest, after at least three hours of uninterrupted sleep. This is the most indicative temperature, since it is not influenced by external factors, physical activity, or emotional state. Most often, they resort to measuring basal temperature and plotting graphs when using a “natural” method of contraception and during pregnancy itself in order to monitor whether the fetus is developing correctly. If your doctor recommends that you measure your basal temperature, you should not neglect this.

Let's start with the method itself. It was developed 60 years ago, and since then has been successfully used for the safe preliminary diagnosis of various disorders in the female reproductive system.

  • Basal temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after waking up, at the same time.
  • The spread in measurement time should not exceed an hour and a half, otherwise the graph will be uninformative.
  • The measurement should be made without getting out of bed, after at least three hours of sleep, with the same thermometer, it can be a mercury thermometer, but usually an electric one is more accurate.
  • If you use a mercury thermometer, you need to lower the temperature on the thermometer in the evening.
  • The thermometer should be placed next to the bed before going to bed so that you do not have to get up or reach for it, affecting your basal temperature with physical activity.
  • The measurement is carried out in the same place, this can be the rectum, oral cavity or vagina. The first method is considered the best, since the temperature of the rectum is less susceptible to fluctuations as a result of external influences.
  • The measurement results are accurately recorded in a table, where it is also necessary to make notes about everything that can change the basal temperature: the day of the menstrual cycle, the presence and nature of discharge, if any, illness, travel, sex the day before, drinking alcohol before bed and other factors.
  • Then a graph is constructed, the beginning and end of which coincide with the menstrual cycle. Next, the schedule can be assessed, and if it is atypical, you should consult a doctor.

The basal temperature graph shows how the body’s hormonal system works, whether all processes associated with the release of sex hormones are proceeding correctly.

If the basal temperature, on the contrary, has risen sharply, this may indicate the development of inflammatory processes, both general and local.

In addition, some doctors call a very elevated basal temperature in the early stages one of the signs of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, you should pay attention to the appearance of acute pain in the lower abdomen. Also, a high temperature, if it lasts for a long time, can harm the development of the fetus, so this fact cannot be ignored, although an elevated temperature is considered less dangerous than a low one

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In any case, if your basal temperature is atypical for you, you should consult a doctor; he can more accurately determine the cause.

In order to monitor the normal course of pregnancy by measuring basal temperature, you need to know what the usual schedule of the menstrual cycle looks like in your case without pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor your basal temperature once or twice and build a graph. It is very useful as a means of early diagnosis of various problems in the reproductive system, and will help to properly plan pregnancy.

It usually looks something like this.

Although the numerical expressions and some features may vary, the general trends remain the same in any normal graph.

The total length of the menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days, which also includes the days of menstruation. The cycle is divided into two phases: hypothermic (follicular) and hyperthermic (luteal), which occurs after ovulation. The temperature curve is constructed as follows. In the first days of the cycle, menstrual bleeding occurs; normally it lasts from 3 to 6 days, during which time the basal temperature drops from 37 to 36.2-36.5 degrees, and remains at this level throughout the first half of the cycle. After bleeding, the follicle develops and matures, from which an egg is subsequently released ready for fertilization.

Approximately on the 14th day of the cycle, ovulation occurs, after which the second phase of the cycle is considered. At this time, the egg is released into the fallopian tubes, where it remains viable for about 24 hours. The temperature rises by 0.2-0.4 degrees. And before ovulation, as a rule, it remains at the same level.

Further, the temperature continues to rise or remains around 37 degrees, this is due to the fact that the body is preparing for a possible pregnancy. If it does not occur, approximately on the 26th day of the cycle the temperature begins to drop to the initial level, and the menstrual cycle repeats.

The average temperature difference between the first and second phases of the cycle should exceed 0.4 degrees; if the difference in several cycles in a row is lower, there is reason to worry, this may mean a lack of hormones.

It should be said about the most common violations that can be seen on the basal temperature chart

  • These do not include the absence of ovulation for 1-2 cycles per year, this is considered the norm. In this case, there is no temperature difference; the curve is flatter. But if anovulatory cycles continue constantly, you should consult a doctor.
  • If the basal temperature in the first phase is increased to 36.5-36.8, this may be a sign of estrogen deficiency, which can be an obstacle to pregnancy. If the temperature rises in the first phase for several days, after which it returns to normal levels, inflammation of the appendages can be suspected; using such graphs it is difficult to determine ovulation, since there is a false rise in temperature due to inflammation. If it is excluded, the rest of the schedule will be normal.
  • A sign of inflammation of the uterine mucosa will be the presence in the graph of a drop in temperature before the onset of menstrual bleeding, as is normal, but then an increase to 37 degrees with the onset of menstrual bleeding.
  • A low temperature in the second phase may be a sign of a deficiency of the corpus luteum; in this case, little progesterone is produced, and for pregnancy to occur it will have to be compensated for with special medications

If you notice significant deviations in your schedule, you should contact your gynecologist. Various causes of abnormalities, diseases and disorders of hormone production, can prevent pregnancy. A graph of changes in basal temperature can help the doctor more accurately and quickly make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment that will bring the joyful and expected event of pregnancy closer.

One of the most widely used methods of pregnancy planning is charting basal temperature, which can help a woman choose the best day to conceive a child. In this article we will introduce you to several basal temperature charts with examples and explanations.

Basal temperature differs from normal temperature in that it is measured:

  • rectally
  • only in the morning
  • in a state of complete rest

Its indicators can determine the state of a woman’s hormonal background in order to conceive a child.

The fact is that during the release of an egg from a ruptured follicle, the corpus luteum, which forms on the ovary, begins to produce progesterone, a hormone that accelerates all processes in the body and also increases basal temperature. As soon as a woman notices a sharp jump in her graph, this means that ovulation has occurred and she can try to get pregnant.

Doctors say that sometimes an increase in basal temperature does not indicate ovulation, but luteinization of the follicle - a situation when it does not burst, but a corpus luteum is still formed on it, producing progesterone. If the basal temperature during the menstrual cycle is stable all the time, most likely, this means that there was no ovulation.

It happens that the basal temperature graph in one cycle consists exclusively of high values. This means that a woman has a progressive disease such as hyperprolactinemia, in which the content of prolactin in the blood increases.

How to measure basal temperature?

To achieve accurate results, you need to measure your temperature several menstrual cycles in a row. As a rule, 3-4 cycles can already display the full picture.

Now we will tell you in detail how to measure basal temperature:

  1. Choose one thermometer (preferably mercury) that you will use to measure your basal temperature exclusively. This is important not only to ensure that all hygiene standards are observed, but also in order to obtain accurate indicators.
  2. Before inserting the thermometer into the anus, you can lightly lubricate it with Vaseline so that the skin of the anus is not injured.
  3. It is recommended to take measurements:
  • After six hours of uninterrupted sleep
  • Every time at the same time in the morning
  • Within 7 minutes
  • Lying down

  1. You cannot stop measuring basal temperature even during menstruation.
  2. Keep a separate notebook or notebook where you can write down the results of daily measurements and build basal cycle temperature chart. The following parameters must be indicated in the schedule:
  • Date and exact time at which the measurement was taken
  • Day according to the menstrual cycle (it is advisable to measure basal temperature from the first day)
  • Notes (you can enter things here that may affect the accuracy of the indicators)

What should women do who, due to night work, cannot measure their basal temperature in the morning? In such cases, you can do this during the day, but always after six hours of sleep.

Important! In some sources you can come across information that basal temperature should be measured not only through the anus, but also through the vagina and in the mouth. These facts cannot be denied, however, as practice shows, the most reliable indicators are obtained if you adhere to the traditional method.

The main thing here is to choose one method from the existing ones, and always measure basal temperature only in the same place. If you alternate them, then the compiled schedule will have no value. By the way, we list several points in which measurement indicators may be inaccurate:

  • If a woman has had a disease in which the body temperature always rises (this could be a common cold or acute respiratory viral infection)
  • If the lady is taking medications (especially hormonal medications)
  • If the temperature is taken after a party where a lot of alcohol was drunk
  • If a woman has a very hectic pace of life (had to be on flights and trips)

Examples of basal temperature charts with photos and transcripts

So that you can figure out how to compose babyplan basal temperature chart, we offer you several specific examples that will teach you to independently determine the day of ovulation without purchasing special tests and ultrasound diagnostics.

Basal temperature chart before menstruation

To begin with, we suggest looking at the graph of the basal temperature of the menstrual cycle, in which pregnancy was not planned, in order to understand how the indicators will change in the second phase of the cycle after ovulation immediately before menstruation:

On this chart:

  • The red line indicates the division of the entire menstrual cycle, consisting of 28 days, into two phases - follicular (shown on the left) and luteal (shown on the right). This is exactly what it should look like normal basal temperature chart in a healthy woman who did not plan to become pregnant.
  • Considering the luteal phase - the period in which the next menstruation begins, we see that the basal temperature a couple of days before their onset begins to decrease from 37.5 to 37. That is, it should coincide with the temperature of the day on which the previous menstruation began menstruation (this is indicated by the pink line on the graph).
  • During the entire period that menstruation lasts, the basal temperature should be the same.

Anovulatory basal temperature chart

Anovulatory is a menstrual cycle in which ovulation does not occur, that is, fertilization cannot occur because a mature egg has not been released from the ovarian follicle. This is how it is shown on the basal temperature chart:

It shows that:

  • The temperature did not rise above 36.9 degrees (did not reach the pink line drawn on the graph). At ovulation, this indicator should be 37.1 degrees.
  • The graph is monophasic - there is no red line indicating the release of a mature egg.

Normally, a healthy woman can have only two such cycles per year. If you find that you have more of them, this is a reason to contact fertility doctors who will solve your problem with the inability to conceive a child.

Basal temperature chart during ovulation

How to detect the day of ovulation on the chart? Let's consider this question using the example of this basal temperature graph:

It clearly shows that:

  • On the 13th day of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature increased sharply, and on the 14th day it sharply decreased from 36.2 to 37.1
  • When this happens, it means that ovulation has occurred, and the most favorable time has come to conceive a child.

By the way, you can determine on the basal temperature chart, implantation retraction– the day when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus:

  • On the day when implantation retraction occurs, the basal temperature drops sharply from 37 degrees to 37.7;
  • The next day we see on basal temperature chart during pregnancy before delay that the temperature began to rise again - it had already reached 36.9 degrees;
  • In the following days on graph of basal temperature before the delay only growing.

Basal temperature chart during pregnancy

If pregnancy occurs, the ovary will contain a corpus luteum for 9 months, which should produce progesterone. This means that the entire period of bearing a child, the basal temperature will be 37.1-37.3 degrees, as shown in the graph below:

We hope that now you can error-free decipher basal temperature charts to become a happy pregnant woman in the near future.

Video: “Measuring basal temperature. Pregnancy planning"

More and more women are taking a more conscious approach to conceiving and having a child. Infantilism towards the family is becoming less and less, and children appear in families that are truly ready for this.

Medicine has made great progress: now you can learn about most pathologies in the early stages of pregnancy and predict many undesirable consequences. Example - married couples with problems conceiving are offered IVF procedure. In general, the process of pregnancy and birth is, if desired, maximally controlled by medical staff. The birth of a healthy and strong baby, subject to the recommendations of doctors, is a normal trend in modern society.

So, after deciding to get pregnant, many women visit various specialists to check their health and the health of the future father. If the result is positive, it is worth further monitoring the fertile days of immediate conception. And here there are many options.

With a stable menstrual cycle, it is enough to simply find out the days of ovulation. But due to many characteristics of the body, life stresses, periods come irregularly. This makes conception significantly more difficult, turning it into a roulette wheel.

You can buy an ovulation test at the pharmacy; its operating principle is similar to a regular pregnancy test. But again, without knowing the exact date, several tests may be required - and this is very expensive. And you can also determine the right days by donating blood. This method is quite effective, but it is not suitable for everyone.

One of the most accurate methods for determining ovulation is the method of measuring basal temperature. As an example, it allows you to determine not only fertile days, but also the presence or absence of ovulation, evaluate the functioning of the ovaries, find out about future pregnancy, and track it up to twelve to fourteen weeks. The BT schedule for a pregnant woman in the early stages is the most convenient means of monitoring embryo development.

Basal temperature is temperature, measured rectally with a thermometer, orally or vaginally at rest after a night's sleep. Temperature tends to change during the menstrual cycle. Using a graph of this temperature, you can analyze the state of the body and the readiness to bear a child.

The principle of measuring a temperature graph is based on two phases:

  • follicular;
  • luteal

In the first phase, from the end of menstruation until the beginning of ovulation, the egg matures in the body. The temperature at this time is in the range of 36-36.5 degrees, its duration is directly related to the maturation of the egg. For some, this process may take ten days, for others twenty - for each woman the time frame is strictly individual. The day before ovulation, basal temperature drops by several tenths of a degree. On the day the egg is released, its direct maturation, there is a jump to 37-37.2 degrees. This is due to the surge of the hormone progesterone. Basal temperature does not drop throughout the luteal phase, and estrogens are gradually replaced by progesterone.

The best time to conceive should be considered third - fourth day before ovulation begins and and days after ovulation. At this time, the life cycles of the male and female cells develop most successfully: the sperm still remain viable, and the egg is ready to merge with them. If no unification occurs at this time - the egg dies. Accordingly, another menstrual cycle is required for a new attempt at conception.

The second phase, as mentioned earlier, is marked by the replacement of estrogen with progesterone. Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum, which replaces the burst follicle from which the egg was released. The corpus luteum consists of luteal pigment and lipids, and it is this that produces progesterone before the placenta matures during pregnancy. Progesterone helps the uterus accept the emerging embryo.

The luteal phase takes place within sixteen to twelve days and the normal basal temperature does not fall below 37 degrees. If pregnancy does not occur, then a day or two before the start of menstruation, the temperature drops by two to three tenths of a degree. Next, the unfertilized egg is released with a layer of endometrium.

Luteal phase disturbance often indicates about female infertility. Mostly, the causes of disorders and lack of pregnancy are stress and inflammatory processes in the uterus.

The optimal difference between the phases is considered to be from four to five tenths of a degree.

Correct measurement

You need to measure your basal temperature correctly in the morning after sleep at the same time. You should not make sudden movements, so it is better to prepare the thermometer in advance, wash it, lower the degrees and leave it next to your sleeping place. Having chosen a certain measurement method, you should stick to it throughout the entire pregnancy. If a pregnant woman changes the method, the basal temperature chart data may be incorrect. Five to seven minutes is enough for daily measurement. Optimal data will be obtained if you start measuring temperature on the sixth day after the start of menstruation.

The BT chart can be kept on paper, but it is much more convenient to keep it on the Internet. There are many programs that make it easy to find out about the favorable time for conception. In women's communities you can easily find a link to the desired application. Further difficulties lie only in measuring the temperature correctly. Transfer the numbers to the BBT chart and maintain it throughout the entire cycle - the program itself will display the time of ovulation and calculate average temperature between phases.

You should not take into account in the BT schedule days when the temperature is elevated due to illness or other factors. If you had to get out of bed at night, your basal temperature should be measured no earlier than five to six hours later. Otherwise, the schedule will obviously be incorrect.

It is much easier to measure normal body temperature rather than basal body temperature. But it is important to remember that BBT can change depending on cold, heat, stress and other factors. And accordingly, the resulting figures will not be correct. Basal temperature should be measured only after a long sleep, at rest. Previously need to wash the thermometer.

Bt during pregnancy, its schedule

If, during the measurement of basal temperature, it suddenly turns out that conception has occurred, under no circumstances should you stop maintaining the pregnant woman’s schedule. Right now it is very important to control the correct development of the embryo A.

At this time, it remains at around 37 degrees, the permissible deviation ranges from one tenth to three tenths. If the temperature drops over several days, the unborn child is at risk. This occurs from insufficient progesterone production. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor and be examined using an ultrasound machine.

Elevated temperature is also not a good thing; most likely, the expectant mother has some kind of inflammation. However, a one-time increase or decrease in basal temperature should not be considered critical; this value can be obtained erroneously or due to stress.

After three months of pregnancy, basal temperature no longer carries an informative load. By this time, the pregnant woman’s body has almost completely changed and the corpus luteum transfers the production of progesterone to the placenta. Therefore, pregnant women no longer need to maintain a BT schedule.

When a pregnant woman fills out a chart, there are several intervals by which the progress of conception can be judged:

  • A week after ovulation, the temperature drops by an average of half a degree: at this time, the embryo first tries to gain a foothold in the endometrium. The expectant mother may observe slight bleeding at this time;
  • The entire luteal phase passes with a bt level above 37 degrees;
  • Before the date of menstruation, the temperature adds another three tenths of a degree, thus, the third phase of pregnancy can be detected;
  • After the expected date of the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature lasts up to 16 days. Until this period, it is worth continuing measurements and after this, you can do a pregnancy test. There is a high probability that the test will be positive. “My bt schedule has entered the third phase!” A woman may be preparing to become a mother.

Increased and decreased bt

Pregnant schedules with a smooth increase from phase to phase are considered ideal. Tangible dips and irregularities indicate problems in the female body. Therefore, you need to contact a specialist for a health check. The most important indicator is the discrepancy between the phases of at least four tenths of a degree. If this fact is observed, there is no need to worry.

To summarize, charting your basal temperature is an example of effective fertility control. In addition to the accuracy of the data, the BT method is good about lack of drug intervention. After all, every woman ultimately wants to tell her husband: “Hurray, my schedule is pregnant, it showed that I’m pregnant!”

Attention, TODAY only!

Many women planning to conceive use basal charts. BT indicators inform the patient about hormonal fluctuations, the onset of the ovulatory period, pregnancy and other changes. After ovulation and conception, BT levels remain elevated, which is associated with the active production of progesterone. But sometimes there is a low basal temperature during pregnancy. Is such a condition dangerous and why does it occur, what can cause it and does it threaten pregnancy?

Women's health must be protected from a young age

In fact, basal temperature charts are indicators of the patient’s gynecological health. Based on its values, a woman can determine when the most favorable time for conception is, on what day the egg matures, etc. Daily measurement of BBT and drawing up basal charts allows you to accurately calculate the ovulatory day. Before menstruation, basal levels remain at approximately 36.7-36.9 degrees, and by ovulation it rises above 37°C. If fertilization does not happen, then after the ovulatory period the BT drops again, and if it does, the rectal temperature will remain at an elevated 37 degrees after ovulation and until the end of the first half of pregnancy.

An increased basal temperature during pregnancy is considered the very first symptom of conception. All other early manifestations, such as delays and morning sickness, will appear a little later, but for now only a consistently increased BT indicates future motherhood. Although this indicator does not always indicate pregnancy, it is still worth paying attention to it and leaving unhealthy habits, as well as establishing a balanced regimen and diet.

Measurement rules

BT must be measured as soon as you wake up, lying in bed, when the body’s bioactivity is at its minimum.

  • The thermometer is inserted into the anus or vagina, where it is kept for 5-7 minutes.
  • All measurements must be carried out equally; you cannot measure the temperature in the anus today and in the vagina tomorrow.
  • The measurement time should also be the same, only a small error of ± 1 hour is possible.
  • Only one thermometer should be used for each measurement.
  • You only need to measure BT while lying down, without standing up or even turning over on your side. If a girl sits up in bed or tosses and turns, then blood begins to flow strongly to the pelvic organs, which somewhat increases the true BT indicators.
  • Before taking measurements, the girl should get a good night's sleep; she needs at least 6 hours of sleep, only then the results will be correct.
  • You cannot have sex before the measurements; after intimacy, at least 12 hours must pass before the measurements.
  • Also, while monitoring rectal temperature, it is necessary to stop taking medications, which can also distort the true indicators; with some medications, BT decreases, with others it increases.
  • If you feel unwell, have a little cold or are too tired, then you need to note this in the chart, because even a slight runny nose can cause unreliable results.
  • Eat breakfast only after measurements, because food also causes changes in BBT.
  • Immediately after measurements, enter the results into the graph, otherwise there is a high probability of confusing or inaccurately recording the data, then the entire graph will become erroneous and its data unreliable.
  • If before conception you did not monitor rectal indicators, and after it you decided to engage in a similar practice, then it is better to abandon this idea, because the data you receive cannot be compared with non-pregnant basal charts, and therefore it is not always possible to understand the presence of deviations.

When taking measurements, it is recommended to use a mercury thermometer rather than an electronic one, because it shows more accurate results. To get more complete information, a girl needs to take rectal temperature measurements over several female cycles.

BT in pregnant women

It is advisable to keep a special monthly calendar

A woman’s monthly cycle consists of two stages – follicular and luteinizing. The first stage lasts until the egg matures, and the second begins after it leaves the follicle and ends with menstruation. At different stages of the cycle, the patient undergoes different processes, which is manifested in thermal changes. It is by the sharp jump in rectal temperature two weeks before the next menstruation that you can understand that ovulation has occurred. At the onset of the ovulatory period, BT is about 37.3±0.2 degrees.

It is believed that only rectally it is possible to obtain accurate measurement results, because it is this thermal indicator that is determined by the functionality of the ovaries. The progesterone they produce, passing through the venous channels, causes fluctuations in BBT. Considering the special blood supply to the female gonads, such thermal fluctuations can only be determined through rectal measurements.

If conception occurs, the progesterone level begins to rise sharply. Such a reaction is provided by nature in order to ensure the embryo is safely attached to the uterine wall and maintains gestation. A similar temperature pattern will be observed until approximately the fifth month, after which the yellow-bodied gland fades, and the placental structures begin to produce progesterone production. Until about 20 weeks, BT data will be as informative as possible, but after that estrogen will begin to be actively produced, against the background of which temperature indicators will change.

If pregnant BT charts show strong fluctuations, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage. There is no need to take measurements for all patients in a row, but if a woman is at risk of miscarriage, then BT charts will help identify the presence of pathology in fetal development and eliminate it at the very initial stages.

Reduced basal rates

If all measuring rules are observed, the graphs can be used to understand whether fertilization has taken place. If in the middle of the cycle the thermodynamic data increase and persist for more than 10 days, then conception can be considered successful.

  • For pregnant girls, the norm is 37-37.4°C.
  • If conception has occurred, but there is a decrease in basal temperature below the accepted norm, this may indicate the development of ectopic fertilization or the threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • No need to worry, wait a day and take measurements again. If your BBT has been consistently elevated, and then suddenly dropped and remains below normal, then you need to visit a doctor, because this indicates a frozen pregnancy.
  • Sometimes pregnancy with a low basal temperature indicates progesterone deficiency, which quite often ends in miscarriage.
  • If progesterone does not perform its functions due to insufficient production, then a natural drop in BT occurs, and the likelihood of a retrochorial hematoma or the development of an ectopic hematoma against the background of such insufficiency only increases.

But the statistics are such that many women successfully carried and successfully gave birth to completely healthy babies with a low temperature. In such a situation, everything depends on the individual physiology of the girl.

Why can BT decrease during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman's body functions differently

There are not many reasons for the decrease in BT in pregnant women, but to understand them, you need to understand them from the inside. The most common factor in a drop in rectal temperature during pregnancy is considered to be insufficiency of the temporary glandular organ - the corpus luteum. This gland produces progesterone and prevents menstruation. With progesterone deficiency, basal levels increase slowly, which creates a threat of failure of such pregnancy.

Also, BT in pregnant women can be reduced due to hormonal imbalance. If after the ovulatory period an insufficient increase in thermodynamic parameters is displayed on the basal chart, this may indicate estrogen and progesterone insufficiency. Usually this process occurs with nagging pain in the uterus and lower back, as well as bloody smears. Sometimes errors in rectal temperature readings occur due to violations of measurement rules, during sexual intercourse before measurements, overwork or fatigue.

Even eating certain foods can cause a decrease in BT, for example, overly spicy foods. Endocrine diseases and other physiological factors can also cause deviations. But in any case, you need to treat a decrease in basal rates as an alarming symptom that should force the patient to consult a specialist. It is necessary to undergo the necessary examination and pass the necessary laboratory tests in order to identify existing deviations and prevent a tragedy in a timely manner.

Sometimes basal deviations may indicate the development of endometritis. Against the background of adnexitis, BT indicators remain at 37 degrees for several days, and then sharply decrease. If there is a menstrual delay of more than 10 days, and the basal schedule does not go beyond 36.6-37.0 ° C, then this means the onset of conception.

Gestation against the background of reduced basal rates

If a woman has not previously kept basal charts, then she may not be aware that successful pregnancy and delivery may well occur even with low rectal temperatures. There are many such patients in obstetric practice; they gave birth naturally without any problems.

  • But to know for sure that reduced basal thermodynamic data are in no way related to probable risks to the fetus, it is necessary to check progesterone levels and undergo other laboratory tests.
  • Also, if BT is low, it is recommended to check the level of human chorionic gonadotropin and undergo an ultrasound examination.
  • If the diagnostics carried out do not reveal any abnormalities, then you should not be afraid of a low temperature.
  • Low thermal indicators may well be harmless in nature and do not threaten gestation in any way. But still, to prevent miscarriage, such mothers need to monitor BT daily so that its level does not drop below 36.5 ° C in the first month of gestation. At later dates, these numbers are no longer so significant.

Some patients do not even suspect that low rectal indicators are considered normal for their body. But there are quite a lot of such girls. They bear and give birth to children without any difficulties, without suffering in any way from this peculiarity of the body. Only a doctor after a comprehensive diagnosis can accurately assess the nature and cause of the decrease in thermal level.

Some seemingly ordinary factors can affect rectal indicators, so girls in an interesting position should pay attention to them. After conception, a mother should be extremely careful about her own health; now catching colds and the flu is extremely undesirable, so you need to take care of your personal hygiene and wear a mask during the cold season. You should also be responsible about the rules for measuring rectal temperature. Immediately after waking up, you need to take measurements, even if you then fall asleep again. Otherwise, the temperature will begin to rise after the first awakening, so subsequent measurements will no longer be reliable.

It is worth paying attention to the thermometer you use for measurements. As practice shows, electronic thermometers show results that are 0.2°C less than the true readings, while mercury thermometers are considered more reliable. If suddenly the temperature turns out to be below normal, do not panic, the reasons may be very simple. Look at the results of subsequent measurements, perhaps you just ate something wrong or were overtired, and that’s why BT is jumping. Each patient’s body is individual, so rectal indicators may differ from the norm. Maybe you have a low basal temperature that is a physiological feature and the norm.

If the threat is confirmed by laboratory and other diagnostic tests, as well as characteristic symptoms, the doctor will prescribe progesterone drugs to preserve the fetus.