
Egregor in psychology. Egregors. Destructive egregors that zombify consciousness

You know, what are egregors? These are some energy structures, which are in the information space above you and are capable of influence your thoughts and perception of the world.

It is because of them that we sometimes cannot get out of the squirrel wheel of problems and attitudes, we feel powerless “against the system,” and we cannot jump over the bar to a new level of income or health.

More recently, knowledge about egregors was considered occult and secret, and was discussed by particularly advanced esotericists. Now information about egregors has become publicly available and is widely found in psychological and spiritual literature.

Read in the article: what is an egregor, what types of egregors are there, how can we live with them and is it possible to disconnect from an egregor.

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An egregor is an energy and information field that consists of the thoughts and emotions of large groups of people united by a common idea. To put it simply, an egregor is made up of beliefs.

It is believed that religious and political movements, social movements, national and geographical communities (“Christians”, “communists”, “greens”, “Germans”, “villagers”, “Muscovites”) have their own egregors.

If you want to get out of all the energy structures that no longer support you, but only pull energy out of you and put you in a place that you don’t like, you need...

There are also very small egregors, for example, families (clan) or collectives (one enterprise). There are egregors for specific books, films, and hobbies.

In fact, the more people live and think according to similar rules, the stronger the egregor becomes, more and more easily attracting new “adherents”. He is able to interact with and influence human consciousness.

For example, there is an egregor of “cynics who do not believe in energy and other nonsense.” In general, they don’t believe in egregors either. At the same time, they think ridiculously alike, and their “commonality” perfectly fits the list of all egregorial qualities.

For example, I prefer the egregor “spiritual practices and meditations and their positive impact on life.”

Essentially, what is an egregor? This is simply a kind of collective consciousness with one bias or another. Egregor by itself neither good nor bad. It is even useful to some extent to the people involved.

It can protect a person’s consciousness from chaos, as it offers simple and understandable rules of life. For example, the egregor of the “Soviet mentality” was very strong, and many people, having lost its support, lost their orientation in life. And someone continues to believe in him even now...

Signs of being inside an egregor

1. A special system of rules and beliefs

An egregor is formed when people concentrate on one idea, and then it is fueled by the same idea. This structure strives for stability within itself.

The more people accept the original idea, the stronger the egregor becomes. Special terminology, especially different from the usual language, only aggravates the “pull-in”. Characteristic external signs are also possible, for example, clothing, special rituals, and so on.

You can easily recognize a deep follower of egregor if he broadcasts “rules of life”, “inflexible commandments”, “the experience of ancestors” to the right and left.

For many people, the connection is so strong that they simply do not hear any opinion other than the egregorial one. In fact, at this time the egregor speaks through his mouth.

If you manage to bring adequate and scientifically based arguments that violate the “adept’s” worldview, he seems to “switch off” and it is almost impossible to communicate further.

2. There are “insiders”, there are “strangers”

Any egregor creates boundaries. There is always a division into ours and not-ours.

Ours are always “good”. For neutral eregors, others are “not bad”, “different”; usually their existence is simply ignored. There are also friendly egregors. As a rule, they consist of a positive idea and involve people with a high level of consciousness.

For aggressive egregors, strangers are “enemies.” An information war is being waged against them (which, unfortunately, sometimes even becomes physical). The state of conflict pumps up both egregors with energy and new adherents.

I will not give examples, they are too topical now and are actively pouring out on us through the media.

Check if you have spinal disorders or increased nervousness. This may be caused by living in a state of struggle or mistrust

3. The feeling of being part of something big and strong

For this reason, in fact, people are drawn into egregor. It’s good there, there is a community there, “we”. The person feels needed.

Egregor has idea, sometimes he even explains the meaning of life. There are comrades there, leaders - in general, there is someone to go with and where to go. And this, you see, is nice.

In some cases, deep immersion in the egregor allows you to relieve yourself of some responsibility for your life. A person stops speaking for himself and begins to speak on behalf of “us”. Usually these are banal, chewed-up attitudes.

For example: “It’s difficult for us, single mothers, to find work,” “You, the city people, don’t like us, the villagers, you offend us,” “Muscovites are arrogant, and we, the provincials, are honest and hard-working.”

Constructive and destructive egregors

In fact, egregors are not good or bad, they are just energy. We will divide them into constructive (creative) and destructive (destructive) conditionally, according to their impact on the lives of its adherents.

  • Neutral or friendly towards other egregors and non-systemic people.
  • Free and voluntary. A person can easily join or leave them; be a member of several egregors without condemnation or any other sanctions of other members of the egregor.
  • They give a person protection, information, and a community of like-minded people. But they do not deprive him of his independence, personal opinion and choice.
  • They broadcast positive beliefs that improve the lives of the people involved (for example, the egregor of “The Secret” gives the following instructions: “The Universe is abundant, wishes come true, can give us everything we want”).

Examples of creative egregors are the New Age movement, many spiritual practices and some religions, sports, healthy eating, charitable societies, etc. In general, “Keys of Mastery” can also be included in the list.

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    • Little tolerant or aggressive towards other egregors and non-systemic people (“Whoever is not with us is against us”).
    • Involuntary (“Input is a ruble, exit is two”) or pseudo-voluntary (“You, of course, can choose whether or not to join the party, but you understand…”).
    • In exchange for a feeling of involvement in a common cause, a person’s freedom of choice and action is completely or partially paralyzed.

Usually, violation of the rules of such egregors is punishable by “public” condemnation and rejection. In extreme cases, speaking out against the system can cost lives or freedom.

  • They broadcast beliefs that worsen the lives of “adherents”, belittling their creative abilities, ambitions, and needs. Such egregors do not destroy people (still, they need to be filled with someone). But they are provided with a life at the subsistence level, with a meager level of income, everyday boredom and, occasionally, permitted egregorial holidays.

For example, the “egregor of a provincial town” often conveys beliefs like: “We must live modestly, earn money through hard work and keep a low profile; relax with TV and beer..."

I will not give examples of destructive egregors, so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings. I think you can handle this just fine on your own, since there are plenty of examples from the past or modern life.

Freedom from destructive egregors. How to disconnect from egregor

Of course, it is almost impossible to achieve complete freedom from egregors. Even if you remove almost all egregors, you will still remain, for example, a citizen of your country or a member of your family.

But, I believe that to calculate and remove destructive egregors from your life still necessary.

This is not necessarily a totalitarian sect - this is an extreme example. But there are hidden destructive egregors that can influence your life right now.

For example, the egregor “powerless, unfortunate patients of a district hospital.” I remember how I myself, with sufficient leveling and spiritual experience, once ended up in the hospital, and after 2-3 days I almost joined the general background of whining and suffering.

If in your family, your surroundings, everyone believes that only thieves have big money, that we haven’t lived richly, and won’t - you have fallen into the “poor but proud” egregor.

Many women can fall into the egregor of “divorced women” - “I’m unhappy, men are assholes, there are no prospects, because everyone lives like this.”

And, alas, many in our country are connected to the egregor of alcoholism, or “living with an alcoholic.”

And, probably, now many of you are interested in the question - is it possible disconnect from negative ones, and just any other egregors you don’t need?

Yes, you can - which is good news! For this purpose, Alena Starovoitova developed open. It will involve disconnecting participants from ineffective egregors and connecting to their inner strength, their Higher Self.

This is an amazing chance to find your own strength, free yourself from other people’s imposed attitudes, and get off the boring well-trodden rut. Moreover, participation in the master class is free (the recording will not be made publicly available).

Now is a truly wonderful time! I wish you not to miss it.

All the best.

Hello, friends. To make it clear what egregors are, let’s try to imagine several situations:

  • Has it ever happened to you that when you are in one team, you feel lightness and freedom, but in another you feel moral tension and heaviness?
  • Have you ever managed to travel in a crowded public transport and get out of it in the same mood, the same state of mind as before the trip?
  • Or maybe you were in a cheerful, noisy company when a sad or angry person came there, and you literally felt with every fiber of your soul powerful energy flows of tension emanating from him, resonating with the environment?
  • Or did you see that someone brought to life an idea that recently came to your mind, but you didn’t tell anyone about it?
  • Did you think about a person, and after a very short time did he call you or did you meet him?
  • During a vacation, for example, at the sea, a special atmosphere of carefree, fun, and happiness is felt around, but during, for example, an exam, is it completely the opposite?

There can be many such examples. All this is due to the existence of egregors. Perhaps you have a question: so what, why do I need to know about all these egregors, what will it give?

If everything is great in your life, you are always successful in everything, you have no problems with health, love, relationships, self-realization and you are an absolutely happy person with a harmonious inner world, then, indeed, this knowledge is of no use to you, well except for general development.

If, after all, something is missing, something you want to change, fix, fix, buy, then welcome, the article will be very useful to you.

How egregors arise and what they are

An egregor is an organism that has a certain level of vibration (like all organisms), it is located in the free space of the planet’s biosphere and communicates with a group of people.

General thought, collective unconscious, energy-informational field, mental condensate - all these are definitions of egregors.

  • in his books on reality transurfing he calls them pendulums - these are special energy-informational structures created by the mental messages of people thinking in the same direction.
  • Andrey Suprychev-Desni compares them with torsion fields that create stable and stable formations - phantoms.
  • Dmitry Verishchagin believes that the egregors of the human world are the collective arithmetic average thoughts of the human masses.

Imagine a huge octopus that has not eight, but many legs. They are all intertwined and nerve impulses are transmitted through them to the huge body. The body of the octopus in this example is the egregor, and its tentacles are the thoughts and emotions of people, energy-informational messages that live and feed this huge phantom.

Egregors feed on the mental energy and emotions of their donors - people whose thoughts are tuned to their wavelength. Currently, there are special techniques on how to connect, tune in, how, on the contrary, to get out of influence, stop being its donor, how to draw energy and information yourself, how to control the egregor, more on this below.

People only think that they make decisions on their own. No matter how it is! Everything was already invented by someone long before they were born, passed on from mouth to mouth, concocted into stereotypes, dogmas, laws, social norms. Egregors are much more complex than the consciousness of one person; they contain many consciousnesses, and under certain conditions one can draw information and receive energy from them.

Man is an energy-informational being in an energy-informational world. Everyone remembers the law of conservation of energy, according to which it does not appear from nowhere and does not go to nowhere.

Where do you think all the mental and emotional impulses of all people who have lived before and are currently living are stored? In the brain? Hardly: the brain is 95% water. And over the history of mankind, more than 100 billion people have lived on earth. The energy they emitted has not gone away. Can you imagine how many and what kind of egregors were formed during this time?

The phenomenon of egregors is closely intertwined with extrasensory perception and bioenergetics when tuning to the corresponding waves occurs.

Amazing experiment

Although egregors are not directly described by official science, there is experimental data proving their existence. For example, in the early eighties of the 20th century, an experiment was conducted in America, sponsored by New Scientist magazine.

A sample of people from different countries were offered a picture in which faces were encrypted in an abstract drawing. It was necessary to find them in one minute. Recognition results were below average.

After that, the BBC channel, in a program usually watched by more than one million people, showed these pictures and “revealed” the mystery of the location of the faces. That is, more than a million people found out and, one way or another, began to broadcast the answer to the riddle into space with their thoughts.

Immediately after the release of the program, the organizers of the experiment identified a new sample of people and, showing them a picture, asked them to find faces in the picture, as in the first case. The result was stunning - more than 75% of the subjects completely completed the task. It would seem that what is surprising here? – they saw the answer on TV. But the point is that the second time the picture was shown to people who live in countries where the BBC is not broadcast. The conclusion suggests itself.

Religious egregors

The most significant pendulums of all times are military ones (but we won’t talk about them) and egregors. They have existed for thousands of years, during which time they have accumulated huge arsenals of methods for attracting, retaining and incorporating the mental and emotional energy of people.

Appealing to the ideas of universal human values ​​– love, mercy and others – cannot leave people indifferent. If a person breaks the commandments or commits a “bad” act, he develops a feeling of guilt, from which turning to a religious egregor helps to get rid of it; he automatically becomes its donor.

Attention and emotions serve as the key that helps to interact with any type of egregor. In religion, these are prayers, temples, domes, special vestments of priests, icons, sacred scriptures and other attributes. Hence the healing, cleansing power of bell ringing, prayer services, ritual choral singing, reprimands, and proofreading. And there is no magic here, a tremendous energy-informational force is at work here.

Money egregors

First, a small test for interaction with egregor. After reading this paragraph, go back to the beginning. Close your eyes, imagine coins, banknotes, credit cards, anything that you associate with money. Say the word “money” several times in your mind and become deeply imbued with this concept. Now try to track and record the thoughts and sensations that you have. How can you describe them? What was it?

  1. Joy, pleasant warmth, pleasure, desire to share, awareness of the importance of money and gratitude for the benefits that can be purchased with it?
  2. Fear of lack, a feeling of stinginess, a slight chill in the throat or stomach, reluctance to give, irritation at high prices, regret due to low income and inability to buy what you want?

Admit honestly to yourself, to which group of feelings can your feelings be attributed? But now you have connected to the egregor of money - you have directed your thoughts and feelings towards it. Most likely, explanations of why you don’t have enough money (2nd group of feelings) or, on the contrary, why money loves you (1st group of feelings) are unnecessary here, they are read between the lines.

For those who do not understand, a small clarification: with an object that is emotionally significant for him, a person automatically enters into energy-informational interaction. This interaction is identical to an emotional relationship.

How to connect and disconnect

Connecting to one or another egregor does not require special knowledge; it is enough to actively think in this direction, look for information, perform actions, in a word, highlight vibrations that are related to the vibrations of a given egregor.

Of course, no one thinks: “Dear egregor, I love you, I tune in to you, I ask you to give me additional energy and information,” although there are videos on YouTube whose authors advise doing just that. Perhaps this works, if you have tried to interact with the egregor of love, money or some other in this way, please tell us about your experience in the comments to this article.

In reality, this happens more easily, most often automatically. For example, if a person loves his job, he devotes time to it, constantly thinks about improving it, and does it with pleasure, then he actively interacts fruitfully with his professional egregor, draws energy and receives quite tangible results.

If, with all his love for work, he hates his colleagues, then he will never be able to move up the career ladder in this organization, since the egregor of the team “will not allow” him to do this.
After all, according to the main law of esotericism, like attracts like. And most often this happens automatically: I watched the news on TV, and now I have connected to the egregor of tragic events and become its donor.

But getting out of egregor is not so easy. After all, the departure of each donor exhausts the pendulum, but he does not need this, so he tries with all his might to retain each of his adherents.

A person begins to fight the egregor, tries to break free, fights with it, but in reality remains on “the same wavelength” and gives it additional nourishment. How to be in this case?

  • The answer is contained in the following quote from Pelevin: “Fear always attracts exactly what you are afraid of. And if you are not afraid of anything, you become invisible. The best disguise is indifference." In a word, you need to stop paying attention.
  • Vadim Zeland advises reducing the importance in this regard. Whatever you resist persists.
  • Select other vibrations, because the egregor feeds only on those thought forms that are related to it in their vibrations, change the direction of thoughts.
  • Be aware of exactly where you want to go.

Rod and family

Various esoteric teachings approach the interpretation of the concept of generic egregor in two ways:

  • the first interpretation refers to the pedigree of a person, his blood ties, family ties, ancestors from whom his soul came into the world;
  • the second point of view correlates the concept of a generic egregor with belonging to the entire human race.

As mentioned above, the egregor feeds on energy - the stronger the emotional component, the more energy is released. A man and a woman, representatives of two different family egregors (according to the first interpretation), are attracted, their vibrations overlap each other and create a new family egregor.

Do you know married couples who are very emotional in their relationships: they quarrel loudly, make up violently, scream, perhaps even beat each other, but live together for a long time, sometimes their entire lives?

And, on the contrary, quiet married couples who never quarrel, do not show emotions, gradually cool down and separate? Of course, this does not mean that this happens for everyone. For some, the supporting element is passion, strong feelings or other energy-informational messages.

To learn more

If the information turned out to be interesting for you, and you want to learn the skills of working with egregors, then you can familiarize yourself with the system of Further Energy Information Development (FEID), developed and described by D.S. Verishchagin. In particular, you will be interested in his book “Egregors of the Human World. Logic and interaction skills.”

For those who have finished reading the article, a music video to reflect on the information received or just for fun

It’s no secret that people are much more productive and easier to achieve their goals when they act together. But there is one nuance: we act together only with those with whom we pursue similar goals and objectives, with whom we have the same values ​​and views. By uniting with others, a person not only gains confidence in his intentions and strengths, but his very strength increases exponentially. Just as it is easy to tear a book page by page or break a broom by twig, it is just as easy to lead a person deprived of support astray from the intended path.

But at the same time, it is almost impossible to tear an entire book or break an entire broom at once, just as it is difficult to bring down a person who has enormous power behind him. However, it is not always obvious that a person is not alone, even if he considers himself a loner, although in fact he has great resources. This is often due to the fact that he is connected to an egregor, which gives him strength, knowledge, and leads him along a certain path. Today we will try to figure out what an egregor is, how to connect to it, whether it is possible to get out of it, what its types are and how they work.

The meaning of the word "egregor"

The word “egregor” is not found in well-known Russian explanatory dictionaries. Different sources speak differently about its origin. There is an opinion that the word “egregor” comes from the ancient Greek “ἐγρήγορος” - ‘awake’. Others write that it is translated from Greek as ‘guardian angel’. . Third sources reduce it to the Latin “grex” - “herd”, “crowd”, in a broad sense - “totality”. And also again ancient Greek, only “egeiro” - ‘to guard’, ‘to keep an eye on’. In any case, this concept took root in the Russian language, after which it was endowed with meaning, which we will talk about later.

It is believed that in Russian literature this term was first used by Daniil Andreev in his work “Rose of the World” and gave it the following definition: “Egregor is an intangible formation that arises from some mental secretions of humanity over large groups: tribes, states, some parties and religious societies . They are devoid of monads (i.e., an indivisible original unit, we would call it a soul - note by the author of this article), but they have a temporarily concentrated volitional charge and the equivalent of consciousness.”

What is egregor

An egregor is a single energy-information space that is formed due to the energy of people united by some common idea (interest, passion). Examples include fans of one musical genre, a pop culture star, or an author. These can also be religious egregors, their branches. Even non-believers belong to their egregor. A film, a thing, a clothing brand, a car, vegetarianism, yoga and much more are also egregors. In addition, gender, nationality, and planet form egregors. There is also an egregor of a place: a store, a cafe, a restaurant, a city, a country, etc. For example, when entering a certain store or restaurant, a person may experience a feeling of awkwardness, feel out of place, poorly dressed, and low-income. Despite the fact that, having left such a place, he will not remember about it. Moreover, he may have enough money and be dressed in the latest fashion for certain circles, but not for this egregor.

When a person connects to any egregor, he begins to meet like-minded people in the most unexpected places. I had such an example in my life. I began to be interested in yoga, and often visited Vedic cafes and shops. And then it was time to take the driver's license exams; it was very cold, and it took a long time to wait. And one couple offered to warm up in their car (the wife was taking an exam, and the husband was just present for company). Imagine my surprise when, after talking, it turned out that they had their own Vedic store. Or, having moved to a small town, I met a woman who was taking online Vedic courses at the same school that I also visited more than once, only in person. We might never have crossed paths, since she is the only one in the whole city, but a common interest or energy brought us together. If everyone starts analyzing their life, they will find a lot of similar examples.

How egregors work

An egregor collects the energy of the elements belonging to it and then redistributes it between them. The collection of energy occurs precisely due to concentration on general ideas and objects that underlie the formation of this egregor, especially during moments of mass practices and rituals. Members of society can consciously gather and direct the energy of the egregor in the direction they need. If a person uses the energy allocated to him against the needs of the egregor, then negative consequences may arise for this person. In fact, he will simply begin to fall out of it and not receive additional energy, feel tired, exhausted, and despondent. In this case, a reconnection to another egregor may occur: either a more beneficial one, or vice versa.

In addition, an egregor can impose certain obligations on people in the form of observing rituals, through which a significant part of the energy is directed into it. Often, in moments of non-compliance, a person feels internal pressure and doubt: to perform or not to perform a certain act. Here we are not talking about conscience, since an act may be absolutely harmless from the ethical side of the issue, but for a particular egregor it is not permissible. Let's say, according to the rituals of a certain society, a person cannot use his left hand when preparing food, and if he suddenly does this, then, from the point of view of a person who does not belong to this society, nothing bad will happen, but from the point of view of someone who belongs, this a terrible sin for which punishment will undoubtedly follow. It must be said that there is an opinion that conscience is the measure of the compliance of an action with one or another egregor, however, in my opinion, it is better to consider conscience in the context of universal moral norms.

Some places have such a strong egregor that people, entering their field, involuntarily observe the necessary rituals. For example, a person may drop something from his hands and he bows while picking it up, or something catches his eye and he involuntarily walks around the circle from right to left, as prescribed according to the custom of the place, etc.

In addition to energy, information comes from the egregor, which is expressed in the emergence of similar ideas and thoughts among its members. You can often find cases where people belonging to the same movement, without talking, begin to perform the same rituals or practices, or become interested in something. That is, the egregor synchronizes the activities of its elements.

People belonging to the constructive egregor can consciously transfer themselves to its will, while feeling the state of flow. While those who are connected to a destructive egregor do not understand at all that they are mostly under its influence. This is expressed in reflexive behavior, loss of control over actions. Such people can find themselves in places they never intended to.

There is an opinion that belonging to an egregor can be determined by a person’s mission, and after its completion, the connection with this egregor is curtailed, and the person disconnects from it: school, university, camp. There are also egregors from which it is necessary to disconnect at a certain point in life or weaken the connection, otherwise there will be no development. For example, maternal or family egregor. That is, the connection must weaken significantly for independent living and accumulation of one’s own experience.

Each egregor has goals and objectives, upon achieving which it can either cease to exist or merge with another egregor. Also, an egregor can collapse if its goals and objectives are not fulfilled, i.e. it ceases to be viable. For example, there is an egregor of the Earth - this is an egregor of a planetary order, it has its own tasks in the Universe. Everyone who lives here feeds it with their energy. Accordingly, if the energy is creative, then the Earth will continue to exist, and we along with it. If its inhabitants only take from the Earth and give nothing, depleting the egregor itself, then it will collapse, destroying those who are connected to it. This is to say in very simple words. Of course, everything is somewhat more complicated. Or the egregor of humanity, to which you and I belong. If we continue to destroy ourselves, then, as a result, we will destroy the human race - the egregor will exhaust itself. But there is a suspicion that the decay does not occur instantly, but gradually, taking away the energy of its elements, i.e. dying can be long and painful. At the same time, those who strive to preserve the egregor still necessary for a good life will be forced to make incredible efforts. Here it is appropriate to quote Martin Buber: “Creation rules over me, and if I do not serve it as I should, it is destroyed or destroys me.” The same can be attributed to egregor.

It may also be that, by entering any egregor, a person (or a creature with a very large supply of energy) is able to change its vector of development. Moreover, the change can occur both in a positive and negative direction. Here, in the understanding of this issue, contradictions may arise: on the one hand, a certain idea is associated with the egregor, on the other hand, this idea can be changed or replaced. It really is possible. Moreover, now this is happening due to a person’s loss of awareness and attention, i.e. a person thinks one thing, says another, and does a third. Such a person will not even notice how the substitution occurred, since it may not be at odds with his actions. This can be compared to the merger of one company into another. For example, a private company has become a state-owned company, and the people working and being served by this company simply take it for granted. The strategy, goals, and means of the company will change, and, as a result, people may remain, while more conscious ones may leave or change. Highly spiritual people, who understand themselves not as a separate being, but as a single whole with all that exists, are able to change the course of events in a more beneficial direction, eradicate or significantly reduce negative influences in the egregor.

It must be taken into account that each of us is connected not to one, but to many egregors, and each of them influences our behavior, worldview, and life. And with whom we maintain the strongest and most stable connection, he will have the greatest influence. An example of everyday order is the following situation. A woman works in an office where all women have the same problem - no family. And until she quits, this problem will not go away, because it is in the interests of the working egregor that a woman invest as much strength and energy as possible into the company, and not into her family. It often happens that as soon as one woman in a group becomes pregnant, many others begin to become pregnant. Or someone in the family begins to lead a healthy lifestyle, and gradually other family members also change for the better. This means that the person managed to change the vector of development of the family egregor.

Types of egregors

An egregor can be both destructive and creative, or, as we said above, destructive or constructive. A destructive egregor is characterized by the fact that, in addition to the surrounding space, it also destroys those who feed it. Creative - improves the lives of people connected to it, helps in difficult times. Any egregor has power and holds the person associated with it. The difference is that if this is a destructive egregor, then retention occurs due to fear, poor health, and exhaustion of the member itself; if the egregor is creative, then retention is achieved through help and constant support.

Egregors differ in vibration frequency: there are high-frequency ones, and there are low-frequency ones. Accordingly, connecting to low-frequency ones is not difficult, but to reach more worthy ones, you need to have a high level of vibrations. That is why primitive egregors are often much stronger and have greater coverage than their opposites. Look on video portals how many views and admiration a cat or a simple clip gets and how many an educational lecture gets, and everything will become clear. And this is a vivid example of collecting energy into an egregor, and where do you think one egregor will direct this energy and where the second, respectively, what quality of energy will be returned to those who watched this video. It's like giving money to an alcoholic and expecting him to spend it not on drinking, but on something good. So in the above example, it is quite obvious how and who will use the received resources.

There are egregors with such different vibrations that crossing them is almost impossible, to the point that people can be nearby, but not see or notice each other due to different vibrational fields. Those who are quite conscious about their lives closely monitor who and what appears in their field of vision, and consider this as a bell and a guide: whether they are moving in the right direction or whether something has gone wrong.

Egregor structure

How are egregors arranged? To answer this question, you need to take into account that a person needs control, and if he does not take responsibility for himself, then someone else will take it. In other words, if a person does not realize and does not control where his energy is spent, it means that some other entity is taking control of this energy and using it in its own interests.

The structure of an egregor primarily depends on how conscious or unconscious a person is attached to it. In the first case, we can talk about the direct connection of a person’s consciousness to the egregor; in the second, the connection is carried out through an intermediary, that is, through the entity that controls the person.

Let's take a closer look at the unconscious connection. A person who has any negative habit feeds it, and gradually it turns into an independent entity - a larva, which itself controls the person. Remember a smoker or an alcoholic: he doesn’t even notice how he lights up or drinks - this is a clear sign of the presence of larva. And a person is connected to the egregor, as a rule, through it. That is, a person’s consciousness is turned off. Surely you have come across a situation when a person tells you something, but he seems to be in a fog, as if someone is speaking for him, as if he is hypnotized. And as soon as you do something out of place, the person “wakes up”, or falls into a stupor, or gets angry, because the program has gone wrong and the person is lost. That is, he has to turn on his consciousness in order to continue the conversation, and in this case he is left without recharge and control through the larva.

If initially the egregor was headed by a person on whom everyone concentrated, then over time she may lose her influence due to the excess of the energy of the fans over the energy of the leader. In this case, it is more likely that the leader is subordinate to them, and not vice versa. Moreover, such an object of veneration may experience severe exhaustion, and a self-destruction program may be activated. A striking example is music and film stars who, unable to cope with the energy they receive, begin to drink too much or even worse. The reason is a large amount of energy of low quality, i.e. the leader was unable to raise the level of incoming energy. The most interesting thing is that an egregor can continue to exist even after the death of the object of veneration. Therefore, people who thirst for fame must understand: how they want to get it, what level of consciousness people will concentrate on them, what quality of energy they will exchange, etc.

How to get out of egregor

It is not possible to completely get out of all egregors. However, this question is relevant when we talk about those egregors that deplete and destroy us. Sometimes, to get out of them, you just need to start dressing differently or eating different food, stop listening to a particular artist or visiting a certain establishment. Since an egregor is created to implement certain tasks and goals, one of the ways to disconnect from it is to change your life guidelines, rethink your tasks and goals, realize where your actions lead, and stop performing alien rituals. In other words, the best way to get out of the influence of one or another egregor is to increase awareness and, as a result, change the algorithm of actions.

I wish you that your level of consciousness and positive energy is so high that you could redirect any egregor into a creative direction!

It is impossible to imagine a normal person, throughout our multifaceted history, without desires, thoughts, creativity, and also without the desire to achieve certain heights in his life. His mental activity and the experiences caused by this process, combined with similar emotions of other people, form a kind of energy system - an egregor, which has very specific properties.

What is Egregor

Egregor is an artificially created energy-informational entity. Has a mind of its own. Calculating, feeds on the energy and emotions of people. Egregor dies when everyone forgets about him.

However, it can be expressed much more simply. To understand how contact with this system or entity occurs (there are different definitions), let's look at one small episode. It has long been known that we spend our strength, that is, energy, not only on physical work or simple movements. Laughter, a nervous breakdown in the form of hysteria or complete withdrawal, loud crying and prolonged quiet sobs can literally “de-energize” a person. Where does our energy disappear in this case?

The energy is taken by the egregor, which is capable of forming chains of events so that the group increases the supply and makes it more powerful.

But not everything is so sad, this is just one of the possible interactions. There are others too. Here is an example of how to work with egregors. Scientists, musicians, people of other professions who are selflessly devoted to some idea, give all their strength to create beautiful music or make a scientific discovery, also feed their egregors. The most outstanding of them, who faithfully serve their energy system, are marked by it. At a certain moment, when the focused energy given by the adept becomes large enough, he may earn some kind of “gratitude” from his boss in the form of insight, connection to the information field to solve certain problems and gain new knowledge. This is a fairly generous reward, having received which a person fully realizes his goal and can set himself the next, even higher one.

Think about the powerful connection between egregors and the present they form. The opportunities provided by the egregor make many people want to learn how to interact correctly, communicate with it, and receive the necessary help and knowledge.

Carefully! Egregors!

Having an idea, at least in general terms, of what kind of entity this is, the egregors of how to work with it are worth analyzing in detail. Subtle energy formations are most often consciously contacted by people who systematically engage in spiritual practices, self-education, students of philosophy, leading world religions and, of course, yoga. As a rule, they are organized and always know exactly what they want.

Independent connection and contact with the power system can sometimes provoke serious consequences. In everyday life, we often need to use the help of professionals. In the event of a computer breakdown, we do not open the system unit and do not quickly begin to look for what wire has fallen off. Everything can be much more serious - in order not to spoil the equipment, it is worth calling a specialist.

Working with egregors influences our destiny. There's no time for experimentation here.

Although many people dream of getting a rapid rise through the ranks or doing well in a test. But how to achieve this? What needs to be done to avoid being hooked by another, negative structure? Otherwise, instead of achieving the designated goal, the prospect of becoming homeless or suddenly discovering a whole “bouquet” of serious illnesses may loom before you.

We always want something very much, thoughts about it circulate in our wild little head during the day and even at night. But most often nothing changes. However, we have already remembered that the number of thoughts to some extent correlates with the benefits we desire. So where are they? Why do our dreams burst like soap bubbles?

The story with Valera

I immediately remembered a story with one of my classmates. Valera is a pretty nice guy, calm, with a very optimistic outlook on life. Even at school, girls and boys gathered around him - everyone listened to funny stories about incidents that happened to him at the dacha or after classes. In addition, Valera knew a lot of jokes, which he skillfully played out. In general, he was a crowd favorite.

I thought that everything would turn out great in his life. And indeed, by the age of 25, a guy with a higher education got a good job. But... oddly enough, his relationship with money was very tense, and five years later, two divorces greatly reduced even what he had accumulated before.

It’s good that his wife didn’t have time to give birth to children and therefore the scandalous separations happened quickly. However, one of them, in a fit of furious revenge, nevertheless gave him a “cart” to work, and maybe more than one. Whether this is true or just his guesses, he soon lost his place in a decent company. Do not think that he was an inveterate womanizer, and his wives divorced him precisely for this reason. They did not agree on their characters and views - the typical formulation in most divorce proceedings means that the goals and means of achieving them among the former spouses are radically different.

It’s strange, but before the wedding everyone usually has the same opinions. And only later - oh, honey, I want children and not work! How is it possible to have a career first?!! Why do I need it at all? Your salary is enough... But, at least, it’s enough for me to buy a fur coat... Yes, please get me a car on credit... And then a few months later the scandal began again. The wife again claims that she is tired of working, she doesn’t want to build a financial foundation for a family, it’s time to let her go to Thailand with a friend to improve her health.

What conclusions can be drawn from the current situation? As a rule, there are at least two people in a family and both are connected to some kind of egregors. Which ones? The issue is resolved. But what and why destroyed their relationship with one of the energy-informational entities? This is not always clear even to the spouses themselves.

It is necessary to have enough information, and truthful information. Its distortion, even to a minimal extent, will sharply reduce the quality of the analysis. Therefore, I will only take into account what my friend told me, I am sure of him, and I myself was an eyewitness to some events. The fact remains that Valera does not have the best connection with the family egregor, and with the money one, it is also rather weak, and now it has completely broken down. What happened to him next? How he tried to correct the situation, what he succeeded in, and where he was less fortunate, I will tell you in the next article.

Now, let's get back to the theory so that you can understand whether Valera should have made some decisions and dealt with the circumstances. Maybe we should have left everything to chance.

Principles and rules when working with egregors

In order to begin your conscious and “business” cooperation with the chosen energy information structure, first of all you need to connect to it. And do it right. You need to choose those egregors that are focused on your native area.

The Slavs who are close in spirit, or rather in terms of energy parameters, will undoubtedly have the Slavic egregor, ancient and very powerful in strength. When working with it, they use Slavic spiritual techniques, which are more suitable and effective for our people than Eastern ones.

Eastern practices do not completely apply to Slavic people. Asians and Indians have a lower energy center than the Slavs, they have fewer chakras (in Russian “charas”, not chakras), and their legs do not work in practice.

However, it is not always possible to establish cooperation with an egregor. You need to come to terms with the fact - the egregor puts an end to this issue, and it depends on it whether contact will occur or not.

But don't give up. The chance must be taken, even if it is negligible. First of all, we need to find out which of us humans is interested in the egregor, whom does he himself strive to get?

The most promising in this regard is the one who really wants this, knows the laws of the subtle world and does everything possible to achieve this goal. In order to connect to the desired egregor, you need to “tune in to its wavelength,” in other words, become one of its own. Then everything will happen naturally, as they say, without unnecessary incidents. But this is the most difficult thing. This entity does not require real offerings and gifts; its requirements must be met. How can this be achieved? Irina Lyakhova can give you a hint in her work “Working with Egregors.”

It often happens that at birth a person is already connected to one of the fairly powerful egregors. Some children are never separated from pencils and paints, they draw always and everywhere (well, it happens, of course, but this, in general, is not the child’s fault, but rather the mistake of the parents who did not organize a workplace for him). You shouldn’t stop the fool’s craving for beauty. This is his destiny, a kind of life program. Under the protection of the egregor of creativity, he will be able to achieve a lot, however, if he is not led astray by loving and caring parents who see in their dreams their beloved son as a sought-after lawyer or at least a programmer.

On his way, even without family steps, he may meet best friends who are looking for an excuse to drink, and sometimes drink well without it, or who claim that studying is not something worth doing in their youth. In this case, the connection is already there, the main thing is that the parents do not make a mistake and help the child achieve results in the field that he has chosen.

Communication with egregor

I can immediately disappoint those in a hurry. This cannot be done quickly and hastily.

What you need to know whencommunicating with an egregor? First, you need to determine which egregor you need to establish contact with. What are his features, and will he be able (or willing) to give you what you absolutely need or won’t notice at all. To make it clearer how to work with egregor, carefully read the step-by-step steps:

  1. Get rid of unwanted emotions. The expression of feelings should be directed only towards the chosen energy-informational formation.
  2. Take care of the cleanliness of your subtle bodies (energy shells), cleanse your chakras, remove blocks.
  3. Attend special trainings and conduct meditations.

Difficult? I would venture to console you that this is not all. In this work, working out using the system of a bunch of egregors can be of great help.

Want it faster? It is worth looking for a competent mentor and it is advisable that you are not alone with him, since in a group such processes are always accelerated. It is when surrounded by like-minded people that the entire structure of our world will become clearer, and the required actions will become meaningful. In order to understand how to communicate with an egregor, group classes will be the most effective.

There are several nuances in communicating with an egregor. If, with the help of meditation, you were able to develop the ability for a long and full-scale study of some objects or things, then you can move on to working on animals or humans. Rise above the frailty, explore their spirituality, perceive the difference, start a mental dialogue with them. At the same time, control yourself, do not allow your mind to be overwhelmed by emotions.

Could you? Then proceed to communicate with the selected egregor. Later, with experience, you can think about how to control the egregor. Just be careful not to allow failures that could lead to distortion of your messages (information) and, as a result, to blocking of the channel.

How to contact egregor

Remember! A lot depends on some egregors. Including your life. And perhaps not only yours. An appeal to an egregor for help should be respectful and neutral, that is, no familiarity. It seems out of place here. You should absolutely not contact the egregor with the question: “ Egregor how to unblock WhatsApp for a friend?"You just need to write to technical support.

In direct communication with the egregor, all requests should be formulated very simply, without the use of negative particles. For example, ask: " Egregor how can Ito resolve this issue?“The power of faith is decisive here.

One of the most accessible ways for most people to reach the egregor is a pendulum. Choose which one is right for you, learn to work with it, get used to it, and only then begin your planned conversation with a powerful energetic entity.

Energy exchange

The subtle world is extremely rational in relation to energy. It is considered good form to pay generously on time, or better yet in advance. Here it is better to overpay, in this way you can extend the thinnest thread of commitment to the egregor - he will owe you, even if only a little. And debt obligations must be paid, even if this happens in a different reality. By the way, remember too, because the law also works in the opposite direction.

You shouldn’t beg for goodies without paying for them in advance. Otherwise, without waiting for the energy equivalent from you for the work done, the egregor will simply “withdraw its share” from your balance.

How this will affect the body, what diseases may begin to progress, a career will be destroyed, or money savings will suddenly dry up, one can only guess. But there is no doubt that this will definitely happen. In addition, the egregor, in this case, will close the channel. Therefore, you only need to plan long-term cooperation with him - changing your views on life and preferences in the process of work will no longer be possible.

Safety precautions, protection - what we should not forget about and what the consequences may be

Never joke or act like a fool. Remember, entities will not forgive you for this. Have you established communication with the egregor? Do you feel his support? Don't even think about using all this to take revenge on your enemies! (Even if they really deserve it).

Don’t want to see the employee sitting opposite you in the office? You shouldn’t show commercialism, think more broadly (stinginess and pettiness will lead to nothing) - ask the egregor for a profitable long-term business trip or a transfer to another place with a promotion, you can also come up with options. And he feels good, and you solved your problem without darkening your aura. By the way, the energy he needed was transferred to the egregor’s account. This is how a completely harmonious energy exchange with the egregor of work occurs.

Egregor and protection from vile enemies

If you are of a certain interest to the egregor and occupy far from the last place in his hierarchy (the expression is of course so-so, but it will do to give an idea), then he is obliged to respond to the request for protection. He has the power to change unfavorable circumstances, change someone’s decision, and influence the opinion of his superiors. Moreover, the system will work itself. There is no need to set any limits - they say, it is better for me that my enemy catches dysentery, and the infection manifests itself suddenly and in public.

Do not order trouble, destructive egregors will definitely respond to them, interaction with which will plunge you into the abyss of fear and suffering, richly flavored with meanness and accidents.

The one who walks will master the road

Cooperation with an egregor can be quite successful. When making a choice in favor of a certain egregor, you reserve the right to decide how much energy you will send to him, how often to contact him and what to ask for. There is no need to rush; a well-built strategy will provide long-term support for a powerful energy formation that can lead its adherent to the top in business or career, provide him with a comfortable existence and give him the opportunity to create a strong family.

One day, a young guy Andrei found himself in an incomprehensible, depressing situation. To solve it, he turned to his friend. And he drew his attention to egregors and how to work with them. The problem turned out to be simple and banal. A nice man is ripe for a serious relationship and starting a family. The guy met a charming, kind, sweet person who won his heart. First there was a period of pleasant meetings (egregor of courtship), then the time of marriage came, namely the transition from bride and groom to husband and wife. These are two egregors (young people and families). In this situation, the behavior changed from nice and smiling to those who…

When he got up in the morning and saw each other, he realized that a completely different woman was standing in front of him. Her behavior was characterized by the message “I hate men, everyone owes me something.” My husband was at a loss these few months and almost turned grey. This was the effect of the structural field.

Everything living and non-living on the planet has its own energy, which can be positive or negative and affects people. This article describes such energy objects - egregors and how to work with them.

The concept of egregor

Egregor (translated from Greek as guardian angel) is an energy-informational entity in the subtle world that has a relationship with certain ideas, goals, dreams and aspirations of people. This is a growing structure created by people themselves, capable of influencing them, their thoughts and worldview. The more objects are interested in it, the more powerful it is. Therefore, his goal is to increase adherents and retain those already in his power. There are different types of it. In the picture, the types are depicted in a growing hierarchy.

Physicist E. Marton described it as a living object, reminiscent of a collective aura of people with similar interests and desires. His power becomes greater each time the energy rises, and he again tries to gain the consciousness of other objects to become even more powerful. Psychics describe it as a clot of energy in the form of a ball, and thin threads emanate from it (through which a connection with people is formed).

Principles and rules when working

One of the most important moments in this interaction is to feel the spirit and understand the idea that unites the people connected to it, as well as the principles and rules when working with it. For example, a person who wants to become a goth must listen to certain music, study information on the topic and dress in the image of the subculture they like. Then he will be accepted into their circle. Energy-informational entities have their own symbols (for example, rings are a symbol of married life). To connect to the right trends, it is better to understand the topic well and surround yourself with the necessary paraphernalia.

Safety precautions, protection, what are the consequences of communicating with an egregor

Energy power can bring many negative aspects into life and turn a person into a weak-willed puppet. This is possible when a person acts stupidly, without thinking through the consequences (for example, adherents of sects, fans, workaholics who need nothing but money). The picture shows an example of religious fanaticism and ignorance.

When interacting with a powerful force, it is better to be careful not to fall into its power and not become a helpless slave.

The destructive power of information entities can cause enormous harm to their adherents. The personality loses its freedom. If you think that it is impossible to become rich, then it will be so. This also includes drunkenness, when a person degrades and is forced to devote all his strength to the source.

How to contact

It is possible to contact directly, asking for patronage. But first of all, you need to tune in to a certain channel and connect with the energy penetrating into consciousness itself. Feeling it in the spinal column, when warmth passes throughout the body, you can ask for what you want. Connection is possible using the seventh energy center (Sahasrara chakra), which is located at the top of the head. It should be remembered that by turning to the essence, you not only get what you want, but also give away your energy.

In order for communication with the source to be positive, you need to adhere to a ritual (an appropriate, repeating order of actions). It's better to introduce yourself first, then a greeting, and then a request. At the end of the communication, it is worth thanking, even if it seems that nothing worked out and there is no desired effect. You should be treated kindly and with respect. It is better to ask for intangible things (support, advice).

Semargl: the author of the article suggests going into slavery to an egregor! I strongly recommend refusing to use rituals, meditation techniques and various superstitions to connect to egregors. Refuse in favor of conscious techniques based on the laws of the Universe, common sense and a full understanding of what is happening. Otherwise, most egregors in fact simply suck energy from the connected one in volumes that cannot be compared with what is given in return. Guys, this issue is much more serious than it seems at first.

Energy exchange

Egregors are psychoenergetic field structures that are the result of the thoughts of a group of people on subtle planes. Since humanity is always thinking about something, it all comes true. Consciousness gets used to and becomes psychologically attached to its drinker. Energy exchange occurs.

When a person wants to stop communicating with the source, but cannot, there is definitely susceptibility to influence. The latter will always send him thoughts of returning. For example, an alcohol-dependent subject who wants to stop drinking will not be able to do so. He will want to do this more often not because he wants to, but because the egregor of alcohol is connected to the control of his consciousness. Often such obsessive thoughts do not belong to the owner himself. It is important to understand egregors and how to work with them:

  • Study all the details, the backbone, the idea of ​​this education.
  • Look far into history, fully explore the topic.
  • Find enough information about the creators (their lifestyle, activities, all the pitfalls).

You need to contact to receive energy exchange, like magicians or shamans. If you work with them consciously and correctly, then it is quite possible to get help. They make contact easily if:

  • Offer the egregor something in return (for example, write a good review or article).
  • Find a student and train him for a specific object.
  • Do not combine the attributes of opposing cultures into one.
  • Do not ask for what is not in the system (if you become a supporter of vegetarianism, you do not need to ask for a good catch while fishing).

Modern society is associated with many egregors at the same time (profession, religion, love, marriage, medicine, nutrition, TV shows, films, newspapers, literature, etc.). To function successfully on this planet, you need to know egregors how to work with them, understand the mechanisms influencing your own personality and have enough knowledge and willpower to interact harmoniously with them.

In conclusion, comments from Semargl

The first thing that is important in communication and working with egregors is awareness. Only conscious work will allow us to establish more or less mutually beneficial interaction. Usually, egregors take maximum human attention and emotions, many times greater than the reverse flow of values. It’s easy to connect to the main egregors, but it’s difficult to disconnect, especially from destructive, aggressive ones (monetary, religious).

The correct evolutionary path is to increase the internal frequency, then you can simply switch to higher-frequency egregors. For according to the laws of the Universe, the higher always controls the lower, and it will be easier to get out of the stranglehold of an egregor that has clung to a higher one. So, they often move from the egregor of alcohol to, say, Christianity, and when the Christian egregor begins to block further evolution (restriction of freedom of exit is a sign of the destructiveness of the egregor), then it is easier to switch to a higher-frequency Vedic or other egregor.

In working with generally accepted egregors, agreements have proven themselves to be effective when a person with an egregor specifies exactly what he wants to receive and how he will pay the egregor for it. Egregors work on an advance payment basis and are very fond of new adherents, everyone’s attention and emotions, they love everything that strengthens and nurtures them.