
What does small handwriting mean for a girl? What to do if a child has “bad handwriting”? Is there a problem

No. 1. An eight-year-old boy who has just learned to write. It is noticeable that the letters were written hastily and carelessly. From questioning, it turns out that this child learned to write of his own free will, thanks to the fact that the girl, his friend, learned before him, and he wanted to follow her example. Here there are hints of envy and competition, since otherwise he might not have wanted to study at all. His letters are very subtle and come very easily to him, but he does not have the patience to focus his attention on them. The letters are slanted, and there is a desire to finish them as soon as possible. It is noticeable that the boy’s character is very impudent, he is a “swindler”, as his mother puts it, you cannot say a word in his presence.

At the beginning of the letter, the letters are without a specific shape, which indicates the above-mentioned character traits, but in the last lines a hint of order is already visible, and as we approach the end, a desire to show off appears. The interweaving and unity of individual words and their more or less pronounced neatness indicate isolation and at the same time a love of asking questions. The general appearance of the handwriting indicates practicality and suggests commercial inclinations, more than for any other pursuits.

No. 2. Here is the type of girl mentioned in the first example, also eight years old. Her handwriting is in complete contrast to the boy's. It is smaller, uneven in places, some letters at the end of words lean heavily to the left, which indicates technique and art, as well as the passion that is expressed in the love of dancing. Elongated, but at the same time coherent letters, with a slight slope, indicate hot temperament, nervousness, and frequent impulses to cry. There is a love for various spectacles, musicality, but the girl must be kept from inclination towards the art of dancing, because she does not have sufficient physical strength for it. Evenness and subtlety appear in the capital letters, their direction is changeable: kindness and cordiality are visible. The unsmudged nature of the letters shows that, in contrast to the boy, this girl can speak more freely: she does not understand everything and does not have a tendency to convey other people’s words to others.

No. 3. Girl 8 years old. The letters are straight and bold, as if without outside help, they follow the line; this reveals spoiledness, capriciousness, stubbornness. The letters, sometimes large, sometimes small, sometimes bold, indicate a passion for writing letters, a good memory. The simplicity and lack of decoration of the letters reveals talent, art, and curiosity. No one has influence over this girl; this can be indicated by her signature “Nina”, where independence, strong willpower and disobedience are visible. The stroke indicates that she is not satisfied with one stroke of the pen, but halfway through the stroke she wants to continue and increase it; this indicates her desire to take up more space, to know everything, to absorb and be independent.

No. 4. Handwriting of a 10-year-old boy. An extraordinary passion to imitate, ability, consistency, love of art, learning, desire for order in everything, but the letters betray a lack of intellectuality; these calligraphic, affected letters, separated in places, indicate frugality. Wedge-shaped and large, bold letters indicate a desire for invention. Playfulness and awareness of one’s abilities are expressed, inconstancy and sensitivity are also noticeable; but, in general, a kind, gentle mind, although not particularly developed.

No. 5. Girl 6 years old. Disjointed, but straight, effortlessly drawn letters indicate obedience, as if currying favor with everyone around. Her nature is not free, it’s as if they don’t like this girl, and she feels it. The neatness of the letters indicates a desire to attract attention; This is especially expressed in the letters k, and, m, a. Obedience, gentleness.

No. 6. Girl 8 years old. The letters, although also even, rest on each other; this indicates brilliant abilities and at the same time liveliness, evenness, friendliness without falsehood, and gullibility. This character can be influenced; although he is stubborn, intemperate in his desires and impatient, his upbringing is smooth and normal, which is especially expressed in the letters b, d, k, O.

No. 7. Girl 7 years old. It is instructive how individuality is expressed in words. letter. Separating sticks in a letter P and upper pressure indicate a desire to measure something - a sign of passion for dancing. Although the letters are copied, they are uneven and lean on each other, which indicates whims, pride, stubbornness, but diligence. The writing is characterized by purity. Gentleness works well on this child, but not flattery.

No. 8. Girl 8 years old. Smooth, pressed, as if copied, rounded letters indicate a passion for drawing; subtle movements betray playfulness, gaiety, cheerfulness, the desire to find out everything without bothering you with questions; here the letters are inclined to the left, especially x, k, h. Nature will be independent.

No. 9. Girl 9 years old. This handwriting, with its slant to the left and long letters, indicates restraint, isolation, selfishness, cunning; the connection between the letters is unequal, which indicates stubbornness, the habit of doing what she wants, but talent; the same sign of drawing ability, as in the handwriting of one of the 8-year-old girls.

No. 10. Girl 9 years old. The nature is capricious, very capricious, with bad habits. The letters are uneven, one can see the desire to make them not according to instructions, but of one’s own free will, as for example, about- with top pressure, l- with a sharp end. It is immediately clear that the basis of upbringing is not good and character is already difficult to break. There is noticeable phlegmatism, at times a reluctance to listen to anyone, great cunning, and a love of listening to conversations.

No. 11. Girl 7 years old. Amazing diligence, noticeable especially in the transfer of words old woman. Raised strokes in a letter X indicate talent: the girl already draws and sculpts with great passion, but she is disobedient, stubborn, willful, touchy, and proud, which is especially expressed in the straightness and slenderness of the letters.

No. 12. Girl 10 years old. The letters, although thin, seem unnatural, dead and carefully drawn. Little personality. Desire to learn, but no special abilities. The nature is simple, warm-hearted; letters with decorated curls indicate imitation without investing anything of their own, as for example in girls 8-9 years old, but they express simplicity, a quiet, obedient disposition, and calmness.

No. 13. Girl 11 years old. The letters are thin, beautifully elongated, open in places, indicating that she is talkative, likes to exaggerate, a talker. Great abilities, but does not want to study; most busy with herself, flirtatious, smart.

No. 14. Girl 12 years old. These curving, simple, but miniature letters indicate an extraordinary ability to instill in others self-love, kindness, simplicity, ability, intelligence, reluctance to offend anyone, evenness, friendliness, and love for everything beautiful. This is especially expressed in raised by half the line zh, u, V.

15. Girl 13 years old. Flattened, small, but the same size letters indicate cheerfulness, evenness, diligence, liveliness, love of order and drawing. This is expressed both in the evenness of the letters and in the subtlety of the strokes and is especially noticeable in the inner stroke i, in the letterd And small To; Individuality is strongly expressed here.

16. Girl 14 years old. Clear, distinct handwriting, like a sketch, indicates artistry, cheerfulness, playfulness and rich imagination. Raised lines and straight letters indicate a love of knowledge, a desire to learn, despite being spoiled, also perseverance and stubbornness; the hardness of the letters and the same rounding among them indicate obedience and the good influence of upbringing.

17. Girl 15 years old Thin, pale letters running in oblique rows indicate apathy, phlegmatism; elongated letters, but without grace, indicate mediocrity, lack of ability, learning with great difficulty, whims, cunning; compressed and coherent letters indicate lack of frankness, reluctance to share your thoughts with anyone. Some defects may occur.

18. Female handwriting at 16 years old. Although the letters have already taken shape, their elevation above the line, the unevenness and indecisiveness of their connections indicate underdevelopment, dullness, stupidity, and phlegmatism. Here, upbringing left a separate mark, and an oversight in development in childhood is noticeable; There seems to be a desire to acquire knowledge and become enlivened, but the nature is too passive and pliable.

19. Female handwriting at 17 years old. Although round, beautiful, even letters with thin strokes indicate taste and proportional abilities, the imagination is highly developed. Small pressures, but clarity of words indicate inauthenticity, strangeness, whims, sensitivity; noticeable love to listen to everything, instinctive sensations, excitement, courage.

20 Boy 8 years old. The handwriting is firm, bayonet-shaped, without slanting, indicating a love of work and housework, as well as real occupations, such as the profession of an engineer. The evenness of the letters, although they are broken in places, indicates a quiet, calm disposition, religiosity, simplicity, and low sensitivity. This character will be even, firm, and decisive.

21. Boy 11.5 years old. He is a great dreamer and expansive; the thin shell of the letters, which are round and convex, indicates a passion to show oneself, diplomacy, great pride, whims, selfishness, but strength of character. The coherence, elation and directness of the letters indicate self-confidence, courage, nervousness and sensitivity. This will be a secular diplomat with subtle aristocratic overtones. Letters with bold, curled strokes above them, such as d, indicate linguistic ability.

22. Boy 13 years old. Sweeping, wide letters indicate liveliness, sharpness, ability, but lack of diligence, playfulness. Curved strokes and a desire to embellish letters indicate a lack of talent; This child is stubborn and capricious; letters with pressure indicate violence, restlessness, laziness.

We talked with Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Biology, about how handwriting is formed and why it can be so terrible. Sc., Director of the Institute of Age Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education Maryana Bezrukikh.

First you need to understand: why do we teach children to write? So that they can draw sticks and circles? Of course not. Calligraphy itself has no meaning. We want the child to be able to competently and clearly express his thoughts in writing. According to international standards adopted back in the 50s, a person can be considered literate if he can write a short history of his life in accordance with all the requirements for a modern native language, its style, spelling, grammar, and so on.

Literacy is needed not only for written speech, because those who cannot express their thoughts do not understand someone else’s. As the Unified State Examination showed, almost half of graduates are not able to identify the main idea in a regular text. And this inability, of course, very seriously hinders overall development.

But in order for a person to not only write, but also read what he wrote in order to find his mistakes and correct them, handwriting must be legible.

And for this you need to:

the letters were the same height and width;
straight lines were even;
parallel lines remained parallel;
the ovals were of the correct shape.

If a child has mastered these rules and follows them when writing, then his handwriting will be smooth and readable. This means that in the future the child will not think about how to write a hook or a circle, but about how best to express his thought. As for literacy, here the whole task comes down to what experts call sound-letter analysis.

By the end of primary school, a child should be able to freely translate phonemes (sounds) into graphemes (graphic representations of letters and syllables). And if in the first or second grade, during dictation, children write very slowly, because they are constantly thinking about how to write down the word they hear, then by the fifth grade this process should be automatic.

Learning errors

All teachers know that there are only one or two students in the class who will always write beautifully and correctly, no matter the method. These are children with fine, perfect coordination of movements, with good visual-spatial perception. No more than 2% of such children come to school. Demanding the same results from everyone else is pointless and unnecessary. Some people believe that beautiful writing creates neatness. But isn’t it easier to cultivate this very neatness with less effort?

Handwriting for the most part does not depend on the child’s wishes. It is, rather, the result of mistakes in training:

Starting too early

There is a rule - the sooner we start teaching a child to write, the worse his handwriting will be in the future. And if adults give a five-year-old a pen, he is not able to take it correctly, but clasps it in his fist. In this position, italic (continuous) writing is impossible. The maximum that he can write is semi-printed letters written separately from each other. In addition, today children are brought to first grade at the age of six, or even earlier. And few people know that every six months is extremely important - all the functions that are necessary for writing mature. A child at six years old is very different from a child at six and a half, and even more so at seven. This, by the way, partly explains the fact that children used to write better - they began to study at the age of seven or eight.

Teaching continuous (cursive) writing

The main problems with handwriting among children in our school are precisely due to the fact that they are still often required to write continuously, connecting all the letters with each other. This is one of the most inadequate methods that has ever existed in our school, and utter stupidity. And, although it is not required now, many teachers work according to it. Such a letter does not correspond to the child’s capabilities and the characteristics of his development. Moreover, learning to write continuously slows down the development of writing skills, that is, the child ultimately learns much more slowly.

The fact is that continuity requires tracing along an already written line, but this is not possible for a 6-10 year old child. But we have children entering 1st grade, about a third of whom have not developed fine motor skills. This is not their fault, but, as a rule, a consequence of disorders during pregnancy and childbirth, hyper- or hypotonicity of the muscles.
In addition, physiologists have found that the child writes continuously while inhaling and does not exhale while writing two or three letters. This creates an irregular breathing rhythm, which is very harmful to health, and fatigue comes faster.

Intensity of the school program

Modern children are in an endless hurry because that’s how the program is structured. If previously writing was taught for the first three years, now two and a half months are allotted for the same thing! And after that, memorizing the rules, speed writing, and other minor things immediately begin. Therefore, when parents compare their handwriting with that of their children, they must take into account this rush and race that today's schoolchildren are caught up in. During lessons, the pace of work is often so high that the child does not have time to think about what he has written or double-check the text. Hence, low literacy, illegibility, and the enormous stress that children are under and which, in turn, affects handwriting.

Pen or computer?

Many adults are convinced that handwriting doesn't matter at all because in the future everyone will write on computers. There is some truth in this, because most likely the pen will go away and first-graders will type their first words on the computer keys.

But when we talk about mastering written speech, then everything is not so obvious. The learning process will become even more difficult because typing is a slightly different type of writing. This requires coordination of both hands. And all the stages of preparing for writing - attention, perception of sounds and translating them into letters - will still be needed. That is, in addition to the previous ones, new tasks will appear, such as mastering the keyboard. And, by the way, we still have to decide whether to teach children to type with two fingers or ten, which is much more difficult...

Writing is a very complex process, no matter how a child writes. And in order to properly master written language, efforts are needed, first of all, from caring parents and competent teachers. Without this, it makes no sense to require a child to write competently and understandably.

Handwriting examples and comments on them

Katya, 11 years old

Here you can see endless tracing along the already written lines - most likely the girl was taught continuous writing. Either she corrects herself all the time, starts writing one thing and immediately comes to her senses and writes another. This indicates undeveloped writing skills, because at this age the child no longer has to think about how to write, but must think about what thought he is expressing. In addition, there are many errors that show the difficulties of sound-letter analysis: she has difficulty translating sounds into letters.
It can be assumed that this child has reduced performance and increased fatigue, and therefore the first lines are written well, but then performance drops sharply - the number of errors increases and the handwriting itself deteriorates in appearance.
This may indicate a peculiarity in the organization of the nervous system or may be the result of overload. The work was written in February, and this is the most difficult month of the school year, when performance is reduced and fatigue is increased. And if in September and December everything was fine, then in February there may well be such handwriting irregularities (therefore, by the way, it is always better to analyze several samples made at different times of the school year).

Alyosha, 10 years old

The handwriting is quite clear, stable, there are no corrections or tracings. The motor side of writing is formed; he does not think about which letter to write and does not correct it. But with literacy it’s worse: in the word “hidden” the child writes “hidden”, “feed” instead of “looped”.
He also cannot translate sounds into letters. It is difficult for him to isolate the real sound, he does not hear it, so he begins to miss vowels, etc. There are also so-called optical errors - “stretched out”, they are also often called stupid. But there are no stupid mistakes; each of them has a reason. Maybe there was a distraction because he was listening to the next word. And this, in turn, could be due to the fact that they dictated too quickly.

Misha, 10 years old

This type of handwriting is quite common. Many people try to write very small, because the smaller the letter, the shorter the writing line and the faster they write. The reason for this is that the speed required of the child is too high. Moreover, apparently, the child has been writing for so long, since the second grade. Why is this bad? Because the words are unreadable due to their cohesion and small size. The child has difficulty reading himself, and it is very difficult for him to check what he has written. Because of this, any number of errors can occur.
And finally, the trouble is that the child is already accustomed to writing like this. And even if you now ask him to write slowly, he will no longer be able to.

Nikita, 11 years old

It is clear from the handwriting that the child is terribly tense. Even overstressed and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. This causes him to have a very strong tremor and his hand is shaking.
This becomes clear if you look closely at the writing lines: the hand stops and you get extra dots. And in general, there is not a single straight line. This tension may be associated with the test or dictation situation itself, or the child himself is very anxious.
We can assume that he has problems with sleep or some other nervous disorders. And it would be good for parents to bring their child for a consultation with specialists. Maybe he is afraid of teachers, parents, bad grades, or he has an incorrect schedule, difficulties in family relationships, etc.

Dima, 12 years old

There are almost all the violations here: unformed handwriting and a sharp decrease in performance. The first line is written even more or less clearly, but with each subsequent line it becomes more and more difficult to understand. There are many amendments, and they most likely indicate the child’s hyperactivity, impaired attention and reduced performance.
Please note: he begins each word with complex squiggles - at this moment he is still thinking, because he does not yet understand what he is writing.

St. Vyatkina 20, 2nd floor st. Sovetov, 126B, 3rd floor, office. 8 st. Kirova, 109 5 microdistrict, 4 (5th entrance, entrance from the yard) Business center "Sunkar", 2 microdistrict, 47, building B, 3rd floor, room. 313 and 320 1st Mostovoy Lane, 2 (Central Sberbank building, 3rd floor), offices 315 and 313 st. Cherkasskoy oborony, 25 (2nd floor, office 42) st. Herzen, 88 Lenin Ave., 123 st. Lermontov, 120 st. Dubki, 15 st. May 1, 59/1, shopping center "Pyaterochka", 2nd floor st. Komsomolskaya, 27, office 41 st. Rosa Luxemburg, 168 st. Uritskogo, 47, floor 2, office. 209 Lenin Avenue, 29 (1st floor) st. Sauran, 3/1, entrance 20, office 996 Lenin Square, 2 7 microdistrict, 2a st. Lenina, 54A (1st floor) Revolution Avenue, 26 Yantarny district, Molodezhny Boulevard, 1 Dzerzhinsky st., 27 Central passage, 3 st. Baltiyskaya, 49 st. Zavodskaya/Lunacharskogo, 184/94 st. Ostrovsky, 22, of. 208 st. Shchorsa, 54, 3rd floor, shopping center "Yuzhny" st. 5 Augusta, 1k, shopping center "August", 2nd floor st. Morozova, 7, block 3 st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 21 4 microdistrict, 1 1 microdistrict, 5 st. Yubileynaya, 127 (3rd floor) st. Gagarina, 27 st. Karl Marx, 6 st. Chistyakova, 43/1 st. Pervomaiskaya, 10 k1 st. Tretyakovskaya, 39 zh.r. Central, Lenin Avenue, 21, P1001 zh.r Energetik, st. Solnechnaya, 4, SK "Solnechny" st. July 28, 33B st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 128a (Taxopark shopping center, 4th floor) st. J. Hasek, 10, 3rd floor st. Kommunisticheskaya, 37 (TC "Central") 1 microdistrict, 4v (TC "Omega", 3rd floor) st. Sovetskaya, 135B Lenin Avenue, 31 st. Kochetova, 8 st. Pskovskaya, 46 st. Engelsa, 81k4 per. Ippodromny, 9a st. Olkhovaya, 4 st. Kirova, 25D, office 9 st. Western, 57 st. Vostochnaya, 80B Central district, st. Krasnoznamenskaya, 25 Voroshilovsky district, st. Grushevskaya, 8 Dzerzhinsky district, st. 8th Air Army, 9A Krasnooktyabrsky district, st. General Shtemenko, 7 Krasnoarmeysky district, Engels Boulevard, 26 st. Severnaya, 9A, shopping center "KIT", 2nd floor st. Leningradskaya, 78 (2nd floor above Sberbank) st. Moskovsky Prospekt, 26 Leninsky Prospekt, 15, office. 219 st. Generala Lizyukova, 24, of. 801 st. Voroshilova, 50 st. Kirova, 54 st. Mezhevaya, 21 st. Watchtower, 17 st. Orskaya, 117 st. Lunacharskogo, 31 st. Gorky, 3 st. Griboedova, 60 st. Budyonny, 2 st. Novaya, 25 st. Gennady Troshev, 7 st. Frunze, 19 15th microdistrict, 6 st. Sovetskaya, 166 st. Gvardeyskaya, 12 Lenin Avenue, 35, office 6 st. Shkolnaya, 10 m. Altufyevo, Rocket Stroiteley Ave., 5k2 st. Kirova, 15 MO, Leninsky district, microdistrict. Drozhzhino, st. Novoe Shosse, 3 k1 MO, Leninsky district, microdistrict. Drozhzhino, st. New Highway, 10k2 Bogolyubova Avenue, 16k2 st. D. Ulyanova, 7 5 microdistrict, 16 (room 10) Residential complex "European", opposite the children's clinic st. Kommunisticheskaya, 45 st. Shevchenko, 18, off. 303 st. Pavel Shamanova, 60 st. Kuznetsova, 7 (entrance from the yard) st. Rodonitovaya, 24 st. Surikova, 55 st. Tatishcheva, 88 st. Kunarskaya, 14/3 Academician Sakharov Avenue, 53 st. Griboyedova, 30 Mira Ave., 49 st. Kommunarov, 143V st. Chkalova, 18, office 10 st. Bolshaya Borgustanskaya, 20 (opposite school No. 1) st. Lenina, 100b st. Lenina, 90 (Sberbank building, 2nd floor) Geroev Avenue, 3 Savvino microdistrict, st. Kalinina, 6 st. Solnechnaya, 19 st. Amet-khan Sultana, 35 st. Molodezhnaya, 6 (Business Incubator building) st. Kurchatova, 49 Nakhabinskoe highway, 7A, residential complex Nakhabinsky Building 2005 st. Taganayskaya, 192a, 4th floor Avenue named after. Yu.A. Gagarina, 3 microdistrict, 43, 5th floor st. 40 Let Pobedy, 42 Moskovsky microdistrict, 14 st. Molodezhnaya, 87 st. Udmurtskaya, 141 st. Pushkinskaya, 289 st. Lermontov, 81/7 st. Baikalskaya, 267I, office 213 ("SK Baikal Arena") st. Rabochaya, 2 st. Rokossovsky, 26 st. Green, 1 st. Voinov-Internationalistov, 34 Pobedy Avenue, 100 (DC "Valley of Plenty", main entrance) st. Fatykha Amirkhana, 14A Vakhitovsky district, st. Shmidta, 35a, office 119 st. Dubravnaya, 51G, BC "Dubrava" Ibragimov Avenue, 58 (2nd floor) Maly Lane, 29 (near KSTU, 2nd educational building) Baltiysky district, L. Shevtsova Boulevard, 4 st. Karl Marx, 10 st. Kirova, 29, office 207 (behind the House of Public Service) st. Sovetskaya, 19/40 st. Kunavina, 2, office 126 (Business Center "Petrovsky") st. Shestakova, 54 5 microdistrict, 63A st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, 87 (Bulat Business Center, 3rd floor, room 306) st. Gorky, 1 st. 30 Let Pobedy 2, 2nd floor Leningradsky Prospekt, 40B st. Dzerzhinsky, 4 st. Khibinogorskaya, 31 (shopping center "7 Days") st. Lenina, 14, 2nd floor, Schmidt Avenue, 28, office 6 st. Akana-Sere, 66 Ladozhsky Boulevard, 1k1 st. Partizanskaya, 12a st. Gorky, 12B Bolshevo district, st. Pushkinskaya, 15 st. Tolstoy, 51 8 microdistrict, 8a, 2nd floor st. Stroiteley, 2 st. Sovetskaya, 19, 1st floor st. Uspenskaya, 24 metro station “Myakinino”, Pavshinsky Boulevard, 11 (Pavshinskaya floodplain) Southern Boulevard, 4 st. Krasnaya, 155/3 st. Boulevard Ring, 7/1 st. Starokubanskaya, 92, 2nd floor st. Central, 3a, 3rd floor, office 375 Svobodny Avenue, 28A st. Baturina, 20 st. Yastynska, 9A st. Karamzina, 23, 2nd floor st. Proletarskaya, 55 pl. Lenina, 5A, BC "Pyramid", 7th floor, office. 716 st. Lenina, 15, 3rd floor st. Sverdlova, 70 (Tower) 4 microdistrict, 10, office 2 st. Radishcheva, 110, shopping center "Corona", 5th floor, office. 505 Klykova Avenue, 39A, 3rd floor st. Lenina, 16, shopping center "Trading Gallery", office 23 st. Mira, 24 st. Leningradskaya, 61 st. Lenina, 76, 2nd floor st. Vodopyanova, 37 Lenin Ave., 23 st. Fizkulturnaya, 4th district Krasnaya Gorka, Komsomolsky Avenue, 18/1 (Entrance from the street). Bus stop "Pobedy Avenue" 2nd microdistrict, building 59/1, shopping center "Continent", 3rd floor Karl Marx Ave., 113/1 st. Tevosyan, 2 st. Planernaya, 2A, school No. 21, left bank Leninsky district, Lenin Avenue, 21 st. Proletarskaya, 274 (opposite the Philharmonic) st. Lenina, 32, 4th floor, office 404 32 microdistrict, 42, 2nd floor st. Izyskateley, 1/43, 2nd floor st. Kalinina, 13 (BD ​​Spiridonova), office 404 st. Beshtaugorskaya, 7V metro station Novye Cheryomushki, st. Profsoyuznaya, 45 Fili-Davydkovo district, Pionerskaya metro station, Slavyansky Boulevard metro station, st. Kastanaevskaya, 50, building 1 metro station "Vernadskogo Avenue", Leninsky Prospekt, 99 (House of Public Services) metro station Ramenki, Michurinsky Prospekt, 25k2 Kurkino, st. Sokolovo-Meshcherskaya, 29 metro station "Polezhaevskaya", metro station "Shchukino", metro station "Khoroshevo", st. Marshala Zhukova, 76 k2 metro station Sokol, Leningradsky Prospekt, 75B metro station Airport, st. Usievicha, 1/5 Kosino-Ukhtomsky, st. Dmitrievsky, 17 metro station "Skhodnenskaya", st. Geroev Panfilovtsev, 9, building 3, Maryino district, Bratislavskaya metro station, st. Bratislavskaya, 25 metro station Konkovo, metro station Troparevo, st. Ostrovityanova, 9k3 metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya", st. Pokryshkina, 8 k1 m. "Oktyabrskoe Pole", st. Marshala Rybalko, 3 metro station Seligerskaya, Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, 19 k2 Moscow region, Leninsky district, microdistrict. Drozhzhino, st. Novoe Shosse, 3k1 Moscow region, Leninsky district, microdistrict. Drozhzhino, st. Novoe Shosse, 10k2 metro station River Station, metro station Vodny Stadion, st. Flotskaya, 76 m. Krylatskoye, st. Autumn Boulevard, 16k1 Tsaritsyno metro station, Tsaritsyno residential complex, st. 6th Radialnaya, 5, bldg. 3 Ryazanovskoe settlement, village. Banner of October, microdistrict "Rodniki", 7 Krasnogorsky district, village Putilkovo, st. Novotushinskaya, 5 (entrance from the end of the building) metro station Izmailovskaya, Zavodskoy proezd, 23 metro station “Myakinino”, Pavshinsky Boulevard, 11 (Pavshinskaya floodplain) metro station Starokachalovskaya, metro station Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, st. Grina, 18 metro station Yuzhnaya, metro station Chertanovskaya, metro station st. Academician Yangelya, Annino metro station, Severnoye Chertanovo district, Varshavskoe highway, 122 Koptevo metro station, Cherepanov proezd, 30 Nekrasovka, st. Ukhtomsky Militia, 8 m. Sq. Ilyich, metro Rimskaya, st. Novorogozhskaya, 15 m. Otradnoye, st. Kargopolskaya, 17 VNIISSOK, residential complex Dubki, st. Druzhby, 2nd district Yuzhnoye Butovo, m. Gorchakova, metro station Buninskaya alley, st. Admirala Lazareva, 58 Rasskazovka, st. Letchika Gritsevets, 11 metro station Yasenevo, metro station Novoyasenevskaya, metro station Bitsevsky park, st. Rokotova, 10k2 m. Pervomaiskaya, st. Pervomaiskaya, 112 m. Rokossovsky Boulevard, residential complex "Losiny Ostrov", Pogonny proezd 3A, cor. 5 Novye Vatutinki, st. 6 Novovatutinskaya, 5 p. Kommunarka, st. Yasnaya, 5 (entrance from the yard) Nakhabino village, st. Panfilova, 27 m. Perovo, st. Lazo, 12 village Vnukovskoe, st. Samuila Marshak, 17 metro station River Station, metro station Belomorskaya, st. Belomorskaya, 11k1 metro station Polezhaevskaya, metro station Khoroshevo, st. Mnevniki, 11 m. Zhulebino, st. Saranskaya, 2 Mitino, Opening soon! Moskovsky, st. Raduzhnaya, 19k2 Mytishchi, st. Yubileynaya, 30 Noginsk, st. Airborne Paratroopers, 28 Odintsovo, st. Chikina, 8a, shopping center "Olympus" Orekhovo-Zuevo, st. Yakova Fliera, 7 Odintsovo, Novaya Trekhgorka microdistrict, st. Chistyakova, 58 Podolsk, st. Mashtakova, 3a Ramenskoye, st. Krymskaya, 5 Reutov, Novokosino, Yubileiny Avenue, 78 Reutov, st. Nekrasova, 18, Library No. 4 Reutov, st. Novaya, 3, 2nd floor Serpukhov, st. Voroshilova, 143B k3, office 20, BC "Nursery Sky" Troitsk, Office and business center, microdistrict V, 55, office 80 Fryazino, st. Nakhimova, 14a Khimki, opening soon Chekhov, st. Chekhova, 79k1 (residential complex "Chaika"), 1st floor, entrance from the yard, office No. 5 Shcherbinka, st. Marshala Savitsky, 4, building 2 Shchelkovo, Bogorodsky district, 16 Lenin Ave., 77 st. Moskovskaya, 17, Business Incubator Building Yubileynaya, 30 New City, 13/05 a, 2nd floor New City, 21/24, Tsvetochny Boulevard, 10 st. Zvereva, 41 Pacheva, 11 Pionersky Lane, 1 st. Panfilova, 27 st. Yuzhno-Yakutskaya, 43/1 st. Lenina, 13 12 microdistrict, st. 63 (near the store “At Grandma Olya’s”) st. Ozernaya, 1 st. Entuziastov, 2 st. Piskunova, 21/2 st. Podvodnikov, 26 Galyanki district, st. Druzhinina, 47, 3rd floor Central district, st. October Revolution, 44 (entrance from the yard) Dzerzhinsky district, Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 53 st. 40 Let Oktyabrya, 4a-1 st. Lukinskaya, 8 Kuznetskstroevsky Ave., 34a st. Kommunisticheskaya, 40 st. Heroev Parasantnikov, 18 (entrance from the yard) p. "Tsemdolina", st. Lenina, 86, office. 5 st. Yuzhnaya, 9 st. Rubina, 1 st. Kommunisticheskaya, 48A, DC "Fan", office 418 st. Uralskaya, 6 st. Lenina, 65 (entrance from the end of the building) st. Vinokurova, 46, shopping center "New Continent", 4th floor, room. 404 st. Sovetskaya, 45a (New business center, NKTV) st. Committeeskaya, 64b, 2nd floor (Donkhlebbank Building, go around to the right of the main entrance) st. Molodezhnaya, 13 Mirny microdistrict, 8/2 st. Airborne Paratroopers, 28 Metallurgov Square, 9, 2nd floor Talnakh, st. Eliseiskaya, 20 (shopping center Guliver, 2nd floor) st. Lenina, 17A, 2nd floor 4th microdistrict, 25 Marx Avenue, 100, office 18 st. Lomonosov, 46 K. Marx Ave., 32 Lenin Ave. 37a st. Frunze, 1, bldg. 4, office 608 (TC "Millennium" 6th floor) st. Lenina, 39A, 3rd floor st. Krasina, 7 st. Salmyshskaya, 43a st. Chkalova, 55/1, TC "Paradise", 2nd floor st. Noyabrskaya, 46 Gagarin Ave., 42/1 st. Brestskaya, 4 st. Yakova Fliera, 7 st. Patsaeva, 6 st. Kramatorskaya, 10b st. Karl Marx, 2 st. Sovetskaya, 93, shopping center Otrada st. Academician Satpayev, 73 st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, 6V Stroiteley Avenue, 3A village. Zasechnoe, Pribrezhny Boulevard, 1 st. Vatutina, 62A st. Sibirskaya, 30 st. Mira, 18 st. Yursha, 21 st. Dokuchaeva, 38 st. Sovetskaya, 42 st. Krasnaya, 10 (6th floor, office 601) Boulevard Internationalists, 8 (1st floor) 50 Let Oktyabrya Avenue, 23 st. Gagarina, 17, shopping center "Aurora", 3rd floor st. Lenina, 8a st. Mashtakova, 3a st. Leningradskaya, 11 microdistrict. Zeleny Bor-1, 13 st. Lenina, 104/1 st. Kommunalnaya, 73A, shopping center "Ekvator", 2nd floor Embankment of the Velikaya River, 6, room. 11.14, 17B st. Oktyabrskaya, 3 (TRU "Vesna", 4th floor) 1st microdistrict, 43 Krymskaya St., 5 Yubileiny Avenue, 78 st. Novaya, 3, 2nd floor st. Nekrasova, 18, Library No. 4 Gagarin Avenue, 38/1 Truda Avenue, 12a st. 339 Rifle Division, 19 Semashko Lane, 117B st. Patsaeva, 20 st. Petrashevsky, 36 st. Elyan, 68 (Leventsovka) st. Taganrogskaya, 132/3 st. Lenina, 207a, 2nd floor (stop "Sports complex") Microdistrict, 4A st. Chkalova, 64 st. Vvedenskaya, 91 st. Novoselov, 51 st. Ostrovsky, 8 (3rd floor) st. Respubliki, 62, shopping center “Uley”, 3rd floor, st. 5th clearing, 121 st. Stara Zagora, 164 Koroleva Avenue, 7, 2nd floor Kalininsky district, art. m. "Grazhdansky Prospekt", st. Bryantseva, 7 k1 st. m. "International", st. Budapestskaya, 8 k7 Ski Lane, 4 k3 Primorsky Avenue, 137, Residential Complex "Zolotaya Gavan" Kolpino, Ladozhsky Boulevard, 1k1 st. Admiral Tributsa, 8 Krasnoselskoe highway, 54k6 st. Korablestroiteley, 16k2 (2nd floor) Pargolovo village, Valeria Gavrilina street, 11k1s1 (1st floor) st. Tikhvinskaya, 8k2 st. Sevastopolskaya, 19 st. 2-ya Sadovaya, 23A (entrance to the city park) st. Kalinina, 53 st. Sovetskaya, 2a, shopping center "Burevestnik", 3rd floor. Mayakovskogo, 33, office 36 (Vostochny shopping center, 2nd floor) st. Oktyabrskaya, 34 st. Zhukova, 52 st. Karl Marx, 60 st. Kyiv, 105B 1st Lane Metallistov, 7 Office and business center, microdistrict V, 55, office 80 st. Klimova, 15, shopping center "Egida", office 14, 3rd floor Sovetsky district, st. Makarenko, 1A st. Shirotnaya, 83a st. Malygina, 14k3 Solnechny proezd, 26k1, 1st floor st. Yaroslavskaya, 15, 2nd floor st. Sverdlova, 12G st. Tobolskaya, 65a st. Przhevalskogo, 3, TD "Yubileiny city", 7th floor Ulyanovsky Avenue, 10 st. Ryabikova, 22a, shopping center "Karavan", 2nd floor st. Doctor Mikhailova, 30A, shopping center "Perekrestok", 3rd floor Filatova Avenue, 9a (TC "SPHERE") st. Minaeva, 11 (TRC "Spartak", 3rd floor, room 313) 1 microdistrict, 5 5th microdistrict, Abulkhair Khan Avenue, 171 st. D. Nurpeisova, 12/1, ATiSO building, room. 113 st. Pionerskaya, 3 st. Vatutina, 26A st. K. Batyr, 87/2 st. Demyan Bednogo, 101A st. Lenina, 24 (room 215, 216) st. October Avenue, 144/2 st. Letchikov, 9 (Zaton) st. Georgiy Mushnikova, 28, (Inors district) st. Dagestanskaya, 14/1 (Dyoma) Oktyabrya Ave., 64/1 st. Mubaryakova, 12/2 st. Lenina, 99 st. Marshala Zhukova, 5/2 st. Komsomolskaya, 15 (entrance from the yard) st. Mira, 31 (entrance from the end) village. Chesnokovka, st. Architectural, 1 st. Krasnovodskaya, 3 st. Pervomaiskaya, 81 st. Timanskaya, 13 st. Karl Marx, 2, BC "Leader", 2nd floor st. Stroiteley, 14 st. Kuibysheva, 10a, 3rd floor st. Pushkina, 46 (central entrance, 3rd floor) st. Pavel Morozova, 113, residential complex “Parus” st. Pacific, 218B Kurkino, st. Sokolovo-Meshcherskaya, 29 Primorsky Boulevard, 32, office 56 st. Lenina, 48a st. Vodoprovodnaya, 20 st. Universitetskaya, 20/1 Traktorostroiteley Ave., 11, shopping center "Ovas", 4th floor st. Ak. Koroleva, 2, shopping center "Baikonur", 3rd floor st. Enthusiastov, 31 Lenin Ave., 7b Pobedy Ave., 315a Lenin Ave., 29 Parkovy District-1, st. Kharisa Yusupova, 101 st. Bazhova, 91A, off. 305, (ChTZ district) Komsomolsky Avenue, 48 st. Chekhov, 79k1 (residential complex "Chaika"), 1st floor, entrance from the yard, office No. 5 st. Podgorbunsky, 55 st. Lenina, 43 st. Sverdlova, 50 (Mr. "Karusel", 2nd floor) Bogorodsky district, 16 st. Marshala Savitsky, 4, building 2 st. Abylai Khan, 73A, office 2 st. Mayakovsky, 43 st. Mekhanizatorov, 18 (residential complex "Dream") st. Gornaya, 8/2, room 101 Kryukova, 35 (North side) st. Sovetskaya Armii, 16G, TD "Malov", 2nd floor, office 2 st. Petrovskogo, 8/1, 3rd floor st. Pushkina, 23 st. Azina, 27 Lenin Avenue, 32 Leningradsky Avenue 64 (Artsakh shopping center) Zavolzhsky district, Mashinostroiteley Avenue, 13A (3rd floor, Riviera shopping center) st. Mirnaya, 1-12

When a first-grader learns to write, he learns to write letters beautifully and correctly. However, not all children have calligraphic handwriting, which cannot but worry parents. What to do in this case, how to change the situation? First of all, figure out whether you are exaggerating the problem, and also rule out the presence of a disease that causes a disorder in the writing process. And after that, work on improving your child’s handwriting. How exactly? “Easy and Useful” will tell you.

Is there a problem?

Younger students can sometimes write sloppily and illegibly. There is no need to worry about this: your handwriting should gradually change. If you can easily read the words in the notebook and there are no serious mistakes, then there is no point in tormenting the student.

Perfectionism is not always good. By constantly criticizing your child and striving for perfect writing, you can achieve the opposite effect: he will develop an aversion to writing. In addition, psychologists note that parents who force them to rewrite assignments many times teach the child to pattern behavior, and over time, the child may lose the desire to take initiative.

Another important point: handwriting is also related to the psychological state of the child. If before this he wrote neatly and beautifully, and then his letters became illegible and crooked, problems may have arisen in the student’s life. For example, family relationships have changed, or his relationships with peers do not work out. Strong pressure when writing may indicate increased anxiety. If we add to this pressure from parents who make sure that the child writes each letter as they see fit, the child may develop an inferiority complex.

Another alarming “bell” is the outgrowth of the letter “r”. If a child is writing a text that he must show to a parent or peer, and the stem of this letter is too short, this may be a sign that he is afraid of the person to whom the message is addressed. In this case, it is important to work on family relationships, create an atmosphere of trust and mutual support.

What is dysgraphia and how to identify it

Some children have bad handwriting because they suffer from dysgraphia. In this case, the baby is not to blame, since errors in his words are the result of insufficient formation or decay of the mental functions responsible for written speech.
In this case, he needs the help of a speech therapist or neurologist; physical activity gives good results. Let's talk about the characteristic symptoms of dysgraphia:

  • the child constantly makes mistakes, even if he knows the rules of the Russian language well;
  • he most often confuses the letters “sh” and “sch”, “v” and “d”, “t” and “sh”, “m” and “l”, and also writes “p” instead of “b”, instead of “ d" - "t", instead of "g" - "k", instead of "w" - "zh";
  • he can skip individual letters, rearrange them, add extra letters, etc.;
  • such children write very slowly;
  • it is difficult for the reader to make out what they wrote.

It is possible to say that a child has dysgraphia only when he masters the technique of writing, that is, not earlier than 8 or 8 and a half years. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the child must be taken to a speech therapist, and also prepared for serious work. With due diligence, there is every chance of overcoming this misfortune. Today, manuals, workbooks, audio and video courses for dysgraphics are available. To cope with dysgraphia, not only specialists will have to work hard, but also the student himself and his parents. It is also important to enlist the support of the school teacher.

Reasons why handwriting deteriorates

So, you are sure that the problem is not far-fetched, and your child really writes very poorly, although he does not have psychological problems or dysgraphia. In this case, you need to figure out what is the reason for such bad handwriting and act according to the situation.

Watch how your child sits

Look at how the letters are written: do they have the wrong slant, do they “look” in different directions, the elements of the letters are non-parallel, are the words slanted in one direction or the other? If this is your case, then the child sits in a pair in a way that is convenient for him. Teach your student to sit correctly at a desk at school or at home.

Set an example for your child: if you slouch when reading and writing, your child will not take your comments seriously. Start working on yourself, and then the children will follow you. So what is the correct fit:

  • torso, head and shoulders – smooth;
  • legs are bent, feet are on the floor or a special stand;
  • You can’t lie down on the desk - you can only lean on your hands;
  • hands protrude over the edge.

Make sure that the student always sits correctly at the table, do not forget about this, and after 3 weeks he will begin to take the correct position himself.

Position your notebook and hold your pen correctly

It happens that the letters either “run” up and are located above the line, or, conversely, down, and turn out to be different in height or width.

If this is exactly the problem, then you need to teach your child how to position the notebook correctly:

  • It should lie on the table at a slight slope of 10-15°.
  • When a child writes at the top of the sheet, he holds the bottom with his hand, and then gradually moves the notebook upward.
  • The tilt should be to the right if a right-hander writes, and to the left for a left-hander.

Don't forget the covers. They not only help keep notebooks neat, but also prevent the notebook from slipping. Therefore, it is better to buy inexpensive polyethylene covers, since stiffer ones, although they look better, do not cope with this function.

It is important to buy a comfortable handle and teach how to hold it

What to look for when choosing a pen:

  • It should be about 15 cm; you should not buy too short or very long ones.
  • Do not give your child souvenir pens, tetrahedral ones: they are beautiful, but uncomfortable. The student will spend a lot of effort to hold it, and he also needs to write, so buy only round pens.
  • Thick handles are also not suitable: the diameter should not exceed 7 mm.
  • Now they produce special pens for primary schoolchildren: with an elastic band that prevents fingers from slipping, and with pimples that stimulate nerve endings.
  • Buy non-marking pens so they don't smear the paste. This is easy to check: in the store, make a few lines with a pen on paper, and then run your finger along them. There should be no ink left on the skin.

If you have chosen a pen, teach your child to hold it correctly. It lies on the 3rd finger, the thumb holds it on the left, and the index finger covers it. If desired, the index finger can be easily raised - the handle should not fall. The distance from the fingers to the rod is 2 cm. Do not squeeze the handle too hard, bending the index finger.
If your child holds a pen incorrectly, you can buy him a special attachment that will help him retrain.

Develop fine motor skills

If a child went to kindergarten, teachers had to work with him, including developing fine motor skills. As parents, you should also find time for developmental activities with your son or daughter.
But if you failed to pay due attention to this, then your child could come to school with poorly developed fine motor skills. Such a child has less mobility in his fingers and hands, and because of this, it is difficult for him to write elements of letters that have curves, and he finds it difficult to write curved lines. Study your child's notebook: if he can't write letters with curved elements, you need to work on his fine motor skills. How to do it:

  • draw as much as possible using various techniques;
  • connect the dots to form a figure;
  • to hatch;
  • constantly sculpt;
  • play with mosaics or construction sets, and other small details.

Exercises to improve handwriting

You have created all the conditions for your child to start writing beautifully: you have watched how he sits, holds his pen, and places his notebook. However, he had already developed ugly handwriting. How to fix it? Perform special exercises. But you shouldn’t overload your child. If he is in elementary school, it is enough to devote 15-20 minutes to classes, no more. You need to select texts of 4-6 lines that are interesting for the child and rewrite them, trying to do it beautifully.

Pay attention to which letters or elements your child finds clumsy, and work more on them. You can start relearning from copybooks, teach the student to write various hooks and sticks again, and then let him connect them into letters under your supervision.

There is another simple way that also helps to make your handwriting more beautiful. It doesn't take much time. Take a notebook in a square and ask your child to draw a circle without lifting his hand. And so - many times until it works (you can practice for 5 minutes a day). When he learns to draw one circle, add a second one, moving your hand slightly to the right, but make sure that your circles do not extend beyond the cage. You will get a figure that looks like “smoke”.

Only regular classes, the efforts of the student himself, and his desire to write beautifully will help make a child’s handwriting beautiful. Here it is important not to go too far, not to force him to sit for hours on copybooks, otherwise you will achieve the opposite result. He must not only study, but also play and relax. It is also worth praising the little worker as often as possible. With this approach, you will not only cope with the problem, but also maintain friendly relations with your son or daughter.

Not so long ago, in the primary school curriculum, in addition to the Russian language, arithmetic, and reading, there was a subject called “penmanship.” During Stalin's time, penmanship was a compulsory subject from first to third grade. The main teaching material for this lesson was copybooks. It was from them that children learned to write quickly and beautifully. Unfortunately, today this subject is not included in the compulsory curriculum. It's a pity! After all, beautiful and clear handwriting is still one of the steps leading to high intelligence. And it is not just words.

According to scientists, smooth, beautiful handwriting indicates developed fine motor skills of the hands, a clear relationship between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and the connection between logical and imaginative thinking. Child psychologists are trying their best to convince parents that a child’s “clumsy” handwriting is a reason to think about his psychological state.

We have already written about what their child can tell the parents in a previous article. Today we will talk about how you can correct your child’s handwriting. We will bring to the attention of our readers several effective techniques that can not only teach a child to write beautifully, but also improve the coordination and rhythm of his movements, awaken the “sleeping” areas of the brain responsible for the mechanism of a very complex skill - writing.

Handwriting correction in children - review of techniques and exercises

Before we talk about existing effective methods for correcting handwriting, let's look at the most common errors in children's writing.

  • Promiscuity . Most often, children write illegibly the following letters: i, p, k, sh. Often they incorrectly connect the two vowels “A” and “O”.
  • Spatial disorientation on a sheet .
  • Replacing one letter with another.
  • Different letter sizes . They decrease or increase at the end of the line.
  • When writing uneven lines. They “go” down or up.
  • Different height and inclination of letters .
  • Incorrect pressure - too strong or, conversely, too weak.

For all of the above errors, our own methods have been developed. But I would like to note that most often they are observed in combination. However, their nature can be completely different. The main task of parents is to begin the fight against these errors in a timely manner. The sooner you begin classes to improve your handwriting, the more successful the results will be.

The simplest exercises for children to correct handwriting


Today, in school supply departments there are a variety of types of copybooks on sale. These copybooks allow the child to perform a number of simple actions: draw circles, trace squares, draw sticks. In turn, these actions help develop fine motor skills in the child’s hands, correct the posture when writing, and practice the correct position of the pen in the hand. Experts recommend purchasing several types of prescriptions at once.

Exercises to develop fine motor skills

  • Parents and their children should collect all kinds of puzzles, mosaics, fold origami, make bracelets from small beads, and embroider pictures. Tasks (as they are completed) must be made more difficult. Among other things, these exercises will develop perseverance in the child, which will certainly be useful to him at school.
  • Drawing and shading. Most children love to draw, so you don't have to force them. Parents should only guide the child and devote maximum time to shading the free areas of the drawing. The shading should be uniform, without “bald spots” or spots.
  • . This is an exercise for developing fine motor skills. Lacing toys can be used for the same purpose.
  • Trace the outline of the drawing. This exercise develops spatial imagination. Parents can ask the child not only to trace the outline of the drawing, but also to continue the pattern themselves.

Methodology of Olga Lysenko

Recently, a very useful book by Olga Lysenko “Calligraphy” appeared on sale - or how to teach a child to write beautifully, fluently and consistently. Olga Lysenko's course consists of:

  1. Video lessons. The lessons contain precise scripts and detailed instructions on writing letters and connecting them correctly.
  2. Recipes for developing handwriting in children. Recipes for correcting handwriting in adults.
  3. Manual for parents and teachers.

Two basic principles of O. Lysenko’s methodology.

    • Graduality in complicating the study of elements. The essence of the technique is based on the similarity of elements when writing letters. In this case, the copybooks are not built in alphabetical order, but according to the similarity of the spelling of the letter elements. Example: a child began to study the element “hook”; the copybook shows all the letters that include this element. Thus, fine motor skills for writing this element are consolidated.
    • Completeness of action. Olga Lysenko suggests perfecting the spelling of a basic element and only then combining it into a system (letter).

O. Lysenko's course was highly appreciated by Russian teachers.

L. Tarasova's simulator for handwriting correction

The Tarasova simulator is perfect for correcting and practicing writing skills at home. This simulator consists of three copybooks. Each copy is divided into topics. Children must trace the letters using a special ruler until the arm muscles remember the correct spelling of the letter.

How to help your child develop beautiful handwriting: tips

In order for a child to write beautifully, it is, of course, necessary to work with it.

We would like to offer parents a number of fairly simple exercises that will help children better master writing skills.

  • Ask your child to place his palms on the table. On command, he must raise and lower each finger alternately, moving from one palm to the other. This exercise is similar to playing the piano. Then the child should alternately raise identical fingers on both hands.
  • Ask your child to hold the pencil between the middle and index fingers and, without bending the palm, draw any design.
  • Place pencils on the table and give the child the task of collecting them into a fist. However, warn him that he must do this with only one hand. This exercise can be repeated several times, changing hands.
  • Unclenching and clenching his fists, the child should rotate his hands.
  • Ask your child to roll a tennis ball on the table without bending their palm.

All these exercises will allow the child to prepare for mastering the skill of writing.

Very often, the cause of a child’s ugly handwriting is incorrect body position when writing.

Correct posture when writing:

  • the landing should be as straight as possible;
  • the spine, shoulders and head should be in an even position;
  • the writer should lean his back on the back of the chair;
  • legs should stand straight, feet should be placed comfortably on the floor or on a special stand;
  • the child should not lean on the table with his chest;
  • elbows protrude beyond the edge of the table.

Three weeks of classes and the correct posture when writing will become familiar to the child.

Incorrect position of the notebook on the table

In order for the child’s hand to move freely while writing, the notebook on the table must lie with a certain inclination - ten to fifteen degrees.

Incorrect cover on notebook

The cover not only preserves the appearance of the notebook, but also prevents it from sliding on the table while writing. The best option is considered to be ordinary thin polyethylene covers. Fashionable hard covers for notebooks glide across the table surface.

Writing pen

The handle should not be too short and not too long. Elementary school teachers recommend purchasing pens with an optimal length of 15 centimeters. Ribbed and flat tetrahedral handles are not suitable for children. These pens require additional effort from the child to hold them and make it difficult for the child to master the skill of writing.

Many experts recommend purchasing the “Finger Twister” game for children with insufficiently developed fine motor skills. The rules of this game are very simple and children willingly play it.

Writing is a rather difficult science for all children. Therefore, during classes a child (especially a small one) should not be overloaded. Elementary school teachers recommend that writing assignments should not take more than fifteen minutes to complete. Then you definitely need to take a break. During the break, parents can play shadow theater with their child. For this game, all you need is a table lamp and a little imagination. This game perfectly develops fine motor skills in children. In addition, children learn to differentiate and coordinate the movements of their hands.

Once again we would like to remind all parents that changing a child’s handwriting for the better is a very real task. And along with the “new” handwriting, the child will gain self-confidence, new character traits and a new life. Recent studies by European experts have shown that at the beginning of the process of learning to write, a child undergoes enormous mental and physical stress. These loads are comparable to the loads experienced by astronauts during a rocket launch. What can we say, this science of calligraphy is not easy! And parents should make every effort to help their child master it as much as possible.