
Happy Angel Day to my daughter Irina. Congratulations to Irina on her name day and angel's day. Women's name days, names

The meaning of the name Irina: "world" (Greek)

Irina has been an independent girl since childhood; she likes to make all decisions herself, without the help of others and even her parents. Always more drawn to his father than to his mother. Always with a smile on her face, always cheerful and cheerful, it is difficult for her to spoil the mood, she turns everything into a joke. At the same time, Irina has such character qualities as determination and firmness. She is very active and gets things done everywhere.

She takes her work responsibly, she is a valuable employee for her superiors and a good friend for her colleagues. They often do even more than expected and stay late at work.

She is rarely shy, always behaves relaxed, and easily finds a common language with people. Sometimes he can even confuse you with his cheekiness or outright joke. He is more friendly with the male gender, but begins to get bored in the female group.

Ira is very amorous. But despite this, she has been looking for a husband for a long time. He must match her. But she is married to a good wife and mother. The husband is afraid of losing her, because he doubts that he will find a better mistress and wife.

Other forms of the name Irina: Ira, Irene, Irisha, Irochka, Irusya, Irishka, Arinka, Arisha, Rena, Rina.

Name days: January 12, January 16, February 26, March 7, April 29, May 18, May 26, August 10, August 17, August 22, October 1

A lot for Irishka
There are a lot of wishes.
Happiness, Ira, through the roof!
Everything you want to come true.

So that money rushes like an avalanche,
They attacked in a crowd
So that love always, Irina,
I was next to you.

There is spring and summer in my soul,
In the body - vigor, fire.
Be warmed by attention.
In general, happy holiday to you!

Ira, Irochka, Irina,
You are sweet, unique,
You are as bright as a ray of sunshine,
It's never boring with you.
You are beautiful, you are beautiful
It's clear from your smile.
Be you always like this -
In some ways even unearthly,
May they always protect you
Happiness, faith and friends.

AND sincere, R judgmental, AND interesting, N irresistible, A Angelically dear, - I congratulate you, dear Irina. I wish you to always remain so beautiful and amazing, I wish you to turn every day of your life into a triumph of bright feelings, joyful events, kind words and wonderful ideas! Be happy, Irochka.

Irina means “peace”, “peace”.
Let them be with you, Irochka!
Let your beautiful eyes shine,
Let no tears appear in them.

Your whole world will be decorated with kindness,
After all, you value your family for a reason.
Balance and harmony to you,
And only good things in fate!

It was not for nothing that they called you Irina,
After all, the name Irina is beautiful, wonderful!
Goddess of peace, stability, peace -
All these words are about you, our Ira!

Irishka, we sincerely congratulate you
And we wish women's happiness and health.
We wish you boundless, boundless love.
May all your hopes come true!

“I rina” means “peace,” the Greeks believed.
You managed to embody the whole world within yourself:
So be happy, beautiful, forever
And just accept congratulations!

May luck follow you
And let joy enter the house without asking -
Everything will be just this way and no other way.
May you be lucky in any case!

I congratulate Irina
And I wish with all my heart
The work is not hard for her,
But with a big salary.

All cosmetics - “Max Factor”,
The dress is only from Versace,
To make a mini tractor work
In the garden at the dacha.

Weekend in Paris
Vacation to Bora Bora,
All taxes to be lower
And incomes are only going up.

Well, and most importantly, I wish
May all your dreams come true.
And everything you dream about
You got it in life.

We wish you happiness, signorina.
Enthusiasm to you, Irina,
Health, joy, fun,
Warmth, comfort, mood!

In the eyes - fire, in the soul - expanse,
Great miracles at Lukomorye
With a crystal-fairy palace
And you, the queen, in it!

Always be smiling
Cherish and appreciate yourself,
Live only in luxury and affection,
Just like in those dreams from a children's fairy tale!

Dear Irochka!
This day is beautiful
I wish you good luck
Laughter, a lot of happiness!

For you to have sunshine
Every day it was shining
To be cheerful
Sweet and beautiful.

Warm feelings, reciprocity,
Loyalty, love!
Let the angel protect
Dreams will come true!

Accept, Irishka, congratulations,
On this bright, joyful day!
May your mood be great
May your soul bloom like a flower!

I wish that you always, Irinka,
Made my dreams come true,
And she was as beautiful as a picture
After all, you are the most beautiful in the world!

It’s your birthday, Irina!
Congratulations on this now!
You bring peace and tranquility to this world,
And you loudly call for self-love!

So let it be on this Earth,
Hope will bring you to your dream!
May faith protect you from troubles,
Let luck help her!

Such a big holiday today!
Today is your angel day!
Irina, may happiness come
To your world, where peace reigns!

Omnipotent love will come,
Let your dreams find you!
Friends will never deceive you
And fate breathes joy!

Happy name day to you, Irina,
Congratulations! I wish you love
Let life create a fairy tale for you,
There was no sadness in my heart!

I wish you health, of course,
Fulfillment of your hopes!
Happiness will be serene in fate,
The breach didn’t catch him!

Irochka, my beloved,
Beautiful birthday girl, a dream!
I've been looking for you all my life, dear,
Happiness will be eternal between us!

I wish you all the victories,
I'll give you a ticket for good luck!
Let the new day give inspiration,
And God of Miracle helps in everything!

What can I wish on Angel Day!?
Get your cherished dream from heaven,
So that you are the happiest in your life,
Fate to be unique

May every day bring you joy,
So that you, Irina, have enough strength
Do everything that you wished for yourself,
May health always embrace you!

Happy Angel Day to you, Irina,
I sincerely congratulate you!
The road winds serpentine
May it be mysterious to be happy!

I wish your dreams come true
To the delight of all your friends!
So that you get eternal love,
So that there is no place for enemies!

Irina, on your name day I wish you,
May your health be protected!
May happiness forever come to destiny,
And it will take away bad weather and misfortune!

I wish you great success,
So that there are no slightest mistakes,
After all, this is the only way joy will overtake fate,
This is how you get sweetness from life!

Friend, Ira, congratulations
Happy Angel Day to you now!
Let everything you dream about come true
Right on this day and at this hour!

We wish you endless love,
And eternal happiness to you!
In matters of success, only eternity,
Huge victories on Earth!

Irina, like a book without end,
After all, she is endowed with wisdom,
It can't be read so easily
It is given only to the chosen ones to know the soul!

We congratulate you on Angel's Day,
We wish you health and success,
And happiness, which everyone really needs in life.
And let love swirl uncontrollably!

You dazzle with beauty, my Irina,
You touch the heart with your sweet smile,
Today is your big holiday,
On your name day I wish you happiness!

May all adversity pass, my love,
I wish you only clear weather!
I am ready to help you in everything, dear,
If only happiness lasts forever between us!

Irochka, Ira, you are very beautiful,
The light of this beauty guides life!
I congratulate you on your name day,
May love preserve your happiness!

May everything be successful, my friend,
More money and happiness in fate!
And never let your soul cry,
Be the happiest person on Earth!

Irishka, Ira, is as beautiful as an angel,
I hasten to congratulate you on your name day!
There will be happiness in fate, let it be constant,
Let love create heat in your heart!

I wish you good luck in business, in your personal life,
In general, everything will be fine for you!
Let your health always be excellent,
And in the house comfort awaits, great warmth!

Happy Angel Day, Irochka, to you
Congratulations to our entire family!
We strongly wish that you
Everything in life has fulfilled my dreams.

And also to be happy,
So that your affairs go well,
May there be great love.
Happy name day, dear daughter!

Daughter, Ira, you are tender like a lily of the valley,
Peace, tranquility, carefree streams
Let them take you away to a fairy tale of great happiness,
Where would you take your legitimate luck?

Let Love always rule fate,
Let your dream always shine above you!
You remain as beautiful
I congratulate you on your name day!

I don't know how many Irins there are in the world
But I know - I have a sister,
Whose name day is today!
The rest - I ask you to step aside!

I wish you a lot of happiness
And smiles and true friends!
And whatever fate would lead by the wrists
Only for the better in your life!

Irina, sister, Happy Angel Day!
Let your every day be inspired,
May the Angel give you great happiness,
Let wealth give the priceless to the soul!

Let there be a carpet of flowers under your feet
Makes your dreams come true!
So that health lasts forever,
Let the rivers carry you out of love to happiness!

Always confident in myself
Tender, smart, my sister!
On Angel Day, a dream for you
Let the beautiful bird fly!

May they not beat the year, Ira
Your hopes and desires!
Let happiness surround you
All expectations will be fulfilled!

Irishka is a beautiful feminine name,
The power of peace and tenderness reigns in him!
On Angel Day, I wish you, daughter,
So that troubles never touch you!

Keep your happiness and don't let go,
And accept joy with an open soul!
Then, in gratitude, your wishes will be fulfilled
Love will fill the gaps in success!

What's in your name? Peace and quiet,
I wish Irina on her name day,
So that happiness flows like an endless river
It flowed through life without any edge.

May your years be sunny,
And joy was certainly nearby.
To avoid adversity,
And so that life is easy and inspired!

You flutter, Irochka, like a bird,
Will you have time to stop?
While you're young, go for a walk,
Respect your family and friends.

May your mood
Always conveys warmth
I wish you good luck
And I congratulate you with all my heart!

Irina, you are kind and cheerful,
You are endowed with great wisdom!
I’m flying to congratulate you on your name day,
Let everything be beautiful in your life!

Let success lend a hand when needed
Let trouble always be indifferent!
I wish you good health,
Absence of any idle talk!

Feminine, gentle Irina -
Peace and tranquility
In your name. And now, on name day,
I'll tell you how proud I am of you.

And I will also write about happiness,
What must come to you,
After all, there is no place for sad bad weather
Not even a step on your way.

Irina, always be cheerful,
And on the day of the angel, forget about the bad.
Don't be sad, Ira, don't be sad,
Let go of all your worries today.

I wish you a lot of happiness, beauty,
May your dreams come true.
You remain kind and reliable,
Indulge in your dreams and goals!

I wish Irina happiness,
And congratulations on your name day,
May you be incredibly lucky
Luck is nearby

You be beautiful, smart, brave,
And move towards your goals skillfully,
Always live with dignity
May your dreams come true!

My dear Irishka,
On a wonderful name day
I want a flash of happiness
Would illuminate your world.

Let it be easy and very true
Your dream will come true.
And just as incomparable
What remains is beauty.

The name Irina has ancient Greek roots and means “peace”, “peace”. As a child, Irina was a determined and independent girl. She loves her father very much and strives to spend more time in his company. He is a good student and has good abilities. He enjoys reading detective stories, fantasy, and enjoys playing sports. Not sentimental. He takes a responsible approach to choosing a profession. Strives for career growth. He establishes contact with strangers quickly. He doesn’t shy away from company and behaves freely. Prefers the company of men. Although Irina is an amorous person, she does not lose her head. She chooses her husband carefully. Irina is a faithful and devoted wife, her children love her very much. But Irina does not focus only on her family. She also develops other interests, but not to the detriment of her husband and children.

Favorite holiday - name day.
Today we will honor Irina!
May there be peace and silence in the name,
You are full of fire inside!
Kindness shines in your eyes,
You are like a fairy tale, golden-stringed spring!
When your Angel day comes,
The divine lyre sounds in the soul,
About the kindness and perfection of the world,
Born of your beauty!

Oh, Ira! Name day, congratulations!
And as always I wish to be:
Beautiful, kind, clean, bright,
Dream, wish, create, love!
Take everything from life, and even more,
Be brave, follow the sun and your dreams!
Stay young longer
And remember, we are always with you!

Irina, your name contains the whole world!
And the vision is clouded by the dust of distant galaxies,
And there is no face more tender and sad,
And eyes bluer than sapphire.
In the bend of the lips there is a seal of silence,
You are like an angel, all charm!
And who would have thought that the Earth
More such creatures will be born!

You rarely meet people like Ira -
Not a slob or a coquette,
The knife doesn't sharpen against your opponent
And he knows exactly what he wants.
Her colleagues respect her
The neighbors just love it
And they set everything as an example for the kids.
She's proud - but not too proud.
She's moving forward according to plan
And he grows his authority,
Kohl plans nirvana,
He will achieve it - no doubt about it!

You are different, like day and night,
You are a mother, wife, friend, daughter,
You are peace, tranquility and grace,
Another. I can't find anyone like you in the world!
Irina, happy name day, good luck!
Live “to the fullest” and move forward!
Say goodbye to worries, failures,
Love, hope, rejoice, bloom!

Irina, always be happy,
And on your name day, forget about the bad things.
Don't be sad, Ira, don't be sad,
Let go of all your worries today.
I wish you a lot of happiness, beauty,
May your dreams come true.
You remain kind and reliable,
Indulge in your dreams and goals!

What's in your name? Peace and quiet,
I wish Irina on her name day,
So that happiness flows like an endless river
It flowed through life without any edge.
May your years be sunny,
And joy was certainly nearby.
To avoid adversity,
And so that life is easy and inspired!

Irochka, Happy Angel Day to you!
Congratulations on the holiday today,
After all, we can’t forget about name days,
On my own behalf I wish you:

Clear skies and sunny days,
Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,
There is always prosperity and comfort in the house,
Let trouble not knock on his door.

Health, success, smiles in the eyes,
Faith, hope, good luck in business,
In the family there is understanding, warmth and love.
Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!


Bless you, Irina,
You keep the whole world within yourself,
You will conquer your heights
You can do everything, you will accomplish everything.

Health, happiness and success
I still want to wish you
Wealth is also not a hindrance,
All this together is grace.

Let the name of peace, falling on your shoulders,
It only inspires - does not oppress!
And peacemaking speeches
They bring happiness and honor.

May there be peace and silence in the name,
You are engulfed in flames from the inside,
There are little devils in the eyes,
You are a fairy tale, golden-stringed spring!

When your angel day comes,
The divine lyre sounds in the soul
About the kindness and perfection of the world,
Born of your beauty!


Irina! How much is in this word
Mysteries, tenderness and beauty,
We wish you good health,
And may you always be happy,
Let your dreams come true,
Love and friendship reign in fate,
Vain worries go away,
And may you always be lucky in life.


It’s your birthday, Irina!
Congratulations on this now!
You bring peace and tranquility to this world,
And you loudly call for self-love!

So let it be on this Earth,
Hope will bring you to your dream!
May faith protect you from troubles,
Let luck help her!


Happy Angel Day, Irochka, to you
Congratulations to our entire family!
We strongly wish that you
Everything in life has fulfilled my dreams.

And also to be happy,
So that your affairs go well,
May there be great love.
Happy name day, dear daughter!


Irina, Irina -
There's devilry in the eyes:
Death, salvation
And moments of happiness.
Your jokes are funny -
Just a moment with you
They fly unnoticed
But very impressive.
Congratulations to you!
Congratulations to you!
Stay like this -
Dear and crazy!


What's in your name? Peace and quiet,
I wish Irina on her name day,
So that happiness flows like an endless river
It flowed through life without any edge.

May your years be sunny,
And joy was certainly nearby.
To avoid adversity,
And so that life is easy and inspired!


Irina, always be cheerful,
And on your name day, forget about the bad things.
Don't be sad, Ira, don't be sad,
Let go of all your worries today.

I wish you a lot of happiness, beauty,
May your dreams come true.
You remain kind and reliable,
Indulge in your dreams and goals!


Sister, today is your name day!
And this is a holiday, whatever one may say,
Happy Angel Day to you, Irina!
Please accept congratulations from your brother:

I wish to merge with Tenderness,
And live with Lady Luck,
Never meet with Tosca,
To be friends with strong Love.

Let it be difficult - don't be sad!
Look into Madame Bede's face.
Be your own boss
And stand next to Happiness everywhere!


Both kind and gentle,
Like a snowy forget-me-not!
Always as kind as a buttercup,
Cheerful and cheerful!
I wish you, Irina,
Always the same beautiful beyond the days,
Smiling, just as modest,
And I also wish you great love!


We came to the name day
To the house of the beautiful Irina,
We brought a bundle -
Congratulations are wrapped in it -

Ira turned him around
And sighed with joy -
She has so many kind words
I wouldn't have come up with this on my own:

And beautiful and desirable,
And sweet and long-awaited,
And smart, kind, modest,
She's simply the best!


With all my heart I wish my sister Irinka
Life sweet and bright, like tangerine juice,
May the worship of men protect you
From doubts, gray hairs, blues and wrinkles,
So that life is distinguished by spirituality, stability,
Well, your wardrobe is elegance and style.
So that for all of us you will still be the same Irishka,
So that both your husband and son adore you,
So that your character is fully revealed in your son,
So that a fire cocker appears in the family.
So that the city of Petra, majestic and proud,
Made the soul deep, rich and solid,
So that she grabs the dream by the tail, like the Firebird,
So that we continue to be proud of you.


I don't know how many Irins there are in the world
But I know - I have a sister,
Whose name day is today!
The rest - I ask you to step aside!

I wish you a lot of happiness
And smiles and true friends!
And whatever fate would lead by the wrists
Only for the better in your life!


Angel Day Lyudmil: what the name means, origin, talismans

Irina is a name of ancient Greek origin, meaning peace and tranquility. In terms of prevalence, it is in the top five names.

By nature, Irina is independent and decisive; she approaches the assessment of the world around her, events and people soberly. Easily adapts to any conditions.

⇒ Talisman: Lily of the valley
⇒ Color: Blue
⇒ Stone: Opal

Angel Irina Day: the most beautiful and funniest SMS congratulations on name day 2015


Irina - means peace, tranquility,
Believe me, it suits you perfectly
You give people happiness and love,
They also find kindness in you.
I want to wish you on your birthday
You will always remain beautiful,
And if you want to change something -
May happiness never tire of responding!

My dear Irishka,
On a wonderful name day
I want a flash of happiness
Would illuminate your world.
Let it be easy and very true
Your dream will come true.
And just as incomparable
What remains is beauty.

Happy wonderful birthday to the sweetest Irina in the world! So let it bring you a sea of ​​joy, happiness and warmth. We wish your heart to be filled with inner light and joy. Let your eyes shine and the smile never leave your lips.

I don’t know how rich there is in the world Irin
Well, I know - I have a sister,
What a birthday it is today!
Rashta - I ask you to step aside!
I wish you a lot of happiness
And a laugh, and true friends!
And what would the share lead to the wrist?
Only the best things in your life!

Happened often - at Irina’s,
Since the table is set for the name day,
There are margarines instead of butter,
For decoration - tangerine...
But there will be, Irochka, luck
You will bring it closer with labor:
And there will be a limousine and a dacha,
Handsome husband, huge house.
We wish that Irina
There were dollars - three feather beds!!!

Irochka, my beloved,
Beautiful birthday girl, a dream!
I've been looking for you all my life, dear,
Happiness will be eternal between us!
I wish you all the victories,
I'll give you a ticket for good luck!
Let the new day give inspiration,
And God of Miracle helps in everything!

I sincerely congratulate you on Angel Day! May this day be truly joyful and filled with God's presence for you!

Irina, always be cheerful,
And on your name day, forget about the bad things.
Don't be sad, Ira, don't be sad,
Let go of all your worries today.
I wish you a lot of happiness, beauty,
May your dreams come true.
You remain kind and reliable,
Indulge in your dreams and goals!

Irochka, Happy Angel Day to you!
Today I am in the holy spirit,
You can’t forget about your birthday,
I tell you to myself:
Clear skies and sunny days,
Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,
At the budinku - prosperity, peace in the future,
Don't let trouble knock at your door.
I'm healthy, successful, laughing in my eyes,
Believe, hope, good luck in your future,
This one has wisdom, warmth and love.
May the youth never fade away from the blood!

It’s your birthday, Irina!
Congratulations on this now!
You bring peace and tranquility to this world,
And you loudly call for self-love!
So let it be on this Earth,
Hope will bring you to your dream!
May faith protect you from troubles,
Let luck help her!

Happy Angel Day! I wish you to always find a common language with your angel! So that he always helps you in everything, and you, in turn, don’t make him blush for you!

Hai Angel to spread the scarlet Trojans
For a long life.
Let the heart sink, happiness and happiness
I am happy to see my skin improve!
Irochka, Ira, you are very beautiful,
The light of this beauty guides life!
I congratulate you on your name day,
May love preserve your happiness!
May everything be successful, my friend,
More money and happiness in fate!
And never let your soul cry,
Be the happiest person on Earth!

Irina, you will always be cheerful,
And on your birthday, forget about filth.
Don't blame me, Ira, don't mess with it,
All turbos are released today.
I wish you a lot of happiness, beauty,
Let your dreams come true.
You will be deprived of good and reliable things,
Give in to your dreams and goals!

Dear Ira, happy birthday to you! Your name means “peace and tranquility,” so may there always be peace and tranquility in your soul and family. Let life be easy and beautiful. Let this day be unusually beautiful and fabulous, because birthdays come only once a year.

Irina, like a book without end,
After all, she is endowed with wisdom,
It can't be read so easily
It is given only to the chosen ones to know the soul!
We congratulate you on Angel's Day,
We wish you health and success,
And happiness, which everyone really needs in life.
And let love swirl uncontrollably!