
Masks with spirulina oil. How to choose a spirulina face mask according to your skin type. Recipe for oily skin

In our modern, environmentally friendly world, everyone is trying to get at least one step closer to natural products, natural materials and organic cosmetics. Therefore, the appearance of spirulina algae in stores has become a justified phenomenon: after all, it - without exaggeration - occupies a proud place among the famous representatives of the flora in terms of the number of microelements and amino acids. Vegetarians value it for its easily digestible protein, pregnant women for its source of iron, and diabetics for its ability to lower sugar, but algae has played an equally important role in cosmetology, which will be discussed in this article. What is this wonder, and why is it so priceless for women’s beauty and health?

What is spirulina: a miracle plant?

The fact that spirulina existed on Earth for more than 3 billion years explains where about 2,000 vital microelements were “collected” from it. Many biologists believe that it even participated in the process of oxygen formation on the planet.

The algae is quite capricious and grows only in certain climatic conditions, namely in the environment of several fresh lakes in China and Chad. Further beyond the Middle Kingdom and Central Africa, it is also bred, but in artificial conditions as similar as possible to its “native” ones. Despite the fact that algae is the same age as life on Earth, it was discovered only in the 50s of the last century.

Externally, spirulina is a rich emerald color with a blue tint. It has a spiral shape, which is where it gets its name. In terms of its composition, it is a real “treasury” of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It’s easier to say where it is of no use than to list the endless benefits for the body: after all, it affects it as a whole. Folic acid - for the coordinated functioning of the nervous system, keratin - for clear vision, phycocyanin - for strong immunity, cystine - for removing toxins.

The plant contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, as well as iodine and a whole group of B vitamins. Protein here makes up about 70% of the total composition. Scientists continue to puzzle over how this plant contains so many benefits. In addition to its use in medicine and dietetics, algae is in great demand in cosmetology.

Spirulina in cosmetology: beneficial properties and contraindications

Vitamins, minerals and amino acids have made spirulina a unique and indispensable product in cosmetic procedures: after getting into the epidermis, it gives the skin everything it needs. The plant is famous for its nourishing and rejuvenating effect due to its content of fatty acids, the main task of which is to prevent cell dehydration, and therefore nourish dry skin.

Amino acids are involved in the removal of toxins and the construction of new cells, which indicates restorative properties. Protein – synthesizes collagen, necessary to maintain youth. Thus, the plant is widely used for the following disadvantages:

  • age-related skin aging;
  • wrinkles of all types;
  • dryness or excessive oiliness;
  • rosacea, acne and inflammation;
  • pigmentation.

Spirulina is used not only in the treatment and restoration of facial skin, but also in procedures to strengthen hair, nourish nails, and also rejuvenate the body using wraps.

Expert opinion

Useful advice from the editor

Great news: today you can take advantage of these “gifts of nature” without visiting a beauty salon, because they can be found in any pharmacy - in tablets or powder at an affordable price. In combination with various natural ingredients, you can prepare a folk remedy for any skin type and its problems.

These freshwater inhabitants can be praised for a long time, but you should not let your guard down. Quite rare, but there are still cases when a certain microelement is not tolerated by the body, and instead of beauty it presents skin rashes and itching. If you notice such manifestations, you should stop using spirulina and even visit a dermatologist. However, you need to understand that a cosmetic mask usually contains several components, and any of them can also cause an allergy.

Homemade spirulina face masks: recipes for all skin types

Spirulina is a universal plant, because it suits all skin types and interacts well with other natural products. The domestic market offers algae in the form of powder, tablets, gelatin capsules and even tinctures. If you purchase them as a dietary supplement, the ideal form would be tablets and capsules, but for cosmetic procedures it is better to choose powder. However, if you have already brought home spirulina tablets, you need to crush them before each procedure. How to choose the remaining components for the mask to make it as useful and effective as possible? Let's look further.

Masks for dry skin

It is not difficult to determine whether you have dry skin, because it differs from other types in the reduced secretion of moisture and subcutaneous fat. This type exfoliates excessively and develops wrinkles early. In this case, the effect of cosmetic procedures should be aimed at nutrition and hydration.

  • Using a fine grater or blender, grind the fresh cucumber into a paste-like consistency. Two tablespoons of puree is enough.
  • Mix cucumber pulp with 1 tbsp. l. spirulina powder. The resulting mixture should be used to cover not only the face, but also the neck and décolleté.
  • Keep for about 20 minutes.

Recipes for oily skin

This type of skin dooms its owners to “eternal torment,” because a constant oily sheen has never made anyone more attractive. Therefore, the entire fight against shiny skin is aimed at reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands.

  • Pour in 1 tsp. green leaf tea with a mug of cool water and leave to steep for 50–60 minutes.
  • After an hour, strain the infusion: the tea will not be useful, but the tea leaves need to be ground into a paste.
  • Add 2 tbsp to the resulting mixture. l. kefir and 1 tbsp. l. algae powder.
  • Leave on face for 20 minutes.

Feedback from our readers:

I belong to the category of those unfortunate girls whose forehead, nose and chin shine. Over time, I began to realize that the bulk of cosmetics are nothing more than a marketing ploy. Luckily, I recently discovered a spirulina mask made with kefir and tea leaves. Firstly, it is imperceptible to the wallet, and secondly, after the procedure, the skin remains matte and fresh for a long time. Today this is the best I've tried.

Olga, 27 years old

Masks for problem skin

The recipe is ideal for those who are plagued by acne, redness and small rashes, because the chamomile in the mask has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. powder with a small amount of chamomile infusion until a thick consistency is formed.
  • Once you have the paste, add a small pinch of baking soda and mix.
  • It is most effective to apply the mixture using massage movements.

Spirulina for pigmentation

Pigmentation on the face does not add aesthetics and attractiveness to anyone, so many ladies are actively trying to remove “evil” spots. The best folk remedy for stains is fruit acid: for example, from fresh lemon. Women with sensitive skin, rosacea or wounds should avoid this procedure in order to avoid burning and redness.

  • Stir 2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice with powder to a paste-like consistency.
  • Keep it on for no more than 10 minutes to avoid skin irritation and peeling. This time is enough for visible results to appear.

Recipes for aging skin

Spirulina is also very effective in combating skin aging. It improves skin blood circulation and oxygen exchange, making it elastic and toned. Rejuvenation is promoted by a large amount of protein in the plant, which effectively synthesizes collagen.

  • Mix 1 tsp. sour cream (preferably homemade), 1 tsp. oatmeal and literally a few grams of spirulina powder.
  • It is enough to walk around with the product applied to your face for 20–25 minutes.
  • Sour sour cream is also suitable for rejuvenation.

Spirulina in cosmetology for wrinkles

The plant's ability to enrich cells with oxygen and nutrients helps prevent new wrinkles and smoothes existing ones.

The next miracle mask copes with this with a bang.

  • Grind 4 tablets of algae powder and 2 tablets of brewer's yeast using a rolling pin, spoon or coffee grinder.
  • Add 15–20 g of Cahors and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  • After this, add 2-3 drops of coconut oil and mix thoroughly.
  • Leave the finished mixture for at least 45 minutes.

Mask for nasolabial folds

Like spirulina, gelatin has a similar property of stimulating collagen production. Therefore, using them in one mask, you can achieve amazing results in eliminating crow's feet. You will need gelatin directly, squeezed lemon juice and liquid vitamin A.

  • Pour gelatin over a quarter cup of warm water for about 30 minutes. As soon as it swells, it should be heated a little in a water bath.
  • Mix separately 4 tablets of spirulina powder with 2 tbsp. l. water, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and 2-3 drops of vitamin A.
  • Keep the resulting mass on the nasolabial fold for 15 minutes.

Product reviews

All my life I was sure that fighting wrinkles was an expensive pleasure, and recently I came across an article that described in detail how the plant works on sagging skin. Having decided to use it, I was impressed by its price at the pharmacy, because the money is ridiculous. For a month I watched how my skin under my eyes and around my lips transformed, and now I’m perplexed: why buy expensive jars and tubes at all?

Natalya, 46 years old

Spirulina face masks: recipes for all occasions

Kefir based

Kefir is a cheap but incredibly healthy product. It saturates the skin with vitamins, refreshes, whitens, relieves redness and slows down aging. For this, more than one generation of women fell in love with it, and when paired with algae, the benefits are multiple. The following kefir mask recipe is great for enlarged pores.

  • Finely crumble the black bread and mix with a small amount of kefir, forming a paste.
  • Add just 1 tsp. algae powder.
  • Apply the resulting “elixir of youth” generously and wait 20 minutes.

Spirulina and honey face mask

There are legends about the magic of honey, and this applies not only to the treatment of colds. Thanks to the presence of vitamins B, C, as well as zinc and polyphenols, honey has acquired cleansing, antiseptic, moisturizing and tonic properties. It is ideal for preparing remedies for dry face.

  • Mix kelp powder, any honey, cottage cheese and olive oil in equal proportions. 1 tsp of each ingredient is enough.
  • Leave to absorb for 15–20 minutes. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to pre-steam and cleanse the skin.

Clay based recipe

The following composition is designed specifically for those for whom acne will not leave alone, and the oily sheen does not disappear day or night. To prepare this mask, any cosmetic clay is suitable - white, blue, green, etc. If you are not lazy and perform rituals 2-3 times a week, the result will definitely cause real delight.

  • Take 1 crushed seaweed tablet or half a teaspoon of ready-made powder.
  • Prepare a paste-like liquid by mixing the powder, 1 tsp. clay and a little warm water.
  • Add 2-3 drops of essential oil - fir, cedar or coriander. You can use several oils at the same time.
  • Leave for 20 minutes until completely dry.

It is impossible not to pay attention to the benefits of the oils used, because the above options are the best natural remedies for inflammatory processes, swelling and peeling.

Aloe vera based

This mask is good for a face that needs hydration and nutrition. Aloe vera or agave is a favorite of folk medicine and cosmetology, because its juice penetrates the epidermis four times faster than water, which sufficiently moisturizes it. The plant relieves irritation and redness, regenerates cells, and slows down wilting.

Add to it all the benefits of spirulina and you will understand the value of this care product.

  • Prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. seaweed powder, half 1 tsp. Agave gel and half wine 1 tsp. jojoba oil.
  • Apply thoroughly to cleansed face and leave for 20 minutes.

Preliminary peeling in this case plays an important role, because it eliminates the dead layer of cells, which helps beneficial components get into the epidermis faster.

Recipe with spirulina and vitamin A

The vitamin helps cope with acne and minor rashes, thanks to its superpowers to relieve inflammation. It is an indispensable medicine for profuse teenage acne.

  • Mix equal amounts of spirulina powder, cottage cheese and homemade sour cream. For one cosmetic procedure, 1 tbsp is enough. l.
  • Add a couple of drops of oily vitamin A.
  • Do not wash off for 15 minutes.

The blue-green seaweed spirulina (Arthrospira) is known to many as a healthy dietary supplement that can be purchased at pharmacies or health food stores.

But not everyone knows that homemade spirulina face masks are an excellent cosmetic product.

An interesting fact is that this algae was a food product of the ancient Aztecs. Due to its unique composition and undoubted benefits, it is actively cultivated in many countries, including Russia.

Spirulina is available in flake, powder, or tablet form. You can purchase it at a relatively inexpensive price and use it both internally and externally.

What are the benefits of seaweed composition for the skin?

Let's consider how this product is useful for our skin, what cosmetic effect we can get if we start using it.

65% of spirulina consists of protein, which includes 18 amino acids, some of which are essential and are not synthesized in the human body. Thanks to this, the algae has high regenerating properties and is able to actively synthesize collagen fibers - this is where the wonderful thing with spirulina comes from.

Let's talk only about one very rare and valuable component: gamma linoleic acid. This amino acid is found in breast milk and rare oils (for example, primrose oil). The main function of this substance is to participate in the formation of new cell membranes and protect their structure. The health and youth of the skin directly depends on these deep renewal processes.

But that is not all. The entire chemical composition of this wonderful product also works for skin health and rejuvenation.

Spirulina is a powerful antioxidant. A number of vitamins and microelements help the skin not to fade for as long as possible.
♦ Vitamin E gives the epidermis firmness and natural elasticity, rejuvenating the cells.
♦ Vitamin A in combination with nicotinic acid (PP) helps the rapid regeneration of dying surface cells.
♦ Vitamin C tones the skin and protects it from harmful environmental factors.
♦ B vitamins nourish the dermis, improve cellular respiration, prevent inflammation and skin diseases (acne, psoriasis), and slow down the withering of the skin.
And many more microelements in the algae actively participate in all intracellular processes, contributing to skin rejuvenation.

Thus, the unique composition of spirulina makes it an excellent cosmetic product with healing and rejuvenating effects.

If you regularly take care of your face using spirulina masks, you will undoubtedly soon notice how fine wrinkles are smoothed out, skin blemishes disappear, the contour of the face is tightened and its color improves. Spirulina removes decay products, toxins, and heavy metal salts from cells. Masks cleanse the epidermis well without damaging its structure. The greatest benefit will come from the complex use of this product: ingestion (for example, in the form of a smoothie) and application of masks, both in pure form and in combination with various beneficial ingredients.

Attention! There may be contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, open wounds on the skin and individual intolerance to the product.

How to prepare spirulina masks

This algae has its own specific characteristics that you need to be prepared for.
Firstly, it doesn’t have a very pleasant smell of sea mud, and it doesn’t taste very good either. But the benefits outweigh these small troubles.
Secondly, in solution, spirulina has a bright emerald color and, when applied to the skin, colors it quite intensely. But this is not scary: after washing, not a trace of greenery will remain, so feel free to use such procedures. No troubles will happen if you buy a high-quality certified product from a pharmacy.

A few simple rules:
♦ If you have a tablet form, then the tablets should be crushed before preparing the mask.
♦ Do not use metal utensils to prepare masks.
♦ Spirulina should be diluted with lukewarm clean water in a 1:1 ratio.
After this, you can add other ingredients as desired, but spirulina works well alone. It is combined with a variety of products: cosmetic oils, oil vitamins, fruits and vegetables, clay, gelatin, honey, etc.
♦ Prepare your face for the procedure by steaming it with a steam bath or hot compress - this way the skin will better absorb beneficial substances.
♦ Duration of the procedure: from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the condition of the skin. Remember that this algae contains a large amount of acids, which can lead to microburn of the epidermis.
♦ Rinse off the mask with clean (filtered) warm water.
♦ After the mask, apply your usual cream.
♦ Frequency of using masks: 1-2 times a week.

Spirulina masks for different skin types

Spirulina is a universal product that is suitable for caring for all skin types. It solves several cosmetic problems: cleanses the epidermis, acting as a light scrub, nourishes and moisturizes, regulates fat metabolism, improves blood microcirculation in the skin, increases turgor, saturates cells with collagen and natural acids.

Recipe for normal skin

An excellent nourishing mask can be made from spirulina and honey. These two products have an active effect on the skin, complementing and enhancing each other.

Dilute a teaspoon of spirulina with cooled boiled water and add a tablespoon of liquid honey to the solution (you can first place it in a water bath).
Apply the composition to your face for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with filtered water at room temperature.

Moisturizing mask recipe

Any skin type needs intense hydration. Spirulina in combination with cucumber copes with this task perfectly.

Pour a teaspoon of seaweed powder with a tablespoon of boiled water. Prepare fresh cucumber puree by removing the peel and seeds - 2 tablespoons. Mix spirulina and cucumber mixture and apply to face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with clean filtered water.

Recipe for dry and sensitive skin

We offer a mask for dry and sensitive skin with spirulina and rice. It provides comprehensive care: gently cleanses and at the same time nourishes the epidermis.

Take about ½ teaspoon of powder (or 3-4 crushed tablets) and pour in a small amount of warm milk, leave for half an hour. Then beat the chicken protein to a thick foam and add to the solution, add 20-25 g of rice flour (you can grind the rice in a coffee grinder). Mix everything thoroughly.

Steam your face and apply the mask. When you feel a strong tightening of the skin, wash your face with lukewarm water and add a few drops of patchouli essential oil.

Recipe for oily skin

Algae is considered a very effective product for solving oily skin problems. Masks based on them not only optimally care for the epidermis, but also act on a deeper level, regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands. After using them, your complexion improves significantly.

Dilute 4-5 g of spirulina with water in a 1:1 ratio and let stand for 30 minutes. Then add 15 g of rye flour and 20 ml of unsweetened milk starter.
Apply the composition to the prepared skin in a thick layer. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with water acidified with 2-3 drops of lemon juice.

Recipe for dehydrated skin

As mentioned above, spirulina masks help restore fat metabolism in the skin layers. Disturbances in this metabolism are the cause of dehydration and thinning of our skin. After these procedures, you will notice how the skin has become more toned and elastic, younger and acquired a healthy color.

Dilute a teaspoon of spirulina powder with the same amount of mineral water or plain clean water. Mash the pulp of ½ avocado and stir into the solution. Add 1-2 egg yolks.
Apply the mixture onto the face, neck and décolleté area prepared for the procedure in a thick layer and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then remove with a damp cloth and rinse your face with water.

In this article you will read,.

Spirulina for problem skin

Spirulina contains a large amount of B vitamins. And these vitamins are indispensable in the treatment of various skin inflammations. Therefore, spirulina recipes will help you cope with acne and pimples. It is also useful to use them to prevent various types of inflammation.

Recipe for blackheads

Often the appearance is spoiled by blackheads (acne) covering the forehead, nose and chin. This is especially concerning in adolescence, when the secretion of the sebaceous glands is disrupted due to hormonal changes. Try this simple recipe.

You will need one teaspoon each of spirulina powder and edible gelatin. Mix them and add two tablespoons of filtered water. Stir until smooth and apply to problem areas. Lightly steam your face before the procedure. Leave the mask until dry and then remove along with the sebaceous plugs. Rinse your face with water and a teaspoon of aloe juice.

Recipe for cleansing pores

We offer a proven recipe to cleanse pores and tighten them. This mask will also help restore the freshness of your face and tighten your skin.

You will need ½ teaspoon each of spirulina and nutritional yeast, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and some clean water. Mix these ingredients and apply to face or problem areas with enlarged pores. After 15 minutes, rinse off the residue with filtered water.

Recipe for oily shine

Disturbances in the secretion of the sebaceous glands are often noticeable by the condition of the skin: it is shiny and covered with a fatty coating. This recipe will help avoid this, and will also nourish and moisturize the epidermis.

Mix a teaspoon of spirulina and a teaspoon of white cosmetic clay. Dilute with a small amount of purified water. Add two tablespoons of avocado pulp to these ingredients. Mix everything thoroughly and apply a thick layer to your face. Remove the mask after 25-30 minutes. After a series of procedures, your face will feel refreshed and acquire a more matte color.

Acne recipe

Thanks to spirulina, this recipe will help you cure inflammation, relieve pain and reduce pustules. Oatmeal and tea tree oil will strengthen and secure its effect.

Take half a teaspoon of seaweed powder or 2 crushed tablets and dilute with water. Add two teaspoons of oat flour and 3 drops of tea tree oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the entire face or only to problem areas of the face and leave for 20-25 minutes. Then remove the residue with a damp cloth and rinse your face with filtered or boiled water.

Anti-wrinkle masks with spirulina

The unique composition of seaweed helps to successfully solve skin aging problems. Masks with this product have a pronounced effect; they return fresh color to the face, smooth out fine wrinkles and tighten the oval. All this happens by stimulating metabolic processes at the cellular level, helping in the synthesis of elastin and collagen and intensive nutrition and hydration of the dermis and epidermis.

Face lift recipe

You can use this recipe if you want to restore elasticity, freshness and firmness to your skin. A course of such procedures will perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin, stop skin aging and have a noticeable lifting effect on it.

Take about 2 teaspoons of spirulina and dilute with water to a thick paste. Then add a teaspoon of olive or sesame oil and a couple of drops of fresh lemon juice. If your skin is dry, add a teaspoon of liquid honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to a previously cleansed and steamed face. After 20 minutes, remove the remaining composition with lukewarm water.

Recipes to nourish aging skin

With age, the skin needs constant and high-quality nutrition, since many metabolic processes slow down, cells lose their natural strength and need help. The recipes are suitable for any skin type.

1. To prepare the nutritional composition, take 2 teaspoons of spirulina, dilute with water 1:1 and add one raw egg yolk and ½ teaspoon of almond or peach oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply a thick layer on a pre-steamed face. After 20-25 minutes, rinse the mixture off your face with water at room temperature.

2. The mask composition of 1 tablespoon of spirulina, a tablespoon of fresh fat sour cream and 2 tablespoons of pureed zucchini pulp will nourish and moisturize well. Apply the mask to your face, neck and décolleté for 20 minutes. Remove with a damp cloth and rinse with filtered water.

Recipe for wrinkles

Spirulina masks are an effective anti-wrinkle remedy, quite competitive with many expensive anti-aging procedures. They activate blood circulation and help saturate cells with oxygen and deliver essential vitamins and minerals. And this is so important for preventing aging.

Take a teaspoon of seaweed powder, 2 teaspoons of dry yeast, ½ teaspoon of coconut oil and a tablespoon of Cahors. Mix the algae with yeast and dilute with slightly warmed Cahors, let stand for 15 minutes. Then add cosmetic oil and mix everything thoroughly. Apply to previously cleansed face and neck and leave for 30 minutes. Remove residue with a damp cloth and rinse with clean water.

Recipe for wrinkles around the eyes and lips

To rejuvenate the skin and saturate it with fatty acids and collagen, we recommend a recipe made from spirulina and gelatin, two natural products.

Dilute one tablespoon of seaweed with warm water 1:1 and let stand. At this time, prepare a gelatin solution: dilute 15 g of the product with a small amount of water and keep in a water bath until dissolved. Combine both solutions and add a teaspoon of almond oil to it. Apply a thin layer around the eyes and lips and spread the remainder onto the face. Lie down and relax for 20-25 minutes. Then apply a warm compress to your face and remove the remaining mask from the skin, without stretching it in the eye area.

Recipe for swelling on the face

With age, lymph outflow worsens and the face often swells, this is especially noticeable under the eyes. The recipe will not only help relieve puffiness, but can also be used to strengthen small blood vessels, prevent signs of fatigue and improve complexion.

You will need: a teaspoon of spirulina powder, a tablespoon of milk, a tablespoon of white or blue cosmetic clay, a teaspoon of avocado oil, 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil.
Heat the milk slightly and pour the spirulina into it, after 15-20 minutes add and thoroughly mix all the other products. Apply the resulting mass to your face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with water and rinse with a decoction of rose petals.

You will read which masks help against swelling and bags under the eyes.

Recipe for smoothing nasolabial folds

Deep wrinkles are the least susceptible to correction using homemade masks. But the combination of two powerful natural components still gives a good result. These are: spirulina and kelp, their composition has a powerful composition that activates the vital forces of cells.

Grind a tablespoon of dry kelp with a blender to powder and combine with a teaspoon of spirulina powder. Dilute with water 1:1. After two hours, add a tablespoon of natural yogurt or kefir to the solution. Apply the mask to a previously cleansed and steamed face along the massage lines, paying special attention to the folds in the nasolabial area. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.

In this video you will learn the little secrets of the spirulina mask:

We hope you enjoy these seaweed recipes and help you solve your skin problems. Share these recipes with your subscribers. Be healthy and beautiful!

What is spirulina? This is an algae with a unique composition that can significantly transform the condition of your skin. It is usually sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets, powder or flakes. As part of the product, it helps to significantly rejuvenate the skin, restore tone, remove freckles and protect against pigmentation. Moreover, a face mask with spirulina is suitable for use on any type of dermis.

Studying the composition

Why do algae have such an amazing effect? Because they contain an excellent set of vitamins that are easily absorbed by the skin, namely:

  • Vitamin E restores elasticity and smoothes;
  • Vitamin C provides tone;
  • And vitamin and nicotinic acid renew the upper layer of the dermis;
  • B 5 helps saturate the skin with nutrients;
  • At 6, slows down fading.

Moreover, the composition of spirulina is not limited to these vitamins; it also contains unique microelements, proteins, amino acids and antioxidants. It is used as a useful food additive, as a component of cosmetics and for the treatment of certain diseases.

Spirulina-based products give salon-like results even at home

Who should use it

A spirulina face mask helps with various problems and is suitable for girls with any skin type, the main thing is to choose the right ingredients.

What exactly does spirulina help with:

  • Dry, very sensitive skin.
  • Increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • The first wrinkles, signs of aging.
  • Age spots and freckles.
  • Cuperosis.
  • Unwanted scars.

However, like any remedy, there are contraindications.

These include allergic reactions to iodine, as well as thyroid diseases.

Since many girls are encountering the use of this new product for the first time, before use you need to familiarize yourself with the rules and recommendations of specialists.

Purchases should only be made in places that are trustworthy. For example, pharmacies are suitable, but you should avoid a kiosk in the metro. If you bought the product in tablet form, then before using it you need to turn it into flour and then add water in a 1:1 ratio. To mix the composition, you should choose glassware or a ceramic bowl.

Be mentally prepared for the fact that the mask will turn out bright green. However, after washing your face, your face will remain its natural color. But before the procedure, you should prepare and steam the skin for better penetration of the product into the deep layers of the dermis.

You should keep the mask on for no more than ten minutes, as staying on your face for a longer period of time will lead to burns due to the acids contained in the algae.

To remove the mask, use plain water, and at the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream. In stores you can find ready-made algae-based products, but the best solution would be to prepare the masks yourself, using powder or a tablet version of the plant.

You should use spirulina no more than once a week.

Home Recipes

In addition to the algae itself, depending on the desired effect, you need to add various components. Below you will find a list of the most popular formulations with spirulina for the face.

Fighting acne

A face mask made from spirulina helps relieve inflammation, relieve discomfort from abscesses and has a preventive effect.

Take one algae tablet, grind it to a powder, add about the same amount of mineral water with gas. Then add twenty grams of oatmeal flour and a couple of drops of lemongrass oil. After mixing everything, you will receive a composition for application to the skin of the face. It is convenient to wash off using wet wipes.

Fight against wrinkles

Algae will help improve the exchange of oxygen and nutrients, as well as improve blood flow. Thanks to this, you will get a lasting rejuvenation effect.

Grind four spirulina tablets into powder along with two units of brewer's yeast. Then add about fifteen milliliters of Cahors and leave for a quarter of an hour. Add six milliliters of coconut oil to the finished mask and mix. Apply the mask in a thin layer and leave for forty minutes. After washing your face, wait an hour and a half and only then apply cream to your skin.

Recipe with gelatin

Thanks to the mask, you can rejuvenate the skin around the eyes, as well as reduce nasolabial folds, as the combination of algae and gelatin nourishes the dermis with collagen and elastin, as well as fatty acids.

Prepare a decoction of herbs. Then grind about six spirulina tablets and add them to the infusion obtained earlier. While the seaweed is being prepared, pour fifteen grams of gelatin powder with water and mix thoroughly. If gelatin does not dissolve well, then finish the job by heating it in a steam bath. Finally, add seven milliliters of almond oil. Now combine all the ingredients and apply the spirulina mask to your face. Unlike many other products, this composition can also be applied to the skin around the eyes and lips. It is more convenient to work with a wide brush. Leave the mask on your face for a quarter of an hour.

Before washing your face, place a warm compress on your face for a couple of minutes.

Recipe with clay

This recipe will help you restore radiance to your skin, remove swelling and signs of lack of sleep, and also perfectly cleanse and nourish the skin with moisture.

Take three spirulina tablets, make flour out of them and pour warm milk. After waiting fifteen minutes, add twenty-five grams of clay, seven milliliters of avocado oil and a couple of drops of cinnamon oil. Mix everything, apply to face, wait a quarter of an hour. It is best to wash your face with a rose infusion and then lubricate your skin with cream.

Recipe with kelp

This composition is a magical anti-aging remedy! It will help restore skin elasticity, smooth out wrinkles, and also tighten the shape of the face thanks to the excellent combination of two types of algae.

Stock up on three spirulina tablets and fifteen grams of dried kelp. Grind them into flour, using a coffee grinder. Pour the resulting powder with warm water and leave for about two hours. Then add twenty grams of homemade yogurt, without additives, to the flour and apply to your face. Before using the mask, while you are waiting for the seaweed to brew, it is better to steam your skin with a steam bath. Leave the product on for about an hour, and after washing, do not forget to apply the cream.

Recipe with rice

The composition is a mixture of mask and belongings and allows you to gently cleanse sensitive, dry and normal skin and nourish the epidermis with moisture.

Grind three seaweed tablets and pour milk at room temperature, leaving for an hour. At this time, turn twenty-five grams of rice into flour and beat the egg white. Then mix all the ingredients and apply the mask to your face, leaving it until the skin begins to tug. Then wash your face with water and patchouli oil.

The scrub is best used on a pre-steamed face.

For those with oily skin

The following recipe is perfect, as it helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, make the complexion healthier and reduce oily shine.

Grind four seaweed tablets, soak in warm water and leave for thirty minutes. Now add twenty milliliters of unsweetened milk starter and fifteen grams of rye flour. After thoroughly stirring the resulting mask, apply a thick layer to your face. After twenty minutes, wash your face with water, preferably with a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Against acne

Spirulina for the face will help you cleanse your face, removing irritating acne, oily shine and pimples.

To prepare the composition, you need to pour a tablespoon of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Then crush three spirulina tablets, add a tablespoon of infusion and one and a half teaspoons of soda. After mixing everything, apply to your face and leave for fifteen minutes. It is more convenient to wash with cool water.

For girls with dry skin

This recipe is able to restore the proper functioning of cells that otherwise cause dryness, thinning and dehydration of the dermis. Thanks to regular use of the mask, you will get well-groomed, moisturized and tightened facial skin.

After taking six spirulina tablets and grinding them into powder, fill it with clean water and leave. At this time, peel and pit the avocado and turn it into a paste using a blender. Add two egg yolks and seaweed to the resulting puree. Apply the resulting mask to your face and wait about half an hour. It is convenient to remove the product using cotton pads.

Moisturizing mask

This recipe is suitable for any skin type except oily. It will help nourish the skin with moisture, tone it and remove unnecessary shine.

Take a teaspoon of green tea, add cold water and leave for an hour. Then strain, add a teaspoon of spirulina powder and two tablespoons of kefir and mix thoroughly. Keep the mask on for fifteen minutes and then rinse with water.

Spirulina will help you maintain youth and beauty of your face, as well as cope with the problems of inflammation, pigmentation and oily shine. At the same time, you do not need to spend a lot of money on trips to the salon, since the seaweed is sold in regular pharmacies. Homemade recipes made from natural ingredients will give your skin radiance and give you confidence in your own attractiveness.

Fans of homemade face masks will surely love this nourishing mask, which is natural and contains a lot of useful substances. What is spirulina and how to use it as a dietary supplement, I have already written earlier, now I will tell you about how to use spinulina for cosmetic purposes.

Who is a spirulina mask suitable for?. This recipe is suitable for those who avoid chemical compounds and try to use only completely natural products. And also for those who bought spirulina, but due to its not very pleasant smell, cannot bring themselves to drink it. In this case, it is clearly better for them to use it as a means of external use.

About the benefits. Everything related to spirulina: B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, D, A and E, as well as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, chromium, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, zinc and other useful trace elements .

For the spirulina mask you need:

  • Spirulina powder. If it’s not in powder, you can take the pharmacy tablets and crush them.
  • Small cup and teaspoon
  • A clean makeup brush (any wide brush to apply the mask). You don’t need to take any super brush from the professional series, absolutely any will do.
  • Boiled clean water (preferably not tap water, or at least well settled and passed through a filter). The water should not be hot - this will ruin the effect!

How to make a spirulina mask:

  1. Pour some spirulina into a cup. If spirulina is in tablets, grind it to a powder.
  2. Add water to spirulina in a 1:1 ratio, mix and leave to brew for 5 minutes. You should get a thick substance, like sour cream.
  3. Apply with a brush to the face, except for areas around the eyes and lips.
  4. Leave until the spirulina begins to dry out, then wash off immediately (usually about 10 minutes).

Why shouldn't this mask be used around the eyes and lips? The skin here is very thin and sensitive, and spirulina is quite an active agent, which in its pure form can even cause slight redness. Besides, when it starts to dry out, the last thing you need to do is on such delicate areas.

What to add? In this article I describe a mask made from pure spirulina without additives. However, depending on your skin type or any problems with it, you can add various components to this mask:

  • For dry skin, add 5 drops of a good facial oil, for example, to the mixture.
  • For oily, acne-prone skin, you can add chamomile flowers or use chamomile tea instead of water.
  • For pigmentation, add a little lemon juice.

Advice. Do not use a spirulina mask before work as a morning treatment - it is not a fact that you will wash it completely. When you try to wash it off just under the tap, it gets into your hairline, neck and ears, and you may not even know where you turned green:

Spirulina mask effect Showing before and after photos is useless. This is not an instant remedy, and a miracle will not happen right away. Spirulina only saturates the skin with the elements it needs, which have yet to be used to “build” new healthy skin cells. The only thing you may notice after using the spirulina mask is a slight redness. Don't be alarmed, this is not irritation, this is just an activation of metabolism.

Where to buy spirulina?

The prices for spirulina on the Internet are very different, I ordered. Best price, received the order within 4 days from the date of payment. I recommend.

A prominent representative of blue algae is spirulina spirulina, which is rich in proteins, contains beta-carotene and vitamin B12. This type of seaweed mask perfectly tones and strengthens the epidermis.

1. Mask with spirulina with the addition of cottage cheese, sour cream and salt

Spirulina - 1 tbsp. spoon
Cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. spoon
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon
A pinch of salt

Preparation: The face mask with spirulina is prepared from frozen seaweed, which must first be thawed. You can also use seaweed in tablets or capsules. Grind the cottage cheese with sour cream, add salt and spirulina. The duration of action of the active components of the mask does not exceed 25 minutes. Wash your face alternately with warm and cold water.

Action: removing oily shine, moisturizing, relieving inflammation, smoothing wrinkles.

Indications: problematic and oily skin; fading, flabby and dry skin.

Application: masks are used 2-3 times a week. The course consists of 10-12 procedures.

2. Spirulina Rice and Algae Mask

Spirulina - 4 tablets
Oatmeal - 1 tbsp. spoon
Milled brown rice - 1 tbsp. spoon
Honey - 1 teaspoon
Yogurt - 1 tbsp. spoon

Preparation: Dissolve the tablets in water, mix with ground rice and cereal, add honey and yogurt. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a little water. Apply the paste to your face with light massage movements from the wings of the nose to the earlobes, from the chin to the temples and hold for at least 10 minutes.

Action: This algae face mask at home has a powerful restorative effect on the skin, cleanses and peels the surface of the epidermis.

Application: Spirulina masks, reviews of which confirm their effectiveness, are best applied to the face regularly (1-2 times a week). The course depends on the condition of the skin, but does not exceed 10 procedures.

14. Alginate mask with spirulina, medicinal herbs and oatmeal

Spirulina - 1 tbsp. spoon
Infusions of St. John's wort and chamomile - 1 teaspoon each
Oatmeal - 1 tbsp. spoon
Vegetable oil

Preparation: The components are mixed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, which is distributed with massage movements on the skin of the face and left for 15 minutes. Before removing the mask, a light massage is recommended, which will allow the components to be absorbed deeper into the skin.

Action: nutrition, toning, relieving inflammation, tightening the skin and improving facial contours, moisturizing and cleansing.

Indications: problematic and oily skin, prone to pimples and acne, dehydrated skin.

Application: a mask with spirulina, reviews of which are positive, gives excellent results when completing a full course consisting of 8-10 procedures. The repetition frequency is 2-3 days.

3. Anti-wrinkle mask with spirulina

Spirulina - 1 tbsp. spoon
Yeast - 20 g
Flour - 1 tbsp. spoon
Sugar - 1 teaspoon

Preparation: yeast is diluted in a small amount of warm water, sugar and flour are added. The components are mixed and left until fermentation begins, after which spirulina is added. The finished mask should be applied in an even layer to the face and left for 20 minutes.

Action: toning and nourishing aging skin, smoothing wrinkles, refreshing complexion, tightening.

Indications: flabby, aging skin, deep wrinkles.

Application: Anti-wrinkle mask with spirulina is suitable for frequent use. The course consists of 7-10 procedures, which are repeated every 2-3 days.

4. Spirulina algae face mask for teenagers

Spirulina - 1 tbsp. spoon
Plantain juice - 1 teaspoon

Preparation: Mix the ingredients and apply to clean skin, leaving for 15 minutes.

Action: drying, antiseptic effect, soothing and relieving inflammation, regulating sebum production.

Indications: oily, teenage skin with problems such as acne and pimples.

Application: The spirulina mask is applied regularly until a lasting result and the desired cosmetic effect are achieved. The course consists of 5-7 procedures, which can be repeated after 2 weeks.

5. Express lifting: spirulina face mask

Spirulina - 1 tbsp. spoon
Egg yolk
Apple juice - 1 teaspoon
Olive oil - 1 teaspoon
Dried citrus peels - 1 teaspoon

Preparation: Grind dry citrus peels into powder, mix with yolk, add spirulina and keep the mixture in a sealed container for 10-15 minutes. Add apple juice and oil, mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer to clean skin and leave for half an hour. When washing your face, use parsley tincture.

Action: quick lifting effect, instant tightening and rejuvenation of the face

Indications: tired skin, pale, wrinkled face.

Application: The mask is used as needed when you need to quickly tidy up your facial skin. In general, spirulina is used in cosmetology to solve many problems and is a universal remedy, depending on the accompanying components of the masks. 5. Mask with spirulina for nasolabial folds

Spirulina - 4 capsules or 4 tablets
Lemon juice - ½ teaspoon
Vitamin A - 2 drops
Gelatin - 1 tbsp. spoon

Preparation: gelatin should be poured into 3 tbsp. spoons of warm water and leave to swell for half an hour. If the algae is in tablets, then they also need to be dissolved first by adding a little water. Mix the ingredients and wait until the mask thickens a little. Gelatin is natural collagen, and the resulting algae collagen mask is applied to clean skin for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Action: a mask made of spirulina and gelatin smoothes nasolabial folds (deep and shallow), evens out the surface of the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it.

Indications: aging, sagging skin, deep wrinkles in the lips and nose, normal and combination skin with pronounced signs of aging.

Application: a mask with spirulina and gelatin gives excellent results when used for a month. You need to perform 2-3 procedures weekly.

6. Seaweed face mask (spirulina with pumpkin)

Boiled pumpkin puree - 2 tbsp. spoons
Spirulina - 4 tablets
Sunflower oil - 1 teaspoon

Preparation: Dilute spirulina tablets in water until a paste is obtained, mix with pumpkin puree and oil. Apply the mask to your face, lie down for 20 minutes, then rinse off.

Action: nutrition, moisturizing, toning and improving complexion.

Indications: pale, atonic skin, facial wrinkles, gray complexion.

Application: spirulina face mask, reviews of which allow you to verify its effectiveness, can be used every 3-4 days. The course consists of 5-7 procedures, after which you can take a short break.