
What day in June is suitable for a wedding? Wedding in June: features, signs, reviews. June wedding ideas

A wedding in June is a good decision, because this month is sunny, warm and has the longest days. And if you believe in superstitions, then take them into account when choosing the date of the celebration, so that the union will definitely be happy and long-lasting!

All superstitions associated with June are positive. In the folk calendar, such a month is considered almost the most successful period for starting a family. June is often called “honey”, and if the wedding takes place at this time, then the entire life of the spouses will resemble an endless romantic honeymoon.

June is a period of real riot of nature: everything around is green, the first fruits appear. And the June marriage will certainly bear fruit, probably soon. The earth itself favors the union, endows it with vital energy, which husband and wife can use to develop and strengthen relationships.

June should be chosen for marriage registration by couples who experience sincere feelings, but often encounter disagreements and misunderstandings.

This summer month will bring harmony and balance to relationships, teach you to smooth out corners, impart calmness and tranquility, and give tenderness and sincerity of feelings.

The days in June are the longest of the year, and the union will also be durable and strong. The sun promises warmth and affection in relationships, and its hot rays promise undying passion. Thus, the June wedding will be almost ideal and guarantees the couple happiness and a long life together.

Signs for a wedding in June

A wedding is an incredible sacrament, the birth of a family, the creation of something new and bright, the reunion of two loving hearts for a life together. Since ancient times, weddings have been shrouded in mystery, imbued with a special atmosphere, and, of course, many signs have always been associated with them.

Let's consider the signs that are relevant for weddings organized in June:

  1. If the weather is sunny and hot on your wedding day, then warmth, many bright moments and pleasant emotions will reign in family life. The marriage will be filled with interesting events and passion, there will be no room for boredom. But if the spouses are overly impulsive, then temper can provoke negative emotions. Jealousy is also possible.
  2. Rain starting on the wedding day is considered a very good sign. Usually, June precipitation is warm and short-lived, and it promises the newlyweds prosperity in everything, prosperity and stability, and happiness. They usually say about such couples: “the house is a full cup.”
  3. The wind that rises during the wedding will bring frivolity in the relationship. The union may be unstable: it will not be easy for spouses to achieve harmony and constancy. But changes do not necessarily spell trouble: they can be positive, changing life together for the better. In addition, lightness and periodic shake-ups will help avoid routine and monotony for people who do not tolerate boredom and are constantly moving forward.
  4. A storm, thunderstorm or hurricane will not bring happiness. If the newlyweds are caught in bad weather, they should be wary of the troubles, difficulties and misfortunes that plague them along the path of life. But spouses will be able to overcome troubles if they are patient and support each other in every possible way. Then their feelings will only get stronger and intensify.
  5. Do not be afraid of insects, the invasion of which is quite likely in June. This is an extremely positive sign, promising young people wealth, family well-being and fruitful relationships.

Church traditions

The Church does not forbid June weddings and has a positive attitude towards them, but does not welcome marriages (especially with weddings) on Orthodox holidays, as well as during the period of fasting. Believers must fast: at such times it is necessary to abstain from worldly goods, including rich feasts, without which not a single wedding celebration is complete.

Peter's Fast begins in June: its start date is “floating”, that is, it falls on a different date every year. This period begins on the fifty-seventh day after Easter or a week after Trinity. In the coming year 2020, the first day of Peter's Lent will be June 15th. Believers will finish fasting only on the 12th of the next month.

As for church holidays, Trinity is celebrated in June, which in 2020 will fall on the seventh. The beginning of the Petrov (Apostolic) Fast, starting on June 15, is also considered an important date.

It is important to know! If a couple decides to cement their relationship not only in the registry office, but also before the Lord, then they will be able to get married only on certain days of the week. Such sacraments are not held in churches on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, as well as on any Orthodox holidays.

Moon influence

The moon influences natural phenomena such as the tides. But the satellite of our planet, as many are sure, directly affects people’s lives. And if you follow the instructions of the night luminary, you can make the marriage successful.

It is recommended to plan a wedding during the days of the waxing Moon: the accumulating new energy will help create a truly strong union, strengthen feelings and learn to resist negativity, and achieve growth in all areas of life. A good solution would be to get married on a full moon: energy flows reach their peak and literally permeate the lovers, endowing them with the will and strength necessary to build relationships and create a family.

Interesting fact! The 21st day of every month, including June, is considered successful for creating something new and starting a strong relationship. In 2020 it will be the 12th.

Favorable days for weddings are determined annually, and in 2020 next year these will be the following June dates:

  • June 1st. If the wedding takes place on this day, then traditions will be highly valued in the created family. The feelings of the spouses will only grow stronger over time, become higher and more valuable. Husband and wife will become true true friends for each other, but will be able to maintain romanticism.
  • June 5th will also be good for registering a marriage. The couple will be able to achieve one hundred percent trust; in such a relationship there will be no place for lies and omissions. The relationship will become dynamic, and both partners will not get lost in it, but, on the contrary, will achieve fulfillment and will be able to show and apply their best qualities.
  • June 23. If the wedding takes place on this date, then complete mutual understanding will be established between the lovers, which is sometimes so lacking for the newlyweds. You will be able to avoid betrayal and gain faith in each other, maintain peace of mind and avoid serious conflicts. All problems will be resolved exclusively peacefully.
  • June 28. This is just the perfect day to create a truly strong union. The family will be friendly, all difficulties can be easily overcome through joint efforts. An invisible but constantly felt connection will be established between the spouses, and over time, a complete unity of souls will arise.

Important information! If you believe in the influence of the Moon, then do not plan a wedding in June on the seventh and sixteenth: such days will be extremely unfavorable. You should be careful about the 9th, 10th, 17th and 20th of June.

Favorable and beautiful dates in June

Favorable and suitable dates for weddings have been partially discussed above. But there are several other factors that influence the choice of a successful wedding day. So, some are sure that it is best to organize such a celebration before the 20th-21st, that is, when daylight hours increase and reach their maximum. As it declines, the light energy needed by any senses will weaken. And the best period will be the first ten days of June: at this time, happy and harmonious unions are created.

Advice! Some people choose beautiful symmetrical or “mirror” dates. In June 2020, this will be the 20th (06/20/20). Also, a beautiful date is 06/02/20, and it does not contradict other rules.

To believe or not in omens?

To believe or not in omens is an individual question. Following superstitions is everyone’s business, depending on their attitude towards the beliefs. If you are a skeptic and a pragmatist in life, then probably not a single sign will influence your decision or force you to change your wedding date. Also, bad signs to which you will be neutral will not unsettle you.

If you are inclined to believe in omens, and not those that you have already verified in practice, then it is better to organize your wedding taking into account such superstitions. Probably, bad signs will not bring anything negative, but the very thoughts about them and expectations of bad changes will make you worry. Of course, the weather does not depend on us, and if the wind picks up on the day of the celebration, there is no point in postponing the event. Just look for the good in everything.

Advice! If you notice a bad omen on your own wedding day, then for your own confidence in the strength and success of the marriage, you can neutralize unfavorable events or influences. For this purpose, rituals are held for good luck and happiness in family life before the day of celebration or on this date.

A wedding in June should be remembered for a lifetime and be the beginning of a long and happy family life. But whether to believe superstitions or not is your own business. In any case, we can only wish you success and only good wishes on such an important day!

Despite the fact that now fewer and fewer couples decide to get a stamp in their passport and prefer banal cohabitation, the wedding ceremony is at the peak of popularity. Even those couples who are not particularly religious want to stand before God and trust him to tie them in marriage. But if the decision to get married is unanimous, then you need to know when it can be done and when it can’t. Even if a state marriage is scheduled for one date, the wedding may take place on a completely different day. Priests will not undertake this ritual if an unfavorable period lasts. You can consult with the priest about choosing a date. You also need to know that weddings do not take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, on Easter, which in 2018 falls on April 8, on the twelfths and all great church holidays. If we take into account all the holidays with moving dates, as well as fasting, then weddings in 2018 cannot be held on the following days: April 1, May 17 and 27; from February 19 to April 7. This is the time of Lent; from 14 to 27 August. The Assumption Fast falls during this period; from November 28 until the end of the year. Christmas post; January 7–18, January 29 to February 3, February 12–17, April 9–14, May 28 to June 2. These days are called the five holy weeks.

Wedding signs for June 2018

Many brides pay attention to superstitions. Signs say that June is great for celebrating. Nature comes to life, flowers smell fragrant, and the overall romantic atmosphere lifts the newlyweds’ mood. The marriage will be strong, healthy children will be born.

Folk signs of June:

  1. If it is hot on the wedding day, the spouses will live a long, happy life. Respect and mutual understanding will reign in the family. According to signs, there will be a passionate relationship between young people, but jealousy cannot be avoided. Despite this, a spiritual connection will allow you to carry passionate feelings throughout your life.
  2. Experts recommend celebrating a wedding in June for those couples who often quarrel. A warm month will help you find mutual respect, harmony, and affection. The long-awaited baby will appear soon.
  3. A little rain on your wedding day promises a prosperous family life. You don't have to think about financial problems.
  4. Wind is a bad sign. It is believed that there will be frivolity in the relationship, and betrayal is possible.

Date for wedding in 2018 according to numerology

This science teaches us to choose lucky numbers ourselves. To do this, you need to shorten the date so that you get one number and then look at it to see if this day is suitable for a wedding. For example:

07/04/2018 = 4+7+2+1+8 (we are missing zeros) = 22 = 2+2 = 4.

Now we look for it in decoding and find out what this date promises, according to numerology.

1 – symbolizes the beginning and is a good number for a wedding;
2 – if possible, it is better to postpone the celebration, and if not, in the morning you need to pay tribute in the form of a release of negative energy and break a cup or plate;
3 is an excellent number that symbolizes the combination of past, present and future;
4 - on this day it is better not to start any new business;
5 – a marriage concluded on this day will be especially successful;
6 – the act must be as deliberate as possible so as not to destroy the aura of love;
7 is a good number in any year and month for marriage;
8 – sign of infinity, success and prosperity;
9 – suitable for a union of two people with great ambitions.

The most successful month for a wedding in 2018 is August, especially the eighth and eighteenth. The combination of three eights in a date is a sign of Fate’s special favor.

Favorable days for a wedding in June 2018

June 1–2. The Moon is located in the sign of Capricorn. Such relationships can exist through the conduct of a common business. As for their personal life, the newlyweds will not be able to show their love. Soon the marriage will break up. Each partner wants to be in charge, forgetting about the feelings of their other half. It will be possible to save the family if the partners show respect and trust.

June 3–5. Aquarius will influence the moon. This is a good time for marriage. A partner and best friend will appear in life. If we consider the couple as a whole, the newlyweds may seem like extraordinary individuals. They can become role models. Mutual understanding and care will become fundamental in the family. Jealousy is not about them. Thanks to hospitality and good-natured attitude towards people, the house will be filled with guests. The long-awaited children will appear soon. Despite the fact that they will have to sacrifice their interests, the spouses will be happy.

June 6–7. A union concluded under the influence of Pisces promises to be tender and romantic. A strong spiritual connection will be established between partners. Others may think that the couple is silent and uninteresting. However, this opinion is erroneous. The newlyweds understand each other perfectly and are ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of their loved one. Spiritual values ​​are primary, material aspects are not so important. The main thing is that the young will be able to carry their love for many years.

June 8–9. Since the moon will be under the influence of Aries, it is worth abandoning the holiday. Each spouse considers himself to be in charge, sometimes without taking into account the interests of his other half. Most often, such couples are leaders. They achieve success quickly. However, living together can be difficult. Only by listening to your partner will you be able to save your family.

June 10–11. Favorable days in June 2018 for a wedding. The union is doomed to be happy. A role model that everyone you know will look up to. Such couples are distinguished by their hospitality; the house will be full of laughter and fun. The union will turn out to be creative. To live a long, happy life, newlyweds need to hold hands tightly and be together.

June 12–13. Astrologers recommend refusing to marry during this period. Partners are active, sociable, and have a desire to be first in everything. They are of little interest in the hobbies of a loved one. It will be difficult to create a strong family, but traveling together and having fun events will help you get closer.

June 14–15. A marriage concluded at this time can be called ideal. Betrayal, lies, misunderstanding - this is not for the young. Only positive impressions and bright events will fill life. True friends will come to the rescue.

June 16–17. The moon will be located under the sign of Leo. A great option for creative people. Such a union is doomed to happiness. Pleasant surprises and small gifts will help maintain sincerity in the family. The house will be full of guests. The cozy atmosphere will seem so homely that you will want to come to the house again and again.

June 18–20. The period when the moon is under the influence of Virgo is considered dangerous. Experts do not recommend celebrating the occasion. Family life will be unhappy, problems and troubles will become commonplace.

June 21–22. The days are considered favorable for a wedding in June 2018. Despite the extravagance, couples stand out for their romance. After many years, the spouses will maintain tenderness and caring attitude. Over time, love only grows stronger.

June 23–24. The Moon will be under the influence of Scorpio. Couples who decide to legalize their relationship need to be careful. Jealousy and mistrust of a loved one can cause a breakup. Despite all the difficulties, a psychological connection will be established between the partners. Sincere and frank conversations will make the relationship more trusting. You will be able to get rid of problems after the birth of the long-awaited child.

June 25. Astrologers recommend choosing this day; it is considered one of the most successful. Young people will be able to maintain love throughout their lives, making each other happy. Life will be filled with bright emotions and pleasant surprises.

June 26–27. Sagittarius is responsible for a strong, strong union. This zodiac sign will influence the moon. The newlyweds will be able to trust each other. Each partner will be able to engage in self-improvement and broaden their horizons. New hobbies will appear that will help people get closer in the future. Every year the relationship will become stronger. The union may turn out to be ideal. Traveling together, pleasant memories, positive emotions will accumulate over time. The spouses will become best friends.

June 28–29. These days are dangerous; it is advisable to refuse to hold a celebration. The Moon will be under the influence of Capricorn. The relationship will become obsolete in the first few years. Each partner considers himself to be in charge, sometimes forgetting about the interests of a loved one. A marriage can only survive through running a common business. As for family life, it’s quite difficult to call it happy. Spouses will not be able to show a sincere attitude towards their significant other, so they will also not be able to receive reciprocity.

30 June. Experts call the day favorable for a wedding in June 2018. Aquarius will be able to have a positive impact on the moon. Your spouse will become a wonderful friend with whom you will want to share even the most secret things.

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2018

A real boom in choosing beautiful dates came with the onset of 2001 and lasted until 2012. But when the magical date 08/08/08 arrived, the world went crazy. Many people rushed to register their marriage under the sign of infinity, but, alas, sad statistics show that a huge number of those couples have been divorced for a long time. Nevertheless, the thought of choosing a beautiful date sometimes enters the bride’s head. Considering the fact that there are many people who want to get married on such a day, you need to decide on the date in advance and submit an application to the registry office on time. Moreover, 2018 is not particularly rich in fabulous numbers. For example, February Sunday 02/18/18 can attract newlyweds. But it will be possible to register such a marriage by prior arrangement, because registry offices are not open on Sundays. But the hot August Saturday 08/18/18 will certainly become popular. Once again the magic eight will drive everyone down the aisle. The main thing is that this time she brings happiness to the young. But, despite the chosen date for the wedding, whether according to the Lunar or Orthodox calendar, you need to remember that a happy marriage is not only a well-chosen day. Marriage is mutual understanding, support, mutual assistance and love. Only on this can you build a strong family.

Feng Shui wedding date for 2018

This philosophy gives digital symbolism a special meaning that is absolutely far from mystical:

1 is a lucky number, the beginning of all things and a good symbol for a wedding date;
2 is the number of the pair, correlates with harmony and fits perfectly;
3 – associated with the magic of love, the marriage will be successful;
4 – if you are having a wedding on this date, you need to break a plate or cup for luck in the morning;
5 – the number is unfavorable in all respects;
6 is a very lucky number for a wedding;
7 – symbol of prosperity and good luck;
8 – the best days for a wedding in 2018 are the eighth of each month;
9 is the lucky number of luck and harmony.

Favorable days for a wedding in 2018 according to zodiac signs

In addition to traditional wedding beliefs and rules, there are also those that are associated with the peculiarity of the year according to the horoscope:

  • for Aries, Sagittarius and Cancers it is better to get married in the first ten days after their birthday;
  • for Scorpios, Virgos and Libras it is worth choosing the summer months for marriage;
  • It is better for Capricorns, Pisces and Gemini to get married two decades after their birthday;
    For Taurus, Leo and Aquarius, it is better to choose autumn for a wedding.

2018 is a good year for a wedding if you follow these rules:

  • the dress of the bride and groom must contain yellow;
  • there must be a dish with bones on the table;
  • A good omen would be an outdoor ceremony.

In conclusion, I would like to say that stars are stars, and most importantly - love and the desire to create a strong family for life. The choice of date is a personal matter for everyone, but if it also turns out to be favorable according to all calendars, it will be even better. It is difficult to definitely name such a date, but still the most successful days in 2018 are:

  • 27th of June
  • July 20
  • 25-th of August
  • September 18.

How do you feel about beautiful dates, calendars and signs? Share your opinion in the comments.

Favorable days for a wedding for 2018 according to the Chinese calendar

How, according to the Chinese, will the Year of the Yellow Dog affect family ties? Let's start with the fact that it will come into force not on January 1, but on February 16, when the New Year begins in China, and will “last” until February 4, 2019. The dog has always been considered an animal that is extremely kind and loyal. These are the features that will be endowed with alliances concluded during the “reign” of this totem. They say that these marriages will become the most faithful and long-lasting, and all because the people who enter into them will be open to conversations, they are ready to compromise for the sake of maintaining peace and tranquility in the family. The relationship between the spouses will be warm and reverent, and comfort and coziness will reign in the house from the first day. Many may think that families created in the year of the Dog lack passion, but in fact this is not at all the case. There will be passion, and with it there will be the ability to smooth out rough edges, the desire to get out of conflict situations by mutual agreement. At the same time, with all this, the Yellow Dog is not short of tenderness, so everything will be fine with the emotional component in the newly created families. What is important is that 2018 promises the “units of society” both material well-being, as well as a quick addition to the family: it is possible that already in 2019, children’s laughter will ring like a bell in the home of those getting married. The main thing is to please the dog and organize the wedding ceremony the way the totem animal wants. But he wants it sincerely and without excessive chic, not in a noisy company, but only in the circle of his closest and dearest people.

Wedding in June... At the very beginning of summer. What are its features? What should you consider and is it even possible to get married in June? There is one drawback to choosing this month: June is very popular among newlyweds, so the queue can be quite long. If you decide to register your relationship in June, think about it in advance. And it's not just about the registry office. Restaurants may be busy during this period. In addition, given the popularity of the season, prices may unpleasantly surprise you. Advice: don't count on restaurants. If possible, have your wedding outdoors. A summer house or your own garden will not cost anything at all. This is also a great time for themed weddings. And the warm weather will allow you to show off beautiful outfits.

So, what points need to be taken into account:

So, the wedding is planned in June.

What can I advise June newlyweds:
  • Submit your application to the registry office in advance. The fact is that June is very attractive: it is a blooming, sunny, but not yet hot month. It is best to sign up in the winter.
  • June 12 is a public holiday, so if you suddenly want to get married on this day, find out in advance whether the registry office you have chosen will be open.
  • Believing newlyweds and those simply wanting to get married should check the dates with the church calendar. The wedding in June 2018 must be agreed upon in the church.
  • A good way to save money would be to choose not a restaurant, but a summer house or your own garden.
  • There is absolutely no need to buy expensive flowers to decorate your celebration. June is the month of poppies, cornflowers, and daisies. They go perfectly with the bride's image and look very elegant.
  • If you want to choose more noble flowers, pay attention to seasonal ones. June is the time of roses, lilies and peonies.
  • It is also worth paying attention to seasonal berries: sweet cherries, raspberries, strawberries... They are cheaper in June. They will perfectly decorate the table on their own, and are perfect for making fruit drinks, juices, desserts, jellies, creams and cakes.
  • Seasonal flowers can decorate the bouquet of the bride and bridesmaids, embroidery on the dress, the groom's boutonniere, and the newlywed's hairstyle.
  • A very beautiful photo session will turn out to be in a blooming poppy or cornflower field. And also among dandelions.

Like any other month for a wedding, June has its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of a June wedding:
  • Warm and sunny.
  • Lots of greenery and flowering plants. You can arrange a beautiful photo shoot.
  • There is no need to wrap yourself in warm clothes.
  • The first berries appear.
  • The wedding can be held outdoors.
Disadvantages of a June wedding:
  • It may be cold and there is a chance of rain.
  • Prices in restaurants are high, and there may be no seats.
  • The application must be submitted in advance. A wedding in June 2019 should be planned this year.

June is a great time for themed weddings. Which ones? Floral weddings will look very stylish and bright: poppy, chamomile, cornflower, dandelion... Berry ones will be appropriate: black cherry, cherry, strawberry, raspberry. Themed weddings in a rustic, rustic, Wild West, sea style will look very stylish... A garden, a beach, an old manor, a park, and nature will be perfect for celebrations.

A wonderful photo session can be held in a forest, in a garden, in a park, on the banks of a river or lake, in a field or among green trees.

What are the favorable days for a wedding in June? Astrologers say that a successful marriage awaits those newlyweds who decide to tie their destinies during the waxing moon. The following dates are considered lucky in 2018: 3, 4, 10, 11, 15, 17, 24, 25.

In addition, it is worth considering the choice of beautiful dates. That is, in 2018 it could be June 8 and 18. Please note that the number 8 generally has a deep sacred meaning. It is both a symbol of infinity, and attracts financial well-being, and for Russian families it is a symbol of love and fidelity. As for 2019, from the point of view of the stars, the 5th, 7th, 9th, 14th, 16th and 17th will be lucky for a wedding. Plan your wedding in advance!

According to signs, if there is wind on the wedding day in June, the newlyweds will face a stormy life and trials of jealousy. The sun promises happiness and prosperity, and rain promises wealth.

But for a family where love reigns, any day on which a marriage takes place will be considered happy. If a wedding is planned in June, signs will not be able to interfere with a family where they understand and respect each other.

A wedding in June will be the sunny beginning of family life: it is believed that the honeymoon of the newlyweds will never end. Let's take a closer look at all the advantages, and also study the pitfalls of the holiday this month.

Features of the organization

Once you have decided on your wedding date, be sure to check the weather forecast for June. If there is a chance of precipitation that day, you will be prepared. The celebration is planned outdoors - it is worth organizing shelter, for example, tents. If there is no rain, they will be useful to hide from the heat, and also to prevent food from standing in the sun all day.

As for signs, a rainy wedding day in June is a harbinger of a cloudless future.

Venue selection

A wedding in the summer is wonderful because the scope for choosing a location expands. A popular idea for a wedding in June is an outdoor ceremony on the shore of a reservoir: a refreshing breeze will relieve you from the heat, and you will also be provided with an excellent backdrop for a photo shoot. However, be concerned about safety and perhaps move the holiday away from the water after dark.

A wedding in June, held in a manor or cottage, will be an excellent alternative: barbecue, a sauna with a swimming pool and fresh air - all this will allow guests to have a good rest and leave only good memories of your wedding day.

You can hold a stylish celebration in boho style in the forest. The decorations will be velvet fabrics on chairs and tables, metal wine glasses, pearl ribbons on the branches of bushes and trees, and, of course, a “dream catcher” - an amulet accessory that is of Indian origin, but is present in abundance in the boho style and looks like a spider’s web , decorated with beads and feathers.

Favorable days for a wedding in June

To choose a good day for the holiday, rely on the lunar calendar and moon phases. The waning moon is more suitable for discussing and planning organizational issues than for the wedding ceremony itself. However, the days of June, when the moon is in the sign of Aries, are a favorable time for organizing a wedding day. The family will strive to take leadership positions in everything, and spouses will always come first for each other.

During the period when the waxing phase of the moon is in the sign of Cancer, the largest number of marriages takes place. The family will be strong and life will be rich.

Other favorable days for a wedding in June:

  • 16.06 - the marriage will be creative, romantic, the feeling of a honeymoon will last a lifetime.
  • 22.06 - the spouses will spend a lot of time together and become closer to each other with every day of their life together.
  • 06.25, 06.26, 06.27 - alliances concluded on these days will be based on trust. In addition, their life will be fully filled and interesting: all kinds of hobbies and entertainment, trips and travel, education, etc.
  • On June 29, it is better to refrain from getting married.

June wedding ideas

Organizing a summer wedding must begin 7-10 months in advance, because, a little late, all the best places and dresses will be taken away. The portal team has put together some interesting ideas for you:

Read about the meaning of weddings by month: there is probably one in which you want to get married.

Honeymoon in June

During the holiday season, you should worry about organizing a honeymoon in advance. But there will be no problems with choosing a place...

Short-term active holiday

It happens that the honeymoon is not a month at all, but at most a week. But you have a great desire to spend it actively and for the benefit of your soul. Then feel free to go to St. Petersburg. This city is filled with romance, interesting historical places and architectural masterpieces. And the beginning of summer is the season of blooming gardens, fountains, white nights and drawbridges.

It just so happened that before embarking on an important task, people are accustomed to consulting with someone knowledgeable - a shaman, witch, priest or astrologer. And even today, in the age of technological progress, when man has long conquered space, and every home has “smart” gadgets, before planning significant events, we, no, no, look into the horoscope to make sure whether we are on the right path and Is that the direction we are going to move?

And it is hardly possible to find a person more superstitious than a girl about to get married. Even the most purposeful and self-confident young lady, who is usually very skeptical about horoscopes, carefully chooses not only a wedding dress, a bouquet, a restaurant for the celebration, but also the date of her own wedding.

It is not for nothing that they say that on the wedding day the foundation of family relationships is laid, which can become either reliable when partners love and support each other in every possible way, or unhappy when the relationship is accompanied by constant quarrels. Astrologers advise choosing a wedding date taking into account several criteria.

2018 year. When is the best time to get married?

There are newlyweds who trust astrology more, and there are also those who try to be guided by the laws of Feng Shui, or numerology, or the Orthodox calendar. Let's find out what 2018 will be like for weddings, what days are the best to enter into a family union.

So, the main criterion that should be taken into account in this plan is the number of days.
Since ancient times, it has been believed that it is not worth getting married during a leap year, since the risk of divorce is very high. Therefore, it should be noted right away that the coming year of the Yellow Dog is not a leap year, it will have 365 days. However, according to popular wisdom, the two years following the leap year are also not very good for tying the knot of Hymen. From this point of view, 2018 is not so good for weddings, since for some reason it is considered the year of the widower.

But this does not mean at all that marriages cannot be concluded within three years (in a leap year and two years after it). From the point of view of the Chinese calendar, 2018 promises to be very successful for starting a family, because the dog, which will become a symbol of the coming year, is an extremely loyal animal. In addition, the union is more influenced not by the year, but by the date of marriage. We'll talk about it today.

2018 according to the Chinese calendar

How, according to the Chinese, will the Year of the Yellow Dog affect family ties? Let's start with the fact that it will come into force not on January 1, but on February 16, when the New Year begins in China, and will “last” until February 4, 2019.

The dog has always been considered an animal that is extremely kind and loyal. These are the features that will be endowed with alliances concluded during the “reign” of this totem. They say that these marriages will become the most faithful and long-lasting, and all because the people who enter into them will be open to conversations, they are ready to compromise for the sake of maintaining peace and tranquility in the family. The relationship between the spouses will be warm and reverent, and comfort and coziness will reign in the house from the first day.

Many may think that families created in the year of the Dog lack passion, but in fact this is not at all the case. There will be passion, and with it there will be the ability to smooth out rough edges, the desire to get out of conflict situations by mutual agreement.

At the same time, with all this, the Yellow Dog is not short of tenderness, so everything will be fine with the emotional component in the newly created families.

What is important is that 2018 promises the “units of society” both material well-being, as well as a quick addition to the family: it is possible that already in 2019, children’s laughter will ring like a bell in the home of those getting married. The main thing is to please the dog and organize the wedding ceremony the way the totem animal wants. But he wants it sincerely and without excessive chic, not in a noisy company, but only in the circle of his closest and dearest people.

The most favorable days for a wedding in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

Astrologers are confident that the right wedding day is the key to strong family relationships and comfort for the spouses. Therefore, when choosing a date for going to the registry office, consider the following:

  • painting on the waxing Moon guarantees the well-being of the marriage;
  • try to avoid days when Venus (the patron of love) is on the decline;
  • do not postpone the wedding on the day of the new moon, on the days of a solar or lunar eclipse;
  • do not sign the sign of Aries, Virgo or Scorpio - these zodiac signs do not contribute to harmonious relationships;
  • The most favorable months for marriage are considered to be the 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th and 11th after the birth of one of the spouses.

If you pick up the calendar and write it down in more detail, then the most favorable days for getting married in 2018 are the following:

January - the 1st, as well as the entire third ten days of the month, especially the 21st and 26th, that is, the period of the waxing Moon. There is no point in scheduling a wedding in the first two decades of January.

February – 25.02, as well as 17, 18, 21 or 26th. These are the most successful days of the month for marriage.

March – 23rd or 19th and 25th.

April – the most favorable days are the 20th, 27th, 29th.

May – 20th, 25th and 27th.

June - 15th and 25th - they contribute to a long and strong marriage. If postponing the wedding to these days is not possible, think about 17, 22, 26 or 27.

July – 15th, 20th, 23rd.

August – 17, 24, 26th.

September – 16, 21, 23rd.

October – 14th, 19th, 21st.

November – 9, 14, 18th.

December – 14th, 21st or 17th, 19th and 20th.

Best day for a wedding according to feng shui

Choosing the optimal day for a wedding according to Feng Shui is more difficult than according to the lunar calendar; for this you should contact a specialist. He will be able to calculate not only the day, but also the time conducive to the conclusion of a strong family union. It is best to get married on the day of Balance, Stability, Establishment, Luck, Discovery. But you should avoid Shi days, which are characterized by wastefulness and quarrelsomeness. All these days can only be determined through personal calculations for each partner.

Church wedding in 2018.

Although we live in a world of digital technology, the vast majority of couples seek to seal their marriage bonds with a church wedding. Orthodox Christians who go to church regularly know the days on which the wedding procedure is allowed. For everyone else, we will provide special recommendations.

Wedding dates are limited by fasting, special days of the week and major church holidays. Days on which you will not get married:

Wednesday and Friday, considered “fast”, as well as Saturdays, which are called preceding “Little Easter,” that is, Sunday.

The Resurrection of Christ, which falls on 8.04 in 2018.

12 biggest Christian holidays that can be found in the church calendar.

during the days of Lent (from February 19 to April 7, from June 4 to July 11, from August 14 to August 27, from November 28 to January 6, 2019).

in any of the five weeks - from January 7 to January 18, from January 29 to February 3, from February 12 to February 17, from April 9 to April 14, from May 28 to June 2.

On other days, weddings are allowed, the main thing is to agree on the date with the priest. The most favorable days for weddings are considered to be the so-called. “Red Hill” (April 15, 2018) and the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. falling on October 14th.

If it is not possible to organize a wedding on the above dates, do not be upset - just go to the temple and choose another, most suitable day for yourself.

Folk signs about the wedding day

The ancient Slavs believed that there were days that contributed to the conclusion of strong marriages. It was believed that a February wedding would guarantee a family life without quarrels, while a June wedding would mean a honeyed life. August gives partners love and mutual understanding, and September brings silence and comfort. A couple who gets married in November will be rich, and December promises that the love between partners will only flare up over time.

In ancient times, it was believed that May was an unfavorable month for starting a family (“they will suffer all their lives”), but today this belief can be neglected. As for dates, odd dates, for example, 3, 9, 17, etc., were considered the most favorable for engagements and matchmaking.