
Artistic brushes. Making brushes for painting. How to make brushes for an artist. How to make tassels from threads How to make a tassel from threads for a hat

06.12.2016 09:42

In this article we will tell you how to make tassels for jewelry with your own hands. With the help of such tassels you can make any jewelry, be it a necklace, or the now popular and fashionable tassel earrings.

We will need
- Tassel Maker Tool
- Doli viscose threads or Sumiko silk threads
- Adhesive for jewelry G-S Hypo Cement
- Scissors

Depending on the design of the brush, you may need:
- Detachable rings or pins for jewelry
- Round nose pliers
- Needles with a large eye

First, choose the threads, your favorite color, and decide on the size of the brush.

To make tassels, we will take a special Tassel Maker tool; this machine will allow you to make a tassel of any size in literally 2-3 minutes, while maintaining the same thread tension and uniform winding.
You can also use any rigid frame of the desired size.

1 Winding threads.
Let's assemble the tool as shown in the instructions included. We will attach the attachments in such a way as to obtain the desired size of the brush (we also take into account that in the future, during the alignment process, we will trim the ends of the threads a little).
Secure the end of the thread between the screws of the pins.

Rotate the handle of the tool. As a result, in literally 2-3 minutes we will wind the required number of threads.

If we want to make tassels for earrings, then we will need to make two identical tassels. In order not to be mistaken in the thickness, that is, in the “pomp” of the brushes, when winding the threads for each brush, we will simply count the number of rotations of the handle. For a lush brush, 700-800 turns or more will be enough, for a thinner one - 400-600 turns. Also, the number of turns will depend on the length of the brush and your preferences.

To quickly wind thread, it is more convenient for me to hold the spool in my palm and pass the thread through my fingers. In this case, there will be even tension on the thread, and the spool will be held comfortably in the palm of your hand.

2 Fasten the threads.
As for the next stage - securing the thread. You can use the thread from which you make the tassel, although keep in mind that threads made from viscose or natural silk are not as strong as cotton or synthetic threads, so you don’t need to tighten them very much. Or you can take any synthetic threads to match the main ones.

In the lesson I will tie all the knots with the threads from which I make a tassel.

After the threads are wound, we secure the thread: cut off the end of the thread from the spool, thread the thread inside the winding next to the rod, and pull it out on the other side. For convenience, you can grab the tip of the thread with thin-nose pliers.

Let's make two turns around the thread, as in the photo. Carefully tighten the knot, not too much effort so that the thread does not break.

In the same way, we will tie another knot: again we will thread the thread between the pins, make two turns with the end of the thread, and tie a knot.

After this, we will make two turns around the knots and again make two knots, as we did before. Add a drop of G-S Hypo Cement glue to secure the thread. Let's cut off the ends of the thread.

3 Attach a ring or pin for jewelry.
If in the future the tassel will be attached to the decoration using a ring, or a cap will be put on the tassel, then it is more convenient for me at this stage to attach the ring or attach a pin to the tassel, because right now this can be done quite easily and without damaging the threads. And now we can thread a ring that is ideally suited in size to the thickness of the wound threads.
Take the ring, use thin-nose pliers to open it and carefully thread the ring through, placing it on the knots in the center of the tassel. Let's close the ring.

If in the future we decorate the brush with an end cap with hole or a cap for beads, then at this stage we must attach a pin for jewelry.
Let's take a long pin, cut off the factory ring or stud from the pin and, using pliers, make a ring of the diameter we need on the pin. Let's open the ring and thread it through the threads.

Let's close the sides of the ring on the pin.

4 We tie the threads on the tassel.
Further, the principle of creating brushes will be the same for both the pin and the ring.
Unscrew the pins on the tool and remove the threads. Using sharp scissors, cut the threads in the middle.

Now we need to make a “cap” for the brush. We intercept all the threads in such a way that the sealed knot, which we tied at stage 3 in the center of the threads, ends up inside the tassel. We distribute the threads, and to prevent the threads from puffing up, for convenience you can pull the ring up.

Let's start decorating the upper part of the tassel.

Two options for brush design.

a) The brush will not be covered with a cap or end cap.
Cut a piece of thread from the spool and begin making turns with one end of the thread. We make sure that the turns lie evenly, one to the other, while winding the thread tightly enough around the tassel.

To ensure that the winding of the threads is equally even on all sides and without knots, we secure the threads using needles with a large eye. We will fasten the threads to the side of the tassel.
Thread one end of the thread into the needle and pull the thread under the turns of the tassel. In the same way we secure the other end of the thread.

Tighten the ends of the thread so that the turns are secured more tightly. Next, use a needle to bring the thread to the other side of the tassel. After this, we will again stretch the thread under the turns of the brush.

And let's repeat this process again: stretch the thread to the other side and pass it under the turns. Leave the end of the thread for the entire length of the tassel.
In the same way we secure the second winding thread. As a result, the coils are perfectly even on all sides, without knots.

b) The top of the brush will be decorated with a cap or end cap.
In this case, we try to wrap the thread as close as possible to the ring of the pin, so that in the future this thread does not peek out from under the end cap or cap. At the end of wrapping, tie the threads with two simple knots. Apply a drop of G-S Hypo Cement glue to the knot and cut off the excess ends of the threads.

5 Align the edges of the threads and the length of the tassel.
Let's straighten the threads. The easiest way, which has already been written about a lot on the Internet, is to hold the brush over boiling water, for example, over a boiling kettle. To avoid getting burned by the steam, hold the brush by the ring with thin-nose pliers.
As you can see, the threads have straightened.

All we have to do is trim all the ends of the threads evenly. To do this, wrap the brush in paper, rolling it into a tight roll. If necessary, tighten the tassel by the ring. At this stage, we also align the brush to the desired length or simply align it along the shortest ends.

Pressing the paper edge tightly with your fingers, use sharp scissors to cut off the excess ends of the threads. You can also use a sharp blade, just remember to follow safety precautions.

Our brush is ready. Now we can attach various accessories, beads, and make a pendant or earrings from a tassel. It all depends on your imagination.

If you make tassels, write in the comments which method of making tassels you like best. Share your experience in creating brushes, we will be glad to hear your advice and your opinion!
Have magical creativity!

Make your own brushes. You will need:

Thread tassels are a beautiful decoration that is used in various types of decoration. These include knitted hats and scarves, trim or ropes for curtains, piping for blankets or bedspreads. Tassels are used to decorate the clasps of bags and purses, and to make earrings and beads. The material used for production is also different. These include thin sewing threads, thick woolen threads for knitting, leather strips and thin twisted ropes. In this article we will look at how to make a tassel from threads.

Material for production

In order to make this decoration, you need to have:

  • a spool or skein of thread from which the tassel will be wound;
  • template for winding (made of thick cardboard or you can use a plastic card);
  • scissors;
  • cotton threads of the same color for tying the bundle;
  • awl;
  • needle;
  • a pan of boiling water or an electric kettle.

Step-by-step instruction

Step #1. You need to take a template, cutting it to a length slightly longer than needed for the brush. It should be very dense and not bend, especially if the thread tassels will not be made in a single copy. For them to be the same, the template should not be deformed.

Step #2. Next comes the process of winding the threads. Here you need to take into account the thickness and splendor of the future product. If you need a thin and flat tassel, for example, on a bag, then you need to wind several layers of threads. The more magnificent the brush, the more layers are wrapped around the template. Moreover, they need to be pulled tightly so that the rings do not hang down, but wrap tightly around the cardboard.

Step #3. The most important step is linking the layers. When the desired thickness is achieved, the edge is trimmed with scissors. Take either the same thread separately or a thick cotton thread selected by color (for strength and greater reliability) and first tighten a knot that holds all the layers together (in any place, even in the middle of the cardboard).

Step #4. Then all layers are removed from the template. The diagram shows how to make a tassel from threads using a needle. For sewing, the main thread from which the decoration was made is taken. This creates a dense head through which the ends pass.

Step #5. The formed tassel still looks very untidy, all the threads are crumpled and round. The next stage of work is to align them. This can be done in several ways. You can use an iron or hair straightener. This article describes the steam leveling method.

Step #6. To do this, you need to boil a pan or kettle to create steam. Place the brush on an awl or a long knitting needle (so as not to get burned by the hot air) and hold it over the pan for 5 minutes.

Finishing touch

Now you know how to make a thread tassel. But it is also important and difficult to trim the edges evenly so that all the threads are the same length. There is one method that makes this process much easier and more efficient.

After aligning the threads, you need to take a thick sheet of paper and roll a brush into it. All that remains is to use sharp scissors to cut the threads along with the paper.

The result is a smooth, beautiful tassel, which all that remains is to sew onto the finished product.

The use of such decorations

Nowadays, decorative elements such as tassels are very widely used in various products. Fashion designers have long been decorating the interiors of rooms with curtains with the addition of such elements at the bottom or sides of the curtains. Beautiful ropes with huge bright satin threads adorn the curtain holders.

Often tassels are used by craftswomen when knitting things: hats, berets, shawls, blankets, sweaters, etc.

The latest fashion trend is the making of earrings and other jewelry from tassels made of bright thin ropes or leather. You can perfectly do this work yourself at home. To do this, you need to buy shiny thin twisted threads.

Before you make a tassel from threads for earrings, you need to make two identical elements and put them on metal rings that are attached to purchased ear loops. They can be bought at any store that sells this kind of product. Having learned how to make such things, you can make a number of decorations to match any color of the dress. You can make combined multi-colored tassels by adding threads from different skeins.

Tassels are used to decorate a variety of finished products - they can be attached either to a cord or simply to a finished product.

We will look at how exactly you can make a tassel with a cord in this master class.

Before you start, you first need to choose the floss that is the right color (or the type of thread that suits you).

Making a lace. To do this, cut the floss to the thickness you need, I took 3 threads, and about three times longer than the future lace. We fix one end motionless - I pressed it with a stationery clip to the pencil holder, and from the other end we twist the thread. The more turns you make, the tighter the lace you will end up with. Carefully remove the second end and connect it to the one that was in your hands, thereby folding the thread in half. To better form the thread, you can hang a weighting agent in the center of it. Let go of the center, holding both ends of the thread. The thread will twist. We straighten the creases, tie knots at the ends so that the lace does not unravel.

You can use several methods to create a brush:

first way:

On a cardboard strip, the width of which is equal to the desired length of the tassel, wind the thread to the desired thickness of the tassel; the more threads, the more magnificent the tassel. Then cut the thread, thread the end into a needle and, threading it several times under the wound threads, tighten the upper part of the tassel (Fig. a).

Take out the cardboard and form the head of the brush. To do this, wrap the tassel with thread several times and tie it (Fig. b).

Cut the threads of the lower part of the tassel and trim with scissors (Fig. c). To attach the twisted cord itself, you can either thread it into a needle (tsiganskaya) as indicated in Fig. ah, and then immediately form a brush on it. Or secure it in this way, hiding all the extra threads in a tassel:

second way

You can make a tassel by immediately attaching it to the cord you need, but you just need to carefully tie the head of the tassel at the end and hide the thread inside.

Or you can use this unusual method.

Let’s try to figure it out together with you how to make a paint brush in five minutes.

Everything is in stores now! Buying any brush quite cheaply is not a problem, but imagine this situation. You need to paint something. Literally two brush strokes. After such short-term use, you will have to throw away the brush. It’s a shame, but there’s nothing you can do, it’s not easy to wash it by hand.

And in this situation, this article will come to your rescue.

How to make a brush for painting with your own hands, very simply and cheaply, which does not need to be thrown away and does not need to be washed, with detailed photographs will be described in it.

What can you make a brush from?

This does not require a lot of time and materials. An old dried brush or any other pen that is comfortable to hold in your hand while painting and a few more details will be enough.

We disassemble the old brush so that the handle remains intact, and throw away the rest.

Next, select an ordinary office clip of the width you need for the brush, and adjust the width of the handle to the width of the clip. It’s better not to cut the handle with a knife, but to saw it off, it will be neater, and there’s no risk that the wood will break off in the wrong place.

To secure the clamp to the handle, you need to select two small and not thick screws. Depending on the diameter of the screws, you need to take two drills. The larger one is for drilling the clamp, and the smaller one is for drilling a hole for the screw in the handle (so that it does not split when tightening the screws).

We drill holes.

Screw the clamp to the handle.

Cut the foam to the required size and insert it into the clamp.

The brush is ready.

The brush for painting is made by yourself, you can use it indefinitely and not worry that the paint will dry out and you will have to throw away the brush. After painting, you simply throw away the used foam rubber, and just wipe the handle lightly to remove traces of paint. You don’t even have to throw away the foam rubber, but leave the brush as it is.

In order for the brush to be ready for further use, simply replace the dried foam rubber with a piece of new one and the brush is ready for use again. You can take any foam rubber, such as you have.

If foam rubber is not found, then you can use a piece of old fabric folded in several layers, a piece of felt or something similar.

As you can see, there are no hopeless situations.

How to make a tassel from threads

For hats or bacti, sometimes you want to make tassels. Well, for example, like this:

Let's study!
Making a brush with your own hands is not difficult. All you need for this is nothing: thread, scissors and a piece of cardboard!

Threads and scissors are understandable, but cardboard is needed for a template; you need to wrap it around something. The width of the cardboard should be several centimeters greater than the desired length of the brush. So, in advance we will cut a piece of thread on which our tassel will actually hang. The length of the piece is approximately, well, 30 centimeters. Don’t be sorry, the thread should be longer than the tassel, then you will understand why. Place the cardboard on top and wrap a thread around the top, something like this:

When you decide that you have wound enough threads, cut them and tie the pre-cut piece into one knot. Remove all the threads from the cardboard and then tie the knot tightly and firmly:

Cut it like this:

Now you need to decide what kind of brush you will make, simpler or more complex. It is better to make it simpler with thick threads. Why am I talking about this now? Because there will be a small difference: where to put the fastening thread, up or inside.

So, more simple option.

Cut another piece of thread and tie the tassel with a tight knot, like this, the thread that holds the tassel goes up:

Then wind several rows, tightening them tightly, and tie them carefully again:

If you have thick threads, then you can stop there, just trim the ends evenly and get a simple, but no less beautiful one (I didn’t trim it in the photo):

Now more difficult(don't be afraid, not by much!). Let's go back a little to the moment when we first cut:

Tie tightly, BUT ATTENTION, the thread on which