
Happy anniversary greetings to your grandmother in beautiful prose. Happy birthday greetings in prose to grandmother. Happy birthday greetings to grandma to the point of tears

Even time is powerless when a person is young at heart. My dear grandmother, you, like decades ago, look stunning. The eyes are shining, even though they have seen a lot of grief, the hands are tender, even though they have redone all the work, the smile is shining, even though more than once I had to hide bitterness and melancholy behind it. I wish you good health and always remain so wise, strong and generous. Happy Anniversary, dear!

Dear grandma! Even if your locks of hair are silvered with gray hair, the beauty and purity of your eyes and the kindness of your heart will not be overshadowed by the years. On your joyful anniversary, I wish you only health, and we undertake to give you joy, happiness and fun in full! Congratulations!

Good wishes in your own words for grandma's anniversary

Happy Birthday, dear grandmother! Let's today, on this beautiful day, let's not be sad about what is left in the past, let's look into the future together! I know for sure that many long and happiest years await you ahead in the company of dear people! My dear, keep spring in your heart, and in your clear eyes - a cheerful, mischievous sparkle!

Today is a difficult holiday - today is the anniversary of the best grandmother in the world. Granny, be as sweet, sincere and wise. It is these qualities that help us, your children and grandchildren, go through life. We wish you endurance, health and patience, smile more often, and if you cry, then only from happiness.

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Congratulations from grandchildren in prose

Grandma, congratulations and love you very much! You are the most wonderful and young grandmother in the world! Don't change, smile more often and feel happy. May you have no reason to complain about your health and your restless grandchildren! Let life surprise you, but only from the good side.

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The second mother, the closest person is our grandmother. We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you the most important thing - live happily longer. Let vanity and grief forever forget the way to your home, and let your grandchildren, children and friends gather there more often. Sincerely, your beloved grandchildren.

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Happy anniversary, dear grandmother! Love from family, great health, success in culinary experiments. You cook so beautifully. The embodiment of all, all innermost desires. Let the new day bring only good mood, and let all the bad things be forgotten forever.

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Grandma, look out the window - today the sun is smiling for you and the flowers are blooming in your honor. Always be so bright, cool, cheerful and charismatic, young at heart. We all love you incredibly much. Happy holiday - happy anniversary, dear!

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Touching congratulations to your grandmother on her anniversary

Our granny, dear and dear. With all our hearts we wish you to live 100 more times, the same amount of time you have already lived on this earth. We really want your hands to get tired only from large bouquets of flowers, and your eyes to cry only from happiness and joy for your friends, grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. Happy anniversary to you!

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Grandma, happy holiday to you. May there be a great many more anniversaries in your life, and may you meet each one with joy and good health. I wish you never to be disappointed in anyone close to you and always remain happy. Congratulations!

My beloved granny, my good friend, happy birthday to you! And on this festive and cheerful day I want to remind you how much I love you, how much I appreciate you. You are the only one so beloved and dear to me, I only admire you and bow before you. It’s like you’re warm sunshine or gentle summer, and that’s why children love you so much. I love you too, because the most fabulous grandmother in the whole world is mine!

Grandma, happy birthday! You are so good, kind and wise that all my friends envy me. In everything I can do, there is a piece of your life experience, and I am so pleased with it! Today I want to wish you - be the happiest person in the world, may you always have enough strength for everything, and may every day bring you only joy!

Dear Granny! I love you very much and want to wish you a happy birthday! I wish you many, many happy days, good health. I want you to feel not only loved and needed, you should know that you are the dearest person in my life, and the wisest and most beloved. Happy birthday, grandma!!!

As always, you are beautiful and charming, fresh, cheerful, active - that’s fair! You charge everyone with positivity, give love, care, pure laughter. You are the best grandmother in the world for all of us. You are not afraid of either rain or illness. You are always kind to all your neighbors. We appreciate you, and we must say that we will forever respect you. On your birthday we wish you many long years and a wonderful life without grief and troubles. Bloom like a scarlet rose and smell like wine, and we will return to your father's house again.

My dear granny! I am grateful to fate that I have you! Thank you for your care, attention, help, support, your smile, for being hardworking, kind and understanding. You will always understand and forgive me, you will help me in difficult times, you will give your last, if necessary. You are my golden grandmother! Therefore, my dear, I wish you the best health for many years to come, live another hundred years and never get sick, please!

My dearest and most beloved grandmother! Of course, today I want to congratulate you on this holiday, your birthday! Now, I want with all my heart to wish you to be strong in this difficult life today. I wish you good health and support. May you always have loved ones and relatives nearby who will help and support you.

All grandmothers need helpers like you. You will always help raise your grandchildren, babysit them when they are sick, because your parents have no time. Grandmothers are a very necessary “profession”. I wish you, grandmother, good health, home comfort, warmth, many friends, more grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Be happy!

Happy holiday to my beloved grandmother today. Dear grandmother, my dear, I know that in our time a grandmother needs her many years of work to be appreciated to the maximum. Therefore, I wish you, grandma, that you have a large, well-deserved pension, so that paying for utilities does not upset you, but only pleases you with its meager tariff. So that trips to the pharmacy and supermarket will be a holiday for you. So that nothing in life upsets you.

Beloved grandmother! I solemnly congratulate you on your name day! And now, I want to wish you with all my heart not to know sadness and troubles. Be healthy and happy. What do you need to be happy? So that your children and grandchildren are happy. So that everyone lives in prosperity and peace.

I want to congratulate my grandmother today. Always be respected and loved. I wish you not to be forgotten by your grandchildren, friends, and relatives. To make you happy with your successes, so that you are proud of us. And, of course, good health and lots and lots of it.

Dianochka, congratulations on your name day! You are one of those people who do not like simple tasks and easy paths. I would like to wish you that the turns are never too sharp, and that the puzzles are never tricky! Let all the difficulties that arise on your way have only a positive outcome!

Dianochka! It is generally accepted that if the birthday person blows out all the candles on the birthday cake, then all the wishes will come true. I want to give you some advice: throw out all the candles and put one of the biggest ones in the cake! Make all your wishes come true and it will certainly come true! Happy birthday, dear Diana!

Dianochka, dear! On your birthday I want to have fun and dance! Today you crossed another milestone. You have not aged 1 year, you have become wiser and more experienced by 1 year! I am sure that for many years to come you will become wiser and more experienced, to the delight of your family, friends and everyone around you!

Today, a charming young girl, Dianochka, who has no equal under the bright sun, celebrates her next birthday. She is cheerful and sociable, at the same time determined and with a strong character. She knows how to stand up for her happiness and loves to dream. On behalf of all my friends, I want to wish her to remain as gentle and affectionate, radiant and charming, to remain herself for the joy of all of us! May all your most cherished dreams come true!

Our sweet and kind grandmother! We cordially congratulate you on your holiday - your birthday! We rejoice when you smile - we wish you to always be in high spirits! Take care of yourself - may your health always be excellent, so that you have enough strength for all your affairs and ideas. Well, we are your grandchildren, we will try to please you and support you in everything!

The best grandmother in the world, we wish you a happy birthday and thank you for our wonderful parents, for your kind smile and constant support, for your good advice and sincere prayers. May the warmth of your heart always warm our lives, and may your great-grandchildren taste your pies and jam along with their children.

Our precious granny! It is very difficult to describe our warm feelings and admiration for you. Happy birthday to you! Remain as cheerful, kind and sensitive, giving everyone your optimism and be with us as often as possible. May your health be strong like a diamond, and your smile shine like the sun!

Dear and beloved grandmother! Today is your birthday and this is a wonderful occasion to get together with the whole family. It's always easy and calm next to you. Because of your care, mental anxieties subside and you immediately feel small and carefree again. And I always run to you when my heart is sad. I want to wish you never to feel lonely. May your kind eyes never become clouded with grief and tears. And the love of loved ones warms you in moments of sadness and gives you new strength, reminding you that you are not alone!

Our beloved grandmother! Your whole friendly family is in a hurry to wish you a happy birthday! Grandma, we want to wish you not only health and prosperity, we want to wish you unlimited happiness. Your whole family is proud of such a wonderful grandmother who gave us her care. The whole family is proud of their grandmother, who has the kindest and biggest heart filled with love. The whole family takes an example from you, grandmother, because you have always been the most beautiful and charming. And the whole family sincerely thanks you for your upbringing and life wisdom! For us, you are like the brightest star that will always show you the way and give you hope along the way. You are the best grandmother in the world! We love you very much!

My most wonderful, kindest grandmother in the world! On your birthday, I want to say thank you - for the kindness of your gentle hands, for always instilling in me faith in my wildest dreams, for the fact that your dear eyes always looked at my pranks and whims with understanding. Thank you for everything, grandma. I love you so much!

Many of our grannies have a quirk that consists of congratulations in prose. Those. grandmothers like it when their children and grandchildren read something prosaic to them. Maybe congratulations on her birthday to her grandmother in prose bring back her old warm memories of Soviet party meetings? Who knows, but if so, then the order of the potential birthday girl must be fulfilled. For your birthday, you can even come up with a speech that replays the report on the upcoming five-year plan. For example, wishes “to improve my health in the next 5 years, to fulfill my old dream - to go to Paris (or at least to Bulgaria)”, etc. If you want, make your holiday gifts nostalgic. Older people love to remember - after all, after all, their past has already outweighed their future. Congratulating an elderly relative will be a relatively simple task if you use the services of this site.

My dear grandmother! Congratulations, my dear, on your birthday! On this sunny and joyful day for all of us, I would like to wish you good health, vitality, a positive attitude and good mood. Be always as cheerful, kind and cheerful. May your heart, my granny, beat often only from joyful moments and pleasant meetings, may tears well up in your beautiful eyes only from happiness, and may your soul sing from delight and the miracles happening around you. I wish you, my dear, to always be surrounded by your family and loved ones, so that your care and work are appreciated and rewarded. Be happy, my dear grandmother, you deserve it!

Dear grandma! Happy birthday to you, dear! May your kind heart never hurt, may your golden hands never get tired, may every day be joyful and sunny! Forgive us if we ever upset you. And thank you very much with the deepest bow for everything that we had, have and will have! We all love you very much!

My dear and sweet, the most beloved grandmother in the world, grandma! I cordially congratulate you on your birthday and wish you many, many more years to come! Live, dear, until you are a hundred years old in good health and good spirits! May you always have a sweet and pleasant smile on your face, and may your eyes quietly shine with happiness! Prosperity and vigor, faith and hope, beauty and inspiration! May God bless you every minute and give joy to your kind heart!

Dear and beloved grandmother, happy birthday to you! I wish you good health, peaceful skies, reverent and respectful attention from loved ones, warmth and care. Let prosperity and prosperity reign in your home. Be as wise and patient, courteous and resourceful as you are. Support and support, happy and loved, to all of us!

Granny, my dear, you don’t have to worry about the years and the passing time, because at heart you are still a beautiful, young and confident woman! May your health never fail you, may your body never know fatigue, may your mood always be wonderful, and may your soul sing with joy! I congratulate you and wish you more happy moments shared with your grandchildren, respect from others and many years to come!

Dear granny, I congratulate you on your birthday and from the bottom of my heart I wish you to remain a woman with a sensitive heart and a sympathetic soul, to be a good person and the most wonderful granny. Let new ideas, bright feelings and feelings of happiness appear in your life every day. My dear, I wish you good health, wonderful mood and frequent holidays with your loved ones and dear people.

Grandma, happy birthday to you. I wish you a continuous melody of happiness in your soul, the ringing singing of birds in the area, a cheerful mood in your heart, good health and proper attention from loved ones, generous gifts from life and wonderful ideas on how to make any day a holiday and fill it with bright emotions and smiles of dear people.

On our dear grandmother’s birthday, we, her granddaughters and grandsons, wanted to convey to her these congratulations in prose. In one book that you once gave us as a child (I think it was called “The Little Crane and the Lightning”), it said: “Old age does not happen if a person does not want it.” This is our main wish - keep youth at heart. Wrinkles and gray hair may be on the face, but they do not always penetrate into the soul and not necessarily. To do this, you need to remember your own youth more often. Like the turtle Tortilla performed by Rina Zelenaya.

In these prosaic birthday greetings, we would like to wish our grandmother the speedy fulfillment of her old dream - travel. To realize this desire, two things are paramount - health and finances. With your health, dear granny, fortunately, you are in perfect order (it seems that the last time the doctor said that you would live at least until 100 years old). And if anything happens, we will always help solve the financial issue - your children and grandchildren. Therefore, prepare your luggage. And don’t forget to take this gift for your trip - a brand new high-resolution camera.

Grandmother, with these congratulations in prose on your birthday, I would like to say “Thank you” for the care, affection and cultural education that you once gave to your granddaughter. I remember that it was you who instilled in me a love of reading and introduced me to many literary works. Yes, in fact, you gave me your substantial library, which, as you know, you have been collecting almost your entire life. I promise that I will save your book collection and continue to expand it. I would be a completely different person if it weren’t for you, dear grandmother. Happy holiday to you, and thank you again!

Granny, on your birthday, your granddaughter wishes you longevity and every satisfaction in your venerable age. In this greeting, I promise that I will always remember you and visit you. I would like you to see me graduate with honors and be happy for me. Let the ailments of old age pass you by. May every day bring joy and impressions. May you be able to look at the world in a new way, despite your declining years. Let old age not turn out to be such a heavy burden as many people believe it to be. Your beloved grandson congratulates you with this prose.

Grandma, on your birthday, don’t be sad about the cities you’ve lived through. This congratulation in prose may help you out in a moment of sad thoughts. We know that you have long wanted to garden. Therefore, as a gift, we present you with an excellent cozy plot of fertile land with a summer house. Let planting flowers, berries, fruits and vegetables bring you peace of mind and joy of life. The garden is one of the best places to spend time in old age. A place where you can work moderately, relax your soul and body, and philosophize.

Today is a very important holiday in our family - the birthday of my beloved grandmother. Granny, I want to congratulate you on your birthday with all my heart! I wish you good health, happiness, long life and fulfillment of all your desires. I know that one of your most cherished desires is for the whole family to get together as often as possible, because we usually see each other only on holidays. For my part, I promise that I will come to your home much more often and spend more time. We, your children and grandchildren, really want you to be happy and never be sad. Even if we are not physically next to each other, we are still together mentally and mentally. Happy Birthday, beloved grandmother! Be the happiest!

My most wonderful, kindest grandmother in the world! On your birthday, I want to say thank you - for the kindness of your gentle hands, for always instilling in me faith in my wildest dreams, for the fact that your dear eyes always looked at my pranks and whims with understanding. Thank you for everything, grandma. I love you so much!

My dear grandmother, I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you excellent health, longevity and eternal, undying youth. You can often hear that they love their grandchildren even more than their own children. This statement fits exactly our relationship. So allow me on this day to say thank you for all the care and tenderness that you have rewarded me from birth to now.

It's my beloved grandma's birthday today! By the way, this is her favorite holiday. I won’t tell you how old you are today, because you don’t like it. But I’ll just say that I’m surprised at how much energy you have. You are constantly on the move, and not just at home. You constantly attend some events, exhibitions, go to museums and theaters, that is, you never sit still and lead a very active life, but at the same time you never complain about fatigue, unlike us. We wish you to continue in the same spirit and always find the strength to go towards your goals. I love you very much and want you to be happy, healthy and loved! Happy holiday, beloved grandmother! Know that we are always there.

My beloved grandmother, I wish you a happy birthday! I am grateful to you for your love, care, affection and patience, because it has not always been so easy for me. You taught me a lot, shared the secrets of maintaining beauty and so on. You taught me how to properly take care of myself, take care of my hair and face. I remember how you taught me to knit. I didn’t succeed for a long time, but you patiently continued to teach. I congratulate you, my beloved granny, with all my heart on your birthday! I wish you to always remain the same kind, understanding, sympathetic and affectionate grandmother. May you always be surrounded by your closest and dearest people. I wish you never to be sad. Let the smile never leave your face.

My kindest and most understanding grandmother, I wish you a happy birthday! Today, people close and dear to you have gathered here to congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts and wish you all the best. We all get together so rarely, we see each other only on holidays, but the main thing is that we never lose touch. I want to wish you good health, which is definitely very necessary, happiness and long life. May all your grandchildren delight you with their successes and frequent meetings. We promise to gather at your home as often as possible and have fun. Thank you for the care and love that you always give to your children and grandchildren. Be the happiest, my caring and beloved grandmother. We love you very much!

My beloved grandmother, I am immensely proud of you! You have had a difficult life, you had to overcome many difficulties in order to finally find family happiness and peace. I consider you a real heroine who was able to cope with all the difficulties and troubles. You are a role model for us. We admire your resilience, perseverance and patience. We hope that in your future life only good moments, joyful meetings and festive events await you. We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! You deserve to be the happiest you can be, and we promise to provide it for you. I wish you good health and long life. We love you very much, our beautiful granny. Happy Holidays!

Today is the birthday of the best grandmother in the whole world! Yes, yes, that's exactly it. You devoted your entire life, first to your husband, then to raising your children, and then to us, your grandchildren. You never leave time for yourself because you think that your time has passed, but this is a deep misconception. You are so young and energetic. I wish you to increase this energy and spend it on yourself: go to exhibitions, museums, theaters. You always dream of going out somewhere, but at the last moment you decide to stay at home. We really want you not to get bored, but to develop and learn something new, for example, a computer. Happy Birthday, my beloved grandmother! Be happy, healthy and loved! And we will always be there and support!

Today is the birthday of a person who understands modern technologies no worse than young people. Our grandmother is very computer savvy and knows how to use the Internet, tablet and smartphone. Grandma, I wish you a happy birthday! I love you immensely and consider you a very close person who devoted all his time to me when I was little. You taught me a lot of things, for which I am very grateful. I wish you good spirits, inexhaustible energy, good health, long life and boundless happiness. We all promise to make more efforts to make our family gatherings much more frequent. We know that you miss us very much, just as we miss you. But we promise to resolve this issue. Happy holiday, dear!

Grandma, you are our guardian angel! Since childhood, you have protected us, warmed us with your warmth, and given us peace and comfort. On this holiday, we cordially congratulate you and wish you health, longevity, so that you will always be with us. Happy birthday!

On this special day, I congratulate you on your birthday, grandmother, and wish you from the bottom of my heart in your old age... no! - in your best future years, be very happy! Let your eyes see sharply, your back not hurt, and your good mood shine like the sun! And so that your happiness is complete, I solemnly promise that I will always take care of you, love you and not forget a single moment that passed next to you in peace and comfort!

You illuminated the whole world with the light of your smile, and with the warmth of your eyes you melted the coldest hearts. Your help, care and attention have always been and remain irreplaceable. On this anniversary, we wish you long life, health and many grandchildren, you have something to pass on to them!

My dear wonderful person, on this happy day for you, I want to wish you that spring may bloom in your soul. May sunrises bring joy, and may cheerful nightingales sing a love song in the gardens just for you. You are my God!

Today, on the wonderful holiday of my grandmother’s birthday, I look at her and am sincerely glad that both our family and her old friends were able to gather for her celebration! My grandmother is a very good person who managed to carry so much warmth and selfless love through long and sometimes difficult years! On her birthday, I wish her to continue to remain unchanged for many years to come and, while selecting the best moments for the golden casket of memories, to always remember that her family is with her - and we loved and will always love her!

Our entire large family congratulates your grandmother with all our warm hearts on your birthday, wishing you happiness, joy and tenderness, never getting sick, moving a lot in dance, funny songs that you know a great many to sing. Be happy grandma.

How many warm and gentle words I always hear from you. But now it’s my turn, grandma, to say my most sincere things to you. I wish you to live with a smile on your face, not to get upset over trifles, and to take care of your health. I will always be there if you need anything.

My dear grandmother, I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday - your birthday! Let there be only good people and reliable friends in your life. Let only joy cross the threshold of your home, and let worries always remain outside the door! I wish you a calm heart, a strong family and great happiness!

Grandma, I really want you to be healthy and to enjoy life more, may the love of those who are dear to you make you happy. I love you very much and wish you a happy birthday!

Our dear grandmother, our only one. On behalf of the whole family, we would like to wish you a Happy Birthday. We wish you to live a long, full, happy life and walk through life just as confidently and never get sick. Don't lose your shape and beauty and always be on top.

Grandmother! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you from the bottom of my heart happiness, love, health, joy! More money, good luck! And no matter what, don’t cry! I love you very much and will always remember your interesting bedtime stories!

Our dear person, our dear grandmother! We sincerely congratulate you on your holiday. We wish you long and bright years, always be full of optimism and kindness, and never get sick for a day. And to please not only grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren!

Childhood is that magical time in which the world is created not only of a child, but also of a future adult... I, without a doubt, owe a lot of my victories, successes and everything good in my life to my grandmother! Happy Birthday, my dear! Please accept congratulations and best wishes from your loving grandson, and know, always know, that even when I become a grandfather myself, I will still love you just as much!

My grandmother is without a doubt the best! No one makes sweeter jam than her, no one tells more interesting fairy tales, and there is nothing to say about her care and attention to her grandchildren, even if they have grown up long ago! Today is her birthday, a long-awaited and very desired holiday! Dear grandma! We want to wish you so many things! May your life have everything you want, and may every day fulfill your cherished desire!

Grandma, accept our best congratulations! We wish you health like a bull, so that you can still conquer Everest. Always be a young twenty-year-old girl at heart. A pension worthy of you, so that such a wonderful time will not be a burden. And we promise to be there for you so that you feel our support. Happy Birthday, darling!

A wonderful holiday - the birthday of my beloved grandmother. For the work, care and patience that she had to experience in life, God send her long and happy days, may all troubles fly by, may peace reign in her soul, you will remain for us, forever loved.

On my grandmother's birthday I will give her a huge bouquet of flowers. Only my grandmother deserves such deep respect, only she is worth the most beautiful words in the world. My beloved grandmother, I congratulate you and wish you to live for many more years. Let people respect, and children understand, the years only get younger, and life blooms with flowers. I wish your every day to be rich in joy and laughter, flowers and summer, love and affection and a real fairy tale.

Dear, our most beloved grandmother, on such a solemn day I would like to wish you happiness, prosperity, tranquility and good spirits. Let your neighbors envy you as they watch you and your grandchildren play football on the playground. Flowers, health, honor and respect to you.

So the morning has come, the birds are singing especially today, and the sun is shining brighter than usual, what kind of day has this come? It's the birthday of the most wonderful, loving and understanding grandmother in the world! Always be as kind and sweet, don’t be discouraged, don’t let illness into your home, wait for your great-great-grandchildren and smile as often as possible!

My dearest and beloved grandmother! I congratulate you on this holiday, and with all my heart I wish you many more happy years, live without grief and troubles. I wish you a sincere and warm spring, so that all your expectations come true, I ask you, never be sad, and I will try to fulfill all your wishes. May your life be long, the weather cloudless, the sun gentle, the wind gentle, the rain warm, happiness boundless, and may you, as before, be sweet, kind and the most gentle!

My dear grandmother. We wish you good health. May peace always reign in your soul, may you always be loved, may you remain young. May your house be full of guests on this day, your birthday, with smiles and congratulations.

Today is the birthday of my beloved grandmother. She has become quite old, her head is adorned with noble gray hair, but her love and care for her grandchildren will not dry up and will never go out! Dear grandma! On this bright holiday, I wish you to live another hundred years and always remain cheerful and cheerful, enjoy every minute of a prosperous, quiet old age, surrounded by people who love you!

My dear grandmother! Today is your birthday, which means that I simply have to hug you, kiss you and listen to all your instructions and fulfill your wishes. Of course, you are always sure that we, your grandchildren, are always hungry and will soon be completely exhausted. We will not disappoint you and will sweep away your entire holiday table! Thank you, grandma, for your warmth and affection, which you will never waste over the years, for our wonderful parents and for us, who love you so devotedly.

Happy birthday, Grandma! As long as I can remember, so have you. And you have always been the most affectionate, kind, attentive and caring for me! Your pies are the most rosy and sweet, and your fairy tales are the most interesting! I wish you many years to come, and that every day will be special for you, full of good events! May all your dreams finally come true in your old age, but may you always be young at heart!

Grandma, there is nothing more tender than your hands. Warmer than your hugs. Kinder than your fairy tales. I always rush to your house, it smells so delicious of pies. So today I’m running to you with a bouquet to wish you a happy birthday. My dear grandmother, I wish you health with all my heart. And I will try to obey you and not be naughty.

Our beloved grandmother. How many pleasant moments are associated in my memory with you. First fairy tales, first impressions, your first stories about how things once were, your unforgettable lullabies. I will never forget your faint smile on your wrinkled face and the warmth of your hugs. Happy birsday, my dear. Congratulations!

Our dear grandmother, happy birthday! We love you very much. You are special to us - the smartest, most beautiful, young, cheerful, kind and there are many other positive qualities, but a day is not enough to list. We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you longevity from God, respect from people and love from family. Grandmother is always an example for us. We hug and kiss you tightly.

Grandma cooks better than anyone. Grandma knows how to make an amazing surprise that will be remembered forever. Grandma will teach you everything that is useful in life, and will reveal many little secrets that a real woman must know. Grandmother is the wisest, most understanding, resourceful person in the world. Grandma, happy birthday! I wish you happiness, joy and all the best!

Grandmother, on this wonderful day - your birthday - I want to wish you to live long and happily and not need anything, may you have enough strength for everything you have planned, may your family and friends visit you more often. Always remain wise and cheerful.

Dear, beloved granny, happy anniversary to you! Your temples have already turned gray, wrinkles are visible in the corners of your eyes, but still you are beautiful and graceful, kind and gentle, wise and caring. May your precious health be as strong as a diamond, may your days be radiant and carefree. We promise to take care of you and cherish you, to provide you with a quiet and happy old age. We love you, dear!

Happy birthday greetings to grandmother in prose

My beloved grandmother, you are our best cook in the world, although you have never studied this art, we are all crazy about your borscht and pies, casseroles and pies, and from countless different delicacies! And you are also a gardener and gardener, your red-sided apples, fragrant pears and huge potatoes amaze the imagination! Be as kind as you are and let every stick you plant bloom and make everyone happy!

Congratulate your grandmother on her anniversary in prose

Years go by and days fly by, bringing with them old age, but I know that, despite this, my grandmother remained young. You are energetic, active, wise, I wish you well with all my heart! My beloved granny, my support and support, I love only you so much and I promise to remember your words forever. On your birthday, I will give you my care and love, attention and joy, so that you remain happy for a long time.

Happy anniversary greetings to grandmother in prose from grandchildren

Grandmother is our little darling, our autumn rose, our spring song, our sunshine, you surround us with your care as if by the way, without demanding anything in return, you infect us with your sincere optimism, your craving for everything beautiful! You are not afraid of old age and run away from problems! Our quiet, clean stream, we wish you to live a calm and measured life until you are 150 years old!

Happy anniversary greetings to grandmother in prose from grandson

Our warm, cozy, caring grandmother! You smell like pies and a lullaby, a warm scarf and bedtime stories. We would like to wish you to leave your worries behind, and to have good luck, health and love go with you through life!

Happy anniversary greetings to grandmother in prose from granddaughter

Dear grandma, your granddaughter wishes you a happy birthday. I wish you, my dear, to live long and prosperously, without knowing illnesses and troubles, to meet each new dawn with hope for the best. Be kind, sweet, loved and the happiest.

Beautiful words happy anniversary to grandma

On my grandmother’s anniversary I will give her a huge bouquet of flowers. Only my grandmother deserves such deep respect, only she is worth the most beautiful words in the world. My beloved grandmother, I congratulate you and wish you to live for many more years. Let people respect, and children understand, the years only get younger, and life blooms with flowers. I wish your every day to be rich in joy and laughter, flowers and summer, love and affection and a real fairy tale.

Beautiful congratulations on your grandmother’s anniversary in prose

Today is the birthday of my beloved grandmother. She has become quite old, her head is adorned with noble gray hair, but her love and care for her grandchildren will not dry up and will never go out! Dear grandma! On this bright holiday, I wish you to live another hundred years and always remain cheerful and cheerful, enjoy every minute of a prosperous, quiet old age, surrounded by people who love you!

Original congratulations on your grandmother’s anniversary in prose

Grandma, congratulations on your milestone anniversary! Your hands are the most affectionate, your eyes are the most radiant, your heart is kind, and your cooking is delicious! Be healthy and the happiest, don’t give in to sadness and sadness! I wish to wait for great-grandchildren.

Touching congratulations on your grandmother’s anniversary in prose

I wish my beloved grandmother that joy will come into your home and bring you a sea of ​​clear laughter, many funny songs, an ocean of fairy tales and legends for your grandchildren and eternal family values! I also wish you that everyone around you loves and respects you, always gives a helping hand and supports you in trouble and joy! I wish grandma good thoughts in her head and good health!