
Peeling roller for face and body: procedure algorithm. Peeling roller for face at home Mask roller for face at home

Hi all!

Do you do facial scrubs and peels? Do you buy ready-made or do you buy it yourself? I usually try to buy a ready-made Korean-made peeling roll. But it turns out that in Soviet times there were products for deep cleansing the skin cooked on our own at home. I was interested in this topic and decided to study it in more detail.

A DIY peeling roll is a product that you can prepare at home without spending extra money. But is it effective and safe? Let's find out!

Peeling roll is a cosmetic product that is designed to deeply cleanse and rejuvenate the skin, due to exfoliation accumulated old cells. This type of peeling is called a rolling peel because the mixture itself cleanses the face by rolling. That is, the peeling itself turns into small lumps, removing dead cells from the skin.

Advantages homemade peeling roll as follows:

  • cheap components;
  • quite easy to prepare;
  • suitable for all ages;
  • carried out quickly.

The main component of a homemade peeling gel is calcium chloride, which is why this cleansing is called chemical.

It turns out that former “House 2” participant and now TV presenter Victoria Bonya actively uses this peeling.

Indications for the use of this remedy are:

  1. expression wrinkles;
  2. dull skin;
  3. greasy shine;
  4. black dots
  5. acne and pimples;
  6. peeling;
  7. uneven skin surface.

The product is more suitable for mature oily skin with enlarged pores. But it is quite aggressive and it is not advisable to do it more than 2 times a month, since the skin is exposed to real stress.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening and during the day, do not forget to use a special sun cream. If you are not afraid of unexpected reactions, then try using this peeling on your skin.

How to cook it yourself?

The components for the peeling roller can be purchased at any pharmacy. For peeling will be needed:

  • one ampoule of 5% calcium chloride solution;
  • soap (preferably baby soap, which is without additives and fragrances);
  • cotton pads.

Before using the procedure, the face must be cleaned and dried with a towel. No need to mix anything, everything Components are applied one by one.

Now let's move on to application:

  1. Opening the ampoule calcium chloride and generously moisten a cotton pad with its solution. We begin to wipe the skin with it several times until all the product is used up. But it is necessary to apply the next layer only after the previous one has dried.
  2. Now comes into play baby soap. We lather a cotton pad with it and begin to massage the face; under no circumstances should the product get on the area around the eyes and lips. Just at this time, a chemical reaction of soap with calcium chloride should occur. Instead of foam, white pellets appear on the skin; they remove dead cells from the skin and cleanse clogged glands, eliminating blackheads and excessive sebum secretion. Wipe with a soapy cotton pad for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Upon completion, rinse the peeling roll off the skin with warm water, then be sure to apply sedative, for example chamomile decoction. Do not dry your skin with a towel; your face may sting. Now you should apply a nourishing or moisturizing mask to your facial skin to fill it with life-giving moisture and healthy vitamins. After all, right now the effect of all additional funds is enhanced several times.

This is how this procedure is done!

But personally, for my skin, such a peeling roll was simply disastrous. I did not get the desired effect; over the next two weeks I could not get rid of the redness and heat, my cheeks were especially affected.

There was literally nothing I could do to soothe my skin, it stung so much. As a result, I stopped any care altogether - I did not apply absolutely anything to my face for one week, I just washed my face with cool boiled water. Trying to recover, the skin began to become covered with an oily film.

During the procedure itself, of course, I felt tingling and even burning, but I thought that this was normal. I think that it was precisely the fault sensitive skin, because there are also positive reviews on the Internet about the homemade peeling roller.

But I'm not upset, because now there is so much choice Asian products that have a more gentle effect on the skin.

Who should not have the procedure?

So, peeling roll with calcium chloride should not be used in the following cases:

  • allergy to calcium chloride solution;
  • inflammation present on the face;
  • too sensitive skin;
  • rosacea and other facial skin diseases;
  • dry and dehydrated skin;
  • the presence of sunburn and open wounds;
  • pregnancy.

Before use, it is advisable to do allergy test to avoid unwanted consequences. But I did such a test, and it didn’t save me, that is, there is no allergy to the component itself, it’s all skin hypersensitivity. Although maybe I did something wrong?

The only advantage of this procedure was that smooth skin as if she had been polished in an expensive beauty salon. But unfortunately, other shortcomings did not allow me to enjoy this advantage.

I decided for myself that I will not repeat this again! After all, this procedure was used by women in the last century, and then the presence of a shortage in the market forced them to come up with various products that could prolong the youth of the skin.

We are all individual, so I don’t force anyone to refuse this procedure if it suits you, but I don’t encourage anyone either!

Maybe you also tried this recipe? How are your impressions?

Happy cleansing! See you!

There is probably no woman who is not familiar with peeling. Agree, after this procedure the skin becomes like a baby’s – soft, velvety, elastic, pink. Few young ladies can deny themselves such pleasure. But what to do if time is short and the budget is modest? Is it possible to do peeling at home, which one is most effective? What do experienced cosmetologists think about this? Professionals say that the newfangled peeling roller, a favorite of many celebrities and fashion-conscious ladies, will cope perfectly with such an important task. Shall we try too?!

Video demonstration of facial peeling roller at home

Why peeling is needed - what is the meaning of the procedure

Any doctor will confirm that a person loses about 30 thousand naturally dead cells every minute. Of course, keratinized particles are not able to leave the body on their own - they need help. Peeling takes on this responsible mission. If the skin is not cleansed, then dead cells and other excess particles begin to clog the pores, which leads to the formation of blackheads, pimples, pustules and other problems leading to loss of beauty and youthfulness of the face. Only regular peeling can save the skin from premature aging.

Why exactly the skate? Firstly, such cleansing is available at home. Secondly, this type of peeling is the most effective and safest of a number of superficial cleansing methods, since it does not contain abrasive substances that injure the skin, therefore, without risking your appearance (the appearance of irritation, redness, peeling), you get a wonderful result .

Peeling roller - fast, effective and not too troublesome. Check it out for yourself!

Thirdly, the skate is so inexpensive that even a student living on a scholarship can afford it. Fourthly, miracle peeling takes a minimum of time - only 10 minutes and your face is no worse than that of a model from the cover of a fashionable glossy magazine. Interested, aren't you? So, let's try.

How does the application differ from a regular peeling? The composition is applied to the face and then removed with massaging movements using fingertips or a cotton pad. During the procedure, pellets appear on the skin, carrying with them (like a snowball) dead cells, dirt and excess fat from your face.

The peeling roll will renew your face and restore freshness to your skin in just 10 minutes

How to make a roll using ready-made products - a solution for ultra-busy ladies

The cosmetology industry offers an abundance of ready-made peeling compositions. On the shelves of beauty stores you will find both jars from well-known manufacturers and Asian rays that have burst into the hit parade of popular products. The choice is extensive - both in price and brand. Choose according to your taste, color and smell. The compositions differ in texture, aroma and shades. Would you like a clear, liquid, apple-scented roller? Or maybe thick and pink, like strawberry jam? You can easily find any option.

You can purchase a ready-made peeling product, since now manufacturers offer them in abundance

Depending on the product purchased, the details of use may vary, but the general principle of use is as follows: you apply the amount of product recommended in the instructions to previously cleansed, dry skin of the face, usually wait a couple of minutes and remove it in a circular motion using your fingers.

Your brief instructions for using the finished peeling product

Wash off any remaining peeling with water. Moisturize your skin with your favorite cream. The result: a renewed face, a healthy glow, the disappearance of small wrinkles and folds, smooth, velvety, healthy skin.

If you have wounds, purulent formations on your face, or your skin is too dry, it is better to postpone the peeling roller.

Based on this photo selection you can see how the peeling roller works

Peeling roll of our own production - for curious and brave beauties

Are you always open to new things? Do you love conducting cosmetology experiments at home? The beauty industry has prepared a special surprise for you - a self-made peeling roller. For a homemade peeling roller, you will need calcium chloride, which you can find at your nearest pharmacy.

To get started, stock up on the ingredients. So, you will need:

  • calcium chloride – 1 ampoule (found in every pharmacy);
  • baby soap (classic - without additives);
  • cotton balls or disks;
  • napkins;
  • clay according to your skin type (sold in pharmacies and cosmetics stores);
  • aloe – 1 leaf (grows on grandma’s window);
  • warm water;
  • favorite moisturizer;
  • 10 minutes of free time;
  • desire to become beautiful.

Using a cotton pad, apply calcium chloride to your face, following the massage lines.

So, cleanse your face of makeup, wipe your face with a napkin until dry. Open the calcium chloride ampoule and moisten a cotton pad with the liquid. Apply the product to your face (strictly along the massage lines), you can use several layers with an interval for the previous one to dry. Then you soap the wet disk and begin to move it over the dried layer of calcium chloride. Flakes form on the skin, which turn into pellets during massaging. During the described actions, you may feel a slight tingling sensation - this will go away as soon as you remove the remaining peeling.

Apply soap over the calcium chloride and begin to gently roll the product

After removing the pellets, it is recommended to make a clay mask. Take a tablespoon of clay and add crushed aloe leaf. If you don’t have it, replace it with a decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula). Apply the paste to your face, wait until the product dries (about 10 minutes) and wash off the mask with water. The final step is to apply your usual moisturizer for your skin.

After exfoliation, apply your favorite moisturizer

Peeling roll is a multifunctional procedure, as a result of which dead cells are removed from the skin, the cover is cleansed, pores are tightened, wrinkles disappear, and the face becomes fresh, healthy and youthful.

Facial peeling roll is a very popular product. It is designed to completely cleanse the skin. With the help of active chemicals, the rolling not only frees the skin from any impurities, but also gives a lasting rejuvenating effect.

Peeling roll for the face - principle of action, types and how to use it

What is peeling sheet? This is a gel-like cosmetic product. It has a double action. Chemically active ingredients break down dirt and lift it from the depths of the pores to the surface, and absorbent substances retain it. Peeling rolls also contain powerful restorative elements. Absorbing substances act like a scrub, that is, they mechanically cleanse the skin while lumps roll off. Dead cells stick to gel lumps, which are then easily washed off with cool water.

Peeling rays vary in composition. Manufacturers use different substances as the main active elements. The first rays contained fruit acids. These active substances have long won the trust of cosmetologists. Fruit acids incredibly refresh the complexion. They perfectly maintain water balance in skin cells. Application renews the stratum corneum of the skin.

Peeling rolls with calcium chloride inhibit the functioning of the sebaceous glands and dry out the face. And products that use oxygen slow down aging and perfectly restore the skin.

In addition, many peels are developed by dermatologists to target specific skin imperfections. For example, there are rolls that reduce unsightly marks from teenage acne.

All types have obvious advantages that women always appreciate:

  • low cost;
  • directed action;
  • good efficiency.

Representatives of the fair sex should remember that it is extremely important to find a suitable type of peeling ray, because the wrong choice will harm the skin. If the procedure is being performed for the first time, it is better to first consult with a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

The lactic acid procedure is described in.

In the video, what is a peeling sheet:

Some women try to prepare such a cleanser on their own. However, this should not be done. Only in industrial conditions can the required composition and consistency be achieved. Homemade remedies can leave chemical burns, which will be very difficult to heal later. And only a laser can remove their traces.

Use at home

It is necessary to make sure in advance that there is no allergic reaction to the gel. It should be applied in a small amount to the wrist and washed off after 2 minutes. If there is no redness, itching or burning, you can begin the procedure.

How to apply correctly

How to use such compositions correctly? The face must be absolutely clean. The peeling sheet is applied in a very thin layer to the skin. The product should be distributed evenly over the entire surface, with the exception of the area around the eyes. You can make light massaging movements - this will help the active substances penetrate deeper into the pores.

What is mechanical, read.

The ingredients quickly affect the skin, so this peeling should be removed after 1-2 minutes. To remove it from your face, use the tips of your clean fingers to roll the gel into lumps, making small circular movements. This must be done quickly so as not to overexpose the peeling on your face. Not only dirt from the pores and excess cosmetic product will remain in the lumps, but also dead skin cells.

In the video - peeling a roll at home:

After washing off the lumps with plain water, carefully apply a light soothing cream. If there is no such cream or gel, you can moisten a piece of sterile gauze in a weak solution of regular black tea without additives and hold it on your face for 5-7 minutes. The entire procedure takes no more than 15 minutes, but even during this time it manages to have a profound effect.

How often can you do it

The peeling roll should not be used frequently. Dermatologists usually recommend using it 1-2 times a week. If the cleansing procedure is carried out regularly, the result can be seen within a month.

Facial skin should receive complete care. In order for it to maintain health and beauty, dead cells and daily dirt, dust, and traces of decorative cosmetics must be removed from its surface. A gel or foam wash cannot always cope with this.

For these purposes, it is useful to use a facial peeling roll at home.

What do you need to know about the procedure?

The cost of peeling prepared at home differs significantly from store-bought peeling. Despite the low cost, it is no less effective than a salon procedure. Before carrying out home cleaning, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for preparing the product and its use. In addition, even such a necessary procedure has its contraindications.

Peeling roll, prepared at home, can consist of different components. That is why you need to carefully study their effect on each type of facial skin. They are selected individually in each case.

Peeling roll. Description of the product and its effect The peeling roll copes well with dead keratinized cells. The product also effectively cleanses pores of accumulated dust and excess sebum.

The peeling roll has a simple composition. The principle of operation of the cleanser is that, collapsing into small "pellets", attracts pollution. You need to carry out the procedure with your fingertips, in light circular movements, applying light pressure.

The benefits of home facial cleansing include:

  • Easy to prepare and use;
  • Availability of constituent ingredients;
  • Safe and effective impact;
  • Painless procedure;
  • Quick preparation of the product;
  • Lack of rehabilitation;
  • Can be used for all skin types;
  • Quick facial cleansing;
  • No age restrictions;
  • Pronounced results from the first use.

A peeling roll is a godsend for those women who do not have the free time and money to go to a beauty salon. By carrying out the procedure at home once a week, you can keep your face and body skin beautiful and healthy.

Indications and contraindications

Every cosmetic procedure must be carried out according to the rules. First of all, you need to know about the risk factors. By familiarizing yourself with the existing contraindications, you can avoid unwanted consequences from the session.

It is prohibited to clean with a peeling roller if the following factors are present:

  • Open wounds or burns;
  • Inflammatory processes on the face;
  • Manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • Thin facial skin with blood vessels located close to the surface;
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin;
  • Intolerance to individual components of the product;
  • Very dry facial skin;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Before using the composition, you need to conduct a test to determine how the body perceives the mixture. To do this, apply a little product to an area with sensitive skin - the wrist or the inner crease of the elbow. After 15-17 minutes, rinse off the product, and if there is no redness, use the composition as directed. If redness appears at the testing site, the skin begins to itch or a burning sensation is felt, wash off the composition and cancel the procedure.

Peeling roll helps to get rid of the following defects:

A peeling roller will quickly and effectively return your face to an attractive appearance.

A few procedures at home are enough to notice positive dynamics.

Recipe for making a peeling ray at home

Homemade cosmetics can help solve many facial skin problems. To prepare them, you need to add individual components to the main composition that will affect the problem.

Peeling base

To use the universal base you need to stock up on 1 ampoule "Calcium chloride" 5% and colorless and odorless toilet soap. You will also need cotton pads or swabs.

Cleaning process

Wash yourself using soap, foam or gel for washing. Wipe your face with an alcohol-based toner or lotion to remove any excess sebum.

Carefully cut off the tip of the ampoule and moisten cotton wool with the solution. Apply "Calcium chloride" on your face and leave for a few minutes so that it is absorbed into the skin. Repeat several times until the solution in the ampoule is finished.

Lather your hands and do a light facial massage, avoiding the lip and eye area. If the soap foam runs out, lather your hands again. Repeat the movements until marks appear over the entire surface of the skin of the face. "pellets". Once all the skin is clean, rinse off the product with clean water, then you can rinse your face with rose water or chamomile infusion.

Peeling roll for acne at home

To get rid of acne, take a few apricot kernels and grind them into crumbs in a coffee grinder. Add a little of the face cream you use. You should get a mixture that resembles a scrub.

Before the procedure, wash and dry your face thoroughly. Apply a small amount of the peeling mixture to the skin and leave for 2-3 minutes until it dries a little.

Wet your fingertips with a few drops "Calcium chloride" and give a light facial massage.

Lumps should appear during movements. After 3-4 minutes, wash with warm water, dry your skin and lubricate it with nourishing cream. After the procedure, the skin will be somewhat inflamed and redness will appear. Applying the cream will help soothe it and protect it from possible damage. As a result of the procedure, the epidermis will become healthier, and the manifestation of inflammation will be minimized.

What's happened ? This is one of the most common procedures for chemically cleansing the skin of all kinds of impurities and dead skin cells. Representatives of the fair half love it for its high efficiency and good anti-aging effect.

Peeling roll can be used both for the face and for any other part of the body. Please note that facial products are suitable for any other area, but not vice versa. Of course, there are universal solutions.

Reasons for popularity

The main reason lies in performance. However, each means copes with its goals in its own way. Some are better at clearing the skin of blemishes, while others are better at removing the layer of dead cells. The main task for any lady is to find the best option for her. And it will be difficult to do this. The assortment is huge!

Low cost is not the last criterion. Especially when you consider the price of one procedure in a beauty salon. Peeling ray for the face or body can be easily done at home.

By spending 15-20 minutes once a week, you can significantly improve your appearance. This is easy to see if you read the comments of women of different ages who have experienced this miracle for themselves. And using it at home is a pleasure!


There are several main types. The procedure with calcium chloride and baby soap, long known to many fashionistas, was called nothing less than. With the help of this name, it was possible for a long time to keep the secret ingredients of this composition.

Traditional for home use, the consistency is similar to a cream; after application and massage, white lumps form on the skin. The end result is similar to the first method. But there are also differences. Contains moisturizers. This method is safer.

And the last type is foam. Most often, these are all kinds of gels that begin to actively bubble right on the skin. After the time specified in the instructions, you need to massage your face and wash off the residue. The exfoliating effect is much lower, but it is even softer. Often, with problem skin, this is the only peeling that is possible.


The first method has the deepest effect on the skin. During the procedure, the skin is intensively saturated with calcium chloride. To return it to its normal state, you will need good hydration and soothing of the skin. This is a rather aggressive method. Carry out the procedure no more often than every 10-15 days. Of course, it is precisely because of his aggressiveness that many women like him. The effect after this is always obvious, and if the procedure is carried out correctly, even at home, it is absolutely safe.

Regular peeling roll

Regular peeling covers much less depth. It may contain soothing and moisturizing drugs. But, nevertheless, after the procedure it is better to soak the skin with cream or make a mask, and then apply a soothing agent. The procedure can be repeated after a week.


Soft foam exfoliates dead skin cells much worse, but the effect of rejuvenation and cleansing is no less noticeable. It contains many additional cleansing, disinfecting and moisturizing ingredients. After the procedure, you don’t have to apply other creams, but it won’t be superfluous.

What does the procedure look like?

If the procedure is carried out at home, then everything necessary is immediately prepared.


Before applying anything to your face, you need to wash it thoroughly and remove all makeup. Immediately prepare a moisturizer. Any is a chemical reaction that dries out the skin. Therefore, you need to prepare to quickly eliminate the consequences at home.

Calcium chloride and baby soap

  1. Apply an even thin layer of 5% calcium chloride to dry and cleansed facial skin. After application, wait until the skin absorbs the solution and repeat the procedure 2 more times.
  2. Lather your fingertips or a cotton pad and massage the areas where calcium chloride is applied. The amount of water is minimal.
  3. Wash off your face after the white lumps have stopped forming.
  4. Moisturize the skin and then apply soothing creams or masks.

Baby soap and calcium chloride

A more gentle procedure. Instead of applying layers of calcium chloride, you immediately soap your face. Then moisten a cotton swab or fingertips with the solution and apply it to the face. In all other respects the procedures are similar.

Regular peeling roll

Peeling will not take much time.

  1. Apply the composition to the prepared face.
  2. Gently massage your face for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Rinse the product off the skin and apply moisturizer.


The most gentle method. As in all other cases, you must strictly follow the instructions on the product packaging.

  1. Prepare your face.
  2. Apply foam and lightly massage the areas of contact with the skin, stretching the product into a thin layer.
  3. Wait for the time indicated on the package (5-15 minutes) and rinse off the composition.
  4. Moisturize as desired.

What do you need to remember?

  1. The towel is not involved in the drying and drying process. They can easily damage sensitive skin after peeling.
  2. You need to prepare clean water for rinsing in advance, so that in case of unpleasant sensations, you can immediately rinse your face.
  3. You cannot endure the pain and burning sensation - burns and other damage may remain.
  4. Reading the instructions is mandatory. Each step is carried out in strict order. Otherwise the consequences are unpredictable.
  5. Peeling is not carried out on sensitive skin around the eyes and on the lines of the mouth.
  6. To avoid skin damage, you need to apply a protective cream before going outside in the first hours after the procedure.
  7. The product applied to the face is massaged and under no circumstances rubbed with fingers or napkins. The contact should be as gentle as possible.


The following effects can be expected from the procedure:

  • slight skin lightening;
  • tightening and cleaning pores from blackheads and other impurities;
  • excellent exfoliation of dead cells;
  • visual rejuvenation and refreshment of the face;
  • disappearance of problem areas.


  1. Before starting use, it is important to make sure that the product is compatible with the skin type on your face or body.
  2. The procedure cannot be performed if there are open wounds, scratches or inflammation.
  3. Almost any skin disease is a contraindication for this procedure.
  4. It is possible to be allergic to any component of the product - check the skin reaction on the back of the elbow before use.