
Essential oils for eyelash and eyebrow growth: a review of the best products. Which oil to choose for eyelash growth: reviews from cosmetologists Do oils help for eyelash growth

Oils have been known for their healing properties since ancient times, when natural products were used as cosmetics. The rich composition of vitamins and minerals is favorably accepted by the body, allowing active substances to influence microbiological processes. Whatever services are offered in the salons, almost every procedure is carried out using various oils.

Benefits of oils for eyelashes

Before emphasizing the benefits of oil for stimulating eyelash growth, you need to identify factors that are considered completely acceptable and normal:

  • eyelash loss is a natural process, since the lifespan of one hair varies within 6 months;
  • on the upper eyelid there are 100-250 cilia, below – 50-150;
  • length the average hair is 7-10 mm;
  • grow new hairs are possible in 1-2 months;
  • restore the damaged structure can be repaired in 10-25 days.

The benefits of oils are to nourish the eyelashes with beneficial microelements, moisturize, and restore. The rich composition of natural ingredients improves not only the appearance of the hairs, but also the structure. The bulb is strengthened, and the antioxidants contained in the oils relieve the slightest manifestation of inflammatory processes.

By treating the eyelash line with an oil product, you can lengthen the hairs and make them more elastic. But it is impossible to change the thickness and density. Oils have an effect on the cellular level, which is accompanied by stimulation of growth.

Activation of regeneration strengthens the hair structure, as a result of which the eyelashes appear long. In fact, a healthy hair looks impressive, and lengthening is associated with the restoration of problem areas.

Review of the most effective

has remained the most popular for many decades. This is due to its versatility:

  • active substances, included in the composition nourish the hair and skin;
  • cleanses skin from toxins;
  • prevents tip separation;
  • strengthens roots and structure.

The chemical composition is distinguished by a large number of useful minerals and substances beneficial to the body:

  • several groups of vitamins, including A, E, B, C;
  • macronutrients: calcium, copper, iron, chromium, etc.;
  • natural component inulin, activating metabolic processes and cell regeneration;
  • ethers, flavonoids, acids, etc.

Regular use strengthens the root system, nourishes and moisturizes eyelashes, and restores damaged areas. Among the main functions of the active components of the product is the regulation of the sebaceous glands. After a two-week course, you can visually notice the lengthening of the eyelashes, accelerated growth and splendor.

Before use, you need to test for allergies.

Sea buckthorn oil is a generous gift of nature, which has added a storehouse of valuable substances to its composition:

The use of sea buckthorn product for eyelash procedures has the following effects:

  • strengthens the bulb;
  • softens hairs;
  • nourishes and moisturizes eyelashes;
  • prevents or inhibits hair loss;
  • stimulates growth.

Sea buckthorn is a medicinal plant, so all recipes that include this product are powerful, effective and easy to use. A course of 10-15 procedures significantly improves the condition of the eyelashes, completely restoring weakened areas and strengthening the bulbs.

In addition, the skin receives a dose of beneficial microelements, which affects regeneration and the metabolic process.

It has been tested by time, so it has not lost its popularity for use on hair and eyelashes for many years.

Most of the chemical composition is occupied by acids:

  • ricinoleic;
  • palmitic;
  • stearic;
  • oleic;
  • linoleic

Castor oil has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and healing effect. When using eyelash care products, it can be used in pure form or in combination with other oils and vitamins. After the full course, the eyelashes noticeably thicken, which is due to the acceleration of the regeneration and metabolism process.

Useful microelements nourish and moisturize the structure, strengthen it, penetrating deep into the structure. The product takes a leading place among ways to stop hair and eyelash loss.

General rules for using eyelash oils

To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to use oils in compliance with certain rules:

Eyelash care includes a necessary daily event - makeup removal. And special washes will help to carry it out in a gentle way. During the usual cleansing of the eyes from shadows and mascara, delicate skin and eyelashes are injured. This greatly weakens the structure and provokes hair loss. Therefore, proper care is part of the recovery course.

What oils can be mixed

You can combine different types of oils not only with each other, but also with the addition of liquid or oily vitamins. To compose the mixture, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the action and properties of each product to prepare the most useful product. There are no strict rules for observing proportions, so more often oils are added in equal parts. A few drops of vitamins A and E will make a real elixir.

When selecting oils, you should take into account your skin type so as not to aggravate the problem. If the sebaceous glands work at an accelerated rate, you should take oils that have a drying effect.

Among the products there are universal ones that are suitable for everyone:

  • castor;
  • burdock;
  • olive;
  • corn;
  • almond.


After the second week of use, the look becomes more expressive. The density of the eyelashes will gradually increase, and the structure of the hairs will become stronger. To obtain the maximum effect, restoration measures should be carried out for at least 1.5-2 months. And after the end of the main period, switch to a maintenance regime of exposure: for the purpose of prevention, use oil products 2 times a month.

Abrupt cancellation of procedures using hormone-based products can cause eyelash loss and further deterioration of their condition. Oil formulations do not give such an effect. In the worst case, the eyelashes will take their characteristic shape and growth principle. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain preventive effects.

In order for the treatment to bring the expected effect, you need to apply the product correctly and not overdo it with the amount. Then strengthened and elongated eyelashes will transform the image, placing a successful emphasis on the eyes.

Advantages and disadvantages of application

The use of oils for eyelash growth is already legendary. Moreover, some of the information is completely untrue. A review of the advantages and disadvantages of their use will help you understand this issue.

The benefits of the procedures are as follows:

  1. Possibility of carrying out procedures, regardless of eyelash parameters.
  2. Fluffiness, lengthening, giving expressiveness to the look is guaranteed in a short period of time.
  3. After 1.5-2 months the structure of the hairs is completely restored, which can be assessed visually.
  4. Oils have several actions at once, as a result of which the eyelashes become stronger, thicker, and most importantly, stop falling out.

Disadvantages occur mainly due to careless use. When the product gets on the mucous membrane, it irritates it. Redness and a slight change in the shade of the cornea of ​​the eye are also noted. Unpleasant sensations can be avoided if you follow the rules of the procedure.

An equally important factor is individual intolerance. If discomfort or burning occurs, it is better to remove the product. And if there is the slightest deterioration in the quality of vision, you should consult a doctor.

The lion's share of myths are dispelled by cosmetologists regarding the negative effects of oil compositions on the eyes. The following conclusions were drawn from expert reviews.

  • The remedy works like any drug, which means it should be used in doses and according to the schedule.
  • Oil treatments cannot affect the bend, shape and thickness. They are genetically determined. But you can restore problem areas and lengthen hairs.
  • Use of funds cannot provoke barley. Its manifestations are more likely associated with intestinal dysbiosis or other disorders in the body.
  • Regular Applications Products applied to the eyelash growth area do not in any way affect the pores and the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • After the rehabilitation course Many people complain about the intensity of eyelash loss. This is due to improper use. It is worth leaving the course gradually, increasing the breaks between procedures to 2 times a month.

Probably every woman in the world knows that one of the main secrets of a mysterious and expressive look that can captivate any man is long and thick eyelashes. “Flash your eyelashes and take off!” - as it is sung in a famous song. However, in reality, in order for your own eyelashes to really achieve such a dizzying length and volume, you need to put in a lot of effort.

Eyelash care at home

Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try, the poor ecology of megacities and the daily use of mascara, paint, curling irons and other equally harmful tools undermine the health and beauty of our eyelashes over and over again.

Eyelashes become thin, brittle, often crumble and, it seems, even begin to lose their natural color. In order to preserve and enhance beauty, as well as maintain their healthy and blooming appearance, cosmetologists around the world advise using oil for eyelash growth.

Castor oil

Castor oil is rightfully well known as the best oil for eyelash growth. It is able to influence the root structure of eyelashes and stimulate their growth. The oil also contains many beneficial vitamins, which have a positive effect on their structure, strengthening and restoring the eyelashes. Castor oil helps the growth of eyelashes, and can also smooth out expression lines on the eyelids and whiten small age spots.

However, despite the many useful qualities and the huge number of laudatory comments written about this oil for eyelash growth, reviews also say that it can cause an allergic reaction, swelling on the eyelids, and in some cases lead to eyelash loss . To prevent the occurrence of such negative effects, it is often recommended to mix castor oil with burdock or olive oil.

Burr oil

Another well-known and popular remedy for growing eyelashes is burdock oil. It, like castor oil, contains many vitamins, minerals and tannins, as well as fatty and essential oils that have a beneficial effect on our eyelashes. Using castor oil, you can even remove makeup and make firming masks and lotions.

In addition, burdock oil has a positive effect on the structure and promotes the growth of not only eyelashes, but also hair. Thus, it would be a great option to simply apply this oil to your eyelashes as a mask while you wash your hair.

Almond oil

Almond oil for eyelash growth can also be a good alternative to expensive store-bought drugs. It contains a large percentage of vitamins such as F and E, which contribute to the strengthening and growth of eyelashes and hair. Almond oil also contains essential oils, oleic and linoleic acids, glycerin and a number of other components that are no less useful and important for eyelash health. Thus, this product can make your eyelashes smooth and elastic, saturate them with moisture and stop premature aging.

Among other things, almond oil for eyelash growth is absolutely hyperallergenic and has no contraindications for use.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil, well known since childhood, can also prove to be a good fighter for the health and beauty of your eyelashes. This product has two directions of action: firstly, the oil nourishes and softens the eyelashes, and secondly, it makes them much thicker and promotes accelerated growth.

With regular use, this oil for eyelash growth strengthens well, helps stop their loss and restores damaged ones. In addition, like almond oil, sea buckthorn oil does not cause allergic reactions.

Olive oil

Olive oil is a well-known remedy that every self-respecting housewife has in her kitchen. Its beneficial properties have been known for a long time, and even the famous Marilyn Monroe used olive oil as the most effective face mask. Despite its general availability and affordable prices, such a product can also have a beneficial effect on your eyelashes.

Numerous studies have shown that with regular use, this oil can enhance the growth and nutrition of eyelashes, making them fluffier and softer. However, in most cases, olive oil is still considered a rather delicate preparation, which is recommended to be mixed with other oils to enhance the effect.

Recipes for mixtures of oils for eyelash growth

Since it is impossible to answer the question of which oil for eyelash growth can rightfully be considered the best, we recommend trying to use mixtures of several oils for daily care. All kinds of mixtures of nourishing oils are not only the most effective, but also the most natural and cheapest means for eyelash care.

There are many different options for blending multiple oils. For example, you can use 2 teaspoons of castor oil, 3 teaspoons of burdock oil and 1 teaspoon of almond oil. Such a mixture will stimulate the growth of eyelashes, in addition, it will help them maintain their firmness and elasticity.

In order to simply strengthen and improve your own eyelashes, you can mix 3 teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil and 2 teaspoons of almond oil, add liquid vitamin E (1-2 capsules) and 0.5 teaspoons of glycerin to this mixture. This composition can be applied to eyelashes daily or make masks with it for 15-20 minutes once or twice a week.

It doesn’t take a lot of money or time to make a real life-saving serum for your eyelashes at home. All you need is:

  • a bottle of oil from a pharmacy (approximate cost 40-50 rubles);
  • old empty mascara bottle (free).

All that remains is to carefully pour the mixture of oils for eyelash growth into a clean, washed package, and you can start using it! It is best to apply the oil daily before bed. Overnight, the eyelashes will have time to receive all the substances they need, and in the morning you can wash off the remaining oil and apply your favorite mascara.

Professional eyelash care

Of course, daily use of natural oils can bring a lot of different positive results. This will not only help strengthen and enhance the growth of eyelashes, but will also solve many other problems. However, it is necessary to understand that you can expect a positive result with such home care only after 6-12 months of daily use.

For those ladies who don’t want to, or for some reason simply can’t afford to wait that long, it’s better to pay attention to professional cosmetic products for eyelash health.

Gemene eyelash growth oil

One such eyelash growth stimulator is Gemene eyelash growth oil. This drug is created on the basis of a whole base of bioactive components that affect the eyelash bulbs and promote their accelerated growth.

Among other things, the product contains physalis, which is considered one of the most powerful natural growth stimulants, castor, peach and almond oils and vitamin A. All these components also have a beneficial effect on eyelashes, preventing their loss and restoring structure.

Eyebrow and eyelash oil DNC

Another product created by the DNC brand for eyelashes is DNC Eyelash Growth Oil. This product, unlike its predecessor, is a softer and more gentle product. Not only is it designed to stimulate eyelash growth, but it's also great for eyebrows.

This product contains vitamins D and E, glucose, starch, polysaccharides, essential oils, eleutherococcus, pectin and trace elements. All this together can increase the release of natural eyelash pigment, which can restore and somewhat darken the natural color of your eyelashes. In addition, the vitamins contained in the oil tone and fill the bulbs with nutrients, which, in turn, promotes rapid and proper growth of even hairs.

This oil, like the serum, should be applied to the entire length of the eyelashes in the evening and left on the hairs overnight. It is recommended to use such products for eyelash growth in courses. After 2-3 months of daily use, you need to take a month's break to allow the eyelashes to renew themselves.

Homemade oils, like professional eyelash products, greatly contribute to their growth and restoration. With the correct selection of the drug, you can not only maintain your natural characteristics in excellent shape, but also grow stunning eyelashes that are much greater in length and volume than the current results.

However, in pursuit of length and volume, one should not forget about one more important rule - daily care. You can use expensive drugs as much as you like, apply oils and make masks, but if these actions are only episodic in nature, then there can be no talk of any positive results.

In addition, in order to achieve eyelash growth, you also need to constantly take care of them. And this care is not limited to just applying serum. Firstly, you should try to use mascara and eyelash primer to a minimum. Let these funds become only an option for you. Also try to give your eyelashes a rest and arrange “no makeup days” for them.

Secondly, it is necessary to remove makeup as thoroughly as possible. To do this, use special eye washes, giving preference to two-phase products. Try not to rub your eyes too hard to avoid physically damaging your eyelashes.

Thirdly, use lotions and eye masks as often as possible. Even ordinary cotton pads soaked in tea decoction can strengthen and significantly improve your eyelashes. In addition, these lotions also affect the health of your eyes, relieving fatigue and inflammation.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that only the right products and daily care will allow your eyelashes to become long, strong and truly charming. Love and cherish your eyelashes, and they will certainly love you back!

A look is the first thing a woman in love gives a man. It is romantic, gentle, and if it comes from under thick long eyelashes, it is enticing, languid...

Various factors, including environmental problems in megacities, affect the growth of human hair. Including eyelashes. Hair loss or thinning, and even the renewal function can be affected by cosmetic products, for example, those that have expired.


But they also respond well to serious care. They become thicker, more attractive and longer. You can try eyelash extensions, but still your own, well-groomed, long, shiny, much more beautiful. Among modern cosmetics there is a huge variety of oils. Which oil for eyelashes should you choose? Which one is better? There is an opinion that you can take care of your eyelashes with any oil you can get your hands on (any of them is a storehouse of vitamins and mineral elements). The statement is half true. Indeed, oils contain beneficial elements. And they usually work in two directions.

The first is filling the hairs with macro- and microelements. They improve the structure of an individual eyelash and make it elastic, thick and dense.

The second direction of oils’ work is the transportation of amino acids, vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They nourish the skin around the eyes and eyelashes and improve blood flow, penetrate the bulbs, bringing them back to life and nourishing them. Eyelashes begin to renew themselves.

Only real natural remedies have such an effect. Therefore, oils such as Vaseline are completely useless. This oily composition is a by-product of petroleum refining. Therefore, it does not contain any beneficial substances. Its only advantage is the creation of a special film that weighs down the eyelashes and makes them obedient.

The nuances of using oil

If used incorrectly, even the best oil can cause a lot of problems. The most important rule is not to leave the oil-based composition on all night. Treatment should not last longer than an hour. Then the residues are removed with a dry cloth. Next on the list:

Using eyelash oil

Which one is better? To understand this issue, you need to consider all types. Let us note that all of them are useful without exception. But there are leaders in composition that are necessary specifically for eyelashes. The oil must be used with caution; an allergic reaction is possible. Unfortunately, this can only be determined experimentally.

The famous castor oil

Viscous substance without color and odor. It tastes bitter. Very effective in strengthening hairs. It is usually mixed with apricot. This mixture should not get on your eyelids (it causes severe irritation).

Burdock and peach seed oil

The value of burdock oil is recognized by all cosmetologists in the world. It is used to improve hair structure and growth. It contains tanning components that “bind” the upper damaged layers of the hair column. It also stimulates eyelid skin cells and bulbs to regenerate. But, again, whether it is suitable or not must be decided experimentally.

A huge advantage over other peach seed oils is that they are hypoallergenic. Any skin can accept it. The main effect is to restore eyelash growth. This oil contains entire deposits of vitamins E, A, C, P and group B, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus. It also contains useful acids: stearic, oleic, linoleic. This composition is practically Which oil is best for eyelash growth? Of course, peach. It can be applied not only to eyelashes, but also to eyelids. It will perfectly relieve fatigue, smooth out shallow wrinkles and restore healthy color to the skin of the eyelids. Are you still wondering which oil is best for eyelash growth? Reviews about peach are only positive. Women are delighted with the effect.

Almond oil

This oil is the best for active hair growth. It also makes them elastic and shiny.

Almond oil contains vitamins E, A, B, F. As well as essential proteins, oleic and glycerides. An almost constant component of professional eyelash care products.

Wheat, olive and sea buckthorn oils

Wheat germ oil is thick and healthy. It is advisable to use it in combination.

In cosmetology, olive oil is used only cold pressed. Contains linoleic, oleic and Oni - a well-known building material for hair. Vitamins E, A, D nourish the skin and blood flow in the eyelids, which promotes the growth of strong and elastic eyelashes.

Therefore, you can choose this oil for eyelashes. Which is better than olive? Most likely, sea buckthorn berry oil. After several sessions, eyelashes become fluffy and thick. It contains vitamins C, E, the entire group B, calcium, iron, magnesium, silicon, manganese, trace elements and amino acids. Prevents eyelash loss and accelerates their growth. Works best in equal parts with almond and castor oils. Nourishes and restores hair structure.

Camphor oil and argan

Masks are necessary for thin eyelashes. It has a good supply of micro- and microelements. Very concentrated. Works well in combination with castor or burdock.

Argan oil is needed to moisturize eyelashes. A very rich chemical composition, the presence of fatty acids stimulates the healing of the skin of the eyelids and hair follicles. Noticeable thickness of eyelashes is achieved with long-term use.

Flax seed oil and jojoba

Stops loss of cold-pressed flax seed oil. It contains more useful substances than others. It contains a vitamin complex, including A, F, B, E, K and others, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

Well, everyone knows, of course, that at its core it is liquid wax. It strengthens the roots of the eyelashes. It is also rich in amino acids and vitamins that are not included in the main composition of vitamin complexes. Therefore, it is everywhere necessary as an addition to the vitamin composition.

Which oil is best for eyebrows and eyelashes? Possibly branded. There are products from famous manufacturers that have been proven over the years. They can be purchased both in pharmacies and from network managers. They have many advantages. The main thing is ease of application and storage.


You can only determine which oil is best to smear your eyelashes by trying it on yourself. A test smear should be applied to the skin at the wrist, near the fold, and observed for 2-3 hours. If the skin does not react, then the oil composition can be used.


The growth of eyelashes depends very much on the condition of the facial skin: on the cleanliness of the pores, hydration and enrichment with nourishing vitamins and minerals. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to take care of your facial skin.

There are several immutable rules, simple to follow, but effective in life.

  1. Wash your face daily with cool water: in the evening and in the morning. It is best to use a freshly prepared herbal decoction.
  2. Be sure to remove makeup with a toner or milk suitable for the skin. Sometimes give your face a “fasting day” and not wear makeup.
  3. The health of the skin, eyes, eyelashes and even vision depends on the quality of cosmetics. It may not be very much, but it must be of high quality.

Which oil is best for eyelashes? User reviews are the most vivid about Lor brand oil. It can be nourishing (designed for brittle and thin eyelashes, strengthens the bulb), preventive (strengthens the cuticle, stimulates growth, even with daily makeup) and tonic (strengthens the production of its own pigment).


Now you know which eyelash oil is suitable. Which one is better? This question can be answered in different ways, depending on what your eyelashes require: thickness, length, etc.

Eyelashes are not only a reliable means of protecting our eyes from the penetration of foreign particles, pollution, sun and water, but also a wonderful decoration for a woman, which is an essential part of her delightful image. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to eyelashes and provide them with proper and systematic care. Castor oil will be an excellent natural assistant in this matter; it will significantly strengthen eyelashes, improve their growth, and make them elastic, thick and fluffy.

Not all women naturally have perfectly thick and long eyelashes. Cosmetics and various tricks (curling or curling, extensions, tinting, and makeup in general) help correct this deficiency, but women have to pay a very high price for this: over time, eyelashes become depleted, become thin, brittle, dull and begin to fall out. Health-improving procedures will help restore eyelashes to health, thickness and silkiness. The use of castor oil for eyelashes will be one of the simple, affordable and effective eyelash care products, which has highly nourishing and strengthening properties, and also affects their growth.

Castor oil is obtained by first cold pressing from the seeds of an oil plant such as the castor bean. It grows mainly in zones with tropical and subtropical climates, in particular India, Brazil, China and some other countries. More than 90% of the composition of castor oil is ricinoleic acid, which determines its truly healing properties for eyelashes.

This amazing product has been used for many centuries by famous beauties in the care of eyelashes and hair to maintain their thickness, elasticity and health, and eliminate various problems (loss, dryness, brittleness, etc.). Nowadays, it has in no way lost its relevance and significance; many women successfully use it to grow and strengthen eyelashes and stop their loss.

Castor oil is easy to get at any pharmacy chain at a low (by today's standards) price. To care for and treat eyelashes, it is better to use virgin oil.

The effectiveness of castor oil for eyelashes.
Castor oil has long been popular among products whose action is based on maintaining the health of eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. It is even used on the face. This is due to its amazing composition, because all the components included in it work to benefit our eyelashes. Castor oil has a comprehensive effect on all areas responsible for the health and beautiful appearance of eyelashes. The saturated fatty acids it contains give eyelashes a rich dark color, positively affecting their pigment properties from the inside. Further, monounsaturated fatty acids, due to their high moisturizing ability, have a restorative effect on eyelashes, strengthening them. Polyunsaturated fatty acids nourish them from the inside and stimulate growth.

This multifaceted effect on eyelashes and their structure makes castor oil ideal for restoring eyelashes and strengthening them.

Proper use of castor oil for eyelashes.

If you really want the desired result from using castor oil, it is important to know that such a procedure must be systematic. Remember, it must be done in the evening and on a face cleansed of makeup. Never apply this product to your eyes with your fingers. This must be done using a special brush, ideally from under an old mascara (the brush should have bristles, not silicone!). It should be thoroughly washed and dried in advance. The same should be done after each application procedure.

So, lightly dip a clean brush in the oil and apply it with light movements to the eyelashes, paying attention to the base and tips. The process will resemble applying mascara to your eyelashes in several approaches. After applying oil to the eyelashes in this way, it is necessary to remove the excess by blotting with a cosmetic napkin. In the morning, rinse your eyelashes thoroughly with warm water.

In order to strengthen eyelashes and solve problems of fragility and loss, the oil should be used three times a week. This should be done with great care to prevent oil from getting into your eyes. Because of this, an unpleasant greasy film is formed, which is quite difficult to get rid of. In addition, this can provoke conjunctivitis.

The effect of using the oil can be assessed after a month of regular application. Despite its safety, the oil can cause allergic reactions in the form of redness and swelling of the upper eyelid or under the eyes, which can occur due to individual intolerance or the presence of a small amount of alcohol in the composition (depending on the manufacturer). If the oil contains a small amount of alcohol, it is not recommended to use it to improve eyelash health. For prevention, castor oil for eyelashes can be used once a week.

Recipes with castor oil for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes and eyebrows.
To enhance the healing properties of castor oil for eyelashes, it is recommended to combine it with various supplements. In particular, one option is to add vitamin A to the oil (in capsules, you can use Aevit). Just a few drops per 10 ml of oil will make your eyelashes irresistible. Instead of this vitamin, you can use carrot juice, but each time you need to prepare a new mixture for application.

It is also effective to mix castor oil with olive or burdock. It is recommended to slightly heat the oils first. In addition, a mixture of castor and burdock oil effectively removes remnants of eye makeup and generally works great with decorative cosmetics. And if you add a small amount of aloe juice to the mixture, you will get an effective nourishing agent for eyelashes and eyebrows.

A combination of castor oil with almond (or peach) oil in a 1:1 ratio will accelerate the growth of eyelashes and also strengthen them, preventing loss.

Here's another great recipe for eyelash care: combine 3 ml of castor oil with five drops of chamomile oil extract and the same amount of calendula extract, also in the oil. This composition will improve metabolic processes inside cells, strengthen hair follicles and improve their structure. This product is good for use on the skin around the eyes; it has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

This mixture nourishes and strengthens eyelashes very well: combine almond, burdock, castor oils in small quantities, add vitamin E in the oil and a little fish oil.

For eyelash growth, it is effective to use the following composition: combine castor oil in an amount of 5 g with 8 g of petroleum jelly and 2 g of Shostakovsky balm (it can be replaced with Peruvian balm). Can be applied twice a day for a month.

And this nourishing and moisturizing mask for eyelashes perfectly stimulates their growth and serves as a remedy against hair loss: combine castor, flaxseed, almond, rose, wheat germ and grape seed oil in equal proportions. Apply the mixture to the eyelashes and eyelids, and after ten minutes, wash with warm water.

To vitaminize eyelashes, combine castor oil with vitamins (one drop each) A, D, E, F.

It is necessary to use castor oil in courses of two to three months, then take a break for three months and carry out the course again. Only two courses per year (preferably in autumn and spring).

Perhaps one of the most effective means for eyelash growth is almond oil. It contains a large amount of proteins, glycerides, vitamin E and fatty linoleic acids. This product not only accelerates the growth of eyelashes, but also makes them elastic and maintains their natural shine.

You need to apply almond oil to your eyelashes with a special brush. You can also moisten a cotton pad with warm water and apply a few drops of oil. You need to wipe your eyelashes until your makeup is completely removed. By the way, this product goes well with other oils (castor and burdock).

As for burdock oil, it effectively affects eyelash growth thanks to vitamins, mineral salts, proteins, tannins and natural inulin. This oil protects eyelashes from separation and fragility. Also, during its use, the hair follicles are strengthened. To obtain an effective balm, you can mix burdock oil, vitamin E and aloe juice in equal proportions. The components must be mixed and kept in a sealed container for about a month. During application, such a product is simply applied to the eyelashes like mascara.

You need to remember that you should not leave burdock oil on your eyelashes overnight. Otherwise, swelling around the eyes may appear in the morning.

But you should definitely lubricate your eyelashes with sea buckthorn oil every day using a special brush. It perfectly nourishes eyelashes and makes them thicker. The mixture with sea buckthorn oil helps strengthen and grow hair. To prepare it, chop dry rosehip flowers (2 tbsp) and fill them with the above oil (3 tbsp). Then you need to place the mixture in a cool place for 10-12 days, and after the specified period, strain well. If you lubricate your eyelashes with the resulting mixture every day, their loss will quickly stop.

Peach oil has a unique composition. It contains vitamin B15 and various microelements that promote the growth of eyelashes and perfectly nourish them. If you regularly lubricate your eyelashes with it, they will become healthy, fluffy and thick. By the way, this product is completely hypoallergenic. To increase effectiveness, you should slightly warm the peach oil in your palms before performing the procedure. After this, you need to apply it to cotton pads and place the cotton wool on your eyelashes. After 20 minutes, the discs can be removed and the lashes lightly blotted with warm water.

Peach oil gives especially good results when removing makeup. With its help, eyelashes are gently cleansed of mascara, which is combined with their nutrition.

Camphor oil is often used to accelerate hair growth. The greatest effect can be achieved by mixing 1 tbsp. castor and 2 tbsp. camphor oil. You can lubricate your eyelashes with this composition using a mascara brush every day. It is advisable not to wash off this mixture for an hour.

It is recommended to enrich the compositions of the above oils with fish oil, as well as oil extracts of parsley, cornflower, chamomile, chamomile, carrot juice, aloe, and calendula to achieve maximum effect. One of the most effective stimulators of eyelash growth includes burdock, olive, almond oils and vitamin A.

Decorative cosmetics, even high-quality ones, can cause damage to eyelashes. Their condition is also affected by their diet, lifestyle and other factors. Moreover, some ladies cannot boast of lush, long eyelashes simply because they were not endowed with such dignity by nature. But the situation can be improved: it is recommended to use special oils to improve eyelash growth.


Remember that you can be allergic to natural oils, so you need to choose them especially carefully. If you know about individual intolerance to certain drugs, exclude them from the list. But in any case, it is first recommended to buy just a little oil and apply it to the inside of the elbow to check for an allergic reaction.

Determine the main flaw in your eyelashes that needs to be addressed. This may be too short length or density, excessive loss of eyelashes, fragility, slow growth, etc. Having identified the main problems, you can choose the best remedy to solve them. If you wish, you can mix several oils to achieve maximum effect, but do not forget to check if they are compatible.

Choose castor oil for thicker eyelashes. Use it no more than 4 times a week, applying a little oil with a special brush and leaving for 50-60 minutes. Rinse off the oil very carefully so that it does not get into your eyes.

If your eyelashes need additional nutrition and strengthening, use sea buckthorn, olive or almond oil. These products accelerate the growth of eyelashes, nourish them, make them thicker, softer and fluffy. Peach and burdock oils will help you cope with excessive fragility and loss of eyelashes, strengthen them and make them longer.

Check the expiration date of the oil before purchasing it. If a store or pharmacy offers you several different oils that have expired, it is better to visit another store. Otherwise, there is a high risk that you will purchase a low-quality product.

When buying essential oils, remember that they are not sold in plastic containers and are quite expensive. Pay attention only to oils in dark glass small bottles, and it is advisable to purchase them from trusted sellers.

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Tip 3: For those who dream of long eyelashes: hair growth product

Eyelashes are a source of pride and concern for most women. Even those with naturally thick and long eyelashes sometimes think about adding volume. Do not rush to resort to artificial extensions, because there are many proven and effective methods for eyelash growth.

Hair is a sure indicator of health and past illnesses, stress, and hormonal disorders are instantly reflected in its appearance. Eyelashes and hair have a similar structure and similar care methods, but there are also differences. Due to the proximity of the mucous membrane of the eye, aggressive compounds cannot be used to awaken the hair follicles. Pepper and mustard masks are great for the scalp and absolutely not suitable for eyelashes.

The lifespan of one eyelash is about three months, so don’t panic if you notice a lost hair. New eyelashes grow constantly and moderate loss is a completely natural process.

B vitamins are of great importance for hair health. If your daily diet does not contain nuts, red meat, sprouted grains and rye bread, then you need to take vitamin tablets. Brewer's yeast as a dietary supplement will provide hair with all the necessary microelements and vitamins. It is also useful to take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil every morning on an empty stomach.

Aloe juice will help with weakened eyelashes. Cut off one fleshy shoot of the plant, remove the skin, chop the pulp and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Add 2 drops of an oil solution of vitamins A and E and a teaspoon of castor oil to aloe juice. Using a cotton swab, apply the composition to eyelashes that have been cleaned of makeup. After 2 hours, wipe your eyelashes with a cotton pad soaked in makeup remover.

Oils that stimulate hair growth include sea buckthorn, rose hip, almond, burdock, castor oil and fish oil. Eyelashes will grow faster if you use a mixture of oils. In a small bottle, mix 5 drops of each oil and add the contents of 3 Aevita capsules and fish oil. Apply the product to your eyelashes every evening using a brush or brush. You don't have to wash it off.

Castor and burdock oils cause swelling of the eyes when they come into contact with the mucous membranes, so if you use these oils as part of a mixture, be sure to wash your face before going to bed.

A mixture of cosmetic Vaseline, castor oil and rum strengthens eyelashes well. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply to eyelashes using a clean mascara wand. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Herbal compresses help activate eyelash growth. Mix one tablespoon of dry herbs chamomile, calendula and cornflower, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes. Take 4 cosmetic discs, dip them in a warm broth, place 2 discs on each eyelid and lie down for 15 minutes. Remove the compress and apply a nourishing oil mixture to the eyelashes.

To stop eyelash loss, use compresses made from a decoction of birch buds and sage.

Massage increases blood circulation around the hair roots, providing increased nutrition to the follicles. Every evening, after applying the cream to the skin, massage your eyelids along the eyelash edge with gentle patting movements. Move from the inner edge of the eyelid to the temples.

Always pay attention to the expiration date of eye cosmetics; do not use one mascara for more than six months. Use waterproof makeup as little as possible - the components included in it greatly dry out the eyelashes.