
Happy New Year. Happy New Year greetings in verse Happy New Year greetings to serious people

December 31 is the last day of the outgoing year. On this day, all people prepare for the holiday. They decorate the Christmas trees and prepare the festive table. Children are especially looking forward to this holiday, as they expect Santa Claus with gifts before the New Year.

Everyone believes that on the night from December 31 to January 1, miracles happen and wishes come true. On this holiday, we are surrounded by our closest people, and New Year's greetings are heard. How our destiny will develop in the coming year depends on what kind of New Year greetings we hear. After all, if you sincerely wish a person happiness, it will definitely happen. Therefore, you need to take the choice of New Year greetings with great responsibility. It is important that New Year’s greetings are original, addressed to a specific person. Every person dreams of something of his own, strives for his goal. And if your New Year greetings consist of banal wishes for “good luck and health,” no one will believe in your sincerity. To avoid this, order a text of New Year's greetings to professionals. We will compose Happy New Year greetings that will change the lives of your family and friends for the better!

The most beloved holiday in all countries, where it is celebrated in different ways, is the New Year.
The tradition of celebrating the New Year originated in the third millennium AD, when at the end of March the water in the Tigris and Euphrates rose, after which agricultural work began. For 12 days, this event was celebrated with carnivals and masquerades, and during these days any work and courts were prohibited. While in Babylonian captivity, the Jews borrowed the tradition of celebrating New Year. From them this tradition passed on to the Greeks, and from the Greeks to Western Europe.

After the introduction of a new calendar by Julius Caesar, the New Year began to be counted from January 1st. From this auspicious day, the Romans began all their major events, making sacrifices to their god Janus.

In the last minutes of the passing year, all Russians gather in front of the “blue screens” of their televisions to listen to the President give a congratulatory speech. With the last chimes and various fireworks, the long-awaited New Year begins.

Send New Year's greetings to your mobile phone

There's only one time left until the New Year...Putin congratulates you on the New YearThere is nothing better in the world!
(to a friend) Bag of new happiness - songMagic congratulation song: may the New Year bring happiness!New Year is already somewhere on the way - song

The passing year is beeping,
That it was full of different events;
The real one is approaching
The main, everyone's favorite holiday!
And, climbing as high as possible,
In one voice with all the people
I scream and let everyone hear me:
Happy New Year! ©

Happy New Year greetings

The first winter month is coming soon
It's going to end completely.
Everyone wants to celebrate the New Year
No illnesses or problems.
Happy New Year, so soon
The whole world will celebrate!
He will visit the cottages,
In a variety of apartments.
Happy upcoming feast!
Happy holiday of goodness and warmth!
With wonderful anticipation!
Praise to the new year!
Gifts are coming
Let them be endless!
From family, friends and loved ones
Listen to tender words! ©

With coming!

Snowflakes flying in the air
The New Year is approaching us.
And happiness is in the air
Gently awaits your smile.
So happy upcoming and New!
May you be beautiful, no doubt
But still, I want an angel
And henceforth I kept you from troubles.
May the New Year be what we are looking forward to
We'll be here in a couple of days
It will make your life comfortable
Both for you and for your friends.
Let the card account soar,
Career is rushing like a grader.
And women's happiness, of course,
Let him live in your house. ©

Happy New Year Poems

Congratulations on the upcoming year!
You're a spiller today
By glasses and by glasses,
We'll drink and then grunt!
Pour more, buddy!
The New Year is fast approaching us.
Stepping on everyone's heels
And looks out the windows.
Happy New Year, guys!
The holiday is just around the corner.
We are now celebrating the old year,
Let's summarize the results for the year.
All the good things that happened
May it multiply in the future!
And the bad is in the past,
We will replace it with the best! ©

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy New Year,
Let you tell me: “Don’t rush,”
I want to congratulate you so much,
What do I wish in advance?
May the year be successful in everything,
I send you congratulations,
May you be lucky this year! ©

Happy New Year!
Let it be amazing:
Generous, fertile, sincere
And saturated with finances.
Let your plans come true,
The unpleasant will be forgotten
Happiness and joy will increase...
Let the puzzles be successful!

The New Year's fairy tale is in a hurry to visit you,
With the staff of Frost he will knock on the door.
May it bring you miracles and drive away rubbish.
May every new day be brighter.
Let the house fill with magical light.
With a bright scarlet color let it burn with fire
At the top of the tree is the main star.
Happiness will reign once and for all.

We all sincerely dream about something,
And we wait for the New Year to come to us,
This night we will make a wish,
And in life a miracle will happen again!
This day lights up in every heart,
Hope, like a bright star!
May it never fade away
Now and next year!

Happy new year to you. He hurries towards us, in a hurry, flies on a sled and carries with him a bag of beautiful, bright gifts. I wish you to find in this magic bag joyful events, fun adventures, as well as pleasant acquaintances, excellent health, luck and good mood for the whole year.

A little more, a little more...
And quietly knock on the window
The year is coming. He's new!
And the smell in the room is spruce,
And the lights of the bright garland,
And the anticipation of gifts -
All this is a holiday feature.
So let your dreams come true!
All the best, kindness, warmth, good luck,
Health, and in addition to it
A charge of vigor and strength.
May the year bring only happiness!

We congratulate you on the coming year!
At the end of the past we wish you
So that cold adversity melts like a snowflake,
So that the offenders repent of their involuntary words,
So that only understanding reigns in your family,
To give each other love and attention,
So that you don't have long separations,
And anxious expectations are not destined.
May your family be filled with peace and kindness,
Only bright days will be remembered by both of you.
Let all your problems grind into flour,
Let your life change only for the better!

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year and I sincerely wish that along with a wonderful holiday, good luck and goodness, bright blessings and great joy, good health and eternal love, high prosperity and a bright ray of hope will come to your home.

What does the number 2018 mean?
And this means the New Year is coming to us
All that's left to do is wait until midnight,
And the chimes will call you into a fairy tale!
Love, good luck, joy, prosperity,
We wish you this ringing!
And let there be no sadness of the imprint,
When will he take over!

Congratulations on the upcoming year!
May it be amazing
All dreams come true
The money is not running out at all.
There will be joy and luck,
Every day is full of fun
So that without sadness and worries
Spend the whole New Year.
Excellent mood,
An extraordinary miracle.
Magic, joyful events
And there are many fabulous gifts.

Please accept our congratulations on the upcoming 2018! We wish all members of your family continued good health, absolute mutual understanding and impeccable relationships.

New Year's drops
It rang quietly.
Frost decorated the spruce,
The river sang the song of frost.
Walks with a quiet step
All solemn and stately,
The best New Year,
Generous, bright, gracious!
Open yourself up to him -
He will give you a fairy tale:
Feelings are hot, souls are calm
Your life will be filled with color!

The coming year is a anticipation of the holiday, it is pleasant pre-holiday chores, it is the joy of long-awaited meetings. May this festive mood remain with you for the next twelve months. Happy holiday, Happy New Year!

May the coming year
Pleases with happiness
Throw in some money
Will ward off bad weather,
Will give health,
Will add success
And only good things
He will leave it in life.
Will fulfill your wishes,
Will give attention
The love from which
Breathe faster
The work is simpler
More salary
Leather wallet
Packed thicker.
To make you smile
We laughed more often.
And so that not a bit
Don't be upset!

In the coming year of the Dog, I wish you, my colleagues, new prospects, successful implementation of all plans, implementation of interesting tasks, implementation of creative ideas, mutual understanding in our close-knit team.

New Year is coming,
May he bring happiness!
The clink of glasses, laughter, fun,
Joke ringing necklace,
Fulfillment of dreams,
And banquets and festivities,
Diamonds and cars
Long life, a hundred years!

We wish you amazing weather in the coming new year. May it always rain money over you, may the wind of good changes blow, may a love hurricane spin you around and may a whirlwind of passion turn your head, and may a good mood erupt like a volcano, and may all your friends give you only sunny, bright smiles. Happy New Year!

Congratulations on the upcoming year.
May the New Year bring goodness.
Let the resentment melt away like a snowflake,
And love will remain in the heart.
Let understanding reign in families,
Children bring joy and happiness.
Let everyone give each other attention
In the coming new year!
Good luck, happiness, prosperity to everyone,
Fulfillment of a cherished dream.
May all your wishes come true.
In the house - peace, kindness, beauty!

My friends! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the coming year! Let it only strengthen our relationship, bring many new ideas and adventures, give a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions from the time spent together.

We spent a week buying goods in supermarkets,
All the carpets were beaten, we spent the day cooking, we were tired,
And we excitedly dreamed that the New Year would come!
I still don’t understand, who would eat so much at night?
But I fill the glasses and congratulate you from the heart,
I wish you a lot of joy, health, and miracles!
The newest, youngest New Year is coming!
Let the fun be noisy and bring happiness to everyone!

Here again the fluffy snow gently turns silver,
And the New Year is already knocking on every home.
May all good things happen to you soon,
And let it be repeated many times later.
I wish you good health and the sun to smile,
And breathe deeply in the fresh air,
Walk confidently and truly fall in love,
And get a lot of joy from life.

The New Year is quickly rushing towards us,
The old one is moving backwards!
Let a miracle happen to us
Everyone is happy about miracles!

May there be happiness in the future
Everyone will come to your heart,
Life will become even more beautiful
On this bright New Year!

Happy New Year!
Soon he will come into his own.
Let your income certainly grow
So much so that your head is spinning!

May your wishes be yours in the New Year
Everything will suddenly come true wonderfully,
There will be a cup full of joy,
And let goodness float around!

The main holiday is coming,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
May this year be glorious
Have fun!

Let it happen without fail,
What is planned ahead!
Only fortunately changes
Let's start the New Year!

Congratulations on the upcoming year!
Let your heart be filled with happiness,
Joy will be inspiring,
And wishes will come true.

Let your soul become more comfortable,
And love lives in the eyes,
The days will be warmer and gentler,
And wonderful - all year long!

The holiday is coming,
The Christmas tree sparkles brightly,
New Years is soon!

May he be happy
The most fabulous, beautiful,
And the sadness will go away.

Let your relatives be nearby
Everyone will forget about the grievances,
Let love come!

New Year will come soon,
May he be a whole heap of goodness
He will bring it to our world!

New Year is already at the door,
Open it quickly
Receive the guest,
Let him make his dreams come true!

He will give happiness, affection,
And he will open a fairy tale at the door,
It will give you magic,
He will bring goodness to the house.

Let miracles happen
Lots of light and warmth
And love and mood,
Lots of new impressions!

Congratulations on the upcoming year!
May it be a happy year for you,
Hope will flare up like the dawn,
Love and luck will enter the house!

Open your hearts more courageously
For friends and desired love,
And try, without sparing yourself,
Catch Fortune in your nets!

May the coming New Year
It will bring you a lot of happiness!
So that you all become healthier,
More loved and richer!

Let Santa Claus come to your house,
And prosperity will live in him.
And so that only laughter sounds there,
There was enough joy for everyone!

Very soon he will come to us
Good, bright New Year,
And turn the page
To know in advance:

There will be sun, it will be hot,
There will be summer and spring,
And gifts under the Christmas tree
Life will present itself!

Lots of happiness and good luck,
And a lot of health to everyone,
To solve all the problems,
And got rid of problems!

Let your dreams come true
And your soul sings
A whole year to admire -
Life, like a song, is good!

New Year is just around the corner
This holiday is the best!
We have loved him since childhood.
We hasten to wish everyone:

To make all your wishes come true,
There was success everywhere,
All endeavors were successful,
And at home - peace, quiet and laughter.

Health, happiness and victories,
You can be on time everywhere
Under the chimes this night
To you the execution of these lines.

Happy New Year!
He is already walking around the planet,
I wish you with all my heart,
All the best that there is in the world,
Earthly blessings and great happiness,
Only good mood
Lots of laughter, fun, good luck,
Beauty, unearthly luck!

Snowflakes are flying in the air,
Dewdrops turned into pieces of ice,
December is about to end
The New Year holiday is coming,
Happy upcoming year, friends,
I wish you health,
Love, success and luck,
And all wishes come true!

Across the snowy expanses
The New Year is rushing towards us,
And fluffy snow flies
White-winged bird,
With coming! Accept
I wish you love, health,
Happiness and good luck!

I want to congratulate all my friends
Happy New Year,
I wish you happy adventures
And of course, beautiful weather,
To be healthy for a hundred years,
We lived happily, brightly, richly,
I wish you victories in your career
And everything you need in life!

From magical and unknown lands
New Year will come to us soon,
And again under the snow-covered Christmas tree
We will lead a round dance,
Happy upcoming year everyone! Wish
Health, happiness, long years,
Let your heart warm
Great love imperishable light!

May the coming New Year
Will bring a lot of luck to your home,
I wish your soul to sing with happiness,
So that your body becomes stronger, younger,
So that all relatives are alive and well,
And they always lived in great prosperity,
Until the morning, so they can dance and have fun
So that your eyes shine brighter with joy!

Fireworks fly into the sky
And flowers fall to the ground,
Soon, soon the New Year will come
And will lift your spirits,
With coming! I wish you well
Peace, happiness, prosperity,
Long years, family warmth,
May fate fulfill all your wishes!

New Year is coming soon,
He's already hovering at the door,
As soon as the hour strikes,
He will burst in with noisy fun,
Lights up the lights on the Christmas tree
And fill hearts with joy,
Decorate these days with happiness
And all your wishes will come true!
Well, happy upcoming, friends!
I wish you success in your business,
Love, family warmth,
Fun, jokes, laughter!

The Christmas tree is lit with lights,
There are fruits and sweets on the table
Happy upcoming holiday to you!
We wish you good luck and joy,
May everything be great for you
With health, in the family, at work,
Let there be more money
And less hard work!

Happy New Year!
Let it be amazing:

And saturated with finances.
Let your plans come true,
The unpleasant will be forgotten
Happiness and joy will increase...
Let the puzzles be successful!

A little more, a little more...
And quietly knock on the window
The year is coming. He's new!
And the smell in the room is spruce,
And the lights of the bright garland,
And the anticipation of gifts -
All this is a holiday feature.
So let your dreams come true!
All the best, kindness, warmth, good luck,
Health, and in addition to it
A charge of vigor and strength.
May the year bring only happiness!

May the coming year
Pleases with happiness
Throw in some money
Will ward off bad weather,
Will give health,
Will add success
And only good things
He will leave it in life.
Will fulfill your wishes,
Will give attention
The love from which
Breathe faster
The work is simpler
More salary
Leather wallet
Packed thicker.
To make you smile
We laughed more often.
And so that not a bit
Don't be upset!

Congratulations on the upcoming year!
May it be amazing
All dreams come true
The money is not running out at all.
There will be joy and luck,
Every day is full of fun
So that without sadness and worries
Spend the whole New Year.
Excellent mood,
An extraordinary miracle.
Magic, joyful events
And there are many fabulous gifts.

The New Year is coming quietly,
Brings new hopes to everyone.
We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming year,
Let it be the best year!
Let the problems go away with the one leaving:
All illnesses, difficulties and evil.
May the changes be good
May you be lucky, to spite your enemies!
We wish you love and luck.
Let the Lord take away the trouble.
May your children be healthy
In the new coming year!

Happy New Year,
Happy new happiness!
Let adversity go away from life
And they will take the bad weather with them!
Let joy settle in the house
And he will bring wealth with him!
There's just a little bit of waiting left -
As the chimes strike twelve!

I wish you a magical New Year,
May Santa Claus bring you joy in his sack,
May nature give you a snowy winter,
Frost will draw a pattern on the window!
Let kindness and fun reign in the house,
And spoils life always and in everything,
I wish you a festive mood
It sparkled with a wonderful sparkler!
May New Year's Eve be beautiful,
And they give loved ones tenderness, warmth,
I want happiness to open its arms to you
And it led you into the new year!

Congratulations on the upcoming year.
May the New Year bring goodness.
Let the resentment melt away like a snowflake,
And love will remain in the heart.
Let understanding reign in families,
Children bring joy and happiness.
Let everyone give each other attention
In the coming new year!
Good luck, happiness, prosperity to everyone,
Fulfillment of a cherished dream.
May all your wishes come true.
In the house - peace, kindness, beauty!

Quietly, quietly, like a feather,
New Year is sneaking up on us.
With coming! Good luck!
May you have good luck.
May it become the brightest
Fruitful, crazy.
Lots of fabulous gifts for you,
Dreams come true!
Love, friendship and health
May they grow stronger forever
Every moment brings joy
Miracles will burst into life.
Goals will become achievable
Luck will blow your mind
A sharp surge in wealth in the home
All your pockets will be torn off!

New Year is coming,
The countdown begins
New days, new events -
Joy, goodness basics.
Like white snowflakes
In a Christmas picture
Let happiness fly from heaven -
The path to new goals is open.
May the holiday bring love,
Having cast aside all doubts,
More light, warmth -
Let your dreams come true!

The year goes by, and behind it
Next comes a new one -
Peaceful, bright, mischievous,
Joyful, cheerful.
He will step on our threshold,
It will sprinkle with snow,
The turn of new days comes,
Kind and good.
May the year that is in such a hurry,
There will be a sea of ​​happiness
May it bring you good luck,
Will ward off bad weather.
It will give hope, it will give health,
Increases faith.
The year will be the best -
The year that is coming!

Happy New Year 2019 greetings

Just a little, just a little more,
The snowflakes have already flown,
And of course I want to relax,
New Year - so expected, so wanted.
He comes, he brings us happiness,
And the fulfillment of every desire,
Just a little bit, a moment, just about,
And all our expectations will be fulfilled!

2019 is coming to us,
Frost draws patterns on the windows.
With the blizzard he leads merry round dances,
He brought a beautiful Christmas tree as a gift!
We wish you all New Year's smiles,
Prosperity, luck, love and warmth.
So that there are no annoying mistakes in life,
May your life be even and smooth!

Let your dreams begin to come true
In two thousand and nineteen!
To never be apart,
Drive away sorrows and troubles
Let there be only pleasure,
Luck, joy and success,
Every moment brings
Welcome, idyll and laughter!

Happy holiday, friends
Happy New Year!
Let the family be strong
And adversity will bypass!
Health, tenderness, miracles,
And new adventures
So that there is progress in every matter,
Without fear and doubt!

Happy New, Happy 2019,
A number with a nine at the end
She must be successful
The year should be doubly happy!
And my best wishes:
Happy magical holiday, dear!
May all dreams and desires be holy,
Fulfilled, let everything be yours!

Today a star fell from the sky,
Have time to make your wish,
And we will hurry up with the coming year
Congratulations and wish you joy!
So that there is an abundance of kindness and attention,
Let your career go uphill.
Comfort and understanding reigned in the family,
May your life be a wonderful fairy tale!

The nineteenth is coming -
Year of the Earth Pig.
We will not be upset in it,
Let's follow our dreams!
It is still a symbol of wisdom,
Understanding the goals of everyone,
There is no place for recklessness in it,
It contains luck and success!

May the New Year bring you
Bring love, kindness, fun!
And this year will be the best
In the ups to plans and achievements!
May it be full of miracles
Happy holiday openings,
And so that all the problems disappear
In a series of only joyful events!

The old year is passing unnoticed,
A new year is coming to replace it!
Two thousand nineteen is waiting for us
A great reason to believe in miracles!
I wish you prosperity in everything,
Brilliant success in everyone’s business,
And find beauty in the simple,
To meet happiness in an instant one day!

Congratulations on the upcoming
Let's wish today, now,
So that with his long-awaited arrival
Every day, every hour has become brighter!
So that you make wishes
Under the clock there is a mysterious battle,
And everything that we passionately dreamed about
Fulfilled in an instant by fate!

Everyone is hoping for a miracle,
When the New Year comes.
And let, as on a luxurious platter,
The coming year will bring you:
Health, joy and luck,
More bright, bright days,
Kindness, warmth, love in addition, -
After all, happiness is based on it.
The coming year will fulfill
May all your aspirations and dreams
And fill your heart with joy,
Will give peace, light, kindness!

We promise ourselves, as always,
Before the year that comes again:
Let's exceed the to-do list, yes!
And luck will catch us in the net!
The New Year will be kind to us!
Let him fulfill all his daring plans!
Let him lead us forward in life,
Generously filling our pockets!

In the coming year, let Santa Claus give
Just a miracle, friends, of miracles,
Not some glass Christmas ball for you,
And, for example, a big Mercedes.
In the coming year, may my friend have good luck
Rolling nearby like a snowball:
And, so that in addition to a new beautiful car,
A secret sponsor built you a house.

I call for silence. Drinking
And I will say to those chewing: Stop, people!
I want to congratulate everyone on the upcoming year,
My toast will be to next year!
Take a break from chewing now,
Put Olivier aside for a moment!
I will now announce my wishes,
We'll raise a glass to them!
May luck be sweet for us,
Let big money come to us,
Let us be loved with terrible force
Happy New Year!

Happy upcoming, desired,
Happy New Year!
He's in a hurry, no doubt about it
And don’t be shy with your dreams!
Santa Claus sits with a leaf
Writes lines carefully.
To help his efforts,
We enclose our wishes!
Let renewal come
Happy new birth,
The holiday is coming - well,
May it increase our joy!

Happy holiday
I want to congratulate you
Wonderful minutes flying away
I want to wish you lovingly.
Let the time until the chimes strike
Will give you miracles
So that you become kinder and cleaner
And gave joy to the heavens,
To remember small mistakes,
I was able to fix them, because just about
The planet will dress up in fireworks
And the New Year will come to our house!

New Year is coming
And brings happiness as a gift,
A lot of holiday troubles
And care and participation.
And, of course, miracles
He will put it under our Christmas tree.
And all the troubles are forever
He will go AWOL.
Our people believe in miracles -
Here's the problem -
That this new year
Will bring us all good luck.
Well, if you have faith,
There is hope for luck
Those are gifts (you can’t count them)
We will have it without a doubt.

Happy New Year,
We sincerely wish you a great mood,
May your dream come true,
Let luck fly on its wings.
May the coming year
It will bring you a lot of happiness,
May he give you hope and love,
May success come to you again and again.

We are looking forward to the holiday,
We believe in magic and miracles,
The whole house is busy with New Year's chores,
Congratulations on the upcoming year, friends.
We wish you good luck and health,
To surround you with care and love,
So that there is always enough strength for everything,
May you always be happy.

Congratulations on the coming year,
Be in a great mood in the new year,
Let hope, faith and love walk side by side,
Let happiness know no boundaries.
Every day and every hour
May everything always make you happy,
May the road of life be long,
Let sadness forget you forever.

Beautiful greetings for the upcoming New Year 2019

The tree is shining with lights,
So, the New Year is coming,
May your dreams come true in the coming year,
And all the bad things are forgotten forever.
Always be lucky in everything

Let happiness not pass you by,
May luck find you everywhere.

In the coming year,
Let the snowstorms sweep away all the trouble,
We wish you new achievements and victories,
Long and happy years.
Let every day turn into a holiday,
We wish all our plans to come true,
May you be valued, loved, respected,
Let reliable friends surround you.

The coming year is full of hope,
He will protect us from troubles and worries,
May luck surely smile on everyone,
May everything be perfect in fate.
We sincerely congratulate you on the coming year,
We wish you to always be in great shape,
Greet every day with a smile,
Live in joy, do not be discouraged.

We are happy to congratulate you on the coming year,
May this year be a joy for you,
Let all your dreams come true,
Let life be excellent.
Be healthy, never get sick,
May fate generously reward you in full,
May fortune smile on you
May happiness never end.

We hasten to congratulate you on the coming year,
We want to wish you all the best,
May the coming year pleasantly surprise you,
So that you have enough strength for everything.
Let there be no room for sadness,
May fortune smile on you,
Let love inspire you,
May the Lord always protect you.

Please accept congratulations on the coming year,
Let all troubles and worries disappear,
May this year be the happiest
Let fate be amazing and beautiful.
Let your dream come true,
Let a bright star illuminate the path,
Let happiness be cloudless,
Let snowstorms sweep away all bad weather.

May you be lucky in everything in the coming year,
Let your home be a full cup,
Let good news pleasantly surprise you,
May the Lord help you in everything.
Believe in miracles and they will come true,
Let all the bad things go away and be forgotten,
Always be in a great mood,
Drive away all doubts.

Approaching New Year
Sent the message ahead:
So that we wait for him,
Christmas tree to decorate,
To buy champagne,
Don't forget about the gifts
To make the light bulbs sparkle,
And everyone's eyes were shining.
We wish you not to yawn,
Follow all orders
Cheerfully celebrate the New Year,
He brings you joy!

Chimes are striking all over the country,
The New Year is already upon us.
I sincerely wish you from the bottom of my heart,
Let everything bad go away.
In the coming year I wish,
You can feel all the blessings of the world.
Without losing love in my soul,
Live peacefully in the arms of happiness.

May this holiday be golden
All your wishes will come true,
And under a lucky star
Dreams come into action!
Grace will come in life,
And a good radiance will enter the house,
It's time to congratulate
Under the colorful twinkle!
Well, Happy New Year to you
Have a nice, bright New Year!
May fate please you, lovingly,
Always under a clear sky!

Congratulations on the upcoming year!
You're a spiller today
By glasses and by glasses,
We'll drink and then grunt!
Pour more, buddy!
The New Year is fast approaching us.
Stepping on everyone's heels
And looks out the windows.
Happy New Year, guys!
The holiday is just around the corner.
We are now celebrating the old year,
Let's summarize the results for the year.
All the good things that happened
May it multiply in the future!
And the bad is in the past,
We will replace it with the best!

May the New Year be first-class,
And also safe, trouble-free.
And so that we can have everything we want,
Well, they didn’t regret their life one bit.
And so that the news is only good,
May heaven promise us miracles.
So that the year is simply the “Year of Dreams”,
And may we reach the heights soon!

A bright holiday called New Year is coming.
Whatever your heart desires, let it bring with it.
More bright joy, optimism, kindness,
Feelings are mutual, words are beautiful, relationships are simple.
I don’t want super wealth, we won’t find happiness in it,
Wishing you cloudless and warm days on your life's journey.
The time for a fairy tale is coming, New Year is knocking on the window.
May you be destined for great happiness this year.

The new year is about to come,
We were waiting for him with impatience,
May this holiday bring
With you laughter and good mood.
Good luck next year
I certainly wish you
Let the troubles go away
And in the past they will melt away without a trace.
Good luck to you on your way,
May abundance come
And your happiness will fill the house,
And life will be cloudless!

Happy New Year, friends!
The clock is striking twelve!
I wish you happiness
Enjoy life!
And also great love,
Joyful moments
A lot of money, positive,
A sea of ​​compliments!
May Santa Claus be under the tree
Will leave something
And let this be something for you
Will make you dance!

Soon the winter holiday will come to us -
Joy, a sea of ​​laughter, congratulations await us...
The New Year will bring a lot of smiles,
And everyone will be in a good mood!
Happy New Year, my good friend,
May your dreams come true soon!
Tomorrow we all start a new circle -
Let him be more successful and more fun!

New Year is knocking on the door,
Open up to him quickly
May he bring goodness
Beauty, comfort, warmth!
Let there be plenty of wealth,
Let your dream come true
May you always be lucky in life,
The best was given!
Let everything be alright
To always live in abundance,
So that your home is bright,
Let happiness reign all around!

May this coming New Year
Everything in your destiny will change for the better.
May the sea of ​​happiness and smiles bring you,
Let all difficulties be abolished altogether.
Let it be bright every day.
Cheerful - every moment.
Let every step come easily
And they are not tormented by sadness or doubt.
Let love, of course, be with you.
Success always walks close by.
Let joy and peace reign in your soul.
And, of course, happiness will be immeasurable.

We wish you the chimes,
Holding a glass of champagne in your hand,
Make a cherished wish,
I wish all your loved ones a lot of happiness,
Greet the coming year with a smile,
Live it without hardships and adversities,
Look for moments of happiness and goodness,
May your life be full of joy...
And in anticipation of a moment of magic
We want to congratulate you on the upcoming year!

Happy New Year!
Let it be amazing:
Generous, fertile, sincere
And saturated with finances.
Let your plans come true,
The unpleasant will be forgotten
Happiness and joy will increase...
Let the puzzles be successful!

It so happens that corporate parties, school and student evenings dedicated to the New Year take place earlier than December 31st. This is specifically so that people can spend the holiday itself at home or on a trip, but with their family. Of course, the day itself, December 31st, is often a working day, so housewives have to ask for time off or hurry up to get everything done.

Therefore, most congratulations on the upcoming New Year are given for the future. The time you receive them does not affect the content. Key words retain value.

Happy New Year greetings to relatives

Congratulations sister,

Happy upcoming holiday, I also wish you -

Happiness, success and love at the same time!

Hardworking like Cinderella, rest sometimes and call me!

Beauty, please those around you with warmth,

Give a charming smile.

May your soul always be light,

And the sadness will remain forever forgotten.

Dear sister, you always support,

If there’s trouble, you’re nearby, and sometimes we fight.

I wish you good luck, preserve your beauty and youth,

Don’t hold a grudge, let it go!

Dear Parents! It must have been an important event for you when I appeared. You were worried, of course you were worried, because life was changing dramatically. The family has grown, there are new worries and pleasant excitement. The years have flown by, you have proven to everyone, and most importantly to yourself, how caring you can be!

It seemed that the children had grown up and it was time to relax, enjoy our successes, and support us from afar. But you continue to worry, each time worrying even more than us. This is probably what parental love is like, when the desire to see a child happy is above all else.

Our dears! Congratulations on the upcoming year and I want to say thank you today. For the time we lived together, for a wonderful and unforgettable childhood filled with impressions. You are real wizards, because you were able to give us a fairy tale that continues to this day. I wish you health, great patience, luck, inspiration, and happiness. Thank you for the life guidelines you set along the way. This keeps us on the right track!

You are a true artist, you always have your head in the clouds,

Let everything succeed for you, don’t stay on the beans.

The work is going well, and there is a close circle of friends.

Let relatives gather around more often.

Let everything be fine at home too,

My wife warmly welcomes me with delicious borscht.

Children are happy with their success at school,

And you – think about where else to go on vacation.

May there always be enough money.

The time has come to buy a new car.

Change the decor at home, buy a fur coat for your wife,

What else can you buy, think for yourself.

I still wish you good health,

Smile more often, fate likes positive people.

For posterity, pave a wide road,

And enjoy every day that comes a little!

Be happy - rejoice in everything that fate brings,

Be generous - shower your loved ones with warmth and your friends with care.

Be yourself and let the years fly by

Be loved - and love selflessly.

Be successful - your career is built and your work goes well,

Be a father - the house will be filled with the stomping and laughter of children.

Be sociable - let your friends always be nearby,

Be healthy - and amaze your descendants with longevity!

Congratulations for friends

True friends are people who are able to rejoice together, support a person in trouble and give anything without regret. Unfortunately, there are only a few of them; each one is worth appreciating. Therefore, it is imperative to congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year! I wish them good health and meet more often, of course.

I want to congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday today,

May you always have resounding success in everything!

Collect your problems in a bag, pull it tight,

And send him to quieter places.

Open your doors wider, friends,

Let love in, with it prosperity and abundance!

Let there be more good days,

And the authorities will be more merciful, not stricter.

We are all real professionals,

So let our salaries be big and worthwhile!

I wish you all good health, live long,

And you bring home a lot of money!

Happy New Year, dear friend,

Do you think this form of congratulations is outdated?


I will say lovingly and wish you happiness.

You are worthy of all known earthly blessings, dear,

Let earthly love not leave you.

Let the problems go away with the cold weather,

And you will greet spring renewed and filled with charm.

Don't get ahead of yourself, enjoy the moment

Remain yourself, let wealth wash to your shore!

The languid, fleeting spring will pass,

Keep its charge and magic for a year.

The years will fly by, time is truly inexorable.

Just don’t be afraid of his power, be undaunted.

Preserve the beauty of your soul for centuries,

Shine with colorful lights like a Christmas tree.

Let the house be filled with the laughter of children,

And you live happily, don’t get sick!

How I want to raise a glass now,

And wish you all the best!

Dear friends, my buddies,

It's so good that our paths crossed.

We have gone through a lot, we have accumulated experience behind us,

And there is a lot of pre-New Year troubles ahead.

However, we will gather to celebrate more than once,

To drink red and talk without embellishment!

I thank fate tirelessly,

For loyal and desired friends.

Let's save our relationship

And we will surprise our descendants more than once!

I will close the doors forever -

For the bad: bad thoughts, nightmares and fads,

Our friendship, unity and common memories,

Friends, I want to wish you the opposite -

Be happy, successful, positive always!

So that good luck, happiness, and success await everyone.

And ours remained the same: one for all!

Congratulations to your other half

People in love sometimes forget about the world around them; the main thing for them is that their loved one remains close. Therefore, they are the first to express congratulations on the upcoming year to their couple. Take a ready-made text or write your own? Now you can buy postcards of any theme: “To my beloved,” “Dear mother-in-law,” “Dear mother-in-law.” There will be ready-made texts inside. But it’s better to compose New Year’s greetings yourself, after studying several examples. This approach will only increase the value of the message.

Darling, the New Year is rapidly approaching us,

I don’t know what surprises it will bring us.

Pleasant pre-holiday chores await you,

The main thing is not to spend all your time worrying.

Look around - everything is going well now,

Relatives are nearby, work is going well, everything is fine with us.

For love, for warmth, for parents and friends to us.

I want to see you every day

Absorb your entire appearance.

Let your beautiful, happy eyes shine.

They impress with their warmth and kindness.

Darling, a magical New Year is coming. I can’t help but remember how I waited for this as a child.

Happy New Year to the man.

holiday. It seemed that he fulfilled all wishes, because the good wizard, Santa Claus, carried the gifts there. The atmosphere itself is still filled with charm. You see? The streets are already shining with colorful lights. Let it be cold, winter gives no respite.

All the same, my soul is warm and joyful. Let's wish one thing for both of us? Stay together always! Any problem, even a big trouble, will be overcome if we meet it together. It doesn't matter what surprises fate has in store for us. Let's keep our strong feelings forever!

I miss you now, my love,

I miss your wonderful eyes.

Everyone around is getting ready to send off,

At the same time, for the arrival of the New Year.

I want to do one thing,

Will go down into the underground metro.

Get into the right car and fly to you!

So that we can celebrate the New Year together.

Let's make a wish at the same time.

Remain united always, without separation.

And if you have to say goodbye again.

Leave a piece of your soul and half of yours!

We must not forget our comrades with whom we meet every day at work!

Promise to always be here

Promise - to love, care and dream.

Promise me to stay young, even though the years pass,

And after death he will return as a blue bird.

I always ask little from fate,

So as not to fall to the bottom in life.

At the same time, preserve and strengthen our love.

I give you my word - I will stay with you,

I give you my word - I will protect you from harm with myself.

I know you will wish us happiness,

So that bad weather can pass us by.

The New Year is approaching us,

What other surprises will he bring?

Let's meet him together, open the door,

And we wish you to live a year without losses.


My dear, the New Year is approaching,

What gift should I give you?

I wish you love, beauty,

May the Sun always shine on you,

And the Moon will be your guiding star at night.

Let what you wish come true,

And let those you meet be kind.

Friends always remain true

And our love will grow stronger, may the years strengthen it.

Just keep me warm,

And impress with a beautiful outfit at the holiday.

Congratulations to colleagues

We must not forget our comrades, with whom we meet every day at work! Sometimes the routine seems endless, who will encourage, at the same time give advice or help clear out the rubble? Of course, colleagues! It’s worth celebrating the coming New Year with them at the corporate party, and at the same time wishing them happiness and other blessings!

Be patient a little longer, gentlemen!

The New Year is in a hurry, hurrying here.

As luck would have it, our roads are snowy,

It’s cold, the main thing for Santa Claus is not to get cold feet.

Is your child expecting congratulations from Santa Claus?


We decorated the office well,

It became so light, beautiful, festive!

The smell of spruce lingers in the rooms,

And the beautiful Christmas tree is already standing in the corner.

We are ready - money has been set aside for a corporate event,

The day has been chosen, the time has been set - just get ready.

Let's sing New Year's songs together,

And that’s how we’ll call Santa Claus!

New Year is still approaching

And I want to congratulate everyone now.

Raise a glass, albeit imaginary for now,

And to say - be happy, colleagues, always.

Let the advent of next year, 2019,

The weather is always good in the office.

Let the boss praise him more often, and at the same time decide

Give out bonuses to all of us early.

I want to celebrate the winter holidays,

Just like I dreamed of - going to the sea with my family.

Forget at least for a while about the harsh winter,

And always be on top of your game at work!

Life is harsh, every year we are frightened by shocks,

Prices are rising – for food, housing and communal services and equipment.

What other concerns might there be?

Come on, colleagues, we will withstand the blows of fate together,

Even if the Earth shakes and the sky splits a meteorite,

We will remain the same – friendly and strong.

At the same time, don’t forget to organize a corporate party!

The New Year is coming anyway, it’s inevitable.

Winter holidays pass quickly and unnoticed.

Then harsh everyday life awaits us, work until it stops,

So let your loved ones be your support.

I still wish everyone good health,

A successful career and more salaries.

And the management should praise him more often and at the same time support him!

Bottom line

Who should be the first to congratulate on the upcoming holiday - New Year? Of course, parents, convey your greetings to them, and at the same time wish them happiness.

Congratulate your other half by adding some nice gift to your wishes. Don’t forget the company of friends, definitely colleagues, and say a few kind words to your boss. Yes, the New Year is such a holiday, it unites everyone!