
Where and how to check the correctness of pension calculation: calculation features, calculation scheme and recommendations. Application for recalculation of a pension sample Sample application to a pension fund for calculation of a pension

The most common violations of rights when applying for a pension:

After reviewing the documents, the pension fund employee orally declares that such and such periods cannot be included in the length of service, there is no right to a pension, and sends the stunned applicant home.

The pension authority employee accepts the application, but orally says that it is necessary to “add” such and such documents, after the next visit it suddenly turns out that something else is missing (and so on ad infinitum), as a result, the pension is assigned after many, many months.

The pension fund employee accepts the application, even registers it, offers to provide the missing documents and then offers again write an application, as a result, the pension is assigned from the day of the second application.

Applications to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are not accepted (not registered), notification receipts are not issued, and written notices of missing documents are not prepared or issued.

Here are the two most typical letters that sometimes come to me, as the author of the site “early retirement for teachers”:

Dear Sergei Leonidovich, I applied to the Education Department for a certificate at the beginning of June, mistakenly thinking that I had not yet become eligible for early retirement. They gave me a certificate (or rather, they didn’t do it) for 7 months. The Pension Fund previously told me that I should only come with all the documents. Having learned in September that I had to submit an application, otherwise my pension might not be credited, I contacted the Pension Fund. At first they didn’t take all the other documents without this certificate, then they took it and explained what would be counted from that day (at the same time, as it turned out, I had already lost a lot), without specifying the deadline for submitting this certificate. Despite my regular appeals to the specialist who dealt with my unfortunate certificate, it was made on January 17, I immediately took it to the Pension Fund. The Pension Fund called me on January 24, saying that I could write an application, and when I arrived, they informed me that my eligibility begins on January 24, because the certificate had to be provided within 10 days...

Dear Sergei Leonidovich! I submitted all the documents to the Pension Fund of Russia, and they asked me for a clarifying certificate. After that, I visited the Pension Fund several times, and each time they demanded more and more new documents from me. This has been going on for 8 months now. Is this legal?

In order to correctly apply for a pension, you need to carefully study the legislation, and it is very advisable, before going to the pension fund, to print out the main provisions, which will be quoted below.
Law of the Russian Federation “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”:
Article 19. Deadlines for assigning a labor pension
1. The labor pension (part of the old-age labor pension) is assigned from the date of application for the specified pension...

3. If not all necessary documents are attached to the application, the body providing pension provision gives the person applying for the labor pension an explanation of what additional documents he must submit. If such documents are submitted no later than three months from the date of receipt of the corresponding clarification, the day of application for a labor pension (part of an old-age labor pension) is considered to be the day of receipt of the application for a labor pension (part of an old-age labor pension) or the date indicated on the postal stamp of the federal postal service organization at the place of departure of this application. A similar provision is contained in Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of February 27, 2002 N 17/19пб “On approval of the Rules for applying for a pension, assigning a pension and recalculating the amount of a pension, transferring from one pension to another in accordance with the federal laws “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”. Federation" and "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation" (as amended on April 28, 2010)


7. Citizens can apply for a pension at any time after the right to it arises, without limitation by any period, by submitting an appropriate application directly or through a representative.

An application for an old-age pension can be accepted by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation before the citizen reaches retirement age, but not earlier than a month before the right to this pension arises.

11. When accepting an application for the establishment of a pension and the necessary documents, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

  • checks the correctness of the application and the compliance of the information contained in it with the identity document and other documents submitted;
  • compares the originals of the submitted documents with their copies, records the identified discrepancies;
  • registers citizens' statements and issues a notification receipt , which indicates application acceptance date , list of missing documents And deadlines for their submission; (note: it is obvious that such a list should only be in writing - S.P.)
  • reclaims from legal entities and individuals, documents necessary for assigning a pension, recalculating the amount of a pension, transferring from one pension to another and paying a pension;
Based on this,


If, according to your calculations, you have the necessary length of service to grant an early pension, contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with your passport, insurance certificate and work record book and request the issuance of a notification receipt.
If the application form is not issued, registration is denied, they refuse to provide the registration number, they refuse to issue a copy of the application with a mark, in other words, if you there is no written evidence of the application in the Pension Fund,– .

Request the issuance of a notification receipt and a written list of missing documents. The notification receipt can be viewed in the appendix to this article.
If they do not issue a notification receipt, or this receipt does not contain the date of receipt of the application, or they do not issue a written list of missing documents - send the application by mail - a valuable letter with acknowledgment of receipt and a list of the attachments, keeping the second copy (copy) of the application for yourself .

If you are asked for any missing documents -
Request from the Pension Fund a corresponding written request.

You have 3 months to submit the missing documents to the Pension Fund. Be active! After all, the pension is assigned to you, and not to the official from the Pension Fund.
Sample applications can be found in the appendix to this article.


You can’t “talk” to the Pension Fund! Only officially registered written statements! The pension is assigned from the date of the official written application, and not from the date of negotiations!
Receive a pension from the date the right arises until the day the application is submitted – it is forbidden!!!

In order to apply for an early pension, which requires a certain amount of service, it is necessary to correctly calculate this experience. How to use various programs and online services to correctly calculate length of service -

  • 1 Who has the right to apply for recalculation of labor pensions
  • 2 Features of recalculation of old-age labor pension
    • 2.1 Package of documents attached to the application for recalculation:
  • 3 Step-by-step guide to drawing up an application to the Pension Fund
  • 4 Recalculation of pensions through the court
    • 4.1 The plaintiff must provide as evidence:
  • 5 Conclusion

Who has the right to submit an application for recalculation of labor pensions To increase the assigned pension benefit, the pensioner must write an application for recalculation of the pension. The applicant must be a pensioner, otherwise his application will not be considered. Before this, he must already write an application with a request to assign old-age pension payments and receive it.

Forms and application forms

These include:

  1. Persons who have reached 80 years of age.
  2. Pensioners who have received disability.
  3. An increase or decrease in the number of dependents of a pensioner (the fact that a particular person is a dependent must be established by the court).
  4. Obtaining a calendar period of work (15 and 20 years) in difficult conditions (the Far North and areas bordering it).
  5. Relocation of a person receiving a pension to the Far North or to areas with similar climatic conditions.
  6. Persons who have written an application for retirement.
  7. Departure of a pensioner from the Far North.
  8. Children who are entitled to financial support due to the death of a second parent.

In order to recalculate your pension towards its increase, you must submit the appropriate application.

Application to the pension fund

Attached to it:

  • manually completed application form,
  • passport,
  • SNILS,
  • employment history,
  • marriage document, certificate of length of service and latest salary payments,
  • children's birth certificates,
  • documents influencing the fact of increasing the pension.

When receiving a package of documents and an application to the Pension Fund for a pension, the employee checks the accuracy of the information presented and makes copies of official papers. The appeal is registered and a receipt-notification is issued.

It contains the date of reception. If any documents are missing, they are indicated with the deadline for their presentation. Application for transfer of the funded part First, you need to select the most suitable NPF in Russia.
Consider the rating based on profitability and volume of funds raised.

It is worth noting that no other types of applications (for example, documents drawn up in free form) will not be accepted. Dear visitors of the “Pension Expert” portal! To quickly resolve your problems and questions, we recommend that you contact qualified practicing lawyers on social issues:

  • For Moscow and the Moscow region: +7 499 703 14 65
  • For St. Petersburg and Leningrad region: +7 812 309 54 03
  • All-Russian toll-free number: +7 800 511 81 24

Applications and calls are accepted around the clock and seven days a week.

A sample of filling out an application for a pension can be viewed at the stand at the Pension Fund branch, on the official website of the department or here: [sample of a completed application].

Application for retirement


The specifics of how to write an application to a pension fund depend on the reason for the application. The general diagram is as follows: Header (upper right corner) The territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, F. is indicated.

I. O. hairiness. Application The body contains information about the place of registration and residence, SNILS number, and passport information. Reasons and grounds for appeal After the personal information, the reason for the appeal is indicated.

Date and signature The signature is placed with a transcript. Each application must contain complete information about the person and the purpose of his application.

How to write an application for pension recalculation: sample, submission

Important! An application for recalculation of the pension amount is written only when you have already received a pension one or more times, the amount of which did not satisfy the pensioner. If a person receiving a pension does not agree with the amount of payments assigned for old age, he can apply to the Pension Fund for recalculation only if he has important grounds for increasing such payments.
He must write an application for recalculation of the pension, contacting the Pension Fund with a request to recalculate it. The application requires you to write reasoned disagreements and support them with documented extracts from the archive and work record book.

To achieve a review, it is necessary to draw up an application to reduce the amount of deduction from the pension of those funds to which he is legally entitled.

Application to the pension fund for clarification of the pension accrued to me

Such documents include:

  • employment history;
  • extracts from the archives of former employers on the amount of wages;
  • information about awards during the work period.

Please note: if employees of the local Pension Fund refuse to accept papers and confirmations, then you should write a statement of claim for recalculation of the pension. A sample statement of claim is always provided at the court secretariat.
Step-by-step guide to drawing up an application to the Pension Fund

  1. The applicant's full name must be written at the beginning of the document;
  2. After the header indicate the number of the pension certificate and the time of assignment of old-age maintenance;
  3. Then you should indicate the amount of current payments, which the applicant is not ready to agree with. Explain with reason the reason for the insufficient accrual of money: the lack of labor documents for a certain period, which also needs to be clarified.

Complaint against pension fund

Peculiarities of recalculation of old-age labor pension The Pension Fund revises pension accruals from the 1st day of each month. Therefore, you need to apply there after a reduction in pension payments has occurred. For working pensioners, there are some legal grounds for recalculation, and for non-working pensioners, there are others. This must be taken into account when sending an application for pension recalculation to non-working pensioners.
It should be remembered that any requirement to increase pension payments must be accompanied by a package of documents providing a legal basis for recalculating the old-age pension. Otherwise, he will not be accepted. By law, all paperwork for increasing pension payments must be provided by the pensioner himself.

Sample application to the pension fund for pension calculation

When choosing a basis, you must indicate in your application a request for:

  • assignment of an insurance pension,
  • assigning a share of the old-age insurance pension,
  • assignment of a funded pension.

The insurance part can be with the establishment of a fixed payment based on age, disability or loss of a breadwinner. The features of a funded pension are also prescribed. If maternity capital was attracted, there is income from investment, this is indicated.

An application for an old-age pension is submitted to the territorial authority upon reaching the age limit specified in the legislation and if there is work experience. There is no time limit for submitting the official paper, but the start date of the appointment is considered the day on which the application was submitted.

The paper itself is drawn up according to the established template, approved by Appendix No. 4, which was issued by the Pension Fund.

In 2020, due to the ongoing crisis situation in the country, the question of how to check the correctness of the old-age pension calculation worries almost every Russian. To receive a pension in a timely manner within 1 month, future pensioners must take care to prepare a package of documents and submit it with an application to the pension fund.

New provisions of Part 1 of Art. 8 “Conditions for assigning an old-age insurance pension” of the federal law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On insurance pensions” allow you to retire in old age in the first half of 2020:

  • women born in the second half of 1964 who reached the age of 55.5 years, and men born in the second half of 1959 who reached the age of 60.5 years.

In addition, new rules apply when calculating pension payments:

  1. The need for a minimum insurance period. In 2019 - 10 years, 2020 - 11 years. By 2024 and then he must reach 15 years of age.
  2. Availability of accumulated individual pension points. Their minimum number is 18.6; by 2025, the IPC should increase to 30.
  3. Introduction of the pension coefficient– it is set by the government on the basis of economic calculations, and has different values ​​every year depending on the level of inflation and the state of the economy. The cost of a PC in 2019 is 87.24, in 2020 – 93 rubles.

This is a list of the main innovations used in calculating old-age pensions in a new way, when pension payments are assigned to a citizen upon reaching the age of 60/65 (women/men).

In the calculations, the main role is played by the number of contributions the employer made to the Pension Fund for the employee.

The pension is calculated and calculated by Pension Fund employees. The work book at the place of work is filled out by personnel department employees.

The human factor presupposes the presence of errors, they happen often, so a newly minted pensioner needs to check all the accruals.

If there are no errors in the applicant’s documents, then the error occurred due to the fault of the PF employee who was involved in the accrual. This is the simplest option, since the recalculation can be done again directly at the Pension Fund branch. The most important thing is to find these errors.

If it turns out that errors were made in the preparation of official documents during employment, this complicates the situation.

To correct them, you must contact the personnel department of the institution where the citizen worked.

Difficulties will increase if errors in records are made at enterprises that no longer exist. In this case, you need to contact the archives.

In any case, sooner or later errors can be corrected, so it is very important to monitor the correct filling out of the work book during working life, and not during the assignment of an old-age pension.

If errors are discovered, you must contact the Pension Fund with a request to revise the calculations. Employees are required to accept the application, review documents, make changes and notify the applicant about what changes have been made and on what basis.

If the applicant is not satisfied with the results of the accruals, then he has the right to apply again for a recount to a higher branch of the Pension Fund.

Alternatively, you can recalculate your old-age pension yourself and verify or doubt the calculations made. To do this, the main thing that should be before your eyes is a certificate of income for any 5 years or for the period 2000-2001, a work book.

  1. Ask the Pension Fund for an extract from your personal account with the data that is necessary for the calculation.
  2. Use the formula for calculating the insurance part of the pension as of January 1, 2002 or.
  3. Calculation of the insurance part after 01/01/02. To do this, you will need the amount of insurance premiums paid by the employer, taking into account indexation. This information will be provided by the Pension Fund upon the citizen’s request. This is the pension capital that we need for the main calculation.
  4. Calculating the amount of valorization (what this term is) - increasing pension capital. The percentage of valorization is calculated for the years worked by the citizen before 1991. For the very fact of work, 10% is charged and for each additional year 1%, but not more than 75% in total. The calculation of the old-age labor pension for citizens who began working before 2001 is made by adding up all the data received: insurance parts before and after January 1, 2002, valorization and the basic fixed amount of the pension benefit, which is established by the government. 5.686 rubles 25 kopecks- this is its size in 2020, established on January 1.
  5. Calculation of the insurance part from 1.01.15. according to the new legislation, it is made by multiplying the IPC by the PC. The insurance part depends on the PC, which is set by the government. IPC is a collection of points, which is based on employer contributions and depends on the size of the salary. – 18.6. When calculating, points are converted into rubles by multiplying employer contributions by the cost of 1 point. You can see detailed calculations with examples.

Thus, calculations are not particularly difficult if you have all the information about your personal account before your eyes. In addition to the fact that it can be provided by the Pension Fund, you can see all the movement of funds in your account in your personal account on the government services website, after going through the registration procedure there.

Alternatively, you can use a virtual calculator to calculate the amount of your pension. The Internet is replete with similar offers, but it is better to use the calculator on the Pension Fund website - this is a more reliable option.

For those who are still far from retirement, it is also worth making calculations for the future in order to have an idea of ​​​​what the size of the pension will be. If it seems insufficient, then it is appropriate to think about how to increase your official income today so as not to be upset about it tomorrow.

Code Name
Pension Fund forms
SZV-M Information about the insured persons
RSV-1 PFR Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance in the FFOMS and TFOMS by insurance premium payers making payments to individuals
RSV-2 PFR Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance in the FFOMS and TFOMS by payers of insurance contributions who do not make payments and other remuneration
RV-3 PFR Calculation of accrued and paid contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, used when monitoring the payment of contributions for employers paying contributions for additional social security
SPV-1 Information on accrued and paid insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance and the insurance experience of the insured person
SZV-6-1 Information on accrued and paid insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance and the insurance experience of the insured person
SZV-6-2 Register of information on accrued and paid insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance and the insurance experience of insured persons
SZV-6-3 Information on the amount of payments and other remunerations accrued by payers of insurance premiums - policyholders in favor of an individual
ADV-6-2 List of information transmitted by the policyholder to the Pension Fund of Russia
ADV-6-3 Inventory of documents on accrued and paid insurance premiums and insurance experience of insured persons transferred by the policyholder to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
ADV-1 Questionnaire of the insured person
ADV-2 Application for exchange of insurance certificate
ADV-3 Application for issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate
ADV-6-1 List of documents submitted by the policyholder to the Pension Fund of Russia
22-PFR Application for offset of amounts of overpaid insurance premiums, penalties, fines
23-PFR Application for refund of overpaid insurance premiums, penalties, fines
24-PFR Application for the return of amounts of excessively collected insurance premiums, penalties, fines
Application for registration of a Russian organization with the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the location of a separate unit on the territory of the Russian Federation
Application for registration with the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the insurer making payments to individuals
Application for deregistration with the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the policyholder making payments to individuals
SZV-4-2 Individual information about the insurance period and accrued insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance of the insured person (list form)
ADV-11 Statement of payment of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance
SZV-4-1 Individual information about the insurance experience and accrued insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance of the insured person

Application to the Pension Fund for the provision of information on the length of service taken into account when assigning a pension, what amount of wages was taken into account, and the coefficients for calculating pensions

To the Pension Department "Lomonosovsky"

Moscow cities

119331, Moscow, Vernadskogo Ave., 25, building 1

Petrova Tatiana Nikolaevna

registration address:

119313, Moscow, st. Leninsky Prospekt,

building 93, apt.


I, Tatyana Nikolaevna Petrova, born on April 7, 1956, am registered and live at the address: Moscow, st.

Application to the pension fund

Leninsky Prospekt, building 3, apt. 233, I have a total insurance experience of over thirty years.

Initially, I was assigned a pension in the amount of 5,658 (five thousand six hundred fifty-eight) rubles 32 kopecks from 04/07/2011, which is confirmed by pension certificate No. 0355371 dated 07/19/2011.

On July 25, 2011, I was assigned the first disability group, and therefore, the amount of my pension is 11,000 (eleven thousand) rubles.

When assigning pensions to employees of the Lomonosovsky pension department, the calculation was made based on average earnings for 2000-2001.

Based on the foregoing, I consider it necessary to submit this application regarding the issue of providing me with information about the pension assigned to me, namely, the insurance period taken into account when assigning the pension, what amount of wages was taken into account, and the coefficients for calculating the pension.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 18 Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, the assignment, recalculation of amounts and payment of labor pensions, including the organization of their delivery, are carried out by the body providing pensions in accordance with the Federal Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation”, at the person’s place of residence who applied for a labor pension. When a pensioner changes his place of residence, the payment of a labor pension, including the organization of its delivery, is carried out at his new place of residence or place of stay on the basis of the pension file and registration documents issued in the prescribed manner by the registration authorities.

According to Art. 2 of the Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” citizens have the right to apply personally, as well as send individual and collective appeals to state bodies, local governments and officials.

In accordance with Art. 4 of the Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” citizens have the right to apply to the listed Art. 2 bodies with statements, that is, requests for assistance in the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms.

Based on the above circumstances, Art. 33 Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 2, 4 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”, Art. 18 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”,

  1. Consider my application on its merits.
  2. Provide me with information about the pension assigned to me, namely, the length of service taken into account when assigning the pension, what amount of salary was taken into account, and the coefficients for calculating the pension.


A copy of T.N. Petrova’s passport.

Copy of work book

“____”_________2011 _________________/Petrova T.N./

Women who are entitled by law to an increase for children born during Soviet times must apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a written application.

We'll tell you how to correctly draw up a document, what to write in an application and what mistakes you should avoid.

Application form and examples of applications to the Pension Fund for recalculation of the pension amount

The application form is standard. It is approved at the legislative level.

Therefore, in order to write an application for an increase in pension for children correctly, you should first of all print out the sample, and then fill in the blank lines in it.

Ready-made application form to the Pension Fund for recalculation of the amount of pension for children can be downloaded for free here in PDF format

Completed sample application for pension recalculation- the example can be downloaded for free here in WORD format

Writing rules and typical mistakes in an application for recalculation of the amount of pension for children

Follow these rules when writing your application:

  1. Complete the document in Russian. If there was a mistake in a word, a typo in digital data, then it is worth rewriting the document again. Corrections, strikethroughs, etc. are not considered. The application must be written without errors.
  2. Find out how to spell the name of the department you are applying to. Write it in the very top line.
  3. In paragraph 1, provide your personal information. Required: full name, SNILS, citizenship, registration address and actual place of residence, contact phone number, passport details.
  4. Place a check mark or cross next to the floor.
  5. In the case when a legal representative applies for an incapacitated citizen, then paragraph 2 indicates all personal information about him. In addition, information from the notarized power of attorney is included - series, document number, as well as by whom and when it was issued, for what period.
  6. In paragraph 3 it should be stated that you are asking for a recalculation taking into account non-insurance periods.
  7. In point 4, check the box that you are not working.

    Letter to the pension fund...

    Please note that recalculation can also be carried out for working pensioners, but only for those who are already receiving pension payments.

  8. List in paragraph 6 all documents, including those for children, even though they are adults. We wrote in more detail about what documentation is required for recalculation in the previous article.
  9. In paragraph 7, indicate that you would like to receive written notification by mail or electronic mail.
  10. Paragraph 8 is provided for you to put the date when you submitted the document, your signature with a decoding of the initials.

If you follow these tips, no errors should occur.

Complete the document on your PC or fill it out manually using a pen with blue ink.

Write clearly and clearly.

After submitting your application you should be sent notification, on which a day will be set when you can come to the Pension Fund again on this issue.

Remember that copies of documents are submitted along with the application. It’s better to take the originals with you to your next appointment at the department.