
Can pregnant women use a body scrub? Self-care during pregnancy. Skin care during pregnancy: preventing stretch marks

Text: Ekaterina Pisareva

Goal: prepare the skin of the abdomen for pregnancy, make it more elastic and durable

Products: soft body scrubs and peelings, moisturizing creams

Exfoliation is the main procedure for caring for the skin of the body and abdomen in preparation for pregnancy. “In order to prevent stretch marks and loss of tone, you need to prepare the skin well for natural stretching, softening and at the same time making it more elastic,” say the Clarins laboratory. A scrub or soft peeling should be used once or twice a week to rid the skin of impurities and dead cells that prevent it from breathing. In addition, exfoliation makes the skin stronger, thus preventing the appearance of uneven fat deposits - capiton, which appear on the upper thighs and buttocks, even in slender women. The second stage is nutrition and hydration, choose creams with vitamins, and when applying, pay special attention to the areas that will be most susceptible to stretching - the stomach, hips and chest.

Goal: prevent the appearance of stretch marks

Products: creams and oils with maximum nourishing and softening properties

“During pregnancy, the elastic fibers of the skin are very tense and run the risk of “tearing,” leaving marks in the form of reddish or bluish stripes,” says Madina Kolieva, Ph.D., dermatocosmetologist of the highest category, scientific director of the educational and methodological center “ Vallex M." Paradoxically, these hormonal skin breaks appear especially often in very young women. The main thing here is to gradually gain weight, and the essential remedy will be oil for stretch marks; choose it based on the naturalness of the ingredients and hypoallergenicity. Every day, apply the oil to your stomach using light pinching movements. After using the oil, you can take a cool shower. Take advantage of your pregnancy to wean yourself off hot baths, this is the number one enemy of body elasticity and good blood circulation. “Cool water remarkably improves blood circulation, prevents varicose veins and strengthens skin tissue. Therefore, contrast showers, dousing with cold water, massage with a hard “mitten” followed by lubricating the skin with nourishing and moisturizing body products are very useful for the prevention of stretch marks, says Madina Kolieva.

Goal: preserve the beauty of the breasts

Products: it is preferable to use products with the maximum amount of natural ingredients

To maintain the tone of breast tissue, it is useful to take a contrast or cool shower before applying cream or oil. Bust products are applied in the morning and evening with gentle massaging movements along the outer radius from the base of the chest to the décolleté, in movements reminiscent of a figure eight. Neck area: two downward movements on both sides towards the heart with the entire surface of the palm and an upward movement in the center against the force of gravity, recommends Natalya Suyazova, training manager at Biotherm. Products that are not suitable for use during pregnancy are usually marked by the manufacturer - “do not use during pregnancy and lactation.” And be sure to wear a comfortable bra with deep cups and wide straps, without wires, it should support your breasts without moving them, without squeezing them, and without cutting into your back or shoulders.

Goal: get rid of swelling and heaviness in the legs

Products: the second most necessary product (after anti-stretch marks) in the expectant mother’s beauty arsenal is foot creams with a drainage and venotonic effect

During pregnancy, your legs experience serious stress. On the one hand, their condition is affected by hormonal changes in the body, due to which the skin flakes, becomes drier and more sensitive, on the other hand, due to the constantly increasing body weight, blood circulation changes - the vessels and veins receive significant stress, as a result of which edema appears . Products (creams, gels and sprays) with slightly cooling textures will come to the rescue, usually containing mint, citrus oils and seaweed. Another effective remedy for swelling is sea salt, which saves you from many foot problems. It draws out excess fluid and toxins, which means it fights swelling and helps cope with cellulite. Before going to bed, you can take salt baths for your feet (the water should not be hot). Put a few tablespoons of sea salt and add a couple of drops of essential oil. “Ideally, geranium, eucalyptus, mandarin and incense. These oils will not only additionally moisturize the skin, but will also “treat” you with aromatherapy,” says Olga Panteleeva, training manager of the SpaRitual brand.

Secrets of the stars

“As long as you have the opportunity (if you are just planning a pregnancy), go to the bathhouse or hammam regularly, and do body wraps from time to time. I notice in myself and my friends,” says Evgenia Linovich, a mother of two children herself and the owner of Spa Palestra, “those who regularly took care of their bodies before pregnancy and tried not to gain too many kilograms during pregnancy got into shape very quickly after childbirth. By the way, if you have already gained and lost weight, your skin remembers this experience and better adapts to changes during pregnancy.”

French star Sophie Marceau shares the secret of her excellent shape after childbirth: during pregnancy, the actress regularly rubbed olive oil rich in vitamin E into the skin of her abdomen. This is the safest and most effective remedy; if desired, olive oil can be replaced with wheat germ oil.

Star mom Catherine Zeta Jones rubbed a mixture of honey and salt into her skin during pregnancy; this is both good moisturizing and peeling at the same time (but be careful, honey is an allergen).

During pregnancy, one of the problems that most expectant mothers worry about is the fear of losing their former beauty. Stretch marks during pregnancy may be a cause for concern.
on the body. Stretch marks are small, scar-like stripes on the body. When they first appear, they are reddish-blue in color, then the intensity of the color weakens and the stretch marks become white and rough to the touch compared to healthy skin. At this time, getting rid of them is much more difficult, and sometimes even impossible. It's easier to prevent them than to get rid of them. Therefore, it is important to take timely measures to prevent their occurrence.

The cause of stretch marks is the rupture of connective tissue due to strong stretching of the skin. This usually occurs during pregnancy, but can also occur for other reasons, such as puberty, long-term use of certain hormonal medications, or sudden changes in weight. Connective tissue breaks down because the body lacks proteins that are responsible for skin elasticity, such as collagen and elastin. Therefore, to prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy and just stretch marks, proper nutrition is very important.

Proper and healthy nutrition as a remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy.

In addition, to avoid stretch marks, a pregnant woman’s body must contain dairy and fermented milk products, which provide calcium, as well as cereal products rich in potassium. Olive oil and vitamin E help to maintain skin elasticity. Usually, vitamin E is prescribed to pregnant women from the very first days. I have heard more than once that vitamin E is called the vitamin of youth and beauty. It helps keep not only your skin beautiful, but also your hair and nails.

Cosmetics to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy.

You need to use cosmetics from the very beginning first days of pregnancy. At first I used a special cream for stretch marks, then I switched to regular oil. These products should be applied after a shower to areas of the skin most susceptible to stretch marks - the stomach, chest and thighs. If you choose between cream and oil for stretch marks, I would recommend oil. After using it, the skin remains hydrated longer. You can rub regular olive oil into the skin of your chest and abdomen. For greater effectiveness, add a few drops of vitamin E to it.

It is believed that the effectiveness of a special remedy for stretch marks is higher if it contains vitamins A and E, collagen, elastin, chamomile extract and any natural oils. I don't know, regular oil helped me. The most important thing is not to delay, but to start using it already in the first months of pregnancy!

Unfortunately, the use of cosmetics is not a guarantee that stretch marks will not occur. Much depends on the genetic predisposition and characteristics of the body. But in any case, if breaks occur when using oil, they will not be as strong and less noticeable than if you did not use any products at all. After all, the oil perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin.

I can also recommend you a contrast shower and massage. Attention, before following this recommendation, consult your gynecologist! This procedure should only be done with your doctor's approval and only if you have a healthy pregnancy.

A contrast shower improves skin elasticity. You need to start a contrast shower with a comfortable water temperature, then turn the water hot for 30 seconds, and then cold for the same time. If you have never taken a contrast shower before, then you need to start gradually. Make the water slightly warm at first, then gradually reduce the temperature. Just be extremely careful, listen to your body, and consult your doctor before undertaking such a procedure.

Particular attention should be paid to the chest and abdomen area. I did 10 circular shower movements in one direction and the other for each problem area. You can massage your skin under running water with your hands, this will increase blood circulation and, accordingly, the elasticity of the skin.

In addition to a contrast shower and a healthy diet, massage has an excellent effect in the fight against stretch marks during pregnancy. I usually did it after a shower, on clean and dry skin. Take the skin with your thumb and forefinger and lift it slightly, then you need to press a little and, as it were, twist the skin until you feel a tingling sensation. After this, use your other hand to lift the adjacent area of ​​skin. Do this centimeter by centimeter, massaging first the chest, then the stomach and thighs. This procedure must be done every day after taking a shower. Once again, attention - before doing the procedure, consult your gynecologist!!

Special devices for pregnant women.

If you wear a special prenatal bra, you can significantly reduce the risk of stretch marks appearing on your breasts during pregnancy. The benefits of prenatal bras are that they stretch as your breasts grow and also provide extra support with wide straps and other additional support. In addition, such bras are made from natural materials, so they do not irritate the sensitive skin of the breast.

The same function is performed by a abdominal bandage, supportive underwear, and special belts for pregnant women. They prevent the skin from sagging, so it stretches less.

Body scrubs for stretch marks during pregnancy.

I prefer to prepare scrubs myself, so they turn out natural, without chemical additives. For the body it is better to use harder scrubs, with large grains, and for the skin of the face, small grains are suitable so as not to damage the delicate skin.

One of my favorite homemade scrub recipes is a scrub made with ground coffee. To prepare it, coffee beans must be ground in a coffee grinder; do not make the grains too small. Mix the ground grains with a spoon of sour cream or olive oil. Apply the resulting scrub to a washcloth and thoroughly massage the areas of the abdomen, chest and thighs. Each zone needs to be massaged for at least 3 minutes. After this procedure, the skin must be anointed with moisturizing cream or special oil for stretch marks. Instead of coffee, you can use coarse salt or sugar as a scrub.

Cream for stretch marks during pregnancy can also be prepared at home. To do this, you will need a glass of yogurt or sour cream, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the zest of one lemon, grated on a fine grater. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Rub the resulting cream onto your skin after a shower.

An active lifestyle is an excellent remedy for stretch marks.

In addition to cosmetic products for the skin, a good prevention against the appearance of stretch marks is an active lifestyle and regular exercise. During pregnancy Exercises for the legs and hips are especially important as they prepare the muscles for childbirth. In addition, if your muscles are well stretched, then the chances of you developing stretch marks in the buttocks area are significantly reduced. Yet again, It is important to remember that all physical exercises can only be done with the permission of your doctor!

All means are good in the fight against stretch marks during pregnancy: traditional methods, special cosmetic products for stretch marks, scrubs, peelings, an active lifestyle, physical exercise, and massage.

A woman’s body undergoes enormous stress and changes during this period. Moreover, often these changes do not occur for the better. Perhaps every pregnant woman worries when she watches her waist disappear, her face swell, stretch marks form on her body, pigment spots appear, and rashes appear on her face and legs. Many problems can be avoided if you pay attention to the right ones. In this article we will talk about how to care for your skin during pregnancy so that it remains elastic, smooth, and has a healthy appearance.

Did you know? During pregnancy, in addition to the growth of the uterus, the following changes can occur in a woman’s body: an 11-fold sharpening of the sense of smell, enlargement of the feet, heart and liver, and changes in brain activity. A heightened sense of smell, as intended by nature, is necessary for the expectant mother to protect her baby from bad foods.

What happens to the skin of pregnant women

Skin problems during pregnancy are mainly due to hormonal changes and lack of nutrients in the body. Let us immediately make a reservation that most often these problems are temporary, harmless and disappear a few weeks or months after the birth of the child, when the hormonal levels return to normal.

The release of certain hormones to the fore during pregnancy is necessary for its normal course and activity. Some women may not react in any way to the change in hormones and may not notice it at all, while others acutely feel it and observe it on their body and condition.

Hormonal changes can lead to the following changes:

  • stretch marks on the body: stomach, hips, chest;
  • increased hair growth;
  • acne on the face;
  • formation of papillomas;
  • the appearance of age spots, darkening of moles and freckles;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • the appearance of cellulite.
A few words about each of these manifestations and why they occur.

Stretch marks. They are scars in the form of red-violet lines, which most often appear on areas of the body that rapidly increase in volume during pregnancy: the abdomen, pelvis, thighs in 50-90% of women. Usually - at the 25th week. Over time they become white. Rarely cause itching and burning sensation.

They are formed due to the fact that the skin has to stretch in a short time due to an increase in the volume of the body area. And its elasticity decreases due to the presence of large amounts of estrogen and cortisol hormones in the blood. This process, in turn, leads to less production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for skin elasticity.

It is very difficult to get rid of stretch marks that have already appeared; expensive products and procedures will be required. This is the case when it is better to prevent a problem than to eliminate its consequences. To avoid the formation of stretch marks, it is necessary during pregnancy use the means- oils and creams that maintain normal water balance of the skin and its elasticity.

Important! You should choose cosmetics designed specifically for pregnant women..

Massages with olive, castor and other vegetable oils are also used. To prevent stretch marks from appearing on the chest, it is important to choose the right bra, which should hold the chest well and not squeeze anything anywhere. It should be worn as often as possible. It is better to purchase it in a special store for pregnant women.

To avoid stretch marks on the abdomen, after consultation with a gynecologist, you can purchase and wear special. There are three types of bandages: prenatal, postpartum and two in one.

And, of course, body weight control is very important. Weight gain should be gradual - this will also reduce the risk of stretch marks.

Enhanced hair growth. During pregnancy, a woman may notice that her condition has improved significantly - they have become thicker, fuller, more beautiful, and healthier in appearance. This is explained by the fact that hair on the head falls out less at this time.

The appearance of hair on other parts of the body: the chin, upper lip, and abdomen provokes a predominance of male hormones in a woman’s blood at a certain stage.

These changes are temporary and will most likely go away on their own after the baby is born.

A woman may encounter serious problems associated with intense hair loss on her head within three months after giving birth. Hair can fall out so much that sometimes the mother may even notice that she has receding hairline. There is no need to be afraid of this condition - the hair will return after a while.

Many people are upset by the fact that their face becomes covered with acne during pregnancy. Typically, a woman’s skin becomes oilier during this period, as the body produces more progesterone, which causes the sebaceous glands to work more actively. The problem can be reduced by using cleansing and moisturizing cosmetics.

Important! When deciding which creams you can and cannot use during pregnancy,It is necessary to familiarize yourself with substances that are prohibited for use by pregnant women.

Papillomas. Small neoplasms on the skin most often appear on the chest and armpits, in places that are subject to mechanical stress. They indicate the presence of human papillomavirus in the body and appear in greater numbers in pregnant women due to the deterioration of the immune system.

Papillomas are safe for women and children. If they persist, they can be removed by visiting a dermatologist.

Pigment spots and darkening of skin areas. During the period of bearing a child, a woman may have one or several pigment spots throughout her body - darker than the skin as a whole, or darkening of some areas of the body.

For example, very often women find a dark stripe in the center of their abdomen, severe darkening of the nipples, and dark spots in the genital area. These spots and areas become especially dark and noticeable after exposure to the sun.

This phenomenon, called chloasma in pregnancy, is associated with hormonal changes and should go away at the end of pregnancy. If it doesn’t go away, a dermatologist will help you get rid of the spots.

There is also an opinion that regular consumption of foods rich in folic acid and the use of sunscreen help prevent the appearance of chloasma.

Enlarged veins in the legs occur due to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities. The growing uterus interferes with normal blood flow to the heart. Stagnation is also caused by swelling of the legs. In the early stages, a pregnant woman may only feel fatigue and heaviness in her legs. At a later date, the expansion of the veins will already be noticeable on the legs.

Cellulite. This is perhaps one of the most unpleasant skin problems that not only pregnant women, but also most women fear and struggle with. There are several reasons for its appearance: changes in dominant hormones, weight gain and disruption of the water balance of the skin. This problem is also better to prevent than to treat. Eating the right foods, contrast showers, massages and using moisturizers will help.

Skin care during pregnancy

Many skin problems in pregnant women arise not only due to changes in the entire body. Some expectant mothers cannot cope, for example, with an increased feeling of hunger, they crave buns and sweets, prefer to lead a sedentary and lying lifestyle, or only move “work - home - work”.

Previously, the following expression was popular: “Pregnancy is not a disease.” And if there are no medical contraindications, then a pregnant woman should be active, do gymnastics, travel, eat rationally and take care of her body.

It is necessary not only to ensure that the child does not receive harmful substances, but also to ensure that the pregnant woman herself looks beautiful both during pregnancy and after. It has been noted that those women who followed a healthy diet during pregnancy quickly return to their previous shape.

For good skin condition, it is especially necessary to regularly consume protein, fiber, etc. It is important to eat more fruits, vegetables, grain products, and vegetable oils. All of them not only nourish the body, but also help cleanse it of toxins, which also leave their negative mark on the skin.

You need to drink enough liquids. However, only if there is no swelling.

But it is better to avoid baking, sweets, soda, fast food, chips, coffee, alcohol and other foods and drinks containing bad carbohydrates, dyes and preservatives altogether.

The beneficial effects of contrast showers on the skin have long been known. During pregnancy, you should not refuse this procedure, because it is an excellent and simple remedy that improves blood circulation and maintains skin elasticity.

If you did not take a contrast shower before pregnancy, then the temperature difference should first be minimal. First, you can try alternating warm water and room temperature water. Gradually, the water temperature will need to be reduced, bringing it to cold. Take a shower with warm water for 30 seconds, and cold water for the next 30 seconds. Repetitions should be from three to five. The procedure must be completed with a cold shower.

It is useful to massage with a gentle stream of water.

After taking a shower, you need to thoroughly massage the areas that are prone to stretch marks, cellulite and varicose veins with a towel or massage mitt, rub in oil, a moisturizing cosmetic or stretch mark cream.

Important! If you plan to take a contrast shower with warm and cold water, you must first consult a gynecologist, since such a procedure is prohibited if there is a threat of miscarriage.


Body care during pregnancy also includes massage. It is especially effective if carried out with products for the prevention of stretch marks and cellulite, as well as non-hard brushes, washcloths, and mittens. You can massage your body with a finger massager.

The massage is carried out with light circular movements, pinching - from the limbs to the heart.

Cosmetical tools

Cosmetics for face and body skin care during pregnancy only natural ones are allowed free of alcohol, fragrances, parabens, etc. Essential oils should be used with caution.

You should definitely use cosmetics that include vitamins A and E, responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. It is advisable to start using them before your shape increases.

If your skin is oily, you should use mild cleansing lotions. It is possible to use fruit or vegetable masks.

And be prepared for the fact that some cosmetics that you used before pregnancy may now cause you to be allergic.

Important! It is prohibited to use cosmetics that have expired.

Folk remedies

If you decide to make natural homemade masks, then here are several folk recipes that have been used by more than one generation of women.

To prevent stretch marks, prepare a homemade scrub by taking one glass of sugar and salt each and adding ½ glass of vegetable oil. Apply the product with massage movements to areas prone to stretch marks. Then rinse it off and apply lotion or vegetable oil.

Coffee scrub also works great against stretch marks. Take 100 g of natural finely ground coffee, pour in a small amount of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. After forming a thick porridge and adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil to it, rub it with massage movements into the desired areas.

A good mask for dry skin is a mixture of yolk, boiled potatoes and cream. The mask is applied for 20 minutes. Then wash it off.

A mask made from one egg white, cucumber, white clay and yogurt without sugar or additives will help oily skin. It is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. These masks can be done once or twice a week.

Potentially hazardous substances

During pregnancy you should exclude funds, which include:

  • carcinogens (DEA, BHT, TEA);
  • toxic substances (NDGA, Acide benzoique, additives E210-213, Octyldimethyl PABA, EDS, Padimate-O, PABA synthetiques);
  • allergens (isopropyl alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate, petrolatum, talc, borax, propylene glycol, lanolin, Methylchloroisothiazolinone).
Potentially hazardous substances are:
  • fluorocarbons;
  • formaldehyde;
  • animal Fat;
  • albumin;
  • colors.

Salon treatments during pregnancy

There is an opinion that during pregnancy you should not dye your hair with dyes containing chemicals or do a perm, since all the chemicals are absorbed through the scalp into the pregnant woman’s body and, perhaps, some of them can penetrate the placenta. It is better to prefer paints made from plant materials.

Laser and photoepilation are contraindicated for pregnant women; at this time it is better to give preference to other methods of hair removal.

It is not advisable to go for a hot stone massage, hot wraps, or a solarium. You should not resort to chemical peeling or lifting. If you prefer salon face masks to homemade ones, then you need to inform the cosmetologist about your situation. Then he will select for you a special complex approved for pregnant women.

Procedures with sea salt, seaweed, and those that help you relax and relieve stress are not contraindicated.

Did you know? The fetus, in which all the most important organs are formed, is only three centimeters long. His heart begins to beat on the 22nd day from conception. The brain starts working on the 43rd day.

Here some tips that will help pregnant women take care of their skin:

  • To avoid swelling on the body and face, it is necessary to exclude fast food, smoked, fried and canned foods from the diet, and limit salt intake to 3 g per day. It is important to eat foods that remove fluid from the body.
  • Make it a habit to eat in the evening no later than three to four hours before bed. This will help you avoid excess weight and... Also try to eat small meals. The optimal weight gain for the entire pregnancy is considered to be 9-15 kg.
  • Nutritionists recommend that pregnant women eat five servings of vegetables and fruits a day, including juices.
  • It is advisable to drink purified water, at least two liters per day.
  • There is no need to load your skin with cosmetics at night.
  • If you go on vacation at sea, don't forget to bring sunscreen. However, one that does not contain harmful substances.
  • If there are no contraindications, be sure to engage in permitted activities: water aerobics, fitness, Pilates, etc.
  • Remember that procedures such as sauna, steam bath, hot bath, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, are prohibited during pregnancy.
  • A pregnant woman should walk a lot (at least eight hours) (at least two hours a day).
  • Avoid tight clothes and heels while pregnant - the latter can cause both uterine tone and varicose veins.
We hope our recommendations will help you avoid or overcome your skin problems. Take them into account, and pregnancy will be comfortable for you, without stress and troubles, and will become a wonderful and unforgettable period of your life.

Pregnancy is a time when a woman should treat her own health with particular care and responsibility. But this does not mean that the expectant mother will have to forget about taking care of herself for 9 whole months. Even if you are pregnant, you should not give up cosmetic procedures and care products. The main thing is to know what will be safe for the baby’s health, and what it is better to refrain from. Our specialists will tell you about this.

Facial care during pregnancy

Pregnancy affects the condition of a woman’s entire body, including the skin. This occurs due to changes in hormonal levels - the predominance of estrogen and progesterone, which is sometimes even called the main hormone of pregnancy. Thanks to its action, the skin of expectant mothers, as a rule, becomes less oily and fewer comedones are formed. Girls and women who previously suffered from acne and oily sheen on the face can forget about such problems during this period. This means that there is no need for serious cleansing procedures. , because sensitivity to pain increases at this time. To cleanse and exfoliate the skin, it is better to choose gentle, soft cosmetic scrubs with particles of wax and marine collagen. You should avoid products with hard, traumatic particles, for example, sea salt or nut shells.

Unfortunately, the effect of the “pregnancy hormone” can have more than just a positive effect. While it helps those with oily and problematic skin, those with dry skin may begin to suffer from tightness and flaking. To prevent this from happening, you need to apply moisturizers several times a day. But do not forget that while expecting a baby, the skin becomes especially irritable and susceptible to various types of allergens. So it is not recommended to try any new products during pregnancy; it is better to give preference to products and brands that suited your skin before.


Before you start using the cream, carefully study the list of its ingredients, because the product may contain retinoids, that is, synthetic analogues of vitamin A. They are especially often included in creams intended for problem skin and the fight against age-related changes. It is better for expectant mothers to avoid these medications, because the results of some studies show that large doses of vitamin A can harm the baby.

During pregnancy, all injection cosmetology methods are strictly prohibited - mesotherapy, administration of botulinum toxin preparations and gels for contouring. Firstly, no clinical studies on these methods have been conducted in pregnant women. And secondly, these are extremely painful procedures, and the sensitivity of expectant mothers greatly increases.

Pigmentation: wait-and-see tactics

Often during pregnancy, women experience skin hyperpigmentation. Age spots can appear on the face, for example on the cheekbones and cheekbones. The nipples, midline of the abdomen, and skin in the natural folds of the body darken. There is no need to worry or strive to get rid of this during pregnancy. Firstly, because they will go away on their own 3-4 months after birth, and secondly, the use of all kinds of peelings, scrubs, lightening lotions while expecting a baby can cause skin irritation.

Body care during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you need to take special care of the skin of the body, make sure that your back, legs and shoulders do not get tired, and that the mental balance of the expectant mother is not disturbed. Therefore, special spa programs are provided for pregnant women, aimed primarily at increasing body skin turgor and preventing the formation of stretch marks. But, since hot wraps are contraindicated for pregnant women, in such spa treatments they are usually replaced with cold ones.

In both cases, the same technology is used, only the components themselves differ. Cold wraps use ingredients that do not require heat to work. It can be healing mud, seaweed, honey. The main thing is that these components do not cause you allergies. In this case, wraps are applied only to the legs.

In addition to thermal procedures (hot wraps, visits to the sauna and swimming pool with heated water), anti-cellulite, vacuum and ultrasound massages are contraindicated for pregnant women. In any case, before going to the spa, it is better to consult with your doctor and get permission from him to carry out a particular procedure.

Skin care during pregnancy: preventing stretch marks

Stretch marks, or stretch marks, are one of the unpleasant consequences of pregnancy that almost every woman has to deal with. Most often they appear on the stomach, thighs and chest, that is, in those areas where the skin stretches the most. Preventing the occurrence of stretch marks is much easier than dealing with those that have already appeared. To prevent stretch marks, special products should be applied to areas where they are likely to appear - creams, oils, gels. They contain components that stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. You can also use a proven folk remedy during pregnancy - apply natural olive oil to your skin.

A contrast shower is also useful in caring for the abdomen during pregnancy, and the diet should contain as many protein foods as possible. If stretch marks do appear, mesotherapy, ozone acid therapy and peelings will help get rid of them. But these procedures should be carried out after childbirth.

Legs: relieve fatigue

During pregnancy, almost all women suffer from problems with their legs: they quickly get tired, hurt, swell, and in the worst case, varicose veins occur. This is especially noticeable in the third trimester. Because the body weight increases greatly, and with it the load on the lower limbs also increases. Moreover, excess fluid accumulates in the body of a pregnant woman, which causes swelling. Therefore, a relaxing foot massage is recommended at this time. It will help ensure the outflow of fluid from the legs and relieve fatigue. The only limitation here concerns the choice of massage cream. It should be hypoallergenic and have a light, non-irritating aroma, because pregnant women are especially sensitive to strong odors.

Manicure and pedicure during pregnancy: be careful

Services such as classic trimmed manicure and pedicure are not the best choice for a pregnant beauty salon visitor. After all, cutting instruments and possible injuries from them not only cause negative emotions, but can also become a source of infection. An excellent alternative to these procedures can be a European unedged manicure and pedicure. After all, the effect after hardware maintenance lasts much longer than after classic trimming. In addition, this treatment can be combined with spa services.

By the way, during pregnancy, most of the vitamins and nutrients in the mother’s body are used for the development of the fetus. As a result of this, splitting of nails, dryness and flaking of the skin become frequent companions of expectant mothers. Regular spa care, as well as the use of strengthening nail coatings and manicure oils will help maintain the beauty of your hands. But when signing up for such a spa treatment, you should pay attention to the composition of the drugs. After all, individual intolerance to certain components in the products can cause allergic reactions. Also during pregnancy you should pay special attention to nail covering. When choosing such a drug, it is better to give preference only to professional products marked with the 3Free symbol, which means that they do not contain harmful components. After all, toluene, formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate, often found in low-quality nail polishes, can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

As for modern materials for nail extensions, they are absolutely safe for children. The composition of many of them, such as CND, is absolutely identical to the keratin of natural nails and, as a result, is completely harmless.

However, during pregnancy you should still refrain from nail extensions: their natural appearance is important for diagnosing the condition of a woman’s body. What is allowed and prohibited during pregnancy.

Hair care during pregnancy

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and for several months after giving birth, women may experience significant hair loss. Don’t worry: with the restoration of hormonal levels, new hair will grow in place of the lost hair. The main thing is not to let the hair follicles “fall asleep”. To do this, you just need to regularly massage your scalp. But the use of various lotions and shampoos against hair loss during this period is unlikely to have an effect. To reduce the amount of hair falling out to a minimum, you must use a balm and comb your hair carefully and carefully. You also need to dry it in a special way, directing a stream of air from the roots to the ends. More tips on hair care during pregnancy and more.

Often pregnant women are afraid to cut their hair and dye their hair. And if fears about cutting hair are just superstitions, then you really need to be very careful with coloring. The scalp absorbs everything that comes into contact with it, including paint components. So, if you decide to dye your hair, you need to do it very carefully - apply the composition only to the hair and avoid getting it on the scalp. You should also be careful with styling products during pregnancy. If you have often used hairspray before, it is better to replace it with mousse or wax.

By the way, while waiting for a baby, not only hair, but also teeth are destroyed. Therefore, pay attention to special dental care during pregnancy.

Hair removal during pregnancy: wax instead of laser

Waxing is not contraindicated for expectant mothers throughout pregnancy until childbirth, but not all waxes are suitable for it. To make the procedure painless and safe, it is better to choose natural preparations, for example, Lycon. They consist of absolutely harmless components of natural origin, and their use does not require heating. Thanks to a special application technique, hair removal is quick and painless. But it is better not to carry out laser, photo and electrolysis during pregnancy.

Use the right care products during pregnancy, love yourself, and most importantly, smile more! After all, during this period all women are more beautiful than ever.

Olga Karaseva
Photo: Juicy/Fotolink. Alexander Zelentsov

We would like to thank Irina Zhukova, Ph.D., dermatologist, cosmetologist, Kirill Kulikov, stylist and editor of the online hairdressing magazine, pedicure teacher at the OleHouse training center, Victoria Tregubova, wax salon master for their help in preparing the material. hair removal Wax & Go Oksana Privalova

Hello, dear Readers. Let's talk about the recipes for the best scrubs for stretch marks, how they work and which ingredients are the most effective.

A woman in all centuries has been considered the personification of beauty. It is not surprising that every representative of the fair sex strives to look perfect. Young ladies are ready to undergo any procedure in order to become the owner of a slender figure and velvety skin.

But, unfortunately, many of them forget about home methods that allow them to improve their body. So, a stretch mark scrub will help get rid of unpleasant stretch marks.

Let's turn to recipes that do not require major financial investments, but can still provide excellent results.

What is the effect of this remedy?

A scrub for stretch marks has several important effects:

  • perfectly exfoliates the top layer;
  • aligns the surface of the skin according to its structure;
  • gives the stretch marks a natural shade of the epidermis;
  • triggers active production of collagen and elastin in damaged tissues.

Such a mechanical effect causes a “stressful state” in the skin. This mobilizes the functioning of active substances in the epidermis.

The deeper the scrub penetrates into the skin, the faster its renewal occurs.


The stretch mark scrub is suitable for almost all women. But still, like any procedure, it has contraindications.

The event does not apply if:

  • tumors;
  • heart diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • skin pathologies;
  • recently undergone surgical interventions;
  • kidney diseases;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases.

If you have any doubts about whether you can use a scrub, it is best to consult a cosmetologist or doctor.

Rules of application

If you are prone to allergic reactions, be sure to check your reaction to the scrub before using the product. To do this, apply a small amount of the substance to the inner bend of your elbow.

In order for the stretch mark scrub to provide the desired effect, you should follow fairly simple rules:

  1. The product must be applied to a thoroughly steamed body. That is why the procedure should begin with taking a bath. Soak in hot water for a few minutes. Cleanse your body thoroughly. The surfaces on which the scrub is applied must be clean.
  2. Apply the product to damp skin. Lightly massage the epidermis in different directions.
  3. Rinse off the product with warm water.
  4. To relieve irritation caused by the scrub, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
  5. It is recommended to repeat scrubbing no more than 2 times a week. This interval will allow the covers to recover. Therefore, the skin will not be harmed.

Compliance with such rules will ensure not only the effectiveness of the procedure, but also make it completely safe.

Scrub recipes for stretch marks

To prepare the product at home, you can use a variety of ingredients:

  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • cinnamon;
  • ground coffee;
  • red pepper.

Product grains are the basis of the scrub. Vegetable, essential oils or other components are introduced into it.

Let's look at the most effective recipes.

Simple scrub

You will need:

  • sugar – 1 tbsp.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive) – 0.5 tbsp.

All components are thoroughly mixed. The mixture is applied to areas damaged by striae. The areas are massaged for 7-10 minutes.

Coffee based scrub

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • ground coffee – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ground cinnamon – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • honey – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • – 2 tbsp. l.

Make a scrub for stretch marks from the ingredients listed above. Massage the problem areas thoroughly with the product for 5-6 minutes.

Coffee and white clay scrub

To prepare the product you need:

  • ground coffee 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • white clay - the same amount;
  • plain water.

Initially, combine clay and coffee. Dilute the mixture with water until you obtain a mixture whose consistency resembles thick sour cream. The scrub is left on the skin for 5-7 minutes.

Scrubs for stretch marks during pregnancy

Most often, stretch marks appear on the body of a woman who is joyfully awaiting a baby. That is why the fight against stretch marks should begin during this period. After all, as you know, it is much easier to prevent their occurrence than to look for effective methods to eliminate them.

However, a pregnant woman should strictly remember the following rules:

  1. Chemicals should not be used. Make scrubs exclusively from natural ingredients. You can use ready-made cosmetics developed by specialists specifically for expectant mothers.
  2. Start taking care of your skin as early as possible. This will minimize the risk of stretch marks.
  3. Add natural oils to your stretch mark scrub. Ideal: olive, jojoba, grape seeds, tea tree, wheat germ. But first consult a gynecologist to eliminate the risk of allergies.
  4. To make scrubs, you can use the following “abrasive”: ground coffee, sugar, sea salt. The main component is combined with sour cream or butter. It is recommended to massage problem areas for about 2-3 minutes.

Scrub for stretch marks after childbirth

A woman who is no longer in an interesting position can use more “strong” means to combat stretch marks.

But remember that they should be used when the lactation period is completed.

Below are some great recipes.

Burning scrub

Prepare the ingredients:

  • coffee beans (carefully ground) – 100 g;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • hot pepper, in the form of an alcohol tincture - about 30 ml.

Mix the ingredients in a porcelain container. Leave the product unopened for 2 weeks.

Apply the stretch mark scrub after a bath, rubbing it thoroughly (for 20 minutes) into the affected areas. It will perfectly relieve not only stretch marks, but can also smooth out cellulite.

Sweet scrub


  • ground coffee – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla extract – 2-3 drops;
  • brown sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream (can be replaced with olive oil) – 1 tbsp. l.


Women tend to doubt everything and always. There is even an opinion that thanks to their doubts about simple truths, numerous discoveries occur.

But let's get back to our recipes. Despite the fact that scrubs are recognized by almost all cosmetologists as a fairly effective remedy, young ladies still have questions about their effectiveness.

Is it possible to scrub stretch marks?

Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary.

The strength of such treatments depends entirely on your skin type. If you naturally have delicate skin, then a light, gentle massage is suitable for you.

Some women can use a massage brush. But it is important not to overdo it.

After scrubbing, the skin should not be injured. Excessive zeal can be indicated by scratches on the epidermis. Unfortunately, stretch marks will not disappear, and injured skin will remind you of itself for a long time.