
Crochet round rug made of threads. Crochet rug made from old things: execution diagram and step-by-step master class with photos. Rugs using the Overlay Crochet technique by Evgenia Tychenko

The new is the well-forgotten old. Retro style always in fashion, because it incorporates the best from different eras. Therefore, it is not surprising that many fashion trends tend to come back. And this applies not only to clothing, but also to interior items.

Any interior begins to look more refined and elegant if it contains at least a small zest from past eras, be it a figurine of a ballerina, an elegant candlestick or a lacquer box.

A bright accent on the floor will add zest to your interior.

The carpet also belongs to the same retro accessories.. At one time, carpets were not only laid on the floor, but also hung - this was a sign of the well-being of the family. Besides, it was fashionable. But today we will talk about other carpets - knitted hand crochet. They are also always at the peak of fashion, because everything made by hand is invariably in high demand. People have always appreciated the warmth and craftsmanship that goes into any handmade product. And the combination of ancient traditions and modern trends makes such things unique.

A little history

An old version of the model. It can be found in our grandmothers' bins.

Once they were in almost every home, made from scrap materials and, unlike their large woolen or synthetic counterparts from the department store, were not a sign of wealth and prosperity. They lay in both city apartments and rural houses. The fashion for this piece of furniture has gone back centuries and dates back more than 25,000 years, that is, it began, in fact, at the dawn of humanity.

Knitted carpets in Rus' It was customary to cover benches, beds (beds near the stove), and chests. Rugs were placed next to the bed, under the table, at the entrance, and often the entire floor of the house was covered with woven runners. This was done due to the fact that the floor in the house quickly became cold, and the carpets at least retained some heat and protected them.

Weaving rugs is one of the “grassroots” techniques, since it does not require great skill from the performer. Even a novice housewife had weaving and tying skills, and each craftswoman performed this work in her own way, using different colored threads or adding a piece of her personality to the pattern. Therefore, the canvases always turned out to be different from others and became a wonderful interior decoration.

Nowadays, crocheted carpets have not lost their relevance. They are laid in living rooms, at the entrance to the apartment, and in the bathroom. The number of techniques and materials has increased, so any modern housewife, having basic needlework skills, can create beauty with her own hands and knit it, which will fit perfectly into the interior of her apartment.


So, what materials can we use:

  • cord or rope;
  • thick yarn (or several connected threads);
  • plastic bags;
  • old clothes;
  • nylon tights.

The shape of the rug can be very different:

  • round
  • oval
  • in the form of a track
  • in the shape of a star, an animal's face or, for example, in the shape of a toilet lid

The hook size is selected depending on the thickness of the yarn.

Creating the simplest canvas for beginners

Several multi-colored squares can be combined into one large canvas.

You will need several old, preferably bright, T-shirts and a thick hook. T-shirts have sleeves, collar trim and other dense parts cut off. Then the canvas is cut into strips 2-3 cm wide. Each strip should be slightly pulled in length, it will curl inward and turn into a cord. The cords are wound into balls.

Description of work:

  1. You need to tie three loops and close them into a ring.
  2. Next, knit according to the so-called “rule of the circle”, focusing on the diagram: in each of the 3 loops of the circle, knit 2 loops of a single crochet (hereinafter referred to as dc).
  3. Having divided the circle into 6 sectors, in each row add 6 st.b/n for each row (one column in each sector). Thus, in the first row there will be 6 tbsp, in the second - 12 tbsp, in the third - 24 tbsp.

Having enough experience, you can not bother with dividing into sectors, but simply add loops evenly in the process, carefully making sure that the fabric does not deform: if you add a few additional columns, the product will bend inward, if there are many, the edge will turn out wavy.

A little secret. It often happens that there is a lot of white cord from T-shirts, but not enough colored cord. To make it look impressive, you need to knit the center with a bright color, put at least one stripe in the middle, and also knit the final row with a colored thread.

Using the same pattern, it is knitted from plastic bags. You can use old bags or find interesting colors in the hardware section of the store that sells trash bags. They make bright and practical knitted rugs.

"Granny Square"

The products are very unusual, knitted from granny squares. This is truly an amazing piece of handicraft. It is used to knit bags, blankets, pillowcases, lampshades, jewelry, clothes, and, of course, it would be a mistake to ignore it.

For such a knitted element it is quite leftover yarn will do, remaining from the creation of larger products. You can take 2-3 colors or knit each row of the square in a new color. In any case, the result will not disappoint.

The “granny square” pattern may seem complicated only at first glance, but having mastered tying double crochets, even the hands of a novice knitter will cope with the task with ease. And then the scope for imagination is endless. This method is all the more convenient because each square is knitted separately and does not take up much space. It is convenient to do such needlework, for example, on a trip, without fear of burdening yourself with voluminous work, and your luggage with excess weight.

Openwork knitted carpet made of polyester cord

This unusual pattern is reminiscent of the ancient Russian art of creating such things.

Even a novice needlewoman who has ever knitted a lace doily from ordinary, thinner threads can easily knit it. There is nothing complicated in it, especially since on the Internet you can easily find various schemes for such variations - from the simplest to quite complex.

The polyester cord has a number of practical qualities:

  • it is durable;
  • durable;
  • moisture resistant;
  • soft enough;
  • elastic

Thanks to them, fabric made from this yarn works perfectly in any room. And its appearance allows you to create a beautiful and stylish product.

Polyester cord can be purchased at a hardware store. About 1 thousand meters of material will produce a product with a diameter of 1–1.2 meters.

Where to start knitting? Take a simple pattern of an ordinary openwork napkin. Wind the end of the cord around two fingers and knit 20 double crochets in the resulting ring. Follow the description below:

  1. 3 military units, 50 st.s/n.
  2. 3 v/p, *3 v/p, 5 st.s/n with a common top, 3 v/p, st.s/n*.
  3. 3 military units, 90 st.s/n.
  4. *5 v/p, st.b/n*.
  5. *5 v/p, st.b/n*.
  6. military service, *4 senior s/n, 3 senior military officers, 4 senior s/n, senior b/n.

A total of seven rows will have approximately 1 m in diameter. Thus, if you take a napkin pattern with a large number of rows, the result will be more voluminous in size. It knits quickly: literally 2-4 pm and the stylish knitted interior element is ready! Such a carpet no shame in giving as a gift, made with your own hands, it looks far from handicraft, but very, very elegant.

Knitting on loin net

The basis is fillet mesh of the required size. It is knitted according to a simple pattern. Next, each grid cell is tied with non-woven columns in accordance with the selected pattern. If the thread is thin, then the arrangement of the rows should be quite dense. After tying the cells, the mesh becomes invisible.

Popcorn pattern

Such a doormat knits very easily and the whole thing consists of cones, due to which the rug turns out lush and soft. This option is perfect for children's rooms, and any young mother and novice housewife can knit it.

Click on the picture to enlarge

Step-by-step diagrams for creating a beautiful product.

For such a rug, you can use small balls of yarn left over from knitting large items. The combination of two or more colors will make the rug bright and elegant.

The “popcorn” pattern is s/n stitches knitted from one loop and tied in a special way. The attached diagram shows step by step how this is done.

Crocheted rugs are not just a hobby for knitters. This is a wonderful accessory that, with the warmth of your hands, transforms even a modest interior into a cozy home.

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DIY knitted rugs

Today we will learn how to crochet a round rug from old T-shirts with our own hands. Creating such a rug does not require any special skills, so it is suitable for beginners, and the diagram and step-by-step description with photos will show you how to proceed.

Tools and materials Time: 5-6 hours Difficulty: 6/10

  • hook 15 mm;
  • 85 g (11 meters) of dark blue T-shirt yarn (cut the garment into strips 5 cm wide);
  • 145 g (23 m) cream T-shirt yarn;
  • 200 g (31 meters) of bright blue T-shirt yarn;
  • 220 g (37 meters) of yarn from a gray T-shirt;
  • 355 g (44 m) of orange t-shirt yarn.

Step-by-step instructions with photos

Looking for a cool crochet rug pattern that is both practical and beautiful? You are on the right track! In our master class you will learn how to crochet a round rug for your home in just six steps. To do this, you only need a large hook and several old T-shirts in different shades.

Notes: to make a rug, select plain T-shirt models - this will make it look much more interesting and cut them into strips strictly of the same width - 5 cm, otherwise your rug will come out crooked.


  • v.p. - air loop;
  • connection st - connecting column, half single crochet;
  • dc - double crochet;
  • s2n – double crochet stitch.

Step 1: knitting the middle

Start with dark blue yarn. 5 ch, conn. st. in the first ch, join into a circle. 2 v.p. (count as the first double crochet), 9 d2h in the ring (10 loops).

Step 2: knit the second row

2 ch, d2n in base ch, 2 d2n in each loop of the circle (20 loops).

Step 3: change the thread color

Connect cream colored yarn.

  • 2 ch, d2n in base ch. 1 d2n in next stitch, *, repeat* 8 times. Connection Art. for joining (30 loops).
  • 2 ch, d2n in base ch. 1 d2n in each of the next two loops, *, repeat* 8 times, for joining (40 loops).

Step 4: Add Blue Yarn

Switch to a bright blue yarn.

  • 2 ch, d2n in base ch. 1 d2n in each of the next 3 stitches, *, repeat* 8 times, conn. st for joining (50 loops).
  • 2 ch, d2n in base ch. 1 d2d in each of next 4 stitches, *, repeat* 8 times, join st to join (60 stitches).

Step 5: take orange color

Switch to orange.

  • 2 ch, d2n in base ch. 1 d2d in each of next 5 sts, *, repeat* 8 times, sp to join (70 sts).
  • 2 ch, d2n in base ch. 1 d2d in each of next 6 stitches, *, repeat* 8 times, join st to join (80 stitches).

Step 6: make the gray edging

Create gray borders.

  • Ch 1, dc in base ch, 1 dc in each of next 7 stitches, *, repeat* 8 times, conn. Art. for joining (90 loops).
  • Ch 1, dc in base ch, 1 dc in each of next 8 stitches, *, repeat* 8 times, conn. Art. for joining (100 loops).

Fasten off the yarn.

A wonderful crocheted round rug is ready! All you have to do is place it at the front door next to your boots or slippers.

We hope you liked our master class with diagram and description? And if you have any questions or suggestions, write to us in the comments and we will be happy to answer them! We wish you good luck!

How to crochet rugs

If you take a hook in your hand, you will be able to create various masterpieces. With the help of knitting, you can not only replenish your wardrobe. But also make some beautiful things for your home. For example, to decorate a room it is knitted. You can knit rugs not only with threads and knitting needles, but also with scrap materials, such as old clothes or fabric.

Do-it-yourself crocheted rugs from threads

When choosing threads, you should consider how you would like the rug to look – thin or warm. It is also worth considering where exactly you would like to place it in your home and whether you want it just for beauty. For example, pure or mercerized cotton threads can be used for thin rugs and can also be used on furniture.

Typically, the diameter of the hook should be twice as large as the thread itself. Thick yarns are suitable for thick carpets, such as polyester, acrylic or wool. These rugs can be placed in the toilet or bathroom. These fabrics can be knitted very quickly because they are knitted from dense material. Here are some simple and beautiful examples.

Square rug with stripes

How to crochet striped rugs

This product will be 84 cm wide and 144 cm long. For the fabric you will need white threads - 1 kg, blue and yellow threads 400 g each, as well as hook No. 5. Next, let's start working:

  • you will need three balls to make the carpet dense. We also choose a rug. We put the threads of three balls together and knit with a triple thread. You need to make three air loops at the beginning of each odd row for lifting.
  • work begins with a chain of 32 loops of yellow threads. Next we follow the diagram:

How to knit a striped rug pattern

  • 1r. knit three st. s\n in the third loop of the row in yellow. Next, two loops are skipped, and repeat the report up to 32 loops: 3 double crochets in one loop, 2 loops are skipped. 3 tbsp. without a crochet, 1 stitch with \n is knitted into the last loop of the chain.
  • - 2 rub. knit in blue until the end of the row: 1 single crochet, two chain crochets, skip three stitches and knit with the following stitches 1 single crochet.
  • - 3 rub. here you need to take a white thread. 3 double crochets are knitted in each arc, the row ends by knitting 1 double crochet in the last stitch.
  • - 4 rub. change the color white to yellow. Knit the row similarly to the second.
  • - 5 rub. return the blue thread to work, and knit the row in the same way as the third.
  • - 6 rub. a white thread goes, and the row repeats the second row.
  • - 7 rub. again take the yellow thread and knit it like the third row.
  • - until the end of the fabric, you need to repeat rows 2 to 7. The canvas should be 130 cm and have 43 rows.
  • - you need to finish the work by tying the fabric along the edges in two rows with white thread. In the first row there are double crochets, in the second you need to knit like this: 1 double crochet, skip two loops of the previous row, three double crochets in one loop, skip two loops, and so on until the end of the row. Don't forget about the connecting post at the end of each row.

Here is another example of how to crochet a rug:

Rugs crocheted from rags or scraps

If you have a lot of unnecessary knitted or linen items in your apartment, then you shouldn’t throw them away right away, because they may well be useful for creating a cute rug of their shreds. Rugs from such materials can be made of any size and shape. To do this you will need a little imagination and some basic crochet skills. The most important thing is that such a rug can be made from any material you want. Choose a variety of bright colors and enjoy your work.

Before starting work, you need to take materials. Necessary things must be cut into long pieces. Their width can be up to three centimeters. Next, the scraps need to be tied together and rolled into a ball. The twist should be twice as thick as the shredded thread itself.

Our grandmothers also made rugs from rags that were in the shape of a circle. Such rugs could be seen in every home and in large quantities. After all, crocheting such a masterpiece is not only a pleasure, but also very simple if you know some simple crochet stitches. For example, you can make a carpet like this:

How to crochet fabric rugs

Or this:

How to crochet plain rugs

To do this you need to do the following:

Make a loop in the same way as when knitting with regular threads and knit six chain stitches from it. Then connect it all using a half-column. Next comes the air loop for lifting. It must be knitted in the same way as a circle, with double crochets, using simple threads. You can add by eye, or follow this scheme:

  • in the first row, 2 tbsp are knitted into each loop. b\n
  • then the circle is divided into 6 parts. In the last loop of each part you need to add 1 tbsp. s\n
  • the mat will be even if you do not forget the air loop for lifting at the beginning of the circle row. At the end, connect the rows with a half-column.

Knitted rugs sound amazing, but the products turn out to be very funny and attractive. For example, putting a knitted item on the floor yourself helps solve the problem of not having a rug that matches the design of the room. Such knitted products look advantageous and cozy in bathrooms and children's rooms. Moreover, the benefits of knitting a floor rug include the ability to get rid of old things - T-shirts, knitted dresses and simply pieces of already useless fabric. In skillful hands, old curtains can quickly turn into cozy rugs with figured motifs.

If you are eager to knit a rug, you should know that a denser fabric is obtained by using a crochet hook. To learn how to crochet rugs yourself, we offer complete instructions for some models for beginner needlewomen and experienced craftswomen. Study, fantasize, implement!

About yarn

You should give several recommendations from experts in their field in choosing yarn. In order for the product to last a long time and retain its original appearance, you should give preference to synthetic types of yarn - this is the famous acrylic, but you can also use natural cotton (although it will not retain heat).

It is also necessary to clarify that for crocheting rugs it is better to use thicker threads - this will allow you to create a thicker fabric that is not inferior in retaining heat to standard fleecy products. For thick thread, hooks No. 5-8 are suitable. It is easy to determine the size of the fabric - it is recommended to knit a sample with a 10x10 cm square from the selected yarn, iron it or wash and dry it. The dimensions of the finished sample are measured and the required number of loops for further knitting is determined.

For knitting, you can use any napkin pattern - using your imagination will turn a simple pattern into an excellent design option.

Models for Beginners

If previously your crocheting was limited to simple scarves or snoods, then you are recommended to start implementing a more useful item with a simple model. Several models of simple crocheted rugs with diagrams and descriptions are offered.

Square or rectangle

To begin with, it is recommended to use a simple mat shape - a square or rectangle. They can be knitted in a single fabric or using the knitting technique with motifs - the assembly of motifs determines the final result and design. The following selection of rugs and patterns for their implementation is given:

  1. A simple rectangular rug crocheted in single crochets in alternating colors. At the end, the fabric is simply tied with a series of single crochets, tassels are made from the same threads that were used for knitting.
    A track made from leftover yarn is knitted in a similar way - both melange and plain threads are used here. The paths look attractive in the hallways - right at the entrance, that homely and somewhat “country” comfort is created.
  2. Rectangular crochet rugs can be created from simple squares of different colors, which are then simply sewn together with a needle. This is also an excellent product model for beginners, which even experienced knitters can use in the case of quick knitting.
  3. Rug crocheted with double crochets. Individuality and attractiveness are represented by changing colors in a diagonal and staircase sequence. Such products fit perfectly into children's rooms.
  4. Rugs with motifs using the “granny square” technique - these simple squares, with the replacement of threads of different colors, turn into unique and designer items when you show your imagination. To make crochet rugs using the presented technique, below is a knitting pattern.

For beginners, there are a huge number of models of rectangular or square products - it is only important to choose a model in accordance with the design of the room.

Round rugs

Round crochet rugs look great in bedrooms near beds. You can also implement a designer model for the kitchen - this is convenient for maintaining cleanliness in the room (you can wash products regularly without fear of fading and damage). Round rugs can be divided into two types - solid and openwork.

Solid round rugs are knitting a circle with a simpler pattern, resulting in a continuous and rational fabric for its intended use. Here you can also distinguish two subtypes - knitting with simple double crochets or knitting cones. It turns out two completely different options.

Simple fabrics with double crochets are represented by the following selection of products and patterns with descriptions.

Rugs with cones are more suitable for children's rooms, as well as living rooms, because they are textured and retain heat longer. The following selection of schemes is proposed.

Now we should talk about openwork rugs, which look more like an advantageous design solution. They are easy to implement if you have previously knitted openwork napkins and other similar products. To knit rugs, use the following patterns.

Oval rugs

Oval crocheted rugs are crocheted for elongated rooms, as well as for living rooms where coverage is needed in the seating area. For knitting, you can use the following selection of patterns.

From T-shirts

Knitted T-shirts often accumulate in huge quantities - it’s a shame to throw them away, but they are no longer suitable for further wear, or are simply tired of them. To get rid of the stock of knitted T-shirts, women's tunics and other things, you can resort to knitting rugs. To do this, old things are simply cut into thin strips and tied together into a long thread.

To crochet rugs from T-shirts, you can use any of the above patterns. In the absence of a large amount of household material, you can purchase a special knitting thread. Sometimes craftswomen simply purchase knitted fabric of a matching color and cut it into thin strips - this creates an interesting and very economical design solution.

Japanese crochet rug

Japanese rugs only look complex in appearance, but upon careful analysis of the crochet technique, it turns out that this is the usual knitting of hollow circles that are connected in a certain sequence. For a simpler option, it is enough to use a model of 4 circles, which were later “filled” with a canvas of double crochets.

You can also resort to knitting such a carpet - a simple circle is crocheted in the middle, and then a chain of hollow circles characteristic of the Japanese motif is sewn to it, which in turn are connected to each other by a standard weave. Attaching the chain can be done with a needle and thread - it is only important to constantly try on the length of the chain to the initially specified middle circle.

For experienced craftswomen

Experienced craftswomen can choose to crochet more complex patterns and variations, where most techniques use stitches that are difficult to knit. It is also worth noting the compatibility of complex patterns - pineapples are combined with cones, and cones with floral motifs, and so on. But you should still present several models for crocheting rugs yourself.

Rug based on the "Grand" napkin

You can easily make carpets from crocheted napkin patterns, and here, if necessary, you can increase the size of the future canvas by combining or “wedging” several rows with certain patterns. So the “Pineapple Song” napkin prompted experienced craftswomen to knit based on the existing pattern of the rug, called “Grand”. The new model fits perfectly into the interior design of Provence, Rococo, Baroque, Classicism, the more luxurious Gothic or Empire style. There is nothing complicated in knitting it - the main thing is to use the given patterns with descriptions:

The presented model is recommended for independent execution in white, but if necessary, more attractive shades of thread that suit the color scheme of the room are also taken into account. The finished rug is simply soaked in cool water and laid out on a cloth, or directly on the floor until completely dry.

Pineapple openwork

Next, the rug in question becomes convenient for implementation by those craftswomen who cannot independently enlarge the diagrams to the required dimensions of the canvas. An openwork rug with additional pineapples can be knitted in two ways.

The first method involves starting knitting immediately according to pattern 2, where the required number of air loops is cast, but taking into account the proposed rapport. Further knitting is carried out according to the pattern without deviations.

The second method involves increasing the size of the rug - they start knitting according to pattern 1 by the required amount, and only then move on to pattern 2, presented above. It turns out that openwork “fans” from a chain of air loops smoothly transition to double crochets in the middle part. In this way, you can “adjust” the dimensions of the finished canvas.

Simple but attractive blue lace

An openwork rug can be knitted using a simpler pattern - here it is only important to correctly arrange the petals from ordinary double crochets. So, it is proposed to use the following diagram, which will help to create a very attractive and versatile crochet rug model - change the shade, and you will get a completely different version of the fabric.

Rugs from bags

Rugs from bags are knitted using the same technique as from T-shirts and knitted fabrics. Here you will also need to cut long strips from bags and use a simpler pattern for crocheting a rug. It is not recommended to use an openwork pattern, because the joints of packet threads may become accessible to the public.

Of course, rugs made from bags are not used everywhere - they can be laid in the countryside, since such use will eliminate the hassle of cleaning the room from dirt and garden soil. But skilled needlewomen easily use bundled threads to knit a rug for the hallway of an apartment - it’s both convenient and stylish. Below is a full video of a master class on knitting a similar product.

Children's variations

Children prefer their own rooms with appropriate furnishings - everything should be bright and fabulous. Therefore, the task of parents is to take into account every little detail. If you previously did not take care of purchasing furniture or textiles for the children's room with appropriate prints, then today you can easily correct the situation:

  • First, buy curtains with a child's pattern for your child's room.
  • Secondly, replace the existing dark blanket on the bed with a bright children's option.
  • Third, tie the rug! But not a simple one, but a special one - in the form of an animal.

Do you think knitting rugs in the shape of animals is a difficult task? Not at all - here only circles, ovals, squares, hexagons, rectangles and other individually connected figures are correctly assembled into a single composition


For example, you can see how to knit a simple rug in the shape of a bear:

  • tie the bear's face - a simple circle of a suitable size in a gray shade;
  • bear ears - 2 semicircles of white and gray;
  • the bear's nose is a white circle, and the triangle is cut out of black suede (later it will be sewn on);
  • bear cheeks – 2 circles of pink shade;
  • eyelashes - 2 suede parts, which are also later sewn on in the designated places.

The rest of the children's rugs are knitted using the same principle - use your imagination and don't look for complications in the patterns! Everything ingenious is simple!

Bathroom rugs

A crocheted bath rug can be the key point of the entire design. Thus, a set of a rug in the toilet, in the bathroom, a “seat” for the toilet and an “organizer” for toilet paper can outshine expensive tiles or a super-functional bathroom. Moreover, similar knitted bath and toilet mats make an excellent housewarming gift. Below we offer the most interesting crocheted rugs for the bathroom and toilet.


A knitted bathroom rug can be made in the shape of a whale, which is knitted quite simply:

Finish knitting the whale by knitting and attaching the eye, as well as the line of the waterfowl's mouth. You can separately give the whale a bow and splashes - let it be soft and cute.


A rather interesting option is a crocheted owl bath mat. Such products attract craftswomen with their extraordinary design, especially if a whole set is knitted, as well as ease of implementation. Here you should follow the following sequence:

You can use a slightly different option for tying owls for the toilet and bathroom. A complete knitting pattern is also provided.

For knitting rugs for the bathroom and toilet, it is better to use natural types of yarn. Adding synthetic materials can cause the rug to slide on your bathroom tiles. The same fact does not allow you to create a bathroom rug using a crochet hook made from bags - it is dangerous.

Below is a selection of sets of crocheted rugs for the bathroom and toilet - simpler variations for beginners and experienced ones. Simple diagrams contribute to the formation of a masterpiece.

Crocheted rugs are not only simple and beautiful, but also stylish, fashionable, enchanting! Yes, yes, all the invited guests will be delighted - after all, it’s not always possible to see a lace fabric on the floor. And if the rug is a decorative element, then be prepared for it to take on all the admiring glances and dominant notes.

If you are tired of rugs in stores, if you want something new, original, then it’s time to get to work yourself. Our great-grandmothers knitted row rugs from scrap materials, sometimes due to poverty and the need to save money. Today, another noble reason has been found to use recycled materials for rugs - a contribution to the environment. It is especially good to knit a household product from a synthetic material that is practically not subject to rotting. It will not go to a landfill, where it would remain forever, but will serve as raw material for the rug.

What can you crochet a rug from?

Crocheting a rug is the most affordable way to quickly acquire a quality item. Not being wearable clothing, a floor mat can be made from anything - old stockings or tights, strips of synthetic fabrics, various types of ropes and cords. Polyester and polypropylene cords are knitted products in themselves, but they make quality rugs.

We especially note the moisture-resistant bath mat. The material for its manufacture can be a bright plastic clothesline. You just need an openwork pattern so that the knitting process does not cause difficulties.

Rugs for chairs and stools should be made from threads or strips of fabric that are not harmful to human skin and have low rigidity. Leftover yarn of different colors is an excellent raw material.

You can also crochet a mat for home exercise or yoga, but then it is better to make it from soft threads, and also in the form of a mattress cover, inside which foam rubber or other foam material is inserted.

Knitted rugs - original models

Why didn't you dare to crochet something like this before? They were probably afraid that such a rug would look archaic. You can easily get away from the old rustic style only due to the color of the selected “threads”, which can be used for different things. When we make a rug from leftover yarn, we need to avoid the melange effect as much as possible, make clear boundaries between colors, and also place exclusively contrasting tones next to each other. This will add African exoticism.

Another way to make a handmade rug look modern is to use gradients rather than contrast. This technique was certainly not used in past centuries, although the effect was taken from nature itself.

The oval shape of the product is often associated with something aristocratic: such a rug will seem like an attribute of a rich home, not a poor shack.

Crochet rug: diagram and description

Before crocheting a rug, you need to decide on its shape and choose the desired pattern. The thicker the material from which you will knit, the thicker the hook you will have to stock up on. Sometimes a tool with number 10 is used. Our grandmothers often asked their husbands to make such a hook from wood or cast it from metal at a factory (turned on a machine from a thin cylindrical blank), since it was impossible to get industrial samples of the indicated sizes. After all, it was not a thread that had to be hooked, but a ribbon made of fabric.

This is exactly the option when you need to start with making “threads”. We take old things from the closet. It is best to use worn out bed linen, old bedspreads, curtains and other large items. Everything will have to be cut into strips 1–1.5 cm wide. The strips can be sewn together to form a continuous “thread”. Then it is easier to wind it into a large ball, so as not to return to connecting the ends of the thread while knitting. Weak, completely worn out places will have to be removed, the rest should be cut with a snake so that you get as few “thread” connections as possible. This will allow your rug to look neat even from the reverse side.

Crocheting a rug from scraps is not difficult, since you only need to learn one element - single crochets. It’s worth practicing on regular threads with a small hook, so that later it will be easier to handle a large tool and an unusual “thread”. You should always start with a chain of air loops. If you close it in a circle, then it will become the beginning of a round rug. A long chain can be taken as the basis for a “row” - a rectangular rug consisting of multi-colored straight rows.

Openwork crochet rug

With masterful crocheting skills, it is easy to make an openwork rug. Such a product made from twine would look great in the hallway. We take a pattern of a beautiful napkin, twine or cord, and a large hook. Due to the high diameter of the tool and the “thread”, the napkin will increase to the size of a full-fledged rug.

If you once managed to knit a table napkin according to the chosen pattern, making the rug will not cause any difficulties.

We knit rugs with our own hands - top interesting crochet video ideas

Today, the World Wide Web contains many examples of how to knit various rugs - with knitting needles, crochet and... with your fingers. Some techniques are well known to knitters, others are new. The best way to get acquainted with these works is to watch the video.

Oval polyester cord rug

Polyester cord is good because it does not rot and retains its shape well over time. The material is elastic enough to knit a rug out of it: the product will not quickly lose its shape or wrinkle. You will have to knit with a large hook that can “take” the selected cord. You need to start working from the middle, gradually moving towards the edges.

Rug made from old tights

These raw materials were used back in the 60s and 70s of the last century, when nylon stockings and elastic tights began to be produced en masse. These products are subject to rapid wear. In the West, tights were generally considered a consumable item and were produced as a one-time product for one sock. With our careful approach to things, we had to give hosiery a second life. Some people kept onions in them, others wrapped a millet broom, but the winners were those who undertook to crochet a round bath mat or rug from tights. And then they were crocheted with a large hook, and only now a technique has emerged for tying strands with fingers for further stitching into a rug.

Mat made from plastic bags

If the handles of T-shirt bags are torn, this is not a reason to pollute the environment. The bags can be cut into strips to make “threads”. Next, you can arm yourself with a medium-sized hook and knit a rug that washes well and practically does not tear.

Crochet Ribbon Yarn Rug

Ribbon yarn seems to be designed for knitting such large items as rugs. All that is required is a large hook, and then you need to proceed as when knitting a napkin. Due to the significant size of the hook and ribbon, the product also turns out to be rather large. It is interesting to make not circular knitting, but to use “granny” squares. The use of several colors of ribbon yarn for one product will also add variety.

Volumetric mat for a stool made of threads

The proposed pattern uses three-dimensional “popcorn” elements to create flowers, which are then used to create a mat for a stool. This is crocheted from ordinary wool, but due to the small diameter of the flowers, you can knit a product from leftover threads. It is not necessary to make a “clearing” connecting flowers of the same color. You can think of the colors of the centers, petals and joints as your imagination dictates.

Seat mats can be made on a cover: this will allow you to use openwork knitting. You just need to evaluate how comfortable it is to sit on such a canvas, and whether it will cut into your legs.

How to crochet a round or rectangular rug - step by step instructions

No matter what crocheted rugs are made from, they are based on almost the same techniques. Beginners will have to master air loops (chain), as well as single crochets. Knowing these basics, you can crochet dense rugs. When making rectangular products, the beginning is a chain of air loops. The second and subsequent rows are knitted with single crochets. When knitting in the round, the same operations are performed, only in each new row you need to add the number of stitches so that the product is even and does not bulge.

An interesting version of a round rug is knitted from strong synthetic threads with a bundle of old jump ropes, thick twine, and cord inserted inside. If the threads are thin enough, this “filling” will make the rug heavy and durable. You can knit either tightly so that the strand is invisible, or loosely so that the surface of the “filling” is visible through the “threads”.

Openwork knitting will require knowledge of stitches with one or two crochets, as well as the patterns according to which the pattern will be knitted. Using openwork patterns for rugs is a great idea, because the mesh texture will allow sand and soil from shoes to fall down without remaining on the surface of the product. Then all that remains is to sweep away the dirt from under the rug.

Video: crochet master class

The easiest way to master the elements of crocheting is to watch them on video and listen to the explanations of an experienced knitter. Also, video instructions will allow you to understand how to use patterns in practice or even develop a knitting technique yourself.